in the

Cause: British attempts to end Cause: Declaration of Independence salutary neglect led many colonists to declaring the colonies independent of believe the British government was British control violating their rights as Englishmen 1776 Platform: Continued colonial status Platform: The establishment of as part of the British Empire colonial governments independent of British control Notable Members: Joseph Brant, Thomas Hutchinson Notable Members: Sam Adams, , , George Fundamental Ideology: Continued membership in the British Empire would provide protection and Fundamental Ideology: Social economic success. contract theory of government, rule by consent of the government ...... Patriots Loyalist ...... 1783 ......

1787 U.S. Constitution The population divided into those who feared anarchy more than tyranny and therefore favored the ratification of the Constitution, and those who feared tyranny more than anarchy and therefore opposed ratification.)

Cause: Weaknesses of the Articles of Cause: Submission of the United Confederation threatened the stability States Constitution to the states for of the United States necessitating the ratification need for a more powerful central government. Platform: Reject the Constitution because of too much power being Platform: Ratification of the Constitu- placed in the hands of the central tion was essential for the survival of government. the United States. Notable Members: Sam Adams, Notable Members: Alexander Hamil- Patrick Henry, ton, , , , John Adams Fundamental Ideology: Too much power in the hands of a central govern- Fundamental ideology: A strong ment would lead to tyranny. A Bill of central government was necessary to Rights was necessary to protect individ- protect propertied interests and the ual liberty from the power of a central country as a whole from anarchy. government...... ...... anti-federalist

Election of 1796 Development of the “First System” as candidates identified themselves as either or Democratic-Republicans.

Cause: Challenges to the power of the Cause: The continued growth of the federal government and fear of anarchy, federal government not warranted by desire to continue pro-British policies and the Constitution (establishment of the support for manufacturing and commerce Bank of the United States, assumption Platform: Contain the attempted of state debts, etc.) encroachment on federal power, establish better economic relations with Great Platform: Limiting the power of the Britain, and support economic expansion federal government and returning of manufacturing and commerce power to the states

Notable Members: Alexander , Notable Members: Thomas Jeffer- John Adams, son, James Madison,

Ideology: The future of the country rests Ideology: That government is best on manufacturing and commerce. The United States Government must have the which governs least. Democratic/Re- power to protect the country from foreign publicans envision a nation of small attack and internal rebellion. farmers and are more afraid of tyranny than anarchy. They favored rule by the educated common man...... federalist ...... Democrat-Republicans......

Revolution of 1800 Precedent established for the peaceful transition of power between the opposing parties, Federalists who lost, and the Jeffersonian Republicans who won.

Cause: Challenges to the power of the Cause: The continued growth of the federal government and fear of anarchy, federal government not warranted by desire to continue pro-British policies and the Constitution (establishment of the support for manufacturing and commerce Bank of the United States, assumption of state debts, etc.) Platform: Contain the attempted encroachment on federal power, establish better economic relations with Great Platform: Limiting the power of the Britain, and support economic expansion federal government and returning of manufacturing and commerce power to the states

Notable Members: , Notable Members: Thomas Jeffer- John Adams, John Marshall son, James Madison, Aaron Burr

Ideology: The future of the country rests Ideology: That government is best on manufacturing and commerce. The which governs least. Democratic/Re- United States Government must have the power to protect the country from foreign publicans envision a nation of small attack and internal rebellion. farmers and are more afraid of tyranny than anarchy. They favored rule by the educated common man...... federalist ...... Democrat-Republicans......

Election of 1820 The death of Party, largely due to the and the “Era of Good Feeling.”

Cause: Death of the partially as a result of the Hartford Convention, “Era of Good Feeling” following the

Platform: Limited power of the national government, compromise on the issue of slavery ()

Notable Members: James Monroe, , ,

Ideology: Begins to split into two major groups: some continue to favor a nation of small farmers and limited powers for the national government; others favor Henry Clay’s American System composed of a Second Bank of the United States, protective tariffs, and federally funded ...... Democrat-Republicans......

Election of 1824 Known as the “corrupt bargain”, the election was decided in the U.S. House of Representatives because no candidate received a majority of electoral votes. The election of 1824 gave testimony to the fact that regional factions were developing within the Democratic Party.)

Cause: Death of the Federalist Party and growing sectional divisions within the Republican Party

Platform: Regional platforms espoused by regional candidates

Notable Members: John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, William Crawford

Ideology: Regional variations

...... Democrat-Republicans......

Election of 1828 Jeffersonian Democrats divide into Demo- crats and National Republicans.

