Pinkney Hall 410-626-2501
[email protected] AAddvviiccee ffoorr EEmmppllooyyeerrss:: ' CCrreeaattiinngg aa SSuucccceessssffuull IInntteerrnnsshhiipp ' From the intern’s perspective: The key to a successful internship is to have the opportunity to participate in meaningful work assignments that allow the intern to learn more about a career through practice by working closely with a mentor who takes an active interest in providing guidance and supervision. An intern has the specific goal of gaining knowledge, skills, and/or further understanding of a particular industry. From the employer’s perspective: The benefits for the employer are the opportunities to pre-screen and recruit highly qualified and motivated students to meet the company’s needs and provide the organization with fresh ideas and insights. Ideally, an internship strikes a balance between the activities that provide a meaningful learning experience for the intern and the activities that will increase productivity in the organization. Creating a Successful Internship Clearly-Defined, Meaningful Work Assignments • Interns want to be productive and learn new skills. It’s important to clearly define the types of assignments and supervision an intern will have during the internship. This will clarify the expectations of both the intern and the supervisor. • Short-term and long-term assignments help build valuable skills. Long-term assignments will ensure that the intern always has something to do to stay productive (especially during times when a mentor is unavailable). • Interns don’t usually expect to be constantly working on high priority assignments and tasks, but it is nice to provide them with some ownership of a meaningful project.