Tiny ImageNet Challenge Jiayu Wu Qixiang Zhang Guoxi Xu Stanford University Stanford University Stanford University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract Our best model, a fine-tuned Inception-ResNet, achieves a top-1 error rate of 43.10% on test dataset. Moreover, we We present image classification systems using Residual implemented an object localization network based on a Network(ResNet), Inception-Resnet and Very Deep Convo- RNN with LSTM [7] cells, which achieves precise results. lutional Networks(VGGNet) architectures. We apply data In the Experiments and Evaluations section, We will augmentation, dropout and other regularization techniques present thorough analysis on the results, including per-class to prevent over-fitting of our models. What’s more, we error analysis, intermediate output distribution, the impact present error analysis based on per-class accuracy. We of initialization, etc. also explore impact of initialization methods, weight decay and network depth on system performance. Moreover, visu- 2. Related Work alization of intermediate outputs and convolutional filters are shown. Besides, we complete an extra object localiza- Deep convolutional neural networks have enabled the tion system base upon a combination of Recurrent Neural field of image recognition to advance in an unprecedented Network(RNN) and Long Short Term Memroy(LSTM) units. pace over the past decade. Our best classification model achieves a top-1 test error [10] introduces AlexNet, which has 60 million param- rate of 43.10% on the Tiny ImageNet dataset, and our best eters and 650,000 neurons. The model consists of five localization model can localize with high accuracy more convolutional layers, and some of them are followed by than 1 objects, given training images with 1 object labeled.