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2 021 NEJM Group U.S. Media PRINT | DIGITAL 2021 NEJM Group Effective January 1, 2021 U.S. Media Kit Revised February 3, 2021 Clinical June | Vol. 23 No. 6 CARDIOLOGY 2014; 63:2438), knowledge has rapidly pro- • Transcatheter aortic valve replacement Oncology GUIDELINE WATCH gressed regarding the natural history of (TAVR) has received a Class I (strong) VHD; new medications have been ap- recommendation along with surgery Focused Update proved, such as the direct-acting oral anti- for patients with severe and symptom- on Management of coagulants (DOACs); and transcatheter atic aortic stenosis (AS) at high risk Valvular Heart Disease therapies have advanced. This progress for surgery and a Class IIa recommen- These guidelines touch upon infective has prompted this focused update. dation for those at intermediate risk. Update endocarditis, treatment of aortic stenosis Treatment decisions depend on indi- from NEJM Group Key Points and of primary and secondary mitral vidual patients’ risks, values, and • The Class IIa (moderate recommenda- regurgitation, and direct-acting oral preferences. tion) guideline that antibiotic prophy- anticoagulants, among other topics. laxis before dental procedures is rea- • For primary or degenerative severe Sponsoring Organizations: American sonable for patients at increased risk mitral regurgitation (MR), surgery is Heart Association and American College for infective endocarditis has now been now considered reasonable (Class IIa) of Cardiology extended to patients with transcatheter in asymptomatic patients even with Target Audience: Primary care providers prosthetic valves. ejection fraction >60% and left ven- tricular end-systolic diameter <40 mm and cardiologists (both general and sub- • DOACs are now considered reasonable if adverse progression on serial imag- specialists) who treat patients with alternatives (Class IIa) to vitamin K ing studies is evident. valvular heart disease (VHD) antagonists (VKAs) for patients • In chronic secondary (functional) Target Population: Adults with VHD with VHD and atrial fibrillation ≥ MR, chordal-sparing mitral valve re- (CHA2DS2-VASc score, 2), although Background and Objective VKAs are specifically preferred for placement is a reasonable alternative Since the 2014 publication of the last patients with mitral stenosis, who to downsized annuloplasty repair comprehensive guideline on VHD (NEJM were excluded from DOAC trials. (Class IIa). JW Cardiol Jun 2014 and J Am Coll Cardiol • The age limit for considering a me- chanical prosthesis is lowered from CONTENTS 60 to 50 (Class IIa), unless anticoagu- lation is not desired, cannot be moni- SUMMARY & COMMENT Nutrition Recommendations for a tored, or is contraindicated. ■ Endoscopic ■ The 2020 ■ Risks and Benefits ■TAVRBrachytherapy in Bicuspid vs. Tricuspid forAortic Stenosis..... 42 Healthier Heart: Getting Patients on Board ...... 45 • New data on leaflet thrombus with Management of Gastrointestinal of Breast Cancer ShouldIntermediate-Risk Non–Infarct-Related Coronary Arteries Coffee, Tea, and the Heart ....................................... 46 Also Be Revascularized After STEMI? .............. 43 Suboptimal Diet Is Associated with Excess surgical and TAVR prostheses have Lynch Syndrome Cancers Screening LargeProstate-Bore Catheters, Cancer Large Bleeding Risks...... 43 Mortality from Cardiometabolic Diseases ........ 47 prompted new anticoagulation guide- Symposium Reduced Leaflet Motion with Bioprosthetic Mixed News on Mortality lines. VKA is reasonable for ≤6 months Aortic Valves: More Details ................................. 43 for Diabetes Patients ............................................. 47 after surgical mitral and aortic valve re- Dual Antithrombotic vs. Dual Antiplatelet Hemodynamic Support After Cardiac Surgery: placement in patients at low bleeding Strategy After ACS ................................................. 44 Levosimendan Strikes Out Again ........................ 48 risk (Class IIa) and ≥3 months after Statin Use, and Possible Statin Intolerance, GUIDELINE WATCH TAVR (Class IIb; weak recommenda- After Acute MI ........................................................ 44 2017 Focused Update on Management Comparison of Two Guidelines on Statins of Valvular Heart Disease ..................................... 41 tion). Initial therapy with VKA is rea- for Primary CVD Prevention ...................................... 45 New Guidelines for the Evaluation of Adults sonable (a new Class IIa guideline) in More Evidence That Excessive Blood Pressure and Children with Suspected Syncope ............. 46 patients with suspected or confirmed Lowering Can Heighten Cardiovascular Risk ... 