Faculty Proposal Outlined at Forum Yarbrough to Give Concert
vol. xcm, No. 6 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE CAMPUS April 25, 1969 Faculty Proposal Outlined at Forum ASG President Paul Bielo- be placed in a pool. Those who capable of serving on any of wicz presented the proposal for have been placed in the pool them. The ASG president and the placement of students on fac- then express preference for com- his cabinet will then select from ulty committees, which was re- mittees; however, thev should be the pool those to be appointed cently passed by the faculty, to to particular committees. Ap- the students during this week's DORM POLICY pointees will be subject to two- Wednesday Forum. thirds vote of approval by the ASG. This was the first detailed The committees will be made presentation of the proposal to up of one-third seniors, one-third students. Under the new plan, DRAFTED juniors and one-third sopho- mores. Sophomores will be ap- students and faculty will have an After several closed meetings equal number of representatives pointed for a one year term, and an ad hoc committee made up juniors for two years. Sopho- on all committees, excluding Stu- of students, faculty, and adminis- dent Aid. This will replace the mores may, after a year's ser- tration has drawn up a propo- vice, be reappointed for two more old policy, under which students sal to eliminate women's hours were not represented on any com- years. The new committees will and one to establish regular in- go into effect starting next year. mittee. tervisitation in dormitories. Each department will be used In other ASG developments, the Although members of the com- positions on the Residence Af- as a base for drawing students mittee refused to comment on in order to obtain a wide variety fairs Committee were filled at any of the proceedings, the pro- the weekly meeting.
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