

Part A Fundamental Nuclear Research

Encyclopedia of and its Applications, First Edition. Edited by Reinhard Stock. © 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2013 by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.



Jan Jolie

1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 General Nuclear Properties 6 1.2.1 Properties of Stable Nuclei 6 1.2.2 Properties of Radioactive Nuclei 7 1.3 Nuclear Binding Energies and the Semiempirical Mass Formula 8 1.3.1 Nuclear Binding Energies 8 1.3.2 The Semiempirical Mass Formula 10 1.4 Nuclear Charge and Mass Distributions 12 1.4.1 General Comments 12 1.4.2 Nuclear Charge Distributions from Electron Scattering 13 1.4.3 Nuclear Charge Distributions from Atomic Transitions 14 1.4.4 Nuclear Mass Distributions 15 1.5 Electromagnetic Transitions and Static Moments 16 1.5.1 General Comments 16 1.5.2 Electromagnetic Transitions and Selection Rules 17 1.5.3 Static Moments 19 Magnetic Dipole Moments 19 Electric Quadrupole Moments 21 1.6 Excited States and Level Structures 22 1.6.1 The First Excited State in Even–Even Nuclei 22 1.6.2 Regions of Different Level Structures 23 1.6.3 Shell Structures 23 1.6.4 Collective Structures 25 Vibrational Levels 25 Rotational Levels 26 1.6.5 Odd-A Nuclei 28 Single-Particle Levels 28 Vibrational Levels 28

Encyclopedia of Nuclear Physics and its Applications, First Edition. Edited by Reinhard Stock. © 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2013 by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 4 1 Nuclear Structure Rotational Levels 28 1.6.6 Odd–Odd Nuclei 28 1.7 Nuclear Models 29 1.7.1 Introduction 29 1.7.2 The Spherical-Shell Model 30 1.7.3 The Deformed Shell Model 32 1.7.4 Collective Models of Even–Even Nuclei 33 1.7.5 Models 35 Glossary 40 References 41 Further Readings 42 5

1.1 different . With the availability of Introduction α-sources, due to the works of the Curies in Paris, Rutherford [5] was able to perform The study of nuclear structure today the first nuclear reactions on nitrogen. encompasses a vast territory from the study The first attempt at understanding the of simple, few-particle systems to systems relative stability of nuclear systems was with close to 300 particles, from stable made by Harkins and Majorsky [6]. This nuclei to the short-lived exotic nuclei, from model, like many others of the time, ground-state properties to excitations of consisted of and electrons. In such energy that the nucleus disintegrates 1924, Wolfgang Pauli [7] suggested that into substructures and individual con- the optical hyperfine structure might be stituents, from the strong force that hold explained if the nucleus had a magnetic the together to the effec- dipole moment, while later Giulio Racah tive interactions that describe the collective [8] investigated the effect on the hyperfine behavior observed in many heavy nuclei. structure if the nuclear charge were not After the discovery of different kinds of spherically symmetric – that is, if it had an radioactive decays, the discovery of the electric quadrupole moment. structure of the atomic nucleus begins All of these structure suggestions with the fundamental paper by Ernest occurred before [9] discov- Rutherford [1], in which he explained ered the , which not only explained the large-angle alpha (α)-particle scattering certain difficulties of previous models (e.g., from gold that had been discovered earlier the problems of the confinement of the by Hans W. Geiger and Ernest Marsden. electron or the spins of light nuclei), but Indeed, Rutherford shows that the atom opened the way to a very rapid expan- holds in its center a very tiny, positively sion of our knowledge of the structure of charged nucleus that contains 99.98% the nucleus. Shortly after the discovery of of the atomic mass. In 1914, Henry the neutron, Heisenberg [10] proposed that Moseley [2, 3] showed that the nuclear the and neutron are two states of the charge number Z equaled the atomic classified by a new quantum number. Using the first mass separators, number, the isospin. It may be difficult Soddy[4]wasabletoshowthatone to believe today, 60 years after Chadwick’s chemical element could contain atomic discovery, just how rapidly our knowledge nuclei with different masses, forming of the nucleus increased in the mid-1930s.

Encyclopedia of Nuclear Physics and its Applications, First Edition. Edited by Reinhard Stock. © 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Published 2013 by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 6 1 Nuclear Structure

Hans A. Bethe’s review articles [11, 12], one mass of a nucleus and the fundamental of the earliest and certainly the best known, mass unit. This mass unit, the unified discuss many of the areas that not only atomic mass unit, has the value 1 u = − form the basis of our current knowledge 1.660538921(73) ×10 27 kg = 931.494061 − but that are still being investigated, albeit (21) MeV c 2. It has been picked so that 12 with much more sophisticated methods. the atomic mass of a C6 atom is exactly A The organization here will begin with equal to 12 u. The notation here is XN, general nuclear properties, such as size, where X is the chemical symbol for the charge, and mass for the stable nuclei, given element, which fixes the number of as well as half-lives and decay modes electrons and hence the number of protons (α, β, γ, and fission) for unstable systems. Z. This commonly used notation contains Binding energies and the mass defect some redundancy because A = Z + N lead to a discussion of the stability of but avoids the need for one to look up systems and the possibility of nuclear the Z-value for each chemical element. fusion and fission. Then follow details From this last expression, one can see of the charge and current distributions, that there may be several combinations which, in turn, lead to an understanding of of Z and N to yield the same A.These static electromagnetic moments (magnetic are called isobars.Anexample 196 196 dipole and octupole, electric quadrupole, might be the pair Pt118 and Au117. etc.) and transitions. Next follows the Furthermore, an examination of a table of discussion of single-particle and collective nuclides shows many examples of nuclei levels for the three classes of nuclei: with the same Z-value but different A- even–even, odd-A, and odd–odd (i.e., and N-values. Such nuclei are said to odd Z and odd N). With these mainly be isotopes of the element. For example, 16 experimental details in hand, a discussion oxygen (O) has three stable isotopes: O8, 17 18 of various major nuclear models follows. O9,and O10. A group of nuclei that These discussions attempt, in their own have the same number of , N,but way, to categorize and explain the mass of different numbers of protons, Z (and, of experimental data. course, A), are called .Anexample 38 39 40 might be Ar20, K20,and Ca20.Some elements have but one stable (e.g., 9 19 197 1.2 Be5, F10,and Au118), others, two, General Nuclear Properties three, or more. Tin (Z = 50) has the most at 10. Finally, the element technetium has 1.2.1 no stable isotope at all. A final definition Properties of Stable Nuclei of use for light nuclei is a mirror pair, which is a pair of nuclei with N and Z The discovery of the neutron allowed each interchanged. An example of such a pair 23 23 nucleus to be assigned a number, A,the would be Na12 and Mg11. , which is the sum of the The nuclear masses of stable isotopes number of protons (Z) and neutrons (N) are determined with a mass spectrometer, in the particular nucleus. The atomic and we shall return to this fundamental number of chemistry is identical to the property when we discuss the nuclear proton number Z. The mass number A is binding energy and the mass defect in the integer closest to the ratio between the Section 1.3. After mass, the next property 1.2 General Nuclear Properties 7 of interest is the size of a nucleus. The spectrograph and listed in various tables of simplest assumption here is that the mass the nuclides. and charge form a uniform sphere whose size is determined by the radius. While 1.2.2 not all nuclei are spherical or of uniform Properties of Radioactive Nuclei density, the assumption of a uniform mass/charge density and spherical shape A nucleus that is unstable, that is, it can is an adequate starting assumption (more decay to a different or daughter nucleus, complicated charge distributions are is characterized not only by its mass, size, discussed in Section 1.4 and beyond). The spin, and parity but also by its lifetime τ nuclear radius and, therefore, the nuclear and decay mode or modes. (In fact, each volume or size is usually determined by level of a nucleus is characterized by its electron-scattering experiments; the radius spin, parity, lifetime, and decay modes.) is given by the relation The law of is simply

− − 1/3 = λt = t/τ R = r0A (1.1) N(t) N(0)e N(0)e (1.2)

= which, with r0 1.25 fm, gives an adequate where N(0) is the number of nuclei initially fit over the entire range of nuclei near present, λ is the decay constant, and its stability. An expression such as Eq. (1.1) reciprocal τ is the lifetime. Instead of the implies that nuclei have a density indepen- lifetime, often the half-life T1/2 is used. dent of A, that is, they are incompressible. It is the time in which half of the nuclei = A somewhat better fit to the nuclear decay. By setting N(T1/2) N(0)/2 in Eq. sizes can be obtained from the Coulomb (1.2), one obtains the relation energy difference of , which covers but a fifth of the total range of T1/2 = ln(2)τ = 0.693τ (1.3) = A.Thisyieldsr0 1.22 fm. Even if the charge and/or mass distribution is neither The decay mode of ground states can be spherical nor uniform, one can still define α, β, or spontaneous fission. Excited states an equivalent radius as a size parameter. mostly decay by γ-emission. More exotic Two important properties of a are decays are observed in unstable nuclei far the spin J and the parity π, often expressed from stability where nuclei decay takes jointly as Jπ , of its ground state. These are place by emission of a proton or neutron. usually listed in a table of isotopes and give In α-decay, the parent nucleus emits α 4 important information about the structure an -particle (a nucleus of He2), leaving of the nuclide of interest. An examination the daughter with two fewer neutrons and of such a table will show that the ground protons: state and parity of all even–even nuclei + A → A−4 + 4 is 0 . The spin and parity assignments XN YN−2 He2 (1.4) of the odd-A and odd–odd nuclei tell a great deal about the nature of the principal The α-particle has zero spin, but it can parts of their ground-state wave functions. carry off angular momentum. In β-decay A final property of a given element is the the weak interaction converts neutrons relative abundance of its stable isotopes. into protons (β−-decay) or protons into These are determined again with a mass neutrons (β+-decay). Which of the two 8 1 Nuclear Structure

