The Rise of Private Schooling in Pakistan: Catering to the Urban Elite or Educating the Rural Poor? Tahir Andrabi* Pomona College Jishnu Das The World Bank Asim Ijaz Khwaja Harvard University March 21, 2002 Abstract: Using a new census of private educational institutions in Pakistan together with the population census, we present evidence that private schooling, particularly at the primary level is indeed a large and increasingly important factor in education in Pakistan both in absolute terms and relative to public schooling. While the rural-urban gap still remains, the growth trends showed a marked improvement in rural areas. Contrary to expectations, private schools are not an urban elite phenomenon. Not only are they prevalent in rural areas but also are affordable to middle and even low income groups. Private schools have lower student-teacher ratios than public schools and while teachers were largely untrained and less experienced, their education level matched those in public schools. Fees respond in predictable ways to measured school inputs, suggesting that parents can infer quality variation between schools. Private schools are mainly coeducational, have a high percentage of girls’ enrollment and a majority of the teachers are females. Looking at just the rural areas at the patwar circle level, we find that those areas that have a greater supply of educated women are able to respond very effectively to the growing demand for education by formation of schools and by increased enrollment. *
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