The Oxford Democrat.


to Hudson mu η α* gihilith*. Buf hero she vu, nu Indian, D· I»I>REE. WrMtea fur tin· Oxfuril IH-moonU. LOST, THE SOUND OF FOOTSTEPS. pajf· ho note wad in Kichar|OKi>K with few of civilization or that AMONG THE FARMERS. SUCCESS IN FARMING. OFISATAfS He openod the paper at the Mr» t runk Armour. But that was not ment·. ΜμΐΜ (l THETRAISLATIOI writin»;] which eeenm to whito at Law, With the even po«c in nnd saw the account of all. Indeed at· it stood itviuvery little. What she thought of it all in not breeding peoplw Counsellor "iriiD mi no»." present advantages, the aound of own footstep·; [Hrnted farmer can soon learn bes I/OAi, footsto|»»—my thn Hie teeth clinched on IIi! hud nitidis hie mist to It is that at the breeding fit for wart h or heaves. practical the once more {rriap'. only comedy possible qoito say. pcwiblo only MAIKL J ust GILBERT PARKER. un] γ».·Κ1> FALLS, « methods of the the I music of feet the By his face fumed as Nov.* the itsdf was to come. first elm cotuddered that she wan Mrx. di I not noi-d Lambert'« el orTwj-.n.leoce on |>nrllr*l **iiouHur»! loplr tilling soil, prope Do long to hear the my upon hi* oi^'i jr; white; thepa- yet piny only Townley U -oiU'itcl. V l«ltv*» a.'I cmmunJcjUloe·t* way of stock, a correet scleno floor; from his He hie Ho had carrii*l hi* scheme the wifo of a white man—a to be suggestion that six should try to ap- ι. raising Oreain I of the now wlien my per Mi flngor*. gasped; through thing V > Λ -TKAR.V». «ron. ;,t ι· ll> \κ< Ι» II v* days, vanished, lips 1*M. th« J. B. of batter and [Copyright, by Llppincott Oo.] oat ho fur. He would not flinch in that tho man she the make friend» with her WW '\ '· -Ί.r:»l making cheese, fattening ilrst learned to talk. hands *!ihruud nervously, then canght boldly dwsirtd—and loved proach girl, h beef and and can Of the mother's love that taught λ little eomo & Counselors, l'art». Me pork, feeding taking fondly tho (alt V .Hid hold it an though to steady carrying it out to the last letter. Ho wan hers fur» ver—a matter nf indeflna- iui'1 prepare her in **li|?ht degree Attorneys of child to walk. (K>ultry and other branches of worl CHAPTER L hi» to lakes ho was for tin· cart-«τ before her. MAINS. In the silence that surrounds me, tire·! of silence, himself] brought wife down tho great blo joy to her. That wilding her étrange SOKWAY. connected with an agricultural life ami " W rllfcn fi>r the Oxfonl tVmoerat tired of pain, It appeared that Armour h*)d made The jradcr roee, "Yon are ill, ho immediately, scarcely resting night or to England did not fret her, Utcauso it Mrs. Townley had an 11.finite auionnt Sewanl S. Ηιμπιι. to the farmer's l>o I long for hands to guide me till I've learned 1 y Hear»*. indispensable prosperity \N hen of tact. it wan tast to U KNOW THE WILD FLOWERS. walk the groat mistake of his life. said. α had news?" He There he engaged nil ordinary bnt was hiit and ho km w what was She knew ap· The practical, industrious farmei to again. y< glanc- day. will, W hat & that we ure not bette: came to said that to tow jlavothe reliable to whom he in- best. with contented and the attendant firnt. This she did, Κ A I'ARK, pity who is the fortunate owner of a people know, they ed prmr. woman, gave Bosy her yet pmnch • goo< Lost, the sound of footst*'|u», how the days have rjrd with the wild (lowers th.t have ss and coast. instructed hie solicitor at was to men- roctiv, d no rebuff. Her ad ν anon Attorney s at Law, his enterprise, may ascribe hi* failure U my steps, silence·!, l>o»s«*sed of ami I hi' |i rose unsteadily. "Gordon, lie too happy b« very active longer* for *«»tne on* mai In our home. yourvlf." some causes most ol almost but to do me a of Montr* al to for Mrs. oven if it had boon the charat ter- 'wan not, however, Mackenzie potent unheeded by Mu«lc floats aliout me, wafted on the cynicism pardonable, ho said, "givo «late brandy." procure possagin tally, rapid. MAINE, tell roe. that is what I hu sweetly 1 KKTIIKL. Well, ju-t farmer'· it when liiin weak the in Armour and maid for istio of raoe. She was not at first hid had h* r instruction* When she E:>rv C. Park. themselves, yet constantly 0|>er· air. tipsy proved merely Ho tan •d toward coploard tho Francis Liverpool. her Μ!-.» Κ. M-rrt.>k. doing, and for a large mas- of otbei And the hum of voIcoh sounds aliout me their own interests. merry fooliih. Tint the fact is in» was less I et tern he instructed his solic- aware how much she fontul that Mrs. knew Francis thiik know atiug .against and trader opened it, took out Then by of notice excited Townley jx-Kjile wh>· |«rh,|>- they the State of Maine everywhere. }The I Notwithstanding While I for that can !>e mine time than was and itor in London to meet Mrs. Francis Ar- and how a she was in Annour and his p<. she thawed a \K; I * HOLT. most of th«m. a* I till fondly long music, tij^y at,th·· imagined, étrange figure .pie, ju*t did, recently lit» contribute»! » nevermore— » u lil»erally to endow .i more dftilfF ι at more, h \nd if will walk or rid»? wit! could havo answered to malien mour and η aid Liverpool and take this staring city. When it did dawn |lirtl>· and thtn very sitatingly yet, you aid the « •lost the must·' of footsteps— toy own foot college to farming industry, my him. her to the Indian wife. A'tornev Λ Counselor, im· fur λ η hour, i believe I can *how on the floor. and than were credited to them to hope in Hertfordshire— h or, she shrank a little, hnt still she introduced board of agriculture established, farmers steps cynicism Grey □{ran M A IMC. vou several varieties, which it wii To those who know the world it is not that is, if General Armour and Mrs. Ar- was to sit, with her Mrs. Townley smiled her l**st, and m>kv* \Y. clubs, fairs, granges and institutes have Lost, the sound of footsteps—and I wait day placid, preferring trouble to name unies# are t that of the two Armour was mour or some of the fam- hands folded in her there wen many who knew how attract- |; * k· *tri*l. you you been all over the state to en- after singular representative lap, idly watching H*T ·« ι organized day botanist. In the midst of this long silence,'where the to the mistake anil not meet them when lauded ive she could tie ut such a moment courage and stimulate the husbandman thought havo made ily did they things. She appeared oblivious that she a friend from the cam· .Master bids lue stay ; X \ Kl< Keventlv city had the or that wast- from the ; a and ι Then» was a in which 1 |i|J^ Η )W, in hi* vocation, -yet it is reported therc And dream of spacious meadows, where my misfortune people steamship. was tho wife of man of family ί-light pause, to \ me and brought with h»-r a c«»p\ feet used to are many towns in Old Oxford, with an chlid roam, ed their pity and their scorn upon him Presently he sat down und wreto to rank. She was thinking that the Lali looked at her meditatively, earm-st- < so on the only at of Mr*. (tana's lste-t edition of "How >f the footprints left often (Traveled rs Attorney Law, industrious, intelligent population, alone. they did not mm· that his father and mother and ar-ked them man wan hers—all hers. ly. and thi η thottv beautiful wild fin„'i t«> Know th«· Wild Flowers.** When walks at home. Apparently ! which have depreciated in value during l*oe» the Father know how restless our weak the woman was to be He had to meet his wifo and her maid when tnated lier in titled ont and Iter hand and MAINE. we or we pitied. He had kindly enough I caught ! fvtr walked rode, brought human feet grow, the past three ν ears. This fact of itself, may and she was an Indian steamer hold it, !>ut slie no word. She home a of flowers, and soon And them (u^t a» when we walk in married h»r, only they arrived by the Aphrodite. Hm daj (It jtm together* bat xpoke collection unless otherwise seems to guide safely ► -V Til. explained, shadow so? from Fort Charles of the Hudxn's He did not to them in not been a great deal with him he· ltvîki-d inquiringly, s»-ri.>uslv. at I» '·. 1 : h» nu· f<>'k»" and children Inter- that girl explain precise only iudicate that the farming Industry in h«*r new friuid :id m to u*. [ wa> with a little honot white detail his on Miss Julia Sher- cauMj traveled fact, and hi^ duti··.·« found pr· -t*tep*; f Attorney at Law, to coinmoti blood in her veins. not even nor did he into were or ho made them so, l ut dr. 14 d tiie blank· away îrom her and «wrprl-ed and ashamed find welfare work her». |« .lone. Nobody, wood's marriage, go many, actually requires. And the (fate- of heaven are and our .is she .«ho ν K* O*. M AINE flow.τ», grow ir g a!mo-t under my feel opened, her own felt that she had any- full as to the of the latter did not occur t-> n:it np iiiuily, thottgh felt The reader can readily ρ receive that father bid* me c«wne people, particulars personality p<..«nihility \ t. .· Κ ■ vk t »>'.:ecMi>iiP % «peetaùly and the road *ides, whuh had nil- w.l* not an ; i η now and w lining the Uck of among farmers is From the silence so unbroken by the tread of thing at stake or was in danger of Mrs. Frank Armour, but he did say lier. Win η ho had hastily hidden her altogether been f'tmiliar to me all and prosperity human .» to hold Ii« .*« If i;iy life, yet not to idleness, a feet. or was other than a person that Wcause ho knew w»tc aillions fan-well .it l'< rt Arthur, he had ki.— of them footstep* white u.s .ίκ· old lu her wroug system of unfavor- «treet.— who had come to bear the that he should marry he hrr and said, "Ooodby, my wife." Sin- anions |*>>ple, i I studied agriculture, golden ludicrously "acceptably" had learned when botany, a to dear teach me that with h r own C.B able seasons or scanty harvest, but Then, till then, Father, name of Mrs. Francis Armour. If any had married into the oldest was not acute enough yet in tho intKc own country and tribe, Artist, had It *«» much j all those fearful aristocracy, but forgotten. takes a of which for some through depth·. h'-r. Certain- combination causes, are one had said in that she of and because lie of Saxon to catch the satire who had gr< uly admired MAINE. a in In the silence that surround· me. Thou justification aristocracy America, tions spetch -ιΊ ΓΜ PARI·*, tiro· and to analyz·' flower rea«on i- seldom mentioned in the patience public guiding -til! my steps; tlie the answer would have also knew wished him to —almost two >·' < aMn.-t* W.H»d"e or even lUitanv. for one loved man, they marry involuntary—in the last ·: (.«ray*» journal- or presented to the public mind. And when life for me is orer, even in heaven it now. more been that of Indian women had wealth he sent them a wife rich in vir- won la Shi· remembered the word*, out of practice, that I «Idoni try W hen it Uvomes that the may 1 once plenty apparent Hear the sound of footstep»—my own white but not virtues. the was < Κ y 1 HINI> Α ·Μ·Ν, Mut ι hi- new book wo» reel are again loved men, hail married tues—native, unspoiled howevt r, and ki.-s, and she inspiration. igricultural towns in Old Oxford on the floor. Haut ImuI nrtref" of flower» and near- footsteps the of half you that would take her satisfied. To what was I It cootalns 164 plat··* uo financial but are them, and yet population He hoped they she going making progress, it ou the tabb* hrsido Dentists, rive handled with direc- to bm-ds went on α bottle knd jnit to their hearts and cherish her. He le did not He wan sending ly description·, growing poorer from year year under OF LUXURY. increasing. Suite «peculate. to of be- THE DANGER COLLEGE with u andsomo MAINE tloo* according color, time the it seems Frank Armour had been a Armour, togi thcr glues knew their firm of honor, her—that was enough. V»KW \Y. present conditions, high be popnlar principles etc.. to find the name, [From η paper by President Thwlng, read oat a stnT soming, easily time, to u*e a that man in London. His club 1*» water. Annonr pound and that he could trust them to he kind The woman to her as maid had Γ 11 I' Jone·., I». It.S, military expression, fore the American Institute of Instruction.] might givm ο classification and of a flower a u and description the agricultural fraternity should change found in the of Pall Mall, his draft, Ided very little water to his wife until he returned to share been well chosen. Armour had done trouble of Hier But η difficulty far more hit'iou* oppos- vicinity M without the analyzing. ! their out the obstacles drank it lie drew α and Hie w:u« vas re- ΚΛΠ" KT. A M., D, tactics, point the of the col- father's name was high and honored in great sigh the affection which he \v;is sure would this can iu!!y. ticotch, th· re are little storie*, logt-nd*. interest- ing intellectual purpose which obstruct th»> farmer'· Mtoxl lot at tbo o ehtvwd- JJ progress, lffctt· lies in tho of col- th*· army list, one of his brothers had king paper. be given to her. It was not his inten- r\*il, a certain amount of irg facta and nidations tu prose and aud the It Is increasing luxury Λ Surgeon, unitedly apply remedy. Tho is a luxurious in "Is tl. re I can do for you, to retnrn to for some time ut*.«, w uld iii.-tι xtious and do Physician \»-r-e. written *o that lege living. age ago served with Wolseley Africa, and anything tion England rl«y interestingly not enough for the husbandman simply he Arn our?" tbo trader. *>ITH PARIS, MAIN·. f ami the college cannot but sympa-1 himself, no but with Mr. urgod Ho had work to do in connection her catefully. What she thought J on·· U perfectly «sciaated. ι b wants tfw day to having profession, yet. r.uty < u ! rift dky, w hut the seems at all. r· Ol ► l'W'lt»! <>{>er !.»y never npplj thetic ith th·· age, college a taste for business and had "Nothing. thank yon, nothing with his and a ibout tl whole matti r she k< to In I -hall my friend's i»er· ■ investment, wife, pt I'anaar ! W ffli, "Portlaa-l forgtt hut his income -hould enable him to tit proposed colony, 1*< KrV to I>r- in sense to In· leading in the luxurious- Just leaie tbo hen·, will I it *·! 1 feet delight. when -he found her first hi·* children for the duties of life, be- gone to Canada with some such inten- brandy yoo? even α native wife, could not well be α «elf. Evm the solicitor lies* »>f the life of the age. The scholar and 1 have to s W ΤI ! * M. M I », one of our common for times of tion an Lord Selkirk's in the feel knotjk·*! about, go in the circumstances. He- Bou'd ii"t tin them out to the let- 1fcj present appliances a in the Hudson's Bay company, wonld bo better occupied in learning carry twin flower. scholar has been pre'tv independent \ «-rmort 1»«5 little dainty can do three times the work he could the north- turning t over hastily, as if searching the life her fu- for wliich she was well j : Nut he ha* 1»···η not when h«> traveled through peculiarities of in which ter, already ••«.r-Λ.·· ta It* »k-o ior. U-ing independent fu'. an·! liig ate». souie ago, his financial coo- for sonu The trader undt rstnod. was » years yet he wot he was recviv- hing. be It was and to be butter ρ id, I 111 1 AM* MAINE. W it!; t n»a ! lea*··- lei··* because he had much but because country pr**s]»ecting ture would cant. possible they [laid likely Iv■> dltion with ι;.· ι .wι -. ·.^111 )«·:Mit etwrrn, ί comparatively wealthy know that the ««<1 most He was cool ln-ailed Scotsman. He find an <>f this because Aiuiour lu.d th;,t k<· * ? VVr Srtti. needed hut little. You hospitably. would lur apt pupil. arranp-d a it did in ι] \n warn; her cla*»es, bears le·»» ratio than w t there were some best t\»y laws of were in the Middle Ages Of an and turn km thi] thing* could not that she was should continue tr I*· with hi.·· wife Th< *t I* until i uilii *n<)« r* iiut that there begging inquiring gregarious they complain n ntit* ium* iiuuf u α iiuim), after to Hi She umier- lh *1111·!. rich men In *u«pended of mind, among in<|ii rit'U, they got gland. hnx-k clo*· over th·· were but few exceedingly from all A.1 ing by falling lclg< ; The scholars walked Kuropt·- as ar· called have tin r bad houni alone. II*· glanced acr»>>s 4tood well thé of I.ah- in:*·, T· could find no fault A ! the now it is estimated half breeds—or metis they bareback. half tin* continent. langti.ige ly Mrs. wnley Smith Machinist, u t» *-it» below. country, by good them -to Paris to into gre.^t rocky tliirtj Ihou-tud of at the bil but cause w.ii w citizens of the —and Indians as among the offloers of [imly dibatingly, presently They could not cavil at her education, uid Im I.ali's Kiigli-h limited with th·· Indian. She hod > l TU ; At; >. MAINE. Hut I must not t ike time to tell you lU'hority, ht;tr Abelard. and their they begged and the turned a d li ft til·· room in silence. In s» ihe would l»· nsahle in earned I»· r clothe·» well and wan ■ w« I'oi'ed >;ates count their wealth the Hudson's company for «il»· know veral iiidis|>* England. tnst»·, of our or the many varieties by as cimc in of knowl- Hay j language*—abo- « ru delights way they pursuit ho wished he V ! .-·■· v 'r-ΓΓΤ. «team we will venture settlers. had ever been cn-dit- his own Dlind, however, ·ί SI»· had Mackenzie therefore had r· fri-.-li in have or I shall no; g· t to the main millions, \uiong whom, When the Karl of white He riginal laugangts—< the north. spon.«ibili- superbly apjiearniice, though w » 4. hJnvrv ac>i tool·, found, edge. maguiticent *' to »tv, not on»· has accumulated He taken tbo without if was not elated over it she Κ r·· trao of e» %β·1 *» of hi» di ourteous. Armour had dis- r « ·* m » mu! th<*e:>!nc considerable a knew tin of h which veil the most aristo- l*V\ η win* flower- 1* touch like know- portion property by '«eth's time, his him and tins was accompanied by certain being and how to carry with accepta- gtill importance j«.si- the un en., ι>ι» knowing I gu-trdians provided society e" ···. » klr ·.». a the soli. Almost steamer Sherwood's letter. Before 'ψ W h· η along tilling every w ith a sldet*blecovere I with btlie, straiu of or He covered Jiliss ble form tl»· costumes of the race to ti·>ti and had ei.< uj;k· vanity to cratic Indians »><· ί' f neat!" an·) i»r> rr»j tt ing people. you pa*s gr»n»n impulsivem-ss daring. practical t» » ! from B·"»ton New Ν hound t<» : meet ι* ar. and ork, nnd he it lie took a little more bran· com- !>*;- v. tti watrr pipit* one t<> ou a truckle-bed, half a dozen chain had been accustomed all his life to openι which she was Her own costume make her an ellicieut servant and I'nf Lali would m>t talk. Mrs. Town· the Eastern is wi h going. can call Continent, freighted wnsli l>t«in tin· cost οι nil whs anoui Tht lie hat dowu and nad it de· : f !» fI·«* hnd v. ;!s l»e uafuaintance whom you by make up his mind quickly, and because dy. |tt was picturcsqae. hot It might appear j ;.i. S' !" ···!** that Icy n:.i thut th·· *rirl should \ t and seekers to the oriental world, x y ν-. I name. with whose home j pleasure five St. Andrews ltectorlal The had 8t«a«Ued r m I : f * fr< ui which «ίι>· costume <>f- S family, pouuds. he was well enough off to bear the con- liquor unusual in Ι^·ι»1·>η Still got 1.« position ·. dn .-M-d iii Knrr>|*':tn and how ruuet while but few «.f th·· farmers of New lit>eratel>J s«iciety. they habit* tou are stapi tinted, AdJri'wej îm».) But the Th rs of on»· hand even drum- ··«·* for that page to-day of rashness in him. con Id use their own al«mt was to go «.«it ι.·, ne 11* f. rev.·. She ft nι ger many colleges t eves were hard, and the lonk a \v;b Si If the f is conducted counted among the transgressor*. lie drawn, wl» η she ra re- Alnwick cattle, .·! she knew with Mr Armour's instructions. Urk II· 171. known by ght. It U just si» wirh the inning industry I times live pounds. Then, gone beyond on the same lin« s in future as own was not draw- of him w lis altogether pinched. After λιι to In r otlwr bin* hud r·· ;i irn r ν Liml and \ ou know names, haunt*, ; heretofore, and had his fortune. He call, he clwuiccd out- to put tho due charg·—hy js oplo. ν à* »ι. M ftta» •1 •w.-r*. if their The English American people— day or it 1m· well if the intelligent was a he hail fiiMnd this he looked fur others should have with attitnd··. Th·· wife hud not habit*, relative- and good might many th»· most luxurious of all on the ing nj*m a common purse. It coat ho wore whi n the letter* a:id pa- Iltrulf only liberty comforting »■·- of oh! ?.ne* lualilit·-, people' 'λ ittrntV» to IN» rrtrattnir citi/'-ns w ho hold the would investi- from tht same hand. lie found none, wa> home a r·· .«In was e\ plow of the allowed their different matter when he trafficked rash hit* misfortune come to h< r. She taking Lali to the tile -Ιίμ-i.t· : !« wh· goln?, .t;. irm «oUiit il. fiiv earth-—have j«c declaring corre*pon reason earn- gate the whv their scanty Then 1» out those from his l»< « ν# at If c- untry girl* and bo\s were taught luxurious habits to pervade their univer- ly in the family name, *o far as to mar- picktd him. II·· found his brother's letter; he of (ieiieral Armour, :uid that must and χι wl.u M;iekcuzi·», Mrs. : ;»r« not saved in th«lr own mineral*, i»;g- pockets has mother father. He read them There- r« « x· more of flower*, bird* and -itie* and their colleges. I.usury ry the of the Uni it and r ad it. It was the letter kept constantly before her mind. Towuley's «.it ι» ated request, i instead of to enrich other daughter Eye-of-the-Moon, opened would the goiug people not into and st t on how much more interesting gone Kdinburgh Glasgow Indian chief. grimly. a man who knew to fore from the foot the d vi ry l .i' and ?