21 al security security al n the states and ccessfully with the li peace thus far. The The far. thus peace li e fortieth anniversary fortieth e esident Sadat himself himself Sadat esident based on coexistence, coexistence, on based of hostility and bloody bloody and hostility of ained “cold,” providing providing “cold,” ained endeavors. In practice, practice, In endeavors. from the podium of the the of podium the from on of civic relationships relationships civic of on ic relations, and specific specific and relations, ic toric call for peace – “the “the – peace for call toric nse includes reconciliation, reconciliation, includes nse 1

Desert Peace of Cold

| Volume 20 | No. 3 | October 2017 20 | No. Volume |

£ and have limited themselves to tactic to themselves limited have Egypt and Israel Moomen Sallam and O!r Winter Moomen Sallam and O!r









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Egypt and Israel: Forty Years in the Years Forty and Israel: Egypt

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The fortieth anniversary of this seminal event, which was followed by followed was which event, seminal this anniversaryof fortieth The Early in the era of peace, following three decades decades three following peace, of era the in Early



On November 19, 2017, Israel and Egypt will mark th mark will Egypt and Israel 2017, 19, November On when Jerusalem, to visit dramatic Sadat’s Anwar of his his articulated President Egyptian the Knesset, last of wars and the end of sorrows…a new beginning to a new life – the freedom and peace.” life of love, prosperity, drawn-out negotiations that ultimately concluded su the of reassessment a invites 1979, 26, March on treaty peace a of signing Egyptian-Israe the of disappointments and successes hope, particularly in Israel, was that the agreement would lead to warm, Israelis and Egyptians between relations neighborly cooperative mutual and other, the of acceptance an rem has Israel and Egypt between peace the however, but armistice an of peace” “negative the than more with countries two the se broad its in which peace,” “positive a than less mutual acceptance, and cooperative endeavors betwee peoples. their diplomat correct armies, their between coordination cultivati the while endeavors, economic cooperative between the two peoples, such as large scale economic interactions and the exchange of cultures, remains a far-off vision. transition consciousness-based mental, the that clear already was it wars, Pr matter. simple no be would peace to conflict from Moomen Sallam is the director of the Civic Egypt portal (www.civicegypt.org). at INSS. fellow is a research Winter O!r Dr. S

3 COLD PEACE COLD in February February in window of nced by future nd of the internal October economic activity, associated with the describe the limited, ly ly relations of trust that many years of conflict. conflict. of years many of inter-field cooperation cooperation inter-field of rt in healing the wounds. the healing in rt i government policies that that policies government i establish normal relations relations normal establish e two countries. Historians, Historians, countries. two e xistence, and normalization normalization and xistence, y coordination between the the between coordination y e discovery of natural gas in in gas natural of discovery e | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | Today, in mentioned the by era Sadat, of it the is “future generations” Today, These circumstances present Israel and Egypt with a OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND

important to consider why the changes that were envisioned have yet to whether occur, the two sides can take action to promote them, and if so, These questions how. assume even greater importance under the rule of estimated that the processes of reconciliation, coe reconciliation, of processes the that estimated between Egypt and Israel would be something experie week Egyptian the with interview an In generations. their from expunge to forced be not could peoples that explained he 1980, over accumulated that bitterness of feelings hearts to people Egyptian the urge not did he result, a As with the Israeli people, and instead called on them to prepare the path to pa its play would time that hope in relations, such securit close the of light in el-Sisi, Fattah Abdel the from threats terrorist common the against fight their in countries two Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip, as well as the have been established between Egyptian and Israeli officials working in important is it addition, In realms. military the and political the in parallel to consider the shared interest that has emerged in th of light in energy, of realm the in particularly importance in decline the is relevant Also Sea. Mediterranean eastern the of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Egyptian public opinion – especially among the younger generation – against the backgrou in agenda public the of focus the constituted has that unrest regional and recent years. opportunity to begin a new chapter in their relations, although doing so Israel and Egyptian of formulation the require will cultivation and institutionalization the encourage between the civilians of both countries. It will also require renewing the peace process. Israeli-Palestinian Debate The Peace: Roots of the Cold The peace between Israel and Egypt is perhaps best which peace,” was coined by in Egypt’s term 1982 then-Minister “cold of State for Foreign Affairs Boutros Boutros-Ghali to th between relations hostile times at and reserved, Israeli-Egyptian the whether regarding debate lively a in engage however, M

