Money and prices under uncertainty1 Tomoyuki Nakajima2 Herakles Polemarchakis3 Review of Economic Studies, 72, 223-246 (2005) 4 1We had very helpful conversations with Jayasri Dutta, Ronel Elul, John Geanakoplos, Demetre Tsomokos and Michael Woodford; the editor and referees made valuable comments and suggestions. The work of Polemarchakis would not have been possible without earlier joint work with Gaetano Bloise and Jacques Dr`eze. 2Department of Economics, Brown University; tomoyuki
[email protected] 3Department of Economics, Brown University; herakles
[email protected] 4Earlier versions appeared as \Money and prices under uncertainty," Working Paper No. 01- 32, Department of Economics, Brown University, September, 2001 and \Monetary equilibria with monopolistic competition and sticky prices," Working Paper No. 02-25, Department of Economics, Brown University, 2002 Abstract We study whether monetary economies display nominal indeterminacy: equivalently, whether monetary policy determines the path of prices under uncertainty. In a simple, stochastic, cash-in-advance economy, we find that indeterminacy arises and is characterized by the initial price level and a probability measure associated with state-contingent nom- inal bonds: equivalently, monetary policy determines an average, but not the distribution of inflation across realizations of uncertainty. The result does not derive from the stability of the deterministic steady state and is not affected essentially by price stickiness. Nom- inal indeterminacy may affect real allocations in cases we identify. Our characterization applies to stochastic monetary models in general, and it permits a unified treatment of the determinants of paths of inflation. Key words: monetary policy; uncertainty; indeterminacy; fiscal policy; price rigidities. JEL classification numbers: D50; D52; E31; E40; E50.