(jn< who "t «ke from the mouth of labor the of how appreciate day tiny plain» fly unpicKin ISS ElEANCRE S. HAYDEN, farm be to them. And what exctlU'M and Aberdeen and St. Andrews as it h.»s One** h as he read his moth- Wide or un- the hus- j He was toh rably happy when he went paused at their r v..Ice the misfortunes Aphrodite si»· k pt lier place Mrs. ly sh·· only lfml.«d incredulous *!u lv it would i !an>tman practice economy, ford The German stu- bay engender. «urj>rlslng jor Cambridge. rhere was something very like ever s« tl ·· til·· use all reasonable eflorts to make his Julia Sherwood was his promised wife, brandy. mour read lie came to feel for the first very little—and seanely speakinr;, dining saloon, mu-ia, Pcx 126, a») « hildr· η w ill l«-arn the-· thing* j dent t«w> is -«till a Ilk»· the tier- ge student, hi- faee when he finished it. ■ ·< ! land his future success will | and if was beautiful a sneer his biother Kichard had suf- eit... .■ t Lct cr to tl ccriooe ι«;.-··η· t!; a ..· I il had given h« r supgi*· MAIN Κ and their interest will grow with their productive, man nation, of great economy and sim- she, poor, notably οψ time that dlowni-sof the » v> d< η I the removal of certain and of His had not lb· read sympathy from some tl· as tigers became tl·'ti of w!. .Τ \. to -<>m·*. They had growth. j ρ· upon plicity in manner of living. I cannot good family. people tjlifh fered, mayl»·, such misery gers. Presently : en the ... his which extf ! im. He umlcr>to< <1 flu· f.»r Etviccers taken Banjo. ii .1 linl.. nirl na! unit·· obstruction* to prosperity, looked on this nd«tl |·» to Julia Sher- more ui-i m«-'o many at· that at table she would bo ' I tut believe that the American college quite kindly engagement. un had come him through iiiqaisiuv·» expect"! lie far the reach of any it n-fen nees to l re- η d< ··. Hut four old, i:i n bunch of beyond agricul- should Ik· made *< little ns had indes-d tried in many ways to boo advl Lady Agnes wood. It was a tei. j.ts at being frit tally, ut the»· awkward iuid to u*r y»"tr* brought rnrn! ».<«ΰ>ηΐΗ> known tn tillers of the sympathetic They dispassionate, manly the with the luxuriousness of Amer- He was very bitter, lb· read d little i:tt nt. It had In- had at s au η at the tnubr'* what ! had always ctilel yellow powMe prevent it, partly because of Miss Sher- Martlin^ left» r, relieved by a gentle wit nnd oeivt encour..^t «1»· tinn of i «oil. d i-v. but 1 foutt'l in excellent plate ican living. There should be oue place and al>o liecause no morn ι •tters, but took up The Morn- α come known who tho Indian w;w, tal·!·· at Fort Charles and h<« I. arm d Dr. C. L. Buck, IV»:,. wood's poverty, they hinting with a careful kindness that girl to her and Pembroke, M·»**.. July, a where men are it •t in the hook, ami showed itΛ in démocratie country h;wl iug Punt again and nad slowly a man and wild tales went about o.« to how to um a knit· and fork, £hw had Kvkmm: From Οι ι» Oxkori». knew that Lndv Agnes Martling sudden blow was bi tter for than many with the measured and men are influential not look t>f his face was not s rv:«il :h.· description aloud, by f« r him and was most through, |The his side, of Julia her with Francis Armour. also ! υ a f.iv> ri: \ritii the t: r' of long cured hap- a lifelong thorn in marriage mtnon τ>:<ηι·· Susan." their wealth, not by the elegance Then· was a small "black-ey«»d MAINE STATE GRANGE. endowed with wealth and pleasant, looking he had Now it was maiutaimd she hail s.ivnl wit'»·, who hkd taught In r many civi- the flower and or the of pily good Sherwood nothing particularly SURGEON-:- DENTIST, she looked intenth at their bedchamber splendor .site him. He far looks also. When ho left for Canada, «lass opi caught sight bitter to II»» his life at an nutlnak "f her tri'r*·; lized thing's, fier Knglish, though -ai.I. "It :<» be >u-:»n. VI ΜΛΙΝΚ sTATK ΚΛΙΚ. their Vaimeut, but bv and sheer say. delicately suggested Noulh l'un*. Ήιιιικ*. ought brown-eyed «.UAV.h PAUAl't: simple of himstl: in it. Hi· drt-w his hand across him ιΐν : in wa. there- *"* were imagin- that she acted to h» r nature, aguiu that she had found from ubuiul.uit, p.»»!. Tko.-«·, M tin λ I» not that a lesson character. they inwardly glad (they according hadn't it, and us he to influence ed that occur to end bin ej'fS ftin'bfud, though seesaw <»f life Frauk the wor Patron* of Muiu* :— I cannot doubt but that the souiethnig niight and that iu tl:·· was a dream. Hi· linked ♦-xtractfd without pain two universities of tho iu miserable sore this was to be life and health; yi t that she to star» .»t her w· re dis:;pi>oint· tainly i« more bn t\ »« oue of the features of the next Knglixh living man, the drone, who preferred living theij Tho letter did not say too much. It again-1 Hudson's Bay company, the the students had been into ds Ιόχ. His att· n- so w u the for our own to study State Fair. 2. 3, ». and 6, hihI if simple, plain, their home, the per* dispatch did not tin· It *lid and ou "I7 rl< y· think Armour* Warra:,vd to fit the mouth. only pleasure, S»·}»:. Oreyhope, Hertfordshire magnify difficulty. " iuor»·. Sut to teach our children i* from th»· Patrons, severe. Oxford and Cambridge have tiim was rawn to une letter. He r· <·< ivt· 1 : r said Lam Ν rf to Mrs. (to«rh the response hearty year through to «pou·ling half tho time picked Dot it. It did not even direct- Tin re were several on boartl wh< will Α. : r best work warranted. Nature a influence in dépréciât·· !'hu- iuculcate ').< love of will be feature. On had tremendous training it It as from Htchard. H·· started of wh s»· lit on sh>>rt this permanent iu Cavendish square. Richard was very up. t\ It was tender- knew th« Armoura wi ll l»v name, and Towiihv, jud^m· not. Im· for the realm of ly counsel. wholetumicly, Will It then, account of location the subordinate men upper professional to but <1. The ·· a from their youth? fond of Frank, him immense- brt-.ik tin· seal, juins» it dwelt tl» two wlio knew th· m On u< :.!:· he had com*· to enU rtain on triu 'i of aud civil admiring ly judicial. Indirectly ujton jiersonally. »':t.«it r to them th»· f of must and social, theological < keep Grange* Vndro*caggin county and clever- strain f event was too much. Hu η barrister n. Catarrh but neither ha* had a large influence ly for his buxom strength φι·· steadiness at»l manliness of Frank's wan Mr. Flv.v.rd Lamhrt, hitfh opini· Μ κ-. V. Γ. 1>i«'ost»:u. be relied upon to a*«i*t in completing life, determined not to read it ness and iH't a t»>o, for that winced, ami with- of t! Mi one the had him such thi n, to Irait until lie had own w:i 'i' \.i a \sid· a numb· r I r In ad to <.n·· s;d·· and sp« ak- A PROBLEM order the State, 1 would I beleleve that cau«e of influence rashueM which brought out rhetoric it enlarged upon their Γ'.- Icy, w, putting thoroughout le now It λ f inn of of Bonn and of himself, laughed ptinfully. a >vn She had had it a« CATAR^r Now here i< a problem. liiven, a-k that Grange in the vicinity of of lA'ipsic and Berlin, hav.K· at last. oomradeship. It run over pleasautly the of \.· il ki;< Hertfordshire family, ing very pion.uit!}·. every :s-tter had an I the life of the Germau had be· η for him—it maybe ;·. S t a had ι t 1. r it us a ,Γ,.Ι farmer. tiiven, the »fil the fair ground* furni*has many wagon* Munich in the people Richard was not, ae Frank used to days of their boyhood when they were who, in ·. pi· int j iirivy in :n.!. girl. hh< woman, rn of hat used to term his r· :..n -t a the nio-r mod· i. with has been the and plainness on averted «id niarrird a ni« t .-in· had l· soft littlo plough. <.i\en. imple- pix.ible. all decorated flower», simplicity say, "perfectly Round his pins"— people hardly e\« r separatist. It nradodistinct, biut met, couquered any a de- student. I believe that his « .n i -tt ut arm and willing Htid the life of the ho trap lad he read brother's let- ·:> which w;is one of h« r meuts fruit, grain*. grasses vegetable?, that is. ho wart slightly lamo—but i'y-- y< t with no obvious purpose, how g< wealthy young and KjxrttT:ιιι· lai.^h -ucc»--. hi «1 how are the influence of the American college at fir Richard Ar- to win theiu ter tiJit momtiit, ... unui. .1 .-, for few w· u< η <;ui termination maki: £ distinctively agricultural was at heart Hi· was an immense were and contidi nee—which left ..ι tlii· ν :M 1 y no uk.u.· aud cultivate l»e ami iu the ri«ht friendship γι u to »o and till and attractive in every Such would magnified deepened of niour w ι a w nsible man, ^ Ix for··. with wff<-ct. She plough particular. tlw student in reader, hut made littl»« ust· what bo i*. tho mod unsclfb-h thiug in portionless 1 mont!··- luuidi audibly laughed t- to :»« t>e the brother* if the life of might ,ud mak« farming profitable? a can made by community is and ι- nnd h»*r hum· r reap |>.irxde read. He had an abundant humor anil standing js culiaritii-s, perhaps the world—between two men. With Lambert !.. v.-K. Lard Arm·»nr we'd, v< ry ftJv nw, sens*·of work end late. vou -pare no Poland, Mlnot, the college was more plain and more V'U early audsi»tersof Auburn, the most set: -ible he ever wrote *«>- f· r tin· m>ment she said: and the not t>e let remembered every ainvdote ho ever vverds he 1· tter before hiiu Frank Armour saw and from Francis Armour's supervening xou h « It it no obstacle*. yet. Turner, Leeds. (irwnc, Wale*. ΙλΊ living high, when, [a:·.-, Hebron. simple. in tl at letter thrust uncen tnoni- me a couun- over be let then· be He was kind to the *ert· n» w whom he km w, he heard yeu have ask'-d when the harvest comes, l«*>k I.i«bon. Durham and !.ewlston the thinking not plain; heard. poor, walked his art in a light licitor, ju-r "Keally you Sabattis, t. -· vou sec much on a little to biuiM'lf as ho wulknl ou.-!y inti Fr:iiik Armour's pts-ki if I»» had before started who the Indiun u.rl drum. I fai ry 1 Mr*, Armour's fare toward ronr neighbor's and will do much to dignify our order in the cultivated philosophy much, talked As wo said, it is jtossiblo they as Aran 'UtJ had receivt d a terrible blow, tin new»—at the break- *re,it ti· id- of well tilled barn*, outside the rank». 1 a- oat-m cal. and was known the humble sort it on the when his trouble was he was shocked and sorry. when she gi HAY-FEVER-t'»· "*· of grain, mind* of those by read day greatly .. R|4HI ^ " no well cattle, fine to to I know very well that in certain col- had u wise He read h s life backward. H·· had at once the the mad- fast tal !<·, of «oui and μίν»·> a littl· rv It.i k* aln-orte·! iirge herds of kept trons, one and all, I appeal you '· oeutric. Hut he head, cair.o to him 1»· had uot married Lali He gnessed motive, .julrk too it lies had Price M c*»i< at l»ru* a built house and to of the the life is ; future, "'lie be had drunk and neral!' horses, newly prosjier- respond heartily the Invitation leges plain, plain and he for» saw danger to Frank'» happi- liquor nor sent I» r to England on this—to her ness, of this marria re. iiu* !u kept shriek, says, Mineral, oh, gi while at the other extreme of the scale of lux- I It had not ex- y you officer* of the f tir and to come together ness when he went While other* not feven him. wildly of It is his information and hi* most- Iîut it is all very shocking, you know," W -trot. Ni« ity, pro-périt everywhere, barr«in it is away. —involuntary mission revenge. opinions out at the end of th·· at 10 o'clock on ury ; it i* too bare and it is ; cited him It drew him to u "^till I man ige to come .t the fair grounds had koksîjmhI and maneuvered and were merely up also that there came to him ly to him-» !fp » xcept in m> t';.r us it nil·· add» d i:i a ! w r voice, w« *s «hen a remote from and cultivating possible ^.»r imt a1 out a- 11 off you ■"{. to win flag humanizing whi ν be could a sudden im- v. r< α ην h« r aixt uo n: Tuesday, Sept. prepared he had watched things. Ho point put the of the wrong seemed due to to con- think they il no "ill luck." halls. Let influences. Men are herded and dwell busily idle, iir*t vague conception only friendship if vou have had or a banner for your Grange iutii without flinching- t* st can for li« becau-<, so, * I »TI ΚΤΙΛ »AT. I'll. U., t^gtn, that have none of the saw that Frank was deur to Julia in pulse practice he had done this Indian who un- tradict the number!'--idle stori< t,·"- tbcy r, you hi- ->'U to onlege. hi-daughter be in this iu surroundings girl, He sends there hearty co-operation He was tter his He -> is and fast. Sh<· ΜΛΙ.ΜΙ IS be- of home; such conditions are to the distance between her b| against people. married bini because she ing about. Aft· r th«· fir; r day ..t he th< re »h< marrb-d hard to a semiuarr. rides in a top buggv. work for the of the order we love. comforts proportion doubtedly -a t. Toliri Aril good t lit m with more interfen nee ars name and ίκ to Λ! t hen al·, seem* to as evil as the evil that arises from und Lord whose fatiier credited liirn after heathen fashic n, came to know Mr». Town and whin lx the Armour 11k<-Iy hind a team, and It *e* uis necessary for me to quite youiiK Haldwell, cared for her ley, spanking hardly that ν d jf luxuries of life, of Iuxuriousness of environment. But done remarkable in guns than was lctual. He felt happi- hnd marritd her for he discovered that had many mu- make tin·! all v< ry unhaj mdi· Ί pilon· Kvuraleiyi-oinpouB't have all the comforts and urge upon Patrons in all parts the had something while he nothing they with the barrenness is not to our Our with a ΙΙ··Μ* lUt·! Κ' knew the Ar- she dt:teru>iiie> to n taliut· u them while tii-.tinge to exist Mate that make an effort to be such peril. or aud was rewarded that was commendable, uot even for tual friend» and that she up· Puwdtrt. \oujust they torpedoes lirait·· It* i- that shall re- him As we «aid, he was u « t. »-\ercise of the tiv-t -trict economy. on this and with their num- peril Increasing luxury anrl an uncommonly large for- hopeless. which l*4 n<>r mours he spoke a lirtle more freely to for any uegl· Ν present day lorl.-lnp passion, may pardoned, .·>■:! ►'·· .owe Bkwk. this difference.' On: of sult in Our man of divisions. Ht- would have liow to Μη» What i-the reason for bers and euthusum make it tUnj diminishing intellectuality. tune. He also saw that after Frank left quick which has its virtues. He her tho Indian wife and told "Yes? But retaliate. ! 1 MAINE will come to be for vanity, regarding MUv Have i< that the college u a Have vou -olved the problem? the week. peril the distance between Lord Haldwell and made d |i.>hiiiK hut reckless soldier. with circumstance. her what !·»· believed was th·· cause of Townley?" Land rt had not suggest- of rich aud the had had his hour is to be learned of thousands of our the hone the dwelling- was of the % Hkl.K. VOU learn.ti all there The presence less. were He ink without the elements iVU I illtL M'»ll\|srn %T«>K of the Our is Julia became distinctly They Circum>tance would have iin hour with the marriage. ,il about farming and farm management. earnest Patrons is desired when the pa- place magnificent. j»eril It is that there was for thev «·Γ·..t M in·I "!«>!*, will both at h ope. Julia" Sher- gamester possible in due time. Yet tl» re was no ex- Mrs. Townley was a woman—a girl "Will, instance, supple <>f is in the ag- of the stand that in this condition the college staying Grey him :ijlSn£ t.. llw I-Utt* there soiuethiug raît·· lines up iu front grand in him a strain of unde- ««■nt her into inclusion—with Γυ-sibly cannot stand for of the wood was a clever girl. al*] cruelty, revulsion. Ho was still an- —of urn mn:un ginllcmsK of disposi- away v .u ■».· th Ι'λγΙ- new r- and the bulletins to mem- not and things remarkably ρ traordinary ricultural -pa|«· to listen speaking by prominent I pt radical· in- coiin uuother ^ rious » I»ir iwa« yna* by tiw b·· mind. But for things of the mind the he felt it his to to veloped, und sore. He would tion, and ii of her troubles Frank's nt, qiu»··! of the stations that might bers :iud friends of the order and for Though duty s]M-ak gry, cynical very spite kih! I·» fhr law owner experiment of home- Life so ir h:.d the b**t in ν« tion—and -It·· should take the notion t > m> did not hold such aud beautiful must stand. In the age her for his brother—a difficult and deli- developed seo the out with a consistent tiriu- clined tovj. wlife with u sunny !« t;»r rtjthl of ΰ.·η *ιττ of of value to you if you the award of the flags college play rv t>e of our fathers the did stand come him. He liad been and candid. Armour's en- her retin mwit and 11 Ι» «ι· tlk>n>u|ti!r iu contempt. Ihere may banners, a* well as to attend the grand spun college cate matter—ho thought it would cheery ness. He almost managed α smile when She had knuwn of Frank fly appear inopp·).- It information I n : So jfYM'i roiptttlon- have been for of the mind; in the age of Now he tr Iveled back into new avenues .Tnl .ι Μ.ιηΓ' tnn· at .»■ m·· social function cloth· I better methods than those you <«range in the evening. things better from his mother. α letter was handed to him some weeks gagement with Miss ly *· * ii 1·Ίβ< · Κ**»· 1·β*1 rally thus inati knows it a'!, and from broad-cloth the college must still was too of his uiiiid and found strange aborigi- t!:<· 1 as «lie i* now. I lu r blanLi t .< rt «111 be μ·Ι·Ι at a No one Let us rallv thousands every But when he took actiou it his solicitor's assr.ranct but she had never h· :rd Menti. fancy i'ur-uing. <»f by later, bearing .· t tht· t· a ti. i- as and abuudaut stand. to the t l*· a wet in such a ca.·*. t'arflr- »|>Ι*ο·0·Ι TOW rich ighbor iu-t MmM· Grange in M aine, give late. Miss Sherwood naively declared nal itassiotLt fully adapted present that Mrs. Frauk Armour and her maid this was the Mfjut 1—\seli, it had 1 would blanket '· > but that the American we;. -u»'<ïtri>ol &οΊ μ«ν vou are of to the cauee for I have no doubt and hi- defects as your·—perhaps evidence of our lovf.lty «he had not known her own heart situation Vulgar anger reproaches on tl»· faced, lit* ^;e was alnn«>t tremnloo if you will pardon thi· little joke." ll* b> are will the that had been safely liestowed Aphro- Α^·μ!ν Ls what you we I am assured that the college despite increasing luxury η nature. He > Α Τ Kl Ε. A.lmr uiore so, for he doing whkh labor. did not care fur Frank any were not tu r his suddenly act when she renu ml·· red Lanilxrt "Poor Frank! Po< .· to life still be able to main- und that she dite for This was tho firit with Kymjathy sighed. < > tn·: rirlll of his life of the of American England. .·»►; U,.t he is tr\ in g every day train service from every part sont -t-s of refined retaliation. He :· n- h« Nuenth h.. Mr. more. Sho a little and was soothed found Mrs. Armour ami Frank's gay, f;i«! ! devil!" said almost l'ort!ao iatcd bnath. aud to cotue a little nearer be to all. Here by motherly hi- calling. that must satisfactory his and the I>o t " et she knew the thing to humiliate p« ople the arrival of this Indian at Cirey- "And wherefore jrnor Frank? y< of the «.real Problem. is an to the worth of Inwardly fclad, though CHAPTER II. girl the solution opportunity impress life. Some oue informa- matter would cause Frank and girl who b id sailed his She li-d liked Fr:in!: Ar- think ho or the Anuonre of (tnyh· \- no man education and the order of Patrous of Husbandry upon pain, hope. alwajs despise ν be absolute and ! education aud of whole From even Armour oould not thing! It ould lasting. this made h< r vita are the only outs at stake in this? Dental Notice tion. and especially that the mind* of the jieople the LaGrippe. Genoral help mour, but angry to his owu are earnest It would sι, iow how low had fallen his si. v.\> What aliout this Just think ι- la Ihr offir* that State and to show that we in satisfaction, though he him, for on second thoug!.t jwor girl: I»· !ita Κ information pertain* Miles' Nervine Restored ihowing slight at KwklWkt. 1 too much aud How Dr. of of whom Julia Slier- if our ns Ο 1». fti «r calling He cannot know in our effort· to extend its influence was inuooent of any deliberate actiou opinion women, not more sorry for him and for his |κ·ο· why ho married her, «uspici t).« ir of l'.a« krt< ! I aii'l a! i»<>( for a news- One of Business rooe 1**·η chiefest to him. In > < 11 λ bout it. Λ dollar spent increase it* numbers. Kentucky's to the two. Miss wood had than for the wife, ho had an· right, and ti imagine her feci* * -1 it I am r\'*ljr to >lo anvthlnjc before separate Straightway pie Lali, a hundred of the State are to Health. w< his scorn of her. < •*ru -· ··» t paper mav bring you The officers Society »Men a letter to the that he old show the true instinct of womanb· d, trad ings when she wakes to the truth ovur «try. it and Sherwood dispatched ' :· -t I» In making an«l a>l if will read can to aid the movement his the \ ear is over, you doing all they and for a week was an He would jring down the prido of that a h. a then like t!is there, a" some time she is sure to do!" \ an«l Ku'.