Congressional Record—House H1772

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Congressional Record—House H1772 H1772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 20, 2010 b 1452 The country is greater for Stewart Carnahan Jackson (IL) Pallone Carson (IN) Jackson Lee Pascrell Mr. BUCHANAN changed his vote Udall’s service, and on behalf of the Castle (TX) Pastor (AZ) from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ House I wish to extend my deepest con- Castor (FL) Johnson (GA) Paulsen So (two-thirds being in the affirma- dolences to the Udall family. I ask that Chaffetz Johnson (IL) Perriello we join for 1 minute of remembrance. Chandler Johnson, E. B. Polis (CO) tive) the rules were suspended and the Chu Jones Pomeroy bill, as amended, was passed. I thank the House. Clarke Kagen Price (NC) The result of the vote was announced f Cleaver Kanjorski Quigley Clyburn Kaptur Rahall as above recorded. PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRIES Cohen Kennedy Rangel A motion to reconsider was laid on Conyers Kildee Reyes the table. Mr. FLAKE. Madam Speaker, I have Cooper Kilpatrick (MI) Rodriguez a parliamentary inquiry. Costello Kilroy Ross f Courtney Kind Rothman (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. Crowley Kissell Roybal-Allard HONORING FORMER INTERIOR BALDWIN). The gentleman will state his Cummings Klein (FL) Ruppersberger SECRETARY STEWART UDALL parliamentary inquiry. Davis (CA) Kosmas Rush Davis (IL) Kucinich Ryan (OH) (Mr. PASTOR of Arizona asked and Mr. FLAKE. Many of us are confused Davis (TN) Langevin Salazar was given permission to address the about the last vote we took. We just DeFazio Larsen (WA) Sa´ nchez, Linda House for 1 minute.) need to see if we have it right. DeGette Larson (CT) T. We had the vote to include TRICARE Delahunt Lee (CA) Schakowsky Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. Madam DeLauro Levin Schauer Speaker, it is with great sadness that I for life because it is not included in the Dent Lewis (GA) Schiff inform the House that former Interior Senate bill that we will vote on tomor- Dicks Lipinski Schrader row. Is that correct? Dingell Loebsack Schwartz Secretary Stewart Udall, father of our Doggett Lowey Scott (GA) former House colleague, Senator TOM The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Donnelly (IN) Luetkemeyer Scott (VA) UDALL, and uncle of our other former bers may consult the respective legis- Doyle Luja´ n Serrano Driehaus Lynch Sestak Member, Senator MARK UDALL, passed lative texts. Mr. FLAKE. Madam Speaker, I have Edwards (MD) Maffei Shea-Porter away this morning at his home in Edwards (TX) Maloney Sherman Santa Fe, New Mexico, surrounded by a further parliamentary inquiry. Engel Markey (MA) Sires his family. He was 90 years old. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Eshoo Marshall Skelton tleman will state his parliamentary in- Farr Matheson Slaughter Stewart Udall was born in St. Johns, Fattah Matsui Smith (WA) Arizona, on January 31, 1920, to the quiry. Filner McCarthy (NY) Snyder former Supreme Court Justice Levi S. Mr. FLAKE. Madam Speaker, it is Foster McClintock Space Udall and Louise Lee Udall. He at- our understanding that the Senate bill Frank (MA) McCollum Speier did not include coverage for TRICARE Fudge McDermott Spratt tended the University of Arizona where Garamendi McGovern Sutton he earned undergraduate and law de- for life in the vote that we will take to- Gonzalez McIntyre Tanner grees. morrow. And so we are amending a bill Goodlatte McMahon Taylor that hasn’t been passed yet. Is that Gordon (TN) McNerney Teague During World War II, Stewart served Graves Meek (FL) Thompson (MS) 4 years in the United States Air Force correct? Grayson Michaud Tierney as a gunner. He flew 50 missions over I apologize. I meant to say TRICARE, Green, Al Miller (NC) Titus Western Europe for which he received not TRICARE for life. Gutierrez Miller, George Tonko It is our understanding