Simple Seismics for the Petroleum Geologist, the Reservoir Engineer, the Well- Log Analyst, the Processing Technician, and the Man in the Field
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Earth Sciences : Economic Geology Anstey, N.A. Simple Seismics for the petroleum geologist, the reservoir engineer, the well- log analyst, the processing technician, and the man in the field Springer This little book is different. It is written, primarily, for geologists, reservoir engineers, and log Softcover reprint of the analysts. Why? Because today's seismic method is more than a tool for reconnaissance 1st original 1st ed. 1982, 168 p. exploration, for finding structures; it has become a tool for studying the discovered reservoir-its edition extent, its barriers, its variations of thickness, and its trends of porosity. Today, the geophysicist, the geolog• ist, the engineer, and the log analyst can do great things together. Because the book is not written primarily for geophysi• cists, it can skip much of the "mechanics" of the Printed book seismic method. The reader who reaches the last page (bless him!) will not be able to practise Softcover the seismic method, but he will understand how the seismic method can help to solve his Printed book problems. It may also be of value to those practitioners of the seismic method-in the field or Softcover in the processing centre-who already know the mechanics of the method, but would like to ISBN 978-94-011-7456-5 take a broader view. 1 1 Seismics and Structure Of all the geophysical methods working from the surface, there is only one which is widely accepted for studies of individual petroleum $ 109,99 reservoirs-the seismic reflection method. We would dearly love to have something better, but Available alas ... Reduced to its essentials, the method is this: we make a bang, and we listen for echoes. Discount group Professional Books (2) Order online at Product category Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Contributed volume 233 Spring Street Other renditions New York, NY 10013 Softcover USA T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE ISBN 978-94-011-7455-8 (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 [email protected] Prices and other details are subject to change without notice. All errors and omissions excepted. Americas: Tax will be added where applicable. Canadian residents please add PST, QST or GST. Please add $5.00 for shipping one book and $ 1.00 for each additional book. Outside the US and Canada add $ 10.00 for first book, $5.00 for each additional book. If an order cannot be fulfilled within 90 days, payment will be refunded upon request. Prices are payable in US currency or its equivalent. ISBN 978-94-011-7456-5 / BIC: RBGL / SPRINGER NATURE: SCG17010 Part of .