Cause: Dissension within the Republi- Cause: Regional difference within the can Party and resentment over the Republican Party, National Republi- outcome of the election of 1824 cans principally favored northern manufacturing and commercial inter- Platform: Favored limited govern- ests ment, an end to protective tariffs, extension of voting privileges to the Platform: Federally funded internal common man improvements, protective tariffs, re-chartering of the Bank of the United Notable Members: Andrew Jackson, States John C. Calhoun, Notable Members: John Quincy Ideology: Favored rule by the Adams, Henry Clay, Nicholas Biddle, common man, limited federal govern- John Marshall ment, state funded internal improve- ments Ideology: Believed a strong national government was necessary to promote a national market economy and preserve domestic stability ...... Democrats National...... Republicans

Election of 1836 The election of 1856 marks the beginning of the Second American Party System com- posed of Democrats and Whigs.

Cause: Jackson “killing” of the Bank of Cause: Jackson’s retirement and the the United States, Democratic opposi- desire to continue to implement his tion to protective tariff and internal policies improvement initiatives Platform: Rejection of re-charter of Platform: Chartering of a Third Bank of the Second Bank of the United State, the United States, high protective tariffs, lower the protective tariff, continue to federally funded internal improvements, oppose federally funded internal support for commerce and manufactur- improvements, continue advocacy of ing , support for the institution of slavery Notable Members: Henry Clay, , William Henry Harrison Notable Members: Martin Van Buren Ideology: Believed in a powerful Ideology: Limited government, national government that would create a opposition to the Bank of the United national market economy through States, federally funded internal protective tariffs, federally funded improvements and protective tariffs, internal improvements, and sound support for loose-money policy ...... money policies of a central bank Democrats ...... whigs

Election of 1856 The election of 1856 signaled the beginning of the “Third American Party System” composed of Democrats and Republicans. It also showed strong indications that the Republican Party was a northern sectional party.

Cause: Disintegration of the Whig Cause: Increased sectional tension as Party after the Compromise of 1850 a result of the formation of the Repub- and the Kansas-Nebraska Act lican Party in 1854 Platform: Free soil (banning the Platform: Pro-slavery, a southern extension of slavery into the territo- route for the transcontinental railroad, ries), a northern route for a transconti- expansion of slavery into the territo- nental railroad, protective tariffs ries, support for the Compromise of 1850(particularly the tougher Fugitive Notable Members: John C. Frémont, Slave Law) , William Seward

Notable Members: Stephan Doug- Ideology: Powerful national govern- las, James Buchannan ment with the authority to regulate slavery, support for a protective tariff, Ideology: Slavery was legal in all parts federally funded internal improve- of the country; states had the rights of ments, belief in the theory of perpetu- nullification and secession (compact al union theory of government)...... Democrats ...... republicans

Cause: Opposition to immigra- tion

Platform: Immigration restric- tion

Notable Members: Martin Van Buren, Millard Fillamore

Ideology: Opposition to immi- gration, particularly Roman Catholic immigration ...... Know-nothings

Election of 1860 The election of 1860 witnessed the splintering of the Democratic Party into three factions and confirmation that the Republican Party was a northern sectional party. Cause: Fear of Republican (northern/- Cause: Fear of the breakup of the free soil) control of the national Union government Platform: Uphold the Constitution Platform: Uphold the Dred Scott (the platform of the Constitutional decision (protection of slavery), Union Party decried platforms as enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law, useless). acquisition of Cuba, completion of a transcontinental railroad Notable Members: John Bell Notable Members: Stephen Douglas Ideology: Follow the Constitution. Ideology: Limit the power of the national government, pursue territorial acquisition, and oppose protective tariffs ...... (northern) democrat Constitutional ...... Union

Cause: Fear of northern politician’s Cause: Desire to end slavery (Stephen Douglas) commitment to the preservation of slavery Platform: Prohibition of slavery, free homesteads on the Great Plains, Platform: Preservation of slavery, completion of a transcontinental enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law, railroad, protective tariff, support for acquisition of Cuba immigrants, and daily mail service

Notable Members: John Brecken- Notable Members: Abraham Lincoln, ridge William Seward

Ideology: Preservation of property Ideology: End slavery, have the rights (slavery) national government promote economic growth through protective tariff and the encouragement of western settlement...... (southern) democrat ...... republicans

Election of 1876 The election was decided in the United States Senate due to contested electoral votes from four states.