decays takes place depends strongly on In spontaneous fission, a very heavy the masses of the initial and final nuclei. nucleus simply breaks into two heavy Because a neutron is heavier than a pieces. For a given nuclide, the decay mode proton, the free neutron is unstable against is not necessarily unique. If more than β−-decay and has a lifetime of 878.5(10) s. one mode occurs, then the branching ratio The mass excess in β−-decay is released is also a characteristic of the radioactive as kinetic energy of the final particles. nucleus in question. In the case of the free neutron, the final An interesting example of a multi- 242 particles are a proton, an electron, and an mode radioactive nucleus is Am147.Its π = − = antineutrino, denoted by ν. All of these ground state (J 1 , T1/2 16.01 h) can particles have spin 1/2 and can also carry decay either by (17.3% 242 β− off angular momentum. In the case of of the time) to Pu148 or by decay β+ 242 -decay, the final particles are a bound (82.7% of the time) to Cm146.On proton, an antielectron or positron, and the other hand, a low-lying excited state π = − = a neutrino. Finally, as an alternative to at 0.04863 MeV (J 5 , T1/2 152 years) β+-decay the initial nucleus can capture can decay either by emitting a γ-ray (99.52% an inner electron. In this so-called electron of the time) and going to the ground state capture decay, only a neutrino, ν, is emitted or by emitting an α-particle (0.48% of the 238 by the final nucleus. In general, the decays time) and going to Np145. There is an canbewrittenas excited state at 2.3 MeV with a half-life of 14.0 ms that undergoes spontaneous fission [14]. The overall measured half- β− A → A + −+ -decay : XN YN−1 e ν (1.5a) 242 life of Am147 is then determined by that of the 0.04863 MeV state. Such long- β+ A → A + ++ -decay : XN YN+1 e ν lived excited states are known as isomeric (1.5b) states. From this information on branch- ing ratios, one easily finds the several 242 + − partial decay constants for Am .For β -decay (ec) : AX + e →AY + ν 147 N N−1 = × −6 −1 the ground state, λec 2.080 10 s (1.5c) = × −6 −1 and λβ− 9.944 10 s , while for the One very rare mode of decay is double = × excited state at 0.04863 MeV, λγ 1.439 β-decay, in which a nucleus is unable to −10 −1 = × −13 −1 10 s and λα 6.639 10 s and β-decay to a Z + 1 daughter for energy = for the excited state at 2.3 MeV, λSF reasons but can emit two electrons and 49.5 s−1. make a transition to a Z + 2 daughter. An 82 → 82 example is Se48 Kr46 with a half-life ± × 20 β of (1.7 0.3) 10 years. Double -decay 1.3 is observed under the emission of two Nuclear Binding Energies and the neutrinos. Neutrinoless double β-decay is Semiempirical Mass Formula intensively searched for in 76Ge because it is forbidden for massless neutrinos with 1.3.1 definite helicities. Enriched Ge is hence Nuclear Binding Energies used as it allows the use of a large single crystal as source and detector (for a review One of the more important properties of see [13]). any compound system, whether molecular, 1.3 Nuclear Binding Energies and the Semiempirical Mass Formula 9 atomic, or nuclear, is the amount of energy until the bottom or most stable nucleus needed to pull it apart, or, alternatively, the is reached. For the even-A nuclei, there energy released in assembling it from it are two parabolas, with the odd–odd one constituent parts. In the case of nuclei, lying above the even–even parabola. The these are protons and neutrons. The fact that the odd–odd parabola is above A binding energy of a nucleus XN can be the even–even one indicates that a pair- defined as ing force exists that tends to increase the binding energy of the even–even nuclei. B(A, Z) = ZMH + NMn − MX(Z, A) (1.6) See Figure 1.1 for the A = 100 mass chain. Other indications of the importance of this + where MH is the mass of a hydrogen pairing force are the before-mentioned 0 atom, Mn the mass of a neutron, and ground states of all even–even nuclei and MX(Z,A) the mass of a neutral atom of thefactthatonlyfourstableodd–odd 2 6 10 14 isotope A. Because the binding energy of nuclei exist: H1, Li3, B5,and N7. atomic electrons is very much less than For even-A nuclei, the β-unstable nuclei nuclear binding energies, they have been zig-zag between the odd–odd parabola neglected in Eq. (1.6). The usual units are and the even–even parabola until arriv- atomic mass units, u. Another quantity that ing at the most β-, usually contains essentially the same information an even–even one. If the masses for each as the binding energy is the mass excess or A are assembled into a three-dimensional the mass defect, = M(A) − A. (Another plot (with N running along one long axis, useful quantity is the packing fraction Z along a perpendicular axis, and M(A,Z) P = [M(A) − A]/A = /A.) The most inter- mutually perpendicular to these two), one esting experimental quantity B(A,Z)/A finds a ‘‘landscape’’ with a deep valley run- is the binding energy per nucleon, ning from one end to the other. This valley which varies from somewhat more than is known as the . 1 MeV nucleon−1 (1.112 MeV nucleon−1) The immediate consequence of the 2 56 for deuterium ( H1) to a peak near Fe30 of behavior of B(A,Z)/A is that a very large 8.790 MeV nucleon−1 and then falls slowly amount of energy per nucleon is to be 235 −1 until, at U143, it is 7.591 MeV nucleon . gained from combining two neutrons and Except for the very light nuclei, this two protons to form a helium nucleus. quantity is roughly (within about 10%) This process is called fusion. The release of 8 MeV nucleon−1. A strongly bound light energy in the fission process follows from α 4 nucleusisthe -particle, as for He2 the the fact that B(A,Z)/A for uranium is less binding energy is 7.074 MeV nucleon−1.It thanfornucleiwithmoreorlesshalfthe is instructive to plot, for a given mass number of protons. Finally, the fact that the number, the packing fraction as a func- binding energy per nucleon peaks near iron tion of Z. These plots are quite accurately is important to the understanding of those parabolas with the most β-stable nuclide stellar explosions known as supernovae.In at the bottom. The β− emitters will occur Figure 1.2, the packing fraction, P = /A, on one side of the parabola (the left or is plotted against A for the most stable lower two side) and the β+ emitters on the nuclei for a given mass number. Note other side. For odd-A nuclei, there is but that P has a broad minimum near iron one parabola, the β-unstable nuclei pro- (A = 56) and rises slowly until lawrencium ceeding down each side of the parabola (A = 260). This shows most clearly the 10 1 Nuclear Structure


39Y61 −0.7 A = 100

48Cd52 −0.75

40Zr60 ) MeV A

/ 47Ag53 Δ

−0.8 41Nb59 Odd Z Even Z 43Tc57 45Rh55 −0.85 46Pd64

Packing fraction ( 42Mo58

− 0.9 44Ru56

−0.95 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Z Figure 1.1 The packing fraction /A plotted against the nuclear charge Z for nuclei with mass number A = 100. Note that the odd–odd nuclei lie above the even–even − + ones. The β transitions are indicated by - • -, the β β 100 →100 transitions by ---, while the double -decay 42 Mo58 44 ••• β Ru56 is denoted by . Data from [14]. The double -decay from [15].

energy gain from the fission of very heavy is surrounded by the same number of elements. neighbors. Clearly, this is not true for surface , and so a surface term 1.3.2 proportional to A2/3 must be subtracted The Semiempirical Mass Formula from the volume term. (One might iden- tify this with the surface tension found in a The semiempirical mass formula may be liquid drop.) Next, the repulsive Coulomb looked upon as simply the expansion of forces between protons must be included. B(A,Z) in terms of the mass number. As this force is between pairs of protons, Because B(A,Z)/A is nearly constant, the this term will be of the form Z{Z − l)/2, the most important term in this expansion number of pairs of Z protons, divided by a must be the term in A. From Eq. (1.1) characteristic nuclear length or A1/3.Two relating the nuclear radius to A1/3,wesee other terms are necessary in this simple that a term proportional to A is a volume model. One term takes into account that, term. However, this term overbinds the sys- in general, Z ∼ A/2, clearly true for stable tem because it assumes that each nucleon light nuclei, and less so for heavier stable 1.3 Nuclear Binding Energies and the Semiempirical Mass Formula 11


4 ) MeV A / Δ

2 Packing fraction (


−2 0 50 100 150 200 250 Mass number (A) Figure 1.2 The packing fraction /A plotted against the 2 260 mass number A for all nuclei from 1D1 to 103Lr157.Data from [14]. nuclei where more neutrons are needed Originally, the constants were fixed to overcome the mutual repulsion of the by the measured binding energies and protons. This term is generally taken to adjusted to give appropriate behavior with − 2 be of the form asym (N Z) /A. The other the mass number [16]. Myers and Swiatecki term takes into account the fact, noted in [17] (see also [18]) have included other Section 1.3.1, that even–even nuclei are terms to account for regions of nuclear more tightly bound than odd–odd nuclei deformation, as well as an exponential − − 1/3 because all of the nucleons of the former term of the form aaAexp( γ A ), for are paired off. This is done by adding a which they provide no physical explanation term δ/2 that is positive for even–even beyond the fact that it reduces the systems and negative for odd–odd sys- deviation from experiment. Their model tems and zero for odd-A nuclei. Thus, the evolved into the macroscopic-microscopic two parabolas for even A are separated global mass formula, called the finite- by δ. From Eq. (1.6), the semiempiri- range droplet model (see [19]) and the cal Bethe–Weisacker¨ mass formula then DZ-model proposed by Duflo and Zuker = + − becomes M(A,Z) ZMH NMn B(A,Z) [20], and more microscopic models, called with HFB [21]. The many adjustable parameters of the available mass formulas are then = − 2/3 − − −1/3 B(A, Z) avA asA acZ(Z 1)A fitted to masses of 1760 atomic nuclei − δ [22]. The formulas fit binding energies − a (N − Z)2A 1 + (1.7) sym 2 quite well with errors below 1%, but still 12 1 Nuclear Structure

have problems to predict masses far from have the advantage that their scattering is stability. As those are important for nuclear purely Coulombic; however, to determine astrophysics, the measurement of masses details of the internal nuclear structure, of exotic nuclei is an important field today. electron energies must be well over A number of consequences flow from 100 MeV for their de Broglie wavelengths even a superficial examination of Eq. (1.7). to be less than nuclear dimensions. The fact that the binding energy per Well before the existence of such high- nucleon, B/A, is essentially constant with A energy electron beams, nuclear structure implies that the nuclear density is constant effects were extracted from information and, thus, the saturates. provided by optical hyperfine spectra. In That is, nucleons interact only with a particular, nuclear charge distributions small number of their neighbors. This (electric quadrupole moments) and current is a consequence of the very short range distributions (magnetic dipole moments) of the strong force. If this were not so, were deduced from very accurate optical then each nucleon would interact with all measurements (see the following section). others in the given nucleus (just as the A result involving the innermost electrons protons interact with all other protons), of heavy atoms is the isotope shift, which can and the leading term in B(A,Z)wouldbe be observed in atomic X-rays. This arises proportional to the number of pairs of because the nuclear radii for two different nucleons, which is A(A − l)/2 or roughly isotopes of the same atom will produce A2.ThiswouldimplythatB/A would go slightly different binding energies of their as A. Thus, not only does the nuclear force K-shell electrons. Thus, the K X-rays of saturate (the Coulomb force does not) but these isotopes will be very slightly different it is also of very short range (that of the in energy. As an example, the isotopic pair 203 205 Coulomb force is infinite) as the sizes of T1122 and T1124 have an isotope shift nuclei are of the order of 3.0 fm (recall of about 0.05 eV. Another early method to Eq. (1.1)). determine the charge radius is to take the difference between the binding energies of two mirror nuclei (cf. Section 1.2.1). This 1.4 leads to an expression that only involves Nuclear Charge and Mass Distributions ac and, thus, the nuclear radius. This is useful for light nuclei for which mirror 1.4.1 pairs occur. General Comments With the advent of copious beams of negative muons, much more accurate In his 1911 paper, Rutherford was able to optical-type hyperfine spectrum studies conclude that the positive charge of the could be made. The process is quite simple, atom was concentrated within a sphere of and the advantages obvious. By stopping − radius <10 14 m (10 fm). This result came negative muons in a target, an exotic atom from α-particle scattering. However, for is formed in which the muon replaces energetic enough α-particles, the scattering an orbital electron and transitions to the result will contain a component due to muonic K-shell follow. These transitions of α nuclear interactions of the -particle, as the muon to the ls1/2 state emit photons of well as the Coulomb interaction. For the appropriate (but high) energies. (As the probing the structure of nuclei, electrons muon is more than 200 times as massive as 1.4 Nuclear Charge and Mass Distributions 13 the electron, the radii of the muon orbits are integration of the Fourier integral follows reduced by that amount, so that electron- at once, so that shielding problems are much reduced.) 4π The energies of the photons are such that F(q) = ρ (r) sin(qr)rdr (1.9) q ch the 2pl/2 –23/2 splitting is easily measured (in 116Sn , it is 45.666 keV). Thus, both 66 If the target nucleus has zero spin nuclear charge radii and isotope shifts (applicable to all even–even nuclei), then are quite accurately determined. In some recent experiments, root mean square the differential cross sections for a point (RMS) charge radii have been measured target and a finite-sized target are related with a precision of 2 × 10−18 m. As electron by scattering and muonic atoms are the two dσ dσ methods of measuring characteristics of = F(q)2 (1.10) d d the nuclear charge radius most susceptible Ruth. of the greatest accuracy, they will be With the charge form factor deter- discussed in turn. mined experimentally, the inverse trans- form yields the radial charge density 1.4.2 Nuclear Charge Distributions from Electron 1 Scattering ρ (r) = F(q) sin(qr)qdq ch 2π 2r (1.11) In any scattering experiment, what is measured is the differential cross section (dσ /d ). Rutherford developed an expres- If the target nucleus is not of spin sion for α-particle scattering that can be zero, then an additional term containing used for low-energy, spinless particles inci- the so-called transverse form factor, FT(q), dent on a spinless target. Both incident and is needed. (The form factor defined target particles are assumed to be point in Eq. (1.9) is sometimes called the particles. The differential cross section for longitudinal form factor.) In any event, the scattering relativistic electrons off point- charge distribution must be normalized to charged particles leads to the expression for thenumberofprotons(Z) in the target Mott scattering, while, if the target particle nucleus. has nonzero spin (there is then a mag- At this point, there are two ways to netic contribution), one obtains the Dirac proceed. The first is a model-independent scattering formula for (dσ /d ). However, analysis of the form factor, or, second, real nuclei are not point particles, so one one can assume a model with several needs to make use of the charge form factor parameters and fit these to the data. −→ −→ F( q )with q the transferred momentum. Limiting oneself to small momentum −→ The form factor F( q ) is then the Fourier transfers, one can obtain the form factor as −→ a power series in q2 by expanding sin(qr)in transform of the charge density ρch( r ): Eq. (1.9) in a power series of its argument. −→ −→ −→ −→ • 2 F( q ) = ρ ( r )ei q r dτ (1.8) Keeping only the lowest term of order q , ch one obtains If one restricts the problem to spheri- 1 F(q) = Z 1 − q2 r2 (1.12) cally symmetric distributions, the angular 6 14 1 Nuclear Structure

