Vol. 33, No. 5 www.arlingtondemocrats.org May 2008 Packed field vying for SB nods Vote! You can vote early and often—(well, twice) With a crew of six candidates seeking the Middle School, Room 272. Park in the lot off Old Democratic endorsement for School Board, Arling- Glebe Road and enter through Door #1. ton Democrats face the biggest field in many a year Each voter gets two votes because this year And then to choose from in May. two seats are up for election. Frank Wilson is re- Democrats will be endorsing two School Board tiring after 24 years, opening up one of those seats. candidates—and they will have two opportunities Libby Garvey is running for re-election and five vote a to do so. others are seeking an endorsement: Reid Goldstein, The main voting window is Saturday, May 3, Karla Hagan, James Lander, Terron Sims and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of the new Emma Violand-Sanchez. Each of those candidates second Washington-Lee High School. A pre-vote, for those has a message for voters on the center pages of this who can’t make it Saturday, will be held Thursday issue of The Voice. time! evening, May 1, from 7-9 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson continued on page three At the May School Board Caucus Mysteries of TRS revealed to all What is the cost of continued Democratic suc- the nuts and bolts of what it takes to run the Demo- cess in Arlington? Only $10 per month. At least cratic Party here in Arlington – everything from It’s all that’s all it takes to become a member of The office rent to volunteer management resources to Roosevelt Society (TRS), the Arlington County phone lines to technology upgrades. Democratic Committee’s sustaining donor program. Who is this “Roosevelt” I’ve been hearing so But what is The Roosevelt Society? ACDC Fi- much about? – Franklin Delano Roosevelt was our perfectly nance Chair Mike Lieberman provides answers 32nd President. He led us out of the Great Depres- to those long-burning questions that you’ve always sion, through World War II, and ushered in many wanted answered but never dared asked: of the core Democratic programs we celebrate to- legal What is The Roosevelt Society? – If the Joint day. The Roosevelt Society was founded in 1982 Campaign is the face of the Arlington Democrats, to celebrate the centennial of Franklin D. Details in the article at The Roosevelt Society is the backbone. The Roosevelt’s birth. the top of this page. Roosevelt Society provides nearly half of ACDC’s How does the Roosevelt Society work? – In- annual income. The Roosevelt Society provides continued on page 11 8th District to pick Denver delegates Delegates elected across Northern in Convention will also consider policy resolutions for April will assemble May 17 in Alexandria for the possible inclusion in the national party platform and DEMOCRATIC VALUES 2008 Eighth Congressional District Democratic nominate three members of the state permanent Cre- IN ACTION is the arm of Convention—the next step in choosing those del- dentials and Rules Committees. ACDC that doesn’t ask egates who will represent Virginia at the National Eighth District Congressman Jim Moran will address the convention. Former Gov. Mark Warner, for votes or money. It Democratic Convention in Denver this August. The convention will elect seven delegates and who is running to succeed Sen. John Warner, has just tries to help people. one alternate to go to Denver. More Denver del- also been invited to speak. Find out all about it on egates will be elected in June at the state Demo- The 2008 Eighth Congressional District Demo- Page Five this month. cratic Convention to be held in Hampton. cratic Convention will be held Saturday, May 17, at In addition to choosing national delegates, the Francis C. Hammond Middle School, 4646 Semi- Eighth District Convention will also select a presi- nary Road in Alexandria, beginning at 10 a.m. dential elector for the Eighth Congressional Dis- The 2008 Eighth District delegates to Denver trict in the presidential election. And the District continued on page 10 ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 2 Report from Chairman Peter Rousselot Mac-onomics—Don’t trust this guy “I’m going to be honest: I know a lot hole. put some daylight between himself and the less about economics than I do about military Our country is sliding into recession, failed presidency of George W. Bush. But, and foreign policy issues. I still need to be gasoline prices are at an all-time high, the buyer beware. McCain’s rigid, uncompromis- educated”. [Wall Street Journal interview, credit and other financial markets have suf- ing, stay-the-course personality will lead him Nov. 2005.] fered a precedent-shattering meltdown, and into his own personal series of policy disas- “The issue of economics is not some- we have done next to nothing to lessen our ters just as surely as Bush’s personality did. thing I’ve understood as well as I should. I’ve dependence on foreign oil. In the midst of this And, McCain’s comments on the recent credit got Greenspan’s book.” [New Hampshire Republican-created mess, the GOP is now and mortgage crises are all focused on being campaign appearance, Dec. 2007.] asking us to turn to a man who is trying to get sure we don’t do anything that might possi- This is real “straight talk”—straight from ready for the job by reading snatches of Alan bly interfere with the same unfettered and un- the lips of GOP presumptive presidential Greenspan’s memoirs between campaign regulated free market forces that got us into nominee John McCain. I’m not buying it, and stops? Give us a break! this mess in the first place. neither should you! If you’re not troubled enough by what As Democrats, we need to go all out this We don’t have to have a PhD in econom- you’ve heard so far about maconomics, con- year to be sure that this aspiring economics ics leading the White House, but we don’t sider these reassurances from McCain’s student has all the time he needs after No- need four more years of disdain for knowl- “friends” at the conservative magazine, The vember 4 to fill in the gaps in his economic edge there either. John McCain frequently Weekly Standard: “McCain’s method in do- resume. Hint: Alan Greenspan