Manchester Evening Hearld 1932-08-18
SL' . k Jc ./s . - ■< '■¥ ■ ^ k__ ^ T» if'W ■>?■' ' ' ’■** 'JO?* ^ II% 'f^1 ^^ -fI I 3w ''.X ^ m I v,. ; . N ; . \ / , ' - \ ^ l !tr^ 1' Ki:t '♦•4' '■'’ uLC. -VCfsSfAiV/ 'v .S K ^ • > ':*.-^ “ ■-' • V»' V S \ t;i- ■- jV^ ■; { fj*-- . (i.. .--ji TCJwl > m Ri 5-1 . C l V' - I ' i iGwr; l i f t M d t « S ^ ^ . V ■ ■■ t > - . fuM ii ftitob ■r&i;&>irt''■ V i ' TiGo To Nev 4' {^s:} I S.--S * » fiototoBaiMl, TIm q» ■V ui Jhiwi't > i ' ; ' Hartford, Aug. is.—iAR)—Hope-^majyagtoB, ln.l932, be the fixat to New T * it m d R e tto % Hit I Ssmiiderwi To. « - i <> -y + lUl todt' toe rmeOroT of Confidence demoantoato that, business leeovmy * C' < Tophita; I i - ‘ -.V anioBg business men la toe first rign is. actually. uudmL way^ hto penjoiu^ w ^'At the prtoent mmnent, the levd —> k I n T p | i I ^lAljrvBfxvegy: from ftop current de- • |BMeuttt«-caMHBb«rr AlbuQb N. the Bagbteento'^u^^i^ of confidinice anid^the bustoess totte > presstoB, Dudley Hariikm, execiitiye of New Engbind are: distinctly highi- Siad Hndnu. T;,'A^. 18.—(AP)—WWte J(^ J. I/' c ptosriUgocQ^dence to^evtot^lpub- vH^ ^presidait of -tiu^New SSoglahd er. While toe staliatiics of buriness oictio,.- eblbst c o m ^ to; Mayor Geneva, Aug. 18.—(AP>—P resi- Cess of Afidfifistratlbii - le fts ' to Cdunril, pointed to definite indica- actlvity:'dp. not. yet reveal any aubr y^tiker, axsuod M ora Oovamor dent Hoover was charged today by tolng' reii^: ^ fboixi ;lim depfesrimt. tfOBa-of-lncrisased- activity ' in - the stahrial change in^ business -vChime, l^^dtotCCuriiSto^ ta^.ac- New Snglahd states, in a talk given it la appurent to all that , than has .BU UJEX D n ■ ^ Ikx^M n^ today fmr the dlmnlaaal of Bishop James CAnnon, Jr., of the toptad'rmtoiphiation by the P^pub- euiitar dmcaa^too-oouniMl obtatoad at the-Idontf Club: luncheon at the been an almoat complete reversal of London, A.fig.
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