Systems of Equations Elementary Operations Gaussian Elimination Uniqueness Rank and Homogeneous Systems MTH 215: Introduction to Linear Algebra Lecture 1 Jonathan A. Ch´avez Casillas1 1University of Rhode Island Department of Mathematics Slides adapted from the ones by Karen Seyffarth and the Lyryx team January 23, 2019 Jonathan Ch´avez Systems of Equations Elementary Operations Gaussian Elimination Uniqueness Rank and Homogeneous Systems Course Name and number: MTH 215: Introduction to Linear Algebra Instructor: Jonathan Allan Ch´avez Casillas | {z } | {z } | {z } First Name Middle Name Last Name Office Hours: Wednesday 11 am - 3pm (or by appointment) Office Room: Lippitt Hall 200A E-mail:
[email protected] Jonathan Ch´avez Systems of Equations Elementary Operations Gaussian Elimination Uniqueness Rank and Homogeneous Systems 1 Systems of Linear Equations 2 Elementary Operations 3 Gaussian Elimination 4 Uniqueness 5 Rank and Homogeneous Systems Jonathan Ch´avez Systems of Equations Elementary Operations Gaussian Elimination Uniqueness Rank and Homogeneous Systems Motivation Example Solve the equation Ax = B where A , 0. Solution x = B/A. There are no other solutions; this is a unique solution. Jonathan Ch´avez Systems of Equations Elementary Operations Gaussian Elimination Uniqueness Rank and Homogeneous Systems Definitions A linear equation is an expression a1x1 + a2x2 + ··· + anxn = b where n ≥ 1, a1,..., an are real numbers, not all of them equal to zero, and b is a real number. The quantities x1, x2,..., xn are the variables or unknowns our goal is to find their value. A system of linear equations is a set of m ≥ 1 linear equations. It is not required that m = n.