ECCMID 2019 SHEA 2019 MAD-ID 2019 CAMERA2: Combo Therapy Investigators Pinpoint Patients With Gram-Negative for MRSA Bacteremia Is 5 Factors Associated With Skin Infections Are 6 Times Effective but Linked to Candida auris Colonization More Likely to Receive Higher Mortality, AKI Rates in Nursing Homes Inappropriate Empiric Therapy

(continued on page 28) (continued on page 29) (continued on page 30)


Acute Infections More Than Surviving Sepsis: Everything Old Is New Again By Lauren A. Igneri, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP

BECAUSE OF NUMEROUS FAILED attempts at novel or targeted therapies in sepsis over the past 20 years, investigators have been compelled to step back in time and repur- pose old agents, including angiotensin II and ascorbic acid, for the treatment of sepsis and septic shock. Both medications have histori- cally shown promise in animal shock models. However, it was not until the publication of recent clinical investigations in humans that investigators’ interest piqued regarding their use in refractory vasodilatory shock. (continued on page 14)

Emerging/Re-Emerging Infections Tick, Tick, Tick: Vector- Borne Diseases Ramp Up By Ilia Rochlin, PhD, and Alvaro Toledo, PhD

PATHOGENS TRANSMITTED by ticks cause the vast majority of vector-borne diseases in temperate North America, Europe, and Asia. In the conti- nental United States, more than 95% of reported human cases of vector-borne diseases

Tyler Olson/ Adobe Stock are caused by tick bites.1 Lyme Alvaro Toledo, PhD disease may exceed 300,000 cases annually, STEWARDSHIP & PREVENTION about 10-fold higher than the number of reported cases,2 ranking it among the most Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship: common infections in the United States, Field of Dreams or Land of Opportunity second only to sexually transmitted diseases. for Pharmacists? (continued on page 16) HIV/AIDS By Christina G. Rivera, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIV-M What’s in the Pipeline? he critical importance of antimicrobial Formal AMS programs have evolved and remained By Rakhshanda Akram, MD, and Joseph DeSimone Jr, MD stewardship (AMS) to contain health care largely established within acute care hospitals given costs, combat antimicrobial the prevalence of broad-spectrum antimicrobial ALTHOUGH ADVANCES IN combination T antiretroviral therapy (ART) have greatly resistance, and avoid unnecessary use, higher rates of multidrug antimicrobial resis- medication-related adverse events tance, and risks of hospital-acquired infections. reduced morbidity and mortality associated has become well accepted within the Though the majority of AMS efforts have with HIV, the pipeline for development of medical community. This widespread been directed toward inpatient practices, 60% of novel drug mechanisms and new agents in the Christina G. existing drug classes remains full. This article recognition has fostered the develop- Rivera, PharmD, all antibiotic expenditures in the United States ment of robust, outcome-driven, multi- BCPS, AAHIV-M occur in the outpatient setting.1 In the United presents a review of investigational drugs disciplinary AMS programs across a wide range of States alone during 2013, 269 million antibi- furthest along in development with propitious health care settings, from small, rural community otic prescriptions were dispensed from outpa- results in human subjects. hospitals to large, tertiary health care systems. tient pharmacies.2 It has been estimated that up (continued on page 18)

(continued on page 22) BIKTARVY® combines the FTC/TAF* backbone with bictegravir, a novel and unboosted INSTI—for a powerful STR with a high barrier to resistance1,6 No Treatment-Emergent Resistance Associated With BIKTARVY Through Week 961,4,5,7

#1 PRESCRIBED FOR ADULTS WITH HIV-1 STARTING AND SWITCHING ARV REGIMENS Source: Ipsos Healthcare US HIV Therapy Monitor & Scope Study Q3 2018. CASESOF RESISTANCE WITH INDICATION BIKTARVY BIKTARVY is indicated as a complete regimen for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults who have no antiretroviral (ARV) treatment history or to replace the current ARV regimen in those who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA 0 1-5,7 In two large phase 3 clinical trials in treatment-naïve adults <50 copies per mL) on a stable ARV regimen for ≥3 months with no history of treatment failure and no known resistance to any component of BIKTARVY. Among 634 treatment-naïve adults in Studies 1489 and 1490, 7 treatment-failure subjects were tested and no amino acid substitutions emerged that were associated with BIKTARVY resistance IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Powerful E cacy in Treatment-Naïve Adults1-5,7 BOXED WARNING: POST TREATMENT ACUTE EXACERBATION OF HEPATITIS B 1-3 4,5,7 Severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B have been reported in patients who are coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV Results noninferior to comparators at Week 48 Results noninferior to comparators at Week 96 and have discontinued products containing emtricitabine (FTC) and/or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), and Virologic Response Virologic Response may occur with discontinuation of BIKTARVY. Closely monitor hepatic function with both clinical and laboratory -0.6% -3.5% -1.9% -2.3% † † † † follow-up for at least several months in patients who are coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV and discontinue BIKTARVY. (-4.8-3.6; P=0.78) (-7.9-1.0; P=0.12) (-6.9-3.1; P=0.45) (-7.9-3.2; P=0.40) 100 % % % 100 If appropriate, anti-hepatitis B therapy may be warranted. 92 93 % 93 % 90% % 89 88 84% 86 80 80 Contraindications Coadministration: Do not use BIKTARVY with dofetilide or rifampin. 60 60 40 40 Warnings and precautions 20 20 Drug interactions: See Contraindications and Drug Interactions sections. Consider the potential for drug interactions % % 4% % % % 4% 3% Treatment-Naïve Adults, % Adults, Treatment-Naïve 3 % Adults, Treatment-Naïve 2 0 1 1 0 1 prior to and during BIKTARVY therapy and monitor for adverse reactions. BIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TCBIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TC BIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTGBIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTG BIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TCBIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TC BIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTGBIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTG (n=314) (n=315) (n=314) (n=315) (n=320) (n=325) (n=320) (n=325) (n=314) (n=315) (n=314) (n=315) (n=320) (n=325) (n=320) (n=325) Immune reconstitution syndrome, including the occurrence of autoimmune disorders with variable time to onset, has been reported.

New onset or worsening renal impairment: Cases of acute renal failure and Fanconi syndrome have been reported HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL with the use of tenofovir prodrugs. In clinical trials of BIKTARVY, there have been no cases of Fanconi syndrome or Study 1489 Study 1490 Study 1489 Study 1490 proximal renal tubulopathy (PRT). Do not initiate BIKTARVY in patients with estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) <30 mL/min. Patients with impaired renal function and/or taking nephrotoxic agents (including NSAIDs) are at Most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5%; all grades) in treatment-naïve clinical studies through week 96 4,5 increased risk of renal-related adverse reactions. Discontinue BIKTARVY in patients who develop clinically signifi cant were diarrhea (6%), nausea (6%), and (5%). decreases in renal function or evidence of Fanconi syndrome. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (continued) Renal monitoring: Prior to or when initiating BIKTARVY and during therapy, assess serum creatinine, CrCl, urine glucose, and urine protein in all patients as clinically appropriate. In patients with chronic kidney disease, also assess Warnings and precautions (continued) serum phosphorus. Lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with steatosis: Fatal cases have been reported with the use of nucleoside analogs, including FTC and TDF. Discontinue BIKTARVY if clinical or laboratory fi ndings suggestive of lactic 1-5 Treatment-Naïve Study Designs : acidosis or pronounced hepatotoxicity develop, including hepatomegaly and steatosis in the absence of marked The e¡ cacy and safety of BIKTARVY for treatment-naïve adults were evaluated in Study 1489 and Study 1490. In Study 1489, transaminase elevations. a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, active-controlled study, treatment-naïve adults with an eGFR ≥50 mL/min were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either BIKTARVY (n=314) or ABC/DTG/3TC (n=315) once daily. In Study 1490, Please see additional Important Safety Information for BIKTARVY, a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, active-controlled study, treatment-naïve adults with an eGFR ≥30 mL/min were including BOXED WARNING, and Brief Summary of full Prescribing randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either BIKTARVY (n=320) or FTC/TAF+DTG (n=325) once daily. The primary endpoint Information for BIKTARVY on following pages. for both trials was the proportion of adults with HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL at Week 48. Secondary endpoints included *emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir alafenamide 25 mg. e cacy, safety, and tolerability at Week 96. †95% confi dence interval. SIMPLY POWERFULTM

BVYP0174_96WeekVanity_Tabloid_10-75x13-75_Contagion_r1v1jl.indd 1-2 3/14/19 2:53 PM BIKTARVY® combines the FTC/TAF* backbone with bictegravir, a novel and unboosted INSTI—for a powerful STR with a high barrier to resistance1,6 No Treatment-Emergent Resistance Associated With BIKTARVY Through Week 961,4,5,7

#1 PRESCRIBED FOR ADULTS WITH HIV-1 STARTING AND SWITCHING ARV REGIMENS Source: Ipsos Healthcare US HIV Therapy Monitor & Scope Study Q3 2018. CASESOF RESISTANCE WITH INDICATION BIKTARVY BIKTARVY is indicated as a complete regimen for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in adults who have no antiretroviral (ARV) treatment history or to replace the current ARV regimen in those who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA 0 1-5,7 In two large phase 3 clinical trials in treatment-naïve adults <50 copies per mL) on a stable ARV regimen for ≥3 months with no history of treatment failure and no known resistance to any component of BIKTARVY. Among 634 treatment-naïve adults in Studies 1489 and 1490, 7 treatment-failure subjects were tested and no amino acid substitutions emerged that were associated with BIKTARVY resistance IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Powerful E cacy in Treatment-Naïve Adults1-5,7 BOXED WARNING: POST TREATMENT ACUTE EXACERBATION OF HEPATITIS B 1-3 4,5,7 Severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B have been reported in patients who are coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV Results noninferior to comparators at Week 48 Results noninferior to comparators at Week 96 and have discontinued products containing emtricitabine (FTC) and/or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), and Virologic Response Virologic Response may occur with discontinuation of BIKTARVY. Closely monitor hepatic function with both clinical and laboratory -0.6% -3.5% -1.9% -2.3% † † † † follow-up for at least several months in patients who are coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV and discontinue BIKTARVY. (-4.8-3.6; P=0.78) (-7.9-1.0; P=0.12) (-6.9-3.1; P=0.45) (-7.9-3.2; P=0.40) 100 % % % 100 If appropriate, anti-hepatitis B therapy may be warranted. 92 93 % 93 % 90% % 89 88 84% 86 80 80 Contraindications Coadministration: Do not use BIKTARVY with dofetilide or rifampin. 60 60 40 40 Warnings and precautions 20 20 Drug interactions: See Contraindications and Drug Interactions sections. Consider the potential for drug interactions % % 4% % % % 4% 3% Treatment-Naïve Adults, % Adults, Treatment-Naïve 3 % Adults, Treatment-Naïve 2 0 1 1 0 1 prior to and during BIKTARVY therapy and monitor for adverse reactions. BIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TCBIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TC BIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTGBIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTG BIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TCBIKTARVYABC/DTG/3TC BIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTGBIKTARVYFTC/TAF+DTG (n=314) (n=315) (n=314) (n=315) (n=320) (n=325) (n=320) (n=325) (n=314) (n=315) (n=314) (n=315) (n=320) (n=325) (n=320) (n=325) Immune reconstitution syndrome, including the occurrence of autoimmune disorders with variable time to onset, has been reported.

