British Journal of Anaesthesia 109 (1): 69–79 (2012) Advance Access publication 1 June 2012 . doi:10.1093/bja/aes171 Intraoperative fluids: how much is too much?

M. Doherty1* and D. J. Buggy1,2 1 Department of Anaesthesia, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, University College Dublin, Ireland 2 Outcomes Research Consortium, Cleveland Clinic, OH, USA

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Downloaded from

Summary. There is increasing evidence that intraoperative fluid therapy Editor’s key points decisions may influence postoperative outcomes. In the past, patients undergoing major surgery were often administered large volumes of † Both too little and excessive fluid during the intraoperative period can crystalloid, based on a presumption of preoperative and adversely affect patient outcome. nebulous intraoperative ‘third space’ fluid loss. However, positive perioperative fluid balance, with postoperative fluid-based weight gain, is associated with † Greater understanding of fluid increased major morbidity. The concept of ‘third space’ fluid loss has been kinetics at the endothelial glycocalyx emphatically refuted, and preoperative dehydration has been almost enhances insight into bodily fluid eliminated by reduced fasting times and use of oral fluids up to 2 h before distribution. operation. A ‘restrictive’ intraoperative fluid regimen, avoiding hypovolaemia † Evidence is mounting that fluid but limiting infusion to the minimum necessary, initially reduced major at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012 therapy guided by flow based complications after complex surgery, but inconsistencies in defining restrictive haemodynamic monitors improve vs liberal fluid regimens, the type of fluid infused, and in definitions of perioperative outcome. adverse outcomes have produced conflicting results in clinical trials. The † It is unclear whether crystalloid or advent of individualized goal-directed fluid therapy, facilitated by minimally fluids or a combination of both invasive, flow-based cardiovascular monitoring, for example, oesophageal produce the optimal patient outcome Doppler monitoring, has improved outcomes in colorectal surgery in and in what clinical context. particular, and this monitor has been approved by clinical guidance authorities. In the contrasting clinical context of relatively low-risk patients undergoing ambulatory surgery, high-volume crystalloid infusion (20–30 ml kg21) reduces postoperative and vomiting, dizziness, and pain. This review revises relevant physiology of body water distribution and capillary- tissue flow dynamics, outlines the rationale behind the fluid regimens mentioned above, and summarizes the current clinical evidence base for them, particularly the increasing use of individualized goal-directed fluid therapy facilitated by oesophageal Doppler monitoring. Keywords: fluid therapy; fluids, i.v.

Fluid therapy is fundamental to the practice of intraoperative various volumes and types of fluid therapy in different intra- anaesthesia, but the precise type, amount, and timing of its operative clinical contexts. Discussion of preoperative fluid administration is still the subject of extensive debate. Almost and continuing postoperative fluid therapy is all patients presenting for general anaesthesia will be admi- outside the scope of this review. nistered some form of i.v. fluid. Evidence is increasing that perioperative fluid therapy can affect important longer-term Physiology postoperative outcomes. Traditional practice involving intra- operative administration of large crystalloid fluid volumes Body water distribution to all patients are being challenged by recent evidence- Water comprises 60% of the lean body mass, 42 litres in a based, individualized goal-directed therapy (GDT). Although 70 kg man. Of this, about two-thirds are intracellular (28 many research questions about the balance of crystalloid litres); therefore, extracellular volume (ECV) comprises 14 and colloid fluid remain unanswered, current research is fo- litres. The extracellular compartment can be further divided cusing on gaining greater understanding of fluid movement into interstitial (11 litres) and plasma (3 litres) with small at the vascular barrier and how surgery and anaesthetic amounts of transcellular fluids, for example, intraocular, interventions can influence it in the intraoperative period. gastrointestinal secretion, and cerebrospinal fluid completing This review revises the relevant physiology underpinning the distribution (Fig. 1). These transcellular fluids are consid- body fluid distribution and capillary flow dynamics. It also ered anatomically separate and not available for water and discusses the current evidence-based rationale for using solute exchange.1

& The Author [2012]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] BJA Doherty and Buggy

Total body water (TBW) can be estimated by using dilution Capillary tissue fluid dynamics tracer techniques. Isotopically labelled water using deuter- Fluid shifts between the intravascular and remainder of the ium or tritium diffuses through the TBW compartment. Extra- extracellular space occurs at the vascular endothelial cellular fluid (ECF) measurement requires that the marker barrier. The forces governing this were described by Starling4 used must cross capillaries but not cell membranes. Radiola- in 1896 and remain the basis of our understanding of fluid 35 22 82 2 belled sulphate ( SO4 ) or bromide ( Br ) ions are the most movement in the microvasculature. The fluid components commonly used extracellular tracers. Intracellular fluid

of the blood are contained within the vessels of the microcir- Downloaded from volume (ICV) is calculated indirectly by subtracting ECV culation mainly by the inward pull of colloid osmotic pressure from TBW. The intravascular volume can be measured (COP) produced by the protein content of the plasma (Fig. 2). using radiolabelled albumin or with the dye Evans Blue. This opposes the high outward hydrostatic pressure, which Interstitial volume is then calculated by subtracting intravas- tends to push plasma out of the vessels and into the intersti- cular volume from ECV.