Cause: Desire to regain control of the Cause: Continued control of the nation- national government and end Recon- al government and key patronage struction positions

Platform: End of Reconstruction, civil Platform: Permanent pacification of the service reform, loose-money policy, South, protective tariff, hard-money lower tariffs, Asian immigration restric- policy, civil service reform, support for tion, end to land grants to businesses, veterans (G.A.R.), end to land grants for financial restraint on the part of the businesses, Asian immigration restriction federal government Notable Members: Rutherford B. Notable Members: Samuel Tilden, Hayes, James G. Blaine, Roscoe Conk- Winfield Hancock ling

Ideology: Favored a loose-money Ideology: Support for big business policy, tariff reductions, and a reduc- (laissez-faire attitude toward regulation), tion of the power of the central protective tariff, hard-money policy, government continued support for veterans ...... Democrats ...... republicans

Election of 1892 Rising discontent, particularly from southern and western agrarian interests led to the development of a significant third party challenge.

Cause: Hope to retain patronage, concern Cause: Attempt to regain control of the over growing discontent of the disadvan- national government, rising discontent of taged the disadvantaged, desire to control patronage Platform: (high tariffs), bi-metallism, denunciation of racial discrimi- Platform: Reduced federal spending and nation in the South, admission of Arizona power, civil service reform, lower tariffs, and New Mexico as states, workers’ com- bi-metallism, admission of New Mexico pensation for railroad workers, strong navy, and Arizona as states, workers’ compensa- territorial expansion, support for the Monroe tion for railroad workers, strong navy, Doctrine, a Nicaraguan canal, civil service home rule for the Irish, business regula- reform, home rule for the Irish, veteran tion, and support for a Nicaraguan canal benefits, and denunciation of anti-Jewish programs Notable Members: , William Jennings Bryan Notable Members: , Theodore Roosevelt Ideology: Favored lower tariffs, “easy” money, civil service reform, and reduced Ideology: Continued pro-business leaning, power for the federal government support for high tariffs, tight money policy, continued support for a powerful national ...... government Democrats ...... republicans

Cause: Rising discontent in agricultural regions, perceived exploitation of workers and farmers by big business, growing gap in income distribution

Platform: Government ownership of utilities, free and unlimited coinage of silver, graduated income tax, lower tariffs, direct election of Senators, immigration restriction, one-term limit for presidents, eight-hour day, increased regulation of big business, and increased power of the federal government (to combat the power of big business)

Notable Members: James B. Weaver, Mary Elizabeth Lease, Ignatius Donnelly

Ideology: Strengthen the power of the federal government, a more equitable distribution of wealth, increased control of the government by the people ...... people’s party

Election of 1912 The election of 1912 saw the Republican Party splinter into two groups which disagreed on the scope and function of progressive reform.

Cause: Absence from power and a desire Cause: Desire to maintain control of the to move the country in a more progressive federal government and patronage, fear of direction the impact of excesses of progressivism on business and commerce Platform: New Freedom (tougher anti-trust laws that would eliminate trusts), Platform: Protection of public health, limits ratification of the sixteenth and seven- on child and women’s labor, workers’ com- teenth amendments, banning of corporate pensation, a strong protective tariff, a central campaign donations, opposition to a bank controlled by the federal government, central bank, establishment of a banning of corporate campaign contribu- cabinet-level department of labor, federal tions, strengthened navy, immigration flood control efforts in the Mississippi restriction, and federal flood control efforts River Valley, and independence for the in the Valley Philippines Notable Members: Notable Members: Woodrow Wilson, Champ Clark Ideology: Support for big business through protective tariffs, centralized banking system Ideology: More equitable distribution of controlled by the federal government, wealth, stronger anti-trust laws, increasing immigration restriction, strengthening U.S. the democratization of the political military might ...... process, tariffs for revenue only Democrats ...... republicans

Cause: The perception that William Howard Taft had failed to carry out the reform agenda the Roosevelt legacy demanded

Platform: Favors initiative, referendum, and recall, women’s suffrage, limits on campaign spending, social welfare legisla- tion (workers’ compensation, prohibition of child labor, eight-hour workday), firm regulation of big business, support for a protective tariff (but a downward revision of said tariff)

Notable Members: Theodore Roosevelt, Hiram Johnson, Gifford Pinchot

Ideology: Support for “new nationalism” that believed that a natural consequence of the capitalist system was the consolidation of business, government regulation and social welfare legislation was necessary to protect the public from potential abuses by big business ...... bull moose party

Election of 1920 Republican victory in the election of 1920 signaled a “return to normalcy” which meant not a return to the pre-war era of progressiv- ism but a return to the pro-business attitude of the Gilded Age.