>twtr P'atrn is food wilds of Canada, she supp<et us I rôtit b\ wh and make respond w»o, he had a Th· u Lambert b· to see the ma: iu young person. But she was family, believed, helped conl 1 have ft clings to U· hurta:;d life κ·'·η I" ItKI.M PI. ITi:«. |»rr erf. »A. κ. T. H. Hoskiss. with our decorated with bright unengaged for reflection.—D wagons of me to tumble his a different and hi· do doubt consoled the fact that for out selfishness to be wounded iu· herself cr anotht r. At ter in li^rhr. syi: Iv»a't faces and with by in l»t·· \i>f Trrth. Maiue Farmer. joyous hearty greetings. the shambles. r U some time she had con- happiness into least «lie saw what wus hie in the f Francis Armour grew lc*» ■ pathv 4 rxtniir·! until you Bn1γ*>1 for and perceptions position, of the farmer, M'as he did not U: than that Lord Haldwell's ty of hunujr. That why contact with the new life ton he «wore at Armour more thanom portunities a lib a justified by proposal, complished by m»n who can m ike such increase of nutriment. it was also that the with admirable tact and obvious become vq excited; why ho cl:., r ut Γ; m h; r and was anxione concerning the recep- Κ Ε. COLE. one.—fcx- to learn an which, |y past. IKTHI need uot envy any It is never too late impor- a which -ucce-s was he determ ned upon comedy she and Lambert decided that tion of ttho heathen wife Id r whit is under demureness, accepted. Be.h by • January Ιϋ, IM. tant fact. Having way, grass of change. Frank was much should haw all the elements tragedy. she λ. :s v«n flue nc twitl:-tand- relative*. lis forward., and men are burning in Now wandering looking, and ho had not carried r c iunie. Wto and well 1 to the harvest as fast as in tho wilds, so that his letters pa- Perhaps, hpwever, ing 1. h'he tJim BB of I'rtillon for l>lwk«r(r. order get along [TO CONTINUED.] his to immediate conclusions bust sh: It is well, however, to pers went careering about after him, purpos· V built, with modcT.t and ρ ly *i trr. nine. Cured practicable. seemed to or fodder are came first were the last v.'ere it not that the very gods : ankles. Her were with know that immature plants and some that fget ad eye.- large, j That FiuUhrd Hon. ·· In the Dyspepsia* dys- -« ..rt of ln««»lvrm-v. wif· ha* gr*'»* •My in This Is true of was his with him, for while he features * iNrM deficient nutriment. to reach him. That how he receiv- game meditative ami intelligent, her > .r !· 1'OLIJN"*. In-oSvriit I' ur Three bottles of play was Solomon the wieeer for o*er year#. as well as corn. out into the of He—Why jjr-«s and clover, During ed a announcing tho mar- stood then] looking yard disti; „*niîL· d t ha·, H»od't Sarsaparltla is newspaper pan? V :.··?> that a i«rtltl-»n ^ the last stages of nutrition fort a a line ■ growth, Haldwell and Julia Sher- the missionary passed of h< r race, descended from x l> I- V Im*«η have perferUy cured riage of Lord Uing y lune, stored far more than iu the protestantThe Protestant f-he—Beeanse he had no nu.ny wivos ,-t for -ai'I county, by her. At time» the up rapidly wood at the «une time that her letter, the window. missionary, of c'.:iefs nnd chieftaiur.-M-s, broken have shown :o S η the < ounty of earlier The stations as Fort advi>·' him.—London Tit-Bits. of IVru. lightest food would growth. written in estimable and with as ho is foind at such places ia the case of her r, α» »t lie he Ί««<·γ**·Ι a full with the corn English only grnndfatL·. may her terri- this conclusively plant. a t- enutch. 4t Part», ta «ni t ο*β*τ of Waters of the that all wan over, and Protestant missionary is not the v A. D. how it. Prof. Pennsylvania charming regret, slim, yet plump, fingers tapering, ·■-!». ιι,«· lTth lay of July, could tell badly has ever so many So Mrs. Frank Arnioar arrived at examination of DISEASE presented between fort able a»' kurancee of gold. that When ν Mrs. then >»k in the foreman. âit*l that She was station has beea making that tho last word had been said the fist supple. Townley Morocco has been tho "land she felt. as No disease blii) woro her Indian cos- always In the o*fonl Dw has that one acre cut in peculiarities LaGrippe. Arm Lur summoned this one in Montreal, (still " cull the·) troubled with rve. and found No them. when and t!.ero decided that the #irl had pots- >f the Moors. 1 In »ai P\KK. Reiii»ler _. m and ber to the bottom growth Moon's lodge, gayly ..urt tor cvauty ·>ί on· bottle did her me no an Frank Armour she should Mr·. Oti» MerrtW loss. There however, cotics that slupeDed me, but gave was now influenced Frank Ar- that Mrs. aiul a·" make up the U, Lali, the daughter, aud pre- ,k., ->v— took two more was conscious of intense mental Ëovcrty and drive us far little cut too rest. I only arrears mour and the notable mishap off these garments grass early. and the to enjoy heartily the of put ΓΑΙΤΙΟΛ. wU. She 1. not now troubled comparatively in wenkni-M», agonizing bodily pain pared prevented in accordance with ber new We refer to the f »ct of more nutrition news before him. and scandal. As it was. Armour took as possible fact that I was hourly growing weaker. correspondence and _·*"«η fn»m wfc ta ·τ 8%oee ιβ MmO to show that the But when ho about it my the mature plaut only When in this condition. I commenced using ran his hand the letters and more brandy. position. spoke ι. Ι·:·ι«· 'lit, Ι^Λ. ·Μ ϋΜΜ He through necessarily cut iu the later stag» · Nervine. In two days to toMackencie, the elderly maid ami com- e York l.uht* Heal l'oapu;, No. grass Dr. Mile·' Restorative intending to classify them im- Then went down Eye-of-the- »' In food value, time papers, »—· ι. rtlti· at»· of ilv« -.hare- of the -l"«'k has not deteriorated I to improve and in ono month's bfj found that Mr. Armour bud "w^· began handwrit- A few hours afterward ·»: num as according to such Moon's panion,'he ompast. No. tl, aa«l ai-u· a iaree ·"£■. It mav not be as the was much to the surprise of all who mediately, lodge. palatable I cured, was to arrive in *r f oh! though on him there. The next said that his wife Eng- uta.ii-t maav p;irtle» payai»* U· I have been In ex- as he ru zed and tho dates the miesia' lary met * I food's cut·—Farmer. knew of my coudition. ing ogui some- Kf. earlier as she was. He kuw my an l not îieiotlule.! nr «wrwl as so ho saw the of land dressed nr. health since and have recommended the But ho alid morning L*li, daughter Eye-of- ■'> luforuiatlon Milb tte·!. cellent envelopes. was moth bill the to of friends." of a ulterior in the mutter, but it I \ MK> Ε III Tt IIIN·* The gypsy passed by your remedies many my a from which the wrapper the-Moun cjnd the chieftainess por- thing 1 Saiaapartlla newspaper so ·»*·ΙΙ. -lune ΜΕ. Jo Hood's legislature, carried an Jan. 22,1Λ6. D. W. Hjlto*. not his to interfere. And 11, Massachusetts Louisville, was torn. He also saw a note In tion of hei father's tribe, whose grand· province of This moth has partly Armour was a j^pp'opriation $150,000. him to * curtain father had been a white man, was la· Mr·. Frank passenger ABSOLUTELY PURE gsrîiS.— state fcrrue lotira MIL tho margin directing PRINTING ..f all kliiih· neatly ·»«ι»β ·* nlready co*t the heavily. It. lita' J-"?u* iViuorrat oihoe. I Woo*'· I 1 — fc———————— BURGLARY AT EAST SUMNER. DO WANT TO STOP TOBACCO ? established isa. THE WEEK IN MAINE. ïjÔu back into SOOTHPABIS. NORWAY. 1 I have moved my THE POST OFFICE AT THAT PLACE YOU CAN IE CURED WHILE USINQ IT. DIRECTORY. The hnblt of unliif tobacco grow* on man ·χ(ονΑ Bcraot cat, DIRECTORY. THE MOST IMPORTANT 8TATE NEWS CLEANED Ol'T TCESDAT MIGHT. file (until grive dlseaaed noadltlona are produce·!. BRIEFLY TOLD. cauaea canoer of th« mouth «ml ISSUEI> Tt RSPAYS. onacm cavicn·. TohacecJ East 18. atomach■ 1 dyspepala ; Idm of memory : nervou· i Ct nlveraall.·* Rev. Caroline R. St mkek, BUS» R. J. I Church. Ange». July I Fin* Congrvgattoaal Church. Haughton, affection! ; congestion of the retina and wasting Dm* 4S wnk» oo at 10 45 On or morn- Pastor. On Sunday, )>re*cMnK service·, It: Paator. I*i—thing Sunday, Fine at last week. Tuesday night Wednesday Jof the oMc nerve, resulting In Impairment of 12 Α. Stblxth IS tt r. M. racing Rigby ■ STORE M .VINE, JULY £<, 18M. A.M. an 1 7: UO r. H.; Sabbath School M.; *.; Srlhiul, the office and railroad station «Ken to the extent of bllndneaa; dliil NEW PARIS, S. lug post viatoa, 7 3D Γ. H.; Ihrls Swwixl I'vninvxoUoul Churrh, Rev. B. *uffo Wednesday prayer meeting. A war on reliera la making a ere Entrance was effect- ne·», or Vertigo; tobacco asthina; nightly Have a full stock of : Ju f. M. Paator. Preaching ear* Ice Sunday, liquor burglarised. « ttan Κii.Ι. α\ .>r meeting ua Friday, 7 Rfcleout, ITarbor. cation ; pain In region of the heart, followed W. Pm to 30 a. H.. School, Tl 45 a. *. ; Social thing* Interesting at Bar ed out In the windows. 1 Joli Β Ε NrUk>lli4 Churrh. Ri'v. T. Chapman. SlkMk by breaking glass later by than· pain*, palpitation and weakened KO Η S, S 3D a. Τ t» p. regular weekly Prayer Meet the a disease. It alao and would ΑΤνΥΟΟϋΛ lor. On S am lay, morning prayer meeting. Meeting, The of Cumberland la At station they secured few ,pulae, iwkulttng In fatal heart «er\ i<-e, M (.it.V ; Sabl-aui School In*. ? So r. M., Wednesday; Y.wuig People'» county hiring only cordially Μ.. )>rva< lung 3 cau«es» of vitality. rt M eve· M oeil at 7 30 r. * nlckli and coppers. At the office k|u Κ4ΙΙ·γ« «ni Ρτ·μτΙ·ι·π· ti M.. League Meeting, r. ; i>K W'toy, money for three per cent tbU jretr. post llRKoKR IT 18 TOO LATE. BpWortl) V. Uroaveaor, Pastor. an amount gtlT, ! meeting 7 F * Tuesday prayer McthodM Cliink, Re*. they secured quite of To la too aevere a κ hock to the Tools invito all Α. Ε. rouis·. Ing |>ra\or I0 3U a. Sabl»ath School. stamps qui] auddenly Haying my r. a. Class frrlday, Preaching wnK*, There are 112 In at Ban- be- tiKOBOK M. ATWOOt». meeting. 7 Λ meeting," prisoners jail and some cash. As there was scarcely ,•ystem, laa tobacco—to an Inveterate uaer W «M *.. Mortal Kvenlng Meeting, T U) p. M.; 7 r. *. the hot weather. cash town comes a that hla system continually J. Pastor. Meeting. 7 3U P. M.; Claim gor, notwithstanding any In the treasury they got (stimulant ttaptt-t Chureh. Rev. T. Ramsdcll, Tue-day Prayer crave». Γ IIACOtTKO" i« a scientific and re rtrtctlv tn x-tvanoe a. Sab 7 3U P. Jt. there. No clue to the rob- the Tiaas —#1Λ> a jear If paid o« Sunday, preaching aerrtn N:tt Meeting. Prlday. Poland guests at this time nothing yet jNab le veietahle remedy, guaranteed to be per including 4 cent». 7:00 P. H. Spring's been In uae for Oiherwlae #2 ου » year. Single cop*· lath School li *., prayer meeting βΤΛΤΕΙ» «KKTINUa. bers. foctlv ha fro leas, and wnlcn haa 7 90 r. M. exceed In number those of any previous are Tuesday evening prayer meeting the faat TO yeara, having cored thouaanda of OLD CUSTOMERS a-lvertlsemeuto aaaemble» Ai>vKKTi«hWft.xT* —All legal Ρ Λ Α. M.—l'nlon Κ. A.C., No. 38, season. THE US Ε LIBRARY. I >acco ehewers and for per statu) Murrnu·. OF^ habitual ko uaera—smokers, thrw con»e»utlve lnevrtlon· $1» Wedneadav Evening, on or before full moon, at > la I contractu evening The from the of Caro- anuffdliLera. ch In of column. per F. Λ A M.—KeKular meeting Tuesday SlaMiiW flail. Regular meeting of Oxford A of are of following paper TUB TOBACCO TOU Solid India Steel Éren length aofciTirv YOU wiibn to stop, wb of eaen week.—Aurora on or after full moon. electric road. Library only by Meant evening *S. M.. Prfclav evening, ·»· W Wi ia.a«.· ■ to"· —New f*»t preMea, lugs, Thursday teachers but the results IIIGIVB * Ik IIM WltlTTEN UUABANTEE |>erΓ for the Jo» PaiJCTIwo type, βη4 and third Monday evening· IMvWIon, Sooaof Temperance. In Ryer- by parents; or re- we have sold workmen an«l low price· Kucawpaient. Norway at manentld cure any caae with three Itoxes, which it also look over month. eon Hall Sat un evening. A. sardine factory do much to the over, power, experience·! of our bu«l of each every lay lieorge Sawyer's would help library fond with 10 per cent Interest c;>m bine to make thl» lepartment second Saturday of In (Md Pellow* along thelmoney P. of II —Paris tjrangc, I. O. O. P.—Regular meeting Mllbridge was burned Saturday. Small work In this state to which the state now "BACOCUB»»" Is not a substitute, but a scm complete an·! popular. The ti store Is open for trade even Tuet-lav Kvenlng Kncamp- 15 and each month. range Hall, WIMey Insurance. Loss 916,000. of the reliable «-lentille cure—which de years always of and Salurdav afternoon·. No. 21. meet» In Kellow»* llall, «econd contributes, and In the opinion φ"1 absolutely past stock Wedaesdav ment, stn>ya thr craving for tol*acn> without the aid of my Γ. O. U.l -First an.l thlnl Thurwlav*. an·I fourth Prtdav Kvenlng* of each month. librarian should contribute fOPIÏS. meets fell from the roof of present jwill and with no Inconvenlcncc. It leaves >I.ULK I. O. ». Τ South Pari» Lodge. Xo. 311. K. of Ρ meeting In Hathaway BWk. Harvey Dunning powfr, Regular much more: "Teachers should use their (the as and free from nicotine, a* the WARRANTED. cent* evening In the »·. A. R. Ilall. 1'. A. «». a barn he was at Bath syaten pure iVmocrat are Mir everv »Mher Mou«lav everv Thur*dav Kvenlng R, Soyen repairing Friday, or «moke. single Copie·· of the No. 14»», meet· each Influence In libraries in day you (ook your tint chew on of by U. A. R.-W. Κ "Klmliall Post, IMvlalun. No. 1», meet» thlnl Friday of internal and he is in a establishing no three ea«h. will 1* malted receipt price A. R receiving injuries, .Hold all oruggltta, at #1 per Imx, They on or before full moon, In U. towns are and It 1·)ί <-r for the »x>n\enlvnce of i>alrone Satunlay month. where there none, treatment and UUABAN the nnfcHnhan mwU In critical condition. boxes, (Ihlrtv days have been on an r. u. ti. A Runt Poet, No. M, t of of each 1mue place>l Hall, at": and R.—llarry induce them to buv duplicate TEED Ci'BE.) $J SO, or *ent dim upon rocclnt Furnishings, HlngV copie* nwt< drst on the thlnl of possible DRAG RAKES, Clothing, In the ounty Win. Κ Klmliall Relief Corp· Ryenon Hall Friday Kvenlng Mills 8ENI> 81X TWO-CENT ST Α Μ ΓΗ «aie at the following place* each month. In ti. As Arthur Abbott of Cooper's of books to be sent of prieeJ Drug Store. third Thurs-iav evening-· of each month. copies Interesting IM.K I»Kh South Paris, Murtevant'* wss a fork a rafter Γ< >B MA II BOX. Store. A. K. »tî *». S. of \ -Wellington Hold·* Camp meet» the unloading with from district to district for SNATHS, shurtleiTi» Drug Hall, see.»».! hay t'It Κ Κ Kureka Chemical A Manufacturing FORKS, V —lohn C. McArdle Camp meets M*»nd an I fourth of each on the frac- supplement- and Hore. S. of Friday Kvenlng· him head, should be l,a Boots Novee' Drug broke, striking books Com Chemists, Crusse, Shoes. Norway, of each month at ary rtading. Library pan 4 Manufacturing Alfred Cole, l\«>tniai»ter. and fourth Friday evening· month. his skull. He Is children Wlsconeii. 4. RIFLES. HuckdeM, < >®ce Halt. W. In llall thirl turing fatally injured. used in schools, and STONES A. I" Lewi·, Insurance 'o'clock, at ti. A.R. R. C.—Meet* Uraage Prl'lay freely FryaOurg, »». Kro«>k Lodge. So. U9, be the care of books, the Ν fc P.—St-.nv evening In each month. The clergymen of Bath are out in pub- should taught meet· at »» Λ R Ha.! flrst and thirl Wednesday t'.O. U. C.—Meet» the *1 an.l Uh Thuraday books and lished statements use of reference snd indexes, etenlng" of each month. evening* of each month In Ryer*on Halt. charging Evangelist lilCTIOl SALE •IS Market Square, COMING EVENTS. No. meets every should learn the art of at and Κ of P.—Hamlin Ι^Ι,τ. 31, P. of H.—Norway ». range meet· every other | F. W. O'Brien of that city with adultery getting at Maaoak- Hall. Hall. facts. should also be school. Ru< k Friday evening >atuniav at Grange and untruth. The affair makes quite a verifying They Julr I'-Aw —Hummer Normal Ν. Κ Λ. P.—I-akealde No. 177, meet* In IIKAI. ΑΛΙ» PKRBOIVAL ΚΒΤΑΤΚ» int»> this Lodge, that some books have a value en- PA BIS* MAI MB. < has inoved on the Hi>t ami thlnl stir. taught WB8T SOUTH teU. »un ha*. E. Ivowell Ryer*»n Hall, Wednesday ; AT 8UMNEB, J. F. New Plummer, β Aux lo Northern Knglan-I in the of each month. tirely outside their literary quality. July Maine « hautau villag»· from his farm Partridge evening· υβτ ieea. "s h.*»l %««<-mhly ani*trk*t. wed- K-tatc ilcvlaed Ellaalieth Λ. <|iM I Prvehurg" Λη authorised lo»aI agent ami correspondent of the bunknort celebrated their diamond and books unless they All the by »itv*e Mtellng. Lake of Portland, joy appreciate ^tcal decease·! of the Maine. July > t'alver»a.l-t l*rof. W. II. Stockbridge for an>! favor» »hown hlm'wlll been married a Tuell. Ian] of Humner, consisting South Paris, *■ Dvisurret Norway Inst how to use wa* in town last ding Tuesday, having themselve·* understand h4inic«teaS and land», known a* the ---g-—·' We·! M'.not the well know η tenor. be by the puMlabera. OS and she '.HI outlying Κ aubacrlber Kl*m public notice '■·—« Pomona i.raaue, appreciated lie Is snd most of are in ■ and all the title Til hereby Aug »xf«»rl Clttb seventy-five years, library all, sympathy I true'. I) Tuell farm, right, the Honor- with Norway Wheel Kll/a Hint lie Km lieen -luly appointe·! by Aug. : Rte y <-le Meet week. visited I^wleton of Seven of their ten with their minds and taste», aud ami Intei .*1 which the «Icvlsc··* of the »abl of Ox font, 1 Maine Κ··* th«' Norway people years age. pupils' so able Ju.lge of I'riilMUc for the County Au* » \nnua. Kcunlon K'dth t»eo. 1*. Tucker h>»« bought right Many l>eth A. 1 have In the Sherwood stand, to see Buffalo Bill. children are have wide with whatever ijuell the truat of Executor of the enlnte for Pitcher's Castoria. Ulan·!, lVrtlau Harbor. in Be'hel and this week living. acquaintance w1 I lie «old at auction on Wed «ml t«tumfome»tea'l, or on the preml»e·. Also County, Aug I apt. Street some month» will law .llrect*; be therefore reqoeata all peraon· Poland. where have Main since, be was salts the other if furniture, consisting of a rhamlier SALE from Boston Saturday lh«»y taking Epsom HOW'S THIS! ipiantltr lmlcl>tc·! to Uic calnl* of thcr thin*». Aug. Maine the damages. instead iodide of me· un i thoae who have any reunion sixteenth been friends and attending and got potassium. WC offer One Ilumln->1 Dollar· Rcwanl for weather. tin tlate payment, It. 1λ- Annual visiting lu town day, No Mtnemcnt ·>η account of to AT Aug. Kugene W. Bartlett U after was burned, post ' thereon to exhibit the »ame Pre*>|ue I»)·. Christian Endeavor convention. His stomach frightfully any r«M of Catarrh that rannot to cure·! by I. M s M A I.I., Agent and Executor ■flMwt, Ivcnt Camp Mi-et an absence of several months. ΙΛ. I*». JAY L. PRINK. Attar t.Vjj. Mcvhanlv Kall» A and ber cousin, Mrs. but he will recover. II. <> ΤI M.I. Auctioneer July .Mar Beeman has re- Hall'» Catarrh Cure. lag. fair, have taken rooms Heury J. Bangs thoroughly Ο. give* notice .3. Ka-tern Maine Sou Abbott of Waterville. j have K. J. CHENEY A CO., I*ro|»·., Toleiln, Til Κ rabacribar hereby public jo, il, JJ, Inside and, The railroad commissioners ·.····. ·; Aug a few the library building just that he baa <■· η »;·, the Honor*, at Κ. Λ. and will paired the have known F. J. Che «Inly by ltaagor. I Thayer's, spend has been to h made their semi-annual of the W», umler»licne«l, til»· of Probate for Uw County of Oxfopl STORE ! i'alr, Klgbv out after it treated Ju-lgr· SHOE Hi New Knxlaa'l and inspection COUNTY Attg -*T. >, Λ, no for la-t 13 ami believe him |*r of Kxecutor of the OXFORD week* here. Itallroad. The y the yean·, ait' I uiuhmxI the tru»t I'ark. CO it of It will 1* leased to Itangor and Aroostook wl-lon Jones of Mas* paint parties e»iate of ·. M ilnr -tat»· Kalr. I.« Mr-. J. II. Amesbury. is honorable In all burine·· transaction· of all kinds of 3, ». S, a «tore and tenement. road is now all and pro- fectly a and well assorted stock Sept exhibition of the J. >. for ballasted, CHARLES D .HI'Κ A B. late of Stoneham, We have IT. 1». In Fifty thirl i* her sister. Mrs. Wright ami able to out any obllm· large Sept on the vUiting Bartlett had an auction sale nounced one of the most solid and sub- financially carry I !. ιi. bv tniml a.« th· • ford 4 \V. INirter be- Stone Λ In MM ountv, giving >x ounty \grl«ult'iral ScK-ty, l..tst noon A. tnal Sorwav. Thursday stantial railroads in New tlon· by law «llrect*; he ir<|ue*t« |ier»ona groun 1 e tenth Κxblhltion gan at their «tudlo on Street. Tat'AX, DniKjrtata.Totelo.O. hare Misses' and room were eveuiuj; Cottage A series of which have t>een Immediate payment, an.I thoae who any Men's, Ladies', North ulturai society. âaÉMV Mock wanted niorv and try- burglaries KlKMlNA MaHVIN, Wholesale Drug. AgTt· Scb.