Policies to help disability community political winners October 2016 National Survey Meet Our Team § Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi is President and CEO of RespectAbilty, a nonprofit organizaon working to empower people with disabili.es to achieve the American dream. She works regularly with naonal, state and local policy leaders, workforce development professionals, media and employers, as well as with disability and faith-based organizaons in order to expand opportuni.es for people with disabili.es. She already has met with teams from all 50 states, including 40 governors, on WIOA implementaon. She has published dozens of op-eds on disability issues, including in USA Today, Huffington Post, The Hill and other publicaons. Dyslexic herself, she also knows what it means to parent a child with mul.ple disabili.es. § Lauren Appelbaum, Communicaons Director of RespectAbility. Her role includes managing the presiden.al outreach and #RespectTheAbility s.gma and social media campaigns. Coordinang outreach, she and her team have talked with all of the presiden.al candidates about the importance of engaging the disability community, repor.ng all interviews in The RespectAbility Report. She has a lifelong commitment to eQuality for people with disabili.es. You can reach her at
[email protected] 2 2016 Presidential Campaign Outreach 3 Presidential Outreach We covered all 22 presiden.al candidates on the issue of jobs for people with disabili.es. We do not endorse any candidate. Jeb Bush Carly Fiorina Mar.n O’Malley Bernie Sanders Ben Carson Jim Gilmore Rand Paul Rick Santorum Lincoln Chafee Lindsey Graham George Pataki Donald Trump Chris Chrise Mike Huckabee Rick Perry Sco] Walker Hillary Clinton Bobby Jindal Marco Rubio Jim Webb Ted Cruz John Kasich Members of our team spent much of December, January and February in New Hampshire and Iowa, working with local disability groups to encourage more people to ask all of the candidates these Ques.ons.