August 2017 Interest
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C A N B E R R A CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLUB, INC Off Piste S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F 2017, ISSUE 4 7TH AUGUST 2017 INTEREST: Volunteers required for Kosciuszko Tour President’s Piece –Page 10 –19 Au- gust 2017 It’s hard to believe that it’s Now link or use the form in tact me or Rowan Christie if Ski Tour Program— already August! After a slow this newsletter. you are interested in helping Pages 9-10 start the season is continu- out. Accommodation is avail- If racing is not your thing, ing to improve, with big able for volunteers. snowfalls forecast for this but you would still like to be INSIDE THIS weekend and top ups all involved, we really need Another successful July ISSUE: through next week – perfect volunteers to help out on lodge weekend was held on timing for Perisher Cross the day. Volunteer duties 28-30 July. Tour Report— 3 Country Ski Week (see the include staffing drink/aid Guthega, Rolling (cont’d on page 2) program in this edition). stations along the course Grounds, Many club members will be and safety marshals to pa- Schlink Hut at Perisher participating in trol the course. Please con- the fun events on offer. If Ski and Snow 5 you would like more infor- Photos mation about ski week Ski Day Tour 5 events and accommodation Suggestions please send me an email. Touring News 8 The club’s very own Kosci- Ski Tour 9 uszko Tour race is on Satur- Program day 19 August. Rowan Kosciuszko Tour 13 Christie has been working Entry Form hard to create an interesting course that will explore the Club Commit- 15 terrain between Perisher tee Contacts and Charlotte Pass. You can Sonja Weinberg, Ken Moylan, Carol Bartlett and Bruce enter online via the Register Social Club 16 Bartlett at Perisher Gap - 1 Aug 17. (Alan Levy) Meetings 2017 CCCSC 17 Membership Form 2017 Membership Subscriptions Membership Subscriptions for the 2017 season are now due, and can be paid on Register Now, via the Club website, or via the form on page 21. September Newsletter Deadline Deadline for articles for the September 2017 Off-Piste is 1st September 2017. P A G E 2 President’s Piece (cont’d) The weather forecast wasn’t fectly groomed trails or ex- great company and excellent promising, with very strong plored further afield. A great skiing. winds forecast for both days. day of skiing was rounded of As it happened the Saturday by an excellent group dinner. Check out the tour program was a beautiful day; breezy, Sunday dawned wet and and social night calendar for but with plenty of sunshine windy, but some brave souls this month’s activities – re- and some of the nicest snow headed up the mountain member spring will be upon I’ve ever skied. Some mem- regardless and were re- us all too soon! bers took advantage of the warded with better than Ski de Femme and Come and expected conditions. A big Regards Try events organised by PXC thank you to all participants Jo-Anne Clancy and Snowsports ACT, while for a weekend of good food, other groups toured the per- President Tip - or not? A researcher, Dr Richard Stephens, has found that people can hold their hands in a bucket of icy water for twice as long, and feel less pain, if they swear while doing so. Members should perhaps keep this in mind the next time that they are paddling across the Snowy River and give it a go, to see if swearing also reduces the pain of feet in icy water. And, if it does, the next question is “Are some swear words more effective than others?” Greg Lawrence Snowy Hydro snow depth comparison 2017—2016. 4th August 2017. O F F P I S T E 2017, ISSUE 4 P A G E 3 Tour Report— 22-23 July 2017 – Snowcamp – Guthega- Rolling Grounds-Schlink Hut-Guthega Power Station The tour consisted of Ian Tur- On Saturday morning, we set Sunday had come through land (Tour Leader), John Gi- off from Island Bend to early. We had progressed acon and myself. The three of Guthega. Ian and Melinda then about a third of the way to- wards Schlink Hut and it was us had planned to ski and did a car shuffle down to Mun- now just after midday. We camp for the weekend. yang Power Station, where Ian discussed our options given Melinda Brouwer, Keith Tarlo parked his car. The plan was to our progress, the very strong head wind and the current ice and Bruce