New onset or worsening renal impairment: Cases of acute renal failure and Fanconi syndrome have been reported HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL <50 copies/mL ≥50 copies/mL with the use of tenofovir prodrugs. In clinical trials of BIKTARVY, there have been no cases of Fanconi syndrome or Study 1489 Study 1490 Study 1489 Study 1490 proximal renal tubulopathy (PRT). Do not initiate BIKTARVY in patients with estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) <30 mL/min. Patients with impaired renal function and/or taking nephrotoxic agents (including NSAIDs) are at Most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5%; all grades) in treatment-naïve clinical studies through week 96 4,5 increased risk of renal-related adverse reactions. Discontinue BIKTARVY in patients who develop clinically signifi cant were diarrhea (6%), nausea (6%), and headache (5%). decreases in renal function or evidence of Fanconi syndrome. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (continued) Renal monitoring: Prior to or when initiating BIKTARVY and during therapy, assess serum creatinine, CrCl, urine glucose, and urine protein in all patients as clinically appropriate. In patients with chronic kidney disease, also assess Warnings and precautions (continued) serum phosphorus. Lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with steatosis: Fatal cases have been reported with the use of nucleoside analogs, including FTC and TDF. Discontinue BIKTARVY if clinical or laboratory fi ndings suggestive of lactic 1-5 Treatment-Naïve Study Designs : acidosis or pronounced hepatotoxicity develop, including hepatomegaly and steatosis in the absence of marked The e¡ cacy and safety of BIKTARVY for treatment-naïve adults were evaluated in Study 1489 and Study 1490. In Study 1489, transaminase elevations. a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, active-controlled study, treatment-naïve adults with an eGFR ≥50 mL/min were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either BIKTARVY (n=314) or ABC/DTG/3TC (n=315) once daily. In Study 1490, Please see additional Important Safety Information for BIKTARVY, a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, active-controlled study, treatment-naïve adults with an eGFR ≥30 mL/min were including BOXED WARNING, and Brief Summary of full Prescribing randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either BIKTARVY (n=320) or FTC/TAF+DTG (n=325) once daily. The primary endpoint Information for BIKTARVY on following pages. for both trials was the proportion of adults with HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL at Week 48. Secondary endpoints included *emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir alafenamide 25 mg. e cacy, safety, and tolerability at Week 96. †95% confi dence interval. SIMPLY POWERFULTM

BVYP0174_96WeekVanity_Tabloid_10-75x13-75_Contagion_r1v1jl.indd 1-2 3/14/19 2:53 PM BIKTARVY® (bictegravir 50 mg, emtricitabine 200 mg, and tenofovir may lead to loss of efficacy and development of resistance to BIKTARVY alafenamide 25 mg) tablets, for oral use or clinically significant adverse reactions from greater exposures of Brief Summary of full Prescribing Information. See full Prescribing concomitant drugs. Consider the potential for drug interactions and review Information. Rx only. concomitant medications prior to and during therapy. Monitor for adverse reactions associated with concomitant drugs. See the possibilities WARNING: POST TREATMENT ACUTE EXACERBATION OF Immune Reconstitution Syndrome (IRS): IRS has been reported in HEPATITIS B patients treated with combination ARV therapy. During the initial phase at of treatment, patients whose immune systems respond may develop an Severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B have been inflammatory response to indolent or residual opportunistic infections, reported in patients who are coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV which may necessitate further evaluation and treatment. Autoimmune and have discontinued products containing emtricitabine disorders have been reported to occur in the setting of immune (FTC) and/or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), and reconstitution; the time to onset is variable, and can occur many months may occur with discontinuation of BIKTARVY. Closely after initiation of treatment. monitor hepatic function with both clinical and laboratory New Onset or Worsening Renal Impairment: Renal impairment, follow-up for at least several months in patients who are including acute renal failure and Fanconi syndrome, has been reported coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV and discontinue BIKTARVY. with the use of tenofovir prodrugs in animal studies and human trials. If appropriate, anti-hepatitis B therapy may be warranted In clinical trials of BIKTARVY in subjects with no antiretroviral treatment IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (continued) [see Warnings and Precautions]. history with eGFRs >30 mL/min, and in virologically suppressed subjects switched to BIKTARVY with eGFRs >50 mL/min, renal serious Adverse reactions INDICATIONS AND USAGE adverse events were encountered in less than 1% of subjects treated Most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5%; all grades) in clinical studies through week 96 were diarrhea (6%), BIKTARVY is indicated as a complete regimen for the treatment of human with BIKTARVY through Week 48. BIKTARVY is not recommended in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min. Patients taking tenofovir prodrugs nausea (6%), and headache (5%). immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) infection in adults who have no antiretroviral treatment history or to replace the current antiretroviral regimen who have renal impairment and/or are taking nephrotoxic agents Drug interactions in those who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies per including NSAIDs are at increased risk of developing renal-related adverse reactions. Discontinue BIKTARVY in patients who develop Consult the full prescribing information for BIKTARVY for more information on mL) on a stable antiretroviral regimen for at least 3 months with no history Prescribing information: of treatment failure and no known substitutions associated with resistance clinically significant decreases in renal function or evidence of Fanconi Contraindications, Warnings, and potentially signifi cant drug interactions, including clinical comments. to the individual components of BIKTARVY. syndrome. Renal Monitoring: Prior to or when initiating BIKTARVY, Enzymes/transporters: Drugs that induce P-gp or induce both CYP3A and UGT1A1 can substantially decrease the and during treatment with BIKTARVY, assess serum creatinine, CrCl, DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION urine glucose, and urine protein in all patients as clinically appropriate. concentration of components of BIKTARVY. Drugs that inhibit P-gp, BCRP, or inhibit both CYP3A and UGT1A1 may Also see Warnings and Precautions and Use in Specific Populations. In patients with chronic kidney disease, also assess serum phosphorus. signifi cantly increase the concentrations of components of BIKTARVY. BIKTARVY can increase the concentration of Testing Prior to or When Initiating: Test patients for HBV infection. Lactic Acidosis/Severe Hepatomegaly with Steatosis: drugs that are substrates of OCT2 or MATE1. Testing Prior to or When Initiating, and During Treatment: Lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, including fatal Drugs a­ ecting renal function: Coadministration of BIKTARVY with drugs that reduce renal function or compete for As clinically appropriate, assess serum creatinine, estimated creatinine cases, have been reported with the use of nucleoside analogs, including active tubular secretion may increase concentrations of FTC and tenofovir and the risk of adverse reactions. clearance (CrCl), urine glucose, and urine protein in all patients. In patients FTC and TDF. Treatment with BIKTARVY should be suspended in any with chronic kidney disease, also assess serum phosphorus. individual who develops clinical or laboratory findings suggestive of Dosage and administration Dosage: One tablet taken once daily with or without food. lactic acidosis or pronounced hepatotoxicity, including hepatomegaly and steatosis in the absence of marked transaminase elevations. Dosage: 1 tablet taken once daily with or without food. Renal Impairment: BIKTARVY is not recommended in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min. ADVERSE REACTIONS Renal impairment: Not recommended in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min. Hepatic Impairment: BIKTARVY is not recommended in patients with Also see BOXED WARNING and Warnings and Precautions. Hepatic impairment: Not recommended in patients with severe hepatic impairment. severe hepatic impairment. In Adults with No ARV Treatment History: Prior to or when initiating: Test patients for HBV infection. CONTRAINDICATIONS The safety assessment of BIKTARVY is based on Week 48 data from Prior to or when initiating, and during treatment: As clinically appropriate, assess serum creatinine, CrCl, urine glucose, Also see Drug Interactions. two randomized, double-blind, active-controlled trials: 1489 (n=314) and and urine protein in all patients. In patients with chronic kidney disease, assess serum phosphorus. BIKTARVY is contraindicated to be co-administered with: 1490 (n=320), in HIV-1 infected, ARV treatment-naïve adults. Through Week 48, 1% of subjects discontinued BIKTARVY due to adverse events, • dofetilide due to the potential for increased dofetilide plasma concentrations regardless of severity. Pregnancy and lactation and associated serious and/or life-threatening events Pregnancy: There is insu› cient human data on the use of BIKTARVY during pregnancy. An Antiretroviral Pregnancy Adverse Reactions: Adverse reactions (all Grades) reported in ≥2% of • rifampin due to decreased BIC plasma concentrations, which may result in subjects receiving BIKTARVY through Week 48 in Trials 1489 and 1490, Registry (APR) has been established. Available data from the APR for FTC shows no diœ erence in the rates of birth the loss of therapeutic effect and development of resistance to BIKTARVY respectively were: diarrhea (6%, 3%), nausea (5%, 3%), headache (5%, defects compared with a US reference population. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 4%), (3%, 2%), abnormal dreams (3%, <1%), dizziness (2%, Lactation: Women infected with HIV-1 should be instructed not to breastfeed, due to the potential for HIV-1 transmission. Also see BOXED WARNING, Contraindications, Adverse Reactions, and 2%), and insomnia (2%, 2%). Additional adverse reactions (all Grades) Drug Interactions. occurring in less than 2% of subjects administered BIKTARVY in Trials Please see Brief Summary of full Prescribing Information for BIKTARVY on following pages. Severe Acute Exacerbation of Hepatitis B in Patients Coinfected with 1489 and 1490 included vomiting, flatulence, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, rash, and depression. Suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and depression 3TC, lamivudine; ABC, abacavir; ARV, antiretroviral; DTG, dolutegravir; eGFR, estimated glomerular fi ltration rate; FTC, emtricitabine; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; HIV-1 and HBV: Patients with HIV-1 should be tested for the presence STR, single-tablet regimen; TAF, tenofovir alafenamide; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) before or when initiating ARV therapy. suicidal occurred in <1% of subjects administered BIKTARVY; all events were serious and primarily occurred in subjects with a preexisting history References: 1. BIKTARVY [package insert]. Foster City, CA: Gilead Sciences, Inc.; 2018. 2. Gallant J, Lazzarin A, Mills A, et al. Bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide Severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B (e.g., liver decompensation and versus dolutegravir, abacavir, and lamivudine for initial treatment of HIV-1 infection (GS-US-380-1489): a double-blind, multicentre, phase 3, randomised controlled non-inferiority liver failure) have been reported in patients who are coinfected with HIV- of depression, prior suicide attempt, or psychiatric illness. trial. Lancet. 2017;390(10107):2063-2072. 3. Sax PE, Pozniak A, Montes ML, et al. Coformulated bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide versus dolutegravir with Laboratory Abnormalities: Laboratory abnormalities (Grades 3–4) emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide, for initial treatment of HIV-1 infection (GS-US-380-1490): a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 1 and HBV and have discontinued products containing FTC and/or TDF, 2017;390(10107):2073-2082. 4. Stellbrink HJ, Arribas J, Stephens JL, et al. Phase III randomized, controlled trial of bictegravir coformulated with FTC/TAF in a fi xed-dose and may occur with discontinuation of BIKTARVY. Patients coinfected with occurring in ≥2% of subjects receiving BIKTARVY through Week combination (B/F/TAF) versus dolutegravir (DTG) + F/TAF in treatment-naïve HIV-1 positive adults: week 96. HIV Glasgow; October 28-31, 2018; Glasgow, UK. 5. Wohl D, HIV-1 and HBV who discontinue BIKTARVY should be closely monitored 48 in Trials 1489 or 1490, respectively were: amylase >2.0 x ULN Yazdanpanah Y, Baumgarten A, et al. A phase 3, randomized, controlled clinical trial of bictegravir in a fi xed-dose combination, B/F/TAF, vs DTG/ABC/3TC in treatment-naïve with both clinical and laboratory follow-up for at least several months (2%, 2%), ALT >5.0 x ULN (1%, 2%), AST >5.0 x ULN (2%, 1%), adults at Week 96. IDWeek; October 3-7, 2018; San Francisco, CA. Abstract 74246. 6. Tsiang M, Jones GS, Goldsmith J, et al. Antiviral activity of bictegravir (GS-9883), a novel Creatine Kinase 10.0 x ULN (4%, 4%), Neutrophils <750 mm3 potent HIV-1 integrase strand transfer inhibitor[…]. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(12):7086-7097. 7. Data on fi le. Gilead Sciences, Inc. after stopping treatment. If appropriate, anti-hepatitis B therapy may be ≥ warranted, especially in patients with advanced liver disease or cirrhosis (2%, 2%), and fasted LDL-cholesterol >190 mg/dL (2%, 3%). since post-treatment exacerbation of hepatitis may lead to hepatic Changes in Serum Creatinine: Increases in serum creatinine occurred decompensation and liver failure. by Week 4 of treatment and remained stable through Week 48. Risk of Adverse Reactions or Loss of Virologic Response Due In Trials 1489 and 1490, median serum creatinine increased by to Drug Interactions: Coadministration of BIKTARVY with certain other 0.10 mg/dL from baseline to Week 48 in the BIKTARVY group and was drugs may result in known or potentially significant drug interactions; this similar to the comparator groups. SIMPLY POWERFULTM Continued on next page.

