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KENNEDY SCORES returned 10 yards. Boettcher was only 151 pounds, but his lack of then substituted for McCaine and RICE READY FOR LONE TOUCHDOWN weight is said to be balanced by his Chambers kicked to 0 d o m who A. &M. COLLEGE hard fight. IN FOURTH PERIOD fumbled and failed to return. Ken- GRIDIRON TEAM Winn and Carruthers will both bal- nedy was put in for WHlis and New- ance the scales at over t70 pounds. H Rice Gets Within Striking ton for Payne. Kitts gained 9 around Winn has seen one year of college ]eft end but immediately !ost 3 around Distance of Goal More Sanders A. & M. Star Man. football on the second string while right. Failing to gain through center Shift Made in Rice Carruthers has been on the team for Than Once. on the third down, S. M. U. kicked to two years. Both are imposing men Rice's 40-yard line. On the second R BackfieM. at their position and will bear close down Rice fumbled and Newman of The Mustangs of Dailas last Sat- R watching. S. M. U. recovered the ball. S. M. U. urday went down, despite a valiant Murrah and Dietrich have both seen was penalized 5 for off-side. Barrett The Owls face one of the strongest fight, to a defeat of 7 to 0 before the a year of service on the Aggie line substituted for Dutton and Duggan teams in the conference this after- . Both teams played ad- and weigh between 180 and li)(J for Du Bose. Rice was penalized 15 noon when the Aggies come out on the mirably we!!. The game was a steady pounds. Du Bois at center is from the yards. McKean intercepted a for- field. The annua! contest between rather than a sensationa! one, blight- Freshman team of last year and is ward pass from Kitts and returned Rice and A. & M. is always a hard- ed somewhat by numerous penalties. quite speedy, making up for his light the bait to thp 20-yard line. He fought one and this year wiil see no Rice's goa! was endangered twice by weight of 170 pounds. fumbled in the next play but recov- exception. The Farmers, although the visitors but the o!d Gray-B!ue line The Farmer backfleld is very speedy ered the ball. Quarter up. Score: they are made up of new men to a held and forced S. M. U. back into her and with Morris at quarter, the Bible Rice 0; S. M. U. 0. large extent, have proved their worth own territory. by defeating the Baylor Bears, S. M. team has a capable field nmnage). Second Quarter. The game started with Kitts of S. U. and Howard Payne. Some doubts The main Aggie hopes for victories M. U. kicking off. His kick was Rice started the second period by were entertained at the first of the are probably lodged in the work of caught by McCaine, who returned the making a first down. Miller was sub- Program For Rice year about the strength of the Aggie Sanders and Weir, who have both ba!! 2B yards. Rice, making but 8 stituted for Brewer. McKean fumbled team because of the absence of Ma* shown up well as halves this year. yards in the next three downs, was again but recovered. Chambers han, Higginbotham, and others; but Zanders weighs only 140 pounds and forced to kick, the ball going into play kicked to Stewart who returned 5 Extension Lectures from the few old men left him along Weir weighs 165. Sanders is a recruit on the 50-yard line. The Mustangs yards to their 45-yard line. Stewart with recruits from the Freshman from the reserve team but has proved then made two first downs in spite of kicked out of bounds and Rice re- Are Now Ready team, Coach Bible has welded a strong his speed this year in many instances. a 5-yard penalty for off-side, and suc- ceived the ball on their '48-yard line. machine. Pinson at full is another find of this ceeded in pushing the pigskin to Rice's Kennedy made 1 through left guard, The men whom Bible wili probably year coming up from one of the com- 10-yard line. Failing to gain in three then passed 7 yards to Boettcher. The program for the Extension Lec- Final Contest Between King and Par use against Rice will be Wilson and pany teams. Weighing 160 pounds, downs they tried a beautifully planned Chambers then made 2 through center tures for 1921-22 given by arrange- liament." Smith at ends, Winn and Carruthers he is considered a strong man at both at tackies, Murrah and Dietrich at defense and