Transvaal Provincial Gazette Vol 199 No

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Transvaal Provincial Gazette Vol 199 No THE PRC DIE PROVINSIE TRANSVAAL ;SVAAL Etc orn." flitertgettont fft _ -4 _ _m E N - • extraorbinarp. rt\ jrcoAt .• ffiffi Ie Entrant. (Registered at the Past Office as a Newspaper) (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) 28 VOL. 199.] PRICE Sc. PRETORIA, DECEMBER1966. PRYS Sc. 28 DECEMBER [No. 3248. GENERAL NOTICE. ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING. • NOTICE No. 422 OF 1966. KENNISGEWING No. 422 VAN 1966. ROAD TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, 1966. ORDONNANSIE OP PADVERKEER, 1966. APPOINTMENT OF REGISTERING AUTHORITIES AANSTELLING VAN REGISTRASIE-OWERHEDE - AND ASSIGNMENT OF REGISTRATION MARKS. EN TOEWYSING VAN REGISTRASIEMERKE. • . • The Administrator hereby repeals Administrator's Notice Die Administrateur herroep Administrateurskennis - No. 723, dated 24th September, 1958, and in terms of sub- gewing No. 723, gedateer 24 September 1958 hierby en section (1) of section 2 and sub -section (1) of section 8 of stet kragtens subartikel (1) van artikel 2 en subartikel (1) the Road Traffic Ordinance, 1966 (Ordinance No. 21 of van artikel 8 van die Ordonnansie op Padverkeer, 1966 1966). appoints the local authorities or the Peri-Urban (Ordonnansie No. 21 van 1966), die plaaslike besture of Areas Health Board, as set out in the Schedule hereto, as die Gesondheidsraad vir Buitestedelike Gebiede, soos nit- registering authorities under the names mentioned therein eengesit in die bygaande Bylae, aan as registrasie-owerhede for the respective areas therein described and assigns as a onder die name daarin genoem vir die onderskeie kebiede registration mark to each registering authority the letters daarin beskrywe en wys aan elke registrasie-owerheid die mentioned opposite the name of each such registering letters genoem teenoor die naam van elke sodanige registra- authority. sie-owerheid toe, as 'n registrasiemerk. • SCHEDULE/BYLAE. Registering Authority ofIRegistrasie- owerkid ran ALBERTON Registration Mark'Registrasiemerk Tinc. • AREAIGEBIED. The area comprising the Municipality of MbettonIDie gebied bestaande nit die Munisipaliteit van Alberton. Registration Division'Registrasie-aldeling I.R. Registering Authority of Registrasie-nwerbeid van AMERSFOORT Registration Mark' RegIstrasiemerk TF. AREAIGEBIED The area bounded by and including the farms/Diegebied begrens dear en insluitende die plase• Rietfontein No. 66, Roodekopjes No. 67, Palmietspruit No. 68, Tweedepoort No. 54, Zonderhout No. 523, Hartebcestfontein No. 524, Kafferskraal No. 513, Goedgeluk No. 492, Kroonstad No. 494, Grabe's Rust No. 495, Zoo Als Hy Lykt No. 478, Piet Zyn Drift No. 476, Vaalkrans No. 475, Begin der Lyn No. 474, Vlakfontein No. 499, Vaalbankspruitdrift No. 334, Vyfhoek No. 335, Goede Hoop No. 328, Liefgekozen No. 336, Baltrasna No. 339, Balmoral No. 338, Glenfillan No. 362, Uitgezocht No. 363, Nooitgezien No. 375, Grootfontein No. 8, Waterval No. 7, Rietspruil No. 6, Wachteenbeetje No. 5, Misgund No. 47, Klcinfontein No. 3, Driefontein No. 2, Daggakraal No. 90, Zomershoek No. 50, Vlakpoort No. 89; Vlakplaats No. 87, Elandspoort No. 85 and/en Rietpoort No. 83. Registration