Birds of the Mad River Ranger District, Six Rivers National Forest, California
WESTEt BIRDS Volume 29, Number 2, 1998 BIRDS OF THE MAD RIVER RANGER DISTRICT, SIX RIVERS NATIONAL FOREST, CALIFORNIA JOHN E. HUNTER, USDA Forest Service, Six Rivers National Forest, 1330 BayshoreWay, Eureka,California 95501 GJON C. HAZARD, Department of Wildlife, HumboldtState University,Arcata, California 95521 The Mad River RangerDistrict (MRRD) of the Six RiversNational Forest (SRNF)is locatedin northwesternCalifornia (Figure 1). We compileddata on the statusand distribution of the birdsof thisarea for threeprimary reasons. First,except for collectingtrips to SouthFork Mountain and nearby areas in the 1930s (Grinnelland Miller 1944), thisarea hasbeen littlestudied (Harris 1996). Whilethe MRRD wasincluded by Harris(1991, 1996), we soughtto providemore detailed information for a uniquearea. Second, we hopedto provideresource managers and otherswith localstatus and distribution data. Much of our data has been gleanedfrom obscuresources not generally accessibleto mostworkers. While more detailed distribution and life history dataare neededfor mostspecies, this report can serve as a startingpoint for furthermanagement considerations and research.Third, while the MRRD containsseveral noteworthy birding areas in Humboldt(e.g., Mount Lassic and BlakeMountain) and Trinity(e.g., RuthLake, HettenshawValley, and Ant Point)counties, the isolationof thisarea relativeto populationcenters hasresulted in relativelylittle recreational birdwatching to date.We hopethis report will stimulateothers to explorethe MRRD and other portionsof interior northwestern
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