offense. p!ace-kick, which failed. The ball was completing another first down. Rice ment of the Institute, has been an- Three Lecture# in French. guards, Du Bois at center, Morris at Taking the College Station team as returned to the 20-yard line in Rice's gained 5 but lost 15 in a penalty. nounced this week. Such lectures are Kennedy failed to complete two passes The titles of the Wednesday lec- quarter. Sanders and Capt. Weir at a whole it is not quite so strong as possession. Chambers punted to mid- given each year by professors and Held and Stewart returned 10 yards. and .Chambers punted over the goal tures, which wiil be delivered at the halves, and Pinson at full. tast year, but Coach Bible has made instructors of Rice and are free to the The ball went into play on Rice's 35- line. The ball was returned to the 20- Rice Institute, are: "La Legende Na Wilson is an all-Southwestern end a strong offensive team from his ma- at-linn nntt.fiYfii! to s. M. u. Thepublic . Students are welcome at any poleonienne," three lectures in French, weighing 190 pounds. His experience terial. It is a team that is to be two downs S. M. p. was penalized 20 Mustangs gained 6 but lost 7 in a of the lectures although the primary by Albert Leon Guerard. November of one year on the Aggie team has feared by any contender for the state P 16, "Les Faits;" November 23, "La title and the Owls wilt have no easy yards. Griner was substituted for pretty fake. Stewart punted to purpose, of course, is for the people of proved his worth. Smith on the other Genese de la Legende;" November 30, end is comparatively light, weighing work in defeating it. Reed. Kitts kicked to McCaine who (Continued on Page 2.) Houston and the surrounding country. "Napoleon et la Litterature." "Rob- Some of the lectures will be given at ert Burton and the Anatomy of Mel- the University Ciub while the others ancholy," by Baldwin Maxweii. De- Rice Students Are to will be given at the Institute. Special cember 7, "Medieval and Elizabethan Rice Dramatic Club street car service for those at the Melancholy;" December 14, "Burton's Institute has been ararnged for. Life and Aims;" December 21, "The Have a Large Part in Anatomy of Melancholy." "The More Has Been Organized The program for this y6ar includes Important Monuments of Paris," three Armistice Celebration some very interesting lectures, and lectures with lantern siide illustra- With Sixteen Members there are more than in previous years. tions, by Charles Lowman Browne There will also be three lectures given January 11, "A Short Visit to Paris;" Preliminary plans for the organiza- theatricals are being asked to take The second anniversary of the sign- The parade as a whole will be one in French. An outline of the pro- January 18, "Versailles;" January 25, tion of a Dramatic Club of Rice Insti- part in the club's activities. ing of the armistice is to be observed of the largest and most representa- gram for 1921-22 follows: "Les' Trianons." "Poetic Truth in the by the people of Houston in a huge tive parades that has ever been staged Early Nineteenth Century," by Henry tute were outlined at a meeting of Charter members of the club tot:d The Monday lectures are: "Social in Houston. The entire public school Ernest Conklin. February 1, "Words- students and faculty members at the sixteen in number at the present time. celebration beginning with the great Aspects of Education," by John Wil- body will be in evidence, the Shriners, worth!s Naturalism;" February 8, Autry House Friday afternoon. At present, rcquirements^for mem- parade in the moming and ending lis Slaughter. November 14, "The American Red Cross and Camp Logan "Shelley's Idealism;" February 15, A committee consisting of C. E. bership have not been definitely fixed, with the football game between Rice Training of Children for Citizen- Hospital Unit will be represented. A. "Keat's Aesthetic." Elliot, chairman. Stayton Nunn and but will be announced following the and A. & M. to be played on Rice ship;" November 21, "The Democ- & M. will, have her cadet corps and R. N. Lawrence was selected to make next regular meeting of the club. racy of Adolescense;" November 28, The course of seven lectures on field. There will be many other gath- band as will the Texas National