with functions in addition to the two-parameter Fermi functions. 2 = 2 2 r r ρch(r)4πr dr (1.13) 1.4.3 the RMS radius of the charge distribution. Nuclear Charge Distributions from Atomic It should be noted that this is not the Transitions nuclear radius R, which is usually taken as the radius of the constant-density sphere. During the last decades, tremendous This yields progress was obtained in the study of atomic transitions using high-precision 3 r2 = R2 (1.14) laser spectroscopy. This allows the 5 measurement of nuclear charge radii and Data compilations [23] show that for also of nuclear moments for stable and most stable nuclei, even unstable isotopes. This is because 1 the difference between a point nucleus R ≈ 1.25A /3 (1.15) and a finite-size nucleus causes a very As was stated in Section 1.2.1, a better small change in the Coulomb potential way to describe the charge distribution is the atomic electrons feel. A small energy to use a Fermi distribution which takes difference on the atomic levels results account of the constant charge density, when we assume that the nucleus is a sphere with constant charge density. For ρ0, at the center of the nucleus and the gradual decrease near the surface. This is 1s electrons one obtains achieved by 2 Z4e2 R2 E = (1.18) 1s 5 4πε 3 = 1 0 a0 ρ (r) ρ − (1.16) ch 0 r R1/2 1 + e a with a0 the Bohr radius. Because no point nucleus exists and the theoretical calcula- with R1/2 the radius at half density and a the diffuseness parameter indicating tions are not accurate enough to calculate the distance at which the density falls the small shift exactly, one generally from 90 to 10% of the constant density measures isotope shifts as the frequency difference of atomic transitions measured ρ0. For heavy nuclei, the following parameterization holds: in two isotopes of a given element. This then yield the differences in the nuclear Ze −3 radius. Starting from known radii of stable ρ = 0.17 fm 0 A isotopes, it is then possible to determine a = 2.4fm the radii of unstable nuclei on which one = 1/3 − −1/3 cannot perform electron scattering. It is R1/2 1.128A 0.89A fm (1.17) also possible to measure isotope shifts There are enough experimental electron- using optical transitions. Because these scattering data available throughout all are caused by the outermost electrons, the regions of the stable nuclei that quite shifts are very small in the order of parts per accurate charge parameters exist for almost million. As indicated above, they are still all of the systems. The compendium by within reach of modern laser techniques. de Vries et al. [23] lists these parameters The small shift for 1s binding energies fitted to the data for several distribution is related to the large difference between 1.4 Nuclear Charge and Mass Distributions 15 the Bohr radius and the nuclear radius. Experiments to fit a, c, and, in deformed

On replacing one electron by a muon, regions, βn have been made throughout the themuonicorbitsshrinkbyafactorof periodic table with results consistent with 207, the mass difference between the the electron data. However, to combine the heavy muon and the light electron. At results of electron-scattering experiments the same time, the muon binding energy with those from muonic atoms, it is is increased by a similar factor, making necessary to use the so-called Barrett the transition energies in the mega elec- moment tron volt region. The energies are so high 238   ∞ (in U , the measured 2p–1s transition − 4π − + 146 rke αr = ρ(r)e αrrk 2dr is about 6.1 MeV) that one must generate Z 0 Dirac solutions for the muon moving in (1.21) a Coulomb potential generated by a non- where k and α are fitted to the experimental point-charge distribution. To these initial data. The muonic data are equivalent to Dirac solutions, one must add corrections, data from electron-scattering experiments which, in order of size, are vacuum polar- at low momentum transfer. The inclusion ization, nuclear polarization, the Lamb of the muonic Barrett moment improves shift, and relativistic recoil. Electronscreen- the overall fit by reducing normalization ing corrections are often included, but they errors. This then reduces the uncertainties are very tiny (for the ls muonic state in over what would be obtained by fitting 238 U146, this correction has the value of either the electron-scattering or the muonic 11 eV). atom data alone. Extensive tables of data As many nuclei are not spherical, several fitted by various charge distribution models studies have used as the appropriate as well as model independent analyzes can charge distribution a slightly modified be found in de Vries et al. [23]. form of Eq. (1.16), which includes the deformations

⎧ ⎛   ⎞⎫−  1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎜ r − R 1 + β Y (θ, φ) ⎟⎪ ⎨ ⎜ 1/2 n n0 ⎟⎬ = + ⎜ n=1 ⎟ ρch(r) ρ0⎪1 exp ⎜ ⎟⎪ (1.19) ⎪ ⎝ a ⎠⎪ ⎩⎪ ⎭⎪

Here the βn are deformation parameters 1.4.4 that determine the nuclear shape. As an Nuclear Mass Distributions example, the nuclear mean square radius may be expressed as While the measurement of the charge distribution can be made using electro- r2 magnetic probes, this is not possible deformed for the mass distribution because of the 5   ≈ r2 1 + β2 + β2 +··· (1.20) uncharged neutron. Instead, the nuclear sph 4π 2 4 strong force has to be used. This is more 16 1 Nuclear Structure

complicated as mostly both Coulomb force nuclei is still in its infancy and more exotic and strong force are present. Nevertheless, features such as proton halos or neutron from α-scattering experiments, informa- skins are expected. They are of importance tion of the mass distribution is obtained. as they may influence the creation of the There are also indirect ways in which one elements under astrophysical conditions. can get information on nuclear mass radii. One example is the dependence of α-decay rate on the nuclear radius that defines the 1.5 Coulomb barrier. In deformed nuclei, this Electromagnetic Transitions and Static causes an anisotropy because the Coulomb Moments barrier is lower in the direction of the longest axis, making the tunnel probability 1.5.1 enhanced. A second way is to use pions General Comments instead of muons. These interact with the nucleus through both the Coulomb force Static electromagnetic nuclear moments and strong force, which, in comparison played an important role in the unscram- to muonic atoms, causes an extra shift bling of the detailed measurements of that allows the determination of the mass atomic optical hyperfine structure well radius. The result of these experiments before the gross components of atomic on stable nuclei finds that the charge and nuclei were in hand. Almost a decade mass radii are equal to within about 0.1 fm. before the discovery of the neutron, Pauli This somewhat surprising result can be [7] suggested that the optical hyperfine understood as a balance between the proton splitting might be due, in part, to the inter- Coulomb repulsion that tends to push the action with a nuclear magnetic moment protons to the outside and a strongly attrac- (μ). This suggestion lay fallow until 1930, tive neutron–proton strong force that tends when Goudsmit and Young, using the to pull the extra neutrons to the inward. spectroscopic data of Schiller and of Recently, the common opinion that the Granath, deduced the nuclear magnetic 7 = radii scale with A1/3 was found to be heavily moment of Li to be μ 3.29μN, where violated in more exotic nuclei. the nuclear magneton equals Especially in light nuclei with a large ¯ neutron number, so-called halo-nuclei, = eh = × −27 J μN 5.050789 10 strong deviations were observed (an early 2Mp T review is given in [24]). Using the (1.22) radioactive beam techniques, very neutron- This value is quite close to the currently = rich He, Li, and Be isotopes can be created accepted value (μ 2.327μN). Because of and studied in the laboratory. It turned the existence, by then, of extensive hyper- out that these loosely bound nuclei show fine optical spectroscopic data, Goudsmit, very extended neutron radii whereby two in 1933, was able to publish a table of neutrons are moving at radii similar to the some 20 nuclear magnetic moments rang- radii of Pb isotopes. Moreover, as is the case ing from 7Li to 209Bi. In 1937, Schmidt 11 of Li8, the bound system consists of three published a simple, single-particle model 9 entities: two neutrons and a Li6 that cannot of nuclear magnetic moments and sup- exist two by two, as the dineutron and ported it with the experimental moments 10 Li7 are unbound. The research on exotic of 32 odd-proton nuclei and 15 odd-neutron 1.5 Electromagnetic Transitions and Static Moments 17 nuclei. This simple model yields what the single-particle structure of exotic is now known as the Schmidt limits, nuclei and several powerful techniques within which almost all nuclear magnetic have been developed in this domain [29]. moments lie (see the following). Most information is, however, gathered The suggestion that the nuclear electric via the determination of electromagnetic quadrupole moments (Q) might also play transitions by γ-ray spectroscopy. This is an important role in optical hyperfine to a large extent due to the availability of structure was again made before the large-volume semiconductor detectors for discovery of the neutron. Racah [8] was γ-ray detection and the high computing the first to work out the theory associated power that allows one to analyze more with ‘‘nuclear charge asymmetry’’ and and more complex measured spectra the interaction with the atomic electrons. using coincidence conditions. The recent Casimir [25], sometime later, developed development of γ-ray tracking detectors out the theory of nuclear electric quadrupole of segmented Ge-detectors offers very high hyperfine interaction and applied it to perspectives in the field of exotic nuclei [30]. 151Eu and 153Eu. In this paper, Casimir mentions work by Schiller and Schmidt, 1.5.2 who determined Q for 175Lu. A short Electromagnetic Transitions and Selection time later, Gollnow [26] obtained Q = 5.9 Rules b for this nucleus, quite close to the currently accepted value of 5.68 b. This Without going into a detailed discussion very large quadrupole moment (very much on how matrix elements are calculated, we larger than can be accounted for by the review here the calculation of electromag- single-particle shell model) was to provide, netic transitions. The interested reader can 20 years later, strong impetus for the find more details in Heyde [31]. The cal- development of the collective model of the culation of transitions and also moments nucleus. In 1954, Schwartz [27] extended involves the wavefunctions of nuclear the theory of nuclear hyperfine structure to states and forms a very sensitive probe examine the magnetic octupole hyperfine for nuclear structure research. On the interaction and calculated the first four other hand these transitions and moments nuclear magnetic octupole moments (O) are electromagnetic in nature making from data of the hyperfine structure the interaction very well understood. of the nuclear ground states. The next Using the long-wavelength approximation nuclear moment is the hexadecapole (H); λ  R and a multipole expansion of the however, no direct measurements of such electromagnetic operators, the transition static moments exist. What is known rates per unit of time can be expressed as about these moments comes mainly from electromagnetic transitions of electrons   and negative muons. For an in-depth 2 L + 1 ω 2L+1 T(L) = B(L) + 2 theoretical study of all of these moments ε0h¯ (L[(2L 1)!!] ) c and how they can be used to test various (1.23) nuclear models see, in particular, the text with L the multipolarity, ω the angular fre- =∼ − by Castel and Towner [28]. quency of the radiation such that h¯ω Ei Nowadays, the measurement of Ef up to a small nuclear recoil correction, moments is still very important to assess and B(L) the reduced transition probability 18 1 Nuclear Structure

B(J → J ; L) with the effective gyromagnetic ratio g i f    s     2 which also may differ from the free ones. =  α ;  α ;  f Jf Mf O(LM) i JiMi The multipole expansion and the M ,M i f fact that states in atomic nuclei have (1.24) good angular momentum and parity 2 L μ L−2 in units of e b and Nb for electric leads to several selection rules. The first and magnetic B(LM) values. The labels one is related to the vector coupling α identify the initial and final states and of the angular momentum and states O(LM) is the electric or magnetic multipole |J − J |≤L ≤ J + J . The second is due to operator of rank LM. As all states have i f i f the parity of the operators, which clearly is good angular momentum, one can now use − (−1)L for the electric and (−1)L 1 for the for the transition rates the Wigner–Eckart magnetic operator. Owing to this, electric theorem to remove all reference to the M and magnetic transitions of order L cannot projections. This yields take place at the same time between states, → ; and moments such as the electric dipole B(Ji Jf L)   moment are forbidden. While the selection 1  2 =  α ; J O (L) α ; J  (1.25) rules allow the determination of the spin 2J + 1 f f i i i and parities of nuclear excited states, they The electric multipole operator for a are also (at a higher level) invaluable to test number of point charges becomes nuclear models (Section 1.7).  Weisskopf has estimated the so-called ; = L O(E LM) eeff (i)ri YL,M(θi, φi) single-particle values or Weisskopf units i (W.u.) by assuming that a single-particle (1.26) makes a transition with multipole L from with eeff(i) the effective charge of the ith a state with spin L + 1/2 toward a state nucleon. Here it is anticipated that owing to with spin 1/2, that the radial part of the core polarization effects and truncations of wavefunction can be approximated by a the model space, other values than the free constant value up to the radius R,andthat + charges e(0) for proton (neutron) need to certain values for the effective charges hold. be used. Instead of the operator (Eq. (1.25)), This leads to the following estimates for one can also use a similar operator but the half-lives corresponding to the single- using the nuclear electric charge density particle values: ρch and an integration over the nuclear volume. These are used as several models − 6.764 × 10 6 describe the nucleus as a droplet (Section = T1/2(E1) 3 2/3 (s) 1.7). For the magnetic multipole operator, Eγ A − we have 2.202 × 10 5 T (M1) = (s)   1/2 3 − Eγ O(M; LM) = L(2L + 1)μ r L 1 N i 9.527 × 106 i = T1/2(E2) 5 4/3 (s) Eγ A eeff (i) 2 (L) × [Y − ⊗ j ] e L + 1 L 1 i 3.102 × 107 T (M2) = (s) 1/2 E5 A2/3 + − eeff (i) 1 γ gs (i) e L + 1 2.045 × 1019 ! " T (E3) = (s) × ⊗ (L) 1/2 E7 A2 YL−1 si (1.27) γ 1.5 Electromagnetic Transitions and Static Moments 19

