What's On in Warwick at a Glance A calendar of events for residents and visitors compiled by 'Unlocking Warwick' February 2016 edition (updated monthly) 2016 February 1st, 8th and 15th Free evening money-management courses: manage your finances in 2016! The GAP Community Centre, Oakwood Grove Email:
[email protected] https://capuk.org 6th Warwick Castle. Kingmaker's Medieval Banquet. www.warwick-castle.com/events/dinners-and-banquets.aspx 6th-7th Hill Close Gardens Snowdrop Weekend. www.hillclosegardens.com/events.html 9th Warwick Pancake Races in the Market Place for children from local schools. www.enjoywarwick.co.uk/events-and-whats-on/warwick-pancake-races/view-details.html 11th 'Warwick's Ancient Rivers', a lunchtime talk on how Warwick's location was formed a quarter of a billion years sago. http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/for-adults-and-young-adults/ 11th Warwick Castle Gardens. A talk by expert Christine Hodgetts looking ahed to this year's tercentenary of Capability Brown. The gardens were his first private commission. www.warwickshiregardenstrust.org.uk 13th Warwick Races: Kingmakers Chase Day. www.warwickracecourse.co.uk 15th Who do you think you are? A workshop for children at the County Record Office for those who want to learn how to research their family history. http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/for-adults-and-young-adults/ 16th St. Mary's Church. Bethany Seymour soprano, Pamela Thorby recorder and Peter Seymour harpsichord perform 'Madness and Torment', with music by Blow, Purcell, Handel, Humfrey and Telemann. www.leamingtonmusic.or g www.stmaryswarwick.org.uk/index.php?/ 18th Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Museum in St.