BVYP0174_96WeekVanity_Tabloid_10-75x13-75_Contagion_r1v1jl.indd 3-4 3/14/19 2:53 PM BIKTARVY® (bictegravir 50 mg, emtricitabine 200 mg, and tenofovir may lead to loss of efficacy and development of resistance to BIKTARVY alafenamide 25 mg) tablets, for oral use or clinically significant adverse reactions from greater exposures of Brief Summary of full Prescribing Information. See full Prescribing concomitant drugs. Consider the potential for drug interactions and review Information. Rx only. concomitant medications prior to and during therapy. Monitor for adverse reactions associated with concomitant drugs. See the possibilities WARNING: POST TREATMENT ACUTE EXACERBATION OF Immune Reconstitution Syndrome (IRS): IRS has been reported in HEPATITIS B patients treated with combination ARV therapy. During the initial phase at of treatment, patients whose immune systems respond may develop an Severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B have been inflammatory response to indolent or residual opportunistic infections, reported in patients who are coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV which may necessitate further evaluation and treatment. Autoimmune and have discontinued products containing emtricitabine disorders have been reported to occur in the setting of immune (FTC) and/or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), and reconstitution; the time to onset is variable, and can occur many months may occur with discontinuation of BIKTARVY. Closely after initiation of treatment. monitor hepatic function with both clinical and laboratory New Onset or Worsening Renal Impairment: Renal impairment, follow-up for at least several months in patients who are including acute renal failure and Fanconi syndrome, has been reported coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV and discontinue BIKTARVY. with the use of tenofovir prodrugs in animal studies and human trials. If appropriate, anti-hepatitis B therapy may be warranted In clinical trials of BIKTARVY in subjects with no antiretroviral treatment IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (continued) [see Warnings and Precautions]. history with eGFRs >30 mL/min, and in virologically suppressed subjects switched to BIKTARVY with eGFRs >50 mL/min, renal serious Adverse reactions INDICATIONS AND USAGE adverse events were encountered in less than 1% of subjects treated Most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5%; all grades) in clinical studies through week 96 were diarrhea (6%), BIKTARVY is indicated as a complete regimen for the treatment of human with BIKTARVY through Week 48. BIKTARVY is not recommended in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min. Patients taking tenofovir prodrugs nausea (6%), and headache (5%). immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in adults who have no antiretroviral treatment history or to replace the current antiretroviral regimen who have renal impairment and/or are taking nephrotoxic agents Drug interactions in those who are virologically suppressed (HIV-1 RNA less than 50 copies per including NSAIDs are at increased risk of developing renal-related adverse reactions. Discontinue BIKTARVY in patients who develop Consult the full prescribing information for BIKTARVY for more information on mL) on a stable antiretroviral regimen for at least 3 months with no history Prescribing information: of treatment failure and no known substitutions associated with resistance clinically significant decreases in renal function or evidence of Fanconi Contraindications, Warnings, and potentially signifi cant drug interactions, including clinical comments. to the individual components of BIKTARVY. syndrome. Renal Monitoring: Prior to or when initiating BIKTARVY, Enzymes/transporters: Drugs that induce P-gp or induce both CYP3A and UGT1A1 can substantially decrease the and during treatment with BIKTARVY, assess serum creatinine, CrCl, DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION urine glucose, and urine protein in all patients as clinically appropriate. concentration of components of BIKTARVY. Drugs that inhibit P-gp, BCRP, or inhibit both CYP3A and UGT1A1 may Also see Warnings and Precautions and Use in Specific Populations. In patients with chronic kidney disease, also assess serum phosphorus. signifi cantly increase the concentrations of components of BIKTARVY. BIKTARVY can increase the concentration of Testing Prior to or When Initiating: Test patients for HBV infection. Lactic Acidosis/Severe Hepatomegaly with Steatosis: drugs that are substrates of OCT2 or MATE1. Testing Prior to or When Initiating, and During Treatment: Lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, including fatal Drugs a­ ecting renal function: Coadministration of BIKTARVY with drugs that reduce renal function or compete for As clinically appropriate, assess serum creatinine, estimated creatinine cases, have been reported with the use of nucleoside analogs, including active tubular secretion may increase concentrations of FTC and tenofovir and the risk of adverse reactions. clearance (CrCl), urine glucose, and urine protein in all patients. In patients FTC and TDF. Treatment with BIKTARVY should be suspended in any with chronic kidney disease, also assess serum phosphorus. individual who develops clinical or laboratory findings suggestive of Dosage and administration Dosage: One tablet taken once daily with or without food. lactic acidosis or pronounced hepatotoxicity, including hepatomegaly and steatosis in the absence of marked transaminase elevations. Dosage: 1 tablet taken once daily with or without food. Renal Impairment: BIKTARVY is not recommended in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min. ADVERSE REACTIONS Renal impairment: Not recommended in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min. Hepatic Impairment: BIKTARVY is not recommended in patients with Also see BOXED WARNING and Warnings and Precautions. Hepatic impairment: Not recommended in patients with severe hepatic impairment. severe hepatic impairment. In Adults with No ARV Treatment History: Prior to or when initiating: Test patients for HBV infection. CONTRAINDICATIONS The safety assessment of BIKTARVY is based on Week 48 data from Prior to or when initiating, and during treatment: As clinically appropriate, assess serum creatinine, CrCl, urine glucose, Also see Drug Interactions. two randomized, double-blind, active-controlled trials: 1489 (n=314) and and urine protein in all patients. In patients with chronic kidney disease, assess serum phosphorus. BIKTARVY is contraindicated to be co-administered with: 1490 (n=320), in HIV-1 infected, ARV treatment-naïve adults. Through Week 48, 1% of subjects discontinued BIKTARVY due to adverse events, • dofetilide due to the potential for increased dofetilide plasma concentrations regardless of severity. Pregnancy and lactation and associated serious and/or life-threatening events Pregnancy: There is insu› cient human data on the use of BIKTARVY during pregnancy. An Antiretroviral Pregnancy Adverse Reactions: Adverse reactions (all Grades) reported in ≥2% of • rifampin due to decreased BIC plasma concentrations, which may result in subjects receiving BIKTARVY through Week 48 in Trials 1489 and 1490, Registry (APR) has been established. Available data from the APR for FTC shows no diœ erence in the rates of birth the loss of therapeutic effect and development of resistance to BIKTARVY respectively were: diarrhea (6%, 3%), nausea (5%, 3%), headache (5%, defects compared with a US reference population. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS 4%), fatigue (3%, 2%), abnormal dreams (3%, <1%), dizziness (2%, Lactation: Women infected with HIV-1 should be instructed not to breastfeed, due to the potential for HIV-1 transmission. Also see BOXED WARNING, Contraindications, Adverse Reactions, and 2%), and insomnia (2%, 2%). Additional adverse reactions (all Grades) Drug Interactions. occurring in less than 2% of subjects administered BIKTARVY in Trials Please see Brief Summary of full Prescribing Information for BIKTARVY on following pages. Severe Acute Exacerbation of Hepatitis B in Patients Coinfected with 1489 and 1490 included vomiting, flatulence, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, rash, and depression. Suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, and depression 3TC, lamivudine; ABC, abacavir; ARV, antiretroviral; DTG, dolutegravir; eGFR, estimated glomerular fi ltration rate; FTC, emtricitabine; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; HIV-1 and HBV: Patients with HIV-1 should be tested for the presence STR, single-tablet regimen; TAF, tenofovir alafenamide; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) before or when initiating ARV therapy. suicidal occurred in <1% of subjects administered BIKTARVY; all events were serious and primarily occurred in subjects with a preexisting history References: 1. BIKTARVY [package insert]. Foster City, CA: Gilead Sciences, Inc.; 2018. 2. Gallant J, Lazzarin A, Mills A, et al. Bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide Severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B (e.g., liver decompensation and versus dolutegravir, abacavir, and lamivudine for initial treatment of HIV-1 infection (GS-US-380-1489): a double-blind, multicentre, phase 3, randomised controlled non-inferiority liver failure) have been reported in patients who are coinfected with HIV- of depression, prior suicide attempt, or psychiatric illness. trial. Lancet. 2017;390(10107):2063-2072. 3. Sax PE, Pozniak A, Montes ML, et al. Coformulated bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide versus dolutegravir with Laboratory Abnormalities: Laboratory abnormalities (Grades 3–4) emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide, for initial treatment of HIV-1 infection (GS-US-380-1490): a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 1 and HBV and have discontinued products containing FTC and/or TDF, 2017;390(10107):2073-2082. 4. Stellbrink HJ, Arribas J, Stephens JL, et al. Phase III randomized, controlled trial of bictegravir coformulated with FTC/TAF in a fi xed-dose and may occur with discontinuation of BIKTARVY. Patients coinfected with occurring in ≥2% of subjects receiving BIKTARVY through Week combination (B/F/TAF) versus dolutegravir (DTG) + F/TAF in treatment-naïve HIV-1 positive adults: week 96. HIV Glasgow; October 28-31, 2018; Glasgow, UK. 5. Wohl D, HIV-1 and HBV who discontinue BIKTARVY should be closely monitored 48 in Trials 1489 or 1490, respectively were: amylase >2.0 x ULN Yazdanpanah Y, Baumgarten A, et al. A phase 3, randomized, controlled clinical trial of bictegravir in a fi xed-dose combination, B/F/TAF, vs DTG/ABC/3TC in treatment-naïve with both clinical and laboratory follow-up for at least several months (2%, 2%), ALT >5.0 x ULN (1%, 2%), AST >5.0 x ULN (2%, 1%), adults at Week 96. IDWeek; October 3-7, 2018; San Francisco, CA. Abstract 74246. 6. Tsiang M, Jones GS, Goldsmith J, et al. Antiviral activity of bictegravir (GS-9883), a novel Creatine Kinase 10.0 x ULN (4%, 4%), Neutrophils <750 mm3 potent HIV-1 integrase strand transfer inhibitor[…]. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016;60(12):7086-7097. 7. Data on fi le. Gilead Sciences, Inc. after stopping treatment. If appropriate, anti-hepatitis B therapy may be ≥ warranted, especially in patients with advanced liver disease or cirrhosis (2%, 2%), and fasted LDL-cholesterol >190 mg/dL (2%, 3%). since post-treatment exacerbation of hepatitis may lead to hepatic Changes in Serum Creatinine: Increases in serum creatinine occurred decompensation and liver failure. by Week 4 of treatment and remained stable through Week 48. Risk of Adverse Reactions or Loss of Virologic Response Due In Trials 1489 and 1490, median serum creatinine increased by to Drug Interactions: Coadministration of BIKTARVY with certain other 0.10 mg/dL from baseline to Week 48 in the BIKTARVY group and was drugs may result in known or potentially significant drug interactions; this similar to the comparator groups. SIMPLY POWERFULTM Continued on next page.