«>l C»n It is the that ! WaLUIM), IcmnmU thereon to exhibit the »aine to «»« —· Sun>tay a by corporation towns above \na*a^i.ntVo»>k t»> move his store over little. I'pon reported In the up-river W. hl'EAIt. ku-i Sumner. ing 1» much bet- per|»etrated gWU, Toledo, O. July ltth. UM. GEO. fcrvut e, he that in the street railroad paying were the Children's Boots and Shoes ! however, found terminated by capture Cure I* Ukrn actio* investigation, was Bangor Ilall'· Catairh Internally, the roots of a tree ter than expected. of at Hancock notice to blow out the burglars Saturday. ■ mucou· «urface» of Til Κ Miliacrtlier give* publie Sfc.W ADVEKTISRMENT» trying is her va- ! ΙΙπν tly ii|H»n the Moo·! ami hereby and we make a of had ! Mrs. S. M. Senvey enjoying are W. Wit ham and Kratik «lie ban been by the lion In all the point with some «if the missiles Albert Itottle. SoM all that duly ap|>o!ntea"te for the t .unity of Ox- struck his *t«irv. For tu-ι cation in I.vnn, Mass., daughter, A. about 1Γ. Clapp it is orable Ju.lge of Goods. Goodw that \*ill service for II··! Weather special*. accidentally be Clapp, aged Druitjj1«t». Te*tlmonlal» free. fopl an·! a«»uineml an the Τ Pmlitk j August. Joey Dunham, ag(d twenty, BORN. In *al.l County, ed from law direct*, ane tberefore re«jue»U peraon* horn" mueh, good good * u· Sale. some new and l>. Regiment. to lion J. K. riummer has j Otis was Indebted to the estate of *ald tleeMJOri r etient Tax»·· tn I>enmark be General W. S. Rockland Saturday night. In to the wife of Everett have as Shoe Store in the State. All N*»ii ο vet his st*»re front. Inspected by Inspector jail l'ar1«, July IS, make I m η»·· I late payment, and thoor who as Low Prices any other Ivtita: Noil.·*·, ta«ty awnings ι wanted in Massachusetts at the explra- Robbln·, a «>n. to exhibit the name to of the firm <»f V hoate, of Augusta. Thursday evening., any demand* thereon the W ante· I Κ. N. BmWIi i i* In July 17. to tlie wife of frank Μ Λ ICY Λ. HAMILTON. as Full value for money. i"»th. tlon of bi< sentence here. It thought Fryeburg, July Id, ΙΜβ. represented. I'lcree'» Jewelry >tore. Bolster Λ his vaca- July | Itarker, a »<>n goods Co., begins a who came from Massachusetts anv l>ayton j Arrangements for the third annual that girl In Oiforil, July 11, to the wife of William F. at all times be to «how and to μΊΙ this wevk. jI At a I ourt of I'rol.ate held at We shall pleased tion with one of the men assisted iu the Ill a daughter. OXFORD, M THEKE. of the alumni of Liber- «by. ami for the ( of Ox HERE AND Mr. Harmon, of the tirm of luring. ; meeting Norway In We»t Sumner, 14, to the wife of l'aria, within ounty footwear and f>ottom July of Α. I» Ηβ one in want of .serviceable give hi* al Institute and Norway High School escape. I larvnee llui knam. a fori on the thirl Tue*«lav July, good, *»ln>rt Λ llarmon of Portland, with 'laughter. of will be held at the House some ! Knoeh W Wi»*lhurv a-lmr. on the e*tate at Call at our of | *i< πι town Opera state assessors in their Λ few lots place I her»· seems t»» be soim'thing the mat-1 :*<· «laughter·. Saturday. The meetings IIRNJ Λ M IN HA Κ ICR, late of Albany, In prices. job bargains. j iu The date Is not hi· ar roofs. Λ Bradford of Woodford·» time August. yet have been « inquiry as to •aid* ounty. dNMNd. having pn**ented 1er with Maine building Mrs. I.uther making MARRIED. of tlie raUtii of «aid business. city made known. of owned iu each count of admlnl»tratlon the gov«*ru- at J. S. Wright's. the uumber bicycles alhwamx committee of Bangor city •»{«»'nt Sunday Mrs. A unie Moore of IV* Mass ! •leceaaed for of are here at last. body, town, with a view to their taxation. It W. That tl>e «al· I AilmlnUtrator if He ment has iust that the roof The electrics ; In Suuiner, July IB, by II. Katlman, K««j OKI>KHKl>. re;n>rted it friends in this a tix»*»i .tt cars now leave the head of j visiting place. is estimated that there are not 1ms than Mr. ElbrMge 8. "lten»on of Sumner ami Ml-» notice t.· all tieraona Interested, by caudng COUNTY SHOE STOKE, n«-w citv niu*t tn· Electric OXFORD the Suiiding and Mrs. Vivian W. Hills will j of DWilelM. of thl* opler to lie on the hour and Mr. In the state which at a Mary A. Dunham treet. Norway, 12,000 bicycles rr»l'lenre tlf of haif htrnr. I.»*ave \udr»-»s si*-nd valuation $10 Rev. Dr. A. R. Crane, Mr Ix a new printed at I'aiia, has made contract j about the tlrst of the' brl-le*» parent·, by iiioerat, «paper Door to NAtloual Unnli. that is: at will leave Here is a amount of II ami Su»an Ell/alieth i'ut •aid « that ap|>eur at a Probate Noxl th«- Lewiston citv hall mad»' ll»on an'■ «houM not be *1 lowed. tion. in the tnortiing half-past j A had a curi- ir· un the wilds of the car* Al Hebbard ba* an excellent position I>eering family recently Ueorgv llrown ami l.ucena McAUlnter, both of plantcecial (κcasions j bats. A hole under HAMLIN & BICKNELL! I Kails. ous with Stnneham. A true minutes. on the water work* at Mechanic experience Hud* to a copy—AtU-Kt leave ea» h end every fifteen ι In Went l'arl·, July IS, Her. Λ. K. Krvant, Bay Territory ALBERT D. l'A KK, licgl.trr. that "what- l»r. Nettie Bennett started the eaves through which the uncanny by The ilo-tori Herald «ays letters in South Paris Monday Walter E. Cole and Ro«a Kay, ImiUi of \Ve«t Advertised po»i were seen and w as house. Christian m«y for < where «he has a very bats coming going l'arl». modem country a* —At a Court of Probate he I· I at e\er tlw Kndeav»>rers : hicago, 111., English OXFORD, ofBce and results fol- Rev. Caroline K. within anr rticulars on the tlilrl Tue»«lay of July, Α. I». l*ft. for a I » tri H. I a· allev. are to build this season. lowed. The bats finding themselves Anrell. ]>a their visit which will r»-maiu long Several parties Laura C. («amnion, having a Mrs t.<>4« WiMlstm. rooms l«>th of Norway. presented Neen and wel! them A. Frost will erect came out Into the of J. Val to hr the la*t time. They have polite I i-mand t has<. Among Charles Imprisoned In Sumner, July'.·, bv Rev. K. Berry, ertaln ln»trument piirtMirtlng the bouse and infested of it. Mr·. Ella U. Cole. Wlllaml Testament of KKKDhUKK W. (.AM hehav«'d.** So it s»ftusthat they showitl I Albert Tliaver «event! houses on Pleasant Street, on every part morv Dunn ami Are on Hand. accounts^»· had been killed and M· >N, late of oxfopl. In «al*l County, ilere*acd, Bargains Every and Swan will builJ a At last The offering their faith by their works. School «ill I the Beitrce lot, AI tlie «aine for I'pibate Un Methodi-t Sunday go war was not ended. having presented on the of extermination ikI'HU That the «al»-r of thU week. Notwithstanding the conccrning opler to lie three week« aurcea pound* The Auburn commissioners excursion Wednesday our of till* published a Κ. II. Brown is once more seen on Translation at Κ ice 2ôc.—Date- ~>c. « is ut North a new trial Mrs. herself, does II. agol In the Oxfopl |>emocrat printed Part», Kainirs for 2ôc.—5 ha\e a lawsuit oo their hands, as th«- re- I Mi-s Mal>el hapman Getchell, In llartfonl, July 10, Reec. and .'{He. <1«»zen. j \i»it of several wwks to Rochester and In lllram, July 13, Daiiu· It Uwl·, age·! liebl at f'arl*. In Mid CtUtT, 15c. pound.—Lemon» error, line of the bids for Mr*. Sarah Pratt ht* tu Old or- she has manifested since entering at nine o'clock In the forenoon, pound.—Figs insignificant j gone quillity almut «I year·. .lay of Auk next, to Meredith, Χ. II. She tells those w ho con- Mm. R. «liow If have, tl.e «Inί 10c. and 12c a Mackerel, 1 1-1 th« water ÎNitiil* the with-! chard for a few Kennebec jail. In iH-nmark, July 13, C. Harmon, MM OHM. any they why —Cheese pound.—Large gave figures day·. the «boiild not lie and went to The uew as«i-tant iu Norway High verge with her that she does not a(r«-eople will be Klchardson. She In Sumner, July 13, Kllphalet >|>aul«llng. agi»l allowed a* the la«t Will ami Testament of «aid 1 1-2 each, 12c. only what I ou School Annie a new trial. The reason she U< pounds only |κ>ιιικ1.—Herring * >t c»>ur-»·, ought to know the excursion. expect M Vfar». decraaed, an·I that .lame» I. Ilol.len ap|M>lnt anybody Sunday will I*· the as Miss Hunt will re- ar»· hottest t.f second is not a reason but that in which It. Itartlett, <-l ailmlnl-trator with tlie will annexe·!. a Fish 4c. a meant, but little thiug>. if they Sunday vu the day the;1 gives In south WUM'k, July i, Henj. box.—Salt |>ound. turn in the fall. 4 month·. (•KO. A. WIL.SON, Judge M-a- ία the «hade. so She are·I «I yearn, »u. many faith—superstition. — essential, often ct>unt. Ninety-six place E. Freeman. — attest Fr»*d Kmerv, of Portland, formerly in life has been In Norway. July IS·, Mr·. Charle· BY GILBERT PARKER A true copy lhf Aorkon the foundation for Bil- says everything in against AI.IIKBT I). PARK. lUgl-ter in thi« was in town Tues- H Block is progre-sing. The etone trad»· village, her aud she does not expect it to change Washburn's Best Flour, $ϋ.< ». Iiugs α one the most Γ he < Time^-Herald ha* offered lie is tobacco. etc.. for WANTED. Thi* is of unique 'bicago t.f selling now. — v*"rk M In char#, of Martin Stowell day. OXFORD, aa At a ( ourt of Probate heM at Ιυ firm. "ne with a «eries of amounting a of work- Portland A to work In printing office. we ever within anth were after the cows the night will Don't miss it. ADELBKBT DELANO, named Kxecutor In riages. contract to furnish the brick and !.·> ter-by-tbe-Sea, Mas*., Call on or a'MrcM, to Ik; the laat Will the of that town's 1 si.jj Plantation a buck attacked them printed certain Inntrument liurportlnjr the f*-t in (tie world, question stone. anniversary of incorpora- ADVERTISER, Norway, Maine. Te»tament of St'SAN late can h-II theiu, also the cut of the little am) IIAKM'iN, Are not these worth We horseless carriages has attracted tion which took on Thursday, and dislocated the hip g»rh Ntruad Hrfllng of Creditors of Cant4in In ««M County, .leceaacil, having prices considering. alreuiji I I he raii- for the ti« jm>; cro-sing of the place would attention, and two l*ih. The children *upiM»-ed the buck la laiolvrHrjr. présente·! the »ame for I'rolmti· considerable pri/e ro.-td were in |;,.t Suti- Juif electric put p|«l( \*· as a Dr. furrier of of A. KKColtl» of Okiikkki·, That the aaM |>etttloner give you iiinti>n taken Here is m ; W. W. Monroe and of Ik»r- kind kitten. ..~-.JU.rn CIIRISTtK ha\e place. il.iv l'ârs art· daughter Stale of notice to all Intcre-tcl, cau»lng a ami making regular trip* set the Mr. l'art», < uunlr of Oxford and iiepHint by to for reference : M ass are at Kangeley dislocated hip. lnjttn· opler t·· I* ihn-e we«'k* prediction pa«te up from llM Bmm to ch»**ter, visiting Nancy Maine, I IMitor r«ipy of thl« uubll*he>l Aldnvi Norway. of I » ill.·*·* took wine |«..!vciil In the Oxfopl lHrm<« rat at a Whithin live \ear·» hornless carriages Benson'·, Paris Street. Slle recently sheep Vou are notified, TluU with the ap aaeceaalfely prlnte·! TEA for 25c. λ RIO COFFEE for 25c, the &:d Maine will hold Jlierehr mav at a pound. pourd, Kegiment « mid C. K. Site β little ! <>f of the Court of Part*, that they at>)iear Probate Court will I# so common in the more thickly Mr. and Mrs. harles G. Blake, of to pasture, Imj Pierce's Jewelry Store finirai t|« .lu.fjfe Inaolïrnry reuniou her*' *th. The ν the to lie hel«l at Pari* In »al the when ηr aid the BwmmI MmMii Qf County, of thU country a* West are went go through yard OmmD of at nine o'clock lu for 15c. a populated wctiooi wià be eutertaincd bv Wm. K. Kimball l»»vi*. Virginia, visiting Creditor» l>f ύΐ·Ι Insolvent U appointed to thlpl Tue-lay Aug. next, MOLASSES gallon. hurt an. 1 »how to excite remark. Hut have Mr. Blake's Mr. and Mrs. Joua. » buck attacked hltn and him quite lie held It the I'nihate Court room In the forenoon, au»e. If any they have, hardly they Relief parents. SOUTH PARIS. not Post and the Corps. bones were broken. rhe «4Β·Ι on Wed new the Jl»t why the *ale ppiviel, ap to a of evolution Kink··, on Street. hadlv. So l'art- In County lay. got go through proves* Mi»- Kdith M. W'atkins of Waterville ottnge Α. lit the fore am! allowe·! a* the ta»t Will ami Te»la s λ me buck hurt two of Mr. H"te •ley of I». U·,at ihwo^loet ppive·! similar to that which the We understand that Main Street Klagg's Aujfl ment of »al«l an«l Uiat «al·I Delano lie very bicycle is her rents. Mr and oppo- noon. Ϊ oiialll Kutem youmelvca accordingly. 'lercane·!, w-itir:g grandpa executor. ha·» before w ill arrive site the school is to tie widened, girls. • ■hen ululer my hand an·I the order of Court apiiolntol exj«erienced. they Mrs. M. Watkins, iu thi- village yard OKO. A. that Henry on to the thl* 17th dal of July, A I». Ι*Λ. WILSON, Ju-lge. at the nearness to which the sidewalk moved school one — ! a referees in of perfection Mis* Watkins i- the daughter of the laie At hearing before Al.ltKinl I» l'AHK. Κί·κ1«ΐ4·Γof the Court of A true copy—Atu-«t HOT WEATHER SPECIALS machine has attained. lot and the street from SEASONABLE Λ LltKRT D. l'A UK, liccl»tcr. <>eorg<- H. Watkins. «ho wa> f„r „.νι.Γ4ι properly graded our Maine towns, one of the litigant· Insolvency fur «al l County of Oxford. the t winery to Paris Street turn. the of years the editor of the Oxford Demo- bridge was confronted with welgh-bllls SPECIALTIES : Mm.ι of the distance it is dillicult the months of and we shall offer » W atkitis n>de from la?wUtou very lia ν which had come from his farm ami X«llr« of I Hframl of (rtdllor· aa —At a ( ourt of I'pihate hel.l at August Now Senator Peffer i- talking about crat. Miss Iridic·' Shirt Waist Si-t*. Meeting oXFoltD, During July to cr.·-·» the track with a team. I· ami for the of on The Peo- to South l'aris ou her he was called to the Insolvency. l'art», within County Oxfopl, new "of the bicycle. upon explain Belt Pine. A. party people." • 'h »rle* II. Adaius is working on his dispo- To the crodt ir* of TIU'K 8. SPEAKS of Hum the thlpl TlHWlaj of July, D, UBS. was r the A. ! W illi.,,u< of the New sition of each lot of and In what Special Bargains every day. ple's l*artr. it seems, /· people, England hay It«-lt Iturklr*. In tie of Oxford and State of Jaiiie* I.. lloMen, Kxecutor on tlie e»tat·' iew h"U*e near the Congregational he came fonl. County the it not: now wr ami I ♦·]♦£(.tj»h t'ottipanv in in way he had received pay. As li> iH-htor of CAHOLINE P. HTKAW, lab· of Oxfopl, bat people received nitphom* one in I'aria Hill Pine. Maine, Solvent loircli lie in to have of the (test We Academy with In nal'l having i> re»*.-η tel mu«t ha\e a new the town for a few Mr. W iïlutu- to one of the bill· he explained, ^ ou are h rel.y iilUl l, That the ai'pn.v County, .l«iea»«··!, Below we a few of the party '·«■/ people.** day*. a.lmtnUtratlon of of quote the village when was con- •I of the ·( thlire of tin.' Court of I ηaolvencv ltl« account of the k»ute there are as as four or Ave iu the instruments f,,r ^ Iiew completed. had a lot of |»oor hay in which Well, many l'"t for said < ο» the Second Meeting of the Crel nabi ilNeuwl for allowance : The town of with 1152 scholars so we it nty extra we haw. some of them don't at Kumford Fall- Norway siderable white weed, and got MUSICAL U to l>e helatc Court ιυοιη In l'art* |ier*on« lntcn>»tce three week» at militai this ye of that we on Wedne». my the il»t "lay of Aug I.HUi, publl*he discount. j change telephones amount at ten o'clc k In the forenoon. You will govern Democrat, prtnt4'ear at a Court of 1'ptl.ate lie held Au Italian in New York is of note town in Oxford youraelrea In *al. Auk. Κ ft at bly during presod Phonoharp at at 75. bait. The the fact OXrttKO, ak —July 17, Α. I». l."«ft. Ladies' Union Silk, $1 considerations. S iu town. Mr. Clement was the guide noticed 2·'» and teach Parasol*, Cheap >uud*y with her brother. Hon. J vUiting for f-2 you ThU la U| iflve Si»tl<°«, that on the 17th (lay a and said: "Strike him! Strike him. at 'Joe. formerly Norway boy. to play. of July, A.III. l«;rt, a Warrant In luaolvcncy Red Damask, fast color, at 19c. Cheap SECRETARY V KEEN SUED. ; Wright. S. A. Pool The fisherman, his rod with a waalMued of the Court of In*olreucy for «aid Turkey Wheeler, wife C. 11. Mason, K. Hunt, K. dropping ujit .Vlr. Edward and daugh- * of Ι.ιιΙίΙΝ U. fast at 25c. at Hon. B. Walker Mckeen, the able and Francis I>unn of Bostou are wild look In his eye, said : God County O.tfopt,ag:iln«tlheei>tatcof Turkey Red Damask, color, Cheap ter, of New London. « onn., have l>eeu frtuj»- "Jor MrkKKN adjudged to lie an ln*ol of tin* t>oard of what do mean me to Albany, secretary agriculture, at Bass Island. entertained sake you by telling I on or Mid debtor which, at —î#e. at at W. J. Wheeler s the past ping They veut »el«luii petition Red Damask, fast color, Cheap whose efforts in the interest of Maine visiting house strike hitnV Who and what shall I iietltloii w a* Died ou the Hh of A. I). Turkey week. their friends at the island club 'lay July, farmers have been so constant and eili- strikeΓ* Since then he ha· learned that Pierce .. 1<*ή, t<> wblci U«t name·! 'late Interest on claim·· l« a number of our citizens at- Wednesday evening. John to heroin that the payment of any ilehu an.l has been -ued by Χ. I». Baker, aud Mrs. Moses Harriman are eu· to strike a fish Is to hook him. l'util, lie cieut, tendedtruite ButMo Bill's Wild West show at Mr. the delivery In.I transferor any prujierty long Customers cannot afford to tlieso one of the men who have been to raid to hliu or for III·· u»e, ami the I pass push- lug a iu New Hampshire. a O. O. tug debtor, l.ew i-tou last I uesday. joy trip A I.ewiston rlverman made great 4 I. F. Block, of him ing the creamery scheme for a Chicago j Mrs. Charles K. Free nan died MmiMlMMT any property hy Mis-es Kiniua Shurtkff aJ,d Nellie Friday find the other in the of a tin are thai a of the to day shape hy Ltw, meeting «••nra, liV.8tSiiiiA a sickness. Mrs. Free- fortilli|ii their au.l supposed « hitman are to old Orchard this after very short can with a of "Paradise Lost Creditor· of lald'Dctilor, to prove délit* going cop'v η bargains. t 'O.. of Chicago, for alleged lihel. the man was of Merrill South Maine. choose one mora Aaalgnee* of hi c-tate, will a two or the daughter (Jeorge could Pari*, week for vacation of three sealed up In It. Sobody explain lie I· I a oj of to be hol.len at I·♦ i· £ at Mr. A husband aud three he at <|ourt Insolvency, j damage» placed of this place. how it came there or what it meant, until on the third has wttb. i l'art* In sal·j County, Wolueaday Yours Mckeen's property in Fryeburg children survive her. Mrs. Freeman at nine o'clock In the fore- Respectfully, Ucorg. H. Clifford is on a visit to It was learned that in a town up the of Aux., Λ. φ. l.HUft, been attached a of noon. was large circle an a friends in North ^ armouth aud vicinity. highly res|>ected by \ndroscoggin lives old tinsmith of hand the re*ser, and Notice NOTES ANDREWS, an friends in town. missed. solders books in cans and throws Dental THADDKUSCRoeS, iHîputv Slieriff, >->iiie the hands \i-iting up which by ui< »ns fell into The following scores made on the two as Meaaeugel of the Court of Insolvency, for Miss Sadie Austin of Buckfield has them into the river with the hope that Oxford. of Baker. One of the assertions which hundred show that the Nor- As I have decided to •aid County been visiting at Einery Bonnev's the yard range they will float out to the people ou the »|f GOODS MAINE. is claimed t« li?-elou«. is Mr. Mckeen** are in excellent for DRY STORE, NORWAY, past week. way boys practice islands, or be picked up by sailors, *uu dental I statement where he *aid in connection the Possi- give up my prac- I-awn party and ice cream festival at approaching encampment. from their peculiar way of reselling with the Calais creamery that Position : project, M.E. church this evening. ble «core A"> points. standing them will be read with and do tice in Buckfield, I wish "no a 12 grounds curiosity enterprise which promises per owe* 1*. 5 5 5 5 t-i( Children for Pitcher'· Castoria- I he brass baud will furnish Capt. M StlU·*, some I Cry cent dividend to stockholders is gen- Norway J 5 i 1 5—23 good. to notice that HORSEBACK EXERCISE music. give uine." Lieut. .John W. Carter, 5 5 4 4 i—ϋ Whig A Courier : The mills on this Bennett has been visiting his 5 4 5 4 5— a shall do no buelneee after M. Géorgie 1 The secretary's counsel is Mon. Λ. 5 river are all phut down be- grandmother at Buckiield for a week or turpi. J. Waldo Sa»li, 4 S 5 5—-.'4 practically Of a character tincom· Spear of Gardiner and there is a pros- 5 5 5 4 4-a cause it is impossible to get enough out August let. quite 4 4 5 3 3— 1» l»ect that he will bring a counter -uit Cur|>. Ol Γ. itrvtoki·, of the manufactured product to pay for mon in the of1 r°iI>r. C. L. Buck's υtlice will be dosed 4 4 4 5 tV-îi private parks H. B. FOSTER based on certain and statements the and the cost of Ίhe re- charges aud of this week Priv. Κ. I*. Carter, 4 4 4 4 5—il log sawing. Wednesday Ihursday 1 made the creamery men. 4 4 5 4 4—SI moval of the lumber has up ARTHUR E. COLE. aristocratic England. It by We hear a deal of fault found duty opened is] great ί Priv. A. A. French, 4 5 4 4 4—il ! our market to the ( Canadian manufac- 11ST "VI T£!S EVERBODY With the roads in the limits of the cor- 3 4 5 4 4—3U only one of the strange freaks j 5 3 4 turers and have taken advantage of Backfield, July 19,1895. personal. Our roads are all verv much I'rtv. l->a*c 8. Ko*. 4 4-jil they To Call and Examine hie of 4 4 3 5 4—3υ ! this DiHuifi^tntion of Democratic of the heroine of our new Stock j-oration.setter outride the larve lunacy ! village. Very It. K. Kradhurv, 4 4 5 5 4—£2 to *uch an exU'iit that the market is The of He*, il. M. taxes are within the 4 4 4 5 .V—22 λΟΧ.