arrangements for the first produc- Among those included in the char- "The University and the Commun- "Modern Democracies" wil be deliv- erings not quite so general by which Guard and the army detachment fr&m tion and to submit a list of plays for ter are John C. Tidden, Dr. Slaughter. ity." "The Napoleonic Legend," by ered on Sunday afternoons in March the people of Houston will commemo- Ellington field. The American Legion the approval of the membership at R. N. Lawrence, H. O. Nicholas, Bald- Albert Leon Guerard. December 5, and April. The program follows: and World War Veterans expect to the next meeting. The committee win Maxwell. Marjorie North. Annh rate the advent of peace. "The Facts of the Case;" December March 12, Mr. Caldwell, "Australia;" be well represented. Other ex-soldier will also lend its assistance in the Marie Leland, Jean Sproule, Augusta Rice Institute is to play a large 12, "The Birth of the Legend;" De- March 19, Mr. McCants, "New Zea- organizations, such as the Veterans of selection of a cast for. the first pro- Breed, Sybil Denniston, Jake Henry. part in the program for the day. the cember 19, "Napoleon and Litera- land;" March 26. Mr. Oberle, "Swit- Foreign Wars, the Rainbow Division duction. Stayton Nunn, Lawrence Humason. entire student body will be in the pa- Veterans, the 360th Infantry Associa- ture." "Studies in Scott's History zerland;" April 2, Mr. Wilson, "Eng- C. E. Elliot, Harris Masterson and rade which will include also the rep- tion, the 111th Field Signal Club and and Comedy," by Alan Dugald Mc- land;" April 9, Mr. Guerard "France;" According to present plans, the B. F. Payne. resentatives of the A. & M. college. the 33rd Division CM) will have large Killop. January 9, "Scott and the Aprii 16. Mr. Waiker, "Canada;" Dramatic Club will present three one- Practically all the men and co-eds Jacobites;" January 16, "Scott's Com- Aprii 23, Mr. Slaughter, "The United act plays as the first complete bill. detachments present. The Marines Stanford Has Airplane. have signified their intention of being and the navy wiil have their guard edy of Humours;" January 23, "Scott States." The piace and date for presentation in the parade in order that Rice may and the Border Baliads." "Phases in will be selected at a future meeting B. J. Birnie, a Freshman of Leland in line. The old veterans of former Lectures by Professor Belaunde. make a favorable showing. The Rice wars wiil also be in evidence along- the Development of the English Con- of the club. Stanford University, owns and oper- ates an airplane on the campus of girls will be separate from the boys side of the younger veterans of the stitution," by Curtis Howe Walker. Profesor Victor Andre Belaunde, of The casts of the plays, which are the university. Many students enjuy and will be dressed in white and recent war. The wives, sisters and January 20, "The Meaning of Magna the University of San Marcos, Lima, to consist almost wholly of students, cool rides over the school and sui carry blue balloons. To make up for mothers of the ex-soldiers will be Carta;" February 6, "The Formation Peru, will deliver a course of lectures will be coached by John C. Tidden, rounding territory. Birnie got his their lack of vocal strength each co- well represented. of Parliament;" February 13, "The on South America at the Rice Insti- J. W. Slaughter and R. N. Lawrence. training in the army and at West ed will have a kazoq. and will endeav- Both Dr. Slaughter and Mr. Tidden There wiil also be a number of the Point. or to show Houston what pep and ...n.mmo;,) are former members of the Green spirit Rice co-eds have. fraternal organizations and other EEEE misceilaneous ones who will do their Mask Players and have taken active part in the parade. parts in a number of local amateur CALENDAR productions. Members of the newly TTT* 3333 The Colonial Dames of America, organized club expressed themselves A MARK OF RESPECT the Daughters of the American Revo- FRIDAY, NOV. 11. MONDAY, NOV. 14. as being fortunate in obtaining their lution and various other units of 9:00 a. m.