BVYP0174_96WeekVanity_Tabloid_10-75x13-75_Contagion_r1v1jl.indd 3-4 3/14/19 2:53 PM Continued from previous page. Changes in Bilirubin: In Trials 1489 and 1490, total bilirubin increases were containing calcium or iron can be taken together with food. Routine observed in 12% of subjects administered BIKTARVY through Week 48. administration of BIKTARVY under fasting conditions simultaneously In Virologically Suppressed Adults: The safety of BIKTARVY in HIV-1 with, or 2 hours after, supplements containing calcium or iron is not infected, virologically suppressed adults is based on Week 48 data recommended. from 282 subjects in a randomized, double-blind, active-controlled trial • Metformin: Refer to the prescribing information of metformin for assessing in which virologically suppressed subjects were switched from either the benefit and risk of concomitant use of BIKTARVY and metformin. DTG + ABC/3TC or ABC/DTG/3TC to BIKTARVY; and Week 48 data from Consult the full Prescribing Information prior to and during treatment 290 subjects in an open-label, active-controlled trial in which virologically with BIKTARVY for important drug interactions; this list is not all suppressed subjects were switched from a regimen containing atazanavir inclusive. (ATV) (given with cobicistat or ritonavir) or darunavir (DRV) (given with USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS cobicistat or ritonavir) plus either FTC/TDF or ABC/3TC, to BIKTARVY. Also see Dosage and Administration, Warnings and Precautions, Adverse Reactions: Overall, the safety profile in virologically suppressed and Adverse Reactions. adult subjects was similar to that in subjects with no antiretroviral treatment history. Pregnancy: Pregnancy Exposure Registry: There is a pregnancy exposure registry that monitors pregnancy outcomes in women exposed to BIKTARVY DRUG INTERACTIONS during pregnancy. Healthcare providers are encouraged to register patients Also see Indications and Usage, Contraindications, and Warnings by calling the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry (APR) at 1-800-258-4263. and Precautions. Risk Summary: There are insufficient human data on the use of BIKTARVY during pregnancy to inform a drug-associated risk of birth defects and Other Antiretroviral Medications: BIKTARVY is a complete regimen miscarriage. BIC and TAF use in women during pregnancy has not been for the treatment of HIV-1 infection, BIKTARVY coadministration evaluated; however, FTC use during pregnancy has been evaluated in a with other ARV medications for treatment of HIV-1 infection is not limited number of women as reported to the APR. Available data from the recommended. Complete information regarding potential drug interactions APR show no difference in the overall risk of major birth defects for FTC with other ARV medications is not provided. compared with the background rate for major birth defects of 2.7% in a Potential for BIKTARVY to Affect Other Drugs: BIC inhibits organic U.S. reference population of the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects cation transporter 2 (OCT2) and multidrug and toxin extrusion Program (MACDP). The rate of miscarriage is not reported in the APR. transporter 1 (MATE1) in vitro. Coadministration of BIKTARVY with drugs Lactation: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that are substrates of OCT2 and MATE1 (e.g., dofetilide) may increase that HIV-infected mothers not breastfeed their infants to avoid risking their plasma concentrations. postnatal transmission of HIV. Based on published data, FTC has been Potential Effect of Other Drugs to Affect BIKTARVY: BIC is a substrate of detected in human milk; it is not known whether BIKTARVY or all of CYP3A and UGT1A1. A drug that is a strong inducer of CYP3A and also an the components of BIKTARVY are present in human breast milk, affects inducer of UGT1A1 can substantially decrease the plasma concentrations of human milk production, or has effects on the breastfed infant. BIC was BIC which may lead to loss of efficacy and development of resistance. The detected in the plasma of nursing rat pups likely due to the presence use of BIKTARVY with a drug that is a strong inhibitor of CYP3A and also an of BIC in milk, and tenofovir has been shown to be present in the milk inhibitor of UGT1A1 may significantly increase the plasma concentrations of lactating rats and rhesus monkeys after administration of TDF. It is of BIC. TAF is a substrate of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and breast cancer unknown if TAF is present in animal milk. Because of the potential for resistance protein (BCRP). Co-administration of drugs that inhibit P-gp HIV transmission in HIV-negative infants, developing viral resistance in and BCRP may increase the absorption and plasma concentrations of TAF. HIV-positive infants, and adverse reactions in nursing infants, mothers Co-administration of drugs that induce P-gp activity are expected to should be instructed not to breastfeed. decrease the absorption of TAF, resulting in decreased plasma concentration Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness of BIKTARVY in pediatric patients of TAF, which may lead to loss of efficacy and development of resistance. less than 18 years of age have not been established. Drugs Affecting Renal Function: Because FTC and tenofovir are primarily Geriatric Use: Clinical studies of BIKTARVY did not include sufficient excreted by the kidneys by a combination of glomerular filtration and numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond active tubular secretion, coadministration of BIKTARVY with drugs that differently from younger subjects. reduce renal function or compete for active tubular secretion may increase Renal Impairment: BIKTARVY is not recommended in patients with severe concentrations of FTC, tenofovir, and other renally eliminated drugs, which renal impairment (CrCl <30ml/min). No dosage adjustment of BIKTARVY is may increase the risk of adverse reactions. recommended in patients with CrCl >30ml/min. Established and Potentially Significant Drug Interactions: The listing Hepatic Impairment: No dosage adjustment of BIKTARVY is recommended of established or potentially clinically significant drug interactions with in patients with mild (Child-Pugh Class A) or moderate (Child-Pugh Class B) recommended prevention or management strategies described are based hepatic impairment. BIKTARVY is not recommended for use in patients with on studies conducted with either BIKTARVY, the components of BIKTARVY severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class C) as BIKTARVY has not been (BIC, FTC, and TAF) as individual agents, or are drug interactions that may studied in these patients. occur with BIKTARVY. An alteration in regimen may be recommended. OVERDOSAGE: • Antiarrhythmics: dofetilide. Coadministration is contraindicated due to If overdose occurs, monitor the patient for evidence of toxicity. Treatment potential for serious and/or life-threatening events. consists of general supportive measures including monitoring of vital • Anticonvulsants: carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin. signs as well as observation of the clinical status of the patient. Coadministration with alternative anticonvulsants should be considered. • Antimycobacterials: rifampin. Coadministration is contraindicated 210251-GS-000 February 2018 due to the effect on BIKTARVY. Rifabutin, rifapentine. Coadministration is not recommended. • Herbal Products: St. John’s wort. Coadministration is not recommended. • Medications/oral supplements containing polyvalent cations (e.g., Mg, Al, BIKTARVY, the BIKTARVY Logo, GILEAD, the GILEAD Logo, and SIMPLY Ca, Fe): Antacids containing Al/Mg or Calcium: BIKTARVY can be taken POWERFUL are trademarks of Gilead Sciences, Inc., or its related under fasting conditions 2 hours before antacids containing Al/Mg or companies. All other marks referenced herein are the property of their calcium. Routine administration of BIKTARVY simultaneously with, or respective owners. 2 hours after, antacids containing Al/Mg or calcium is not recommended. Supplements containing Calcium or Iron: BIKTARVY and supplements © 2019 Gilead Sciences, Inc. All rights reserved. BVYP0174 01/19

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ADVOCACY AND WENDY M. BAMBERG, MD † KIRK HEVENER, PHARMD, PHD JAMES MCKINNELL, MD † DAVID A. SCHWARTZ, MD, RESEARCH Colorado Department of Public College of Pharmacy David Geffen School of Medicine MS HYG, FCAP Health and Environment Medical College of Georgia FOUNDATION University of Tennessee University of California, Los Angeles Denver, Colorado Memphis, Tennessee Los Angeles, California Augusta University PARTNERS Augusta, Georgia BRANDON BOOKSTAVER, EDMOND A. HOOKER, MD, DRPH JOHN MOHR, PHARMD PHARMD, FCCP, FIDSA, BCPS, Xavier University Medical Affairs Strategic Solutions EDWARD J. SEPTIMUS, MD, AAHIVP Cincinnati, Ohio Acton, Massachusetts FIDSA, FACP, FSHEA College of Pharmacy Medical Affairs HCA, Inc University of South Carolina KENGO INAGAKI, MD scPharmaceuticals Houston, Texas Columbia, South Carolina University of Mississippi Lexington, Massachusetts Jackson, Mississippi RYAN K. SHIELDS, PHARMD, MS † ROBERT BRANSFIELD, MD, MICHAEL NAILOR, PHARMD, Department of Medicine DLFAPA NORMAN B. JAVITT, MD, PHD BCPS-AQ ID University of Pittsburgh Robert Wood Johnson School of Pharmacy Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Medical School NYU School of Medicine University of Connecticut Rutgers University New York, New York Storrs, Connecticut SHMUEL SHOHAM, MD New Brunswick, New Jersey MEGHAN JEFFRES, PHARMD Transplant and Oncology Infectious Diseases Program Skaggs School of Pharmacy and PAYAL K. PATEL, MD, MPH MARTA CAVALCANTI, MD, PHD Pharmaceutical Sciences Institute for Healthcare Policy Johns Hopkins University School Infectious Disease Clinic of Medicine University of Colorado & Innovation Hospital Universitario University of Michigan Baltimore, Maryland Clementino Fraga Filho Aurora, Colorado Ann Arbor, Michigan Universidade Federal do KATHLEEN SQUIRES, MD Rio de Janeiro LEAH JOHNSON, PHD Merck Research Laboratories Rio de Janeiro, Brazil RTI International ELIZABETH PHILLIPS, MD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Research Triangle Park FRCPC, FRACP Vanderbilt University Medical CARLOS DEL RIO, MD North Carolina Center AUDREY STEVENSON, PHD, MPH, Emory Vaccine Center Nashville, Tennessee MSN, FNP-BC JULIE ANN JUSTO, PHARMD, MS, Emory Center for AIDS Research Salt Lake County Health BCPS-AQ ID Atlanta, Georgia Department University of South Carolina JASON POGUE, PHARMD, Salt Lake City, Utah College of Pharmacy BCPS-AQID DAVID VAN DUIN, MD, PHD Columbia, South Carolina DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital University of North Carolina Detroit, Michigan GLENN TILLOTSON, PHD, FIDSA School of Medicine Consultant Microbiologist KEITH S. KAYE, MD, MPH Chapel Hill, North Carolina Durham, North Carolina Division of Infectious Diseases CASSANDRA D. SALGADO, University of Michigan MD, MS KHALID ELJAALY, PHARMD, Medical School Department of Internal Medicine PEDRO FERNANDO DA COSTA BCPS, CAPPS Ann Arbor, Michigan Medical University of South VASCONCELOS, MD, PHD College of Pharmacy Carolina WHO Collaborating Center for The University of Arizona Charleston, South Carolina Arbovirus and Research MADELINE KING, PHARMD Tucson, Arizona Instituto Evandro Chagas Philadelphia College of Pharmacy King Abdulaziz University Ananindeua, Brazil University of the Sciences PAUL E. SAX, MD Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Brigham and Women’s Hospital Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Harvard Medical School JOSE A. VAZQUEZ, MD, DEBRA A. GOFF, PHARMD, FCCP Boston, Massachusetts FACP, FIDSA The Ohio State University Wexner JAMES S. LEWIS, PHARMD, Division of Infectious Diseases FIDSA Medical Center Georgia Regents University Oregon Health and Science JASON J. SCHAFER, PHARMD, Columbus, Ohio Augusta, Georgia University MPH, BCPS AQ-ID, AAHIVP † Portland, Oregon Jefferson College of Pharmacy JEAN PAUL J. GONZALEZ, Thomas Jefferson University CARMEN ZORRILLA, MD MD, PHD School of Medicine CONAN MACDOUGALL, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Center of Excellence for Emerging University of Puerto Rico & Zoonotic Animal Disease PHARMD, MAS, BCPS, BCIDP† ADRIANO DE BERNARDI San Juan, Puerto Rico Kansas State University University of California –San Francisco SCHNEIDER, PHD Manhattan, Kansas San Francisco, California Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Medicine Active members of the Society of ALAN GROSS, PHARMD, Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) University of California, San Diego ® BCPS-AQID MONICA V. MAHONEY, † Contagion Section Editor PHARMD, BCPS-AQ ID † College of Pharmacy Beth Israel Deaconess SARA SCHULTZ, MD † University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center Division of Infectious Diseases Chicago, Illinois Boston, Massachusetts & HIV Medicine Drexel College of Medicine EMILY HEIL, PHARMD, CHRISTOPHER MCCOY, PHARMD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania BCPS-AQ ID BCPS-AQ ID School of Pharmacy Beth Israel Deaconess OTTO SCHWAKE, PHD University of Maryland Medical Center Department of Civil and Baltimore, Maryland Boston, Massachusetts Environmental Engineering Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia

Questions related to editorial content and submissions should be sent to Managing Editor Alexandra Ward, MA: [email protected]. Questions related to editorial content and submissions should be sent to Managing Editor Alexandra Ward, MA: [email protected].


STEWARDSHIP & PREVENTION Outpatient Antimicrobial 22 Stewardship: Field of Dreams or Land of Opportunity for Pharmacists? Relevant existing reports, though limited, demonstrated positive outcomes and suggest a promising space for pharmacy growth in outpatient antimicrobial stewardship.