here that the Hall (NY) Mollohan Tsongas the Air Medal with Three Oak Leaf Harman Moore (KS) Van Hollen Clusters. Senate bill that we will vote on tomor- Harper Moore (WI) Vela´ zquez In 1954, Stewart was elected to serve row does not include coverage for Heinrich Moran (VA) Visclosky TRICARE. Is that correct? Heller Murphy (CT) Walz from Arizona’s Second Congressional Higgins Murphy, Patrick Watson District to the U.S. House of Rep- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Hill Napolitano Watt resentatives. He was elected to serve bers may consult the relevant legisla- Hinojosa Neal (MA) Waxman four terms in Congress, which he did tive text and come to their own conclu- Hirono Nye Weiner sions. Hodes Oberstar Welch with great distinction. Honda Obey Wilson (OH) In 1960, he proved instrumental in Mr. FLAKE. I thank the Chair. Hoyer Olver Woolsey helping persuade Arizona Democrats to f Inslee Ortiz Wu Israel Owens Yarmuth support then-Senator John F. Kennedy during the Democratic National Con- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER NAYS—186 vention. Upon election in 1960, Presi- PRO TEMPORE Aderholt Campbell Garrett (NJ) dent Kennedy appointed Stewart Udall The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Adler (NJ) Cao Gerlach Akin Capito Giffords Secretary of the Interior, where his ac- objection, 5-minute voting will resume. Alexander Carney Gingrey (GA) complishments under Presidents Ken- There was no objection. Altmire Carter Granger nedy and Johnson made him an icon in Arcuri Cassidy Griffith f Austria Childers Guthrie environmental and conservation com- Bachus Coble Hall (TX) munities. THE JOURNAL Barrett (SC) Coffman (CO) Halvorson Legislative achievements from Sec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Bartlett Cole Hastings (FL) retary Udall’s Cabinet career include Barton (TX) Conaway Hastings (WA) finished business is the question on Biggert Connolly (VA) Hensarling the Wilderness Act of 1964, the Wild agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of Bilbray Costa Herger and Scenic Rivers Act, the expansion of the Journal, on which the yeas and Bilirakis Crenshaw Herseth Sandlin the National Park System, and the cre- Bishop (UT) Cuellar Himes nays were ordered. Blackburn Culberson Hunter ation of the Land and Water Conserva- The question is on the Speaker’s ap- Boehner Dahlkemper Inglis tion Fund. proval of the Journal. Bonner Davis (KY) Issa Until his passing, Stewart Udall con- This will be a 5-minute vote. Bono Mack Diaz-Balart, L. Jenkins tinued his dedication to public service Boozman Diaz-Balart, M. Johnson, Sam The vote was taken by electronic de- Boren Dreier Jordan (OH) as an author, historian, scholar, lec- vice, and there were—yeas 211, nays Boustany Duncan King (IA) turer, and environmental activist, law- 186, not voting 33, as follows: Brady (TX) Ehlers King (NY) Bright Ellsworth Kingston yer and citizen of the outdoors. He was [Roll No. 153] the last surviving member of the Presi- Broun (GA) Emerson Kirk YEAS—211 Brown (SC) Etheridge Kirkpatrick (AZ) dent Kennedy’s original Cabinet. Brown-Waite, Fallin Kline (MN) Ackerman Becerra Boucher Ginny Flake Kratovil Stewart Udall was preceded in death Andrews Berkley Boyd Buchanan Fleming Lamborn by his wife of 55 years, Erma Lee Udall. Baca Berman Brady (PA) Burgess Forbes Lance Bachmann Berry Braley (IA) He is survived by his six children, TOM, Burton (IN) Foxx Latham Baird Bishop (GA) Brown, Corrine Scott, Lynn, Lori, Denise, and Jay, and Buyer Franks (AZ) Latta Baldwin Bishop (NY) Butterfield Calvert Frelinghuysen Lee (NY) other family members including eight Barrow Blumenauer Capps Camp Gallegly Lewis (CA) grandchildren. Bean Boswell Capuano VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:46 Mar 21, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K20MR7.056 H20MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE.
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