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THE RICARDIAN JOURNAL OF THE RICHARD Ill SOCIETY ' 5. 'Vol. X Nos124-135 Index March'1994-December 1996 THE RICARDIAN INDEX TO VOLUME X March 1994 to December'1996 Numbers 124 to 135 compiled by Livia' Visser—Fuchs _ Richard III Society The index is arranged in three sections: Subjects: rulers and their consorts and children are entered under first names, and members of the peerage and the episcopate under their family names, with cross references from their titles and sees. Books reviewed: arranged alphabetically by the authors of the books. Books that were only listed and not reviewed have not been included. Authors of articles, book reviews and notes in one alphabetical sequence. References are given in the form of the issue number (in bold), followed by page number(s), e.g. 124: 2-8. l SELECTIVE INDEX OF PERSONS, PLACES AND SUBJECTS Abbey of the Holy Ghost, The, 132: 390. acatry, see Fyncham, Laurence; Markham Thomas; More, Richard; Padual, Thomas. André, Bernard, 135: 498-521. Angelus, the, 131: 326-27. Anne of Bohemia, queen of Richard II, 129: 223. —, Neville, queen of Richard III, 126: 90; death, 126: 86-88, 94, 97, 99. Anwykyll, John, 132: 358. architecture, the medieval hall, 132: 397-98; tilers, 124: 29-31. armourers, 124: 29—31. art, decorative arts, 124: 31-32; English sculpture, 133: 442-44; ivory, 129: 253-54; goldsmiths, _124: 29-31; jewellery, 124: 23-24; medieval pottery, 134: 473-75; Middleham jewel and ring, 134: 473-75; St Bartholomew altarpiece, 133: 438-40; and see books; life in the middle ages; Oddingley.
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