=+ × 19 M J. Of the moments, the two lowest = 6.659 10 T1/2(M3) 7 4/3 (s) (1.28) are the most important. Eγ A Magnetic Dipole Moments One notices that transition rates of the If one assumes that the magnetic prop- lower multipolarities are faster than the erties are associated with the individual higher by orders of magnitude and that nucleons, then the magnetic moment is for a given multipolarity, the electric ones defined as are about 100–1000 faster as the magnetic    =  +  ; ones. Owing to the selection rules and μ α, JJ gl(i)lz,i gs(i)sz,i α JJ enhanced quadrupole collectivity, only E2 i and M1 transitions happen on similar (1.29) timescales. In this case, one has a transition where the sum extends over all of the of mixed multipolarity. A nucleons. Generally, this will not be The Weisskopf estimates are very crucial needed; for instance, the magnetic moment to determine whether a transition is of an odd-A nucleus will be generated by caused by a single nucleon changing orbits the last neutron and proton as the adjacent or by several nucleons acting in a collective even–even ground state has no magnetic moment. In Eq. (1.29), g and g are the way. The measurement of transition rates l s orbital and spin gyromagnetic ratios. They of excited states delivers very important are often chosen as 0.7g where the free- information on nuclear structure, but is free particle values are g = l, g = 5.587 for also quite involved. One needs to measure l s protons and g = 0, g =−3.826 for neu- the lifetime of a state, the (mixed) multi- l s trons (all in μ ). It is instructive to calculate polarity, and the energy and intensities of N the magnetic moment for a single nucleon the transitions deexiting a given state. To (which, as explained earlier, is a good γ this end, -ray arrays consisting of several approximation for the ground state of odd- Ge-detectors are appropriate. Besides this, A nuclei). Using the total angular momen- electromagnetic decay can also take place tum and the Wigner–Eckart theorem, with the emission of conversion electrons. one deduces the single-particle magnetic These electrons allow one to determine the moments for aligned and antialigned multipolarity as well as to observe the by orbital momentum and spin: γ -emission forbidden E0 transitions (due     to the fact that the photon has spin 1 with − gs gl + − μ(j = l + 1/2) = j g + projection 1and 1). l 2 (1.30a)     1.5.3 j g − g μ(j = l − 1/2) = jg − s l Static Moments l j + 1 2 (1.30b) In contrast to the transition rates, the The magnetic moments plotted as a multipole moments are generally defined function of spin form the so-called Schmidt as the matrix element of the M = 0 lines. It is interesting that, when plotted, component of the moment operator for almost all of these moments lie between a single state with magnetic projection the Schmidt lines. The moments that 20 1 Nuclear Structure

lie outside these limits occur mainly measurement is often used to extract for some very light nuclei. One may information on the underlying single- conclude that the single-particle model particle structure. Common in nuclear does possess some validity. Another set structure physics is the use of g-factors of limits, the Margenau–Wigner (M-W) that are analogous to the single-particle limits, is obtained by replacing the free- gyromagnetic ratios, except that they are particle values for the orbital gyromagnetic dimensionless. They are defined as ratios, g , by the uniform value Z/A.The l = justification for this is that one is in μ gIμN (1.31) effect averaging over all states that lead to the correct nuclear spin. This calculation One way to determine the g-factor is represents an early attempt to account for to measure the Lamor frequency when core contributions to the dipole-moment excited nuclei are placed in an external magnetic field B.Then, operator. Figure 1.3 and Figure 1.4 show plots of a number of the ground-state gBμ ω = N (1.32) magnetic moments for odd-Z (Figure 1.3) L h¯ and odd-N (Figure 1.4) nuclei. Besides the ground state, excited states The main problem hereby is to align can have magnetic moment and their the spins of an ensemble of atomic nuclei.

8 M-W

93Nb = + 6 I L 1 113In 51V Schmidt

200 165Ho Bi 4 64 7 Mn N Li 139 Schmidt

µ 165,167 La / Re 187 123 µ 71Ga I Sb 19 181 F 23Na Ta 2 176La 159 153Eu Tb I − L − 1/2 31P 36Cl 27Al 37Cl 193 100 Ir 0 Ag 197 M-W 100Tm Au 15N

−2 01234567 I(Odd Z ) Figure 1.3 Nuclear magnetic moments in units of the

nuclear magneton (μ/μN) plotted against the nuclear spin (I) for a number of odd-Z nuclei. The Schmidt limits, as well as the Margenau–Wigner (M-W) limits, are shown as solidlines.Datafrom[14]. 1.5 Electromagnetic Transitions and Static Moments 21

4 M-W

I = L + 1/2

2 Schmidt

N 132Ba µ 67

/ 13 Zn C 136Ba 177 µ Hr 33 163 207Pb S Dy 183W M-W 0 157 161 29 Gd Dy Si 105 167Er 123 201 Pd 73 Te Hg 47 145 Ge 61 Ti Nd 83 125 Ni Kr Te 9 97 49Ti I = L + 1/2 Be Mo 87Sr 91Zr 43Ca Schmidt −2 3 He 17O

01234567 I(Odd N ) Figure 1.4 Nuclear magnetic moments in units of the nuclear magneton (μ/μN) plotted against the nuclear spin (I) for a number of odd-N nuclei. The Schmidt limits, as well as the Margenau–Wigner (M-W) limits, are shown as solidlines.Datafrom[14].

This has to be done by the or, using the Wigner–Eckart theorem, used, cooling in an external magnetic field, # & or via the observation of changes in angular 16π J(2J − 1) Q(J) = correlations. 5 (2J + 1)(2J + 3)(J + 1) $ ' ' % ' ' ' e (i) ' Electric Quadrupole Moments × α;J' eff r 2Y (θ , φ )'α; J ' e i 2 i i ' As a general definition of the quadrupole i moment, we have the expectation value of (1.34) (3z2 − r2). Using the proportionality of the quantity with Y (θ,φ)onegets The quadrupole moment can also be 20 calculated for a single nucleon in an orbit # j = J.Thisyields = 16π Q(J) (2j − 1) e (i) $  5  % Q(j) =− eff r2 (1.35)   +  e (i)  (2j 2) e × α; JJ  eff r 2Y (θ , φ ) α; JJ  e i 2,0 i i  i One thus obtains a negative quadrupole (1.33) moment for a single nucleon. If the orbit 22 1 Nuclear Structure

is filled up to a single hole, a quadrupole preferentially, pairs of like nucleons to moment as in Eq. (1.35) but with a pos- angular momentum zero. The second itive sign is expected. We would like to observation is that the first excited state illustrate the application of Eq. (1.35) with in even–even nuclei is almost always a + examples near the doubly magic nucleus 2 excitation. This can be understood by 16 O8 (see also Section 1.7). The orbit that the combination of good total angular the ninth nucleon can occupy has j = 5/2 momentum and the Pauli principle. If one and we can use Eqs. (1.13) and (1.14) to esti- couples two nucleons in orbit j and implies 2 17 mate .Thisyieldsfor F8 using the the antisymmetrization, one obtains free-proton charge Q =−5.9 fm2,whichis  ; = 1 | in excellent agreement with the experi- ϕ(j, j JM) (jmjm JM)(ψ1(jm)ψ2(jm ) 2 mental absolute value given in Firestone mm

2 − et al. (1996) of |Q|=5.8(4) fm .Fortheodd ψ2(jm)ψ1(jm )) (1.36) neutron nucleus 17O , one finds exper- 9 with the Clebsch–Gordan coupling coeffi- imentally Q =−2.578 fm2, which shows cient for the angular momentum coupling. the need for effective charges and can This can, however, be rewritten as the m- be reproduced using 0.44e as neutron values are in the summation. Using the effective charge. Finally, if we place five symmetry properties, one arrives at neutrons in the j = 5/2 orbit, we have =     the N 13 isotones and expect moments ; = 1 − − 2j−J =+ 2 ϕ j, j JM 1 ( 1) of Q 2.6 fm . Experimentally, one 2  finds Q = 20.1(3) fm2 in 25Mg and × | 13 (jmjm JM)ψ1(jm)ψ2(jm ) = 2 23 Q 10.1(2) fm in Ne13. This observa- mm tion of much larger quadrupole moments (1.37) occurs for most atomic nuclei having sev- eral nucleons in an orbit or in several orbits, The phase factor, and the fact that indicating that the model is too simple and 2j is an odd number, imply that states that all of the electric charges must be con- with odd values of J do not exist. One sidered. This holds especially if the core is might wonder whether this is an essential not spherically symmetric and the motion property of fermions, but surprisingly becomes collective. it is not. Consider with integer angular momentum l.Then,owingto symmetrization, Eq. (1.36) becomes 1.6  ; = 1 | Excited States and Level Structures ϕ(l, l JM) (lmlm JM) 2 mm × 1.6.1 (ψ1(lm)ψ2(lm ) + The First Excited State in Even–Even Nuclei ψ2(lm)ψ1(lm )) (1.38)

The most obvious characteristic of the which yields after reordering, various nuclei is that all of the even–even   1 2l−J nuclei have ground-state spins and parities ϕ(l, l; JM)= 1 + (−1) 2 of 0+. This not only categorizes one large mm × | group of nuclei but also indicates that (lmlm JM)ψ1(lm)ψ2(lm ) the nuclear force is such that it couples, (1.39) 1.6 Excited States and Level Structures 23 but now 2l is even and again all states with compared to Hf, much higher 2+ excitation odd J-values disappear. The fact that both energies and R4/2 ratios slightly above bosons and fermions yield similar results 2, indicating an anharmonic quadrupole is very important for nuclear models. vibrational nature at mid shell. It means that one can often describe While the strong pairing of like nucleons even–even atomic nuclei using either can explain the ground state of even–even fermionic nucleons or collective bosons nuclei, it does not yield predictions for such as phonons. the ground-state spins and parities of odd- A and odd–odd nuclei. Nevertheless, it 1.6.2 simplifies this task a lot, as in most cases Regions of Different Level Structures one can conclude that the ground-state spin and parity of an odd-A nucleusisequalto The existence of a low-lying 2+ excita- the one of the last odd nucleon. This forms tion can be explained in different ways, an important testing ground for the shell that is, short-range interaction, a collective model, which predicts the single-particle quadrupole vibration, or as a first excited energy, spin, and parity of the subsequent state of a rotational band. Which interpre- orbits. tation is right or better and which mixture of interpretations is right depends a lot 1.6.3 on where on the Segre chart the nucleus Shell Structures is located and how the higher excitations behave. This is illustrated in Figure 1.5, Various sets of nuclear data indicate which shows the known energies of the that certain numbers of nucleons, either first excited states in the even–even Cd neutrons or protons, correspond to the and Hf isotopes. One notices huge differ- filling of angular momentum ‘‘shells.’’ ences in the absolute excitation energies These are similar to the atomic shells often but also a quite smooth behavior. If one denoted as the K-shell, L-shell, and so on. now also considers the next excited state, + In nuclei, the shell filling is similar but not which is a 4 excitation and plots the ratio R4/2, identical, and the principal shell closings occur at experimentally observed numbers. + These are for either NorZequal to 2, 8, = Eexc(4 ) R4/2 + (1.40) 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126. These are the Eexc(2 ) magic numbers. They occur where there are (see also Figure 1.5) more information drastic changes in neutron cross sections, canbeobtained.IntheHfisotopes,a nucleon separation energies, and so on. clear saturation near R4/2 = 3.33 occurs An interesting, but small, group of nuclei indicating that a rotational band, with its comprises the doubly magic ones – that typical I(I + 1) energy dependence, is built is, nuclei with both neutron and proton on the ground state. For Cd, we observe numbers magic. The five stable ones are + 4 16 40 48 208 very high 2 excitation energies and low He2, O8, Ca20, Ca28,and Pb126. R4/2 ratios at the beginning and end of the Note that no stable doubly magic nuclei isotopechain.Thisisaclearevidencethatat with 50 and 82 exist. What is notable the extremes, a shell closure occurs, when about the doubly magic nuclei is that N = 50 and 82. In the middle, one finds, their first excited states are at a very 24 1 Nuclear Structure