ΒΕ«ΐνΚΤΓ TA.IKN, ordination Puriug- paid corporation who Serial 5 5 5 5 ! glutted. The Democratic laborers ν Ox ton took at the Baptist church, ''mils, and we claim the roads should be j Κ r. Smith, 4—24 In the town uf Itenmark, In the Count of place 4 4 5 5 4- are thrown out of work in what is usu- ford and SUk of Maine, for the yeir I.HM. < 'anion, on evening, the hXed. Wednesday ally the husv season will experience Iii bills committed to Zeblna O. Whitney, HOT WEATHER CLOTHING ! 17th inst. There was a full attend- W. . 1ΛΛ, by hi· uertlfl<*te date, for the warm A as- The church was beautifully decorated »ud since that time has done a rood with the Norway Wheel Club, Aug. 7: now remain unpaid, and notice U hereby given days coining. large w ith flowers and business A was enacted at that If the said taxe·, Interest and charge* are evergreen?, artistically selling washing machines. He No. 1 —4>t»€ Mile Novice tragedy Sewport sortment of summer both soft and Hat* not |>ald Into the treasury of Mid town within Shirts, Several assisted in the Prize—New York Urea, Tuesday which resulted in the arranged. clergymen Kin·» mclng given l'y morning, eighteen inonthH from the date of the commit Manufacturing ; >aluc #15. and for low A in the service®. townto·» ofί 1 aris. He has also sold the Walt liam Company death of one McClaln of West Sullivan ment of the *ald bill·, so much of the real estate of a laundricd, very figurée. Prize-· mi,· tire», Ten bv IWnOon i ί Second pair id w taxed an will be aufllclent to pay the amount due Savage right to >xford ounty, the bv his owu haud. Met'Iain's ife had Κ ben the hermit of except Woven lloœ Λ Kubl>er Company; value #12. Interest and will j lot of Windsor Tics to wear with l'ucle Humphrey, therefor. Including charge·, large town- of 1 an- and Hebron, to Frank 1 Third Prize—Pine saddle, given by the left him and gone to live with the Mount a to Kclipse family without further notice be sold at oublie auction Kphraim. made pilgrimage value the Celebrated Novelist soft shirts for 25 I>ohie of South Pari-. Mr. Doble is I Company 45. of George I Akin at Sewport, where she at the «tore of L. A. Ingalls In said town, on the By J cents,—the 50 cent kind. Boston ou the occasion of the christian Fourth Prize—Koiubl camera, given II. D. The Translated towns at each and by had a Mci'laln went there 7th of December, 1ΛΛ, at one o'clock In tlie Sivage a selling sixty dollars value i l.M. niece living. (lay from 75 cents oi Kndeavor convention, and there met Cole (optician) ; afternoon. Light weight pants I fin need : the purchaser gets -ix machines a hen he and wanted to talk with his wife alone. upwards. lîev. I»r. S. F. smith, the author of Mie M lie « ·— And a wn nderful translation it Kacc No. 2—· M'en a re- GILBERT PARKER call and our Ask to see our Hlack pays for a town right in this manner, N. She refused, whereupon he drew Suit, get $10 "America." with whom he was once a Ktr»t Prize— Diamond ring, given by the W. prices. 1 ucker has secured the town of volver. Mrs. McClaln called to her is from th wild untutored sav. A classmate. I ncle Eben stated that he C.J value #.'»» \i Worsted Suit. The best ever offered for the money. (jeorgeBethel and John fhurlow has bought < Second Prize—Custom *ult, given by Noyee A uleee, who rushed between the two and §S had been an Endeavorer ever since he The is a novel and fas- Andrew»; value 4·*). for her husband, lie started to eg age of Β itish America to the story ] line of Wash Suite for the neat and A f'1" the town of Woodstock. After working called ·· Ζ ~ large cool. was 14 years of age. W hen remiuded Thin) I'rize— Morgan A Wright Urea, given by boys, in Oxford a »hort time. Mr. A value #11 come In auswer to the call, and McClaln one and will that the movement was County Morgan Wright Co.; self and cinating surely stock of etc. H\T8 and CAPS. only inaugurated lO.ile wi< so well with the bnsi- KourUi Prize—Silk umbrella, given by S. 11. A put the to his own and poisejd accomplished Braces, Ties, Hosiery, he that it pleased pistol temple fourteen years ago, replied /.. 9. Prince; value 4*. «1 If ! I- interest bought the right to Frank- tired, the shot instantly killing him. '«2 woman of See you. Come to us for Hats. We have all was his that a person who ( SR-C» fil » > English society. { your opinion be-j lin also. Sumner K. Tucker of Rare No. 3— Half Mlle, « >pen tu State From a written found on his il in (ounty message lieved in Christ and tried to do good Klr-t Prize—lH>uble barrel «hot guu, given by Freeman Pugsler, or owner un- our new Si irial the latest A lot of for Far is the to Vork person, it seemed that It wee his Inten- land of Mel- styles. large Caps the world was an Kudeavorer. bought right Win. Read A Mm, value 425 known, taught jM»uth ι tion to first his and then him- ville of T. B. smallest man. ounty and after selling twenty-seven Second Prize— Kefrigerator. given by W. C. kill wife Martin, part MEMEnOEKt WOTICK. the boy and the value Seavey meadow, 10 # 73 $ largest machines at Kenuebunkport in one I.eavlU .hardware), 415. self. Omci or thk emiurr or Oxford THIRTY YEARS. Third Prize—Pair Part of Allen llubbard Couktt. Umbrellas and Mackintoshes. to AFTER month he came home and Penob- Conqueror Urea, given by Come bought Mechanical Fabric C·.; value #lu5u. lion. J. treasurer of farm, 19 100 STATE or MAINS. Hon. A. S. Twitchell of tiorham., Stephen Young, 3-9 of T. B. 33 110 < for we save scot <_ ounty. Fred S. Glover has bought Fourth Prize—Shoes, Given by Κ. K. MUleU, Seavey meadow, ss:—July ITth, A. D. 1HBS. us, will Bowdoin died at his home In Charles 8. or owner OXEOBD, you money. X. 11., while in Portland attending the ! machines and the to value #£. College, Robinson, I THE This U to rive notice, that on the 17th o( twenty-four right Brunswick of He unknown, one half of south il»y reunion of the Fourth Maine Battery, apoplexy Tuesday. A. D. 1MB, a warrant In wu Cumberland County. J. A. llibbs and Kace No. 4—· »ne Mi.c Handicap < >|«n of Lot No. 5, 80 1000 11 July, insolvency iustance was attacked at 7:4."» o'clock pat 351 ImuoiI oat of the Cou.t of for related the following singular A. I». .owuia.i have Androscog- First Pria» Bwett'a special bicycle, given by Monday Benjamin O. Wade, or owner Insolvency bought came at to ο mIuring jouruey Kennebec This machine sells! Third Prize— Mclntoeh cunt, given by J. W. Morris Claneey, or owner un- County. sor at wu 11 le e * I'rayer Martin* even- Richardson went to Lewlston Charles of Boston, guest of Ex· poke encouragingly S rrW Geo. I» wife and concert at the band stand Monday Tuesday. Long Kvirnio*· at Τ *· r. *. Merrill, grandson, are he came a bear in Id lodUlha. Miss of Brooklyn, IVir-ia Kwnio* 29th. Ice cream and confec- Dr. and Mrs. Marshall of Portland Gov. Long, says upon Shirley * :iunii Sun.tay School every have arrived home from ing, .Inly Ν. the mothers to f»lvcr»»:t-i Searaport, The band has at F. R. Glover's. the woods on the farm while Y., Wed especially < *■ tionery will be for sale. governor's suo«ta.v nil whew they have been vUlting friend·. didn't earnest In their children 50 on the Dollar. been strengthened and much Improved Mr. Bangs Is In the place this week. strolling along the other day.—He fffort training Cents Kev. Thos. B. l*ayn« has returned more. la of temperance and rlghteous- the addition of new members and Misses Rattle and Lizzie Murch of stroll round there very much b at from the Y. P. C. V. convention at by the nes§. k rs. >V. K. from F*«av of Augusta : are their Mrs. base ball club played Woodbury gte I.apham Boston. uôw consists of the following Buckfleld visiting sister, Jay Bridge nine at the Wed- Pottsville Pa., told of the Arm stand Our entire stock of Jacketi gj-tii'v· lVrham's. K. Farrtngton, Violer anl Klwln llubltarl. without of the "Maine law" or K. « IVtUm building Mrs. Howe has gone to Marblehead to Ind., are visiting friends in town. ^he help coo house on Street. Slid· Tt>>ui1h>ii<\ Β. K. Brown. even we have to are suitable for a vacation. Church Rev. B. Lawrence visited Boston the public sentiment Mfliin'» for Tenor, C. M. Bruwn. visit her sister, Mrs. Jane Barrows. P. garments just Whooping cough Is aid us, b themselves quite prevalent Haritow, D. Γ. Loci. Mrs. W. A. Bartlett went to Boston and vicinity the past week. ivearray«*d against M Kom tiiles of l*ortlaud U here at present. Β flat Rufu* KW. "Hub" thl· at evil. The earnest words of ba··, to spend a few weeks with her Krnest M. Atwood visited the gia summer and al AT h«-r friend. Mi*« I. Mellen. I>r. J. S. Sturtevant has returned home Κ flat I**·**, Frank C- Walker, J. II. Chanur new iron bridge across the big Ha.·» drum, LIuwihmI llanuon. SOUTH WOODSTOCK. Fails vlftited friends in the village Fri- time with family cares to take a stand in are and this ,'* Γ *''ι,?Γ· M1** EMa* Butter- river here is Pertev K. Morrtton. but like a true of the latest 4 ν sitii'tC fast nearing completion. Cymbal·, Itather poor bay weather this, but day. public I*>r temperance styles Spring'i here. and of ârW. Mrs. Fred Reed and Miss Llllle Mason food for crop· of all kind·. Ex-Gov. Long's family joined him at mother t lie very thought prayer WILSON'S MILLS. çrowiuK ones in of Ijiwrence are visiting their brother, We read of a crop In many her hearj is to train the six little ,·. I Mrs B. F. Bate» of Ne» light buy North Hill Cottage Thursday. \jr Our farmer# λγ* now wrj bu»y «ecur- Arthur Mason. sections of New but In thle her honvi that they mar do six times the goods. < >'tiu.. are visiting relatives and England, Η»ν·'ϋ itijc the buy crop. will be abundant If we have? FRYEBURG. work *h? could do. The Ix>val I*eglon SHURTLEFF'S it Paru. vicinity at Misse» Addle Flint and art· is all trieod* Glen Bate· M to Fannie I» Hubbard U Attending weather to cure It. Mr. John Thome of San Francisco, met aftc thin service and it hoped These are Great visiting their uncle's, X. K. Bennett'·. th»· teachers' lummer school at the J. andI of the Latnson store se γ- the child' will the invitatiou to Bargains. ami Mr*. Willit· l*ratt and Mr. We are glad to have A. CurtU superintendent accept >jr. Ben Bennett I;» in the < was at sis- tt |-en iioth. : helping hav wife us on aι vice on the Pacific coast, his attend |e next meeting, July Walter IVatt of Boston are at Hon. hautau.jua ground*, Fryeburg. among again although only Held. Mrs. Abigail who has been •hort visit. ter'·, Mrs. A. C. Frye's, a few days this Thursday afternoon the ladles' Club t,*vrg· 1" Hammond'*. (jamtnage, Arthur Flint U At work for Horace visiting friends in Lovell and Fryeburg Charles Clark has been haying on hisι week. met In (larland chapel where arrange- Bennett; K. P. Flint fo;· John Olson. for the last rtve will return to farm in the south of Paris, but is Cant. Whitmore is boarding at Mrs. ment* w tre made for the annual fair. #>- Mab*·: J. Kiplev U here from week*, part F. Λ. FSiut has to the as and children ftith the ladles of the » on a to her gone camp Oakdale this week, where she Is making now done and has commenced at home. Randall's his housekeeper August Congrega- \ca H»vf: onn., visit Merritt ! known a» Hell tîate on the her home with her Mrs. Car- for PortlandI are tional so. will hold in the a Welch, Carriages Mr. and Μ γη. lUnsom formerly daughter, Kben Humphrey started away. iety chapel Ripley. in l>Lamond. Will iHirkee and wife are in rie Pitcher. H. on foot selling his oxen and we have) Mrs. Hannah Stark is with friends •ale of fancy and useful article*, also MAINE « ν ru- fell in his Nam charge there at he the serve a r The success of the af·: 11. Kii>ley present. heard nothing from him since started. village. ipper. past NORWAY, Fred cet» Κ. A. AN DOVER. was at home from Tort- is a intee of success in the future. iMay :■■»:■ broke hi* collar bone. Taylor Storey'» hay. We all wish him good succès* and hope George Page guar and lionu* Bennett cut* Κ lias Bennett'· The continued dull weather has been a » in no wise lessea their Machines ! «π-»«'t. and he i« doing well, i he will have a pleasant walk. land over Sunday. The ladl will Mowing hav. set back to haying. Low ground will Cultivated strawberries have passedI Miss Mary Frve and sister of Frederic- efforts to please all who attend. ha» some Sir». Lucv Bennett is worse more than last are their Mrs. Dr. and wife with their son IVrve very pretty ! again. yield year. away for this vear. Currants are nearly ton, X. It., visiting cousin, (»e|iring e*i«*< for *tu- Dr. Kvte of Errol is her Lake travel Is not brisk now. ; ipturned from Grand M in m destined ially J attending phy-1 very just gone and raspberries are now coming to .lane Frye Coolldge. George and bear- »ician at The boats on the lake do not run Sun- been at his fa- last Mom av. To add to the of ^ > ,.f I'aris Hill Academy, present. the front. Randolph Howe has pleasure Horse Rakes ! this » .·tt< y | usually There will be light crop plums trip they to*η the poorest Fife came back from tended several of the of the Sunday. through July. and |>ears as well as apples in this Mr. and Mrs. meeting!* 1 blossoms, a* fresh ! Mrs. C. Hortense Joidan and A bunch apple l>r. Fo»* ha* been over on the I»ia- daugh- vicinity. Boston on Saturday. Kndeavot convention. -rnt to the IXaotral from 1 Miss are a ar- k. Mi\ rnond on a vacation. ter, Maude, spending few Bertrand Young, now in business in Wesley K. Woodbury and family There is no that Pain-Killer will I ,.t. ( ( * pain NY Imc tlic iH-^t I» ir- ; ». ha*e. of North weeks at French's. RUMFORO. New York City, is at his father's, Rev. rived In f ethel Monday evening. They Iff a not ear- in tin» l'an- w·' do not know whether HARTFORD. Rev. Mr. Jackson and family are also Mrs. Fred Ilodgdon has gone to Ver- C. S. Young's. visited v. Webster Woodbury of Mil- stop. Colic, cramps, toothache, County in in un*e*-on- < *!» > t*··' tn- (loweredoat I Med. July l'Kh. I-ewls B. Keed. aged guests at the same house. mont to visit her mother. Miss Κ va Goodwin returned from Bos- ford. Ma*»., also attended the brUthn ache, sprains, cuts, burns, bites and \'<»w ι i»rrii«|çc·*. .■« ·». or whether this Nunch is all *N»ut 70 ITie fever has struck Andover. Stevens had in Ν year*. bicycle I.ast January Mrs. Aaron ton on Tuesday. Kndea\or Boston. all to its A record •J*rr I- of th·· freak. We made a jouruev to lewiston July Mr. Henry Mills took po»ses«lon of 70 hens ; during the winter she lost four. The Christian Kndeavor delegate, G. Miss 1. lian True is visited by her stings, yield magic. l.tth with a load of new potatoe*. We] hU hou«e, the Mr*. Ottignon stand—not She has raised 120 chickens and sold 75 I.. Sturtivant, came the same day. friend. M «s Margaret Babcock, of Boa- J of more than years proves that I ::■ ·« rat this week the fifty IV t"egin«· notice! along through the sandy land in altogether |>eacefully either, as the legal dozens of eggs in tive and a half mouths. AU sj»eak enthusiastically of the won- ton. 1 he Translation of a d Savage." Buiktield the bar crop i» Nut officers of the town were called to pre- There is a rush for White ; blue- that crowded Boston The h* me of Mr. Moses Mason ha» light, Cap derful gathering \V«» Λ «huh is not β«ΊΙ the Walter A. long enough when you strike Ka»t llebron the hay serve order through the lirrh»«./ niyht. berries h re reported plenty on the last week. been one of the most hospitable places λ me. is a-t j i"he celebration at !.. C. all at the old Methodist church. later >d in the reunion and the V'* I neighborhood shows, jtiin family :he π k fro* Hampshire Mr*. C. and her two sons from Poor hav weather. were to m ! a l*age »t the ha* the hearts and home still kills of All Kinds Μ sou'» grand affair in every par-1 The teachers'meeting grove open ah. " h< « ι* and to «et -lopping, lVabody, Mass., are visiting her mother, Nellie M. Foster ha* returned home a al to Mrs. pain ticular. We managed to get home, but been very successful. Mr. Stetson's give ro; welcome McXah, ,· brcakfaat r*»de Pain-Killer on t. v f. for forty- Mr·. Row· <>f tlii from Auburn where she has been work- η came Keep constantly left our halter aud wore home another Vk \ii!itg«·. energy has called a large number of another si iter of Mr. Mason, ho hand—you ·- After breuk- .^■ν*· to Bridgton. Mr*. .1. who has been the few month*. a can never 1 man*» coat. Haroden, stop- iug pa*t teachers together and distinguished from Indi ma without not* of warning. know when it will be needed. ·. » to x»uth l'an*, anrlv- S.j d.» ·■«! ping in Boston for the last few months, Wilson Greene. wife, and daughter and ma friends them Visit Ralph Morrill'» store for great have b«m present. Their >y congratulate The has been doable I, but the is still 35 cent*. »t kMt U o'ekai. with «vt ha* returned to her home in this of speakers quantity price i-g then in hat*. place. •on and wife and three children, of Boston is mov- this reunion after so He bargain* Mr. Fred Gooduow upon happy many j Imitations and substitutes may \κ offered you—look out. M. I». MILLETT, mil**. t.< In- credit by cyclometer. Blufherries are anil com- Mass., are at Κ. II. si ion. quite plenty Cambridge. visiting ing into the house owned by Mrs. years of parai The genuine bottle bears the name—I'crry Dans (St Son. i in· to ili:::i«-r. mand a 10 cents I ROXBURY. good price, per quart. Thompson'». Weeks aud once occupied by Rev. Last Tu »day Miss Alice C'haml>crllii, are almost a on after The railroad men have moved the Apples failure ac- Kliphalet Spauldlng died Sunday Messrs. llurd and Scwali. Ft is < »f the V. I'. S. C. K. in Bethel,, j h. ! M x»-r place, oivupieti report-, president SO. FA H IS· iteam «hovel up to the «and bank near count of the late frost. a long illness of consumption. He ed that he has the Robert Invited thi members to a lawn in l»anu« λ'.ηϊ near >tr» ik- i purchased party bv Wlog family, J *w*in Λ mill and are the Farmers is leave# a father and mother, and of " Ueed's u»log say hay very good. wife, hooor of her friend, Miss Maud C'ark \\ ·ί '.'day after- Bradley pUoe. | iand for ballast Instead of gravel. <^ue*s Browodeld will survive two brother* to mourn hi* loss beside* a 'Hie Oxford Is with Portland, »ho has been her guest. M i: w ι- ικ ι\ from home filling guests; no«»n. M £ this a* taxes as Much fault is found with the railroad through year have been large circle of friend*. over now and all the rooms en- The tel are set and the ha\ but the tir-t ci(hbor· who ar- fifty phone pole* u*. rossing Jim Irish broke two of hi* reduced quite a little. John Morrill'* building* were burned for wires will toon be in use. t r»· d « » -h· t i th«· tire August. •'N*al kept a The gaged igon wheel- at the Forge crossing and early Monday morning. family is carried on success- The band gave a tine concert on the from th· hou-e. i h· l κ could uot be Haying being lohn broke one wheel of his WEST SUMNER. with but few clothe*. $300 in- band stan j last also tbe Reed escaped fully with very favorable weather. Thursday evening. Dr. S. g ·: >ut. and wms btmi year'· Mi»» Bessie Γ. is at Richards, wagon at another erasing. The trouble lîurges.» visiting surance. The Maine' I'uion will if eel red many compliments upon Falls Trust n They Rumford h h.ol harv«*«t··!. | Chautauqua π ρ of h.»\. wfuv l>r. She a due to at an angle in- Vndrews'. U sister of Mrs. hold its annual at the be- their itnori vement. .. partly croMiog meeting grove, Company. : η·?·»· f"ur>rfive hundrtal dol- SNOWS FALLS. ΟΡΤΙΙΙΛ.Χ. .tead of across. Andrew·. &deou Hall July 2".», o-t-ti to t cooiblnntion of children!, J .lohn I-aue's He is of Benson, who have t>een with a camping promises I laving. visiting. principal is to be hoped that an unusual effort will JO. ill. and matches. the school at Falmouth. Mass. Mr. for the week at Heart'* Coû- The crop I» nearly a failure. The high party past be made to be Saturday our band went to Poplar apple | tent, returned last The present. Vice Pres. re«·* well the did I.ane is a graduate of high Tuesday night. I to at th·· field exercises GEORGE D. Pres. WALDO PETTENGILL, J i;»»-oi. of this has a ο lock t bios*.>toed but apple·» Norway Tavern day day BISBEE, H. place of Bowdoin and the weather ha* not been what they could 1 t lot grow. school, College, WEST BETHEL. of the Bear Hiver Club. Λ number of ah h h-»» N«ii runnin»: since v>ï. have wished but a tine time. men team» to Iowa law school, was in the west ten they re|>ort our » also and ELISHA PRATT, Treasurer. th· ■ k h l Ne*>n in the hou*e a Lots of and going up The Swift returning Friday has again citi/et attended enjoyed Aftrr and then he the F. J. Wood returned from Boston and Ready-Made « < on of our railroad to years a of news are the drive, ihe and also the de- ·,.· ». 'h«· *ork the extension ] accepted returned, and few item* Kxeci τινκ Committee: (ίΚΟΚίίΚ I». F'.ISHKK, WAMm) Ι'ΚΤΓΚΝι.Π.