tium. Both the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure in the The capillary endothelium is freely permeable to water, interstitium are low. The net result of these forces is a small anions, cations, and other soluble substances such as outward leak of fluid and protein from the vasculature to the but is impermeable to protein and other large mole- interstitium which is continually returned to the blood cules .35 kDa, which are largely confined to the intravascu- 5 + vessels via the lymphatic system. The vascular endothelium lar space.2 In the ECF, Na is the principal cation and Cl2 the + is permeable to water but impermeable to protein and other main anion. In contrast, in the intracellular compartment, K large molecules. Movement across the vascular endothelium 22 is the major cation and PO4 the principal anion, with a high of small molecules such as sodium, potassium, chloride, and 3 protein content. As the cellular membrane is freely perme- glucose occurs freely across specialized pathways between at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012 able to water but not to ions, osmotic equilibrium is main- the endothelial cells. Macromolecule transport may occur tained. In a healthy individual, daily fluctuations in TBW are via large pores in the endothelium or by transport by vesi- small (,0.2%) and are finely balanced with modifications cles.2 Fluid movement across the capillary endothelium can of thirst mechanisms and fluid balance, controlled by the be classified into two types. Type 1 (physiological) occurs renin–angiotensin anti-diuretic and atrial natriuretic continuously with an intact vascular barrier and is returned peptide (ANP) hormone systems. The basal fluid requirement to the vascular compartment by the lymphatic system, in a normothermic adult with a normal metabolic rate is thereby avoiding interstitial oedema. Type 2 (pathological) 21 21 1.5 ml kg h . fluid movement occurs when the vascular barrier becomes




Mg2+ Interstitial Ca2+ ICF Fluid − 28 litre Plasma 11 litre HCO3 3 litre PROTEINS ECF 14 litre K+

2– PO4 Blood Cells CI– 2 litre Na+

150 75 0 75 150

Fig 1 Body fluid compartments with main ion distribution. ICF, intracellular fluid. ECF, extracellular fluid.

70 Intraoperative fluids BJA

p Pi Interstitial i

Endothelial cell layer Downloaded from

p Pc c Intraluminal

Endothelial cell layer


a s p p Jv Kf[(Pc–Pi)– ( c– i)] at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012

Fig 2 Classic Starling equation with net efflux of fluid to the interstitial space. Jv, net filtration; Kf, filtration coefficient; Pc, capillary hydrostatic

pressure; Pi, interstitial hydrostatic pressure; s, reflection coefficient; pc, capillary oncotic pressure; pi, interstitial oncotic pressure.

damaged or dysfunctional, allowing excessive fluid accumu- difference. When a colloid is infused in this situation, lation leading to interstitial oedema.6 it distributes through the plasma volume, maintaining COP while increasing capillary pressure and therefore fluid filtra- The endothelial glycocalyx tion increases. A crystalloid solution in the same situation Recent research has expanded our understanding of fluid distributes throughout the intravascular volume and movement at the endothelial barrier. The endothelium is increases capillary pressure but lowers COP, so fluid filtration one cell thick and is coated on its luminal side with a is increased more than with a colloid. When capillary pres- fragile layer, the glycocalyx, which provides a first line sure is low, both types of fluid are retained in the intravascu- barrier to regulating cellular and macromolecule transport lar space until the transendothelial pressure increases to the at the endothelium.7 The endothelial glycocalyx layer (EGL) point where transcapillary flow resumes. This physiological is composed of membrane-bound glycoproteins and proteo- model therefore supports the use of crystalloid infusion glycans and contains glycosamionoglycans. It creates an ex- over colloid for resuscitation while have a role in clusion zone for erythrocytes, therefore non-circulating, euvolaemic or hypervolaemic haemodilution. As the red cell protein-rich plasma predominates within it. The intravascular volume is less than intravascular volume, studies using this volume consists of the glycocalyx volume, plasma volume, parameter as an endpoint need to be interpreted with and the red cell distribution volume.8 Together the glycocalyx caution. and endothelial cells comprise the endothelial surface layer The endothelium is not only a barrier between the blood (ESL). The ESL is 0.4–1.2 mm thick and is in dynamic equilib- and tissues but also has roles in primary haemostasis, coagu- rium with the circulating plasma. To function, the ESL lation, fibrinolysis, inflammation, and regulation of vaso- 7 requires a normal level of plasma albumin.9 Current theory motor tone. Numerous factors have been shown to promotes a ‘double barrier concept’ where both the endothe- damage the endothelial glycocalyx causing aggrega- lial cell layer and the EGL play a role in maintaining the vas- tion, leucocyte adhesion, and increased vascular permeabil- 12 –17 cular barrier.10 11 ity leading to interstitial oedema. These factors are Improved understanding of microvascular physiology summarized in Table 1. allows explanation of the discrepancy between clinical find- Perioperative protection of the endothelial glycocalyx is a ings during fluid therapy and the original Starling principle.8 plausible strategy for prevention of interstitial oedema. Ex- Transendothelial pressure difference and the plasma subgly- perimental studies have shown that pretreatment with cocalyx colloid oncotic pressure difference are central to fluid hydrocortisone and antithrombin preserve the integrity of filtration, with interstitial COP negligible. At subnormal capil- the endothelium by reducing shedding of the glycocalyx lary pressure, transcapillary flow approaches zero. When ca- and adhesion of leucocytes after ischaemia/reperfusion 18 pillary pressure is supranormal, the COP is maximal and fluid injury. Sevoflurane also shows protective effects by stabiliz- movement is dependent on transendothelial pressure ing the endothelial glycocalyx and diminishing adhesion of