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at since since at COLD PEACE COLD he signing signing he ll characterizes who attempted people, and on a nd “stable peace.” ositive or negative, related channels of unhindered air, sea, sea, air, unhindered e measured only by ed in the theoretical elations, and should een careful to regulate regulate to careful een by high national and has been characterized characterized been has t period. The stability y the nature of relations relations of nature the y ng formal and informal informal and formal ng rmalization” (defined as as (defined rmalization” l in nature, in a variety of of variety a in nature, in l a structured and defined defined and structured a e circumstances in which which in circumstances e the two countries, as well well as countries, two the circumstance-dependent, circumstance-dependent,

5 However, the framework of relations 7 | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | ) that has occurred between the two countries since t since countries two the between occurred has that ) Amnon Aran and Rami Ginat, however, have argued th argued have however, Ginat, Rami and Aran Amnon 4 6 Over the years, the peace between Israel and Egypt Egypt and Israel between peace the years, the Over We contend, however, that the term peace” sti “cold b has Egypt peace, of period the of outset the From

OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND M th as well as “cold,” as characterized be can peace they became “cold.” by many of the attributes of peacea as“cold” defin literature. the second has decade not of the peace” Mubarak regime, the term “cold accurately reflected developments in the bilateral r gradual the express to peace,” “strategic term the by replaced be therefore positive change on the scale between peace” a “cold As they see it, this change took the form of evolution of relations of trust of institutions security and political the between as inter alia the expansion of trade volume. Israeli-Egyptian relations accurately in the curren and the strategic weight of this peace should not b is nature by which coordination, security tactical or by political and economic relations, controlled b measured be also should it echelons; governmental peace,” in non-government civilian realms. The validity of the term “cold “no the of scope narrow the from derives therefore, opposed as relations, cooperative peaceful, of array an of imposition “the confrontationa and conflictual are that relations to amo and – cultural and economic, political, – fields echelons” of the treaty. instituting by Israel with normalization limit and framework of relations dictating the scope, depth, and permitted realms of relations from which no fundamental deviation, p national invaluable the safeguarded has framework This made. be to was asset of peace by ensuring diplomatic and security- Canal, Suez the through passage free communication, (albeit tourism and trade, minimal supervised well connections, land and with no active encouragement). also limited non-government civilian interaction, narrowed the freedom of action enjoyed by companies and private business number of occasions, imposed sanctions on Egyptians to deviate from it. In practice, it prevented the travel of Egyptian citizens 11 This This 9 COLD PEACE COLD ts the ongoing ional interest in as the promotion orian Elie Podeh. ts of the Egyptian tions, although there there although tions, uals in the economic, economic, the in uals ty each country bore toward Israel from a an “external enemy,” an enemy,” “external ettlement that would tion and its tendency li government during s internal and external external and internal s n and good neighborly neighborly good and n te normalization. te between peoples and ify injury to the rights timate light; the result ychological constraints constraints ychological ot dependent on Israel’s Israel’s on dependent ot to Israeli whichpolicy, erspective, these actions actions these erspective, ving toward a warm peace. warm a toward ving

and it thwarted the natural 10 8 | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | Egypt was the country that dictated the cooled rela cooled the dictated that country the was Egypt A competing explanation asserts that cold peace sui Egyptian liberals have highlighted Egypt’s institut OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND

to Israel without a special security permit, individ and groups between relations of development has reality This realms. sports and cultural, scientific, intellectual, social, reconciliatio of narratives of development the made relations, which are essential for breaking the ice establishing and augmenting the stability of peace, extremely difficult. is some debate regarding the degree of responsibili and 1988 and 1981 between Cairo to ambassadors Israel’s process. this for respectively, Shamir, Shimon and Sasson Moshe 1990, and 1988 between have testified that some of the actions of the Israe public Arab and Egyptian in Egypt embarrassed peace of years initial the opinion. Most prominent were the annexation of East Jerusalem and the all, above and enterprise, settlement the of expansion the Heights, Golan p their From War. Lebanon First the of outbreak the ridiculed Egypt’s expectation of a broad regional s cast its pioneering agreement with Israel in a legi promo to willingness Egypt’s in decline sharp a was explanation is consistent with Egypt’s official posi to attribute the cooled Israeli-Egyptian relations frustrated Egyptian hopes of turning the peace treaty into a cornerstone of overall regional peace and made thawed relations conditional upon a political breakthrough in the peace process. cultural-ps and socio-economic, strategic-regional, that continue to affect Egyptian regimes, which as early as the Sadat era n was that relations of framework narrow a dictated actions. Proponents of this explanation include Ephraim Dowek, Israel’s ambassador to Cairo between 1990 and 1992, and hist Podeh has argued that cold peace served the interes governing establishment in an optimal manner, where it threatened seriously have would normalization of mo in interest no had therefore, Egypt, legitimacy. preserving the traditional foundation of hostility different perspective: nurturing Israel’s image as authorities Cairo the helped has argue, they peace, of shadow the in even distract its citizens from domestic hardships, just '