2000 + 1800 Cd 41

1600 Hf

1400 + 21 1200

(KeV) 1000 E



400 + 41 200 + 21 (a) 0 4



Cd Hf 4/2 2.5 R



1 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 (b) Λ Figure 1.5 The known energies of the first excited states in the even–even Cd and Hf isotopes (a). The R4/2 ratios are also given (b). The left side represents the Cd isotopes and the right side the Hf isotopes. Arrows mark the closed shells at A = 98, 130, and 154.

high energy compared with their non- 0+; 3.83, 2+; and 2.61, 3−, respectively. Also doubly magic neighbors. The energy in the observed spins (and parities) of the first megaelectronvolts, spin, and parity of these excited states is very different from that of first excited states is 20.1, 0+; 6.05, 0+; 3.35, all other even–even nuclei. 1.6 Excited States and Level Structures 25

Because of these large gaps or changes and the zero-point energy of the lowest in nuclear properties, they divide the low- oscillations is greater than the energy of lying excited states of nuclei into roughly deformation, so that the shape of the core three regions. These are, broadly, the is not stabilized. The motion then is of nuclei in the neighborhood of the magic quantized surface oscillations with angu- numbers that are dominated by shell or lar momentum two. One can introduce single-particle structures and those further creation and destruction phonon operators + away, which show collective behavior. Of QLM and QLM which fulfill the boson com- particular interest are the ones found mutation rules: between these two, as they may give + = clues to the onset of collective motion [QLM, QL´M´] δLL´ δMM´ (1.41) in atomic nuclei and other systems. We mentioned earlier that 126 is a magic and for which all other commutators number, but strictly speaking, this holds are zero. The angular momentum of the only for neutrons as the unstable element phonon is L, its magnetic projection M with Z = 126 has not yet been observed. and its parity π = (−1)L. The magnetic pro- Nowadays, there is a strong interest to study jection is mostly not of great importance. whether magic numbers still stay valid in In this representation, the number opera- exotic nuclei far from stability and which tor counting the number of L phonons is is the next for superheavy given by isotopes.  ( = + NL QLMQLM (1.42) 1.6.4 M Collective Structures Using the number operator, the simplest Within major divisions (even–even, odd-A, Hamiltonian becomes and odd–odd), the excited levels are further  ( ( 1 divided into groups that are single-particle H = h¯ω N + L + (1.43) L L 2 or collective (vibrational or rotational) in L nature. However, because of the strong where the additional factors are chosen pairing force, even–even nuclei do not such that the Hamiltonian corresponds to show single-particle excited levels but the quantized harmonic oscillators for L rather one- or two-particle-hole excitations phonons. Each of the phonons has energy or two-quasiparticle excitations. Here, we h¯ω . Because most even–even nuclei have introduce the most general features of the L as first excited state a 2+ state, the L = 2 two major classes of collective nuclei. We quadrupole phonons are dominant. At restrict ourselves to even–even nuclei for higher energy, there is evidence for the the sake of simplicity. presence of L = 3 octupole phonon making − Vibrational Levels a3 state. Using the energy solution of the The intermediate systems between the Hamiltonian equation (Eq. (1.43)), tightly bound magic nuclei and the  1 deformed nuclei are the so-called vibra- E(N , L) = h¯ω N + L + L L L 2 tional nuclei. Here the number of nucleons L outside of a deformable core is small, (1.44) 26 1 Nuclear Structure

and the proper angular momentum The system specified by Eq. (1.45) pos- coupling and symmetrization given in sesses the symmetry properties belonging

Eq. (1.39), one arrives at a very simple to the point group D2 for which four repre- prediction. The one-quadrupole phonon sentations exist. The Hamiltonian operator = = state has L 2andEexc h¯ω2 and the (Eq. (1.45)) does not mix different repre- two-phonon states have L = 0, 2, 4 and sentations. The basis functions are those = | Eexc 2h¯ω2. This exactly yields the R4/2 of a symmetric top, LMK> being diagonal 2 ratio of 2 observed in Figure 1.5. in L , Lz,andL3 with the usual eigen- A nice example of a ‘‘good’’ vibrational values L(L + 1), M,andK, respectively. 110 even–even nucleus is Cd62. The first Here K is the projection of the angu- excited 2+ state is at 0.6578 MeV followed lar momentum on the body-fixed frame. by a 0+,2+,4+ states at 1.473, 1.476, Applying this formula for the ground-state and 1.542 MeV. The ratio R4/2 = 2.35 is rotational band with K = 0, we find now somewhat larger than the one the simple R4/2 = 3.33. However, states with differ- model gives. ent K-values are degenerated. This is not found in real deformed nuclei. Rotational Levels If the inertia tensor is such that = = If the number of nucleons outside the I1 I2 I3, an asymmetric top problem deformable core is such that the zero- results. In this case, the wave functions are point oscillations are much less than the to be expanded in terms of the symmetric- energy of deformation, then the system top functions: will have a stable but deformed shape and + one must quantize a rigid rotator. From L |LM = A |LMK (1.47) classical considerations, we know that, if K K=−L the system has a permanent, nonspherical shape, there exists a body-fixed system in The 1, 2, 3 labels of the momental which the inertial tensor I is diagonal and ellipsoid’s semiaxes are quite arbitrary is related to the laboratory-fixed system and can be chosen in 24 different ways by an Euler transformation. We denote for right- (left-) handed systems. These these two coordinate systems as (1,2,3) 24 relabelings can be produced by three and (x,y,z), respectively. The inertial tensor different relabeling transformations T1, then has components I , I ,andI ,sothat 1 2 3 T2,andT3 [32], which correspond to label the Hamiltonian is just interchanges and operate on the |LM>   wave functions. They have the properties (2 (2 (2 ( = 1 L1 + L2 + L3 H (1.45) 2 = 4 = 3 = 2 I1 I2 I3 T1 T2 T3 1 (1.48)

( From these relations, one can generate with L1,2,3 the body-fixed angular momen- tum. The simplest system is the one for Table 1.1, relating the four representations which all moments of inertia are equal: and the values of angular momentum = = = and parity allowed in each. Note in I1 I2 I3 I. Then the energies are directly found: particular that the A and B2 representations are associated with positive-parity (π =+) 2 states, while B and B representations ( h¯ 1 3 H = (L(L + 1)) (1.46) are associated with negative parity (π =−) 2I 1.6 Excited States and Level Structures 27

Table 1.1 The representation of the point group D2 to which the states belong, and the allowed values of the angular momentum and parity associated with them.

Representation K Parity Allowed L-values

A Even + L = 0,2,2,3,4,4,4,5,5 − = B1 Even L 1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5 + = B2 Odd L 1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5 − = B3 Odd L 1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5

states. From this table, we note that only then becomes the rigid rotator systems belonging to   ( the A representation have a zero angular 1 (L2 +(L2 L2 H( = 1 2 + 3 momentum state. They must be associated sym 2 I I  0 3  with the lowest levels of even–even nuclei ( = 1 L2 1 1 and form the K 0 ground-state band with = + − (L2 (1.49) I I I 3 K = 0andL = 0, 2, 4, 6, ... followed by the 2 0 3 0 γ-vibrational band with K = 2andL = 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . . and both of the operators appearing are Negative-parity states in even–even diagonal. Thus, we obtain immediately the nuclei could be associated with either the eigenvalues

B1 or B3 representations. If one argues that, given two (or more) possibilities, the lowest h2 L (L + 1) 1 1 set of states will be the most symmetric, E = + − K2 sym 2 I I I then because the B representation arises 0 3 0 1 (1.50) from sums over even K quantum numbers, This expression is model independent one should associate this representation and only depends upon the ratio of the with the lowest-lying negative-parity states moments of inertia I /I . There have been in even–even systems. Furthermore, in 0 3 recent observations of ‘‘superdeformation’’ the deformed regions, the negative-parity for rare earth nuclei with spheroidal-axes bands in these nuclei not only lie above the ratios of 2 : 1. For symmetric rotational ground-state rotational band but they also = − systems with K 0, the ratio R4/2 is have as their band head a 1 level. This 10/3 rather than 2 for the vibrational is another indication that these negative- systems. Thus, this ratio differentiates well parity rotational bands belong to the B1 between rotational and vibrational systems. representation. In recent years, there was quite some The problem of solving the asymmetric, interest in how these shape changes occur rigid rotor is far more involved than [33, 34], as they can be treated as quantum- the symmetric rotor as all of the latter’s phase transitions. Atomic nuclei that have eigenvalues can be given in closed form. To an R4/2 ratio of around 2.9 lie at the = = proceed along this line, one sets I0 I1 critical point of the spherical-deformed = I2 I3. The Hamiltonian of the system phase transition. 28 1 Nuclear Structure

1.6.5 states, which are at 245.4 and 342.1 keV. Odd-A Nuclei Coupling of the 1/2+ neutron with the two- phonon states would lead to excited state Single-Particle Levels spins from 1/2+ through 9/2+.Suchaset Near the magic numbers, the ground of states does appear at higher energies. and lower excited states appear to be However, it is difficult to pick out which mainly single-particle states, that is, states states might belong to the two-phonon core that do not seem to possess collective states. Below them there is a first negative properties. For instance, near the doubly parity state with spin 11/2− at 396.22 keV, 16 magic nucleus O8, one finds that both which indicates that one has the presence 15N and 15O have 1/2− ground states and 8 7 of a low-lying h11/2 neutron orbit. nearly identical lower excited states. This shows that the N = Z = 8 shell is filled by Rotational Levels ap1/2 orbit. Above the closed shell are One might expect that a simple model 17 17 F8 and O9 both of which have the for the odd-A rotational levels would + expected 5/2 ground state from the d5/2 follow that of the vibrational levels. orbit. These data clearly support the notion However, the experimental data do not that angular momentum shells are filled in show such a similar structure. As an 157 a manner similar to the electronic shells of example we consider Gd93 which has a the elements. 3/2− ground state. Following the reasoning for vibrational nuclei, one expects from the Vibrational Levels coupling with the first excited 2+ state a The nucleons all possess intrinsic spin multiplet with spins 1/2−,3/2−,5/2−,and 1/2 and angular momentum l,sothat 7/2−. Instead, one observes a rotational- the simplest model for vibrational odd-A like band with the spin sequence: 5/2−, nuclei that one might construct is to add 7/2−,9/2−, 11/2−, . . . . This is due to the a single nucleon to an even–even core in fact that the ground-state band has also which the nucleons of each kind pair to a given value of K and we conclude that zero angular momentum. If the core is a K = 3/2. good vibrational nucleus (R4/2 ∼ 2), then the ground state of the odd-A system will 1.6.6 have the angular momentum properties of Odd–Odd Nuclei the odd nucleon. Furthermore, by coupling this nucleon to the excited states of the As noted in Section 1.6.1, there are only core, one should expect to be able to four stable odd–odd nuclei; however, a determine the angular momenta of the great deal of data exist for all of this odd-A nucleus’s excited states. An example class of nuclei. Again, one might feel that is the coupling of a neutron to the these nuclei would be well represented by 110 vibrational nucleus Cd62 (Section 1.6.2) an even–even core plus a neutron–proton 111 to yield the odd-A nucleus Cd63,which pair. Even if these are coupled to a spin-zero has a ground-state spin of 1/2+.Onemight core, there is still considerable ambiguity expect that there would be two excited states as to how these couple to form the ground- built on the first excited 2+ state with spins state spin of the system. For instance, if the 3/2+ and 5/2+. This nucleus does indeed proton and neutron angular momenta are + + have a 3/2 ,5/2 pair as its first excited jp, jn, respectively, then their vector sum 1.7 Nuclear Models 29 can lead to the range of J values able to provide a good deal of physical   insight as well as making predictions of    −  ≤ ≤ + jp jn J jp jn (1.51) measurable properties, providing a way to categorize the vast amounts of data available from nuclear physics laboratories. Onecanobtainthevaluesofjp and While these approaches may seem to be jn from the ground-state spins of the neighboring odd-A nuclei with one less organized in an historical order, all are to neutron or one less proton, respectively. In greater or less extent being continuously order to determine more exactly the range refined. of the possible ground-state spins of these The nuclear many-body problem is nuclei, one must make use of Nordheim’s not solved definitely, owing to the large rules, which are the following:Strong rule, number of strongly interacting particles. for η = 0: To illustrate the difficulties, we take the   example of 208Pb.Ifweconsideruptotwo-   =  −  body interactions between the nucleons, J jp jn (1.52) the general Hamiltonian is given by Weak rule, for η =±1: 208 208   1   H = t + V (1.55) =  −  + i 2 ij J jp jn or jp jn (1.53) i=1 i =j with The radius of this nucleus is 7 fm, while the strong force between two nucleons = − + − varies significantly on the scale of 0.2 fm. η (jp lp) (jn ln) (1.54) If one would calculate only the two-body In general, these do not work all of the interaction on a mesh, one should foresee time. To predict the excited states spins for each nucleon at least 100 mesh points in is even more difficult, making odd–odd each direction and for all 208 nucleons the nuclei the most difficult to describe. number of possible combinations would be 1003.208. For a fast computer today 109 operations per second are feasible, which 1.7 gives 1016 operations per year. Thus to Nuclear Models perform the calculation one would need 101232 years, while the age of our universe 1.7.1 is only 2 × 1010 years. Introduction As an exact treatment is impossible, one of the major characteristics of nuclear The nucleus, being a many-body collection structure calculations is the choice of of A particles interacting through a short the right approximations and truncations range but strong force, is not easily needed to make a calculation feasible while dealt with. From a theoretical point of keeping the essential physics. Of great help view, making use of an accurate many- thereby is the extensive use of symme- body calculation is impossible because try concepts, which allow one to simplify these are beyond the scope of current the many-body problem and make the theoretical methods. Thus, calculations calculations tractable. Many quite differ- based upon various simple models are ent approaches have turned out to be 30 1 Nuclear Structure