71 BJA Doherty and Buggy

excreted at 6 h. Similar endpoints were assessed in a study Table 1 Factors affecting the endothelial glycocalyx—known comparing 0.9% with Hartmann’s solution.23 Plasma injurious mechanisms and potential protective agents expansion was shown to be more sustained with NS than Degradation Protection Hartmann’s, as estimated by dilution of haemoglobin and albumin. The NS group retained 56% of infused volume at Ischaemia/reperfusion; Sevoflurane; hypoxia/reoxygenation; hydrocortisone; 6 h compared with 30% for Hartmann’s, based on body inflammatory cytokines proteases; antithrombin weight. There were no significant differences in serum Downloaded from atrial natriuretic peptide potassium, sodium, , or total osmolality. In the NS group, bicarbonate levels were lower and all subjects were hyperchloraemic, which was sustained .6 h. These biochemical changes place the body under physiological leucocytes and after ischaemia/reperfusion injury in stress to eliminate the supranormal load the isolated guinea pig heart.19 There are currently no and may adversely affect organ function and surgical 22 24 – 26 pharmacological agents that increase synthesis or directly outcome. prevent enzymatic degradation of the glycocalyx. Therefore, avoiding precipitants of glycocalyceal damage and incorpor- Distribution of colloid ation of potentially protective agents (Table 1) should be considered.20 Colloid fluids contain macromolecules (usually .40 kDa) such as polysaccharides or polypeptides from either plant

or animal sources and are used as plasma expanders. To at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012 Distribution of crystalloid fluid prevent haemolysis, the macromolecules are suspended in The composition of fluid infused to a patient determines its an electrolyte solution which may be 0.9% bodily distribution. When 1 litre glucose 5% is administered, or a more balanced solution similar to Hartmann’s. the glucose is metabolized in the liver, leaving only water Because they contain larger molecules which cannot pass which distributes to the ECV and ICV in proportion to the the endothelium, they remain in the plasma longer than volume infused. Therefore, only 7% (about 70 ml) remains crystalloids. Unlike crystalloid , colloids carry a risk in the vascular compartment after equilibration with the of anaphylaxis, have a dose-dependent effect on coagulation other body fluid compartments, because plasma comprises and molecules may be deposited in tissues causing pruritis.27 3 of 42 litres TBW. Infusion of an isotonic sodium containing On the other hand, there is evidence showing a beneficial solution on the other hand is confined to the extracellular effect of plasma expanders on inflammation, the microcircu- space because sodium is prevented from traversing the intra- lation, and endothelial activation. cellular space by the cell membrane. Therefore, when 1 litre Studies have shown that colloid administration is context- of 0.9% saline is administered, 20% should remain in the vas- sensitive. Despite the large molecules in these solutions, cular compartment after equilibration with the other body which should confine them to the vascular compartment, fluid compartments as the plasma compartment accounts volume loading with both 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HES) for 20% of ECF. and albumin 5% in the normovolaemic patient resulted in However, the effects of different types of both colloid and 68% of the infused volume extravasating the intravascular crystalloid solutions have been studied in healthy volunteers, space into the interstitium within minutes. Conversely, hypovolaemic states, and diseased states. Eighteen healthy when 6% HES or albumin 5% was given in the context of nor- volunteers received 50 ml kg21 lactated Ringer’s (LR) solution movolaemic haemodilution, the volume remaining in the and 0.9% saline (NS) on two separate occasions.21 It was intravascular space approached 90%.28 found that LR transiently decreased serum osmolality The effect of volume loading with 0.9% saline, 0.4% succi- which returned to baseline 1 h later. NS did not affect nylated gelatine (gelofusine), and 6% hydroxyethyl starch serum osmolality but caused metabolic acidosis. Lobo and (voluven) on blood volume and endocrine response in colleagues22 performed a double-blind, crossover study on healthy volunteers was recently investigated.29 After comple- 10 healthy male volunteers to investigate the effect of tion of a 1 h infusion, 68%, 21%, and 16% of 0.9% saline, bolus of crystalloid on serum albumin. Each was given 2 gelofusine, and voluven, respectively, had leaked from the litres 0.9% saline and dextrose 5% on two separate occa- intravascular space. Blood volume calculations were based sions in random order. With both solutions, serum albumin on haematocrit dilution. There was little difference between was decreased which was accounted for by dilution alone both colloids, even though they have wide ranging average and indicates redistribution within fluid compartments. The molecular weights (gelofusine 30 kDa, voluven 130 kDa). decrease in albumin was prolonged .6 h with NS, but This may reflect the different handling of small and large levels had returned to baseline 1 h after infusion with dex- molecules in the microvasculature. trose. Haemoglobin also decreased in proportion to the dilu- The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) is fun- tional effect. The water load from the dextrose infusion was damental to the regulation of sodium excretion after a excreted 2 h post infusion, but NS had a persistent diluting sodium load. All three solutions had similar effects on renin effect with only 30% of both sodium and water being secretion, with levels of both renin and aldosterone being

