200 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 29ra MAY, 1970 SCHEDULE dance at a grammar school to be at the discretion of the local education authority where it is satisfied that . Newcastle Urban District (part) the pupil's parents do not reside in its area and the Townlands in South Down Rural. District pupil is resident in the area solely or mainly for the purpose of receiving education. Burrenreagh (part), Tpllymore' Park (part), Moyad (part), in D.E.D. of Cross, Clonachullion, Tullybrani- gan, Ballaghbeg, Cock Mountain Common, Ballagh- anery Upper, Ballagbanery, Glasdrumman Upper, Mullartown Upper, Mourne Mountains East, Mourne Mountains Middle (part), Glasdrumman, Money- MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT dorragh More Upper, Ballyveagh More Upper, Bally- Notice is hereby given that the Ministry of Develop- veagh Beg Upper, Brackenagh East Upper, Bracken- ment in exercise of the powers conferred on it by agh West Upper, Carrigenagh Upper, Ballinran the Transport Act (N.I.) 1967, has made an Order Upper, Leitrim Upper, Moyad Upper, Attica], Bally- entitled the Transport Act (Dissolution of the Ulster mageogh (part), Moyad in D.E.D. of Ballinran, Lei- Transport Authority) Order (N.I.) 1970, No. 72. trim, Ballinran, Carrigenagh, Brackenagh West Brackenagh East, Ballyveagh Beg, Ballyveagh More, Copies of the Order which came into force on 7th Moneydorragh More, Mullartown, Moneydorragh April, 1970, may be obtained from the Government Beg, Ballymartin, Ballykeel and Maghereagh. Bookshop. 7 Linenhall Street, Belfast BT2 8AY. Townlands in Ncwry No. 1 Rural District Ballykeel (part), Lurgancahone (part). Drumgreenagh PLANNING ACTS (NORTHERN IRELAND) (part). Barnmeen (part), Tamary, Drumgath, Cullion, 1931 AND 1944 Cabra'gh, Croan, Ryan, Carrickcrossan, Bavan, Car- nany, Ballydoo, Ballydulany (part), Benagh Bally- Notice is hereby given that the Ministry of Develop- macraig (part), Ballyholland Lower, Derryleckagh, in exercise of its powers under section 2(6) of the Edenmore.
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