Gbrowse Moby: a Web-Based Browser for Biomoby Services Mark Wilkinson*

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Gbrowse Moby: a Web-Based Browser for Biomoby Services Mark Wilkinson* Source Code for Biology and Medicine BioMed Central Software review Open Access Gbrowse Moby: a Web-based browser for BioMoby Services Mark Wilkinson* Address: Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, James Hogg iCAPTURE Centre for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research, St. Paul's Hospital, Rm. 166, 1081 Burrard St., Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1Y6, Canada Email: Mark Wilkinson* - * Corresponding author Published: 24 October 2006 Received: 08 July 2006 Accepted: 24 October 2006 Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2006, 1:4 doi:10.1186/1751-0473-1-4 This article is available from: © 2006 Wilkinson; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract Background: The BioMoby project aims to identify and deploy standards and conventions that aid in the discovery, execution, and pipelining of distributed bioinformatics Web Services. As of August, 2006, approximately 680 bioinformatics resources were available through the BioMoby interoperability platform. There are a variety of clients that can interact with BioMoby-style services. Here we describe a Web-based browser-style client – Gbrowse Moby – that allows users to discover and "surf" from one bioinformatics service to the next using a semantically-aided browsing interface. Results: Gbrowse Moby is a low-throughput, exploratory tool specifically aimed at non- informaticians. It provides a straightforward, minimal interface that enables a researcher to query the BioMoby Central web service registry for data retrieval or analytical tools of interest, and then select and execute their chosen tool with a single mouse-click. The data is preserved at each step, thus allowing the researcher to manually "click" the data from one service to the next, with the Gbrowse Moby application managing all data formatting and interface interpretation on their behalf. The path of manual exploration is preserved and can be downloaded for import into automated, high-throughput tools such as Taverna. Gbrowse Moby also includes a robust data rendering system to ensure that all new data-types that appear in the BioMoby registry can be properly displayed in the Web interface. Conclusion: Gbrowse Moby is a robust, yet facile entry point for both newcomers to the BioMoby interoperability project who wish to manually explore what is known about their data of interest, as well as experienced users who wish to observe the functionality of their analytical workflows prior to running them in a high-throughput environment. Background interoperability platform [4,5] is now used to expose The BioMoby Project [1-3] was initiated in late 2001 as an more than 680 bioinformatics data and analytical open-source initiative within the model organism data- resources throughout North America, Europe, and Asia, base and partner community with the goal of identifying with participants from South America and Australia now standards and/or conventions that would aid interopera- beginning to come on-line. bility between the diverse bioinformatics resources cur- rently available online. The BioMoby Web Service Page 1 of 8 (page number not for citation purposes) Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2006, 1:4 The interest in BioMoby-based services stems from its interacting with biological and bioinformatics data and ability to identify service providers that are capable of con- services. suming a particular in-hand data-type, manipulating it in a particular way, and producing a well-defined output In the following, we will describe the most salient and vis- data-type that can then be reliably and automatically con- ible features of this interface, as well as some less obvious sumed by another service provider without any further features that allow it to be accessed by third-party tools manipulation. Most of these discovery/execution proc- such as the Gbrowse package from the Generic Model esses can be fully automated, thus releasing the end-user Organism Database project (GMOD) [6], or to be used (biological researcher or bioinformatician) from the task transparently as a portal through easily-parsed Common of discovering the Web interface to their tool of interest, Gateway Interface (CGI) GET calls to the public interface. manually manipulating their data format to conform to that Web interface, and then copy/pasting the result from Implementation their browser. Gbrowse Moby is implemented as a Perl CGI script that can run under most Web servers. It requires a full installa- The BioMoby interoperability system consists of: tion of the BioMoby Perl code libraries [7], the Perl Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) resolution stack [8], and the • An ontology describing biological data entities (the Bio::Graphics::Browser::Util configuration module from Namespace ontology), for