72 Intraoperative fluids BJA reduced. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) was also measured surgery. It was concluded that there was a decrease in ECV and showed an increase in all three groups 1 h after com- which was not fully accounted for by the measured blood mencement of the infusion. This correlates with other loss. To explain this, it was hypothesized that fluid was works indicating the role of BNP and ANP in acute hypervo- sequestered in areas that became known as the ‘third laemia.30 It was concluded that the excretion of the space’. Its location was unknown but speculated to include sodium and chloride load may depend on suppression of traumatized tissue or the gastrointestinal tract. Despite this the RAAS and not on natriuretic peptides. highly implausible concept, lacking any credible supportive Downloaded from It is commonly believed that intravascular losses require scientific or clinical evidence, the practice of aggressive re- 3–4 times volume replacement with crystalloid fluids com- placement of this hypothetical fluid loss gained widespread pared with colloids. A recent of the use traction in intraoperative anaesthetic practice. Infusion of of HES in surgical, emergency, and intensive care patients large volumes of crystalloid infusions intraoperatively reported that the crystalloid to colloid ratio for volume resus- became standard clinical practice.10 Consequently, it was citation was lower, ,2:1.31 This may reflect the increased not uncommon for postoperative patients to have 7–10 kg vasopermeability to colloid that has been observed in the weight gain, with proportionately increased risk of all-cause clinical setting. However, fluid loading with colloid showed morbidity and mortality.41 42 In a systematic review of a greater linear increase in cardiac filling, cardiac output, trials measuring ECV changes, it was concluded that the ori- and stroke work in both septic and non-septic patients ginal data and methodology supporting the concept of third when compared with normal saline.32 Also, in a randomized space were fundamentally flawed.43 trial of HES and NS in trauma patients, HES showed greater In the intraoperative patient, maintenance fluids should

lactate clearance and less renal injury when compared with be infused using balanced crystalloid infusions. More than at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012 NS in patients with penetrating injuries.33 30 yr ago, direct measurements of basal evaporation rate from the skin and airway during surgery showed that 21 21 Traditional practice of intraoperative fluid topical fluid loss is 0.5–1.0 ml kg h during major abdom- 44 administration inal surgery. In the absence of major haemorrhage, large volume fluid loading is contraindicated, because it may The aim of intraoperative fluid therapy is to maintain an ad- lead to hypervolaemia causing ANP release and damage to equate circulating volume to ensure end-organ perfusion the endothelial glycocalyx, with detrimental interstitial and oxygen delivery to the tissues. Traditionally, this was oedema. achieved by routine infusion of large volumes of crystalloid. This was based on the outdated premise that the preopera- tive patient was hypovolaemic due to prolonged fasting (‘nil ‘Restrictive’ fluid regimen by mouth after midnight’) and cathartic bowel preparation, in In thoracic surgery, fluid restriction is the standard practice, addition to ongoing losses from perspiration and urinary but the intraoperative fluid volume in the general surgical output. There was also a widespread belief that surgical ex- population is widely variable. A randomized, multicentre posure required aggressive replacement of insensible fluid trial comparing liberal and restrictive fluid regimens in 141 loss, often termed ‘third space’ losses. Further, patients undergoing colorectal surgery was undertaken.45 during general and neuraxial anaesthesia often triggered The restrictive group received a mean volume of 2.7 litres compensatory liberal i.v. fluid administration. However, fluid and the liberal 5.4 litres. The number of patients with post- loading has no influence on anaesthesia-related hypoten- operative complications was significantly reduced in the re- sion34 35 and should more appropriately be treated with strictive group, 33% vs 51% P¼0.02. Outcomes assessed vasopressor therapy.36 included anastomotic leakage, wound infection, and cardio- Prolonged preoperative fasting ought no longer feature in vascular and pulmonary complications. There was no modern perioperative care. For over a decade, research has observed increase in renal complications in the restrictive clearly shown that fasting from solid food for 6 h and oral group. However, the two groups received different fluids fluid, even containing carbohydrate, for only 2 h before oper- with the restrictive group receiving a greater amount of ation, is safe and actually improves outcomes.37 38 Studies colloid and the liberal group, normal saline. have shown that in fact, in healthy cardiopulmonary In 2009, a review of restrictive vs liberal fluid therapy and patients, blood volume is normal even after prolonged its effect on postoperative outcome46 identified seven rando- fasting.36 The use of mechanical bowel preparations has mized trials, six involving major abdominal surgery and one also diminished as evidence shows minimal difference in sur- involving knee arthroplasty. The trials excluded high-risk gical conditions where this is used.39 patients. The range of fluid administered in the liberal groups was from 2750 to 5388 ml and in the restrictive The phantom ‘third space’ groups from 998 to 2740 ml. This highlights the fact that The concept of a ‘third space’ for body fluids (in addition to no common definition of ‘liberal’ or ‘restrictive’ protocols intracellular and ECF compartments) was introduced in the exists in clinical practice. A restrictive regime in one centre 1960s.40 Using outdated sulphate tracer techniques, the may actually be liberal in another. The studies varied in ECV was measured in patients undergoing major abdominal terms of design, types of fluid administered, indications for

