Applied Categorical Structures 3: 29-77, 1995. 29 © 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. •, Higher Categories, Strings, Cubes and Simplex Equations ROSS STREET Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia (E-mail:
[email protected]. edu. au) (Received: 5 July 1993; accepted: 16 March 1994) Abstract. This survey of categorical structures, occurring naturally in mathematics, physics and computer science, deals with monoidal categories; various structures in monoidal categories; free monoidal structures; Penrose string notation; 2-dimensional categorical structures; the simplex equa tions of field theory and statistical mechanics; higher-order categories and computads; the (v,d)-cube equations; the simplex equations as cubical cocycle equations; and, cubes, braids and higher braids. Mathematics Subject Classifications (1991). 18DOO, 82823, 52B 11. Key words: Monoidal category, tensor category, n-category, bicatcgory, string notation, d-simplex equation, braiding, tangles, cubes, cocycle, higher braids, pasting. Introductory Remarks Categories, functors and natural transformations are tools of many mathemati cians, and they occur somewhere in most graduate programs, often with ~as text. A typical example of a functor is Jt 71'1 : Top ~ (ipd which assig~, to each topological space X, its fundamental groupoid 7r1 (X). The original purpose of categories was to provide a setting for discussing such constructions of one kind of mathematical structure out of another, and the relations between these constructions. Categories are themselves algebraic structures which actually occur as mathe matical objects, not only as organizational tools for large collections of structures. For example, a groupoid G is a special kind of category; this has the virtue that representations can be dealt with as functors G _,,.