Memories of Kate Congratulations... The last issue of the Gos carried a tribute to long-time church member, Kate Wilson, who died in a nursing home in Cornwall on

21st January. A Memorial Service for Kate is being held at St Michael’s on Friday 1 st March. Ruth Watts shares below what Kate meant to her… “Kate was, other than my mum and dad, the person who has influenced my life the most. My memories of her are incredible and immense. Kate began leading the junior choir in 1978, it started in the kitchen of her bungalow where few children would gather once a Bill Booth reports: “Penny and Alan’s wed- A new innovation for Lent week to enjoy singing together. It was ding on 16 th February was a lovely occasion Welcome to Sydney... this year is a series of prayer that grew the choir as one week, with some sunshine. The groom arrived in LLLeLeeennnntttteeeennnn SSSt Stttaaaattttiiiioooonnnn mmma maaasssssseeeessss,,,, when only a few children turned up (I was good time, and the bride did not use her organised by St Mary Im- one of them), Kate prayed with us children There were also a couple of Roger Jones’ This photo from the mid-1980s shows the prerogative to arrive late! There was a maculate, to which all- that the choir would be able to continue musicals which were performed by only Junior choir, with a few of the Senior choir beautiful, uplifting ceremony and service comers are invited. but we needed more children to come. I the junior choir, Jerusalem Joy in which peeping through behind! Ruth is in fore- followed by a lovely reception and meal in ‘Pilgrims’ gather at 6pm at these venues: think the next week the kitchen was burst- Andrew Dubock played the part of Jesus ground with Kate to her left (and a youthful the Church Centre.” Fri 8 th March; Myton Hospice Chapel, ing at the seams with the children that and Away in a Manger which I think may Mary Lodge on Kate’s left!). Thu 14 th March; Beauchamp Chapel at St came and it was then that as we had liter- have been the last thing we did as a junior Mary Collegiate, ally outgrown the kitchen (and a nice size it choir in 1990. Fri 22 nd March; Hospital Chapel, was!) we moved up to the old wooden It was in 1994 when, following a morning Fri 29 th March; Warwick Chapel & Sunday School hut. Valentine ’s Day Lunch Club service in which Terence Johnson th th Tue 5 April; St James Chapel, Westgate. Kate came across ‘Kid’s Praise’ (these were preached from the book of Ruth, Kate ap- On 14 February Castle Hill’s gift to Warwick, Deeper, takes musicals written for children) and decided proached me at the end of the service say- the Lunch Club place on 19 th -21 st March at 7.30pm, and the to take the plunge and get us to learn and ing it would be great if we could dramatise celebrated Valen- Lent Addresses at St Mary Collegiate have perform all the songs and drama. the story of Ruth and put it to some music. tine’s day in style with a lovely meal local speakers following Bishop Chris- Well, looking back, I don’t think I realised She had the same conversation with Caro- prepared by Ann: topher’s visit on 10 th March. (Details of what a truly brilliant musical director Kate line Mara who, by the next morning, had Graham Leeming writes: I am pleased to chicken and leak both of these events are on the back page) was as she singlehandedly led a fairly large written a musical and probably by the end introduce one of my Business and Finance casserole fol- St Michael’s will host the PPPrPrrraaaayyyyeeeerrrr BBBr Brrreeeeaaaakkkkffffaaaasssstttt group of children in learning songs, includ- of the week had written all the parts and all Foundation Degree college students to the lowed by a des- at Chase Meadow on Saturday 6 th April, ing harmonies and drama that went along- the drama to go with it! St Michael’s campus. Sydney Bwalya,Bwalya orig- sert that looked with a half-hour of prayerful worship from side the music. It’s amazing what sticks in So once again, we came together as a choir inally from Zambia, is completing a work- too pretty to eat. The Open Hearts 7.30am followed by continental breakfast. one’s mind when it is put to music, as and rehearsed and performed Ruth – the placement with us whereby he will carry Some managed more than one, though... out a series of review and recommendation Everyone is welcome to attend. many of the songs were based on verses Musical! Caroline by then had the musical from the bible and the teachings of Jesus writing bug and went on to write a musical projects with regard to our current finan- MMMaMaaakkkkeeee LLLu Luuunnnncccchhhh took cial systems. place at CMCC and so the children were learning all the based on David, telling the story of the time about God and his love for us through young shepherd boy who defeated Goliath On Wednesday 6 th February we held anoth- It is planned that Sydney will complete his on 19 th February,