73 BJA Doherty and Buggy administering additional fluid, outcomes variables, and defi- recovery profile with less nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness nitions of intra- and postoperative periods. Therefore, there is and improved general wellbeing in those receiving liberal difficulty interpreting the results. Three of the trials showed amounts of fluid and a reduced LOS. Studies in major improved outcome after restrictive fluid regimes. Two surgery favour a restrictive regime,53 54 but this is not a uni- showed no difference in outcome and two showed differ- versal finding.55 One investigation using bioelectrical imped- ences in some selected outcomes only. The studies ance measurements in 30 patients undergoing abdominal showing improved outcome with restrictive fluid regimen surgery developed a mathematical model which showed Downloaded from reported faster return of gastrointestinal function and that infusion rates of between 2 and 18.5 ml kg21 h21 in reduced hospital length of stay (LOS). These studies used surgery of duration ,3 h did not cause significant interstitial colloid and crystalloid infusion. The studies which showed oedema, but in surgery lasting .6 h, the therapeutic window no difference in outcome used crystalloid fluids alone, narrowed to between 5 and 8 ml kg21 h21, after which a sig- without colloids. In one study,47 both restrictive and liberal nificant increase in interstitial fluid was seen.56 fluid regimens received relatively restricted amounts of fluid (mean 2.6 vs 2.0 litres), suggesting that the standard group did not receive the excessive amounts of fluid known Individualized goal-directed fluid therapy to cause harm. In recent times, evidence is mounting that outcomes may be Two further randomized double-blind studies showed ben- improved if fluid therapy is individualized based on objective efits to both restrictive and liberal fluid regimes in different feedback on the patient’s individual fluid responsiveness. This clinical context.48 49 Both studies used crystalloid and is derived from the old physiological principle of the Frank–