—Armistice Day Pa- 12:30 p. m,—Meeting of E. B T) RESIDENT HARDING has services and advice. Other members issued a proclamation ask- women of like organizations are ex- rade. Starts from San L. S. in Girls' Clab Room Jacinto and Dallas Sts. of the faculty interested in amateur ing that everyone in the pected to turn out for this parade in TUESDAY, NOV. 16. United States stop what he large numbers. 11:46 to 12:06—Memorial Pray- 12:30 p. m.—Meeting of P. A. is doing for two minutes today ers In Autry Hoase. at 12 o'clock in honor of the The Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A., L. S. in Girls' Club Room tute beginning Sunday of next week. soldiers who made the supreme Salvation Army, The Houston Labor 1:00 p. m —A. & M. Luncheon 8:00 p.m.—Rice For am in The lectures will be delivered at the sacrifice in the World War. In Council and the Boy Scouts of Amer- Party In the Antry House Antry Hoase. physics amphitheatre. observance, Houston has planned a short service of prayer at the ica will be added to the host. 3:30 p. m.—Rlce-A.&M. Foot- 8:00 p. m. — Les Htboux Cos- The subjects of his lectures are: City Auditorium at 11:46 last- This afternoon Rice plays A. & M. ball Game. tume Dance In Autr)' Sunday, November 13—"Hispanic- Hoaae. ing until just after 12 o'clock. in what promises to be the most ex- 8:30 p. m.—Dance at Rice But in order that Rice Students American Culture and Ideals." citing game of the season. Student Hotel, Honoring A. & M WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16. who are unable to be in the city Monday, November 14—"Economic spirit is at a high pitch now and a Students. at that hour may have the same 4:30 p. m.—Dance In Autry Conditions in South America." great game of football Is expected opportunity, there will be twen- SATURDAY, NOV. 1!. Hoase. ty minutes of prayer at the Tuesday, November 15 — "South from both teams. New additions have 12:30 p. m.-*Y. W. C. A. Cabi- Autry House at 11:45 lasting been made to the seating capacity of 3:30 p. m. — Freshman-Terrell American Problems." until 12.06. All students are net Meeting. Rice Held and all attendance records Football Game. Wednesday, November 16. 8 p. m - invited to be at Autry House at THURSDAY, NOV. 17. this hour- It is entirely non- for such occasion in Houston are ex* 8:00 p. m.—Joy Spreaders' "Life of Bolivar and San Martin." Dance in Antry House. denominational. It is planned pected to be surpassed by the time 12:80 p. m<—Y. W. C. A. Meets Doctor Beiaunde is professor of in as a mark of wSpect for (hose the-ghme starts. In Girla' Clab Room. RANKIN KENNEDY, from Rice who died on the bat- SUNDAY, NOV. IS. ternational law and political science. I backfleld star on the Owl team and 8:00 p. m—Y. M. C. A. Cabi- an authority on Latin-American lit- tlefield^ and for all soldiers in The day's celebration will be 9:00 a. m.—Service In Antry net Meeting in Debating acting captain since the injury of ***neral who were killed during brought to a close by a dance In the House. Room. erature and tnatttatlOM. The lectures Eddie Dyer. Kennedy has made pood the Rice ball room for Rice and A. A M. will be delivered in English and open at full and is a good bet for alt-State students. to the public. selection. THE THRESHER, HOUSTON, TEXAS football men on the Freshman squad. OWLS VICTORS GREEN MASK THE THRESHER They are paying the Instructor for TAe JView FYeetfom A weekly newspaper published by the stu- PLAYERS OFFER Events of the Past dents of Rice institute at Houston, Texas. this special work and It la practically OVER S. M. U. BY When you begin to wear Cantilever compulsory for the Freshmen. There 7 TO 0 SCORE PRIZE FOR PLAY Shoes, you leam the stimulation of Entered as second class matter October M, Is no doubt but that these classes do —a—. H November. IBM. walking on "free" feet. Feet that at the postofftee in Houston, Texas, ua* are free from aches and pains, feet der the act of March 3, !879. a great deal of good and they will be (Continued from Page 1.) The Thresher has been asked to an- Rice Glee Club introduces several that are allowed free action in every well worth the money spent on them Chambers who returned 6 to Bice's nounce through its columns that the Rice songs which are entirely original muscle, feet that have unrestricted Subscription Rates if only one man Is saved from Hunk 43-yard line. Rice again made Hrst Green Mask Players are offering a and catchy. circulation. ing out. But