45 bioprosthetic valve thrombosis who are hemodynamically stable. EDITORIALLY INDEPENDENT LITERATURE SURVEILLANCE FROM NEJM GROUP Trusted. Relevant. Impactful. Table of Contents NEJM GROUP PUBLICATIONS 3Recruitment Advertising 21 NEJM Print at a Glance 4 List Rentals 21 NEJM Print 2021 ROB Full Run Rates 5 International Print Editions 21 NEJM Targeted Specialty Demos 6 NEJM Print Issue and Closing Dates 22 NEJM Cardiology Advertising Demo 6 Print Production Information 23 NEJM Endocrinology Advertising Demo 7 ROB Production Information 23 NEJM Infectious Diseases Advertising Demo 8 Insert Production Information 25 NEJM HIV/AIDS Advertising Demo 8 Insert Guidelines 25 NEJM Nephrology Advertising Demo 9 Specifications for Coverwraps 27 NEJM Neurology Advertising Demo 10 NEJM JOURNAL WATCH PRINT 28 NEJM Oncology/Hematology Advertising Demo 11 NEJM Journal Watch Print Specialty Titles 29 NEJM Pulmonary Disease and NEJM Journal Watch Production Information 30 Allergy Advertising Demo 12 NEJM Rheumatology Advertising Demo 13 NEJM.ORG AND JWATCH.ORG DIGITAL 32 NEJM Other Specialty Advertising Demos 14 Digital Display Advertising 32 High-Visibility Targeted Ad Programs 15 Introduction and Overview 32 Cover Tip Program 15 Digital Advertising on NEJM.org 34 Outsert Program 15 NEJM.org Digital Specialty Packs 35 Coverwrap Program 16 Digital Specialty Pack Rates 36 NEJM Print Special Discount Programs 17 Interactive NEJM.org Advertising Program 37 NEJM Group Update Disease State 18 NEJM Email Advertising Programs 38 Supplement Series Email Advertising Programs 39 NEJM Group Conference Update eNewsletter Series 19 Specialty-Targeted Emails 39 2021 U.S. NEJM Conference Offerings 20 Physician’s First Watch 41 Bonus Conference Distribution 20 Digital Production Information 42 Conference Discount Program 20 NEJM and NEJM Journal Watch 42 Additional Offerings 21 Digital and Email Advertising Specs 43 Market Research 21 NEJM Group Advertising Policies 44 Print and Digital Article Reprints 21 NEJM Group Contact Information 46 In print and digital, NEJM Group brings you a wide variety of advertising and sponsorship options for reaching influential specialists, from targeted demographic splits and cover tip advertising programs, to digital behavioral targeting and Image Challenge opportunities. Select any link in the Table of Contents (above) to explore NEJM Group advertising opportunities. 2021 NEJM GROUP U.S. MEDIA KIT | Trusted. Relevant. Impactful. | nejmadsales.org | Back to TOC 2 Trusted. Relevant. Impactful. Reach your HCP audience through the publications of NEJM Group to guarantee that your message is seen alongside what’s new, what’s groundbreaking, and what’s most important to practicing physicians. Choose one of the most trusted, relevant, and impactful brands because context matters now more than ever before. The New England Journal of Medicine keeps physicians at the leading edge of medical knowledge by publishing the world’s most influential, landmark research. In print and digital, NEJM brings physicians current and practical medical information — anytime and anywhere — making it the cornerstone of multichannel promotion for medical marketers. The NEW NEJM Group Print Supplement “Update” Series features timely, clinically important, and topic-relevant content adjacent to key specialty conferences — in a short-form, visually dynamic format. NEJM Journal Watch offers concise, easy-to-read summaries and expert commentary on important research from leading medical journals. The New England Journal of Medicine is the most impactful general medical journal in the world.* *Source: 2019 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate, 2020. 2021 NEJM GROUP U.S. MEDIA KIT | Trusted. Relevant. Impactful. | nejmadsales.org | Back to TOC 3 NEJM Print at a Glance As the most widely read, cited, and influential general medical journal, the New England Journal of Medicine is committed to publishing reliable and leading-edge research for a worldwide multispecialty physician audience. Medical professionals rely on NEJM for its editorial independence, peer-reviewed content, and clinical relevance — and so can you! NEJM has the highest impact factor of any general medical journal,* and physicians in 12 key specialties call it one of their top two essential journals.‡ NEJM AT A GLANCE Founded 1812 Print Frequency WEEKLY Editorial INDEPENDENT Impact Factor* 74.699 U.S. Print Circulation† 110,732 NEJM ESSENTIAL IN PRINT‡ Specialty Essential Rank Internal Medicine 1 Cardiology 2 Endocrinology 1 Hematology 2 Hematology/Oncology 1 Hematology/Oncology and Oncology 1 Hematology, Hematology/Oncology, and Oncology 1 Infectious Diseases 2 Nephrology 3 Neurology 2 Oncology 2 Pulmonology 2 Rheumatology 2 *2019 Journal Impact Factor, Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate, 2020. †BPA, 7/20 ‡The Matalia Group Essential Journal Study, 2019. 2021 NEJM GROUP U.S. MEDIA
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