colloid. In the study looking at patients undergoing major Starling curve. This has become known as individualized at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012 colonic surgery, the restrictive fluid regimen demonstrated ‘GDT’.57 Traditional measurements do not have the ability a beneficial effect in pulmonary function and postoperative to adequately identify and guide fluid therapy. A healthy hypoxaemia. There was an overall decrease in the number patient may lose up to 25% of blood volume before there of postoperative complications, but the number of patients is a decrease in arterial pressure or an increase in heart with complications was not significantly reduced. There rate, whereas more sensitive monitors may show decreased was no difference in other outcome variables such as pain, stroke volume and gastric mucosal pH, indicating ischae- nausea, and LOS. In the second study, similar fluid regimens mia.58 A systematic review of the role of central venous pres- were used in patients undergoing knee arthroplasty. Results sure (CVP) measurement in fluid therapy concluded that showed significant hypercoagulability 1–2 days post- neither the CVP number nor the rate of change of CVP was procedure in the liberal group and a reduction in post opera- accurate in assessing blood volume or in predicting the re- tive nausea and vomiting. There was no difference in the LOS. sponse to a fluid challenge. Therefore, caution should be Taken together, it was concluded that due to inconsistent exercised in interpreting CVP data to guide fluid definitions of both liberal and restrictive fluid regimens and administration.59 lack of standardization of clinical and physiological Both hypovolaemia and hypervolaemia are known to outcome measurement, no evidence-based guidelines for cause increased perioperative morbidity and mortality; there- procedure-specific perioperative fluid therapy could be fore, assessment of the patients actual haemodynamic issued. This view, in combination with other published re- status can guide appropriate therapy (Fig. 3).60 In the search in liberal vs restrictive fluid therapy, suggests that 1980s, GDT required the use of pulmonary artery catheters ‘one approach fits all’ is not appropriate for fluid manage- (PACs) to measure tissue oxygen delivery in high-risk surgical ment in high-risk surgical patients. patients, in order to achieve ‘supranormal oxygen delivery’ with a view to improving outcome.61 While initial results were encouraging, this technique relied on the widespread High-volume crystalloids for ambulatory use of the PAC. Unfortunately, it quickly became clear that moderate-risk surgery the PAC itself caused increased major morbidity and mortal- In the contrasting clinical context of minor or moderate ity, which undermined interest in the concept of using surgery in low risk, ambulatory patient, a more liberal strat- physiological targets to optimize cardiovascular performance egy seems to be beneficial. Major morbidity is rarely seen and improve outcomes. in this group of patients, but the rapid return of vital function Over the intervening years, less invasive methods of mon- is crucial to the successful management of the ambulatory itoring flow-based haemodynamic parameters have been patient, allowing timely discharge from hospital. Up to 20– developed. Minimally invasive monitors include oesophageal 30 ml kg21 of crystalloid fluid to a healthy adult having Doppler monitoring and arterial waveform analysis (stroke low-risk surgery or day-case procedure reduces postoperative volume variation, pulse pressure variation—PPV). Other complications such as dizziness, drowsiness, pain, nausea, methods require both arterial and central venous access to and vomiting.50 51 In moderate surgery, Holte and collea- measure cardiac output. Both the LiDCO and PiCCO systems gues52 evaluated patients undergoing laparoscopic chole- use pulse contour analysis to measure stroke volume after cystectomy and compared the effect of 40 and 15 ml kg21 initial calibration with either lithium (LiDCO) or thermal indi- of LR solution intraoperatively. They found an enhanced cators (PiCCO). The Flotrac/Vigileo system also analyses pulse

74 Intraoperative fluids BJA

Fluid Load vs Complications

Hypoperfustion Oedema Downloaded from Organ Dysfunction OPTIMAL Organ dysfunction Adverse Outcome RANGE Adverse Outcome Hypovolaemia Hypervolaemia

Volume Load

Fig 3 Avoidance of both hypo- and hypervolaemia is the aim of intraoperative fluid therapy in order to prevent adverse outcomes. Modified 60

from Hahn. at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012

contour but does not require calibration which instead is Oesophageal Doppler monitoring based on a computer program after input of biometric Oesophageal Doppler monitoring uses Doppler ultrasound data. It requires only a peripheral arterial line, foregoing technology to analyse the blood flow in the descending the need for central access. While these methods have aorta. A disposable probe is inserted into the oesophagus been validated against gold standard invasive monitoring and aligned with the blood flow to produce a flow velocity (i.e. PAC), many have limiting factors in clinical situations. profile for each heartbeat. The waveform produced is then Outcome study results vary from improved outcome in 40 used in conjunction with a nomogram of biometric data to 62 patients receiving regional anaesthesia for hip arthroplasty derive a value for stroke volume. The stroke volume can be to no difference in outcome in 60 patients undergoing per- used to indicate volume responsiveness. The management 63 ipheral vascular surgery. A recent systematic review and of fluid therapy uses an algorithm to maximize cardio- meta-analysis looked at the use of pre-emptive haemo- vascular contractility, based on the Frank–Starling curve dynamic intervention in moderate- to high-risk patients to and using bolus of colloid as the intervention. For example, improve postoperative outcomes. Twenty-nine studies were if baseline stroke volume is increased .10% by a fluid identified which used various forms of haemodynamic moni- bolus of 3 ml kg21, that patient’s heart is fluid responsive, tors, including PAC, LiDCO, PiCCO, FloTrac, and PPV. Interven- and further fluid boluses may be administered until the in- tion consisted of fluid therapy with or without inotrope crease in stroke volume is ,10% of what it was before the support. It was concluded that with pre-emptive haemo- previous bolus (Fig. 4). At this point, the patient is on the dynamic monitoring guiding therapy, the rate of surgical ‘plateau’ part of the Frank–Starling curve and fluid boluses 64 morbidity and mortality was significantly improved. should be withheld until the patient’s volume status is The role of fluid maintenance rates in the setting of GDT re-evaluated. has been recently analysed. A prospective randomized trial A number of randomized clinical trials in cardiac, ortho- of 88 high-risk patients undergoing major surgery was con- paedic, and abdominal surgery evaluated postoperative ducted. The restrictive received a background rate of 4 ml outcome with oesophageal Doppler-guided fluid therapy. In 21 21 21 21 kg h and the conventional 8 ml kg h of Ringer’s cardiac surgery, the use of ODM was associated with lactate solution. The LiDCO monitoring system was used to decreased LOS, fewer complications, and decreased gastric guide intervention with fluid bolus of colloid (gelatine) and acidosis.69 Two studies evaluated oesophageal Doppler use inotropes. It was concluded that the restrictive regime in patients undergoing repair of proximal femur fracture during optimization of haemodynamic parameters reduced under general anaesthesia.70 71 Sinclair and colleagues com- major complications in older patients with co-morbidities pared its use in 40 patients with standard intraoperative fluid 65 66 undergoing major surgery. In the intraoperative setting, management and showed a reduced LOS and faster time to however, the most promising minimally invasive technique medical fitness for discharge in patients who received oe- of measuring dynamic cardiovascular performance is the sophageal Doppler monitoring. Ninety patients undergoing use of the oesophageal Doppler monitor (ODM), which is major abdominal surgery were randomized by Venn and supported by the most evidence.67 68