the athletic committee The Cantilever Shoe Is flexible In $2.00 per Year. !0c per Copy down in two, and Kenedy added an- prize of $100 for the best play sub- Tennis sharks plan to hold tourna- cannot afford to provide special tu- the shank as well as in the fore part other making 15 yards through left mitted to a committee of judges ap- ments. of the sole. This assures strength- Thresher (MBce—Room !04 A. B. tors for all Freshmen. The football tackle. Pendergras was substituted pointed by them. The offer is made George H. Traylor, '17, is elected ening exercise for the muscles which men lose a great deal of time in prac for Baird. Rice was penalized 16 to anyone and all student* are eligible president of the Owl Literary Society. support the bones of the arch, elimi- THRESHER STAFF, MM-23 tice in the afternoons, while those not nating all danger of Hat foot. A. O. Batjer, '23 Editor-in-Chief yards. Kennedy passed 10 to Cham- for the prize. The Green Mask play- Rice adds a 28-18 victory over the Jake Henry. Jr., '22 Business Manager playing football may be working bet s and again to Campbell who failed ers are planning to present five bills K. S. Bickford, *23 Managing Editor once confident Tulane aggregation. There is plenty of time for all work to catch. Chambers kicked out of this season instead of the customary Editoriai Department provided the worker is willing to get November, 1917. fanny B!ack. '23 Associate Editor bounds on the 17-yard line. Stewart three as there is such a demand for W. M. Dariing. '23 News Editor down to it. punted to Chambers who returned 5 their plays. The prize offer is made Rice Owlets defeat Beaumont High, Ben MitcheH. '21 Asst. News Mditor Margaret B!ackwe!i, '22 Asit. Newa Editor So while these mid-terms are being to 42-yard line. Kennedy passed 7 on that account. 7-0. \ E. H. (#odiey, '24 ..Sports Editor held, take example from them and go Following is a copy of the rules of Rice defeats Tulane at New Or- E. 8. WcMon. '21 .Feature Editor to Boettcher, then 12 to Chambers, Tannic Lee OHphant. '23 Co-Ed Editor to work. The final exams are more making first down. He passed again the offer: leans, 16-0. R. M Winns!!oro, '23 Hoot^ Editor The cadet band, consisting of thirty it. E. Warn. *23 Exchange Editor difficult than the mid-terms and too to Boettcher and failed, then 3 to 1. The play must be submitted by Hot-jit- Hurit-y, '2i Ex-Stude Editor much time cannot be spent upon study Chambers. Kennedy then failed a a resident of Harris county or a resi- men, is in good form and plays for Smith. '23 Photographer for them. Rice needs you and wants place kick. The ball went to S- M. U. dent student. all parades and drills. Business Department you to make your grade that you may Sophomores give a dance in the Don Walker, 23 Circulation Manager on their 20-yard line. Half up. Score: 2. The play must be an original ! H i i' jds As t. Circulation Manager stay in school. The office is not try- Rice 0; S. M. U. 0. one-act play of sufficient merit to commons. M. N. Aitkin. '23 Advertising ing to flunk you out; they want you The speedy Lindsey is nicknamed Harry Copland, 23 Advertising As usual the period between halves warrant its production by the Green C. L. Dutton. '22 Advertising as much as the rest of us want you. "Preacher." was featured by Rice rooters in RICE Mask players. Reporters But it is to the interest of all con- and S formation. 3. The play must be submitted, un- November, 1919. ( Hthryn Bogart J. K. Swinford Hi!! Urt.^hnni cerned that you "pull the hill." And Attna Davidson Alma Nentir B. F. Bayne signed, in typewritten form to the Rice wins over S. M. U. 21-14. In M. B. Drouilhet L. E. Bush K. T. Rowe just remember that "it's no hill for Third Quarter. (' ii. Parsons J. L. Moore Joe Kitter committee of judges by February 1. the iineup were: Hair, Alexander, )u!ia iMcasant T. E. Aibury a stepper." The well-placed heels, the natural Kennedy kicked off to Pendergras. 4. Committee reserves right to Underwood, McFarland, Jarvis, Dyer, B lines of the shoe, give perfect bodily S. M. U.'s ball on own 25-yard line. withhold prize if no plays of sufficient and Brick (capt.)