successful for certain classes of atomic 1.7.2 nuclei. Most theoretical models rely on The Spherical-Shell Model spherical symmetry, which allow the use of the very powerful ‘‘Racah machinery,’’ One of the first and best understood originally developed for nuclear models is the . by Guilio Racah. The introduction of The major assumption of this model is that irreducible tensors and coupling coeffi- nucleons up to a good approximation move cients then provides the necessary tech- independently in a spherically symmetric nical skills to perform nuclear structure averaged field U(ri) created by the other calculations. nucleons. This means that the many-body The first approach is based on the Hamiltonian is rewritten as experimental observation of magic num- H = H + V (1.56) bers and leads to the nuclear shell 0 res model as described in Section 1.7.2. In with Section 1.7.3 we introduce the deformed shell model, which allows the description N N = + of medium-heavy nuclei that are deformed. H0 ti U(ri) (1.57) = = Section 1.7.4 is devoted to the collective i 1 i 1 model in which medium heavy and heavy and the residual interaction Vres is given nuclei are described by a quantum liquid by droplet. N N In Section 1.7.5, we will deal with a 1 V = V − U(r ) (1.58) new theoretical approach to many-body res 2 ij i problems originating from nuclear physics: i =j i=1 the interacting boson approximation (IBA). The shell model uses the ansatz Although the IBA is a method that was (Eq. (1.57)) in which the single parti- developed to describe the atomic nucleus, cles move in a potential well provided by it has since been applied to molecules, the other particles. While it might seem quarks, and fullerenes. The major assump- improbable that nuclei made up of a large tion of the interacting boson model (IBM) number of strongly interacting particles is twofold. First, because of the shell struc- could in any way be represented by such ture evinced by many experiments, only a model, one must recall that the Pauli the valence nucleons are considered to principle prevents most interactions of a be important for the low-energy excited nucleon in the nucleus. In general, scatter- states of the atomic nucleus. Those move ingcannottakeplace,asmostofthestates to a first approximation in orbits formed into which a low-energy nucleon can scatter by their commonly created average field, are filled. This implies that the mean free which is spherical symmetric. Secondly, path for nucleon motion is quite long, and between like nucleons, either protons or a single-particle model is worth exploring. neutrons, there is a dominant pairing force One obvious and important characteris- when they occupy the same orbit. This tic of odd-A nuclei is their ground-state allows to replace coupled fermion pairs spins and parities. Starting with the light- by real bosons that are simpler to deal est nuclei, the general order of odd-A with. ground-state spins and parities is 1/2+ for 1.7 Nuclear Models 31 neutron and proton and after the strongly sign guarantees that the j = l + 1/2 level 4 − − 16 = − bound He 3/2 ,1/2 then, after O8, will lie below the j l 1/2 level, as it becomes 5/2+,3/2+,1/2+ and then, observed and the dependence on l makes 40 − − − − after Ca20,7/2,5/2,3/2,1/2 an that the effect increases with l leaving order reminiscent of the atomic shells in the shell closures at 2, 8, 20 unaffected which the alternating parities are related while introducing a new shell closure at to the orbital angular momentum sug- 28 due to the lowering of the 1f7/2 orbit. gesting a sequence: s-p-d and s-f and p Further, the observed closures at 50, 82, to which a spin one-half is coupled. To 126, are obtained in a natural way. Also obtain a model with such an ordering of the spins of the odd-A ground states angular momentum l-values requires solv- is mostly correctly predicted. The shell ing a single-particle Schrodinger equation model explains via large gaps between the with a reasonable potential function. The single-particle orbital energies the large form of this potential is not too impor- binding energies of nuclei having Z or tant because only minor changes in l-value N a magic number making the number of order occur using one or another r depen- stable isotopes/isotones particularly large, dence. The two simplest to calculate are for example, there are 10 stable Sn isotopes the isotropic harmonic oscillator and the with Z = 50. For the excited states, magic infinite square well. The latter is not realis- nuclei show them at very high excitation tic because the nucleon energies as one needs to break the closed is quite finite and well-known for most shell and lift one particle over the large nuclei. (One might also consider a potential shell gap. As an example in the doubly function related to the charge distribu- magic nucleus 208Pb, an energy of 2.6 MeV tions of Eqs. (1.16) and (1.19); however, is needed to create the first excited 3− state these would require extensive numerical and even 4.085 MeV for the 2+ state. computing to extract the eigenvalues.) The The robustness of double-magic nuclei angular momentum order of the levels and allows a major truncation for shell model the number of particles in each for the calculations. It turns out that they can in isotropic harmonic oscillator is 1s (2); 1p first instance be treated as inert cores, (6), 1d, 2s (12); If, 2p (20); lg, 2d, 3s (30); whereby the spins of all of the particles and so on. (The semicolons separate the in the core pair off to zero. Thereby, levels with different quanta of energy h¯ω, only the so-called valence nucleons need and most are degenerate.) The total num- to be considered. This is of importance ber of levels thus becomes 2, 8, 20, 40, 70, as with increasing number of nucleons 112, 168, which only agrees with the lowest and possible orbitals, the shell model observed ‘‘magic numbers’’ 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, allows for many different configurations. 82, and 126 (cf. Section 1.6.1). As angular momentum and parity are It took the genius of Maria Goeppert conserved, the residual interaction used Mayer [35] and others [36] to realize that by can be diagonalized separately for a adding a spin–orbit term of the form given spin and parity. Nevertheless, the dimensions become quickly huge. −→ −→ =− • Vls V(r) l s (1.59) Although the shell model is one of the older nuclear models, it has become of the theoretical order could be brought into increasing use in the last decades. This agreement with that observed. The minus is due to two key aspects. The first is 32 1 Nuclear Structure

the tremendous increase in computing spin–orbit term, both of which have proved power allowing large-scale shell model so successful for the spherical-shell model. codes to be developed, including quan- (The I2 term helps give the proper level tum Monte Carlo diagonalization. The order in the isotropic limit.) Expanding second is the construction of effective the nuclear surface in spherical harmonics in medium interactions starting from the gives nucleon–nucleon scattering data. Hereby ⎡ ⎤ the elimination of the hard core repulsion  = ⎣ + ⎦ of the nucleon–nucleon interaction was S(θ, φ) R0 a0 aλμYλμ (θ, φ) crucial and produced a universal, so-called λ>1,μ Vlow-k interaction. The recent progress (1.61)

opens the direct way from quantum chro- where R0 is the radius of the spherical modynamics (QCD) to the effective inter- nucleus and a0 is unity to quantities of actions, which is in particular very much second order and assures that the volume needed for the study of exotic nuclei. The remains constant for small deformations. most involved calculations are done for Taking the lowest order, one has that light nuclei up to 11B. Here no-core shell model calculations are able to describe +2 = + accurately binding energies and excited S(θ, φ) R0 1 a2μY2μ (θ, φ) states for very light nuclei [37]. −2 (1.62) 1.7.3 [This expression should be compared The Deformed Shell Model with the nuclear charge distribution of Eq. (1.19).] It is customary to take only

As the very large quadrupole moments of the symmetric term a20 in this equation the nuclei in the middle of the higher to be nonzero. This then leads to the shells cannot be explained by the simple deformation term in the Hamiltonian spherical model, their explanation requires =− 2 2 large contributions from the even–even Hd Ka20ω0r Y20(θ, φ) (1.63) core, which carries all (or almost all) of the charge. It can be shown that The full Hamiltonian can now be a single-particle moving in a nonrigid diagonalized using a set of spherical shell potential well will have a lower energy model basis states, and the resulting if the well is not spherical, rather than deformed, single-particle states are called if it is spherical. As the lowering of Nilsson states after Sven Gosta Nilsson [38], the particle energy is proportional to the who first carried out this diagonalization. eccentricity, such a system will assume a The operators in Eq. (1.60) do not connect deformed equilibrium shape. The nuclear oscillator states differing by one principal Hamiltonian will now contain a term that oscillator quantum number, N,butdo produces deviations from spherical: connect states differing by two. Nilsson neglected matrix elements not diagonal in = + − + 2 H H0 Hd Vls(r) cl (1.60) N. This is a reasonably good assumption as oscillator states differing by N = 2 are

where H0 is the isotropic harmonic rather far apart, except for states belonging oscillator Hamiltonian and Vls(r)isthe to large N and large deformation (i.e., 1.7 Nuclear Models 33 nuclei with large A and large quadrupole with excited members 9/2+, 11/2+, 13/2+. moments). The Nilsson levels are labeled Just above the 9/2+ level is a close doublet | − − N,n3,]. The symbol is the projection with spins 5/2 ,1/2, which has been of the particle angular momentum j on the assigned to the 1/2[541] Nilsson level. The three axes of the body-fixed axis system and 3/2− level belonging to this band lies above is a good quantum number. In the limit of the 9/2+ state. This nonuniform order very large deformations, the single-particle of a 1/2 band is an example of Coriolis energy is given by coupling, which mixes the level order of = 1/2 bands. 1 E = n + h¯ω + (n⊥ + 1)h¯ω⊥ 3 2 3 1.7.4 (1.64) Collective Models of Even–Even Nuclei where the symbol ω3 is the oscillator frequency along the symmetry axis and In Section, where the rotational- level structures of even–even nuclei were the symbol ω⊥ is the oscillator frequency in the perpendicular directions. Thus, discussed, it was pointed out that the in the limit of very large deformations, moments of inertia play a crucial role to describe the atomic nucleus as a rigid-body one has N = n + n⊥. In this same limit, 3 momental ellipsoid. Bohr [32] proposed the projection of the orbital angular a model of the momental ellipsoid and momentum on the symmetry axis becomes thus of deformed even–even nuclei and the last label, the cores of odd-A and odd–odd nuclei. Several important assumptions were made =± ± − ± N n⊥, n⊥ 2, ... , 1or0 in order to extract these moments of (1.65) inertia. The first is that the nuclear core This scheme is used to label not only is incompressible, so that the nuclear the ground states of deformed nuclei but density is constant. Second, the flow is also the excited state rotational band heads. assumed to be irrotational, so that a velocity The level order will now be L, L + 1, potential exists and satisfies Laplace’s L + 2, ..., as a result of core rotation, equation. Finally, it must be assumed that so that, when a level does not fit into this themotionissuchastopreservethe sequence, it must belong to a different principal axis system. The moments of single-particle band. One now proceeds inertia for quadrupole deformations then to assign quantum numbers to the states are by determining the odd-nucleon number; π 2 = 2 2 − 2 then, because the Nilsson energy levels are I 4B2β sin γ k (1.66) k 3 plotted against the core deformation, one assigns the deformation by finding that Here B2 and β are the quadrupole place where a Nilsson level appears with mass and deformation parameters, while the measured ground-state spin. The next γ is an asymmetry parameter whose Nilsson level up should give the excited- range is 0 ≤ γ ≤ π/6. There are similar band head, and so on. As an example, relations for other deformations such as 173 consider the nucleus Lu102, which has a octupole (Y3), hexadecapole (Y4), and so 7/2+ ground state. Following the procedure on. The Hamiltonian for this system is above, the appropriate level is the 7/2[404], now 34 1 Nuclear Structure