Ι., -trikmii apparatus now com- New York laet He ha* been sport» t position he holds. He will Saturday. sc In that f i· r. it, i Mr. Kaw«on was he lake». mjuired. lightful nery vicinity. ^ new a awav for week* out of the past ten FKANVIS A. I»ANF()KTH. mence his year in modern and eight The «either the week has SPECTACLES askt-l t 1.1%·* it fixed, but he replied, a successful during past j PERU. \%e!l new school building. and reports very trip. WEST PARIS. \ th.: k h i* run -o far without appointed been variable, only two day» of right Capital Stock Paid in. £30.000. * i» »he had « Charle* Cord well is working for S. F. Miss Nelly a»tle sick and 'has. Handy and wife, Bert Edgerly hav weather. feeW the heat wheu Old lu\ i ith c done to it. and I'm <»· the *ea*ou. good Everylhijig Coramenctsl Bu*ioe«4 l«t, Α. I». DO ο up her school which was to keep and *ife and Wallace Chandler and wife Brigg* during haying were makes lis February May -<< h« a it will at it." give 1. W. Kimball and Edwin Clark Sol appearance. Hjt long keep t iara show at Kiton Shaw ha* a line pup, batik for anil IHecouut. >ne week longer, and Mis* Curti» j attended the Wild West Ia*wU· *hepherd in the this week. Wc have had dull weather with hut A r»-j{u';ir Ifcpu-it >. th? k h.t- i*en running, and one of Stearns' place inWhes it for her. ton last week. "Hilly grandchildren. for Northwest Bethel. very little ι ain. But to obtain the Ixat k··; fc· i <1 me. from the time it was E. Forbes of "The Hill" Sorry Hope 4 in on nt on Deposit Vny UK Mis» Maud (tibb« of Auburn i» Calvin Harden was sick Satur- A. passed not call lir >wu and A. J. Kicker have to with- visit-1 quite those thieves you of will K. H. an •·»Γ··α !» the pres**n· day here on his last Wednes- speak .... have '1 eg at Η. R. Kobinsoo'». day. hernia. through bicycle cross over tin· on the Swan firm in number of 184 vision, : or Strangulated on vou atf-tin. If do (•ought gra«« Whole depositors' accounts, possible •;t ·\· Ν 4 ck-inw-d. oiled, repair- on a return from they just ^tillraan while on I»r. Ο. Κ. ^ ates and wife and Rev. day trip Speckled ------Tboniis racing hi»| to Weet Bethel. A resident of this ρ lice Wood-took Accounts subject to check. 131 trst and fit your nl iu any way. i W I»r. An- Mountain. Optician ^ bevj w itb dve other N»y» la*t Sundav Fred heeler and wife visited to me Dot since that he Bolles and wife of Sew remarked long Rev. Accounts in Savings Bank Department, 53 Lenttee made r -tn into a »*rid bank an i was thrown oil drew* this last «seek. Dr. Yates eu- from are I>ij. with Mrs. J. Wavland eyes with Ih·* i·· ''»!! ititerv-t and the j»oor EAST SUMNER. did not know of a so free Vork «tipping a place ·- * ii* wh·*! on his he*d and «houlder·. large and lucrative in the t hav ν» itl mbined to pnnluce a joy» practice. .losiah Γ. Stetson ha* returned from a petty thieving as W est Bethel, and he Kimball 'Dr. Holies preached for them. w w wa» a special ly ' le demolished his heel, hich Irvin Home and wife of Bralntree, iiihii had Free 1 church the 21 it, at i ,· t·. lu·-day afternoon between winter'* visit in Iowa. was an observing and good op- Bapti»|, 1 tew one. are her mother, Mrs. 1 men. The di\i- Ma*s., visiting to be on to know. So mote it be. I I'. M. Savings Dopartinont. * Blueberries are *aid plenty portunity G τ him a horse of A. Freeman. Mr. Home is also a Uank Kour Ir.trri -t will lie >>n all PLEASANT ST.. w adhered to, one Babb bought graduate and lot* of are Miss Kva llrackett is visiting her The team of the Rebek.-th Thl» Itepartment I» a -ικ·< lal feature of ihl» percent pal·! -'-Ictly the Black Mountain people wording I t. tiriflith. of Bowdoin College and principal of C O. of this vi-ited to the rule· an·! toil II»· Trwitit·· »\ j; the married men's niiw visiting that locality In search of them. mother, Mrs. Wilbur. Iη to the Trua»urer. tlH*v manag- ut. family July >th. 1/et all the make occasion. Rule* ami regulation· «orth'« iumaMT rwort child of Mr. Chandler'· is :<7, the to unload was be- at young- A. I«. hay badly injured by Rrv. A. I Bryant is vi«itlnic Doug· IVkicking the umpires' is ti 11··<Ι to over- the on Wednesday. Also 4μΗν·|.M<>unt«in Vit·** Farm est 1"> vears. One resides at South Paris, place the horse, and was to the a ο -ired to make:' ing stepped upon by lass, Mas·., attend Holiness cimp tt »t u.J ï>e d« Boston. Young of Bethel. with boarders from oue at one at and the verv in not any bones λ -Uvv-s. Wirt flowing Haverhill, T.ynn, i* at lucky having meeting beilig held there Ζ >{ men are erect- Mi*« Plnkhmn of Lincoln, Maine, Λ force of thirty rest in the good old town of Sumner. broken. at Poland WORMS IN CHILDREN. and Summer -U' rv λ i;.tw-.o>i w»*re the batterv her Mr*. P. K. Miller's, on a The camp! meeting begins Hundred» of children have worm*, but their parente doctor 1 forth·· New had taken their si-ter's, Head 1 Spring ing England Telephone \fter the The Misses Maud and Gertrude >-;!.· men; I'ufts and Κ. Κ photographer visit. Vug them for nearly everythlnt; else. * Co.. with six wire·*. were a vaca- ■· And Tel· graph ice cream and cake served. arrived home the IVth on short II Ihs returned to ^1» iutanl« v pictures II. R. Tutj Fryeburg, ! Charles W. Greene end ΚηγΙ and at the old home- in Worcester for w the Mr. A week ago they met tion. They have been tnd A. I.. IhCOU and Moses Swan are Clothing x:..: ,-;·· \u.-tin In are NORTH BUCKFIELD. Worm Elixir umpires. Kiln B. <»reene of Madisou, Me the GOth of at for insane as True's Pin a stead to observe birthday the year the asylum his la llkeu Me the t>e*t Rem· ftr«t hi f ? th»· r. î r h inning. aft«-r rtv Mr. Albert Slotn'i family, of Salem, past •lilting lay. U the be»t Worm Remedy made. It Hats. and *\i-iting friends iu town. Chandler. ward >tt tells me he is for all the of children, *uch a* KeverlnhuCMk Caps Furnishings. iiu«- and iiu- Mr. < girls. Bro. Abbl making complaint» tauh. th· fielder- *. in. of heart Mats., art· occupying the .fohu 'ressey eu·. Il h·· iwfu Mr. l>ariu« R. Lewi·» died Mrs. Stetson Tuell went to the Maine Messrs. Adams and Abbott of Bidde- butter week, and is CoMl*en«**a, IndlKi-ntlon, Sour Stomach, ·> aro*e a '»s to the summer. 2..V*» pound' of |»er for 4 1 It» In mb MÉMi there dispute l">. about 01 He for st-and for for __ IedyboMehold rrntnly yrmr*. lOcMjr ·' j disease Julv ag*-d years. General last Wednesday ford are at the Maplewood able to till orders. and harmle«s. tict*. At Our of Uooti* Is »yii. -e wvretwo or thre»· outs. Hospital Mr#. lias* and sou, of Min- stopping hardly ! trouble· haa never been equalled. Purely vegetable Price Sprint; v indu-trious and resp»*ct- Kiuily j*»aceable, treatment. I>r. Andrews accompanied on a a few days. More tha« an average crop of hay. nil Druggluu, or of the Proprietor». Da. J. F. TRUE 4 CO., Auburn, Mr. *h ·(,· -v .ii'' rug«d. the umpires Minn., arc in our place I in»w < W'(! are ottering ede citi/en. her. neapolis Uncle Steve took so brook trout to the lK)s and Sun- omplete. a t li and «h** visit. Mercury «1 Saturday ρ ntm^vPFsvps'i-i i-ftt-xt· iupj-er. player» «.«n>. t»f East I Burn- Winn· of III»· St ever Mr. B. (iritlith .empster. at Portland for Mr. George great» Bargains « ι\ th·· momentou* Grace of is Tuesday day. iiig ^ in Hiram for The NEWRY. Miss Bicknell, Norway, ■ Ν. II.. i« canvassing ham to stock a trout with. We will not t<« J. on h pond •«howη in imhiML Scm l< also th«' JtKh. the Bear Kiver her grandfather's. F. Bicknell'», NORTH PARIS. Norway. Poets of Maine, compiled by him; Saturday, will call V : : ...,g men. visit. I)r. of of price* h»*r»· l»ut if you The Portland aud other pub- 'lub at Poplar Tavern opened their GRAFTON. Mrs. Wakefield, Mass., Stock •juote Transcript. and Kiva Heald are [ioper 10-17. Spring the uew house w ith various ex- Maud attending few farmers have begun was at Geor, je Washburn's July at our st»»re we will «how. you LAW COURT- lications. appropriate Very haying the normal school at the lower village. as Wl I* at work for Mr. Mr. Noah Uankin and wife of l*wis- ercises. A field day for out door sports, in this town, and perhaps it is ju«t N'ora ilney Htt'l make lower prices Ηι< f ,:»w court f«»r the weateru of Auburu. was at her BABY CARRIAGES, goods you Flint's. and races whs a of the Fannie Mersey, ae we are so a of Mann at W» 1st Paris. Ui»·· la-t ton are visiting at Mr. Ν. K. Ciiiit'i part pro- well, having long spell ever mw before on ; \|, il Portland father's. II. H. I over Sunday, re. Fuller have than 5ou good S. Gordon of Portland per- «>f entertainment. Jersey's, dull and weather. Mr. llaile and M «one lu'v}j\ n»e cases' I»r. C. gramme rainy of us if Oxford Cottoty son the 14th. now, but !|o visit her Mrs. WALL clothing. When you buy formed in on Waller, of We have had a dull week for haying, are growing very fast to Milton daughter. PAPER, glwn below. Phis operation O. L. is done work on Fred Crops au s. Mrs. Hannah is the best trade Marshall last week. for hip but not much rain has fallen. Help Is Varney I think the hay crop will nut be up to Will Andrei Itryant you don't g«*t you .·> ·.: ·>;· -hought his girls well for Everett 11 lbbins' wife has a ten section is coming in very good. Ojts are looking remarkably pound have » \ on*· vc*r : as you can your SOUTH HIRAM. John I.ittlehale was taken to I'ortlaud cycle. the seasou. O. W. Brooks has two bov, born tl le 10th. represented, 1·.λ> ιΊ F Mur»!»* k. "»ul» Paris i* DRAPERY buck for the Mr*. Nt lli»· aud two children, to thf Maine General Hos- that are the most forward of any George from South POLES, money again goods. ■i.ttr. r, ·. f. Stanley last Monday KEZAR FALLS. pieces itussey Milli- of a m here. He "<· > are at George treatment. I have ever seen here at this time driving ca'rt through Λ »vr t'rmk Λ Lamklwc of Boston, visiting pital for medical Λ. and have ^t Mr. Tobias Stanley family the nic« meat. ken's. year. were heading out on carries very] Oils and Varnishes, ^ v. Uumf<-ni rai:» ΓΟΜΙ SISDAY KIVKK. to Boston. They Paints, are to have a moved Mr. of llucktleld was 'il. :tU"! ·>Β i.rtef». The <.ood Templars her fourth. Krai} bury of Mrs. Joseph Gilpatrick and young- bananas and letnous AT * .fee Γ λ-, at Meouian Hall Saturday Seldeu Foster and family, Kverett, A. < His has sold his three- through ht L-e with sociable have to Portlaud on a G. large *»«··>Γίίί Ι». Bl«l«r, with his mother. est daughter gone &. eyeuing. July i"th. Mass., are here stopping year-old colt to Mrs. Fanny Chapman recently. J. W. SWAN CO., ■«.η ι. Ν. >ιι.·« Λ uok his foot on a visit. liue-ts are at Sunuyside I.ittlehale cut It 1310 expevtii Mr». Ethel They Florence G. j School in l>istrict No. 1. week. organ. * ι: t ι·Γ'"*ι iiUi'U. day Judge brook the llattie Clay's Sunday. of Miss Susie Weeks of this place and Seminary. Whitney fluck has bought grass Λ >* y Wrlgh» Woodbury and Algernon Chapman Mr. John Ward were married ;W, on the Davi |I Merrill farm. LOCKE'S MILLS. Bethel couduct it. All ought to go for July EAST BROWNFIELD. ο =tl> ANO MAKE MONEY. with at his home in Ν. II. It was that A. J. Haskell BOYS tirst circle of the season m**t the children's sake and show the teach- Madison, The men who are in the new 124 Pairs of Ladies' The putting m:.j as *· * vti and ambitious In hie 11, not chimney printed, t*tii'r|{eiic E. !.. Tebbets, Wednesday evening, ers we their etï'orts. have reached Brownfield. put a\ Mrs. appreciate RUMFORD POINT. telephone poles cow to £ I each or ti>»Q. to for were Hard has closed her school A nice vo ng belonging Ixjroy city 17th. Tables supper of N. will Miss Κ Hie Λ u» July Rev. K. A. Dover, 11., Îhineryher broken and had to The fall term of Hcl.ron will Skinner Acamen. \ou went to I.ast week to was preach be killed. Genuine open It* ninety second year, ·..·*«pa^-er rooru. The large number which up Friday night A. m. short time. ^ ford Point, 4 and II, at 11 and L. Hutchlus of λ ·:ιι>:Μ»ν fist, or secure which eatables weather, and all made the August of Mr. tire. Harry any also the rate at good hay will be: "Are there Miss Maude Goldthwaite Haverhill, a supl>er then 4 the Xoith in the tcut to a bicycle, tor for the skill of our most of it while it lasted. Since August subject is a few weeks with her Fry burg spent Sunday disappeared, spoke few that be saved?" Mass., spending All sizes and widths for '** λ .'k H in have had a chance to fish- price $.'L00. h Saturday morning. ladies in the culinary department the boys go aunt, Mrs. G. M. Sanborn. place. Regular Tuesday, Sept. 3,1895. [ home a consent, enclose «tau»!· the and one fellow Stevens and Master a» In »*;.··.·> term·». After supper company ing. brought FRYEBURG CENTRE. Miss Adelaide JRYANT POND. Just half •Same Instructor» \>\A years. ·'·■«" high and $1.50. price. .-ti «·> copy hall and ou the that three pounds of are t la**lc«l an.I courses. given, «ample a.-embled in the pickerel weighed is a third Nathan Gage Andover, Mass., «a. a little at Κη*11»1ι, College 1 parlor, President Cleveland having There quiet gathering i·. uir·.. Addres» : Lil'IU to the pro- measured and one-half at W. H. Prtn. i-ertill and listened following twenty-four of his ; visiting Stickney's. Wednesday, occa- Kite for all college*. l|>al's "«ι piazza one knows that the term in spite i>olitical opponents Camp Chriitopher κι u. Circulation l>epart- iuches. Since every Mrs. Allard has to Sand- cate taken at an·! other leading gram : a Mary gone sioned tl e ladies' relief corps enter- Colby >· been we it is girl though. by ti*h >*-ventb >t., l*h»ladei- M:— Mlklre«l \ Suing. eating thereof must have tine, Ν. for the summer. ! Pairs of Misses' Button Boots ! Teachers In elocution entire Im-trumruUl mu»i··. by Mrs. P. A. Bradley ie visiting her wich, H., tainment. The weather signs in the 120 Dongola colley*. pfca. 1*4. Pravar. will not to make the statement. have free tn»triic « stop and Boston. ο f the rain and year an-1 all »tu«lent* »... >rrbet»tra- numerous friends in around SWEDEN. earlv day by and we are not promlsâ l>a*e ·>ί N " History repeats itself, part for 75 cents. tlon. Kin.· new gymnasium with K·-· Journal: that s.::v Mte* l>ra»t· \ into* 6·!··. toed shoe C. H. Wlswell is in New Hampshire of Colorado, tended, no t oubt, to keep many away. Regular price $1 25, Presumably M r». Ο. V* Brow*. to suppose that the {leaked Mr. Clark, Denver, l*th* In both an-l by the New Premium Plan. the However, t? ose who ventured out made liail cage an*l Uiy·' wh" rrfu*ed the g«»vern- S^aW now in fashion was never seen before. introducing husband of Alice Kvans, daughter of ÛU, < came girls' department». 1 « '· has secured a well of the and away feeling r of for Two Bush Y * Mis» Mll-lnM Vlntn*. to the Frank Gordon position Dr. C. E. of visited lay, MU-Tcaalit* un*ae.l It is an old again brought late Evans, Norway, Music Uv style a house. it was ι event, aud that ever in this town. artnient. S|*v.lal eniphaal» »:i< the with New York in section. that pleasant are the best ottered awarcfcd by jurv of Gorhaiu. frout. father, uncle the relatives of his wife this These bargains Science and '»· M r». 1 Un forth My grandfather, is had do ae full in tilling up given to Kngllnh, History, r. .. will ",~r 1 Mr. of New York, spending in the east Mrs. Clark's thev justice \|. ..f trial, but $·■»*>. *"> and were all shoemakers, and Pryum, While living enable to MevltaUuO. myself at his summer with a Une Ash chowder. The local at once. Remember the Matheiuatlc*, to student* pre "'· ''.·· h;«v<- more for the » them more thau his vacation residence, was and after will Call r**spect Swrvtory Κ*ι*>ΓΙ. have lasts used by health very poor moving Com- They go quick. place. for teaching. Kor catalogue·., a>l * BaaiBM*· Fair Oaks Avenue. well on checker playing, (•are h»· I h tu· era tic deficit at Waih- ago on which if shoes to Denver she soon became quite champions by onrhertra. seveuty-tive years where are Bee and tl. F. put drea* »-«- Mualf> the Farmers every complaining advised mander iey Houghton, fur hi* uw u shrewdness. were now made would imitate yet her physician | at a late hour, they as had but one apparently, in ble skill with the "count- l'l»e company adjourm-d of the weather, they hay her not to come this even for a consider* women. toe exactly. way W. K. EV^lOVMENT for * time slngiug. feeling peaked last week. and hkd to call them draw games. SAKUENT, Prill., after pleasant Horace Judkius informs us that he has day νLilt. ers," '*· ί » ιι>' Kwm Satikdat, of been a success in ill and sti are in town. Thej Shoe Store, NAME. that th·· evening had new Miss Eunice Maxwell Is quite W. of Concord visited his Many angers Smiley IIEBROl ! > had beans, pota- II. King ·· desire women of green peas, string one last and rooms have to be (■hi:*. I'»., every _ Dr. Nov es was called in and hotel is respect. toes, and if the woodchucks had not got day some weeks ago crowded July 13, Is'.iV tv. i v^rv to write for their Mrs. M. h. iole and daughter May at houses for some of 197 .11AIIV HAINE. where, Mrs. W. F. Carr. cu- him her nice Mason it obtained private STREET, NORWAY, j there first, he would have had green brought with at lt*v. M. I». Ktrhardxoa, Ntr. '■<>> unrated, thirty-two page Albert Green go to the Islands. Ed C. H. Wlswell and Lon the Among the arrivals the Mrs. cumbers. Pray, Hamlin piano. guests. for women. A of en- a week. the Forest a visit last were the Mr. a**«>r ladf for name of a Seavey paid City of has been hotel wtek following: Friday, a KUa is the young Mrs. Mary Dyer Bridgton 9WETT. Clerk, E. 1*1. TlloJIAS. height, H. A. 9 ν 11 κ ι a \ and assist a libel suit. Men in life soon SOUTH RUMFORD. Tafetra, J. J. West and Mrs. *' She wears a shoe IT inches in public ii» A OXFORD. N. Y. Miss M. £ it in their locality. pounds. inter- learn to muzzle their tongue and let their Miss Dora of Red Hill is work- Satterley, kit. Vernon, ; has been in Boston but of what fashion her Taylor ,*rrat»*d for Miss Nellie Booker length, rust. at F. P. Putnam's. M. Moffat bd Mist Nellie McAllister, weekly journal eonven- viewer saith not. We have her portrait pens ing SUBSCRIBE NOW *••0; ·. λ -f, ν: new for the Christian Endtavor in York we are their X. Sf. ; John Lewis, Brooklyn ; entirely plan during with that of her mother, stand- While County recently Will and Ed Knight visiting Harlem, is together J. C. Boston ; «rii,* circulation, which meeting comes heard of a woman who has pretty good F. P. Putnam. Joseph Morion, Hatthorn, * friends side side, and the old lady uocle, th ... Send three Mrs. A. M. French U visiting ing by for that Is a Louisa Austin is for Col. J. C. Armstrong, San Francisco. CARPETS everywhere. to her waist. He who grounds declaring marriage Miss working and just up daughter's _*o-o»nt for in Albany. _ ., and there are reasonable W. A. «tamps sample copy as would not his bottom nickel to see failure, yet Mrs. Wyman. bethel. In the new spring patten·» '· ρ tr: iculars. Address: LaWïs' Silas is as comfortable give in the matter. She is 06 Ieast Wright and borrow another to see her doubts years of and We have a *r K> He was not injured that lady, Mrs. W. C. Howe and children colorings. ^\:iki»av. South Seventh could be expected. no old and has had thirteen children, ten of :.t a one-fourth of a mile has took are at her assortment low- as was feared. ride bicycle A very pretty home wedding Waltham, fcfass., visiting YORKWEEKLY good price* >tr»ft. are THE NEW badlv her PRESS, Pa. as whom with Philadelphia. the wonders of nature and art. husband, living. residence of F. P. Putnam er than ever hefor»·. Sarah Webber is quite *«**>1*· eye to the net place at the father's, J. >. Hastings'. An REPUBLICAN NATIONAL NEWSPAPER containing Ν Mrs. has not come Her grandchildren aggregate up-to-date want a l.ast wood's wife and little Evidently the time yet on July 17th, it being the Mr. and ι. Henry Cobb of Portland If you year it cost #£00 to feed the Harrv Little into total of and there are six great Wednesday, ifra columns of excellent matter, with the following special features: MAR here. when nations shall beat their swords flfty-elx, of hie Susie E., to at C M. Kimball's last week. reading ί u muster, said (ien- are yisiting friends this marriage daughter, visited Commissary girl and their into Notwithstanding the work on Κ ET the most shed ; LETTERS on economic subject» '">· well ploughshares, spears grandchildren. John Longley of Rumford Falls, Chas. am? John Swan are at REPORT, complete publi Nh;tw, and they went away not lift startling array of progeny the old lady NORWAY LAKE. nation shall up time keeper in the mill. the school bJouse. Qunton, President of the Scho >| of S »ci*l Economics ; SERMON, by « -ri-ti rhU year the indications are prunTnghooks; shall his to work out and support herself. popular paper by George wife and son, sword against nation, neither they The march waa by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Moore of St. STORY WOMAN'S YOUTH'i -h»· nau-ter will be more largely »t- Will Stevens' of ball The now is this : Was marriage wedding played ! leading New York minister; PAGE; PAGE; j1" at Mm. Shedd s learu war any more. The game question Miss BUbeeof Rumford Falls. are at Mr. Oz- GlMSWKI l»-d thun ever. ltiere will be a much of Portland, are stopping in this case a failure or wasn't it? Will Mary Johnsbury, >rt., visiting to which Dan Beards contribute»; G. A. R. NEWS; Funny PICTURES and re- bat between China and Japan has waa dressed In PAGE, are Stevens cornea Saturdays, and The bride beautifully man TwltctJe IPs. t'»rce in camp. The public Mr. and now Brother Tilton of Buckfleld consider and abroad. Dui the Fall the one Mondays. been ended but a short time, white silk and had on white kid Miss EtUI Estes of Waltham, Mass.. and NEWS from Washington or Campaign papei we have gut of the llnest rnuch more iuterest iu the militia. turns to Portland and this matter and gloves. been on the >lcK are a civil war in Cuba, report? Among the were Mr. and Sduitherland of visited attention to NATION VI, POLITICAL NEWS. on the market. Mrs. W. O. Perry has they having guests present and Mrs. Boston, will pay particular au uncivil one In Madagascar. May Mrs. Daggett ana Miss Edwards of this it week. IS list this week. UPTON. place YOUR BABY PRETTY' Heaven defend the right. Mrs. and wil be on the sprlng- η West and William Sweatt; Massachusetts, Longley There I dancing a arreeaeat we are Me to «east this paper Πι* publishers of Laihkj»* E\ KKV Mrs. L. A. and three from 25. By special OICKVALE. in ! daughter grandchildren board next (Thorsdav evening, July of Pa., will CENTRE. have sold their real estate Cambridge Put- AND ^TIRlav, Thiladelphia, the order RUMFORD Portland, Mr. and Mrs. William Good music in attendance. and blueberrying is Kumford to S. F. Peas lee. ■"I'osite <>oe Hundred I>ollars (#100.00) Having Henry Woods has gone to nam from Dixfield, Geo. D. Bisbee and •Mhf water Fred Godwin has gone to Cumber- EST FRYEBURQ. q*H HI OXFORD DEMOCRAT, credit of the prettiest baby whose θί Falls to work for the light and from Rumford Falls, and many w in the différent I' tr.»