- balance so that the weight is swung HOW ABOUT !T? THE DISARMAMENT CONFER- S. M. U. penalized 15 after a gain of merit are submitted. easily from one foot to the other and November, 1920. Well. Rice Owls, what art- you go- ENCE 4 by Pendergras. Stewart kicked to Further information may be se- you can walk miles without fatigue. Youthful and smart in appearance, ing to do this afternoon? The subject of the disarmament con- Chambers who returned 3. Rice pen- cured from Mrs. Charles Fitzgerald, After being beaten by Texas, the La Morada Apartments. Her phone Owls stage a big parade and give Cantilever Shoes are preferred for For years now we have been living ference. to be held in Washington, is alized 15 yards. Ball on 43-yard line. daytime wear by women and girls who the team a royal send-off to Dallas, on Ute memory of those teams of 'If! one of especial interest to University Kennedy 4 through left tackle. Cham- number is Hadley 4811. know that correct form is governed where they play S. M. U. and '17 which tore up the state. Isn't students and the final action of the bers kicked to S. M. U.'s 32-yard line. by suitability. Widths AAAA to D. Owls beat S. M. U. 10-0t The '2! going to get her niche in our conference is awaited with eagerness. At this point Williams made two note- Sold in Houston only by AUTRY HOUSE band wakes up Dallas. tiophy ha!t'? You know you can do There are many who think that the worthy tackles setting the Mustang Mrs. J. L. Autry presents the Ath- it by beating A. & M. We can forget conference is only bunk, but the more line back eight yards. Stewart kicked CONFIRMATION C


KicMa' theMgsMn Greater —the Greatest Sport of AH i)SociE*ry J Values ftt Miss Virginia Atwell has as her guest for the week-end Miss Kath- RICE! We're erine Parker of Beaumont. Young —a— with you strong in the great Miss Minnie Ella Moore will spend the week-end with Miss Hally Wear, Men s Suits game with A. & M. today coming up for the Rice-A. & M. game. B . Sigma Beta announces the follow- Sure, we'H he there ing officers: Lida Capell, president; Hazel Cannon, vice president; Cath- $2473 wfth&eHs on in a erine Bogart. secretary and treasurer. R Friends of Piggy Sewell, who has New Pair of had to stop school this year on ac- count of ill health, will be sorry to hear that he is to undergo another operation soon. R— Smart looking, nifty suits for the young man at Gym classes for giris will probably school. The greatest value Landers Co. or any Famous Shoes far Men. begin the week following the A. & M. institution has ever offered. No matter what game. All girls are urged to join. sty!e fabric or pattern you may have in mind, it Wear a Good Pair Yourself See Mrs. Stratford for signing up. won't be necessary for you to be disappointed Classes will be held in the Field and the price is the lowest. Landers Co.'s small Good Shoes For CoMepe Men House. profit policy always saves you money. Hose to Go With em B- The Woman's Council will entertain in honor of the new girls of the In- stitute with a Stunt Party on Friday, TUFFLY& SCOGGINQ November 18, from 4 to 6 p. m. at SHOE CO. ^ Autry House. All girls are cordially invited. 524 Main Street Rice Hotei Biock R— to.l MAIN ST. SCANLAN BLDC. oa DQ oa angaggaac The Blue Moon Club entertained laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaua aaBaaaaac SB88gS snme of its eo-ed friends Friday morn- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan ing with a sunrise breakfast. The LH t m <) § t!))) m n ! < m crowd left at 6 and motored out to a ,,,,,, tmiini mi l t t ) m t m t m-m^ M charming place on the Chocolate HEALTH HINTS Bayou road, where the meal was pre- Houston Typewriter Exchange pared. Agents CORONA, L. C. SMITH f.mmt)§)nnmnrr< —R Factory Rebuilts—AH Makes. Typewriter Supplies The first of a series of heaith bul- The Y. W. C. A. announces the ar- * Fannin (Near Court House) -PRESTON 437 letins has been issued by Coach Les- rival of the "Social Service Box," ttn lie Mann, who is in charge of the in extensive variety which is located in the girls' study classes in physical education. The room. This box is to be filled with first is only food for thought and will cast-off clothing which will be used to be followed by bulletins on personal aid the poor of this city. Won't you and body building hygiene. QjMp help to fill it? General Principles. R ^ The time for the