BY CHRISTINA G. RIVERA, PHARMD, BCPS, AAHIV-M Image credit: kritchanut | Illustrator: Patrick Welsh

IN THE LITERATURE NEWS & BREAKTHROUGHS MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT INFECTIONS Optimal Vancomycin Dosing DTG/3TC Offers Dual-Drug Incorporating Culture- 8 in Obese Patients: Moving 12 Therapy for Initial Treatment Independent Diagnostic Tests Toward the AUC of HIV 20 for Bloodstream Infections BY ANDREW J. HALE, MD; DANIELA DIMARCO, MD; For the first time, patients with new HIV These tests have the potential to transform AND JOHN W. AHERN, PHARMD diagnoses have a 2-drug regimen option. patient care and antimicrobial stewardship, BY AMY C. MIN, PHARMD, BCACP, AAHIVP but they have not gained widespread acceptance, partly because of uncertainty Daptomycin Dosing in over how to use them clinically. ACUTE INFECTIONS 9 Obesity: Consideration for a BY CORNELIUS J. CLANCY, MD, AND Fixed-Dose Strategy More Than Surviving Sepsis: M. HONG NGUYEN, MD BY KATHERINE LUSARDI, PHARMD, BCPS-AQ Everything Old Is New Again ID, BCIDP 14 PEER EXCHANGE Investigators are dusting off angiotensin II and ascorbic acid for renewed use in MEDICAL WORLD NEWS treating sepsis and septic shock. Experts Survey the Landscape Learn more about important and BY LAUREN A. IGNERI, PHARMD, BCPS, BCCCP 24 of HIV Screening, Treatment trending infectious disease news 10 BY GINA BATTAGLIA, PHD from around the world. EMERGING & RE-EMERGING INFECTIONS

Tick, Tick, Tick: Vector-Borne MEETING COVERAGE Diseases Ramp Up 16 Coverage from ECCMID 2019, Infections transmitted by these SHEA 2019, and MAD-ID 2019. bloodsucking species are on the 28 rise worldwide. Follow Us BY ILIA ROCHLIN, PHD, AND ALVARO TOLEDO, PHD CASE STUDY An Unusual Case of Testicular HIV/ AIDS 32 Swelling in a Patient With HIV What’s in the Pipeline? Being immunocompromised increases @ContagionLive @Contagion_Live risk of rare Mycobacterium tuberculosis 18 A look at up-and-coming HIV drugs epididymo-orchitis. in development. BY JANE ABERNETHY, MD CANDIDATE; SUSAN BY RAKHSHANDA AKRAM, MD, AND A.INNIS, MD; LAUREL J. GLASER, MD, PHD; AND JOSEPH DESIMONE JR, MD WILLIAM R. SHORT, MD, MPH

Contagion_Live Contagion_Live

6 | Contagion® • June 2019


EDITORIAL & PRODUCTION Associate Editorial Medical and Director Scientific Quality Achaogen—Canary in the Coal Mine or Thomas Castles Review Editor Stacey Abels, PhD Managing Editor Developer of an Unwanted Product? Alexandra Ward, Copy Editors MA Maggie Shaw Rachelle Laliberte Assistant Editor Paul Silverman Michaela Fleming Creative Director, n April, the infectious diseases world received bad news when Achaogen, the devel- Copy Chief Publishing Jennifer Potash Ray Pelesko opers of plazomicin (Zemdri), announced that they were filing for bankruptcy. The company’s demise serves notice that the recent boom in antibiotic development, which Senior Designer JASON C. GALLAGHER, Wassana Iled to the incredible success of the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s 10 x ’20 drug PHARMD, FCCP, FIDP, Techadilok development initiative, comes with a notorious asterisk. FIDSA, BCPS SALES & MARKETING I am still amazed by the success of the focus on the desperate need for new antimi- Gallagher is a clinical National Accounts Marketing professor at Temple Manager Coordinator crobials. The goal of “10 new antibiotics by 2020” was reached ahead of schedule, and Noah Fishbein Alexandra Mass University School the pipeline contains several new agents with possible approvals in 2019 and 2020. Push of Pharmacy and OPERATIONS & FINANCE incentives, which encourage antibiotic development by helping to reduce research and clinical pharmacy Circulation Vice President, specialist in infectious Director Finance development costs, have been effective in lowering barriers of entry to the market for new Jon Severn Leah Babitz, CPA entities, such as plazomicin. With the abandonment of antibiotic development by nearly diseases at Temple University Hospital, Controller all large pharmaceutical companies, small companies such as Achaogen with limited Katherine Wyckoff both in Philadelphia, resources are left as the driving forces of drug development. I am thankful for these Pennsylvania. He is CORPORATE OFFICERS small companies and their interest in creating new antibiotics, but they are vulnerable to also the director of Chairman Senior Vice the PGY2 Residency and CEO President, setbacks and are dependent on venture capitalists in ways that more robust companies in Infectious Diseases Mike Hennessy, Sr Operations Tom Tolvé are not. Pharmacy at Temple. Vice Chairman Jack Lepping Vice President, Achaogen faced several setbacks. Their prospective study of plazomicin for carbapen- Active member of the Society Corporate of Infectious Diseases President Development and em-resistant (CRE) infections was dogged by low enrollment, though Pharmacists (SIDP) Mike Hennessy, Jr Integration Dave Heckard it showed a significant difference in mortality, at the level of a 90% confidence interval. Chief Operating The US Food and Drug Administration ultimately did not grant the indication for CRE Officer Vice President, George Glatcz Business infections, leaving plazomicin with only the ubiquitous “complicated urinary tract infec- Innovation Chief Financial Chris Hennessy tion” indication in its label. Although the results showed that fewer relapses occurred Officer Neil Glasser, Vice President than with the β-lactam comparator, most of the pathogens studied were not the highly CPA/CFE Digital Media Jung Kim resistant organisms that clinicians would actually use the drug to treat. Executive Creative Director Vice President, On the other side, plazomicin is an aminoglycoside, and I think it should have been Jeff Brown Human Resources and expected that any uptake of a new drug in this class would be slow. Aminoglycosides have Senior Vice Administration well-known toxicity, which has probably become magnified in the minds of clinicians as President, Shari Lundenberg Content more time passes from when they were commonly used. It was the third of 3 drugs with Silas Inman activity against CRE to be approved this decade, losing a race to establish a foothold in a Senior Vice President, limited market to 2 β-lactams with likely better safety margins (ceftazidime-avibactam Information Technology Officer and meropenem-vaborbactam). Plazomicin faced an uphill battle. John Moricone So what’s the lesson here? Now that we finally have new antibiotics, does the Achaogen story portend a future in which the companies fail after they are approved, or is it the tale of a company with an antibiotic that was a reach in the first place? I feel that it is Subscribe to Contagion® a little bit of both. Other antibiotic companies with newly approved products have seen at ContagionLive. com/link/9, or use a their stock prices drop and may face difficulty generating the investment they require smartphone to scan this QR code. before their drugs become profitable. Formulary uptake of new antibiotics is consistently delayed, even when they successfully address unmet medical needs. Expectations for new products need to be tempered. What would help? Pull incentives. Now that antibiotics are being approved and deliv- ered to the market, we need to ensure that they stay there and remain available for patients. Models such as transferable patent extensions could both reenergize large 2 Clarke Drive, Suite 100 Cranbury, NJ 08512 • (609) 716-7777 pharmaceutical companies into antibiotic development and reward smaller companies for successful research. As it stands, our need for new antimicrobials, continuously fed by bacterial evolution, is being falsely met by our current drug development model. Our feature article this month, by Christina G. Rivera, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIV-M, discusses Copyright © 2019 by Intellisphere, LLC. All rights reserved. whether outpatient antimicrobial stewardship is a field of dreams or land of opportunity The content contained in this publication for pharmacists. is for general information purposes only. The reader is encouraged to confirm the As always, enjoy this issue, and keep up with us at information presented with other sources. Contagion® makes no representations or war- ranties of any kind about the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or suitability of any of the information, including content or advertisements, contained in this publica- tion and expressly disclaims liability for any errors and omissions that may be presented in this publication. Contagion® reserves the right to alter or correct any error or omission in the information it provides in this publi- cation, without any obligations. Contagion® further disclaims any and all liability for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from the use or misuse of any material or informa- tion presented in this publication. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of Contagion®.


Optimal Vancomycin Dosing in Obese Patients: Moving Toward the AUC


ancomycin is the principal antimicrobial TABLE. Nomogram for Empiric Dosing of Vancomycin in Obese Patients Based on Estimated agent used to treat methicillin-resistant Vancomycin Clearance. Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)–associ- PROBABILITY OF PROBABILITY OF PROBABILITY OF atedV invasive infections. The 2011 Infectious EFFICACY (AUC EFFICACY (AUC > TOXICITY (AUC ESTIMATED LOADING MAINTENANCE >400 MG*H/L) AT 400 MG*H/L) AT >700 MG*H/L) AT Diseases Society of America (IDSA) MRSA guide- a CLV (L/H) DOSE DOSE 24 HOURS 48 HOURS 48 HOURS lines recommend that vancomycin be dosed at 1 2500 mg 500 mg IV every 100% 100% 23% 15 to 20 mg/kg/dose (actual body IV once 24 hours weight) every 8 to 12 hours, not to 2 2500 mg 1000 mg IV every 98% 100% 1% exceed 2 g per dose, in patients with IV once 24 hours normal renal function.1 These guide- 3 2500 mg 1500 mg IV 93% 100% 0 lines state that “trough vancomycin IV once every 24 hours concentrations are the most accu- 4 2500 mg 1000 mg IV every 99% 100% 0 Andrew J. Hale, MD rate and practical method to guide IV once 12 hours vancomycin dosing…Monitoring of peak vanco- 5 2500 mg 1250 mg IV 98% 100% 0 IV once every 12 hours mycin concentrations is not recommended.” 6 2500 mg 1500 mg IV 96% 100% 0 However, obesity presents a unique dilemma, IV once every 12 hours as actual body weight dosing of vancomycin 7 2500 mg 1750 mg IV every 94% 100% 0 could lead to large, potentially nephrotoxic doses. IV once 12 hours Various studies have attempted to address 8 3000 mg 2000 mg IV every 99% 100% 0 the conundrum of weight-based dosing in obese IV once 12 hours 2-5 patients. Important to this debate is the 9 3000 mg 2250 mg IV every 98% 100% 0 concept that the actual pharmacokinetic goal IV once 12 hours in vancomycin dosing is an AUC (area under 10 3000 mg 2250 mg IV every 92% 100% 0 the curve) ≥400 mg∙h/L, which a vancomycin IV once 12 hours trough concentration of 15 to 20 mg/L approx- CLV indicates vancomycin clearance;IV, intravenous; SCR, serum creatinine (mg/dL); TBW, total body weight (kg). aCLV = 9.656-0.078 × AGE (in years) – 2.009 × SCR + 1.09 × sex (1 if male and 0 if female) + 0.04 × TBW0.75. imates. However, this trough goal can result Adapted from Crass et al, Table 2.8 in significant variability in the AUC achieved, particularly in obese patients.4,6 With this in for >48 hours were included, with body the algorithm led to significantly lower overall mind, it may be preferable to directly target the weights of 69.6 to 293.6 kg and body mass vancomycin doses than would have been used AUC, which reflects a patient’s total exposure to indexes of 30.1 to 85.7 kg/m2. Patients with in dosing based on actual body weight yet had a drug over a given time, as opposed to using creatinine clearance <30 mL/min or serum a higher chance of AUC target attainment. the trough concentration as a proxy measure.2,7 creatinine increase of 0.5 mg/dL (or 50%) The study has several limitations: First, Crass and colleagues have provided a note- above baseline were excluded. Monte Carlo the patient clinical status and the indica- worthy pharmacokinetic study that helps simulations with a goal AUC of ≥400 mg∙h/L tion to provide vancomycin were excluded. address this issue8 (Table). The goal of the and <700 mg∙h/L were run with a wide variety Additionally, monitoring of peak and trough research was to develop an initial dosage of potential dosing schemes. Based on this serum vancomycin levels requires additional strategy that produces an AUC that is effica- simulation, the authors proposed a vanco- phlebotomy. Alternatively, Bayesian software cious (≥400 mg∙h/L) but not toxic (defined by mycin dosage nomogram that can be safely programs can estimate the AUC with a single the authors as <700 mg∙h/L). They conducted used to achieve pharmacodynamic end points. drug concentration.9 The exclusion of patients a study using peak (1 hour after infusion) This uses vancomycin clearance, which is with fluctuating renal function is significant, as and trough (30 minutes prior to next infu- calculated from a regression equation using this is not an uncommon occurrence in hospi- sion) levels in obese patients. Then, via Monte Cockcroft-Gault variables, to calculate main- talized patients with severe infections and likely Carlo simulation, they identified doses that tenance dosages that range from 500 mg represents a group at increased risk of vanco- were predicted to meet AUC goals. A total of every 24 hours to 2250 mg every 12 hours. mycin nephrotoxicity. Most important, this is a 346 nonpregnant adults receiving vancomycin Implementing this would result in very few modeling study, and prospective clinical trials patients receiving maintenance vancomycin in obese patients looking at hard outcomes— HIGHLIGHTED STUDY dosage in excess of 4.5 g per day. microbiological cure and drug-toxicity rates— The authors make 3 major recommendations, are much needed. The authors have provided Dosing Vancomycin in the Super the first of which is a shift away from empiric the opportunity to reassess current guidelines Obese: Less Is More weight-based nomograms to nomograms specif- and traditional vancomycin therapeutic drug ically targeting AUC. The second suggestion is monitoring strategies. Their study aligns well [published online November 1, 2018] to perform subsequent therapeutic drug moni- with expected updated IDSA vancomycin guide- Crass RL, Dunn R, Hong J, Krop LC, Pai MP. J toring using the AUC via a peak and trough lines, set to be released in 2019, which are Antimicrob Chemother. 2018;73(11):3081–3086. doi: 10.1093/jac/dky310. strategy rather than a trough-only approach. predicted to advocate for AUC-based dosing.  The final recommendation is that less is more; References available at

8 | Contagion® • June 2019 Active members of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) IN THE LITERATURE

Daptomycin Dosing in Obesity: Consideration for a Fixed-Dose Strategy


aptomycin is an important antibi- For the PK analysis, obese and nonobese HIGHLIGHTED STUDY otic with action against methicillin- patients were well matched at baseline. resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Although differences were not found for CL, A Fixed Versus Weight-Based Dand vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE). Vd, and terminal half-life, differences were Dosing Strategy of Daptomycin Per the US Food and Drug detected in intercompartmental transfer rate Administration labeling, daptomycin constants, which were higher in the morbidly May Improve Safety in is recommended to be dosed based obese. Given that the rates were the same, Obese Adults on total body weight (TBW). This because the Vd and CL did not change [published online June 15, 2018] involves pharmacokinetic assump- proportionally with weight, the obese patients Butterfield-Cowper JM, Lodise TP, Pai MP. Katherine Lusardi, Pharmacotherapy. 2018;38(9):981-985. tions, in- cluding that clearance PharmD, BCPS-AQ would have higher drug exposure. To look at (CL) and volume of distribution ID, BCIDP the drug exposure, the investigators used a doi: 10.1002/phar.2157. (Vd) change proportionately with TBW—making Monte Carlo simulation.