Registrasie-afdellng Division' • Registering Authority ofI Registrask-owerheid ran AMSTERDAM Registration MarklRegistrasionerk TEA. AREA/GEBIED. The area bounded by and including the farms/Die gebied begrens deur en insluitende die plase: Koksdal No. 308, Geduld No. 306, Scheepersvly No. 303, Vlakplaats No. 284, Bankplaats No. 279, Shepstone No. 280, Sihanahana No. 391, Highfiats No. 252, Usutu Opstal No. 251, Usutu No. 250, Churchill No. 249, David Dale No. 255, Maryvale No. 248, Northdene No. 247, Diepdal No. 244, The Chine No. 259, Stafford No. 399, Nevston No. 401, Avoca No. 403, Inhlovudwalile No.421, Kranskop No. 422, Wolvenkop No. 427, Morgenstond No. 418, The Bends No. 417 and/en Bushmansspruit No. 307. Registration Division'Registrasle-afdeling I.T. Registering Authority ofIRegistrasie-owerbeid van BALFOUR Registration Mark'Registrasiemerk TAV. AREA/GEE/ED. The area bounded by and including the farms/Diegebied begrens en insInitende die plase: Koppiesfontein No. 476, Boschkop No. 482, Grootvlei No. 453, Vlakfontein No. 448, Malanskraal No. 407, Driefontein No.405, Wildebeestfontein No. 559, Rietfontein No. 504, Kuil- fontein No. 502, Vrisgewaag No. 501, Hartbeestfontein No. 329, Modderbult No. 511, Leeuwbank No. 512, Lanseria No. 514, Wildealskraal No. 518, Leeuwkraal No. 517, Van Kolderskop No. 550, Van Kolderskop No. 547, Brakfontein No. 513, Vlakfontein No. 556, Spring- fontein No. 549, Daspoort No. 564, Modderfontein No. 562, Rietvly No. 600, Leeuwspruit No. 601, Leeuwspruit No. 606, Rietfontein No. 639, Leeuwfontein No. 495, Zandfontein No. 500, Lecuwfontein No. 495, Draaifontein No. 489, Plot/Hoewe No. 483, Zandfontein No. 484, Plot/Haewe No. 485, Zandfontein No. 481, and/err Plots/Hoetves Nos. 479, 480. Registration Division. Registrasie-afdeling Registering Authority ofIRegistrasie-owerheid van BARBERTON Registration Mark.Registrasielnerk TAA. AREA/GEBIED. The area bounded by and including the fahnsMie gebied begrens deur en insluitende die plase: Theespruit No. 156, Hooggenoeg No. 731, Schoongezicht No. 713, Belvue No. 711, Morgenzon No. 699, Konigstein No. 625, Duplex No. 623, Wartburg No. 624, Doom- ' spruit No. 605. Arnoldsburg No. 545. My Owm No. 546, Waterfall No. 531, Bradley No. 530, Siebenbach No. 529, Beest-Niertjie No. 486, Koffiekultuur No. 488, Ridges No. 487. Waterfall No. 461, Plotsffloewes Nos. 88, 87, 86, 98, 101, 134, 140, Riverside No. 245, Inset No. 1, Plot/Hoewe No. 284, Koedoes Kraal No. 276, Mountain View Farm No. 250, Esperado Annex No. 222, Esperado No. 253, Brusnengo No. 220, Dolton No. 213, Kaapmuiden No. 212; thence along the Crocodile River to the farmIdaarvandaan al tangs die Krokodilrivier tot by die pleas Lebombo No. 186: thence in a southern direction along the Transvaal/Mozambique border and further along the Transvaal/ Swaziland border to the farm Idaarna in 'n snidelike riving al tangs die TmnsvaallMosarnbiek-grens en verder fangs die Transvaal' Swaziland- grens tot by die plans Nooitgezien No. 3, the area bounded by and including the fannsldie gebied begrens deur en insluitende die plase Nooit- gezien No. 3, Soodorst No. 2, Overberg No. 1, Hooggenoeg No. 160, Rozentuin No. 159, Laaggenoeg No. 158, and/en Doornhock No. 157. Registration 'Division' Registrasie-afdeling J.U. Registering