Saturday night 1. "Whatever a man soweth, that dances at the Autry House has been shail he also reap" is just as true of changed from 8:30 to 8 p. m. The the body as it is of the soul. J. J. Sweeney Jeu^ry Co. time was changed due to the fact that 2. "Habitual Diseases" Hue to per- it wiM be necessary to Stop at 11:30 sonal practices and habits are alarm- sharp, and many of the dancers have Kup Jr. ingly on the increase. been coming late. * ... < m m * m )) m < t) n m ) m n n ) *) i n tm mm 3. Nature alone can cure disease. R Doctors cannot heal. They can only The French club, "Les Hiboux," met Suits rrnmmmmum).! tH*mt*HmHH!TTT*r direct the sufferer back to the path- iast Tuesday night at the home of ways of health. Nature alone can Miss Eva Cooperman. Dr. Guerard create, and healing is re-creating. spoke on "The First Armistice Day in Convenient 4. Sensation of fatigue and pain France," and, as he was in Paris at who a r c always knuwit a-i "<'i<'vcr are friendly voices of warnings. We that time, he made the talk unusually u.Lcve dt'i'-iSft'S!." SAIMTARY should heed their messages and not interesting and realistic. A lovely silence their prayer by stimulants, ice course was served and, after sing- -tltey are 'the ntasfer EfRcient narcotics and pain killers. ing the club song and "The Marseil- works of Atnrwa's ' 5. We enjoy health when the body laise." the club adjourned. most arlistht tail.ars— works under normal and natural con- —R THK it"rsiS<

JLiULJLJULJLJUL!LiLJULJUUUULiULJUUUULJLJULJLJLJLJLJtJULJLJULJ!^LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJUUUUUUUULJU!JLJULJLJUULJLJULJL^EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEaEEEEEEEEEEaEEEEaaaaaaaaEaaEaaaaaoaaaaaaaaDaaaDaaDaaBJ a THE THE CO-OP of Stairs, Mot Four Mites Away CO-OP THE THRESHER, HOUSTON, TEXAS DEDICATION OF AUTRY HOUSE LAST SUNDAY LOTHES tailored to you and for you, are like —a— Autry House was officially dedi- registered stock: A little better stu# in 'em and cated in a beautiful service at the a longer line of worth-while achievement back House Sunday aftemon at 5 o'clock. Feme Ave hundred or more were in at- of 'em. That's what we offer you in Clothes tendance, the congregation being com- SB posed of Houston people, trustees, JnJtvi&taMy taibred by Bamngey-Noyton Co. * * < * faculty and students of the Institute. E. R. Duggan, president of the Stu- dent Association, in behalf of the stu- Suits, $40 to $73 dents expressed thanks to Mr. Mas- terson, Mrs. Blake, and the name of yea Rice Overcoats, $45 to $63 Autry for the conversion of a tiny no frre?n shack into such a spacious and convenient structure as the Autry an ^ea Rice House is. He expressed also the in- S8 na terest of the students of Rice in the aa BARRINGER-NORTON CO. House and, in short, told of the feel- yea Rice 410 MAIN STREET ing which the students have toward §8 the benefits of the House. na aa E. R. DUGGAN. RtCE RtFRESENTATtVE Rev. Peter Gray Sears delivered aa the memorial address on the ocasion. R He summed up the reasons for the -RICE- establishment of such a work at Rice OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED FRIDAY AND YOU'LL HEAR jllJllll) ) i MIC HI LLLUL1 Ml ll.t.HJ.LU-iUJ ) f t )i INTRAMURAL and how the plan had been worked out MORE NOISE IN BOX 31 FRIDAY AFTERNOON THAN ANY by Bishop Kinsolving, Bishop Quin, OTHER SPOT THAT SIZE ON THE FIELD. THAT GOOD OLD TENNIS CLUB and Rev. Masterson. He then paid a VARSITY SQUAD IS GOING TO WIN THAT GAME SO DON'T Boom - Rah - Rice MAKES START tribute to the late James Lockhart TALK CLOTHES TO US UNTIL SATURDAY. B Autry, to whom the house is dedi- Yon Rate got to that game, boys The dream of many tennis fans is cated, in the most beautiful expres- coming true. Tennis has begun to sions. He thanked Mrs. Autry and Read reports of other games from alt over tise again before the eyes of its sup- her family for the gift and closed (Z. the country, Saturday morning porters. Lately the tennis courts with an impressive tribute to Mr. A CORPORATION have beet) crowded, and many have Autry. [N 414 MAIN STREET had to turn away, their craving for Bishop Kinsolving in a few short The Houston Post a game unsatiated. remarks opened the doors of Autry A. JONES t'. S. HOFFMAN .T. D. MASON J. F. BERt.Y Jt