1 angular momentum 2. (One might think H = B (β˙2 + β2γ˙) quad 2 2 of these as equatorial bulges moving 3 1 L2 1 around the nuclear equator. They are akin +  k  + C β2 B β2 2 − 2π 2 2 to the well-known Jacobi ellipsoids of a 2 = sin γ k k 1 self-gravitating, rotating fluid.) These γ- (1.67) vibrations then produce a γ-band that is If the system is not rigid, then the different in spin sequence from the β-and deformation and asymmetry parameters ground-state bands. This occurs because = γ are no longer fixed, and the system can Kγ 2, not 0. The -band sequence is execute either deformation (β) vibrations 2, 3, 4, 5, . . . . There can be several γ- or asymmetry (γ ) vibrations, or both. The β- bands with different K values and different = vibrational bands have angular momentum spin sequences. The lowest one has Kγ 2, = 0 – they are akin to molecular ‘‘breathing’’ while the next will have Kγ 0 and 4, and modes – and the γ-vibrational bands have so on. angular momentum 2. Thus, nuclei will It must be made clear that the Bohr = exhibit ground-state bands where nβ 0 model is only applicable for the low-lying = β = = γ and nγ 0, -bands nβ 1, nγ 0), - positive-parity levels. The negative-parity = = bands (nβ 0, nγ 1), and higher order levels belonging to the B1 representation bands. Although the β-vibrations are have moments of inertia that are consid- the simplest, they are not really well erably more complicated as they represent established [39], much better established an octupole or pearlike shape. are γ-bands of which double excitations An example of a well-developed = 154 with nγ 2 are found in nature [40]. rotational system is Sm92 where In his original paper, Bohr [32] argued R4/2 = 3.25. This nucleus has a well- that the nucleus would stabilize around developed ground-state rotational band γ = 0, so that the momental ellipsoid was with the spin sequence 0+,2+,4+, ..., symmetric (long and thin, cigarlike), while 12+ with the first excited state rather low = β the surface itself was spheroidal. Then I3 in energy at 81.99 keV. It has a -band 0. This leads to difficulties as Eq. (1.50) with a 0+ band head 1099.28 keV, followed shows that the energy eigenvalues become by the first excited 2+ state at 1177.78 keV infinite unless K = 0. Thus, the ground- ( E = 78.52 keV). This is a striking state bands of even–even nuclei have K = 0, example of the increase in the moment of and the angular momentum sequence inertia due to the quantum of β-vibrational becomes0,2,4,6, ...,whichiswhat energy. Furthermore, the K = 2 γ-band, is observed. These models automatically with sequence 2+,3+,4+, ..., starts at conform to the A representation. Again, if 1440.05 keV. the system is not rigid, against β-vibrations, Also to be seen is an octupole band therewillbeoneormoreβ-bands above the starting with the 1− level at 921.39 keV, ground-state rotational band that mimic followed by the 2−,3−,5−, ... in the the ground-state band in spin sequence, expected order. Thus, one sees four well- but because <β2> will be greater than for developed rotational bands fitting quite the ground state, the levels will be closer nicely into the model scheme. together. Further, the collective behavior mani- Finally, in this model if γ is not fests itself in the quadrupole moments and constant, γ-vibrations can arise with electric quadrupole transitions. The axially 1.7 Nuclear Models 35 symmetric core collective model yields for If one does not follow the Bohr assump- a state with quantum numbers K and I a tion that the nucleus will stabilize around laboratory quadrupole moment Q: γ = 0 but around some other value within its range, then one has to deal with an 2 − + = 3K I(I 1) asymmetric rotator, which will have a Q Q0 (1.68) (I + 1)(2I + 3) considerably more complicated eigenvalue structure. Davydov and Filippov [41] made with an intrinsic quadrupole moment Q 0 an extensive investigation and showed that given by one obtained better results with such a model than with a symmetric one. How- = √3 2 + Q0 ZR0β(1 0.16β) (1.69) ever, one loses the computational simplic- 5π ity of the symmetric model. The fact that by definition K hastobe lower than I (Eq. (1.74)) produces almost 1.7.5 always a change of sign between intrin- Boson Models sic and laboratory quadrupole moments. Related to the intrinsic quadrupole The models discussed up until now and moments are the B(E2) values. In between that have been used most extensively would states belonging to a given K band, they are seem to be almost mutually exclusive. given by The shell model and its modifications, such as Nilsson’s extension to a deformed   5 2 system, focus on the single-particle aspects B(E2; I → I ) = e2Q2 I K20|I K i f 16π 0 i f of nuclear structure. On the other hand, the (1.70) collective model of Bohr and Mottelson, and extensions, place the emphasis on When comparing Eq. (1.70) directly with the cooperative, or fluid, aspects of these the data, one often extracts the transition systems. Thus, they seem to stand apart quadrupole moment Qt as being the Q0 and be almost unrelated. This has led to the value obtained for a given transition. A next step, the investigation of models that very useful relation is obtained for B(E2) are called microscopic models or calculations. ratios between states belonging to bands These include pairing models (similar having different K quantum numbers. to the Bardeen–Cooper–Schriefer theory These relations are called the Alaga rules of superconductivity) and the random- and yield phase approximation, to name but two.   A more recent and still developing set of ⎛ ⎞2 | microscopic models is called the interacting B(E2; I → I ) IiK2 K If Kf i f = ⎝   ⎠ boson models, which we present here briefly. B(E2; I → I´ ) | ´ i f IiK2 K If Kf The solutions of the nuclear shell model (1.71) lead to single-particle orbits that can be occupied by the neutrons and protons. = − whereby K Kf K as is expected for an Because of the Pauli principle, each angular momentum projection quantum nucleon in an atomic nucleus can occupy number. Using the Alaga rules it is possible only different orbits. It turns out that to determine the K values of rotational once more the short range of the nuclear bands. force leads to a dominant component when 36 1 Nuclear Structure

one wants to take account of the residual ( = ( + (·(+ ( · ( H εnd c1L L c2Q Q interaction. The dominant component is ( ( ( ( +c T · T + c T · T (1.73) called pairing interaction and energetically 3 3 3 4 4 4 favors the formation of nucleon pairs made with the operators out of two nucleons moving in orbits √ |njm> and |nj-m>, coupling to a two- ( † (1) L = 10(d × d)m (1.74a) nucleon state with total spin J = 0. To m a lesser extent, the formation of nucleon ( = † ×+ † × (2) Qm (s d d s)m pairs with spin J = 2, 4, 6 in that sequence + † × (2) is also favored. As the number of protons χ(d d)m (1.74b) and neutrons is generally different in not ( = † × (3) too light nuclei, the single-particle orbits T3m (d d)m (1.74c) occupied by both will generally be very ( = † × (4) different and thus the pairing will be T4m (d d)m (1.74d) effective only between like nucleons (either √ The factor 10 is used in order to make protons or neutrons). When one is mainly the dipole operator an angular momentum interested in the low-energy excitations of operator and the first term in Eq. (1.73) the atomic nucleus, one can treat this contains the d-boson number operator. structure in terms of interacting, nucleon The multipole expansion has six free pairs via the residual interaction. However, parameters of which two are needed for a many-body problem composed of paired the quadrupole–quadrupole interaction. fermions, although more correct, is still The use of the multipole expansion is very difficult to solve. Instead by replacing especially advantageous because numerical these n = n + n fermions by ν π studies have shown that the values of the octupole and hexadecapole interaction are n + n N = ν π (1.72) generally very small. Thus, up to a good 2 approximation, one can describe a variety real bosons with L = 0, 2 (and eventually 4, of atomic nuclei at low excitation energies 6, ...), one has enormously simplified the by the simple four-parameter Hamiltonian: original n-body problem. For instance, one (χ = ( + (×(+ (χ × (χ does not need to bother about which orbits H εnd c1L L c2Q Q are occupied by the protons and neutrons, (1.75) while keeping the essential physics. This The index in Eq. (1.75) makes explicit is the essence of what is now called the that the quadrupole operator contains an interacting boson approximation,whichwas additional parameter. proposed and elaborated by Iachello and Of importance in the development of the Arima in the second half of the 1970s [42]. IBM is the use of dynamical symmetries The simplest version of the model is providing analytic solutions of the many- called IBM-1 and deals with s (L = 0) and d body problem. Because there are in total (L = 2) bosons. Considering the constraint six distinct bosons when considering the that the number of bosons is fixed magnetic projections, the symmetry of = + N ns nd and limiting the Hamiltonian the many-body problem is U(6) while the to one- and two-body interactions, one physical symmetry is given by SO(3) the Lie obtains the multipole expansion form algebra of the angular momentum. Three 1.7 Nuclear Models 37 dynamical symmetries are obtained. They to be solved numerically and the transi- can be schematically represented by the tional nuclei can be described. chains The IBM-1 model describes only positive-parity levels of even–even nuclei. ⎧ ⎫ ⎪ ⎪ To describe negative-parity states, one must ⎨⎪ ⊃ U (5) ⎬⎪ use negative parity p and f bosons con- U(6) ⊃ O(6) ⊃ O(5) ⊃ O(3) ⎪ ⎪ structed in a similar way to the s and ⎩⊃ ⎭ SU(3) d bosons. Furthermore, the IBM-1 has (1.76) no explicit neutron–proton degree of free- Each of the three chains can be used dom. This is introduced in the IBM-2 where to provide a complete basis to analytically a neutron–proton label is introduced for solve the N s, d boson model. One can the s and d bosons. As the neutron and pro- also rewrite the general Hamiltonian as a ton bosons are distinguishable, the IBM-2 combination of all previously determined leads to new sets of states, called mixed Casimir operators: symmetry states (in the neutron–proton degree of freedom). Furthermore, analyt- ( = + ical solutions can be derived for the IBM-2 H εC1[U(5)] αC2[U(5)] [44]. Mixed symmetry states have been +δC [SU(3)] + ηC [O(6)] 2 2 observed in many atomic nuclei, especially +β + γ C2[O(5)] C2[O(3)] (1.77) in deformed nuclei where the lowest state is a 1+ state called the scissor state [45], and where we have omitted all constant terms also recently in vibrational nuclei [46]. that contribute only to the binding ener- Finally, if one wants to describe odd- gies. The Casimir form Eq. (1.77), like A nuclei, a model denoted interact- Eq. (1.73), contains six parameters and, ing boson–fermion model (IBFM) must once more, all three forms can be trans- be used. Odd-A nuclei always have an formed into each other. The advantage of unpaired nucleon that cannot form an s the form Eq. (1.77) lies in the fact that or d boson because a partner is miss- the three different limits correspond to ing. Therefore, an odd–even nucleus is three classes of atomic nuclei: vibrational, described in the model with N bosons and rotational, and γ -unstable nuclei corre- one fermion, the unpaired nucleon, which spond to the Hamiltonian with δ = η = 0 can occupy several orbitals j. In addition, (U(5) limit), ε = α = η = β = 0 (SU(3) limit) for such systems dynamical symmetries, and ε = α = δ = 0(O(6) limit) . In these called Bose–Fermi symmetries, can be used, cases, closed analytic expressions for exci- although their elaboration is much more tation energies and wavefunctions can be complex [47]. The symmetry starts then obtained [42]. Two of the limits already from the product UB(6) × UF(M)with had known counterparts in the collective  model. It was the discovery of the third, M = 2j + 1 (1.78) the O(6) limit, in the Pt nuclei at the j end of the 1970s [43], that boosted the use of the model. Soon it became evident and ends with SU(2). In 1980, a daring that it formed a good approximation for extension of the model was proposed [48]. the nuclear many-body problem in many Using supersymmetry, the structure of nuclei. Outside the limits the model needs some odd–even nuclei could be related 38 1 Nuclear Structure

Theory Experiment

194 4+ 78Pt116 4+ (2) (2) 2+ 2+ Ex

(KeV) (1) 2+ (1) 2+

0 200(0) 400 600 800 0+ <7,n, 0,0> (0) 0+ [7,0]<7,0>

195 78Pt117 9/2− 5/2− 7/2− (2,0) 5/2− 9/2− 3/2− (2,0) (2,0) (2,0) − 5/2− 3/2− 7/2 − 5/2− 3/2 − − Ex 7/2− 3/2 7/2 (KeV) − 5/2− 5/2− 5/2 (1,1) − 5/2− (1,1) (1,0) 3/2− 3/2 (1,0) 1/2− 5/2− 1/2− 3/2− 3/2− (1,0) 3/2− − (1,0) 5/2 3/2− − <6,1,0> − 0(0,0) 200 400 600 800 1/2 (0,0) 1/2 <7,0,0> [6,1]<6,1> [7,0]<7,0>