Cause: Absence from power and the Cause: Debate over the ratification of the League of Nations and a desire to desire to contest progressive reform continue progressive reform Platform: Opposition to U.S. involve- ment in the League of Nations, Platform: U.S. participation in the support for a protective tariff, sup- League of Nations, reduction in the port for ratification of the nineteenth cost of living, a tariff for revenue only, amendment, opposition to further support for ratification of the nine- anti-trust legislation, support for teenth amendment (women’s immigration restriction suffrage), improved highways, pro-la- bor stance Notable Members: Warren G, Harding, , Herbert Notable Members: Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt Hoover

Ideology: Support for progressive Ideology: Belief in a protective reform, active involvement in world tariff, pro-business (anti-regulation) affairs, continued support for labor attitude, immigration restriction, and for the regulation of big business reduced U.S. presence in world ...... Democrats ...... republicans

Election of 1932 The election of 1932 was the last election in which the Republican Party gained a majority of African-American votes signaling the beginning of a significant party realignment which would be confirmed in the election of 1936.

Cause: Attempts to rebound from the Cause: The Great Depression and the Great Depression which many Ameri- desire to regain power lost a decade cans blamed on the Hoover Administra- ago tion Platform: Revenue tariff, unemploy- Platform: Self-liquidating public works ment relief, public works projects, projects, a high protective tariff, local old-age insurance (social security), responsibility for relief efforts, support strengthening of business regulations, for enforcement of the eighteenth repeal of the eighteenth amendment, amendment, immigration restriction disavowal of the Roosevelt Corollary- Notable Members: Herbert Hoover, Notable Members: Franklin Roos- Calvin Coolidge evelt, Al Smith, Eleanor Roosevelt Ideology: Pro-business, anti-regulatory Ideology: Belief that it is a primary stance, continued support for a high function of the national government to protective tariff, support for immigration maintain economic stability restriction, belief in limiting interference in the economy by the federal govern- ...... ment Democrats ...... republicans

Election of 1952 In 1952 moderate Republicans gained control which meant the party was going to accept many New Deal reforms, including the notion that it was a primary function of the federal government to regulate the economy, while slowing down the pace of change.

Cause: Desire to slow progressive Cause: Desire to continue progressive reform, desire to play an increased role in reform, desire to regain control after world affairs twenty-years out of power

Platform: Resist communist expansion, Platform: Reduced government inter- engage in collective security, support for ference in the economy, loyalty program the United Nations, repeal of the for federal workers, collective security, Taft-Hartley Act, support for an equal support for Israel, protection of civil rights amendment, expansion of social rights, support for an equal rights security, urban renewal, statehood for amendment, retention of the Taft-Hart- Alaska and Hawaii, protection of civil ley Act, statehood for Alaska and Hawaii rights

Notable Members: Adlai Stevenson, Notable Members: Dwight D. Eisen- Hubert Humphrey hower, Robert Taft, Douglas MacArthur

Ideology: Communism, more equitable Ideology: Limited government involve- distribution of income, federal govern- ment in the economy, reduced regula- ment commitment to stabilizing the tion of big business, containment of economy and creating full employment communism, buildup of national ...... defense systems Democrats ...... republicans

Election of 1960 The election of 1960 foreshadowed the breakup of the solidly Democratic South.

Cause: Continued control of the execu- Cause: Desire to regain power and continue progressive reform, fear of the tive branch and continued resistance to partnership between big business and social welfare legislation government Platform: Commitment to an anti-com- Platform: Increase diversity and mobility munist stance, rejection of “artificial in defense systems, foreign aid to devel- growth” (stimulating the economy oping countries, immigration reform, low through government spending), com- income housing, Medicare, federal aid to mitment to a full program of civil rights, education, commitment to full civil rights social security expansion, opposition to program federal aid to education, opposition to Notable Members: John F. Kennedy, Red China entry into the U.N. Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey Notable Members: , Ideology: Commitment to civil rights, flexible response, social welfare legisla- tion, greater federal commitment to aid Ideology: Limited role of the federal disadvantaged people government in the economy, strong commitment to anti-communism, limita- ...... tions on social welfare programs Democrats ...... republicans Election of 1964 The election of 1964 represented two significant revelations to the American party system. First, it represented a rejection of extreme conservatism signaling acceptance of many of the New Deal’s social initiatives. Second, it represented a funda- mental shift in party loyalties with southern conservatives abandoning the Democratic Party and gravitating toward the Republican Party. The solidly Democratic South would be no more.

