International Journal of Advanced Academic Research | Social and Management Sciences| ISSN: 2488-9849 Vol. 6, Issue 1 (January 2020) CRITICAL ANALYSIS ON THE MEANING OF LITTLE WINE IN THE BOOK OF 1 TIMOTHY 5:23 HAKIZIMANA Phanuel Adventist University of Central Africa, P. O. Box 2461, Kigali, Rwanda. Email address:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The study is entitled the ―critical analysis on the meaning of little wine in the book of 1 Timothy 5:23‖. This topic was selected after realizing in Christian denominations different understandings on the verse, which not only causing problems on their behavior, but also abusing their Christianity. Misunderstanding of a single Bible verse sometimes results to the terrible heresy which might be solved only if Christians would critically analyze and compare that Biblical verse with others, and consider the context and translation from original Bible languages. 1 Timothy 5:23 is one of those verses needing a critical analysis for a better comprehension. What is seen in this verse is that, Paul advised Timothy not to use only water but also ―a little wine‖. Thus the following questions were the object of this study: Does wine always mean fermented? If Paul here mentioned non-fermented which is allowed to be used by Christians, why little not much? The main objective of this study is to critically analyze this verse in order to have clear understanding on its meaning. Secondary data such hard and soft copy documents were used as research instruments. And information collected was critically analyzed using the original Bible languages context and different Bible translations.