Study a-broadened Stand-up guy Tim mania Wake For e st M A G A Z I N E Across a threshold Divinity School doors are open at last. Page 18 Volume 47, Number 1 September 1999 Editor: David Fyten Associate Editor: Cherin C. Poovey Art Director: Samantha H.E. Hand Designer: David Ureña, M Creative, Inc. Assistant Editors: Kim McGrath, Christine Underwood University Advancement Writer: Kerry M. King (’85) University Photographer: Ken Bennett Printing: The Lane Press, Inc. Wake Forest Magazine (USPS 664-520 ISSN 0279-3946) is published four times a year in September, December, March, and June by the University Editor’s Office, Wake Forest University, 1834 Wake Forest Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7205. It is sent to alumni, donors, and friends of the University. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, NC 27109, and additional mailing offices. Send letters to the editor (
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[email protected]), and other correspondence to the e-mail addresses listed or to Wake Forest Magazine, P.O. Box 7205 Reynolda Station, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7205. Telephone: (336) 758-5379. You can access the Wake Forest World Wide Web site at POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wake Forest Magazine Alumni Records, P.O. Box 7227 Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7227. Volume 47, Number 1 Copyright 1999 Wake For e st M A G A Z I N E Features 12 World Wide by Ellen Dockham A task force recommends broaden- ing Wake Forest’s already expansive study-abroad program.