Finding a Theme

Featuring “The Three Little ” Finding a Theme

Essential Question: What evidence can I find in the text that supports my conclusions about the theme of a story?


What Is Theme?

• A theme is a message from the author. It’s something you notice, realize, or learn. • As you read, think, “What message is the author trying to send to me?” • Look for patterns or series of details that fit together to make a point. • Different readers may find different themes. The key is finding connected details that send a specific message. Steps for Finding and Writing a Theme

• Step One: As you read the text, ask yourself, “What message is the author sending?” • Step Two: List connected details. • Step Three: Determine a theme supported by the connected details. • Step Four: Write a paragraph about the theme. Tell the theme at the beginning (topic sentence), add supporting details, and conclude with a summary, personal insight, or application to your life. Finding a Theme “

• Think about the story, “The Three Little Pigs.”

• What message is the author trying to send?

• We will explore some possibilities today. Example “The Three Little Pigs” Connected Details • The first two pigs didn’t spend much time making their houses while the third had to carry heavy bricks and carefully stack them into a solid house. • The blew down the first and second pigs’ homes, but the third pig’s house was unharmed.

Theme • Taking your time to do something right pays off. Example “The Three Little Pigs”

Now it’s time to write a paragraph.

First we’ll write a topic sentence that tells the theme.

The theme of “The Three Little Pigs” is “taking your time to do something right pays off.”

Notice how we used the word “theme,” as well as the title of the story. Then we told what the theme was. Example “The Three Little Pigs”

In the middle of the paragraph, we’ll add the connected details.

At the beginning of the story, each pig built a house. The first two pigs didn’t spend much time making their houses, but the third pig carried heavy bricks and carefully stacked them into a solid house. In the end, the wolf blew down the first and second pigs’ homes, but the third pig’s house was unharmed.

Notice how we put the details in order and used order words to guide the reader. Example “The Three Little Pigs”

Last we’ll write a conclusion that either sums it up, tells something special we noticed, or explains how this applies to our lives.

The author’s message will help me remember that taking my time to do my homework well will pay off in the end.

Here we are telling how this lesson applies to our lives. Let’s take a look at our finished paragraph. Example “The Three Little Pigs” The theme of “The Three Little Pigs” is “taking your time to do something right pays off.” At the beginning of the story, each pig built a house. The first two pigs didn’t spend much time making their houses, but the third pig carried heavy bricks and carefully stacked them into a solid house. In the end, the wolf blew down the first and second pigs’ homes, but the third pig’s house was unharmed. The author’s message will help me remember that taking my time to do my homework well will pay off in the end.