Three Lectures on Meson Mixing and CKM Phenomenology
Three Lectures on Meson Mixing and CKM phenomenology Ulrich Nierste Institut f¨ur Theoretische Teilchenphysik Universit¨at Karlsruhe Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany I give an introduction to the theory of meson-antimeson mixing, aiming at students who plan to work at a flavour physics experiment or intend to do associated theoretical studies. I derive the formulae for the time evolution of a neutral meson system and show how the mass and width differences among the neutral meson eigenstates and the CP phase in mixing are calculated in the Standard Model. Special emphasis is laid on CP violation, which is covered in detail for K−K mixing, Bd−Bd mixing and Bs−Bs mixing. I explain the constraints on the apex (ρ, η) of the unitarity triangle implied by ǫK ,∆MBd ,∆MBd /∆MBs and various mixing-induced CP asymmetries such as aCP(Bd → J/ψKshort)(t). The impact of a future measurement of CP violation in flavour-specific Bd decays is also shown. 1 First lecture: A big-brush picture 1.1 Mesons, quarks and box diagrams The neutral K, D, Bd and Bs mesons are the only hadrons which mix with their antiparticles. These meson states are flavour eigenstates and the corresponding antimesons K, D, Bd and Bs have opposite flavour quantum numbers: K sd, D cu, B bd, B bs, ∼ ∼ d ∼ s ∼ K sd, D cu, B bd, B bs, (1) ∼ ∼ d ∼ s ∼ Here for example “Bs bs” means that the Bs meson has the same flavour quantum numbers as the quark pair (b,s), i.e.∼ the beauty and strangeness quantum numbers are B = 1 and S = 1, respectively.
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