Authority ofIRegistrasie-owerheid van' BEDFORDVIEW Registration Mark/Registrasiemerk TBV. AREAIGEBIED. The area comprising the Municipality of BedfordviewlDie gebied bestaande nit die Munisipaliteit van Bedfordvieiv. Registration Division'Registrasie-afdding I.R. A-0441370 . • 2 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 28 DECEMBER 1966 Registering Authority of IRegistrasie-owerheid van BELFAST Registration MarklRegistrasiemerk TCB. AREA/GEBIED. The area hounded by and including the farms/Die gebied begrens deur en insluitende die plase: Leeuwfontein No. 431, Wildfontein No. 420, Paardekraal No. 422, Generaalsdradi No. 423, Witklip No. 391, Tweeloopfontein No. 392, Schilverlaagte No. 382, Onverwacht No. 379, Uitvlugt No. 380, Spitskop No. 383, De Suikerboschkop No. 361, Kwaggaskop No. 359, Uitval No. 359, Doornkop No. 356, Witbooi No. 225, Ontevreden No. 358, Zwartkoppies No. 316, Middelpunt No. 320; Elandskloof No. 321, Doornhoek No. 324, Doornhoek No. 138, Vlakfontein No. 325, Vlakfontein No. 323, Elandsfontein No. 322, GroenvIci No. 353, Hartbeestspruit No. 361, Berg-en-dal No. 378, Waaikraal No. 385, Dalmanutha No. 376, Driekop No. 387, Leeuwk!oof No. 403, Geluk No. 405, Eerstelingsfontein No. 406, Blesbok- spruit No. 455, Kaalplaats No. 453 and/en Wonderfontein No.428. Registration Division'Registrasie-afdeling IT. and/en .S. Registering Authority of/Registrasie-owerheid van BENONI Registration Mark/Registrasiemerk TA. AREA/GEBIED. The area comprising the Municipality of Benoni and the farms/Die gehied bestaande nit die Munisipaliteit van Benoni en die plase: Vlakfontein No. 30, Vlakfontein No. 29, Zesfontein No. 27, Varkfontem No. 25, Knoppiesfontein No. 23, Putfontein No. 26, Klipfontein No. 70, Modderfontein No. 76, Kleinfontein No. 67, and/en Rietpan No. 66. Registration Division/Registrasie-afdefing 1.R. Registering Authority ofaegistrasie-owerheid van BETHAL Registration Mark/Registrasietnerk TAB. AREA/GEBIED. The area bounded by and including the farms/Die gebied begrens dew- en insluitende die plase: Zwartfontein No. 312, Driehock No. 295, Frischgewaagd No. 294, Elandsfontein No. 147, Palmietfontein No. 110, Vaalkop No. 104, Witrand No. 103, Alexander No. 102, Rietfontein No. 101, Rietfontein No. 100, Kruisementfontein No. 95, 13alceniaagte No. 84, Driefontein No. 69, Nooitgedacht No. 59, Frisch- gewaagd No. 60, Blesbokfontein No. 38, Hartbeestfontein No. 39, Middeldrift No.42, Rietfontein No. 43, Welstand No. 55, Vlaklaagte No. 45, Janpieta No. 51, Schoon-vlei No. 52, Middelkraal No. 50, Halfgewonnen No. 190, Geluk No. 226, Bankpan No. 225, Vlaklaagte No. 223, Rietkuil No. 224, Kuilfontein No. 234, Vaalbank No. 233, Banklaaate No. 254. Rietpan No. 263, Geluksplaats No. 264, Bekkersrust No. 423, Klipfontein No. 422, Sukkelaar No. 421, Schaapkraal No. 304, Palmietfontein No. 307, Vlakspruit No. 308, and/en Topfontein No. 309. Registration Division'Registrasie-afdeling LS. Registering Authority of/Eegistrasie-owerheid van BLOEMHOF Registration Mark'Registrasiemerk TL. • AREA/GEBIED. The area bounded by and including the farms/Die gebied begrens deur en insfaiiende die plow Kareepan No. 300, Matlabane Stad No. 299, Zendelingsfontein No, 294, Graspan No. 272, KafTerpan
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