Barnett planned to finish our skiing here on Sun- underfoot through the gap. ski with us on Saturday. day. We came to the conclusion Ian picked John and myself up Back at Guthega car park we that the best, and safest, op- and we headed to Island Bend set off down the road and tion was to now head back to to camp for the Friday night, across the dam. We then Guthega. headed up the ridge. There where we met Melinda and was a clear blue sky with no Overall, it was a great day of Keith. The night was beautiful clouds but we could see the skiing. The going was slow with the stars clearly visible. wind picking up with snow going up but the day was clear That also meant it was going being blown across the top of and along the ridge we were to be cold. When we arrived the ridge. The skiing became sheltered from the Northerly fairly slow going as the recent winds. we quickly set up our tents snow falls had produced a sur- and Ian started up his gas face of powder. After we had On our way back to Canberra burner ready for dinner. Ian stopped for morning tea and we had to wait over an hour also had taken some firewood progressed a little further at the intersection onto Kosci- for a small fire. After dinner Melinda, Keith and Bruce left uszko Road as a bus had the group as planned. Ian, caught on fire. Luckily every- and a couple of quiet drinks John and I continued on to the one on the bus managed to around the fire we headed gap above Fall's Creek heading get off before it really burst into our tents and warm towards the Rolling Grounds. into flames . sleeping bags for a good As we approached the gap it night’s sleep. became evident that the very Tony Brown strong winds forecast for late Melinda, Bruce, John and Ian at our morning Google Earth map of the day’s trip. tea stop– 22 Jul 17. (Tony Brown) P A G E 4 Tour Report— 22-23 July 2017 – Snowcamp – Guthega- Rolling Grounds-Schlink Hut-Guthega Power Station (cont’d) Ian and John having lunch after making the decision to turn back. (Tony Brown) Ian on the way up to the gap above Fall’s Creek. (Tony Brown) “These two images were taken the following weekend 29 July 2017 along exactly the same route. The day was very similar with clear blue skies for most of the day. The ice in the snow gums up above Fall’s Creek , which I had hoped to get some photos of, had mostly gone though. ” (Tony Brown) O F F P I S T E 2017, ISSUE 4 P A G E 5 Ski and Snow Photos Adam Lilley skiing on the eastern slopes between the Porcupine and Betts Creek – 13 Jul 17. (Alan Levy) Ski Day Tour Suggestions Here are some suggestions for day tours. Some of these tours can only be done in good snow seasons: From Perisher Valley: 1. Nordic Trails - 2.5, 5, 7.5 & 10 km loops starting from the Perisher Nordic Shelter. 2. Perisher to Smiggin Holes via the Mt Piper trail - 2.5 km, good views. 3. Perisher to Dainer's Gap via Thompsons Plain trail (car swap possible) 4. Perisher to The Paralyser - good slopes and snow gums. 5. Perisher to Blue Cow - along the road past North Perisher then up to Blue Cow terminal. 6. Perisher to Blue Cow - via Perisher Gap and the saddle between The Paralyser & Mt Perisher. 7. The Porcupine - granite outcrops overlooking the Crackenback Valley. 8. Perisher to Charlotte Pass via The Porcupine. 9. Perisher to Charlotte Pass via Kosciusko Road & Spencer's Creek. 10. Smiggins Loop - 2 & 4 km loops starting from Smiggin Holes. 11. Mt Wheatley - good snow gums and slopes. 12. Trapyard Creek – ski to edge of escarpment for views of Thredbo Valley below. P A G E 6 Ski Day Tour Suggestions (cont’d) From Guthega: 1. Guthega Trig - good slopes in this area. Good descent to the dam. 2. Mt Tate - via Guthega Trig and Consett Stephen Pass, or Tate East Ridge. 3. Tate West Ridge - via Consett Stephen Pass. Good views of Geehi Valley. 4. Tate East Ridge, Mt Tate, Consett Stephen Pass, Guthega Trig circuit. 5. The Rolling Grounds - good views and rolling terrain. 6. Munyang - via the Rolling Grounds (car swap) 7. Dicky Cooper Bogong - via the Rolling Grounds. 8. Mt Twynam or Little Twynam - via Snowy River valley and Illawong Lodge. 9. Mt Anderson - via Tate East Ridge and Illawong Lodge. 10. Blue Lake - via Snowy River valley and Illawong Bridge. 11. Charlotte Pass - via Illawong Lodge and Spencers Creek. 12. Guthrie Trig - via Illawong Lodge. Great views of the Main Range.