may be free brags about finishing near the bottom of his mestic matters no less than in foreign affairs for lunch. class at the Naval Academy, just as George is military: He surveys a set of facts, identi- W. Bush boasts about his “gentleman’s C’s” fies a villain, fixes him with his steely gaze, at Yale. and then goes after him.” [Ferguson, The Bush has gotten our country into an in- McCain Economic “Team,” 02/25/2008.] Get ready for credible mess both domestically and interna- Axis of Evil, please move over!! tionally with his attitude, and McCain’s Because of political imperatives that equally stubborn and bellicose personality is even someone who graduated near the bot- the J-J Dinner, tailor-made to dig us into an even deeper tom of his class at the Naval Academy can hole—hard as it might be to imagine a deeper grasp, John McCain is desperately trying to coming in June The cherry blossoms have bloomed; the tourists are swarming. It must be spring! Another sure sign of the season is that Jerry Botland ACDC’s largest fund-raising event of the year—the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner— Computer Consulting is almost upon us. Troubleshoot and resolve computer and J-J Dinner Co-chairs Bree Raum and Gabe Snow and their committee members are computer related problems. hard at work to make this event another block- Perform upgrades, set-up wireless routers and print servers. buster. The dinner, which will be held in mid- Transfer old files, address book and emails June, will feature outstanding speakers, great from an old computer to a new one. food and the best political schmoozing. Everyone knows 2008 is a critical year Ph# (703) 933-0558 — [email protected] for Virginia, the Democratic Party and ACDC. Not only is there the most exciting presiden- tial race in decades, but we will be working to elect a Democratic senator, congressman, Published monthly by the County Board member and two School Board Arlington County Democratic Committee members. 2009 North 14th Street, Suite #612, Arlington, VA 22201 Funds raised at the J-J will help ACDC Tel: (703) 528-8588 Fax: (703) 528-2321 do what it does best—provide large margins http://www.arlingtondemocrats.org of Democratic votes to help all our candidates. Chair: Peter Rousselot —703-276-1584 (o), [email protected] Help get the campaign season under way by Editor-in-Chief: Barbara van Voorst —703-522-6294 (h), [email protected] planning to attend. Deputy Editor: Warren L. Nelson —703-243-7867 (h), [email protected] Details will be posted on the ACDC web Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the ACDC site—www.arlingtondemocrats.org—as they unless expressly approved by an appropriate Committee Resolution become available. And watch your mail for Copyright ©2008, ACDC, All Rights Reserved your invitation! ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 3

Next Monthly Meeting—All Dems Invited Bumper Sticker Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 7 p.m. of the Month NRECA Building, 4301 Wilson Blvd Corner of North Taylor and Wilson, just east of Glebe & Wilson HATE, GREED, Free parking under building, enter from Taylor Street County Board Chair Walter Tejada will lead a program on “Accessory IGNORANCE: Dwelling Units,” a proposal before the County Board to allow WEAPONS OF homeowners to renovate a basement, attic, garage or other part of the MASS DESTRUCTION house as a separate rental unit with its own kitchen and bath.

March backward for Neighborhood Day Arlington County’s 12th Annual Neighborhood Day parade is marching backward this year! Well, not exactly backward, but in the reverse direction from past years. This year’s event—to be held Saturday, May 10—will begin at 1 p.m. at Courthouse and end in Clarendon, rather than the other way around as in the past. As usual, ACDC will march behind our banner to raise our visibility and presence in the community. As of press time, organizers had not assigned us our place in line. Check the web site, www.arlingtondemocrats.org, to find out where our assembly point will be. Mary Crosby is coordinating ACDC’s participation. For further information or to offer your help, contact her at [email protected] or (703) 892-8483. Vote early and often for SB candidates continued from page one The party endorses because that is what the right to endorse a candidate. A party that political parties exist to do—to present can- did not endorse a candidate in a political elec- Each year when the Democratic Party didates who represent the party credo to the tion would have less standing than a labor holds an endorsement caucus, two questions voters. Under Virginia law, School Board union or PTA or club, all of which are free to pop up about the process: Why does the party elections are non-partisan, but state law does endorse candidates. An endorsement is no endorse at all? And why does the party ask not now and never has banned or even dis- more than an exercise of free speech rights. voters to sign a pledge some denounce as a couraged endorsements, which are the norm The other question relates to the pledge. loyalty oath? across the state. Any citizen and group has All voters arriving at the endorsement cau- cus are asked to sign a pledge that states that they are Democrats and do not plan to sup- port anyone in November who opposes the Democratic endorsee or any other Democrat running in November. This is not a legally binding commitment, but a moral commit- ment. The pledge is required by state party rules because Virginia does not have regis- tration by party. Therefore, unlike in many other states, there is no list of Democrats to check caucus voters against. Republicans could mount an effort to impact the outcome of the vote. The pledge is an effort to make clear the caucus is a decision-making event only for Democrats. The pledge asks only that the voter state he or she does not “now plan” to vote for a non-Democrat—in other words, to declare that the voter is not really a mem- ber of another party. ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 4 You don’t need to be in business to join NoVa Business Council—just a Dem Few Arlingtonians have probably heard enue Ingrid Morroy, Counselor to the Gov- “Second, you need not be in ‘business’ of the Northern Virginia Democratic Business ernor Larry Roberts and former State Sec- to participate. Many of the regular partici- Council—affectionately known as the retary of Transportation and County Board pants work for a government or non-profits. NVDBC—but it has been bringing Northern Member John Milliken have been among the The common thread for participation is a Virginia Dems together for the last five years. speakers (and attendees) from Arlington. strong interest in Democratic politics. “Northern Virginia has few structures In 2006, the NVDBC created a politi- “Third, this is neither a centrist nor lib- that bring Democrats together across jurisdic- cal action committee to promote the candida- eral Democratic business group – the NVDBC tional lines,” says former ACDC Chair Dan cies of Democratic candidates in Northern Vir- enjoys participation from Democrats across Steen, an active NVDBC member. ginia and in 2007 it contributed over $15,000 the political spectrum,” Steen said. “This group has successfully bucked the to candidates in some of Northern Virginia’s The NVDBC has a website where you obstacles—mostly time and distance—by most competitive House races. can learn more—www.nvdembiz.org. Or feel regularly bringing Democrats from Alexan- “I’m proud that we’ve been able to raise free to call Jim Hock at 202-494-8132 or email dria, Arlington, Falls Church and Fairfax over $15,000 for Democratic candidates in [email protected]. County to connect with each other and to hear Northern Virginia – all in small increments,” compelling speakers discuss the issues of the said co-founder and current Fairfax County day,” Steen said. Democratic Chair Scott Surovell. The group generally meets early (7:30 Arlingtonians have been a part of the a.m. or earlier) for breakfast on the first Fri- group from the beginning and Arlingtonian day of the month—most often at the Fairview Jim Hock was recently elected president. Arlington YDs Park Marriott off Route 50 at the Beltway. Hock is focused on increasing the member- “The price for breakfast is affordable and ship of the NVDBC and raising even more show muscle the speakers are always interesting,” Steen money for local candidates. He also wants to reports. National speakers have included Jack continue the NVDBC as a forum for discus- Germond, Mack McClarty, Eugene Robinson, sion of the “big issues facing Northern Vir- statewide John Zogby, Steve Jarding, Helen Thomas, ginia and creating a voice to help solve them.” Jordan Higgins, Arlington Young Al From and John Podesta. “A few myths can be ‘busted’ for any- Democrats (AYD) and Virginia Young Demo- Senator , Congressman Jim one curious about this group,” says Steen. crats (VAYD) webmaster, was named the male Moran, State Senator Mary Margaret First, the NVDBC has sustaining member- Virginia Young Democrat of the Year at the Whipple, Delegate Bob Brink, Arlington ships that help cut costs, but membership is annual VAYD convention in April. County Board members Chris Zimmerman not required to participate. (And there is no Higgins was instrumental in VAYD and and Walter Tejada, Commissioner of Rev- secret handshake.) AYD’s online outreach and the installation of Demopolis, the YD database and the back- bone of the youth wing’s data collection. He has run many Demopolis training sessions for PC HELP VAYD and AYD so that other young Demo- crats are trained in the online tools available Want help with setting up, networking, upgrading, to enhance youth participation and the youth fixing, or just using your new or old PC? vote. Sixteen Arlington YDs trekked down to Virginia Tech in Blacksburg for the conven- Affordable, personalized assistance. tion. The trip proved to be well worth the Evenings and weekends. Your home or office. drive—six of them were elected to positions on the 21-member VAYD Executive Commit- tee. They are: Ron Hicks DBA Systems That Work Andrew Almand, Treasurer Email: [email protected] Christine Lamb, Vice President for Fi- nance Bree Raum, National Committee- Website: www.systems-that-work.org woman; (Bree is also President of AYD) H/O: 703-528-1009 Cell: 571-217-9949 Amanda Wolfe, Labor Caucus Chair; (Amanda serves as ACDC Treasurer) Daniel Davis, Disabilities Issues Cau- Arlington Chamber of Commerce cus Chair Jeremy Caverly, Northern Region Chair ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 5

Democratic Values in Action Many volunteer to help the non-campaign side of the Arlington Democratic Party Thanks to the generous contributions available to tutor on weekday or Saturday help feed a family by purchasing an extra box from our Arlington Democratic family, your mornings. of cereal and bringing it to our ACDC meet- Democratic Values in Action committee was Arlington Food Assistance Center: ings. able to donate 103 individual personal hygiene The AFAC is currently feeding more than 800 If you are interested in any of these items for the homeless. The donations were families. One recurring item it can always projects, contact Arlington Democratic Val- given to Volunteers of America, the organi- use is boxed cereals. Your Arlington Demo- ues in Action Co-Chairs Sara Zevin at zation officially recognized by Arlington cratic Values in Action Committee will ini- [email protected] or Charley Conrad County to run the homeless assistance pro- tiate a continuing monthly cereal drive at the at [email protected] . There will gram. May 7 meeting and every subsequent ACDC also be sign up sheets at the May 7 and June Seven Democrats signed up to be meeting. Please consider this simple way to 4 ACDC General Membership Meetings. “Homework Helpers” for our Arlington County School children. We are in the pro- cess of submitting the names to Kim Durand with Arlington County Schools. Volunteers Arlington now has an easy- must be vetted and we are working with our volunteers to get them through this process. On Saturday, April 19, Arlington Demo- crats helped with Arlington County’s ECARE to-remember 50 precincts Environmental Collection and Recycling The County Board last year Event and Bikes for the World at Thomas created a new precinct in Arling- Jefferson Middle School. ton, giving the county a total of 50. Thanks to all for your support