Network of Concerned Historians NCH Annual Report 2010 INTRODUCTION The sixteenth Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians (NCH) contains news about the domain where history and human rights intersect, especially about the censorship of history and the persecution of historians, archivists, and archaeologists around the globe, as reported by various human rights organizations and other sources. The fact that NCH presents this news does not imply that it shares the views and beliefs of the historians and others mentioned in it. The complete set of Annual Reports (1995–2010) was compiled by Antoon De Baets. Please send any comments to: <
[email protected]>. Please quote as: Network of Concerned Historians, Annual Report 2010 ( Network of Concerned Historians, Annual Report 2010 (August 2010) 2 ____________________________________________________________ AFGHANISTAN Last Annual Report entry: 2009. The failure to implement the 2005 Action Plan on Peace, Justice and Reconciliation and disband illegal armed groups allowed individuals suspected of serious human rights violations to stand for and hold public office. The Afghan government and its international supporters failed to institute proper human rights protection mechanisms ahead of the August 2009 elections. The elections were marred by violence and allegations of widespread electoral fraud. Despite a public outcry, President Karzai’s post re-election cabinet included several figures facing