75 BJA Doherty and Buggy

Monitor SV/SD

Give bolus 3–4 ml kg–1 colloid over ~5 min Downloaded from


SV/SD SV/SD increases increases >10% <10% (Point A on graph) (Point B on graph) NO NO

Monitor SV/SD Re-evaluate q 10–15min at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012

Dv Dv B C Stroke Volume Dv A

Frank–Starling curve

Peak Stroke distance Mean velocity acceleration Velocity

Flow time


Fig 4 Typical algorithm for oesophageal Doppler-guided fluid management with characteristic velocity waveform obtained from the descend- ing aorta. colleagues to receive standard treatment, CVP-guided fluid gastrointestinal function.72 73 No difference was found in therapy, or oesophageal Doppler-guided management. the amount of crystalloid fluid administered between the Oesophageal Doppler and CVP patients had faster time to groups, but oesophageal Doppler patients received more being medically fit for discharge. However, this study colloid. These positive outcome studies resulted in the oe- showed no difference in major morbidity and mortality or sophageal Doppler being recommended for use in major overall LOS. Meta-analyses of oesophageal Doppler in major colorectal surgery patients in the UK (NICE, GIFTASUP),74 75 abdominal surgery have shown that it is associated with the USA (Medicare and Medicaid),76 and Europe (Enhanced fewer postoperative complications, reduced intensive care Recovery After Surgery—ERAS).77 These guidelines, unit admission, reduced LOS, and faster return of however, do not dictate the type of fluid to be used with

76 Intraoperative fluids BJA

ODM and on review of the literature, the optimal type of fluid grounds for ongoing randomized controlled trials in this has not been established and requires further research.78 area for many years to come. In addition, oesophageal Doppler fluid management has not been directly compared with the restrictive fluid regimen discussed above. One trial studied GDT for laparo- Declaration of interest scopic colorectal surgery in the setting of an enhanced recov- D.J.B. is supported by the Sisk Foundation and is a member of ery programme.79 Sixty-four patients were randomized into

the Editorial Board of BJA. Downloaded from three groups: standard care, GDT with balanced crystalloid, and GDT with colloid in a balanced crystalloid carrier. This study found that there were increased complications and References increased LOS in the colloid group. LOS was unconventionally 1 Kaye A, Riopelle J. Intravascular fluid and electrolyte physiology reported in hours and when measured in days, there was no In: Miller R, ed. Miller’s Anesthesia, vol. 54, 7th Edn. Philadelphia: difference between the groups. Complications were not Churchill Livingstone, 2009; 1705–7 clearly defined. A recent review of published trials of oe- 2 Michel CC. Transport of macromolecules through microvascular sophageal Doppler-guided fluid therapy in colorectal walls. Cardiovasc Res 1996; 32: 644–53 surgery, which included this negative trial, concluded that 3 Ganter T, Hofer C, Pittet J. Postoperative intravascular therapy. In its use improves outcomes, but the large benefits shown in Miller R, ed. Miller’s Anesthesia, vol. 88, 7th Edn. Philadelphia: earlier trials may be offset somewhat by advances in peri- Churchill Livingstone, 2009; 2783–7 operative care and surgical technique.80 A more recent 4 Starling EH. On the absorption of fluids from the connective tissue Spaces. J Physiol 1896; 19: 312–26