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(  COLD PEACE COLD sures using the lity of Egyptian tus. Unsupervised t political or social pular independent tellectuals in Egypt ront the opponents Arab League. Still, ues of conciliation, s disposal. However, However, disposal. s n of the Emergency atory policy unified Arab front” “refusal changing its attitude. attitude. its changing cknowledged strategic strategic cknowledged t against Israel proved proved Israel against t slim Brotherhood and and Brotherhood slim y and which operated oke out openly in favor favor in openly out oke ld have disclosed and warmer relations, today today relations, warmer

nal criticism of the regime, regime, the of criticism nal reaty with Israel permitted permitted Israel with reaty 12 | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | Since the 1990s, peace with Israel has become the a the become has Israel with peace 1990s, the Since

OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND ' of individuals (for example, through the applicatio Law), and evade reforms that would endanger its sta close relations with Israel, on the other hand, cou highlighted to the Egyptian public the political, economic, and scientific inter fueled societies, two the between disparities and encouraged demands for democratization. Although many have long viewed the prevailing hosti to obstacle major a as Israel toward opinion public this paradigm requires reexamination, particularly when it comes to the the of percent 60 about constitutes which 30, of age the under generation to forced was Sadat Jerusalem, to visit his After Egypt. of population total Mu the of part the on opposition fierce with contend the Nasserist and Marxist parties in Egypt, and the led by Iraq, Libya, , and the PLO. His concili pan-Arab on stance its based which abroad, and Egypt within opposition nationalist ideology and Islamist religious ideolog The Israel. with normalization and peace to opposition of banner a under Egyptian regime tried to defend the peacemaking mea it at mechanisms propaganda and information diverse incitemen longstanding the by created challenge the massive, and virtually no independent parties or in were willing to support it openly. choice of the PLO, most of the Arab states, and the about hesitant remained has opinion public Egyptian With the exception of a handful of liberally oriented or left wing writers being risk and price personal a pay to willing been have who thinkers and sanctioned by the professional unions, no significan force has agreed to embrace peace with Israel, conf of normalization, or take action to disseminate val the First, twofold. is reason The other. the of acceptance and coexistence, Egyptian regime has prevented the evolution of a po establishment. regime the of monopoly the outside operating camp peace t peace the signed that regime same the Ironically, sp who individuals harass to peace of opponents the channels autonomous build to attempted and normalization and peace of Egypt’s Younger Generation and Peace with Israel and Peace Generation Younger Egypt’s

13 n: the COLD PEACE COLD al-Ahram Also relevant Also 14 n adheres to the o Abu Dawh, “In today. The state, and have trouble ians today insist on on insist today ians anged the Egyptian Egyptian the anged identity in favor of pt Do Not Like the national, religious, yptian society at its ng democratic peace, peace, democratic ng lling for fundamental fundamental for lling enable Egypt to stand stand to Egypt enable ublished in nd 1960s, whereas the the whereas 1960s, nd though the revolutions revolutions the though ety, who were the most most the were who ety, n a non-elected regime. non-elected a n and religious aspects of of young men and women women and men young of eform, they did manage to to manage did they eform, eaking out in favor of peace, peace, of favor in out eaking | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | in Egyptian society, an increase in the number of pointed out three manifestations of this revolutio hijab The revolutions in Egypt on January 25, 2011 and June 30, 2013 created 2013 30, June and 2011 25, January on Egypt in revolutions The The revolutions sprouted a young Egyptian generation with a secular- a with generation Egyptian young a sprouted revolutions The Foreign Foreign Policy OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND

a new dynamic with the potential to bring about historic positive change of communication with Israel. Second, many of the activists and thinkers and activists the of many Second, Israel. with communication of soci Egyptian of stream liberal the to belonged who promoti camp Egyptian an lead to candidates natural sp of instead is, that position: opposite the chose would regime democratic elected an that argued they tha resoluteness greater with Israel against strong in Egyptian public opinion with regard to peace and normalization with Al generation. younger the among especially Israel, r political instituting in success limited only had published article An society. Egyptian in revolution cultural deep a create in removal of the homosexuals. of closet the of out coming the and atheists, are phenomena such as the collapse of Islamic Arab liberation the identities; humanistic and Egyptian from the dictates of their families; pre-marital sexual relations; and most the importantly, collapse of the social, political, patriarchal rule. confronting from away shy not does that generation a – orientation liberal its parents and critically examining the hegemonic and social conventions of the past. In an article p in Septemberunder 2017 the title “Thein Young Egy ch revolutions the that argues Dawh Abu Ahmed Old,” state beyond recognition, and that the state is currently divided between two generations that speak two different languages communicating with one another. The older generatio a 1950s the during raised were they which on values ca is and values new adopted has generation younger change. This intergenerational divide is not characteristic of cities alone; it exists in villages as well and is undermining Eg Egypt young smartphones, with Equipped foundations. and argue with their parents, typically leaving truth” reexamining “every them embarrassed and unable to respond. According t another decade, Egypt will not be the Egypt we know 7

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8 ) COLD PEACE COLD 60s, and they n are adopting y and result in s for the way in scars of violent terrorism? Such Such terrorism? rmissible for the or Israel through ood, Hamas, ISIS, e social, economic, s intergenerational ental Thisauthority. , a July 2014 article by by article 2014 July a , information from the the from information enemies threatening d Israel, and naturally naturally and Israel, d s relations with Israel. Israel. with relations s aganda; they formulate formulate they aganda; ll confrontation with it, it, with confrontation ll young and old need to . Rather, young Egyptians Egyptians young Rather, . rents, whose views were were views whose rents, . The younger generation generation younger The . sts in the Sinai Peninsula, Peninsula, Sinai the in sts 16 | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN |

15 These deep sociocultural processes have implication On this basis, members of Egypt’s younger generatio The younger generation in Egypt does not suffer the

OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND 7 society, religious leaders, intellectuals, and the prepare themselves.” country’ its views generation younger Egypt’s which Their parents’ generation imbued them with hatred f the repetition of Arab nationalist slogans that were disseminated by the Nasserist propaganda mechanisms of the 1950s and 19 accepted it without argument out of respect for par has changed, however, since the deterioration of th and political situation of the younger generation, which watched as their a from refrained regime, the to surrendered parents children their to opposition in it, joined even and when even supporters, its and establishment regime the against rebelled this meant rebellion against their own parents. Thi clash relegated all elements of their heritage, their hostility toward Israel included, to the status of issues demanding reexamination. pa their of those than rational more are that views the to subject longer no are Most propaganda. inciting and false by fueled prop Islamist and pan-Arab of influence intoxicating their views on Israel in accordance with Egypt’s pragmatic interests and oppose a war that would destroy the Egyptian econom their receive who Egyptians, young These bloodshed. real Israel for hostility the Is questions: new asking started have internet, or imagined? Does this hostility serve or harm Egypt’s interests? What is the – enemy the is Who peace? of state a or war of state a – Egypt for better terrori the and political support that states against fight its in army Egyptian the aids which Israel, or example for discourse, new a created have questions “Israel titled Party, Egyptians Free the of member a al-Shimi, Muhammad Is Not theAccording Enemy.” to al-Shimi, the real the wellbeing of Egypt include “the Muslim Brotherh and backwardness of values the support that those all and Turkey, , terrorism within Egypt or along its borders.” time their before occurred which wars, and conflicts an regime the between cooperation close the observe wonder why civilians are prohibited from what is pe This 19 COLD PEACE COLD m the Egyptian hetic responses ll portion of this hundreds of young ance of the other, and and other, the of ance d ultimately political Israel. On the political political the On Israel. he social networks in age of peace with Israel Israel with peace of age tations that are in place place in are that tations nomic level, peace with with peace level, nomic both countries. However, However, countries. both majority of them support support them of majority Egypt that is committed to to committed is that Egypt lps strengthen the regime’s regime’s the strengthen lps Despite the absence of public public of absence the Despite 17 | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | These new forces have yet to be represented in a a in represented be to yet have forces new These 18 18 The first and foremost significant obstacle stems fro OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND

government. This approach was evident in the sympat received by one of the authors of this article on t to permission denied was he after Januaryin 2017 wrote he post a of light Israel. in conference a to invitation an accept opinion surveys on the subject, conversations with the that reveal – liberals particularly – Egyptians normalization. and peace limi the to due party political a or movement broad in Egypt, and it is therefore difficult to estimate their number accurately. Translating their positions into electoral power an power will require a climate of and freedom expression. Relations Warmer to Blocks on the Path Stumbling Today’s The rise of a liberal and secular younger generation in Egypt that rejects it with brings Israel with peace applauds and and pan-Arabism Israeli the and Egyptian the between relations warmer for opportunity an peoples, and for the addition of a civilian dimension alongside the close between existed long has that coordination security establishment of this generation as a dominant and influential camp still faces three primary obstacles in Egypt and Israel that must be overcome in order to take full advantage of the current opportunity to shape a new accept coexistence, on based peace for configuration people to relations. for political and establishment’s economic persistent reasons, tendency, with relations peaceful over monopoly a maintain to he peace of expression civilian the limiting level, in force political only the as image international alternative democratic any whereas Israel, with treaty peace preservethe would result at best in the termination of or the at peace worst, treaty, in eco the On war. Israeli-Egyptian an of outbreak the exclusive opportunity to Israel provides the business elite with a narrow, amass capital in sectors such as natural gas, maritime trade, and textiles (by means of the QIZ Agreement), whereas only a sma population. Egyptian general the to down trickles actually revenue im the on impact detrimental a has reality economic among the Egyptian people, who see it peace.” It as also a links “corrupt Israel with phenomena associated with the internal corruption of Egypt, G

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21 COLD PEACE COLD en the two peoples peoples two the en n perspective, the political and civic arer since Hamas’s e continuation of the the of continuation e xistence outside the rders is an Egyptian ngthens Hamas and e that peace benefits l strengthen those in neration in the Israeli- the in neration and the cost of living. of cost the and context, consider the n the Sinai Peninsula, m for peace that would would that peace for m that attempt to promote promote to attempt that ypt and the countries of of countries the and ypt hat the Palestinian issue issue Palestinian the hat Moreover, the Egyptian Egyptian the Moreover, highlighting its benefits benefits its highlighting ld bridges of cooperation cooperation of bridges ld ast experience shows that that shows experience ast tinians. The past few years years few past The tinians. y. The absence of a political political a of absence The y. | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | also inhibit advocates of peace. It exacerbates the incitement 20 In order to preserve and tighten its monopoly over peace, the Egyptian the peace, over monopoly its tighten and preserve to order In betwe peace of advancement the to obstacle second A

OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND G deprives rank and file Egyptian citizens of the sens enthusias of sense a them denies and directly, them otherwise encourage them to deepen its roots. elements civilian of names the tarnish to hesitate not does establishment P Israel. with relations of share own their seeking bui to try dare who activists and thinkers Egyptian with Israel outside the institutional umbrella risk sanctions, which make and normalization of favor in speaking of price the for the Egyptian people too heavy to bear and deter voices from engaging in the issue of peace. In this hosted he after Okasha Tawfik member parliament Egyptian of dismissal The 2016. February in home his in Koren Haim ambassador Israeli former Egyptian the of outlets media the by disseminated propaganda prevailing Eg against “plots” Israel’s regarding establishment the region elements Egyptian delegitimizes and Israel against and peace” “positive take action toward further coe institutional monopoly. Pales the with solidarity of sense continued the is ge young Egypt’s among interest less witnessed have surveyA Egypt. to unique not is that trend a is which conflict, Palestinian including countries, Arab in adults young among 2017 early in conducted threat, greatest eighth the as conflict Israeli-Palestinian the ranked Egypt, terrorism, unemployment, as such threats below far At the same time, however, from a pragmatic Egyptia establishment of a Palestinian state within 1967 bo national interest. This reality has become even cle stronghold a into transformation its and 2007 in Strip Gaza the of seizure that supports the Salafi jihadist terrorist groups i securit national Egypt’s to threat a posing thereby settlement between Israel and the stre Strip. Gaza the from Egypt to threat the intensifies th by caused tragedy human the ignore cannot people t mean not does This Palestinians. the with conflict of nature primary“cold” the the even for or reason single, the constitutes Israeli-Egyptian peace. However, its resolution wil COLD PEACE COLD present the sides m have been used s of normalization emerged in Egypt tionalist one. They onalism emphasize emphasize onalism spects of a warmer Israeli government – government Israeli its insistence on the ing of Israel’s security security Israel’s of ing f peace in Egypt to stir stir to Egypt in peace f stablishment of states states of stablishment litical and ethical abyss abyss ethical and litical s liberal in orientation, orientation, in liberal s sraeli-Egyptian peace nerships with another n the West Bank, the use use the Bank, West the n Egypt and the right wing wing right the and Egypt pulation – as acts of racism racism of acts as – pulation

23 22 | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | A third obstacle to warmer relations is the deep po deep the is relations warmer to obstacle third A In addition, one trait of the new liberal camp that OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND

