Harbor Hebrew Opens Fjitt Pt'ogfany Estate Changes 'Hat
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;*.*»* -' •* - "r- / /' -: • -, , ----- LXVIII., W. 11, RED. BAtiK, N. J.,JTHmiSi)Ay/SBPTEMBER Hero Of Pearl Harbor Returns to Monmquth Hebrew ^ You JUeut Joseph L. "Loclcard, who a* Registered? , a buck private, gave warning of Opens Fjitt Pt'ogfany Thursday, September 37, Is Estate Changes 'Hat Harbor the eappronch of Jap planes to the last day on which legal Pearl Harbor on the day the Nips Tdters can be (registered In perpetrated the meak attack they v • "• / -'" " " . */ order to exercise the right ot. have lived to rue, is now In the Slg: franchise at.the coming gen- nal Officers Replacement pool at iTownsKip Officials Call Public Committee Chairmen Named--- eral election to;be held' Tues- Trenton. Party Buyt THe¥ Fort Monmouth. day, November 8. Meeting At Leonardo September 12 A native of Willlaiasport, Penn- Holiday Party Scheduled Th« matter of registering - Former-Everett, L. Brown Place sylvania, who as a reward.for his . fo^ voting js now tinder "per- alertness was given the Distin- The first fall meeting of the La- .manent registration," and t • • - -•' guished {Mi-vice medal and an'op- there Is no way a person can One of the flnrttriverfront p- Th§ township committee of Mld- portunity -to, gain his commission, dles' Hebrew society of th» ConV dentlal properties on the Ni Railroad's Job gregatlon B'.Val Israel was held vote at the coming general 1 dletown township will hold a pub- Atlantic Highlands UeutXiockard was graduated from election If he'or she does not Chris Axelson Shrewsbury river, on Blossom C_, fjie meeting Wednesday nigtot, Sep- Officer Candidate school at Fort Tuesday at the Jewish Community road, opposite Red Bank', waa «o!4| Monmouth In July, 1M2. At that Center on Riverside avenue,' Mrs. register on or before;Thurs- g'tember 12, in the Leonardo grade Transporting GF» day, September 27, Liberated; Now In during the past week for Henry I," ilschool auditorium, to dUcuii the Baptist Minister time he was featured on a special David Bulkin, preildentr. announced Stetson-of Orange,—NBW—Jsrie> CBS' radio broadcast. standing: committee chairmen,-and Registrations may be made exeputor of the estate of Kverett ] • recommendation of the Leonardo with municipal clerks during cofnmliiloh'contained In a Lieut Kermft'A. Tyler of Ix>ng Told To Uons Club plans were completed for several Brown; Ending Pastorate fall activities. • .-.,'•.;. ' the legal office hours, or duf-; Calcutta, India to the township officials, BeachrrCalifornia", who, Jgtjored ing legal office hours-at the The seller was represented by tht'J commission reports that to Lockard'a warning, has since been Truitees named were Mre. Ben- Joseph O. MoCue agency, realtors, Jersey Central jamin Adle'r, Mrs.- Jack Goldln, Mrs. office of the county clerk at Imprisoned Since I enlarge the facilities of the harbor Rev.; R. Eugene Shearer promoted three times and ts a lieu- Freehold. -...-. of Rumson. The purchaser Is •/ £ would cost from 1800,000 U>*40Q,<M0 tenant colonel. Max Morris, Mrs. Harry Feldt/Mrs. Trenton client ot the Ray VanHorn > S"»nd that "neither the people of the •-'GoingsTo Fir*t Baptist Official Spealcer- ~ Mae Newmaq and Mrs. Max Cohn Early 1942, Wa. agency, realtors, of Fair Haven, locality nor the township at large and Mrs. Arthur H. Hershon, chap- The elevated grounds with teo, At Meeting Here lain. Chairmen are Mrs, Max could consider making thin expen- __£hurch, New,' Brunswick little Silver Aboard Houston - , - raced lawns and bulkheadlng ebm«H aitu" T> i-umrpluilnn-thgMfora Grand, rummage sales; Mrs. Julius Missing Sergeant mand a magnificent view of the «n-' ' f .recommends that the The H?d tfan^ S^Riitd ...committee consider the mattetownshir opf Rev.- B. Eugene Shearer closes JWalter Christian 'Chris" Axelson, tire Shrewsbury river. The grounds • PolnTTroperty. day evening heard Benjamin Vr Mrsr^tieon-Riieckhausi-Red-Cross ri 1,17 ntirun with a front. f turning over the harbor to the. his pastorate of Central Baptist' Branch, general passenger agent sewjng; Mrs." David seaman second class, of .SeaBrigfit7 ^.state, through- the Board of Com- church, Atlantic Highlands, Bun- who was reported missing in f \hi rtvar of 1,195 feat Land' : far the Jersey Central lines, tell- of stamt p and bonbd d salesl ; Mrs. Harry scaping and planting Include tan V merce*' and "NaVlgRtloni—ttr-*e—en-- day~after~a-mlnl*try- ~of~-two.. and; thlHtttetlJdld Madanskjr, membership; Mrs,-Isa- March, 1942, in the battle of Java, and was listed as a . Japanese blue spruce trees, maples, dogwood'-' 6-larged and operated ai a state one-half years. He has accepted a In the war by the 1-ailroadrTSlr.' dora KerbeH" House raad.'kitchen and old oaks besides -a large id ' project. call to the First Baptist church at