TBW dosing appropriate in obese patients. If CL For the Monte Carlo simulation, with the in Cminss over 24.3 mg/L, levels that were

doesn’t change proportionately in obese patients, use of TBW dosing, the AUC0-24ss, Cmaxss, and previously associated with creatine kinase

a higher drug exposure can result. Currently Cminss were 2-fold higher in morbidly obese elevation. The weight-based dosing exceeded varied recommendations for dosing go beyond patients compared with nonobese patients. 24.3 mg/L 10.8% of the time but just 2% in the labeled 4 to 6 mg/kg/TBW dosing, up to 10 The fixed-dose modeling showed similar the fixed-dose model. 1 to 12 mg/kg/TBW. There is also literature that AUC0-24ss, Cmaxss, and Cminss between the groups. This is not the first study to identify higher debates the correct weight that should be used The study also looked at daptomycin exposure in obese patients. for dosing, with some arguing for ideal body how the modeled Previously, it was shown that daptomycin weight2 and others supporting an adjusted dosing resulted dosing on actual body weight gave ~50% to body weight in obese patients.3 60% higher exposure in obese patients, which Butterfield-Cowper et al aimed to is similar to the 2-fold increased exposure determine whether weight-based seen in this present study.6 Studies that have daptomycin dosing results in the examined the differences in exposure do same exposures in obese and have differences in how they control for nonobese patients.4 The investi- renal function and other patient characteris- gators used serum level data tics, making an apples-to-apples comparison from a prior study to between the findings difficult. What does build pharmacokinetic appear to be consistent is that TBW dosing models and a Monte in obesity leads to increased exposure. Carlo simulation. Although therapeutically, we are pushing In a prior study, daptomycin doses higher and higher 7 patients were given (>10 mg/kg TBW for VRE and MRSA), there a 4 mg/kg dose of dap- can be concerns that the safety versus effi- tomycin, with 8 serum cacy balance is affected.7 samples taken 0.5 hours Prior daptomycin studies also called into through 24 hours after dosing.5 question the safety of daptomycin dosing This study analyzed those samples in obese patients, with a more recent in a population pharmacokinetic study identifying obesity (BMI >40) as (PK) model, stratifying by obese and an independent risk factor for myop- nonobese patients. A 2-compartment athy and rhabdomyolysis.8 model was used, with zero-order infusion Overall, although this study and first-order elimination from the central does not set a recommended fixed compartment. The median PK estimates were dose for obese patients, it does compared (morbidly obese vs nonobese), and find that a fixed dose has merit linear regression was used to find the asso- for keeping drug exposure and ciation between the daptomycin CL and Vd safety profiles in obese patients and TBW. similar to those of normal- A Monte Carlo simulation was used to weight patients. As daptomycin model 2 doses, 6 mg/kg TBW/day and doses continue to be pushed 500 mg/day, from which the steady-state for the sake of efficacy, studies for

area under the curve (AUC0-24ss), maximum dosing strategies will need to keep pace and  concentration (Cmax), and minimum concentra- continue to fill the literature void.

Maksym Yemelyanov/ Adobe stock tion (Cmin) were determined. References available at

| 9 Measles Cases Hit All-Time Annual High Since Elimination in United States Investigators Link By Michaela Fleming Receipt of PrEP at Study Enrollment s of April 24, 2019, the United States has officially documented the greatest number of measles cases in a given year since the disease was declared eliminated in 2000. With Rise of STIs The US Centers for Disease for Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 695 cases of By: Contagion® Editorial Staff measlesA have been detected across 22 states so far this year. The agency attributes the high counts primarily to a few large outbreaks on the West Coast in Washington State and on the East Coast in s pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) both New York City and New York State. is recommended to populations at Outbreaks are also being monitored in New A a higher risk of acquiring HIV, some clinicians have grown concerned that use of Jersey and Michigan and in Butte County, PrEP could be associated with an increased California. On April 22, the Los Angeles incidence of bacterial sexually transmitted County Department of Public Health infections (STIs). released a statement announcing an New study findings by a team of Australian outbreak investigation following the investigators published in the Journal of the confirmation of 4 measles cases, all American Medical Association show that, linked to international travel. among gay and bisexual men, receipt of According to the CDC, one of the largest PrEP was linked with a higher incidence of barriers to controlling these outbreaks has STIs compared with before the study period. been the spread of misinformation about the A total of 2982 participants were enrolled measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. across 5 clinics. Upon enrollment, the partic- ipants received daily oral tenofovir diso- “We have to remember that one of the big proxil fumarate and emtricitabine, along messages that we have to get out there is that with quarterly HIV and STI testing and clin- there isn’t any evidence that shows vaccines ical monitoring. Each participant and had at have long-term impact or adverse effects on people,” least 1 follow-up visit. Christina Tan, MD, MPH, a state epidemiologist and The investigators found that during a an assistant commissioner with the New Jersey mean follow-up of 1.1 years (3185 person- Department of Health, said in a recent segment years), there were 2928 STIs diagnosed of a Contagion® video program. “But you do run (1434 chlamydia cases, 1242 , the risk of impacting your life with a vaccine-pre- 252 syphilis) among 1427 (48%) of the total ventable disease. If you’re not vaccinated, you could have long-term sequelae related to, say, participants. Overall, the STI incidence was encephalitis or related to measles that will last you a lifetime.”  91.9 per 100 person-years, with 736 partic- ipants (25%) accounting for 2237 (76%) of all STIs. According to multivariable analysis, younger age, greater number of sexual part- ners, and group sex were associated with The Infectious Disease Physician Well Begins greater STI risk, but condom use was not. Based on preenrollment testing data that to Run Dry were available for 1378 participants, STI inci- By Saskia V. Popescu dence increased from 69.5 per 100 person- years prior to the study to 98.4 per 100 here is a growing shortage of infectious providers with experience in identifying these person-years during follow-up (incidence disease physicians in the United States, vaccine-preventable diseases. rate ratio, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.29-1.56). according to The New York Times. In a Each year, 2 million Americans experience an The investigators concluded that in gay and Ttime of increasing antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic-resistant infection, 23,000 of whom bisexual men using PrEP, STIs were highly concentrated among a subset of study partic- emerging infectious diseases, and continued will die. Poor antimicrobial stewardship is a ipants. Additionally, receipt of outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, these critical part of resistance and, increasingly, PrEP at enrollment was asso- specialists are a critical asset to the medical and poor prescribing practices are carried out by ciated with an increased public health communities. noninfectious disease physicians. As control incidence of STIs compared According to the report, from 2009 to 2017, measures against antimicrobial resistance with preenrollment.  hospitals able to fill all their adult infectious struggle, the role of infectious disease physi- disease training programs fell by 40%. These cians will grow, especially because they are often gaps are reportedly due to challenges with insur- the only providers with the skills to use newer ance reimbursement and the fact that infectious antimicrobial medications. disease physicians are consult-only providers. The shortage of infectious disease physicians Ultimately, what does this shortage mean? has global implications in our fight against infec- We rely on infectious disease physicians for tious disease threats, whether they originate from managing complex antibiotic regimens with nature, laboratory accidents, or intentional acts comorbidities. Moreover, they are often the only of terror.  Hand image: Romolo Tavani, PrEP Bowonpat/ Adobe stock

10 | Contagion® • June 2019 Peggy Lillis Foundation: Creating Public WHO Updates 2019- Awareness and Engagement to Fight C diff 2020 Vaccine By Alexandra Ward, MA Recommendations By Einav Keet CONTAGION®: WHAT ARE THE MOST URGENT PRIORITIES WHEN IT COMES TO REDUCING he World Health Organization (WHO) RATES OF C DIFFICILE INFECTION? announced the recommendation of a new LILLIS: For us, it all comes down to public influenza A (H3N2) component for the awareness and engagement. A challenge T2019-2020 seasonal flu vaccine. with infectious diseases, as opposed to Because of recent changes in the proportions chronic ones, is that they are mostly acute. of genetically and antigenically diverse A (H3N2) People either get well or they die. If they , in February, the members of the WHO have a mild C diff infection, they generally Global Influenza Surveillance and Response just go about their lives. Of course, when System postponed the recommendation of the someone perishes from an infection, they’re A (H3N2) component. no longer present to raise awareness or On March 21, WHO released an addendum to the advocate for better policies. We would like February report with a decision to recommend an to see federal and state agencies taking A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2)–like virus for use in flu an active role in raising awareness of vaccines during the northern hemisphere’s 2019- preventable infections. 2020 flu season. The new component replaces an A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 (H3N2)– WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT like virus in use in the northern hemisphere flu he Peggy Lillis Foundation brought MESSAGE FOR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS vaccine for the 2018-2019 flu season. together 100 leaders in April in WHO ARE ON THE FRONT LINES In an interview with Contagion®, WHO spokes- Washington, DC, for its fourth OF C DIFFICILE TREATMENT? person Christian Lindmeier explained the delay TNational C diff Summit and Lobby Day. C diff and other antibiotic-resistant infections and the ultimate decision. “Influenza A (H3N2) The foundation was started after the 2010 are largely preventable if we all do our part, viruses have presented an increasing challenge for death of a 56-year-old kindergarten teacher and work together: health care workers, poli- vaccine virus selection due to frequent changes in who died from complications of a Clostridioides cymakers, and patients and caregivers. We the virus and difficulties in generating candidate difficile infection. need real investment in terminal cleaning that vaccine viruses for use in egg-based manufacturing,” Contagion® sat down with Christian Lillis, ensures people responsible for that work are Lindmeier said, noting that experts reviewed data executive director of the Peggy Lillis Foundation well trained and compensated. We also need on virus surveillance, antigenic characterization, to learn about the organization's recent efforts, health care workers to be open to patients and virus fitness forecasts and identified multiple what obstacles it's facing, and how providers and caregivers having greater participation in cocirculating influenza A (H3N2) virus groups can help in the fight against C diff. our care.  before making the recommendation. 