example, records from a partic- the Gbrowse package of GMOD [9]. Though Gbrowse ular database such as Protein Data Bank or GenBank. Moby can run entirely independently of the Gbrowse interface itself, the configuration required to link the • An ontology describing biological data structures (the Gbrowse on-screen widgets to the Gbrowse Moby inter- Object ontology), such as FASTA or Generic Feature For- face is described in detail in the Gbrowse package docu- mat. mentation. Look-and-feel are modified by editing the Gbrowse configuration file such that Gbrowse Moby can • An ontology describing bioinformatics service types (the have an identical appearance to Gbrowse itself. Service ontology), such as BLAST or ClustalW Results and discussion • A novel Web Service registry – Moby Central – that acts The search and execute interfaces as a "yellow pages", employing these ontologies to seman- The Gbrowse Moby interface is designed to facilitate one tically and syntactically match the needs of a service con- particular style of interaction with the BioMoby registry sumer with the appropriate service provider. and services – that is, the discovery of service providers based on a query of the MOBY Central registry focused on The interoperable behaviours observed between BioMoby the particular type of input data (i.e. a combination of service providers is achieved through all providers agree- Namespace and/or Object types) that is in-hand at any ing to use, or extend, the standard set of data entities and given point in the exploration process. As such, a brows- data structures defined in the Namespace and Object ing session must first be primed with some input data. In ontologies when designing their Web Services. Gbrowse Moby, this initializing data takes the form of an identifier for some type of database record. An initializa- To facilitate the exploration of BioMoby-compliant serv- tion screen is shown as the introductory page to assist in ices, a variety of client programs have been constructed. selecting the database domain (Namespace) of the identi- We present here the Gbrowse Moby client, a browser-style fier – what type of record is being identified – and the ID interface that enables the guided construction and step- number of that record. When the user clicks the "Explore" wise execution of analytical workflows. This is achieved button, a search is executed against MOBY Central to dis- through iterative discovery of all relevant services availa- cover services capable of providing more information ble as the potential next step in the workflow, followed by about that particular database record. execution of the selected service, and rendering of the results; result data can be automatically used to seed the To interpret the results of such a query, it is critical that next service discovery query. Gbrowse Moby was the first users be aware of a fundamental principle of the BioMoby Web portal to facilitate one-stop, interoperable access to environment – that is, that a Namespace is not tied to a hundreds of uncoordinated databases and analytical particular service provider. For example, the NCBI_gi tools, and remains one of the most frequently used gate- (GenBank) Namespace can be utilized by any service pro- ways into the BioMoby data and analytical space. The vider who claims to be capable of providing information Semantic Web Service browsing paradigm established by about a particular GenBank record, not just GenBank Gbrowse Moby represents a novel and powerful way of themselves. This foundational principle of the BioMoby platform allows third parties to provide additional infor- Page 2 of 8 (page number not for citation purposes) Source Code for Biology and Medicine 2006, 1:4 mation, of any type, for any given database record, and The results of a search against the Moby Central web-serv- thus dramatically expands the amount and type of data ice registry are presented as a list of compatible services in that can be discovered through BioMoby exploration. the Search Result screen (Fig 1A). Service descriptions include: After initialization, there are two displays that make up the Gbrowse Moby interface: the Service Search Result dis- • The name of the service play, and the Service Invocation Result display. These are shown in Figure 1A, and 1B respectively. These can be • The identification of the service provider – their configured to match the "look and feel" of the host web- "Authority" identifier site through a simple cascading style sheet and configura- tion file, based on the Gbrowse configuration file from • The service type ontology term – what type of analytical GMOD. operation the service provides TheFigure Search 1 Result Screen (A) and the Invocation Result Screen (B) of the Gbrowse Moby Web Service Browser The Search Result Screen (A) and the Invocation Result Screen (B) of the Gbrowse Moby Web Service Browser. (A) shows two services discovered using the search parameters: Namespace = "DragonDB_Allele", Identifier = "cho".
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