of our The new 50th precinct is Arlington Democratic Values in Action ini- called Crystal Plaza and takes in tiatives in March and April. In May and June an area rich in apartment houses we will be undertaking the following projects: opposite National Airport and in- Scorekeepers for Late Night Basket- cluding the Potomac Yards area, ball: Late Night B Ball is a program that pro- which is seeing major residential vides a positive, alternative Friday night ac- growth. The accompanying map tivity for teenagers. Volunteer duties include shows how the new precinct was running the clock or keeping the score book— carved out of the existing #6 Crys- skills that will be taught to all volunteers. Late tal City and #3 Aurora Hills. Night B Ball is held at the Barcroft Sports As Virginia is covered like and Fitness Center and at Carver Community other southern states by the Vot- Center. Hours are 6 to 8 p.m. or 6 p.m. to ing Rights Act, the Justice Depart- midnight depending on the location. Volun- ment must approve all changes in teers should be at least 18 years old and have precinct boundaries to vet that they some knowledge of basketball. are not discriminatory. That ap- Tutors Needed to Teach English to proval for Precinct #50 came in Latino Day Laborers: Our own Andres time for it to vote in last Tobar leads this initiative. Volunteers are November’s general election. needed to tutor Latino day laborers in basic The polling place for the new English. Many of the day laborers who come precinct will be at Crystal Plaza, to the Shirlington Employment and Educa- 2111 Jefferson Davis Highway. tion Center (SEEC) are looking for work, but At the same time, the County do not speak or understand English. To be- Board moved two square blocks 50TH — The map shows the old 6th and come employable, they must acquire some out of #40 Virginia Square and into 3rd precincts inside the bold lines. The new survival English skills taught by tutors who #14 Clarendon, to lessen the voter will work with them individually or in small 50th takes in the area inside the weaving line load in Virginia Square. The poll- drawn by a drunken sailor. The 50th groups on repetitive verbal exercises that will ing place for Virginia Square also help them learn the English language. Vol- shifted to George Mason Univer- includes all the many, many voters who live unteers must be high school graduates and sity, 3401 Fairfax Drive. at National Airport. ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 6 The six Democratic candidates seeking y Libby Reid Karla Garvey Goldstein Hagan It’s been my honor and privilege to serve It’s down to the wire—time for the big I ask for your vote so I can bring new on our School Board since 1997. Thank you push to bring more people into the process of energy to our School Board. for your past support, especially during the choosing our School Board. This campaign I am so honored to have earned the en- past few months. has energized a widespread desire to sustain dorsement of three current Arlington School The May Caucus will determine the di- and promote our excellent schools. We have Board members. Abby Raphael endorsed my rection of our schools. Our school system is seen unprecedented crowds at debates and lots candidacy, joining School Board Chair Ed now among the top in the nation. I’m proud of new people joining campaigns, all anxious Fendley and of my contribution to that success. I ask for for a new era in school leadership. Parents School Board your vote so I can provide the continuity to from many of our school communities—Im- Vice Chair Sally build on our success and keep us on track as mersion, International Baccalaureate, Baird. Abby an- we move forward. Experience is important Montessori, and H-B Woodlawn to name a nounced that for continuity. In January ‘09, I will have 12 few—are joining the campaign because they “Karla will bring a years of experience on the Board, while all want to make all of our schools truly World keen intellect, other School Board members combined will Class. They want new leadership to fulfill judgment and a have only six. the Arlington ex- collaborative ap- I see a number of challenges for our pectation that our proach to the schools. Among them is the need to keep our schools lead the School Board.” eye on the prize—student achievement. We nation in best As a school must not lose focus by spending too much practices, innova- parent, a scientist, time and resources on issues that, while wor- tion and results! and a former teacher I will be well-positioned thy, do not impact student achievement. We What does to make all of our schools even stronger. must complete our capital cycle with much “World Class We face tough issues: a shortage of pub- needed modernization and repairs to our half- Schools” mean? lic preschool opportunities, rising enrollment, century old secondary schools. We must con- • Instilling a school buildings in need of repair, and a per- tinue our unusual record of building on-time passion and a re- sistent achievement gap. In the best tradition and on-budget. Finally, we need to look at our spect for commu- of Arlington, I will listen to parents and mem- community involvement processes to ensure nity service by making it part of the curricu- bers of the community in tackling these chal- they function well, lum in every school. lenges. A respect for community input and a and the roles of • Engaging our community—not passion for all of our children are among the staff and citizens marginalizing it—to solve problems. We are most important qualities that I will bring to are clearly de- a highly educated community with an amaz- the School Board. fined. ing concentration of talent. Let’s use it. Since announcing my candidacy in De- I’m also proud • Closing the achievement gap from the cember, I have been privileged to talk with of my record serv- start by ensuring pre-K is available. parents, students, and neighborhood residents ing our party. I’ve • Broadening language instruction at all from all over Arlington. I’ve been energized played a signifi- levels—our children will have to be world- by all the great ideas I’ve heard. I’m reminded cant role in elect- ready for global competition. how much all of us care about