PrEP May Ease Fears of HIV Risk, Study Results Suggest By Jonna Lorenz

re-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use may have psychological benefits The study noted that anxiety can persist for months and that some men for gay and bisexual men, according to results from a recent study. avoid HIV testing for fear of a positive result. Addressing that anxiety may be P “For many gay and bisexual men, the fear of HIV is still very real, and a reason in itself to consider PrEP. this fear may be negatively impacting their mental health," Thomas Whitfield, “A lot of focus has been put on HIV risk criteria for starting PrEP, a graduate student at City University of New York and first author of the study, which I think makes sense, but these findings also suggest that simply told Contagion®. “PrEP may put some of these men’s minds at ease and allow being worried about HIV risk may be reason enough to put a patient them to enjoy their sex lives better.” on PrEP,” Rendina said. “Assuming we can get access and costs figured The study, published in The Journal of Sex Research, involved more than 1000 out—which is a major assumption—we know PrEP is safe, it’ll reduce gay and bisexual men who completed a questionnaire before and after begin- any risk should it eventually arise, and it might be what they need to ning a PrEP regimen. reduce their worries about sex regardless of whether they are objectively The results found an average decrease of sexual anxiety by 0.27 points at risk.” when participants were on PrEP compared with before treatment. No signifi- Along with highlighting other reasons to consider PrEP, the study suggests cant changes were reported in sexual esteem or satisfaction. that patients may benefit from broader conversations with providers that “To me, one of the most important aspects of these findings is that PrEP include psychological aspects. might finally provide a turning point for sexual minority men who have spent Further studies are needed to replicate the results and determine whether decades worrying about sexual risk,” senior author Jonathon Rendina, PhD, anxiety continues to decrease over even longer periods of time, Whitfield MPH, director of quantitative methods at the Center for HIV Educational Studies said. Further investigations also are needed to examine whether psycholog- & Training at Hunter College of City University of New York, told Contagion®. ical benefits may increase uptake of PrEP. Kateryna_Kon/ Adobe stock


DTG/3TC Offers Dual-Drug Therapy for Initial HIV Treatment For the first time, patients with new HIV diagnoses have a 2-drug regimen option.


n 2016, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), non-NRTIs, or protease estimated that 45% of all people living with HIV in the inhibitors. Women of childbearing potential were included United States are over age 50.1 This patient population if they were not pregnant or lactating and were using Icontinues to age due to advances in HIV antiretroviral therapy approved contraception. Patients were randomly assigned (ART); with tolerable, highly effective pharmacotherapy (1:1) to receive a 2-drug regimen of dolutegravir plus lami- options, there is a shift in focus to minimize long-term toxic- vudine (as 2 tablets) or a 3-drug regimen (3DR) of dolute- ities of lifelong ART. gravir plus emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (as AMY C. MIN, PHARMD, BCACP, AAHIVP 2 tablets). Both the participants and the investigators were Min is a clinical assistant CLINICAL TRIALS blinded to treatment assignment, made possible by over- professor with a specialty This new 2-drug regimen (2DR) comprises dolutegravir and encapsulating the lamivudine and emtricitabine/tenofovir in HIV pharmacotherapy at Temple University School of lamivudine (DTG/3TC, [Dovato]) coformulated into 1 daily disoproxil fumarate. The primary objective of the GEMINI Pharmacy in Philadelphia, tablet. It received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) studies was to prove noninferior virological efficacy of Pennsylvania. She received a PharmD at the University of approval on April 9, 2019, for treatment of HIV in adults the 2DR when compared with guideline-recommended Maryland School of Pharmacy with no prior ART history and no known resistance to the 3-drug ART. in Baltimore and completed individual components. It is the second FDA-approved 2DR The pooled analysis of the intention-to-treat-exposed popu- a PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency at Penn Presbyterian (it follows dolutegravir/rilpivirine [Juluca]) but the first lations of the GEMINI trials showed that dolutegravir/lamivu- Medical Center in Philadelphia approved for use in HIV treatment-naïve patients with no dine met its primary endpoint, with 91% of patients achieving and a PGY-2 HIV ambulatory care/clinical pharmacogenetics known mutations to the individual components. This medi- HIV-1 RNA of less than 50 copies/mL by week 48 compared residency at the University of cation, though not yet included in HIV treatment guide- with 93% of patients in the dolutegravir plus emtricitabine/ Houston College of Pharmacy in Texas. She is an active lines, changes what we know about combination ART and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate group. Of the 10 (<1%) partic- member of the American the historically recommended use of at least 3 drugs from ipants (6 in the 2DR group, 4 in the 3DR group) who met Academy of HIV Medicine. at least 2 classes. criteria for virological withdrawal, defined as a decrease of

DTG/3TC received its approval after the completion HIV-1 RNA of less than 1 log10 copies/mL decrease from base- of 2 identical phase 3 studies: GEMINI 1 and GEMINI line or HIV-1 RNA greater than 200 copies/mL after week 24 2.2 Both studies are multicenter, double-blind, random- or confirmed rebound of HIV-1 RNA greater than 20 copies/ ized, noninferiority, phase 3 trials that enrolled a total mL, no patients developed any treatment-emergent resistance of 1441 patients from 192 centers across 21 countries. as confirmed by genotypic testing. Participants were treatment-naïve individuals living with HIV who were 18 years or older with an HIV viral load less ADVERSE REACTIONS AND PRECAUTIONS than 500,000 copies/mL. Patients were excluded if they had Pooled analysis of the GEMINI 1 and 2 trials shows low inci-

preexisting drug resistance mutations to nucleoside reverse dence of reported drug-related adverse events (AEs), with Top image: NIAID, Right ViiV Healthcare/ Flickr

12 | Contagion® • June 2019 NEWS AND BREAKTHROUGHS

TABLE. Advantages and Disadvantages of Dovato (DTG/3TC) Compared With Other Recommended Initial Regimens


Total daily pill burden 1 1 1 2 3

Dosing frequency Once daily Once daily Once daily Once daily RAL: twice daily RAL HD: Once daily HBV efficacy Low High Low High High

Renal function cutoff CrCl <50 mL/min CrCl <30 mL/min CrCl <50 mL/min If using TDF: CrCl <50 mL/min If using TDF: CrCl <50 mL/min for use If using TAF: CrCl <30 mL/min If using TAF: CrCl <30 mL/min Safety in pregnancy Possible risk Unknown Possible risk Possible risk Safe

Other: HLA-B*5701 testing No No Yes, required No No

ABC indicates abacavir; BIC, bictegravir; CrCl, creatinine clearance; DTG, dolutegravir; FTC, emtricitabine; HBV, hepatitis B virus; INSTI, integrase strand transfer inhibitor; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; RAL, raltegravir; HD, high dose; TAF, tenofovir alafenamide; 3TC, lamivudine; TDF, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.

126 (18%) in the 2DR group and 169 (24%) Per the labeling of DTG/3TC, other precau- controlled trials.5-7 Future larger studies to in the 3DR group. Commonly reported AEs tions include patients coinfected with HIV confirm the results are warranted before were similar between the 2 groups, with head- and hepatitis B virus (HBV), hypersensitivity using DTG/3TC as a simplification or switch ache, diarrhea, and nasopharyngitis being the reactions, hepatotoxicity, lactic acidosis and strategy. 3 most common. Changes in renal and bone severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, and turnover biomarkers, which can be attributed immune reconstitution syndrome.3 When PLACE IN TREATMENT to tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, were, not managing patients who are coinfected with Currently, the US Department of Health and surprisingly, more favorable in the 2DR group HIV and HBV, an additional agent such as Human Services HIV guidelines list DTG/3TC compared with the 3DR group. Suicidal ideation entecavir or tenofovir should be added on as an option for “initial therapy when and behavior was reported in 2% in both for treatment of HBV if using DTG/3TC for abacavir, tenofovir alafenamide, and tenofovir groups—17 participants in the 2DR group and HIV treatment. HBV resistance to lamivudine disoproxil fumarate cannot be used or are not 12 in the 3DR group. Of these patients who monotherapy reaches 90% at 4 years and is optimal.”8 This recommendation has not been reported these toxicities, 13 (76%) and 7 (58%), no longer a preferred antiviral therapy for updated since DTG/3TC was approved by the respectively, had a positive history of depres- HBV treatment.4 Other more serious AEs, like FDA. That approval gave a 2DR option for the sion or suicidal behavior at baseline. lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with initial treatment of patients newly infected steatosis, is a precaution that is historically with HIV without a history of ART or drug-re- associated with nucleoside analogues but not sistant mutations affecting dolutegravir or commonly seen with currently used NRTIs lamivudine. With less HIV ARV drug exposure, like lamivudine. there is the benefit of fewer long-term toxici- Risk of drug–drug interactions with DTG/3TC ties. Additionally, if half the potentially eligible is minimal compared with other antiretrovirals treatment-naïve patient in the United States (ARVs) such as boosted-protease inhibitor-based were initiated on DTG/3TC, the associated therapies. Common drug interactions seen ART cost savings would amount to more than with the dolutegravir component of DTG/3TC $500 million over 5 years.9 include metformin (increased metformin levels) HIV treatment has made significant prog- and polyvalent cations (decreased dolute- ress, from past regimens consisting of gravir levels). More serious and less commonly upward of 10 tablets in the mornings and seen drug interactions can occur with dofeti- evenings to the current availability of single- lide (increased dofetilide levels) and rifampin tablet regimens. This lowers the ART pill (decreased dolutegravir levels; less commonly burden to 1 tablet daily, with even some HIV seen in the United States). treatment regimens containing just 2 active agents. This shift toward 2DR for initia- SWITCH FROM TRIPLE TO DUAL THERAPY tion and maintenance of HIV changes how Studies prior to the GEMINI 1 and 2 trials we may approach HIV treatment moving evaluated dolutegravir/lamivudine as a forward. DTG/3TC is an effective regimen for switch strategy for treatment-experienced patients with new HIV diagnoses who have patients who have been virally suppressed. no treatment or resistance history. Some DTG/3TC, however, was not studied in this advantages and disadvantages comparing it patient population and is indicated only for with current recommended initial regimens treatment-naïve patients. De-escalation or for most people with HIV can be found in switch studies have all been successful; the Table. When 2 drugs can do the same job however, patient sample sizes were small, and as 3, why are we still using 3?  not all studies were prospective, randomized References are available at


More Than Surviving Sepsis: Everything Old Is New Again Investigators are dusting off angiotensin II and ascorbic acid for renewed use in treating sepis and septic shock.


(continued from cover page) pressure >8 mm Hg), had active bleeding, or were receiving ANGIOTENSIN II high-dose glucocorticoid therapy.4 Management of distributive shock focuses on early and Patients included in the ATHOS-3 trial had a high risk adequate fluid resuscitation, timely antibiotic administration, of death, as demonstrated by a baseline median acute and initiation of catecholamine (eg, norepinephrine, epineph- physiology and chronic health evaluation II score of 28. rine) and/or noncatecholamine (eg, vasopressin) vasopressor Significantly more patients in the angiotensin II group therapy.1 Given the potential for dose-dependent adverse (69.9%) achieved the primary end point of mean arterial LAUREN A. IGNERI, effects (AEs) from catecholamine-based vasopressor therapy pressure (MAP) >75 mm Hg or MAP increase of >10 mm PHARMD, BCPS, BCCCP (eg, tachycardia), noncatecholamine therapy has potential Hg from baseline at hour 3 compared with placebo (23.4%; Igneri is the critical care 4 clinical pharmacy specialist clinical benefits. OR, 7.95; 95% CI, 4.76-13.3; P <.001). A post hoc analysis at Cooper University Health One promising therapeutic strategy involves using the demonstrated a significant increase in 28-day survival with Care in Camden, New Jersey. She earned her PharmD renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) to generate angiotensin II (53.2%) versus placebo (29.6%; HR, 0.515; 5 at Rutgers University in noncatecholamine vasopressor effects. Angiotensin II binds 95% CI, 0.304-0.817; P = .0118). Piscataway, New Jersey, and a number of G-protein coupled receptors, including angio- Based on the findings from this study, the clinician might went on to complete her PGY-1 at Temple University tensin II receptor type 1 (AGTR1), which notably results in be eager to incorporate angiotensin II in the treatment of Hospital in Philadelphia, vasoconstriction, aldosterone secretion, sodium and water refractory vasodilatory shock. However, important safety Pennsylvania, and PGY- 2 2 critical care specialty retention, and vasopressin release. issues must be considered. A total of 12.9% of patients residency at Philadelphia In 1962, Derrick and colleagues described the use of receiving angiotensin II experienced an arterial or venous College of Pharmacy at University of the Sciences and angiotensin II in 10 patients with shock who were unre- thromboembolic (VTE) event compared with 5.1% in Cooper University Hospital. sponsive to standard catecholamine therapy. The authors placebo.6 Angiotensin II may cause development of throm- commented that angiotensin II consistently increased botic events through activation of AGTR1, which induces blood pressure and reduced heart rate with no apparent expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and causes AEs.3 Despite use in early clinical studies, synthetic platelet aggregation.2 Therefore, patients using angiotensin human angiotensin II only gained US Food and Drug II should receive concomitant VTE prophylaxis. If there is a Administration approval in December 2017 after more contraindication to prophylaxis, the risk–benefit ratio must robust clinical evaluation. be considered before initiating therapy with angiotensin II. The Angiotensin II for the Treatment of High-Output Additionally, patients with reduced cardiac output were Shock (ATHOS-3) trial randomized 344 patients with excluded from the ATHOS-3 study because of concern persistent vasodilatory shock despite at least 25 mL/kg that pure vasoconstrictor therapy may result in a reflexive fluid resuscitation in 24 hours and high-dose vasopressor bradycardia, thereby worsening cardiac output and poten- therapy (>0.2 mcg/kg/min of norepinephrine equivalent) for tially increasing mortality.7 In general, routine use of inva- >6 hours to receive titratable angiotensin II vs placebo in sive cardiac monitoring has declined because of changes in addition to background vasopressor therapy. Importantly, clinical practice. However, patients with vasodilatory shock patients were excluded if they did not have adequate may progress to low-output states, and the subsequent cardiac function (cardiac index of >2.3 L/min/m2 or impact of angiotensin II is unknown. Therefore, invasive 7 central venous oxygen saturation >70% with central venous cardiac monitoring may be considered in these patients. Kateryna_Kon/ Adobe Stock