9/2+ 195 Au 9/2+ 7/2+ 79 116 7/2+ 5/2+ (5,1) 3/2+ 7/2+ (5,1) 5/2+

Ex 7/2+ (KeV) (3,1) 5/2+ (3,1) 5/2+ 3/2+ 1/2+


0(1,1) 200 400 600 800 3/2+ <13/2,1/2,1/2> (1,1) 3/2+ [6,0]<6,0>

196 79Au117

(5/2,1/2) − − 2 (5/2,1/2) 4 − 3− 2− 4 − 2− (4−) − − (3/2,1/2) 3 (3/2,1/2) 3 1 3− − − 2− 3− − 2 4 (3/2,3/2) (3 ) 2− Ex − 1− 2− 4− (3/2,3/2) 3 − − − 3− − (KeV) − 0 4 2 (0−) 2 (3/2,1/2) 3 − 1− − 2− 3 1− (3/2,1/2) 2− (3−) (1−) 2 − 3− − (3−) − 1 (3/2,1/2) − 1 (3/2,1/2) (1 ) − 2− 2 4− 0 1− (1/2,1/2) (1−) (2−) (1/2,1/2) − − 1 0 (2−) (1−) 2−<11/2,1/2,1/2> <11/2,3/2,1/2> − − (1/2,1/2) − 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1 [5,1]<5,1> [5,1]<5,1> (1/2,1/2) − <13/2,1/2,1/2> 2 [6,0]<6,0> (a) (b) 1.7 Nuclear Models 39 to that of the much simpler even–even It consists of an even–even nucleus, two nuclei via the embedding of the dynamical odd–even nuclei and an odd–odd nucleus. symmetries in a supersymmetry: The latter is interesting in two respects: its energy spectrum can be predicted from ⊃ B × F U(6/M) U (6) U (M) those of the other three members and ||| heavy odd–odd nuclei are the most com- [N][N][1m] (1.79) plex objects found in low-energy nuclear structure. If dynamical supersymmetry is connecting the N s, d bosons + 1 fermion able to describe these nuclei, which could problem to the N + 1 boson problem by the not be described by other theoretical mod- supersymmetric reduction rule N = N + m. els, strong evidence for its existence can This embedding when realized in nature be obtained. This development is of impor- would reveal itself through the possibility tance not only for nuclear physics but for to describe excited states in an odd–even all other applications of supersymmetry in nucleus and in the adjacent even–even physics. nuclei using a common set of quantum The odd–odd nucleus 196Au is consid- numbers and parameters related via the ered to be the ultimate test of supersym- supergroup. If dynamical symmetries are metry in nuclear physics for three reasons. required, only a limited class of atomic It is situated in a region of nuclei that nuclei can be described in this way. was known to exhibit dynamical symme- During the 1980s, experimental evidence tries and supersymmetries. At the same was accumulated, but unfortunately it time, it is the most difficult mass region in was not possible to determine completely which to describe odd–odd nuclei. Finally, the structure of the odd–even nucleus when its excitations with negative par- starting from the even–even nucleus ity were predicted in 1989 on the basis alone. Later an extension of supersymmetry of the three other nuclei, none of them was proposed, which incorporates a dis- were experimentally known. In a detailed tinction between neutrons and protons. spectroscopic study the excited states of 196 This extended supersymmetry allows one Au were determined and a good agree- to describe a quartet of nuclei in a com- ment with the supersymmetric model was mon framework. This quartet, called a obtained [49]. The results of this combined magic square, consists of nuclei having the effort are illustrated in Figure 1.6. They same total number of bosons (paired nucle- reveal good agreement with the analytical ons) and fermions (unpaired nucleons). prediction:

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− Figure 1.6 The lowest observed states (b), are to 500 keV can be described using the formula compared to the theoretical result (a) for the (Eq. (1.88)) based on dynamical supersymme- four members of the quartet (note that one is try. Not shown are higher-lying states of the dealing with holes in the doubly closed shell even–even and odd–even nuclei, which are nucleus 208Pb). The even–even nucleus 194Pt, also described by supersymmetry. Together with the negative parity states in the odd-neutron the spin and parities, the quantum numbers 195 nucleus Pt, the positive parity states in the [N1,N2], <1,2>, <σ 1,σ 2,σ 3>,and(τ 1,τ 2) odd-proton nucleus 195Au and the negative- are also indicated. (Based on [49].) parity states in the odd–odd nucleus 196Au up 40 1 Nuclear Structure

Isobars: Nuclei with the same mass E = A(N (N + 5) + N (N + 3)) 1 1 2 2 number A but with different numbers of +B( ( + 4) +  ( + 2)) 1 1 2 2 protons (Z) and neutrons (N).

+B (σ (σ + 4) + σ (σ + 2) + σ 2) 1 1 2 2 3 Isomeric state: An excited nuclear state + + + + C(τ1(τ1 3) τ2(τ2 1)) whose half-life for γ-emission is quite long; +DL(L + 1) + EJ(J + 1) (1.80) similar to a metastable state of an atomic system.

obtained using dynamical supersymmetry. Isotones: Nuclei with the same number of neutrons (N) but different numbers of protons (Z) and thus, different values for Glossary A. Isotope shift: Small changes in the Bosons: Quantum particles obeying wavelengths of X-ray optical, and especially Bose–Einstein statistics, so having integral muonic transitions in going from one spin. isotope to the next, which give a measure Daughter: In a radioactive decay in ofthechangeinthenuclearradiusasA which the radioactive nucleus A decays changes by one unit. into nucleus B the nucleus B is said to be Isotopes: Nuclei with the same number the daughter of nucleus A. of protons (Z) but different numbers of de Broglie wavelength: The wavelength neutrons (N) and thus, different values of λ of a particle given by the relation λ = hp, A. where h is Planck’s constant and p the Lamb shift: A small quantum electrody- momentum of the particle. namiceffectthatisprincipallyduetothe Decay constant λ: If N nuclei are present radiative coupling of the orbiting electron at time t, then the decay constant is given (or muon) with the vacuum field and the by the number of decaying nuclei −dN/dt finite nucleus. divided by N. Lifetime τ: The reciprocal of the decay Electron capture: A radioactive decay constant. The lifetime is related to the half- process, sometimes called K capture, where = life by T1/2 ln(2)τ. the Q is greater than the Mass defect: The difference between the binding energy of one of the atom’s cloud of mass of a nucleus of mass number A in electrons (Q > BEe). The nucleus absorbs atomic mass units less A, = M(A) − A. one of the atomic electrons to undergo β+ decay and emits thereby a neutrino. If Mass excess: Negative of mass defect. 2 Q > 2mec , then electron capture competes Mirror pair: Two light nuclei with + with normal β decay, whereby a positron the same mass number A but with and an electron neutrino are created. numbers of protons (Z) and neutrons (N) Fermions: Half integer spin particles interchanged. obeying Fermi–Dirac statistics. Muon: A member of the lepton family

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22. Lunney, D., Pearson, J.M., and Thibault, C. 47. Iachello, F. and Van Isacker, P. (1991) The (2003) Rev. Mod. Phys., 75, 1021–1082. Interacting Boson-Fermion Model, Cambridge 23. de Vries, H., de Jager, C.W., and de Vries, C. University Press, Cambridge. (1987) Atomic Data Nucl. Data Tables, 36, 48. Iachello, F. (1980) Phys. Rev. Lett., 44, 495–536. 772–775. 24. Tanihata, I. (1995) Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 35, 49. Groeger, J. et al. (2000) Phys. Rev. C, 62, 505–574. 064304. 25. Casimir, H.B.G. (1935) Physica, 2, 719–723. 26. Gollnow, G. (1936) Z. Phys., 103, 443–453. 27. Schwartz, C. (1955) Phys. Rev., 97, 380–395. Further Readings 28. Castel, B. and Towner, I.S. (1990) Modern Theories of Nuclear Moments,Clarendon Press: Oxford, and references therein. In this list, the symbols E, I, and A following the 29. Neyens, G. (2003) Rep. Prog. Phys, 66, references indicate the level of difficulty: 633–689. elementary, intermediate, and advanced, 30. Eberth, J. and Simpson, J. (2008) Prog. Part. respectively. Nucl. Phys., 60, 283–337. Bethe, H.A. (1936) Rev. Mod. Phys., 8, 82–229 (I). 31. Heyde, K.L.G. (1990) The Nuclear Shell This and the preceding form the best review of Model, Springer Series in Nuclear and the early state of the subject: Bethe, H.A. and Particle Physics, Springer(A). Bacher, R.F. (1937) Rev. Mod. Phys., 9, 32. Bohr, A. (1952) Kgl. Dan. Vid. Selsk. Mat. 69–244(I). Fys. Medd., 26 (14). Bohr, A. and Mottelson, B. (1969) Nuclear 33. Jolie, J., Cejnar, P., Casten, R.F., Heinze, S., Structure, Vol. 1, Benjamin, New York(A). Linnemann, A., and Werner, V. (2002) Phys. This and the preceding, while old, are Rev. Lett., 89, 182502. comprehensive and still useful: 34. Cejnar, P., Jolie, J., and Casten, R.F. (2010) Bohr, A. and Mottelson, B. (1975) Nuclear Rev. Mod. Phys., 82, 2155–2212. Structure, Vol. 2, Benjamin, New York(A). 35. See also: Mayer, M. G. (1948) Phys. Rev. 74, Bonatsos, D. (1988) Interacting Boson Models of 235–239; Phys. Rev, (1949), 75, 1969–1970. Nuclear Structure, Clarendon, Oxford(A). 36. Haxel, O., Jensen, J.H.D., and Suess, H.E. Castel, B. and Towner, I.S. (1990) Modern (1949) Phys. Rev., 75, 1766. Theories of Nuclear Moments,Clarendon, 37. Pieper, S.C., Varga, K., and Wiringa, R.B. Oxford(A). (2002) Phys. Rev., C66, 044310. An excellent text, more advanced than Pal (1983): Casten, R.F. (1990) Nuclear Structure from a 38. Nilsson, S.G. (1955) Kgl. Dan. Vid. Selsk. Simple Perspective, Oxford University Press, Mat. Fys. Medd., 29, 16. New York(I). 39. Garrett, P.E. (2001) J. Phys., G27,R1. An overview of the use of symmetry concepts in 40. Borner,¨ H.G. et al. (1991) Phys. Rev. Lett., 66, nuclear structure with many experimental 691 and 2837. examples: 41. Davydov, A.S. and Filippov, G.F. (1958) Frank, A., Jolie, J., and Van Isacker, P. (2008) Nucl. Phys., 8, 237–249. Symmetries in Atomic Nuclei: From Isospin to 42. Iachello, F. and Arima, A. (1987) The Supersymmetry, Springer Tracts in Modern Interacting Boson Model, Cambridge Physics, Springer (A). University Press, Cambridge. A nice introduction into the practical aspects of 43. Casten, R.F. and Cizewski, J.A. (1978) Nucl. the nuclear shell model: Phys., A309, 477. Heyde, K.L.G. (1990) The Nuclear Shell Model, 44. Van Isacker, P., Heyde, K., Jolie, J., and Springer Series in Nuclear and Particle Sevrin, A. (1986) Ann. Phys., 171, 253–296. Physics, Springer (A). 45. Richter, A. (1995) Prog. Particle Nucl. Phys., An excellent introduction for students of which 34, 261. each new edition is substantially updated: 46. Pietralla, N., von Brentano, P., and Lisetskij, Heyde, K.L.G. (1994) Basic Ideas and Concepts A.G. (2008) Prog. Particle Nucl. Phys., 60, in Nuclear Physics, Fundamental and Applied 225–282. Nuclear Physics, IOP (I). Further Readings 43

Discusses many aspects, both theoretical and Nice treatments of several of the older experimental, of this fascinating area of microscopic models: nuclear structure: Pal, M.K. (1983) Theory of Nuclear Structure, Janssens, R.V.F. and Khoo, T.L. (1991) Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York (E). Superdeformed nuclei. Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Very deep and detailed introduction in the Sci., 41, 321–355 (A). algebraic methods used in the nuclear shell An ideal textbook for students: model and the interacting boson model: Krane, K.S. (1987) Introductory Nuclear Talmi, I. (1993) Simple Models of Complex Physics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York Nuclei, Contemporary Concepts in Physics, (I). Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur (A). A compendium of nuclear data, of great value: Another excellent, more advanced text: Lederer, C.M. and Shirley, V.S. (eds) (1978) Wong, S.S.M. (1990) Introductory Nuclear Table of Isotopes, 7th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Physics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Inc., New York (A). (I).