/ w ill be harvested. daughter grailef. P· i< received bv them for hay crop land haying. waa The ere are nearly discouraged FOB a publl- \hg.MHl company. , other·. The ceremony performed farn| will to give n<* call cath.ti have been for The here are all anxious to weather. pay yon Fifty 1 >ollar* *.">·> to the next Blueberries plt'n,y· I*aura Lufkin is at work haymakers an manner Rev. Dr. on account >f the poor as and Miss in Impressive by hay before purchasing your New est ; One recently Percy see some hay weather. F and Abble and Doin iJ·"· #1 night on good Crane of Hebron Academy, at 12 o'clock, Minnie irrlngton One Year for $1.75. Carpet. *"r were riding their Asbury Ooyt. la home from BethelI Only Spring Carpet. '»W third ; for Clarence Child has a mate for Fordyoe Brooks dinner Hattle Tow e are attending the teachers1 fifteen I H»llars #15.00) on the Grant Woods bought M. After the congratulations, all «rders t· after dark they collided a that for a few held on the Address fourth, nnd Ten iKiliars *101"» for bicycle· were his horte. He now has pair days. waa served to the entire company. The meetings Chaotaoqoa I'"thn Both boys Mrs. E. P. Morse has a newf rif;h. l'h* name and P. O. address lMckvale bridge. in- 3600. bought left on the afternoon train grounds. feet and somewhat weigh nearly of J. C. happy couple ^ »r«*nt must written on thrown several has to to top carriage Billings. will remain a The S. L. C. will meet with Mrs. Hat be plainly were brok- Miss A va Hall gone Newry for Portland where they M *e no boues is his, The Oxford Democrat. F. uck uf th«* befort* for- jured fortunately work. George Deerlng clapboarding week. Their future home will be at Jones July 33d. CHAS. RIDLQN, photograph a repairer needed en. Nature and g«>od bicycle and shed and making other Improve- J has a house- Eocloee three two-cent stamps Mrs. Addie Jackson daughtei Rumford Fall·. The wedding present· Mrs. Hardy quite Street. ^»rding.Γ set the all r.gbt. on sane awl addna· to HIW TURK WISELY ts PARK NK1 9* Main Port soon damages Caroline Vir- meota hta buildings. — Saad jroor ΓΚΚ8Μ, ROW, Opposite iatuple copy with full particulars. will G racle, of Le wis to α, Mrs. were nameroa· and valuable. We wish fol of boarders. _ wheel. ■ lutine. Jiirt-sa; has since sold hie of Kumford Falls, Henry Emnan If at West Paria work· Μη. has oanary birds YORK C1TT, aad · aaaipla cop; will ba sailed Ujtm. Odicv, Norway, Photographic Contest," Percv In the and son Mellto, them a and happy life. Hacfcett flftj t like to take "a k-ap gin — for a abort time. long J-Al'Ua Kykkt SATI ROAT, M South, ly he don't liiilsd at Grant Wood·' laat log anmh Street, Plùladelhpia, IV 1 dark." SMITH'S WATCH. making. AMfRQeov· ηιη BOMEMAKmΡ COLUMN. Tom Tkmrt'i latent practical joke ÎSE box ι foehn* of Iwnof βί PREHISTORIC. on ilna you ■"«■""Β'. do for WIRE ! ®*-Attorney-General drvnd. Then» to longer necwelty ΒABBED ''ΤΓΚ".»'·!'" Smith and U was a good one. an industry of which itj mo in many diet—m fonneiw re· without u a Medicine th· Indi- while the extensive ae Incurable cutting. Herbe used by eve?,ne? »«®. pro- LITTLE IS KNOWN gardud ans for Uentune·. pnotor,Ji£W was leaning over his counter, a ri DmsotiIIii t*l*I We Can Soli, SUMMER BEVERAGES. man with whom he was talk- TtoTrtwpt traveling to well Illustrated by the fact that Wit" Hoi showed him a watch which had gone Unir h Million Dollar»' Worth of Cam W.J.IEELER, >». log »λΪ?Γ4?Ϊ:—Experience and the best wreck * ,ew daya RUPTURE "rurtii'without the We Shall Soil, M·. Ml. Toar Ryllabl* Pmb. •l Tart m) Oat Yearly It/ Ktp#n«Ive Ν» eJiay lfmon*de wltb knife and without rein. Clumey, chaf- «*de ^n,,lr?adworki were broken ! Th. South Paris. If *'cv»n· ape odtotw,'* then π»χ Π*Τ Morally chin >tj~Hirw tho LopAr* Cooked and ing truMM can be thrown away y t.hllfU more cirlUiouA Ά»ί?*to case bent and Inflam- (tf fnJuiK'tuiiM iivl krthewuni S?lÎn^-h bit·, the badly every- never cure but often Induce As Low as .n nS?f "Th00,11 water lemonade. Tfcek Cat lata Unbroken Sheet». Any ()nft A awtul artiolw my earosit. tïïn thing broken np is 7 J generally. thiku a toy. ipucrully nvkunnl Hereιϊ" ?ÏOh- rule: Wash and wlne "I jmkfl a* If the sat down My engine upon An idea of the of the τίΐϊίηΚ"^:IU HI υπ Ο un,ι many other*, ara now An for or boy. lemon This is . an magnitude »i>nr'|nii»h< gift (tri carefully. prooew , HW>rt· And then removed without lite p. rile of cut- η mibidoi is a stock an can find My lour, airknatii·-, "ki" of * ,ρ«η«ί idea struck him. Glancing acroM the cheesy industry in this country given Ae large you anywhere. and m word writ known to fame— Pianos Omiplfto* hoxw however Organs, m*ny P®"·- room, he saw Greene Smith talking with th# fact that tho in which tho I Ttw) tilI* of · ι·μ m grand and American. bdnî%J^£»1iTheW by pUiffiiMORS, I ûtula t n'n°" i,e surface, and should tie some knew that Mr. are Ck*5fdhÎ friends. Now he chec« ia shipped represent a coat of other dtoeeaea of the Iowit bowel, ' 1ï,ïii co,d «M» with a lit- <.mlth carried an watch of cured without pain or No. M3. TkrM IHanioads. '·- ? Ί,βΗΓ< elegant gold $."00,000 It is not permanently U 1" Uecd· Cut » ·»<* tine which was to nearlj annna)ly. nnort to tho knife. Piano Stools, given I Madder, no matter /«!k or the the and workmanship, roars since cheose wu in CTHMP Ό the I twTin,ï\hre lemon, him, and In which he took the greatest many shipped Oll/Hb hnw Inryr. to erualmd, puh tin. remainderifntreof wltb a powerful re- Ï2Î5|Utt*e pride. In fact, the ex-attorney general any ki nd of barrol or bo* which wonld verlaed, whuIm d out and perfectly RICHARDSON & u-mo» „ nin; π) without KENNEY, w rntte cutting. ,χ,ί cf°, thinks as much of that watch as he does hold f nm one to half a dozen good sized I of the essentialr oil of the skin. \dd HARDWARE DEALER*, Covers of himself. forain, packed in straw to keep them STRICTURE of cam*. For " me have that of wreck," or in the cuttinir in Inr. :.>■!« ί'^ν» pile from bieinR bruised broken all ® pour half a 0f freshly hoilin» if,1 "1 think I can show reference· and pertlcu· eouth Parie, Mnin0i pint Mid Mr. IHggart. was pamphlet, to " handling. It only factory made lure. «end 10 oenta (In utampe) AND water over It. When it is some fun perfmlv icï you Mr. Taggart opened World's Dtopenaury Medical Λ«υci*· 11 » "ttle mi ked chow that received such protection, ice Jn the case and stuck the watch tlon, OtfJ lfaiu &L, UuiTaio, Ν. Y. WEEKLY Ά™· slightly was to NEWS cheese sent markot "" GREAT VALUE ,h° *nd ««lice Of k't· Going over to Mr. whilo dairy Uimm fln1 »i°f 25"·Smith he 1^asked bim for bis watch upon destitt to of any covering other than it»» PARKER'S Books. he that he wanted to show it own r Highly bandaged rind, which in HAIR BALSAM OF THE Instruction pretence and brsi.ljfi·* lb* hair. WORLD an Old |Lk°.£ïÎ"* »' Clfatur* FOR Through Story "l»wor to a friend. mont c wen proved invulnerable. Oom- l*runii4M * Ittxwaal pwlh. health and to Beater· Or «y A That treated .»f the η the with cold water, 4 Saver Fat:· MONEY. FOR TRIFLE. j InίΐΓΖΐordinary «ay cerc,ul of Mr. manufacturers has to Youthful Color. LITTLE a nwe. among Hair IU —AT- of the Indiana, M in can be « petitioi 4>«w« k hair Itiliu longevity much improved bv the addition wïe,f'in Λ®bif( most bass voice, as at tho Curt* walp ·> Smith, abrupt chang< d all this, and the and ir personal kuotiledge of «MM ,„j present past, or.njw he handed over the watch. < lit remarkable li.inline**, precious manuf wturo f boxes >ri vos employment of their pre·*· makes the "CltrofragoHmonato" as "Now, boys, watch out," said Mr. V Ε we tint l«d to seek from them to η la ku of hands and necessi- CONSU.M PTI were M»me clever girl students labelled their «"ggart rive minutes later, as lie smiled of off (ilwate. tate* t ι» two of and Prices. their secret w.irdiug bowl of fruit the other da? to the crowd around, lie put powerful expensive Γ·. -, 'CS-KTffissss Reasonable » stmidlng m ret i> Whenever punch Their simple. these combinations of fruit juices with ■Mr. Smith'* watch in his held niaehii ery. » pocket, ««WCt* si«k turn I t Nature for relief. w is in the of > 'I V they the other in his hand partly covered, a« It enstomary early days fe Hundreds of »ι* of in the are y» experience for the fruit acids both refreshim,' the two did bear some slight resemblance tin* In sine»» to saw the hoops, as the nkkHtrr'· F.aglUb IHimimI Hrumd. curing and combining of various herbs, and healthful. Their name Is f legion to each other, and approached the ex- hup [*>dr of the box is callisl, out of roota to them -· harks. and given sort of fruit Is used from , , of the I nlu-I Kvery in one-fifth of an PILLS1 * I- the le.vllnjf family paper attorney-general. the plni.ks alsrot NNYROYALan ΓΗλ Greene sai.J Mr. as he held mrfilu tliecvent/· of foreign tan-In III a out-hell. It·, ".tgrlmi. —Kolden Πην*. !*inkaiti.kaih^—Ptoei 8I1(J rme Taggart, nl was a most serions objection to thii ,ιμ] #'«U la Kr4 aa-« βΛ ΓηΙΙβιΙ Stale·. It κΙν«·ι« i t*· ·.■.!·« ···» »>.·>* Ht»-i TaU«! It* "Market out his hand to return the watch. χ lural" tnwnt ha* no In the country. Report·-· I ΛηΛ it > »*ΛΙ» ilepa »uper1or KICKAPOO INDIAN REMEDIES *I»«-i"kl« ·*><» j>er cent of tl»* tini)Mm·! u*· mi * I'r»**·'·. or oa4 — for "Th* Mo. .144. PrrliiM «ad il to it cost—" ■*4 κ·ηΙΐι<Ι authority. >«-paraU· artment* venu! ly recognized with* P°wdered sugar. The invention of the «·»)■« !·( U^Uaamlal· an I 2".What it cost will never lie goillg In sawdust ia j<*rikalar· "Mrno «ml Nrrhaul· ·." lu "Hum. n,i.| <>f the Make the follovnnjf changea t»y sweeten to taste. probably "Krll. r for V Mar· "Onr Vnnn( Nik·." »η·Ι i reine»lies prisent day. prefixing quarttof boiling water; ·'. ««· »l« ».«« I potent innchino has ΠΓ |«MMMi >f wl .r* an·! -laughter*. It-. |Y,m Cures effected %ml iiutlixinK the wmi' Îotter Kxamplm: Strain and chill on iv.·*· lVrli«Ur(kca>M>n by « hv a crash as the natch fell to the floor thi< \v te and at the same time pro- ail Uaal Uruggm*. an·, hrtllUnt χ ? t 'haiijre ■ «»und to nick* An*wer, s-Un»e :h'ki'1 orbo1" ««) iaU kf '~·*ΊΖΰΖΤΚ IKtlltlinl new», c«ltUirlal» an·! n» cumptchen»lve, I Dizzy like shot out of a duccd better than the sawed arti- ^ Change a fctuinloe naine Uj a tltWv An tSSSiP*·oiaikntrries, currants, raspberries rar poured bag. hoop hauotlvc The heard the chief limiter need in WAXTE». lK" < «<»ir hr i.l irhrattiu·*, ^ wit. m-aria-m. rants and red ex-attorney-general el T|he making raspberVie* ϊχΚ crash and to his feet with a Salesmen In represent the "New Premium Caoli J§ oar aail v will»· awake inerrhaiit* — i.riir τ J U'U:,II-V »>»de with cofd elm. oth« timber p»«i etery η •outre. facc turned a livid I »uree»«. Indian .ι kind of πμ«Ι Ut (iivti'nM 4 l^hanjc»· water His green, where with wonderful ue to offer thin Ρ th<> salt] of lightness, tough- 1 u> .% A SPECIAL €ONTKI€T enables wpleo^ Λ Sagwa nf & while his voice almost up his [e qualities Kjjerjretlc men who want to make from i> ,1'.'n*· «lit in·· are in instance* miraculous. t«» an isolaiiiatkm surprise. stopped "I F." ju.-t ; many pronoun IK MS id so for lier add re** with -tamp for ^ two in out all at once. elasticity requisite dollar* day, and "THE OXt'Olil) DE.notUAT" It relieves and cure* effec- the hefore a ti» >llitny t«> quarta mouth his effort to II journal it ;> ■ «Ma» «juickly Ciuinge evening }ξ**''ΛΙ1·—'*ut get < K. PU.W. λ Nfdn Ï* of '■"» « stone and choe \ivS as this oiieo despised prod* jam ! lively, by cleansing, purifying, nod in- β. Chnnge eroded to Τ Jar, pour DM he swear y Well, of course it l| lieneral Maaiwr for Maine, »vtrri'rriM them one of cider vine- wouldu t do to go. He itamiied his net of Kinerican f rest*. The lop», aft- > ryehurg Outre, Me. vigorating the system, every disease Change t.ν h<»k to meditation .ju^rt g,MHi say «ver and let it «tand fur two hurl- er Iwiii cnl in th·» 1< tilths, gen- ? originating from disordered stomach, gar reet, «lanced up and down, roared, projier One Year For $1.75, XnlultM iir Only Thr Tru»"l.. I." ^4 dn,in off tbe without ed damnable f>-< t f >r nu cheese- ® • liver, kidneys, or blood. Χα. Λ4Λ. -A Uttrr Ι'αιιΙ*. liquid anathema·. upon the orally ordinary ^ a HMin. ,Λ»the berrie*. |t OVrr ,,uart and declared ". < r m areere Kememl>er Pimples, Blotches, Lom My flr>l ta in Η«·*ι* rta. pour l*>xt< of f Ii 'ι incbe· diameter, «ζ of freeh fruit, ami stand as before. |»„ be >wti into vat» filial with water, • 3S«.* b»>tll««v»· Appetite, issitude, long third 14 f<*un«t*t. ,v,'rv «>ί this After so as to al- required Th< \ are Nature's warn- the flrst had subsided MA V Hfci.lN AT AN V TIM Κ neglected. Mxtto '.υ Ed»r·'» «dime, u or as the or ration is euccraiKiH το SURSCKIITIOSS My lio i ,ÎT,tos|ow,v ,,v'· skim, ow his he a timber conk i». of more «erious troubles. '«'"«tes, of being heard, called bell ings Help Mj *rb«'h> u Is i>f old w ^ w aries to the size of let sund1 tift^ n minutes, bottle and seal. and In low, half audible tonr«, told called, according Ad>lrei< all oplcr* lo Nature by taking her own remedy. Who Hfnl in Vlr^U'a ttnxv boy. il. χ. η»ι>τι:κ, t raw and blackberry to take a broom and du.-dpm tin· tim er and the sea».u I>ar,»*e l.ubl<> Half bilans sweep up ..uire 22 M irk« t Sq., SOt'TII I'AKIS. MK THE OXFORD DEMOCRAT, Paris, manner." "And he added, "dust the oir on ·.,. J when the logs urn fa*v5 A letter, to from, a kind of *w< »t picces irticnlarly Indian dejwrt and them to the to tho Kickapoo Sagwa kind* ..f fresh carefully give gentle- fr ii. It is not uncommon find a full line of Sold by nil DruKfft·!·. light enke, the name of M*%-eral Βι.λγκιικκκι roKi»iA,._\Vash Keep* man. ( a after on a eend it to G«o. '$[y|KK II boltle ; C buttle· for IS. η found on small Island* berries and mash them with a cantor if l'vf ntilifroïon 1hoars Write your name and addree» poetal card, W. per *uN>tanoe pulse. ri|»e I'll Is start··.! another outburst which In the Southern •■«"•an and on the c<>.-vrt if wooden βμκιη or mallet. Strain out the < f l> «ili W 2, Tribune Building, New York City, and nampl* almost threatened the of a Beat, Room S-uth America and Afrlcn. which are the and to every four add one hurtling ienco if the best in this Groceries, Goods, Paper will b« juice, quart* vessel. Mr. Smith turn.-d to the Kxpc guide Dry copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE mailed one \w <1 in blood resort· .f latve fl<» k« of lilnlv quart of bolliug water. I*t it stand irt of business, and to kuow when STEEL ROOFING bell aud thundered: "You ρ to an tndrli a tw« cowering boy you in Him· vu, with shear*. cool rity.four hours, stirring * Summ°r clij j»·*! place tl,w9e hlack and the tint r i.· thoroughly (\okr'f tl«· rt-w tii't «U'aiiicr». nlte quantity. prefix occasionally, again, o\. π! is one of the and SIDING. t II break you m two!" ίι| things acquired I.a.llr·' anil m ·' t'n.lvrwrar. a letter even gltHon of liquid add two heaping (Nwriiluryh'* I'ntret.) "You do what I said Mr. Tair- :i b constant observation. When or "Portland" -int. or two pounds and a half of the say," ly State" an is not are in "Bay Γ η..»· it Τ Ρ χ "This gentlem ► uti; -iei boiled the logs lifted Will Ir-ivv tfr»uk?tn Wî.»rf. I. Fir· and Storm Proof No, A47. Kliyuir»! Truupotlll>>n«. best white sugar. Stir it well aod cork Huielly· tJy w at 7 r ¥ Paints, Oils, Litre, Hair and Cement. :»η·Ι In-lta h*rf. Bo4ea, ·ι*!ΐ>\ Lifhtnirg, 1*· trans- or ^ ι in t.MQ# ,t ι, iroll Ifr; from the vats and laid < 1*. i«< IuiImI. said Mr. Smith, "I've al- is υ. t'l I'hU·., !'».( in summer. No "'Taggart," " ski· talt ! at u.1 iMncl p»«*od to ausw.-r the four following quua- specially Λ I.I. AND SEE UH. >1 i>(KT>. sell· Mir·. κ ways been a friend of yours, but !<·* r*l!n>«'l «tall' n< In thr*· >f Vain.· tioiui: !? Y 9 to k^Pfnun ferment*· a 1. κ I- lifted by a cnino und swnng in· ll.T·* rar> fn>m I nl»>n CuMriiiirr Station run "Mr. Smith," Mr. Taggart. 1. Λ r«1 much admired. Mon interrupted to lac mi the machine, when* it is held t·· m· aflkT for but I can ρ Th'-uKh oft cauxint: lam sorry this think Γ J. B. C<>M.K. J I LI«0»MB, jwitn. in a h rizontal chucks or rti..n I· κι i l i s. I'he Invention of the as the have all had pneiriuu by tittwrai \ul>l·-*" tn·- »llni«-nt Ht home the sU ofj pqwr in a printing pwsH. The 4 I am hr.t:;ht with cr<-.»t labor N-\ Ih-.e siphons are sold bv I desire to return to with the com- knife toll d< the 's The undercignei!, ««eignec* in in- Fivm th·· heart of tin- ««rth you catting very the dozen at a low folvotu'v of tip Oxford l,tnil I'orn- price, provided proper pliments of myself and the Ml |„,v hea\ y 1 is lotted to a heavy head return the at security is given for the of I lease this." is f> p:»ny, will -oil public auction, by TEA «■.. accept calh^l a whi< !i d forward >"«». .*>41 lent ill. Conundrums. arriag<«, • a on held out Mr. Smith's watch. The Λ. < olo, auctioneer, on -mpty Mphons. By keeping siphon He v « to·.. In iit'or^·· tu »r. :<*n the revolving log. and 1 Λ few month* >1ηα· I listoiHil the ice and excellent fruit svrups of then on for by for Infants Children. ex-attorney-general caught lit(«<; knife « :i dl\islon <>i man Into tile machine* the at 1 P. ^UCAVtAlO, I nmJt MARKS^ iblv ttvati·*· the \ariou< kinds, a quality of soil a water the llret time. He smiled sardonically approved Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1895, M., t! ;r-.r .:i and re! V ;■ η*, etc What ha» an nd or oecillating well ai. a PILLS nui- far superior to the ordinary beverage pocketed his watch, and then, with much at Rumford ^ COPYRIGHTS.^ 1 Hotel Rumford, rails, of IlmI the lecturer M are f< trwurd motion. Tlii* rtnlace.·. tho strain of Cutorl· with the f «ctviKv pursued? iJttl*rati*tloo, added : HIRTY •r«' obicnratinn pntmnt;» ΓΑ* I OBTUS A Γ *TF.>T For» Stra*'"·"■>· 'syrups the title and interest « hii-li r* Bcvnr* ftO<«or *11 h'TC^t writ* to ^ Ν ι«· fM'U't.vV ι:· -il tl Ιιν κ κν,·π· a of tb,· η t -hiiio and the all rijrht. and Ot'.U:. m, ί!Ιmade 'ί by Ruling few po„„d. "Well, broken up tome other on the permits cuttilift without Ml >N A t'O.. »B<> h.t*e bad tn-axiy aft* »··*τ»' A-e to cure form of you've the fori! I.and < h-.d on million* of uo to of it guroinf. juarantep«>nk expenonc· in the patent bU '^M. tomœunw». poce fellow watch, and you'll have .ft. shaky liearted lops. : 1·> feiu» of itnlnmls. the ninth of .f l-'.'l, to Ooo* «UK-tlT pnfktMvotiai. A llandho.·» nu'tit «-f tin· embryo u'itl str-in "»«· for. comes day inu'-ry, for Infant· and Children t .·ο- Neocu* a*d ί >c* Heidi :He Mill pay A^ the I; fe in «*>mtiu*t with the It I» the he*t rpmiuljr f.·γ·χ»·ι >a iiio'ii.»<\ucul Sicn...*i»· «inhersity iullfhrthrough cloth the And he still thinks so.—Indianapolis1 tinib· r. lie .* of the 1· ^ are tin* erien··* iiifpialiti· and the same to I*; sold in i* harm'e·*. Children like it. It terni uk] MMaUk bunfc* wet tm. break se1 ere Cdd and Fevers, ah ln«tr.ict«r |·Γ*«ΙΙ< lout in v «-u^ do currants or other fruit f.»r ( Krnnklin, th· world boa ever known. It utra thr·1".·» M'inn .% Coi wcnw up jelly'. Sentinel. tir t (T uud the l· Is1 nf structure and mineral .h gradnally g lots or ■wnl m «h.· Ae»eri«·»·. and which tre.ts tlN* lea sure the ami allow a ttound of ! paro'I*. mMh Hrl»HII( juice tvi'l uv« their lire*. In it Mother* have In i» m w * with- and c*iiue.< and viehla un un them health. It arc brought Îwft r·lh« puttie relie.e Rheumatism, ι· ii f thi'Rlui»', It.·. physical (ια of Boil tbejuic·· HE WAS PUT OFF. js rfeetljrnmnd giro· out ooe» to tu·· Thi·. «plotxiid pa;x-r. Neuralgia. »ugartoapint juice. LotH of Land in Andover, Can br« rr»t*d. ha* <>» far tfe· tun-x. etc »nd sugar together for five minutes and Plnnm- whir h fa *afe and perfect » * d N m a CATHARTIC toe. CarthutfH. Franklin aomethlng ahaolntely practically I*.'.