Cause: The assassination of John F. Kennedy Cause: Fear of continued movement toward created a desire in the Democratic Party to “national socialism”, fear of a lessening fulfill his legacy and expand social welfare commitment to pursue anti-communist programs. activities, fear of continue intrusion of the federal government into the economy Platform: Condemnation of extremism, continued support for the war in Vietnam, commitment to overwhelming nuclear superi- Platform: Continued commitment to ority, commitment to racial and gender limited government involvement in the equality, willingness to pursue “peaceful economy and to the free enterprise system, coexistence” with the Soviet Union, total tougher policy toward the spread of commu- commitment to social welfare programs nism, opposition to the recognition of Red including the “war on poverty”, commitment to China, commitment to powerful national space exploration defense Notable Members: Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Robert Kennedy Notable Members: Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Rockefeller, George Ideology: Full commitment to the federal Romney government’s pursuit of social welfare and civil rights, continued government regulation of big Ideology: Continued support for a strong business, continued believe in the responsibili- national defense, limited government ty of the federal government to manage the involvement in the economy, continued economy, firm commitment to defending South opposition to increased social welfare ...... Vietnam and Berlin spending Democrats ...... republicans

Election of 1968 The election of 1968 signaled the movement of the American public to a more conserva- tive stance over Vietnam, civil rights, social welfare, and law and order issues.

Cause: Desire to maintain control of the Cause: Dissatisfaction with the progress of the federal government in order to pursue social war effort in Vietnam, growing concern over welfare programs, civil rights progress, and a public protest and lawlessness, concern over the limited war in Vietnam growing militancy of the civil rights movement, and dissatisfaction with federal spending on Platform: Continuation of the war on poverty social welfare programs led Republicans to and expansion of social welfare programs anticipate a strong showing in 1968 (including urban renewal), continued interna- tionalism, negotiation to end the war in Platform: Urban renewal, law and order, state Vietnam, job training for those displaced by options on lowering the voting age, support for automation, constitutional amendment private health insurance, no foreign aid to lowering the voting age to eighteen, and lean countries hostile to the U.S., de-Americanization air and water legislation of the war in Vietnam, and peace with honor

Notable Members: Hubert Humphrey, Robert Notable Members: Richard Nixon, Nelson Kennedy, Eugene McCarthy Rockefeller, George Romney

Ideology: Continued expansion of social Ideology: Place more power in the hands of welfare programs, peaceful co-existence with state governments, federal assistance for big the Soviet Union, continued federal govern- business, reduction in social welfare spending, ment control of the economy, and federal and a hardline foreign policy stance toward the mandate and responsibility for ecological Soviet Union improvement ...... Democrats ...... republicans

Cause: The desire to maintain segrega- tion, fear of political unrest and lawless- ness, desire to eliminate social welfare spending

Platform: Place power in the hands of state and local authorities, condemnation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, elections for Supreme Court justices, federal enforce- ment of “law and order”, improved Medi- care assistance, expansion of Social Security, a military conclusion to the war in Vietnam if negotiations fail

Notable Members: George Wallace, Curtis LeMay

Ideology: Support for law and order (opposition to civil rights and anti-war protests), opposition to desegregation, support for a military conclusion to the war in Vietnam ...... american...... independents

Election of 1980 The election of 1980 confirmed a major swing to the right on the part of the American public.

Cause: Desire to maintain control of the federal government and move the country Cause: Dissatisfaction with stagflation and in a more progressive direction high interest rates as well as a perceived loss of U.S. prestige worldwide Platform: Support for consumer protec- tion and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Platform: Deregulation of industry, reduc- Health Administration), support for energy tion in environmental regulations, increases self-sufficiency, national health insurance, in defense spending, significant reductions strong support for environmental protec- in social welfare spending, a constitutional tion, support for the Equal Rights Amend- amendment prohibiting abortion, halt to ment, support for a comprehensive forced busing, and opposition to socialized national child care program, development medicine of a human rights diplomacy Notable Members: , Notable Members: Jimmy Carter, Walter George Bush, Alexander Haig Mondale Ideology: “Government is not the solution, Ideology: Continued support for social government is the problem”, deregulation welfare programs, support for energy of business, fewer environmental restrictions, self-sufficiency, national health insurance increased defense spending, “get tough” and child care, strong support for environ- policy toward the Soviet Union, significantly mental protection decreased social welfare spending ...... Democrats ...... republicans