prisoner—in-'Dece.mbe,r,-lMS,..:has Branch . was introduced by Theo- supervisor; Mrs. Harry' Melstrlch, p,: ty of shrubs and perennials,^ - The harbor commission's" report New Brunswick. William P. ter Horrt dore J. L&brecque, a personal friend. building supervisor; Mrs. Maurice Memorial Service for been "liberate" d and Is in Calcuttat , er gardens, wide'lawns and a wlnij." la printed, oh' page 12. • • Mr. Branch had Fred Zellmann, Stalberg, sunshine; Mrs. Morris Ing bluestone drive are other Of Rumson Buys Thru !jr>\ act as quizmaster and then Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Bernard Beider- S'Sgt. Le turesofthe grounds. " . ; Branch would answer the ques- mann, Amv£jind Navy services; ...The.stately residence of 14 rooms' Hershon Van Horn Agency tions. First, Mr. Branch, told the Mrs. Nelson, board of education; Sunday At 4 P. M. set.fir back from the road, m'; Lions that he and the railroad take Mrs. Abraham Zager, refreshments, built about'the time of the first'! Gerard, publicity; S/Sgt. Le Roy Smith, who was World War and was designed ,bfA Explains The the well-known architect, Ernest A. 1 owned this war. All organized troop move-' Mrs. Max Morris, program; -Mrs. Arnn/l, fnrm?rly nf 'Rut 'Ranlr " by Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Kotter- meats from Fort Monmouth were Martin Becker, .oookie - supply to has been presumed dead as of Aug- of lasting hollow tile and eon- • High Holy Days man according to the broker, the handled by Mr. Branch. Informa- local USO club; Mrs. Elite Levitov, Crete construction with' a glased' ust 16, the War Department has : "Ray VanHdfn agency, Tealtorsr of tion concerning them was'received collector _of old_JeweLr>_for Army notifiei d his wife, Mrs. Marie Steels tile root • •' 1 The Jewish New Year by Mr. Branch from the Chief of hospital and USO rehabnifaflon SitSmithh of ~103—Highland103Hihld— avenue, On the first floor are a large een- located on the Staff in the.Pentagon building at work; Mrs. Benjamin Ashin< cur- Highlands; He was the son of Roy. ter-hall with-powder_:room, and .. And Day of Atonement ., Washington, D. C. He would then rent events*t , andd women''s actlotl p L. Smith of 26 Monticello avenue, double winding staircase, large Ii^ South-Shrewsbury river, w'ith arrange for'all Pullman car reser- committee, and Mrs. Jack Qoldin, Newark, superintendeni t at Crucible ing room ' with > fireplace, dining frontage on the river, a bulk- •vatlons and baggage cars. Mrs. Kenneth Scher,.. Mrs. Harry Steel company's Harrison plant. room, oak paneled- billiard room ad d Century old ma- Mr. Branch advised all the inter* Melstrlch, Mrs. jBrnest H. Heyman, Memorial wltsfttreplace,' sun porch with fire- , ples,'.honey locusts'and hemlocks lines of the movements, times, Mrs. Gerard, Mrs. Zager, Mrs. Fis- ducted Sunday, September 9, at. 4 place, pantry and kitchen. - On th The Jewish New Tear' and Day with a heavy 'planting of shrubs number of troops and cars, number cher, Mre. Becker, Mrs- Adler, Mrs. p. m. in All -Saints Episcopal second floor are four master bed- of Atonement, which comprise the and hedges afford seclusion. of officers in charge and what Newman;'Mrs. Mocrls, Mrs. Madan- church, Navasink, .by the rector, rooms and four tiled baths and High Holy Days, occur this year the first floor of the house meals to prepare. He then map- sky, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Harold Mei- Rev. Charles P. Johnson; four servants' rooms and a bath. September 8 and 9 for Rosa Hash- . living room with fireplace, ped out entire route to destination, strich and Mrs. Bulkin, community The heating plant Is hot tfater, oil dining room; with fireplace, center MrB. Smith ..has received the in- and September IT for.Tom and this took some managing, be- activities. - completed, last let'er her husband iTilid All. services and observ- hall with Dutch doors, modern kit- cause of the four different times chen, . glass solarium . and open The group will hold a Slmcbafi was writing her when he was sum- A four-car garage with a five-: ance begin at Sunset the evening across the country. Torah party Sunday, September 30 moned, the night of the raid, to en- room apartment, which Is of the before. - : porch. The second floor has four bedrooms and two bathe. The On any cf the special troop move- to honor returned veterans'and to ter the Liberator on which he' was same style and construction as the * The prime significance of these ments, a passenger agent of^each observe VJ-day. Mrs. Kerber l» radio operator. The last lines read main house, Is on the grounds. The ', BBV. B. KUG-ENK SHBAKER house Is rock wool Insulated and Holy days is the occasion which af- Is heated with a modern, oil-fired railroad would travel with the chairman of. refreshments and dec- that he was being called away, but new owners will take possession! ford for spiritual regeneration.