··»! α ot an* «cientiac r* ta tac ndred ··< man him r cloth. This sheet 4 Λ rtalr. younjf announced r»ottJe» it \ ing of roll of of • .L war. M ··» sent frc up. ITS Α ΤI Ml WoltN ΛΙΙΝ, lift IT*» tion, Mason, Mexico, Peru, itox- τ a »«l <<[ a u'Nhh char· medicine. Bu <1 ·« KM. ·ο,®< thly. F-jO» year. ^ngle A< crr'a^ ne th syrup, χ « r ·» and of now aptitude lee;;l!i-. kvhi' an· ρ·ι« 1 und· divid· tifil piatMi Mtun. photographs one-third of from :i dozen Ca«toria Worm*. m.·»**. * ru- ht» to «h w Um» or a are What art liail I»· invoti· the |>e<·! rich, SI'KI\(i PLAVOIt. ΙΙΛΙίΐη Κ. deatroy* h· !b p.v.r c:iab.;ae phine. ed oputes they hai. ■'writing J kufv s that cut them i'ito uniform VlllGI.V, lai■·*· !>'.%'(h· in his ·. !.. t.. _· deaths, prepaid ? '!i >>f his ow n liai! to of a of way I.N· ry ili^i-m family three-quarter» pound an I Wind Colic. eyes the second time you looked you Caatoria rnrea Dinrrlwra tnmt r.nh f their ancestors, but tlui! «ugar to a pint of juice. It do|»«;nrtiuns syrup, πι<*Λenv<'s duct is for economic! The persona or tartaric acid and common bak- M handling Judgment tartar "Ticket!" said the conductor. hott]e< It i< not ao!d in hulk. that «1ι·η«ν whk h mats uf the systematic An Qrdis ut fn ear will n<>t c-»:i Cnatoria i· pnt np in ene-si»o o-"ly. ! ing «oda in any way the "Haven't said the mm. ight of tidu*» approaches got any," • arrangement and clasniflcatioii tain mu than 500 h sw. or charged ch· mica! meaus w ith "Then have to said the complet·» Don't allow nev one to aell e'-o on the plea prnml" y Miss lfc «lip found in the attic of a ; liquid by you'll pay," yo*i anything of Thousands \vhilo m) run h» carried if in "carbonic acid g:i«. conductor. " rare book of shipped cannot l«r irn!i>-al«l, deeert«d house a old treatintf thntit a* and will an»w«r every parpoae." e»i<· "Can't do said the man. th.- liai»'. i«"jtt«t good myth·· and fai»l«>s liiViiK Βι:ι κ.—Take one and a half it," cbiti wrlM-ti It re η ΛΪn- un< hangc-l.year "Then I'll have to put you off," an id The η lunar, m v. hi •li are u -t wide « whh-h treats of the of loaf two ounce- of yon tret thrr«- m nth» tr il ■» 10 That science ; pounds «ugar, 1 wl«h I» rail tlie attention of hor»emen to tin; See_that C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A^ slier an-i when everyone to a the conductor. enonnh f |r lu» tir in1 fn tho tV'T t .it I 011 hand a rlwlrr yrsr, pn>|iertiee of mineral subetivuous is verr cream of tartar, two ounces of bruised |H f.»< tl liavc ion»lantl) out here in ?" ■ lor Imi»Iiu·»·· frotii TU H WHOLE FA MILY ir ri»{ht the r th·· narrow •trlii# of It··!·*··· «ιιΐ(αΙ>Ιβ any wh· t»>«- -η1 '«-«-t 1» prv|«erly pm*tit inu-n-dting study for many thoughtful ginger, four qu »rt- of t><·ΐ1 iiit; water, the "What, count!y hand :»ι>·! |î tuud t!ut ^ ** °n the man. lUlit >iri\in; t<> heavy teaming. I jruarantee The fac-nimU· U Illustra t».1 n. titnlï maïuhi.· «ttk >;<>rv* a a>Led tl : t Ixi*. 1» \ > and rind of one lemon, table- around hitti of ho Τ1ι·> hon-e μ.I· I to lie a» if a -: e·! In ll. (M-KOUM juice every ju-t rp|in'neuliil, not, IMl4MlklklM*tM join- uptioMln^ out here in the re- • cf wrapper. η <-· ·■ »»>>' "Kight country," return lilm an·! ignaturo baat aot&or* and lao^u .'*M spoonful of yeast. Put the sugar, gin- es viry 111 κι/.· le th us regards ΐί··ΐ your money. -· depth ■l'MLL ITm. Co, M» Muurn. : v··. to Ih* l'aulvr. the conductor. K«r g' r. etc.. Into an earth* η howl and pour plied and «liaη Ot'T. Th·· most cominou size II. PHI Lit HOOK, llrthrl, Maine. A of the other .">34 .lew··1«*1. over tin m the when cold good many passengers Stable near ttrand Trunk Νυ —Incomplète VtM< water; quite will a ι·1ιο*·Μ) of frotn <ï0 to 0Λ l>epot. 4,000 were interested at once and the argu- 1ιμ1<ι| under, now. early, η si. or. satin, each, add the yeast ; in six hours strain and for Pitcher's Caetoria. Agents. S73 I ment continued. The conductor no- ρ muds, |Su«*h a l«>x i- 10 inclue deep Children iwwkwt IniliaU June K<>mr » » % Ν MM Ui IfM '&«· -mi!·I ear. one ot kept looking ctiltr mI I I· I Γ ru»·, late of South I'art». arv every } Kvery Jammu : i*· lkM»i· Y little «he u«>ti to consider it a The -<> Mtuated three M very girl talked and nid not seetn to lie in hurry. Τ |li·· s /·· ! r lioin·· i·' îimiî .t,*:· ii I'enley Kami, railed, ta· ÏM»u- û ®#4e·· tiirM' wvtuM a testimonial If U exjHirt. lull» from >outli l'art» \ iSU m re« p«aft A I V Ο 8 one of tin· treats to was lll.t#»·, *»··. greatest possible Of course the train all the U* Rrt|K. i running is as a cull much smaller and r»*«|uire» or h.*w» ami cut· SO to fiOtnn* or hay. Tlie l.utld <*. ·»»·· V· ont· the ma- «.S wvn· i-kol for. Kvery of 4.·*»· C 1 Ρ A S Ο Ο help her grandmother gather time. In condition. Tlie f irm I» well ► » '· lb ι fnn Γι toO in··1!»») «!< but <>f the Inpare κ»»! Γ·. « root p, '·· ; terial·» for the of The farmer went down into wltTi tool- anil faim maehlnerv which *'*··* jwople know e.uh year that the Emer U A C >1 I MAN necessary making dually fui'plk"! irxM.eref»··. sain'· dian ο ter as tho othf-r. will l«· -old with the i.lare If dent red. flil- faim Iteer. There must Ih; a handful of yel- hi* and out his lie a> now j pocket got purse. te In l)r*t awl will U· -old at a * c·.. cwt ·» »* «. h>b li> w Kar (h.-; (ntUiD It la 8 II I Ν Τ Ο Yariuu kinds (f t imite-r :;re used tu clai·»condition a. r. aiuuxi i low d« k roots (the dock w ith the long. ν a«n't in a hurry ibout it, and after he bunlo. e to uiake a tnu»lral instrument 1 form the f the bnt 'in is ]««-! No SJcV—A Hollow Diamond: pointed green leaves, and no red streaks) had it M* med lost in thought. 11. L<;x, Al»o, jo acrv* of land known an tin "Moody opened l.ot." know a?>out It- U-autiful la*Uny a handful of dandelion roots, some sarsa- said the "I can't the aucei ••<1 material fur the h x»ps. Ttae> V I "Come," couductor. acre* ni I a» : ΛΙ*ο, .'Λ of In known the "J, Claik roots, a bunch of wintergreen, fool with all Owing to of thosoil, th« all idluatcd In the Town of tune. It- artl-tle rase*. It» numerate V κ parilia you day." pocu!iuriti«-s Lot," I'arU. ; and another of leaves, and "Must or off. eh'?" asked the timlior in nuio ln-alities is inclined to U,.V\MI.. Λ. ΊΚΙ K, Ailmr., WuuMn't like U> know checkerberry pay get •Apl'lj price. you I Α some of the tree. These 8W Commercial St., I twigs spruce farmer. bo ho che *ks or shakos running alx-ut tuo? shaky, l'orthiml, Mo them, u η were all boiled together for an hour iu a the man with "," replied urouud tli« 1«>K aim following tho grain Or, Hon. ti. Λ. Wilson, So. I'arln, Me. <7 POffeP'S^ ! of water, and then the whs the There was another momeut'ft Ο gallon liquid punch. of tho tim ht. Snch timht-r was η oloss ! poured into a big earthen crock or jar. ! sileuce. The farmer took another im.k No 537 The Five Straw Puzzle: No wh« η tho wt .e hi:t in tho 8TOLE.1. We Are Then it was sweetened with ioojm sawed, Will Cut>e molasses, out of the window. on of a Answer o» the evenliis: JulyMh, Warwick Metric, tv«iutr»\i a of was rotary pruf mu> il f it can l>o turned I and when nearly cool pint yeast "I guess you can put me off," he said. No. i~U, Wii* taken troni the Nidcwalk In front No 538.—Double Acrostic: to act ount. Tho bulk of the «dm •t tin· -tore Α. I Sturtevant. ; added. It was skimiued occasionally The train was and the con- ρμμΙ Of Any MfWMI srrvp Glad stopped furnliditnif Information u» to W arw Loo- Ρ enahllnjr nain μα» Always in the next or two, as it fermented, ductor went to the rear to see timber ηβτ 1 in this boduew in ; day I*· to rent tin Kmers-n l'lano Ueaunc a platform brought -e-don of t«Icyrle will cuitaMv n'Winleil. E xplore R was j and then it tit to drink. that he got off and stayed off. in from ( nada. Λ. I. ϋΤΓΕί'ΚΧ A XT. sale altno-t follow». When A nu<»t- Ο *urrly "See that white house over there?" Tin· wo* «rn insula of Ontario South I'arl*, Me. Τ unii· Ρ K«;«i Mi u.Ki» In Tka υι: Cokkkk.— pen ly- once the tone asked the son of diarmlng harmony—the Ileal au well iu a tea or eoffee toil. ing north f hike Erio contained «no «if H Mina H I egg very SICK The could see It HEADACHE an ! conductor l-eautlfu! ca* the cx>jul*lt«\ pliant t E cup; stir into it a little milk or cream. : easily. the largest tracts «>f elm timl* r on tin· yri "That's where 1 work," said the touch of an R «η Τ Then pour ou it. stirring all the time, contiueut. It has been great lydoplete«l in j farmer. "This is the nearest the rail- hot, or quite warm, coffee or tea. sutli- ; m-eut h ^s arc taken out i:i win Children for Pitcher's Caetoria No. WJ —Lett «τ Ktilgina Jack H"nn»r road comes to it. 1 am much to yea»*, Cry tient to till the If the hot is obliged «· — cup. liquid ; ter tl are frozen and are No. 540 Curtailment» i Sloth slut me was when swamps Emerson Piano in too or you fur letting off here. I without stirring « n■ ii·ι--· I poured hastily n« |ir tho or on tho lak*· Tu ΙΙι<· Honorable Hoard of County CommlrMon Γ" tlie I'rftinl of anility Job, jo w afraid I wouldn't be ahle to you |kid«IM railways have been pooae(uw!»·<«, In |Im your M )>e done more if one uses a shaker. ; gar?" granger jumped lightly |iy powerful Albany County, hereby petition '"1">1 th< own and la It* own t«»t easily of Ox for til locate a liMft fΓ"Ι: 1 ι T««tb, uç« prakt adver- the and was «team —New York Sun. County I, respectfully represent, thai coUIlt) I'ut cream, and in a ground gone. tugs ■ τ ι ρ the egg, sugar glass, j public convenience and *oin»· ΙΙ·ιηηι·>η·Γ· l,nu-<· in M« \ ·, π tisement. So x* we there train was two tiecee*lty require far know, U and "shake" ; then add the The minutes behind rlianitei· an·I alteration* -liuuld I*· m» le In tlir the #f DbMd an ! thoroughly j htMft ·' TIARA time before the couductor recovered his from Wert Retiicl li Ι'.ιην,ami *l«« from the »ouilnr'y not a alngle fault In It. We have never coffee or tea stirring quickly all the time, j hlghwaj Ictiling village M Dr. the four rnrueri·, *o called, In Itethel, near ti.c iiH'ijrr to the highway Itdllnf to 5ben)pp's breath. Mar In Tlimtor Ihitr*. « The coffee is delicious served cold. hou*e of seen a letter at any D I Α Μ Ο Ν D |ynt dwelling harle* Dunham, l»y 1IU.1111 ami al»o that tin* pmiiI· lea'linn piano price. I'll he said In a humbled this is doue shake some bits "Well, be—," < tlnuln*' a or of »ald and ifrw·» tin· Afntro»· "iftfin river When egg, f theater box· s ami (art |iortlon Idjrhw.ty the I Un » Speaking peoplo oat of a new ^ * 1 Ρ Κ υ U of ice and then add cold tone, and then he went iu and kicked the lay III? highway nta Ιό tu «rade, b> town· of Mexico nn·! IVru. Rose sugar together; in t tore's uot a in all tho a In tin· Crearr) State them, wight buy a Marble or Uraulti Mnnu- rluingr pre-eiit location of -aid highway oionηΐ!ηυι··Ι I) cafe au lait. newsboy."—Topeka Journal. and to le the hill* In X »ne jj^nuine unlr.t my -ifnatuie. Α Ν thu t I admire m«»ro than tLo menl or < emttery Work n( any irra >ald highway In aome IMxfleM', Mm .11, I Ο Emerson Piano capital ~ vn 1 Co., kln< 1 ni.til 1SVK.VTIGATK portion- thereof. \Vlier·-I'll your |>etltloner» J. I». .IWllS-l· Κι;«. Ι.κμονλοκ.—Take one A MATTER OF DOUBT. heroism of tho mail in a you 116 St.. Boston, D egg, (two n»*:iety young prav that after due procr* liny* had, your Hon bits woman was uralile Poard will a time an I if preferred), sugar, of ice, and the Λ standing iu the front box a h>x in a Washington appoint place an·! «»τιτι or ηtm Walt.*«h party, jNow view -aid and ils Λ*·-. MJ Fifth .%»«.. highway tnakc »uch change·, ..I -· I Hi s»*f the testimonials written juice of oue lemon, aud "shake" thor- door of the West Virginia cabin when 1 theater wil hold fonr rsons comfort* CDUSTl Of OXFORD you j jh teratlon- and m ulr» In paid highway a* may U· 'f*r » It It .%<·«♦. KI WTOHM of Add water, or soda water to robe to and she sa- lh»apl of < ounty CoDimlMlorirr a who have been cured oughly. up it, saluting her, and « tlioso fonr two can s«v 1er mod l>y >ou that tunvenlraee ami 1 i> Πιβ Grîto OyspeDSia Cur! Ci., EE* by people ably, only White Bronze. |iulillr «Ion, 1»··', Ιμ ΙΊ lijr .vlj.'urnmi nt till the luted me in return. t'CTCMiU.· may various diseases bv Hood's glass. on on require. I Γι >S IIm* fon'Knlnif iN-tttlori. Nalonili», M·., U ».*. Sartaparilla? what's poil Γ tho stng·· well. It I· inurli niorr Arllitlr mid Kmlnr· Dltuil till· ind of Λ. I» l>SS -i u""'~ the for if need "iJocs William live here?" I da> Mvy. •lencn having ti«ea n-»el\r«l th:»i ti.· They point way you yuu K<;r. be made as Mixley as se« a box mill mnrli Lot \ 8 ΒΚΛ Ν et al». :■ '·· Κ«»γ >»al#· «il 2"»r. Γιιο8Ι·ιιλτκ.—May So far iiig tho play goes, 1η(. Kiptnilvt. an; ami that ln.|iilr> 'f' hy •lrmari'»t>*. prk*. a medicine. | asked. n-i*|K>u*IUIe. tK'' good above, acid iuetead of ι «•at is tho «irst in tho house. Then the of their nt I r r- using phosphate she "What do λ| application tM>x|>e '•John, I do believe the has swal- want uv him?" average jiarty up |U A STATE OK MAIN Κ. tloiial II. m* lu I >| \ 111 -. \ V. A. MUHlim, Ko lis f'»r consti- baby driuks may be made at home also, with ti··· !■-k. « * he a walnut tree full mon and women, and llU CRUMBLING. Au*. ao, I8D6. at ten of "J lowed collar button." "It won't "Hasn't for sale?" eight μ joiirri or ha. " t South I'arU, Sir your fruit syrups for flavoring. oxfoud, thence |>rocec |»!β. hear of tlx· an-l their wii book at and be trying to crawl under the bureau mended for breakfast aud luncheon in ι—well, tako n(t paitle» your iown UPON' the iMtltion, *atlrfa< e\l I»· hal that I" Work by bread and fruit to make the looking of tho lca< ing shoulder, and reaponalble, Inquiry Into I he tier an the ronitiil-'lnner» «hall Ju«lp· ! Thiw Uw Honrs. up necessary lady's Prices to suit all. Work delivered every· t* of j ''· '·'· 4aajk' MM t.. -· hiai'f! CO "I aiu't lookiu' for him." their application la It 1m ·»κ It I* further ohi»»:rki>. that η.·ϋ· <>ttv l'*'r «»χι·η. bciaa. bulk for the is an excellent when tho "Oh, Mr. where. Write for ητιΊ Informa- expedient, stomach, [chaperon says, denlgna )l:KKI), that the l ount% Cotnml-i-ioner* mit ami of theconiml" "■'· '1.* Tliw < .it< "He hasn't left the has he?" tion. Cost- to place tmrpo»e breakfast for a hot aud a country," so not we- nothing Investigate. it the Hotel of A. H llenn at Wc-t afore-iihl U· t·· all ■>' h mu ►'*!·«* t'alve* morning; Brown, I'm afraid y« .rk-r·«■»·»*·I n»M in-tition. au-l of thiit <>x art Hay Rai'k. luncheon has been above.—The SON, Agents. n» ! vas we Partorla. given am. I can si-e 'tew the route mentioned In oaln the re.iuertlre «-(H-aj' plain Kitchen gone papa's." Parla, Malar. nedlatelv which χ lew a ·: w New England Magazine. after hearing of Mexico a ti· t l'en» ami iln> |m.-i. S. i. II.PKR. and Waice* course for It's s-nbliino, I it'H awo ---■·■ ■ ■ null Peking Ironing. When she vu a *h«* criM for Caatoria. "Then of say; inspir- he and their wttne*»e- ι..» u- M.iinc. Η Κ BSC ttukl, you're looking patties will I»· had at I'Uiiiir place» in eacri oi »aio No. 4 IHil South Part*. KH>KI». min' « »x ; |yr' him back. Old man tiullion is to l«mk as if convenient In the and e«l κ In tit When ah* Irt'âm» ah* to CWorla AFFAIRS OF THE your ing. Tlioy manago pl.v-e vicinity throe week *urre»i>lveJy <-we Mi», clung HOUSEHOLD. actually ueh other measure* taken In l'a»!-. In isn't and he lives m mile were It 'β E. W, the premise· ocrat, a Mwnpaiw nrlntr·! at The father, he, only they njoying themselves. CHANDLER, l« the it When ahe had Children, ab« far· them Caatoria. thinnest glass tumbler or goblet coraml-odooer* «hall judge proper. And ty oftlxfonl. the nrvt ..f -al l |.«ι· or so down the road?"' wonderful an amount of broken I II tuilfcei thai nta«Ie, -·μ·-ι iB. may be in the hotte>t water without ihat OWiHtlil», notice of the time, each of the other notice*, to he ">· put him wj dace tul of -j: tti" "Yes, but 1 aiu't looking for :uid a starched pur|>o»e the comniNflonei n* po»to«l, at Irait thirty .lav» U-fon- fear or if it is laid in heart pressed profanity foresaid lie meeting injury sideways. back." siij] given to all pepnuu* aner*<>ii- a ui cover I Ion* an 1 -1 * i:1l' or front Finish ar For company breakfast the usual shirt anyway.—Wash- Builders' Interested, by causing alte-ted of thm- then ami then' this time I had copie·· may ap|* ■··" 1 not?" And by ?n\ ahl and of thl* order "I family luucbeon hominy boiled and "Why Post I will fumli-h noons an·I WINDOWS of |x-titlon, thereon, to be If any they have, why the jintyer All to think the woman was a little ingtoii erve«l ii|M>n the clerk of the town of tloner* I*: or at In ι·<4 begun Size Style reasonable price·. Hcthel, »hol irrantc·! < Λ sweetened, moulded in· medium-sized aid ηη·1 al-o M AN seem rather amused daft. County povted up in three nub ΑΤΠΜΤ:—CIlARLfcH Y \\ 1111 Cobwigger—Vou ! Ic ·>'''"u cups, and served very cool with Mil r Arranged. nlace* in «aid town, an«l puhll-hcd three A true of »al·! »η·Ι opler over of wife's whipped "Caste he's down to see If ropy |M'tltlon the idea your wearing | gone pap " reck* In the Oxford a cream, makes a very acceptable course said Also Window & Door Frames. *ucce*Mvcly IVniorint, thereon. ~ Smith—You'd be amused about a he stole from him "I'd like to go to tho races, ew«pa|ier at In «ahl XN.Clirk· bloomers. for dessert. hog says pap print»*! I'ari*. County of I ΑΤΤΚβΤ·'—CilARI.KH V. WHITM is of kind of Klnteh for Inatde or ixford, the llr*t of-al l an\K»»HI», «M \t a l.omt ..f experience fifty years something parts." mytliing on hand for Ca«b. o»ted, at Ua-l thirty before nald <>f <»xi"r>1' dow will mitigate the fly nuisance. lier and Shingles Cheap day* lime oil I*arl«. within an-l for the < «aint» combine*! with modern invention basket and it into her I had heard of Mr. Gullion on several iccUng, to tii·· end that all |Μ·ι>κ>η« ami ΙνΛ ernptUd lap. This is worth the sum- Hviu unsoph lsticated." cor|M>rw the thlnl of M..r Λ I» and remembering by ion* may tlien an Ν »w, mer boarder who finds her- "Tliat nee·!Su't you." Planing, Sawing Work. »u«e, If any thev have, the of Ktttloti ltU" frequently brief seemed much less why prayer t>ald of Uu· entnte of JOHN MII.I KR, USE IT IN TIME. self not explanations, of cos- etttioner* should not lie «runle·I I. only live miles from a lemon, "Is there ny iiarticu'ar stylo In »*M Coiinty. ftVf· daft than Art»>T r—CII A R LKS V. WHITM Clerk. lirownlleM, i^lK» starts in the nasal but an distance from window previously. E. W. AN, for llwiit to *ell ami convey in hi» Catarrh passages, equal turne that's CHANDLER, A true copy of wild and of : Inj: V' l!' i t]|ppropriatei" |>etitlou order court LiU· to intM eMnie aiei •if·11 affecting eyes, ears aud throat, and is in screeus. "Yea; just wear a worried look Wed Sumner. ... Maine 1 icreoti. l-elou)flii/ GOLD CLARION "Aren't rather In- yotj A TTUT '—CI IA Itl.KS r. of mucous Women who you starting Clerk. fact, the great enemy the have only very hard early," And trousers Jiat have fringe at the bot· WHITMAN. j membrane. colds in the head water in which to wash their face and quired the visitor, "to put that young Neglected and eve will think tliat yon hands of forward as a candidate for torn, ■ybody FOB HALE, nge almost caus- will Hud that such water is much boy yours "— ■" ■ invariably precede catarrh, are on old h of the In the Ox for I Democrat, iinut·"1 United States Senator ?" "You don't aqucnter place. Or, tor a Farm. an excessive flo w of mucus, and if improved for toilet usee if it is boiled Exchange at a I'ruhate Court t| ing Dela- Star. they may appear J" *.n the and stood iu the suu for three or know my ambitioo," said the fond Washington The *uli*erlbrr at on tiie thlpl of Αρπ )f the >«esî market. Made in the mucous discharge becomes inter- four will *ell or exchange for a farm, Part», Tuewlay ^ "f mean that te ami « for wood or coal or with our F.unous Kt muvable Dockaah the results of ca- The water is softened the ware parent proudly, he following properties nine o'clock lu tl>e forenoon, »«o|* I every style rupted disagrteible days. by naine »h·»"'· The Iioukc, >·tai>le and an the (irate. If not fur sale in do not a air sun. shall be elected before his lot, known the llerxcy any they have, why your locality, pay larger on in- tarrh will follow, such as bad breath, action of the and A large eightieth Alum a* has been in com- FRAZER AXLE tlie profit ajmedicino roperty. op(»o«tte Congregational chun-li. ferior makes as as but ask us where across or a be nd the Λ.»·ιω·>Ν· represented "just good." to get the severe pain forehead and about pitcherful larger quantity may birthday." mou use 800 It is "Howe" rtorc aad lot nmr the raiiroao «BO. 1 yean. — fo«1 nearly MiittiwtrMi atlon, all In the A true best. Mode and warranted by the a roaring and sound in made at one time. Tillage eorporation of Houth copy—attot w*1u. ^'Wr eyes, buzzing ready found in nidny quarter· of the world, nnrior aria. ALKRRT Π. PARK, the ears and oftentimes a very offensive Hood's rills cure all liver ills, relieve For further J Incorporated '894. «000 » IISKOR HâML Basket-woven duck is In demand indaerenl lkrietiee an known to com- particular* cttll at the bouae or tivfuP1 CO., MMM, discharge. Ely's Cream Balm is the ac- great constipation and assist digestion. 23 . ifclreaa aw at âonth l'art*, Maine. for vests. knowledged cure for these troubles. fancy ceuU. sSub^Sml 6"tASE ALttlUM UKKSBT 8 END