THE RACE FO R GOVE R NO R & ATT O R NEY GENE R AL: C AMPAI G N ROUND T ABLE 2006 • THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR A joint program of Milano and the Center for New York City Affairs at The New School. & ATTORNEY GENERAL 72 FIFTH AVENUE Campaign Roundtable 2006 NEW YORK, NY 10011 WWW.MILANO.NEWSCHOOL.EDU Wednesday, November 29, 2006 THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR AND AttORNEY GENERAL: CAMPAIGN ROUNDTABLE 2006 was made possible thanks to the generous support of Bernard L. Schwartz and the Dyson Foundation Milano also wishes to thanks the following for their help in planning and coordinating this event: Mark Halperin of ABC News; Mia Lipsit and Andrew White of the Center for New York City Affairs; Louis Dorff, Tracy Jackson, and Vandana Nagaraj of Milano; Daniel Morris and Caroline Oyama of The New School; and Gigi Georges, Molly Watkins, and Howard Wolfson of the Glover Park Group. This publication is available on the Web at: For further information or to obtain copies of this report, please contact: Center for New York City Affairs Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy 72 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 212.229.5418, fax 212.229.5335
[email protected] Edited Transcript Edited by Sarah Tobias Photographs: Don Pollard IFC THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR AND AttORNEY GENERAL: Campaign Roundtable 2006 Wednesday, November 29, 2006 THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR AND AttORNEY GENERAL: CAMPAIGN ROUNDTABLE 2006 TABLE OF CONTENts Dean’s Forward .