our commu- ing some great • Ensuring that we recruit, retain, compen- nity. And I’ve been honored to have received Democrats, in- sate and invest in our teachers. They are the support from people of all backgrounds and cluding Mary Hynes, Walter Tejada, Tim heart and soul of our schools. from around the county. Kaine, and Jim Webb. I’m proud Gov. Warner • Guaranteeing the physical environment Democratic values are so important to appointed me to the P-16 Council which ad- in every classroom encourages teaching and me. I am honored to have worked with many vises the Governor on education policy. learning. Make it happen—no excuses. Arlington Democrats in advancing our efforts This election is about the future, which • Closing the college gap. Supporting for progressive, caring, and responsible gov- we will shape by the understanding gained in every family in achieving the American ernment. I’ve contributed to the strength of battles of the past. I am the only School Board Dream - that any child who wants to go to our party as ACDC Treasurer and as Co-Chair candidate that offers both experience and the college can do it. of the 2007 Joint Campaign, when Arlington determination to move ahead wisely. I can In sum, “World Class Schools” means helped turn Virginia more blue! offer you a proven track record. I promise to not accepting less than our best. Our commu- I am now asking something of you: your continue to do my very best for our schools, nity has the resources and a passion for ex- support for my serving Arlington as a mem- our party, and our community. cellence in education. All the candidates have ber of our School Board. Please vote for me on May 1 or 3, so I good ideas. But my record of service with I am counting on your vote on May 1 or can continue to help provide Arlington with both Arlington Schools and Arlington County May 3 — together, we can build an even bet- some of the finest schools in the nation. government shows that I get results. ter future for our children! ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 7 your two endorsements for School Board James Terron Emma Lander Sims Violand-Sanchez The James Lander for School Board How do we eliminate the achievement April has been a busy month! From at- campaign is extremely grateful for all the sup- gap? This is the fundamental question that Ar- tending events, to walking our neighborhoods, port and encouragement we have received. lington Public Schools must answer in the it was affirmed that Arlingtonians value edu- Thank you so much for listening and being coming years. After making great progress in cation. One of my most memorable experi- receptive to our message of community, closing the gap through the 1990s and into ences is meeting a 17-year-old who was not schools and parents. The concept I refer to as the 2000s, our progress has stalled. This is in school since he was 13 because he’s here “The Stakeholders’ Triangle.” unacceptable. Arlington must recommit itself without his parents. Now he is in school. For I am running for the Arlington School to this essential goal. me campaigning is a labor of love. As a life- Board because I care about ALL of our chil- Terron has a three part plan to eliminate long educator and dren! I want to contribute and help ALL stu- the gap. First, in times of uncertain budget as a community dents maximize their learning potential. I have Arlington must continue to recruit and retain leader, my passion been working and advocating for the educa- the best teachers in our schools. Studies have is education. tional needs of our children on school and repeatedly shown that having excellent and Sharing my county PTAs as well as a variety of engaging teachers is the most important fac- vision as a School countywide committees. tor in raising stu- Board candidate is We have a wonderful school system in dent achievement a task I could not Arlington! I want to maintain our high level, for all kids. achieve alone. improve the communication with our parents Second, Ar- Thanks to our and better engage our diverse community. I lington Schools campaign team, I will encourage an open inclusive process de- must consistently have been able to signed to help us make informed decisions and systemati- promote my vision for Arlington Schools as on important recurring issues like boundaries, cally reach out to a place for every Arlingtonian to have: budget priorities and capital investments. parents who are • Quality education that prepares students Like many of you, my wife Monica and reluctant to get for academic success. I have limited resources. That is why it’s so involved with the • A valuable role in shaping the future of important that our public school system is schools. Carlin our schools via increased parental involve- responsive to EACH child’s needs, my daugh- Springs Elementary School provides a model ment and increased participation in the deci- ter, YOUR child, ALL of our children! for what all schools in Arlington should be sion making process We must prepare our young people to doing – reaching out— to parents who are • The assurance of knowing that our teach- be successful to take their next step. Our uninvolved in the schools and offer programs ers will be supported with research-based pro- charge is to educate ALL of our students and to support them. fessional training to best serve the needs of prepare them to compete in a global economy. Third, Arlington Schools cannot elimi- all our students. I am running for the Arlington School nate the gap alone. We have to ask for wider As a recipient of the Jim Hunter Human Board because I involvement of the Arlington community in Rights Award, Women of Vision Award and care about ALL our schools. Business should help provide in- as a founder of Project Family and Escuela of our children! ternships and partnerships with our schools Bolivia, that benefit many Arlington fami- The school in order for students to get first hand experi- lies, I am committed to expanding educational board has the ence in real world problem solving. This is opportunities for all students. critical respon- particularly true for students who are not plan- Furthermore, as the vice-chair of the sibility in bring- ning on attending college