Summer Camp Guide2021 WORCESTERJCC.ORG 508.756.7109 Online Registration Camp Directors FAQ’s Preschool Summer Camp What is CampDoc? Nina Ryan, M.Ed x 258
[email protected] is a leading, electronic, easy-to-use web-based solution for Cassie Hildreth x 225 camp management, online camp registration, health form management,
[email protected] medications/allergies and health logging for camp throughout the summer. This Day Camp & Teen Camp will decrease the time and energy spent during initial camper check-in, reduce Megan Catlin x 238 risk and liability, and help keep safety in the forefront of camp operations.
[email protected] How do I register for Camp? Ben McCue x 231
[email protected] Go to and click on “Register for Summer Camp” which Sports Camp brings you to the CampDoc page. Create a username and password and Bob Berman x 233 log-in. A one time fee of $15 per child is required to process the registration.
[email protected] You will then be able to continue the registration process quickly and easily! Mikayla Singas x 213
[email protected] How do I pay for Camp? Gymnastics Camp CampDoc will take payments for your deposits ($75 per camp week) Kelly Sampson x 235
[email protected] and create a payment plan for you from the online portal. Swim Lessons & Swim Camp Can I go back into CampDoc and see what I registered for? Kelly Sampson x 235
[email protected] Once you create an account, all your information will be saved and useable Roberto Fuentes x 250 for future registrations.