Egypt who support peace and will strip the opponent of the most important card they currently hold. in camp peace liberal the separates currently that i Egypt in generation new The Israel. in government nati Egyptian adopted have who them among those and its human dimension as opposed to its chauvinist-na terrorist Palestinian by civilians and children Israeli of killing the oppose civilians and children Palestinian of killing the oppose they as just groups understand an express also them of Many IDF. the by the by taken measures the view they However, needs. i settlements for land of expropriation the as such of collective punishment against the families of terrorists, and the use of po civilian Palestinian the against force excessive Moreover, values. universal to counter run that other the of rejection and extremist elements in Israel breathe life into national-religious extremist o opponents by used is which Egypt, in counterparts up hostility toward Israel and prove that Israel’s hand is not extended in right by statements example, For living. shared toward eye an with peace, wing politicians regarding the establishment of a state Palestinian in the Sinai Peninsula and threats to blow up the Aswan Da Egypt that assertion the justify and anti-Semitism incite to years the over should regard Israel as an enemy state. against the background of the recent revolutions is mixture of kind any to opposition and state Egyptian the of nature secular e the opposes camp This state. and religion between Islamic, is question in state the whether of regardless basis, religious a on a as perceived sometimes is what grounds, these On Christian. or Jewish, mixture of religion and state in Israel creates significant difficulty for the religious a oppose can it how itself asks which Egypt, in generation young state in Egypt yet at the same time enter into part state of a nationalist-religious character. and Recommendations Conclusion Forty years after Sadat’s visit to Jerusalem, the I remainsHowever, “cold.” the current circumstances with an opportunity to update its configuration. Pro Y

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Z I COLD PEACE COLD or the warming of of warming the or the opportunity to to opportunity the larly in light of the r natural scope and seminate messages ess important than it it than important ess orking effectively to The Egyptian regime, regime, Egyptian The overnments and does does and overnments t voices of elements in in elements of voices t dicalism within Egypt stinian problem as an gitimate spaces of extra- of spaces gitimate in the realm of security into into security of realm the in consider the establishment establishment the consider it, as a measure that would would that measure a as it, he Israeli-Palestinian peace peace Israeli-Palestinian he is sense, it is deviating from from deviating is it sense, is hin Egypt and to perpetuate perpetuate to and Egypt hin g. More significant, however, however, significant, More g. | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN |

24 These trends have created a window of opportunity f opportunity of window a created have trends These l though today, Israel facing obstacle significant A have now governments Israeli and Egyptian the Both

OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND Y intimate the threats, and interest regional shared by supported are peace the between trust of relations the coordination, security counterterrorism working echelons of government and military officials in both countries, and the potential for economic cooperation, particu are important Also Mediterranean. eastern the in gas natural of discovery the positive changes in the views on Israel of young Egyptians following the upheavals of past few years. relations between the two countries and peoples, although doing so will sides. both on measures groundbreaking necessitate which shaped the spirit of the cold peace, is not w the in embedded are that and Israel about myths negative the refute discourse of the Egyptian establishment, and to dis Egyptian the level, practical a on addition, In reconciliation. and peace of regime continues to limit expressions of normalization that deviate from g two the between relations of framework formal the Egypt in individuals and groups to action of freedom sufficient permit not and Israel interested in developing mutual relations in the realms of the th In culture. and science, society, civil economy, the original vision of President Sadat, who in one of his later interviews relations interactions, free daily and direct “through that hope expressed between Egypt and Israel will gradually assume thei weight.” t in stalemate ongoing the is past, the in been has of sense a feel still people Egyptian the and regime Egyptian The process. sufferin their and Palestinians the with solidarity is the fact that they regard a solution to the Pale Egypt in circles Large interest. national Egyptian toward progress least at or state, Palestinian a of help address the threat of the spread of Islamic ra extremis nationalist The region. the throughout and wit trends parallel exacerbate to serve also Israel the demonization of Israel in Egyptian public opinion. developed have that trust of relations the leverage le of establishment the encourage and arenas, other authentically and naturally develop could that cooperation governmental COLD PEACE COLD tions inherited e effective than a, including the he Israeli public, yptian President civilian elements on of cooperative he two countries. uld inject new life l provide concrete ffered by the social nate their ideas via young generation – which have thus far generation in Egypt ravel between the two two the between ravel have the capacity to ewed as corrupt. Such Such corrupt. as ewed d education programs programs education d hey have appropriated appropriated have hey interactions based on potential they bear for velopment of joint tourist tourist joint of velopment water desalination, desert desert desalination, water lons will need to relinquish relinquish to need will lons | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | An important constructive role is also reserved for The historic peace that the Egyptian and Israeli na OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND

between the two peoples. To do so, the official eche official the so, do To peoples. two the between t peace of relations the managing over monopoly the and allow interested civilian parties to establish mutual desire and interest. A number of measures co into the economic relations between the countries, vi been and population Egyptian broad the alienated measures could include the provision of freedom of action to companies and businesspeople from both countries; the promoti as such fields, relevant in endeavors technological de the medicine; and energy, renewable agriculture, advance professional of establishment the projects; t on bureaucracy reduced and exchanges; student and could measures These permits. employment of acquisition and countries integration Mediterranean and East Middle regional future into woven be plans. The desired economic cooperation is what wil their in present peace make citizens, Israeli and Egyptian both to benefits lives, and establish it in their hearts minds. on both sides, which can join together in promoting a new kind of peace, of values the of recognition mutual and lives shared for desire a on based peace and reconciliation. The contemporary new medi internet – which is particularly popular among the above. from dictated limitations and obstacles the of many overcome has Peace activists can meet, have discussions, dissemi online conferences, and make use of the platforms o media. These platforms have become stronger and mor opponents by controlled are which of some outlets, media traditional the of normalization. If the willingness of the younger to cultivate Israeli-Egyptian peace relation is legitimized by the Egyptian establishment and met with an outstretched arm by t these responses will help accelerate the transition from the formal peace that already exists to a longed-for civil peace. and nurtured be must that basis strong a constitute Begin and Sadat from developed. The “future generations” to which the Eg referred forty years ago are already here, but the Israeli-Egyptian peace has yet to be realized. They leave a new kind of mark on the relations between t i

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| Volume 20 | No. 3 | October 2017 October | 3 No. | 20 Volume | h^ ga cdeffaff b ^a ` ^_ ]

[ [ , eds. COLD PEACE COLD Davis Journal of (: Yediot Yediot Aviv: (Tel (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Aviv Aviv: Tel (Tel (Manchester: 1, no. 1 (1964): 1-4. no. 1 (1964): 1, , A Newly Plucked (Tel Aviv: Eidanim/ (Tel (Cairo: Maktabat al- are in need of resourceful resourceful of need in are Political Reports Political The Search for Arab-Israeli Peace Journal of Peace Research Journal of Peace in Arab Discourses , pp. 138, 150-51; Elie Podeh, “Normal Relations Elie Podeh, 150-51; , pp. 138, | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | , February 24, 1980, pp. 9-10. pp. 9-10. 24, 1980, , February (Ramallah: Palestinian Institute for National Guidance, (Ramallah: Palestinian October In Spite of All, Peace: Israel-Egypt Relations In Spite of All, Peace: 75 (October 1999), pp. 4-6. 75 (October 1999), 37, no. 4 (2014): 556-83. no. 4 (2014): 37, Seven Years in the Land of Egyptians Seven Years Normalization: Between the Concept and Practice: A Study of Arab- , August 25, 2015, http://albedaiah.com/news/2015/08/25/95563. http://albedaiah.com/news/2015/08/25/95563. , August 25, 2015, In Spite of All, Peace mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/MFADocuments/Yearbook3/Pages/73%20 Statement%20to%20the%20Knesset%20by%20President%20Sadat-%20 20.aspx. President Sadat,” President Sadat,” without Normalization: The Evolution of Egyptian Israeli Relations, 1979- without Normalization: The Evolution of Egyptian Israeli Relations, in of Cold Peace,” 2009 – the Anjilu al-Misriyah, 1990), pp. 630, 647. Anjilu al-Misriyah, 1990), Israeli Normalization 2003), p. 13. 2003), p. 13. Manchester University Press, 2016), pp. 116-28. pp. 116-28. Press, 2016), Manchester University Israel under Mubarak: From Cold Peace to Strategic Peace,” to Strategic Peace,” Israel under Mubarak: From Cold Peace Occasional Papers Strategic Studies Transitions from War to Peace: The Case of the Middle East,” The Case of the Middle East,” to Peace: from War Transitions Yediot Ahronot, 1992), pp. 137-38, 142; Shimon Shamir 142; pp. 137-38, Ahronot, 1992), Yediot Olive Leaf: The Story of the Israeli Academic Center in Cairo pp. 463-65. 2016), University, Edwin G. Corr et al. (Brighton and Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 2007), Edwin G. Corr et al. (Brighton and Portland: pp. 105-29. Ahronot, 1998), pp. 138, 150-51. 150-51. pp. 138, Ahronot, 1998), 6 to 16,” Requires Security Authorization before Visiting has Increased from Albedaiah

OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND i generations these – past the in as – today However, path, their from obstacles the remove to order in vision a with leadership open the gates before them, and encourage them to break through to the next stop in history. Notes Michael for his helpful The authors would like to extend their gratitude Kobi comments. 1 http:// Statement to the Knesset by President Sadat, November 20, 1977, 2 Editorial,” Johan Galtung, “An 3 “Normalization and Other Relations: A Conversation with Anis Mansour, 11 11 Dowek, 7 Ephraim Dowek, 13 13 Ibid., pp. 134-39. 5 towards Policy Amnon Aran and Rami Ginat, “Revisiting Egyptian Foreign 6 Sa’id Yaqin, 4 “The Global Sources of Regional this definition, see Benjamin Miller, For 10 10 example: Boutros Boutros-Ghali, For 12 12 Shavit and Ofir Winter, Uriya 9 Moshe Sasson, 8 Ahmad Ramadan, “The Number of Countries for which the Interior Ministry , , p. COLD PEACE COLD al-Ahram , July 21, 2015, 2015, , July 21, , July 15, 2014, 2014, , July 15, , 2017, p. 21, p. 21, , 2017, , March 4, 2017, www. , March 4, 2017, Rose al-Yusuf Dot Misr Zionism in Arab Discourses , December 5, 2015, www.rosa- , December 5, 2015, Foreign Affairs Foreign Rose al-Yusuf , July 18, 2016, https://goo.gl/aaAbMp. 2016, , July 18, | EGYPTDESERTISRAEL:THEANDFORTY OF YEARSIN | , April 13, 2017, www.ahram.org.eg/NewsQ/588202. 2017, , April 13, al-Monitor , December 23, 2010, www.ahram.org.eg/ , December 23, 2010, The Middle East: A Region Divided al-Ahram , June 18, 2015, http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/06/18/egypts- 2015, , June 18, al-Ahram , November 21, 2012, www.elwatannews.com/news/details/80811. www.elwatannews.com/news/details/80811. 2012, , November 21, , January 19, 2015, www.elmogaz.com/node/196525. www.elmogaz.com/node/196525. 2015, , January 19, aspx. Sudanese Plot to Dry Up Egypt,” Sudanese Plot to Dry Egypt,” Up “Beware of an and Muhammad Abu al-Fadl, magazine.com/News/16737/-; Israeli Front,” http://arabyouthsurvey.com/pdf/2017-AYS-White-Paper-EN.pdf. al-Watan www.facebook. prominent spokesperson of the atheistic stream in Egypt, at See also Shavit and Winter, com/ahmedhum. 165. from Israel,” from Israel,” Hussein, “Israeli- Walaa www.rosaeveryday.com/Item.aspx?ItemID=109352; archive/390/2010/12/23/3/54567/219.aspx; Bashir Abd al-Ra’uf, “The archive/390/2010/12/23/3/54567/219.aspx; ‘Zionist’ Programs to Conquer Sinai since 1873,” Elmogaz https://goo.gl/urX4EY. https://goo.gl/urX4EY. sallam. Relations with Israel,” September 4, 2017, http://www.ahram.org.eg/NewsQ/611854.aspx. http://www.ahram.org.eg/NewsQ/611854.aspx. September 4, 2017, Foreign Policy Foreign quiet-social-revolution; Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Nathaniel Barr, “The Coming Islamic Culture War,” foreignaffairs.com/articles/middle-east/2017-03-04/coming-islamic-culture- war. OOMENSALLAMWINTER OFIR AND

21 21 Survey, Arab Youth 22 22 example, Mustafa Bakri, “Sinai and the Alternative Homeland,” For 23 page of Ahmed Hussein Harqan, a See, for example, the Facebook 24 p. 11. “Normalization and Other Relations,” Mansour, 19 19 Arafa: Israel’s New Man in Egypt,” “Alaa example, Miyada Abu-Taleb, For 20 example, Jamal al-Kishki, “The Serious Espionage Coming For 17 17 page at www.facebook.com/moomen. See Moomen Sallam’s Facebook 18 of Normalizing Ahmed Hidji, “Some Egyptians Wary more, see For 16 16 Muhammad al-Shimi, “Israel Is Not the Enemy,” 14 14 Abdelmeguid, “Egypt’s Quiet Social Revolution,” Debeuf and Ayman Koret 15 15 in Egypt Do Not Like the Old,” Ahmed Abu Dawh, “The Young i

| Volume 20 | No. 3 | October 2017 October | 3 No. | 20 Volume | h^ ga cdeffaff b ^a ` ^_ ]

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