immediately after Northern Virginia Community College board ing together high school. Partnering with businesses and and as an adjunct professor at Georgetown AND support- non-profits will be a great tool to motivate University and University of Virginia, I am ing the commu- and prepare all our students whatever their also intimately aware of the college admis- nity, the schools life goals may be. sions process and will work to establish part- and the parents. Terron has been taking this message di- nerships with universities in order to prepare Thank you for rectly to the voters going door to door all over our students for success beyond high school. your support. Together, we will make our Arlington. Voters recognize that our schools Finally, my 30 years as an administrator good schools better and our better schools are great, but that we cannot afford to become of a nationally recognized second language BEST! complacent about our success. We must keep program enables me to work with teachers, You can make donations by credit card our eyes on the prize of eliminating the principals and parents as we promote our at www.jameslander.org or by mail to James achievement gap, which means electing school system as a model for our diverse na- Lander for School Board, P.O. Box 16133, School Board members committed to this tion. Remember to vote for the candidate Arlington, VA 22215-1133. Checks should be goal. Terron asks for your vote on either May that best represents equity, excellence, and made out to James Lander for School Board. 1 or May 3. experience. www.emmaforschoolboard.org ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 8

Your Steering Committee Parliamentarian et al Bob Platt is running everywhere—and every thing Bob Platt may have to grow a few more selected in an open manner rather than dic- heads to accommodate all the hats he wears tated from on high, as is the case with some at ACDC. other political groups. Platt currently serves on the Steering A graduate of Cornell University and Committee as Parliamentarian and also as Cornell Law School, Platt has maintained his Chair of the Resolutions Committee. In ad- loyalty to his alma mater by serving on dition, he chairs the upcoming School Board Cornell’s Board of Trustees for four years and Caucus and is a Precinct Captain in Hume pre- as his Alumni Class President. cinct. He claims to be part of a vast Cornell He has held a variety of other Steering alumni conspiracy to take over ACDC with Committee positions since 1991 including fellow grads Tony Taylor, Jason Rylander Sergeant-At-Arms and Legal Counsel. He and Iris Portnoy. continues to work with Kevin Appel and Tom Platt does so much work for ACDC that Connally to handle various legal issues and it’s hard to believe he also has a day job. He to keep ACDC on the right procedural track. is a partner at the Washington law firm of Over the years he also did duty as ACDC’s Fleischman & Harding where he practices first webmaster and as newsletter layout edi- energy and infrastructure law. tor. And, in his spare (?) time, Platt runs. Not Like many of a “certain age,” Platt’s first for office, but on foot for fun. An organizer exposure to Democratic politics came when of many races in the area, he has served as he attended a campaign rally and speech by President of the DC Road Runners Club and JFK in 1960. He has been a Democrat ever is currently Virginia coordinator for the Road since. Runners Clubs of America. In 1998, he was “I am proud of ACDC’s work in build- named its national volunteer of the year. As ing a community that values all its residents if that isn’t enough, he founded the and makes sound policy choices to meet real RacePacket magazine and website to help human needs,” Platt says. publicize local races. He also values the grassroots nature of BOB PLATT Whew! We’re tired and need to sit ACDC, where policy positions and leaders are . . . after yet another race down! ACDC resolution lauds GA’s work ACDC has adopted a resolution com- to promote tourism and business travel in Ar- • $42 million more over the next two years mending Gov. and the Democratic lington. to enhance the state’s mental health programs; legislators in the Virginia General Assembly It also cited “important strides in meet- and for their “hard work and budgetary achieve- ing the pressing social needs of the Common- • $22 million more to expand subsidized ments.” wealth (despite the continued intransigence pre-kindergarten. It also called upon them to “act quickly by Republican legislators).” The full text of the resolution can be to find new funding mechanisms and/or fund- These include: found on the ACDC web site ing sources in order to meet Northern • An additional 600 slots in a program that www.arlingtondemocrats.org. Virginia’s pressing transportation needs.” allows people with developmental disabilities The resolution cited two important vic- to receive treatment at home instead of being tories essential to Arlington’s and Virginia’s institutionalized; long-term economic health: \ • A two percent pay raise for teachers in Calendar items 1) $10 million in state assistance to re- 2009; To submit items for the calendar—both tain the Defense Advanced Research Projects • A two percent pay raise for state employ- for the website or The Voice—go to http:// Agency’s (DARPA) office in Ballston, and ees this year and a further two percent raise www.arlingtondemocrats.org/ 2) securing a continued funding source next year; submitevent.phtml . ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 9 The Transportation Funding Crisis Prosperity stymied; air quality reduced; frustration cubed by Chris Zimmerman to the table, and find a viable way forward. Twelve months ago Governor Tim Kaine This is a crisis; the stakes could not be concluded a remarkable compromise, produc- higher. ing the first major state action on transporta- In economic terms, it’s about the con- tion finance after two decades of inaction in tinued prosperity of our dynamic region. Richmond. The deal wasn’t perfect, but it In environmental terms, it’s about our provided significant new funding for North- ability to cope with air quality and greenhouse ern Virginia’s biggest policy challenge. This gas emissions and to promote smart growth included dedicated funding for Metro and a solutions. revenue stream to support a regional program In terms of quality of life, it’s about re- of vitally-needed improvements to roads, sponding to the frustrations of harried people bridges, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and at every income level, struggling to get to public transportation. work every day, missing key moments with A key element was a set of seven taxes their children, losing precious time from their and fees to be applied in Northern Virginia lives. that would raise some $300 million per year, In political terms, it’s about the Kaine with all of the revenue staying here in North- legacy, and the credibility of Democratic lead- ern Virginia, to be administered by our re- ership in state government. gional transportation authority, on which each For more information, see the Northern locality is represented. In the months that Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) followed, local governments worked together, website at www.thenovaauthority.org. with help from the Kaine Administration, to ------mobilize a regional agency (“NVTA”) and Arlington County Board Member Chris develop a comprehensive program that em- Zimmerman chairs the Northern Virginia phasized public transportation and multi- Transportation Authority. ZIMMERMAN modalism and rewarded smart growth land use policies. That program was – is – ready for implementation later this year. Here in Arlington it meant money for Metro, for ART buses, for new entrances at the Rosslyn and Ballston stations, for the new Crystal City-Potomac Yards transitway, for the Columbia Pike Streetcar, for road and side- walk improvements on Old Dominion Drive, Lee Highway and Columbia Pike. Then, in February and March, it all be- gan to fall apart. The economic slowdown caused a decline in the state portion of the funding package, which was further reduced when the General Assembly repealed the un- popular “abusive driver” fees – with no re- placement for the revenue. And then came the February 29 decision by the Virginia Su- preme Court, reversing the Circuit Court de- cision of last August, and overturning the legislature’s action empowering the regional authorities to levy the seven taxes and fees. Now, we may actually have less funding for Your future? transportation than before the 2007 legisla- tion was passed. Governor Kaine will likely call a spe- cial session later this Spring, and submit leg- islation to fix this mess. He was masterful last year in achieving a compromise; once again, we have to look to him bring everyone ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 10 Convention to pick delegates, Donkey Ears Listening to the doings resolutions, of Arlington’s Dems as overheard by one elector Dan Steen and Warren Nelson continued from page one are allocated as follows: two male Obama Back to the prairie: Another Arlington couple is abandoning the bright delegates, one male Clinton delegate, two fe- lights of the nation’s smallest county to return to the sprawling prairie. male Obama delegates, two female Clinton delegates, and one male Obama alternate. Jeff Kohmstedt, former Southeast Area co-chair, and wife Lorrie A total of 252 delegates and 126 alter- Pearson are headed back to their roots in Champaign Illinois, the Land of nates were elected in April to the convention Lincoln—and Obama and Hillary. Asked about the move, Jeff said, of the Eighth District, which encompasses Ar- “We’ve got Republican Congressman Tim Johnson to knock off. What lington, Alexandria, Falls Church and east- better reason do we need?” Jeff and Lorrie have spent seven years on the ern sections of Fairfax County. East Coast and are looking forward to shorter commutes, less hectivity— For a resolution to be considered at the and probably more Champaign. Lorrie has a job with the city govern- Eighth District Convention, mail or fax the ment and Jeff is, well, looking for a “real job.” By the way, they sold resolution by Friday, May 2, to: Eighth Con- their house in South Arlington after it was on the market only five days. gressional District Democratic Committee, Margo Horner, Chair, c/o Arlington County New job, new bride: If your emails to Gabe Snow are being returned like Democratic Committee Headquarters, 2009 ours, it’s because Gabe has shifted jobs. The co-chair of the 2008 J-J North 14th St., Suite 612, Arlington, VA Dinner and former president of the Arlington YDs has joined the National 22201. You may also mail a copy of the reso- Rural Electric Cooperative Association as a “senior grassroots advocacy lution to the Temporary Chairman of the Reso- adviser.” We guess that means it’s all right to let the grass grow under his lutions Committee, Dick Hobson, 99 North feet. Oh, and Gabe has been busy elsewhere. Last Thanksgiving, he Quaker Lane, Alexandria, VA 22304. proposed to Dr. Ryan Jennings, a vet at the Ballston Animal Hospital. The Resolutions Committee members They plan to wed in October. By the way, Gabe’s new email address is from Arlington are Bob Platt, Richard [email protected]. Just don’t ask for any free pet care. McKee and Alfonso Lopez. Contact one of them if you are interested in testifying at one From Raising Kaine to Netroots Rising: Arlington blogger Lowell Feld, of the public hearings of the Resolutions Com- who has won plaudits for his role with the political website “Raising mittee—8 p.m., Wednesday, April 23, at Kaine,” is about to become an author of a book—you know, those things ACDC HQ, and Tuesday, April 29, at the Al- that appear in print and are not just in the ether. Feld and co-author Nate exandria Dem HQ, 613 North Washington St. Wilcox are putting the finishing touches on “Netroots Rising: How a Anyone who wishes to be a delegate or Citizen Army of Bloggers and Online Activists is Changing American alternate to the National Convention may se- Politics.” cure the filing form at http:// Race to the precipice: Two Republicans—yes, two—are battling each www.va8thcddems.org. The Eighth District other for the right to be pounded into dust this November by Rep. Jim Website also has a filing form for the Presi- dential Elector as well as a filing form for the Moran. One