Kate as she lead us in learning the songs. right through to David the king. Kate was er ‘Moments’ afternoon at The Open Door; assignment by the start of June, after when sixteen Barbara Saunders writes: “Warm and sin- this time: ‘Romantic (or not) Moments’Moments’. children and six adults came along for fun I am fortunate to have various recordings very good at including people, especially which he will present his findings and sug- cere thanks for all the many friends who and food. Lunch was a bit later than usual, of what we did as a junior and senior choir. those who wouldn’t necessarily see them- When arranging this event we were una- gestions for improvement to the PCC. sent us greetings, gifts, and love to mark ensuring that everyone ate heartily! Many of the earlier ones were recorded by selves as singers or actors so there was a ware that it would almost coincide with the Sydney will be on site mainly on Monday our Diamond Wedding Anniversary. my dad who, due to my mum’s ill health whole Philistine army made up of men and Diamond Wedding Anniversary of Barbara and Tuesday each week, but hopefully will The umbrella education charity, Trans- and often not being able to be present, sat young boys from the church congregation Denis & I shared a wonderful get together & Denis Saunders. Barbara brought along a join us for services where he is able. forming Lives for Good (TLG), has been and beyond! (I did say my memories are on the day with some great friends who’ve beautiful cake for us to share along with voted Best Charity to Work For in the Sun- with a basic cassette recorder by his side so Janice Cairns comments that “ He's become immense!) become like family to us over the years.” some lovely memories. day Times Best 100 list! that she could still listen to the perfor- such a blessing to us already… mance at home. Kate also led the ‘senior There is so much I could write, it would be There were tales of flowers arriving at hos- choir’ and we over the years performed possible for me to write a book of my pital without their heads and a not so ro- many of Roger Jones’ well known musicals memories of this wonderful and inspiring mantic surprise break away were they including Saints Alive , From Pharaoh to person. She was so encouraging and sup- didn’t leave the airport! MU Warwick To9999ether MU Warwick To 999ether 9 joined with Messy Freedom, While Shepherds Watched and portive, as well as one of the most patient We decided that it wasn’t the grand ges- Church at Woodloes Primary School in Greater than Gold (the story of Mary Jones people when I consider what she had to tures but the small thoughtful things that February, where the story of Noah was and the journey she took to get a bible of contend with a lot of the time! I’m forever made us smile. Georgie Acton (mum of Hattie and Wil- enacted with song and crafts. Their gath- her own). I was very privileged to play the grateful for her love and support and I low) is running the London Marathon in The next afternoon will be on Wednesday th part of Mary Jones in that. Also the junior thank God that we have the hope that we ering on 9 March is not quite finalised as ththth April in aid of Barnardo’s, to enable them 666 MarchMarch, 3-5pm at The Open Door th choir joined in with the senior choir with will meet again. Until then I will treasure we go to press but, on Monday 9 April, ‘MomentsMoments of Madness’ Share the stories to continue to support Children’s Centres. many of the musicals so Kate would teach my incredible memories and remember they will meet at St Nicholas Church at behind your irrational or silly moments! You can support Georgie via 7.30pm for an illuminating talk entitled: us separately and then seamlessly bring it her with joy and an occasional few tears!” Enjoy tea and cakes and a chance to catch “Tax, Care and Toy Boys” by Co-Op Estates all together! up with your ‘Open Hearts’ team. georgierunsforfunds Planning. Everyone is welcome to attend. New Electoral Roll Every six years the Church Electoral Roll is renewed so, even if you are currently reg- istered, you will have to reapply by 242424 ththth March at the latest. Membership of the Electoral Roll is open to all those over 16, and resident in the parish, who are a member of the Church of Eng- Issue 176: March 2019 land, or have habitually worshipped at St Michael’s during a period of 6 months prior to enrolment. Forms are available in church or from Ka- ren in the Parish OQce: (407020 or email The Monthly Bulletin for…


Monday 4 ththth March A reminder that we have a permanent 7.45pm Monthly Prayer Meeting Foodbank collection point in the Church Wednesday 6 ththth MMMaMaaarrrrcccchhhh AAASASSSHHHH WWWEWEEEDDDDNNNNEEEESSSSDDDDAAAAYYYY Centre—all contributions greatly received— and donations made at ‘coTee time’ after 7.00pm Ashing Service & Communion the services also goes to the work of Food- Thursday 7 ththth March bank. 10.30am YAH Holy Communion Also, this Lent, why not take up the ‘40 Sunday 10 ththth March for 40’ Challenge? 10.30am Holy Communion By giving up 40p a day for the 40 days Sunday 17 ththth March of Lent you can raise enough to help sup- 8.00am Holy Communion port a local 10.30am Morning Worship family in crisis this Thursday 21 ststst March Easter. 2.00pm Afternoon Prayer For more ththth info, visit: Sunday 24 March 10.30am Holy Communion 7.30pm “Be Still” The Warwick Team Ministry 17 th March, Richard Nicholson 7th April, Matt Western Sunday 31 ststst MMMaMaaarrrrcccchhhh MMMOMOOOTTTTHHHHEEEERRRRIIIINNNNGGGG SSSUSUUUNNNNDDDDAAAAYYYY LENT ADDRESSES 10.30am Morning Worship Headteacher of King’s High MP for Warwick and Saturday 6 ththth April School, Warwick Leamington 2019 10.00am Chase Chill at CMCC

Faith in Education? Sunday 7 ththth April MISSION SUNDAY Perspectives on Religion 24 th March, Mandy Roberts 14 th April, Alycia Timmis 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Morning Worship & Learning Headteacher of Bettridge Chaplain at Monday 8 ththth April Special School,, Cheltenham 10 th March, Christopher Cocksworth 7.45pm Monthly Prayer Meeting

All events are at St Michael’s unless otherwise noted.

Bishop of Coventry CMCC denotes Chase Meadow Community Centre 31 st March, Andy Perry and Chair of General Each address takes place at Synod’s Faith & Order 6.30pm in St Mary Collegiate Commission Headteacher of Myton Parish Church as part of 6.30pm School, Warwick Choral Evensong and is followed by a Q &A session.