double-blind trial of aerobically fit and unfit patients under- at Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal Nível Superior on September 12, 2012 5 Strunden MS, Heckel K, Goetz AE, Reuter DA. Perioperative fluid going colorectal surgery, randomly assigned each group to and volume management: physiological basis, tolls and strat- receive either ODM-guided GDT or standard fluid manage- egies. Ann Intensive Care 2011; 1:2 ment. Results showed that GDT patients gained no additional 6 Chappell D, Jacob M, Hofmann-Kiefer K, Conzen P, Rehm M. A ra- benefit over standard fluid therapy, and furthermore, the fit tional approach to perioperative fluid management. Anesthesi- subgroup tended to have an increased LOS. It is possible ology 2008; 109: 723–40 that the risk of iatrogenic fluid overload with GDT may 7 Ait-Oufella H, Maury E, Lehoux S, Guidet B, Offenstadt G. The prolong hospital stay.81 endothelium: physiological functions and role in microcirculatory failure during severe . Intensive Care Med 2010; 36: 1286–98 Conclusion and further research questions 8 Woodcock TE, Woodcock TM. Revised Starling equation and the glycocalyx model of transvascular fluid exchange: an improved Past practice in intraoperative fluid therapy was too often paradigm for prescribing intravenous fluid therapy. Br J Anaesth influenced by anecdotal reports and tradition than rigorous 2012; 108: 384–94 scientific and clinical investigation. Modern evidence-based 9 Jacob M, Bruegger D, Rehm M, et al. The endothelial glycocalyx practice suggests that intraoperative fluid therapy should affords compatibility of Starling’s principle and high cardiac inter- be tailored to two broad clinical contexts: In the low-risk stitial albumin levels. Cardiovasc Res 2007; 73: 575–86 patient undergoing low risk or ambulatory surgery, high- 10 Jacob M, Chappell D, Rehm M. The ‘third space’—fact or fiction? volume crystalloid infusions of the order of 20–30 ml kg21 Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol 2009; 23: 145–57 (e.g. 2 litres over 30 min to the average adult) improves am- 11 Rehm M, Zahler S, Lotsch M, et al. Endothelial glycocalyx as an bulatory anaesthesia outcomes such as pain, nausea, dizzi- additional barrier determining extravasation of 6% hydroxyethyl ness, and increases street readiness. starch or 5% albumin solutions in the coronary vascular bed. Anesthesiology 2004; 100: 1211–23 On the other hand, high-risk patients undergoing major 12 Chappell D, Jacob M, Hofmann-Kiefer K, et al. Hydrocortisone pre- surgery seem to benefit from a ‘restrictive’ fluid regimen. serves the vascular barrier by protecting the endothelial glycoca- This remains to be clearly defined, but a good working defin- lyx. Anesthesiology 2007; 107: 776–84 ition in a patient with normal renal function would be that 13 Annecke T, Fischer J, Hartmann H, et al. Shedding of the coronary intraoperative urine output is kept between 0.5 and 1.0 ml endothelial glycocalyx: effects of hypoxia/reoxygenation vs is- kg21 h21. Further individualized fluid guidance is obtained chaemia/reperfusion. Br J Anaesth 2011; 107: 679–86 from goal-directed fluid therapy using minimally invasive oe- 14 Henry CB, Duling BR. TNF-alpha increases entry of macromole- sophageal Doppler technology, which has recently been cules into luminal endothelial cell glycocalyx. Am J Physiol approved by regulatory bodies in the UK, Europe, and the Heart Circ Physiol 2000; 279: H2815–23 USA. Increasing availability and application of this technol- 15 Chappell D, Jacob M, Becker BF, Hofmann-Kiefer K, Conzen P, ogy into routine practice in the years to come should facili- Rehm M. Expedition glycocalyx. A newly discovered ‘Great Barrier Reef’. Anaesthesist 2008; 57: 959–69 tate improved outcomes in the context of accelerated 16 Bruegger D, Schwartz L, Chappell D, et al. Release of atrial natri- recovery clinical pathways. uretic peptide precedes shedding of the endothelial glycocalyx It remains to be elucidated, however, whether colloid or equally in patients undergoing on- and off-pump coronary crystalloid or a balance between these types of fluid pro- artery bypass surgery. Basic Res Cardiol 2011; 106: 1111–21 duces optimum outcomes and in what particular clinical 17 Desborough JP. The stress response to trauma and surgery. scenarios. Such clinical questions will provide fertile Br J Anaesth 2000; 85: 109–17

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18 Chappell D, Dorfler N, Jacob M, et al. Glycocalyx protection 34 Jackson R, Reid JA, Thorburn J. Volume preloading is not essential reduces leukocyte adhesion after ischemia/reperfusion. Shock to prevent spinal-induced hypotension at Caesarean section. 2010; 34: 133–9 Br J Anaesth 1995; 75: 262–5 19 Chappell D, Heindl B, Jacob M, et al. Sevoflurane reduces leuko- 35 Norberg A, Hahn RG, Li H, et al. Population volume kinetics pre- cyte and platelet adhesion after ischemia–reperfusion by pro- dicts retention of 0.9% saline infused in awake and isoflurane- tecting the endothelial glycocalyx. Anesthesiology 2011; 115: anesthetized volunteers. Anesthesiology 2007; 107:24–32 483–91 36 Jacob M, Chappell D, Conzen P, Finsterer U, Rehm M. Blood

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