is Amit Singh, an Arlington-based defense contractor, State Credentials and Rules Committees. All electrical engineer and Virginia native. Singh, 33, told the Post he is filing forms must be submitted to Horner at running to uphold traditional Republican values. Singh will face Mark the Arlington County Democratic Commit- Ellmore, 49, a banker and repeat contender for the job who appears to tee Headquarters by 5 p.m., Friday, May 2. have the support of many GOP leaders—and who has already been putting out signs in Arlington median strips in violation of county ordi- nance. The GOP primary is June 10. Challenger for Moran Something to chew on: Dan Mesches, husband of ACDC secretary Kate As of the April 11 filing deadline for the Mesches, was featured recently in The Washington Post’s WashBiz blog. June primary elections, Matthew Famiglietti Mesches, 49, is the sweat equity guy behind a number of Washington had completed the paperwork to challenge restaurants including Zola and Spy City Café. He ran the red-hot Red Rep. Jim Moran for the Eighth Congres- Sage restaurant that was popular with many Arlingtonians. In the article, sional District Democratic nomination. he reveals why he closed Red Sage. The landlord doubled the rent! ACDC Voice, May 2008, Page 11 Here’s the secret inside skinny on The Roosevelt Society (TRS) continued from page stead of relying upon large, one-time donations, The Roosevelt Society allows for donors to make an annual pledge that can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually. This provides a needed continued revenue stream for ACDC while keeping the one-time impact on good Democrats’ pock- etbooks lower. Why should I give to the Roosevelt Society instead of other Demo- cratic fundraisers? – Because Roosevelt Society money goes straight to the bank. Unlike large events that can suck up a lot of volunteer time and money better suited for getting Democrats elected, this program’s low cost structure ensures that more of your donation ends up in ACDC’s bank account rather than to paying event vendor and restaurant bills. What’s in it for me? – Just like American Express, membership in The Roosevelt Society has its privileges. You not only get recognition as one of ACDC’s core supporters, you get discounts to various ACDC fundraisers and an invitation to the exclusive Roosevelt Society picnic, where you can hobnob with a veritable “who’s who” of Arlington poli- tics. How do I sign up? – Signing up is easy. Either cut out and mail in the sign up form below with your check, or go online to www.arlingtondemocrats.org and click “Support the Cause.” Make sure to indicate you want to be a Roosevelt Society member. Contact Mike Lieberman ([email protected]) or Fi- nance Vice Chair John Grant ([email protected]) for more infor- mation. Thanks to the current Roosevelt Society members for your con- FDR, Fala (in lap) and young friend at tinued support. And, for those of you yet to join, we’ll be calling! Warm Springs, Georgia.


—— Enlightened Democrat ($170/mo or $2000/yr) —— Democratic Leaders ($25/mo or $300/yr) —— American Patriots ($85/mo or $1000/yr) —— ACDC Friends ($10/mo or $120/yr) —— True Blue Virginians ($45/mo or $500/yr) Make checks payable to: Arlington County Democratic Committee Mail to: Arlington County Democratic Committee, 2009 N. 14th St., Suite 612, Arlington, VA 22201

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ACDC Calendar 2008 May 1, Thursday 7-9 p.m. — ACDC School Board Caucus—Pre-Vote. Thomas Some ways you can help Jefferson Middle School, Old Glebe Rd & 2nd Street South, Room 272. Use the main entrance (handicapped accessible) and turn right School Board Caucus or use the “green doors” and turn left. More info (703) 528-8588. We expect a high turnout for the School Board caucus May 1 and May 3 and need lots of volunteers to make sure it runs smoothly and 3, Saturday efficiently. Sign up at http://www.racepacket.com/calendar/sb.htm. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. — ACDC School Board Caucus—Main Vote. Wash- Talk to Bob Platt for more information at [email protected] ington-Lee High School cafeteria, Washington Blvd & Quincy St. Enter the cafeteria at the stadium/south side. (703) 528-8588. Make Money for ACDC The ACDC Finance Committee is looking for energetic volunteers to 7, Wednesday help in its annual fundraising efforts. Tasks include phone banking, 7-9 p.m. — ACDC General Membership Meeting. NRECA Con- event planning, direct mail, fire dancing, and any number of other ference Center, 4301 N Wilson Blvd., garage parking (Ballston Metro). exciting finance opportunities. Contact Finance Director Mike Lieberman at (703) 408-3940 or [email protected]. (Ask 10, Saturday Mike about the fire dancing.) 1-3 p.m. — 2008 Neighborhood Day Parade. Kicks off at 1 p.m. from the Court House area and ends at Clarendon. ACDC members Voter Initiatives will march together. Contact Mary Crosby, (703) 892-8483, Yes, Virginia, we will win—provided we have a great ground game. [email protected], to help. ACDC is doing major voter contact and canvassing initiatives this year. We need volunteers to help process data, update phone numbers 12, Monday and otherwise support our field work. You can work at home on your 7:30-10 p.m — 8th CD Resolutions Committee. ACDC HQ, 2009 own schedule. Qualifications: careful attention to detail, ability to 14th Street, N Suite 612. Resolutions for 8th CD Convention. organize data, basic computer skills and elementary knowledge of Excel. Email Carrie Johnson at [email protected] 13, Tuesday 7-9 p.m. — Volunteer Database Meeting. ACDC HQ, 14th St, N Attention, English Majors Suite 612. (Courthouse Metro). More info (703) 528-8588. We need a writer/editor for www.arlingtondemocrats.org, our user- friendly website. You’ll update the site with fresh copy. Tech support 28, Wednesday is available. You provide the news sense and lively text. Bonus: you 7-9 p.m. — ACDC Steering Committee Meeting. ACDC HQ, 14th get to work with interesting Dems. Talk to Volunteer Coordinator St, N Suite 612. (Courthouse Metro). More info (703) 528-8588. Marj Signer, [email protected] or (703) 237-1765.

FOR FULL DETAILS AND UPDATESUPDATES, visit our website: www.arlingtondemocrats.org