Abortion Proposals Heard
20— M A NC HESTER H ERALD, Friday, March 2, 1990 INVITATION TO BID MISCELLANEOUS I CARS 1 HOMES CONDOMINIUMS I APARTMENTS I CONDOMINIUMS ISTORE/OFFICE I Sealed bids will be received in SERVICES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT I FOR RENT FOR RENT I the General Services' office, CORVETTE-1 9 8 7 . 41 Center Street, Manchester, M A N CHESTER- GSL Building Mainte TOLLAND-3 bedrooms, HEBRON-2 bedroom VERNON-1 bedroom MANCHESTER-501 Hart Loaded, fuel port In- CT until 11 ;00 a m. on the Vlctorlan style 2 bed- nance Co. Com m ercl- 1'/j baths, living room ap a rtm e n t heat and hot Condo, garage and ford Road. Parking, lected, 2-Top, low mi date shown below for the fol room end-unit al/ResIdentlal building with fireplace, formal water furnished, cellar pool. Available Imme prime location. 700 leage and more. $22K. lowing: Townhouse. This unit repairs and home Im d'ning room, family storage, parking, large diately. $550 p e r square feet. 649-0969. 742-9072, ofter 5. MARCH 0, 1990 - PUR has hardwood floors, yard. No pets, applian provements. Interior room. Great family m onth. Call 647-9254. MANCHESTER-PrlmC! FOR SALE-1978 Volor^ CHASE OF 10 PORTABLE ceramic tiled kitchen ces. $635 m o n th ly.649- and exterior painting, house. Call Ron Fourn MANCHESTER- b e d M ain Street com m ercl - Slant 6, runs good. MM HAND-HELD RADIOS ie r, 646-3057. $170's. and bath. Susan Do 2871.—_______________ al/residentlal prop light carpentry.
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