14 | Contagion® • June 2019 ACUTE INFECTIONS

TABLE. Select Ongoing Studies of Vitamin C in the Treatment of Sepsis and Septic Shock STUDY NAME (SPONSOR[S]) INTERVENTION PRIMARY OUTCOME STATUS

High Dose Vitamin C in Severe Sepsis Vitamin C 67 mg/kg IV every 8 hours (200 mg/kg/day) for SOFA score at 4 days Completed (Christiana Care Health Services) 72 hours vs placebo November 2017 Vitamin C Infusion for Treatment in Sepsis Induced Acute Vitamin C 50 mg/kg IV every 6 hours (200 mg/kg/day) for • SOFA score at 96 hours Completed Lung Injury (CITRIS-ALI) 96 hours vs placebo January 2018 • C-reactive protein and (Virginia Commonwealth University, NHLBI) thrombomodulin at baseline, 48, 96, 168 hours Pharmacokinetics of Two Different High-Dose Regimens • Vitamin C 1 g IV every 12 hours (total 4 g) • Vitamin C plasma concentrations Completed of Intravenous Vitamin C in Critically Ill Patients at baseline, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, November 2016 • Vitamin C 5 g IV every 12 hours (total 20 g) (VU University Medical Center, Netherlands) 48, 72, 96 hours • Vitamin C continuous infusion x 48 hours (total 4 g) • Vitamin C urine concentrations at • Vitamin C continuous infusion x 48 hours (total 20 g) 0-12 hours and 36-48 hours Ascorbic Acid, Corticosteroids, and Thiamine in Sepsis Vitamin C 1.5 g every 6 hours, thiamine 100 mg every 6 hours, Change in SOFA score at 72 hours Recruiting; (ACTS) Trial hydrocortisone 50 mg every 6 hours x 4 days vs placebo 200 participants (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Steroids in Sepsis (VICTAS) Vitamin C 1.5 g every 6 hours, thiamine 100 mg every Vasopressor-free and ventilator-free Recruiting; (Emory University) 6 hours, hydrocortisone 50 mg every 6 hours x 4 days days at 30 days 2000 participants (or ICU discharge) vs placebo Metabolic Resuscitation Using Ascorbic Acid, Thiamine, Vitamin C 1.5 g every 6 hours, thiamine 200 mg every Hospital mortality Recruiting; and Glucocorticoids in Sepsis. (ORANGES) 12 hours, hydrocortisone 50 mg every 6 hours x 4 days 140 participants (Community Medical Center, Toms River, NJ) (or ICU discharge) vs placebo

ICU indicates intensive care unit; IV, intravenous; SOFA, NHLBI, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.

Current clinical practice guidelines recommend GULO-knockout mice had a reduced survival observational study design and use of combi- the addition of vasopressin or epinephrine to fraction compared with wild-type mice, but nation therapy with hydrocortisone, a drug first-line vasopressor therapy with norepi- survival was improved in the GULO-knockout known to improve outcomes in septic shock, nephrine.1 Angiotensin II costs approximately cohort that received vitamin C.12 nearly 60% of patients in the control group 6 times more than vasopressin per day when Despite these findings, there have been also received hydrocortisone, signaling that given at standard doses for septic shock.2 The discordant outcomes in human clinical trials the intervention effects were not attribut- significant increase in cost must be considered of vitamin C. Until recently, few single-center able entirely to corticosteroid administration. when deciding to use this agent for refractory studies demonstrated reductions in sepsis Because cortisol levels were not reported, it is vasodilatory shock. and inflammatory biomarkers, Sequential unknown whether patients had adrenal insuffi- Given these concerns, angiotensin II is likely Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores, and ciency at baseline.15 a third-line vasopressor for the treatment of mortality with administration of vitamin C in Although no safety issues have been identi- vasodilatory shock at this time. As more real- patients with sepsis.8 In a prospective study fied with high-dose vitamin C to date, ques- world, clinical experience is gained with this of 24 patients with septic shock random- tions regarding its place in therapy remain.15 agent, it may prove to have a niche in shock ized to vitamin C 50 mg/kg intravenous (IV) As of April 10, 2019, there were 28 clinical states with retained cardiac output. daily, 200 mg/kg IV daily, or placebo daily trials listed on for ascorbic for 4 days, patients receiving either dose of acid/vitamin C in sepsis or toxemia.16 Select ASCORBIC ACID (VITAMIN C) vitamin C had reductions in SOFA scores, ongoing studies are described in the Table.16 In addition to its role in a number of other C-reactive protein, and procalcitonin.13 A number of studies will evaluate vitamin C biochemical interactions, ascorbic acid Another study of 28 patients with septic shock monotherapy, as well as the combination with (vitamin C) serves as a cofactor for the randomized to vitamin C 25 mg/kg IV every thiamine and hydrocortisone in severe sepsis enzymes peptidylglycine β-amidating monooxy- 6 hours for 72 hours had significant reduc- and septic shock. A pharmacokinetic eval- genase and dopamine β-hydroxylase, which are tions in dose and duration of vasopressor uation may provide insight on the optimal responsible for production of vasopressin and therapy and 28-day mortality compared with dosing. The Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Steroids norepinephrine in the adrenal gland.⁸ Although placebo.14 These results laid the groundwork in Sepsis (VICTAS) study is projected to be vitamin C is endogenously synthesized in for future investigations. the most robust evaluation of vitamin C in most mammals, humans require adequate Marik and colleagues enrolled 94 patients sepsis treatment, with its randomized, double- dietary consumption. Vitamin C deficiency with severe sepsis or septic shock into a before- blind study design and planned enrollment of is well described in patients with sepsis and and-after study of usual care compared with 2000 participants.16 These future studies may may account for reduced production of these usual care plus the combination of vitamin C elucidate the role of vitamin C as part of the endogenous catecholamines.9 1.5 g IV every 6 hours (4 days), thiamine 200 treatment of sepsis and septic shock. Vitamin C deficiency has been shown to mg every 12 hours (4 days), and hydrocorti- In conclusion, recent clinical data for the play an important role in animal models sone 50 mg every 6 hours (7 days, followed use of angiotensin II and vitamin C in patients of sepsis. In 1971, vitamin C–deficient by a 3-day taper). A significant reduction in with septic shock generate optimism for guinea pigs demonstrated a higher mortality mortality was seen in the control (40.4%) improving clinical outcomes. As we begin to compared with a replete cohort in an endo- versus intervention (8.5%) groups (P <.001), as dust off these old therapies, clinicians must toxin shock model.10,11 L-gulono-γ-lactone well as duration of vasopressor therapy, SOFA realize that future clinical experience and oxidase (GULO) is a pivotal enzyme in the scores, need for renal replacement therapy, and investigations will likely better define their biosynthesis of vitamin C in mice. In a cecal increased procalcitonin clearance. Although roles in the treatment of septic shock. ligation and puncture murine sepsis model, there were notable limitations, including the References are available at


From left to right: Ixodes scapularis adult female, adult male, and nymph. Sizes are in comparison to poppy seeds. Tick, Tick, Tick: Vector-Borne Diseases Ramp Up Infections transmitted by these bloodsucking species are on the rise worldwide.


(continued from cover page) Ticks transmit a variety of infectious agents including In addition, other tick-borne infections account for more viruses, bacteria, and protozoan parasites (see online Table). than 10,000 reported cases annually,1 but the number of Tick-borne diseases are usually characterized by short actual cases is likely much higher.3,4 incubation times and rapid onset of acute systemic symp- Ticks are the central link in the pathogen–host– toms such as chills, sweating, headache, , arthralgia, environment triad of tick-borne diseases. Typically, tick- , nausea, and vomiting.6 Many diseases are biphasic,

ILIA ROCHLIN, PHD borne diseases circulate between ticks and suitable hosts, with several days of illness followed by remission and then Rochlin has worked as a mostly rodents. Occasionally, ticks bite and transmit more severe acute symptoms. Tick-borne diseases range medical entomologist, research pathogens to humans; nonetheless, humans are dead-end from brief and self-limited to protracted, relapsing, and scientist, and laboratory director for state and local hosts and do not play a role in the enzootic cycle of life-threatening illnesses, depending on the pathogen impli- public health agencies. He has tick-borne pathogens. cated, as well as the immune status of the patient. been affiliated with Center for Vector Biology at Rutgers There are 2 main families of tick species, Argasidae Treatment of tick-borne diseases is a complex and some- University in New Jersey since and Ixodidae, which differ considerably in their ecology, times controversial subject covered in numerous publica- 2013. behavior, geographic distribution, and public health impor- tions and guidelines.5,7 Generally, treatments vary based on tance. The Argasidae, or soft ticks, are found mostly in the type of pathogen but are similar within each group. For the tropics and deserts, feed quickly (from minutes to an viral tick-borne pathogens, avoiding tick bites is the best hour), and take several blood meals per stage, similar to and often only available course of action.8 The most notable what bedbugs do. Because of their short feeding time, soft exception is tick-borne encephalitis virus, for which several ticks transmit few pathogens. The Ixodidae, or hard ticks, safe and effective vaccines are used in Europe, Russia, and are found in a variety of habitats, including suburban areas China.9 All require several doses followed by booster vacci- and city parks in temperate climates, and feed on a host nations every 3 to 5 years to maintain immunity. Tick-borne for several days. Because of this prolonged contact with bacterial diseases are typically treated with tetracyclines.10 ALVARO TOLEDO, PHD their hosts, they transmit a variety of pathogens that cause Doxycycline is commonly recommended as the treatment of Toledo is an assistant professor at Rutgers University many common tick-borne infections worldwide, including choice for Lyme disease, human granulocytic , in New Jersey and a faculty Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. human monocytotropic , and Rocky Mountain member at the Center for 5,7,10 Vector Biology. Hard ticks have 3 active feeding stages: larva, nymph, spotted . The recommended therapy for babesi- and adult. Larvae typically feed on smaller mammals such osis, a tick-borne disease caused by a protozoan parasite, as rodents, where they acquire the pathogens. Nymphs consists of atovaquone and azithromycin or clindamycin and usually feed on a wider variety of hosts, including humans. clindamycin combinations.5 Small, inconspicuous nymphs often go undetected and thus can transmit pathogens to humans. Adult ticks are VIRAL much bigger than nymphs, feed on larger animals, and are Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) complex (Flavivirus) is argu- capable of transmitting pathogens to humans. Females are ably the most significant viral infection transmitted by ticks, larger than males. Accurate identification of ticks and their with more than 10,000 hospitalized cases per year, mainly in stages is essential for health care practitioners for diag- Europe, Russia, China, and Japan.10 Members of this group, 5 nosis, treatment, and prophylaxis. such as TBE virus, louping-ill virus, and Powassan virus Jim Occi Center for Vector Biology at Rutgers University

16 | Contagion® • June 2019 EMERGING & RE-EMERGING INFECTIONS

(POW), cause encephalitis.11 Omsk hemor- presented over the following years.25 Symptoms some patients can develop life-threatening rhagic fever is febrile with hemorrhagic symp- are similar to those of other tick-borne diseases, complications.38,39 toms,12 whereas Kyasanur Forest disease (KFD) including fever, leukopenia, and thrombocyto- Although rare, Ehrlichia muris eauclairensisis causes both encephalitis and hemorrhages.13 penia. However, this virus can also cause rapidly has been detected in patients with throm- TBE virus is emerging in parts of Europe due fatal, widely disseminated infection, with severe bocytopenia and lymphopenia in Minnesota to climate and land use changes.14 However, shock and multisystem organ failure.26,27 and Wisconsin.40,41 Unlike other Ehrlichia the most significant recent trends represent species that are vectored by lone star ticks the rise of TBE group viruses outside the BACTERIAL (Amblyomma americanum), E muris eauclai- typical temperate Eurasian range.15 In North Lyme borreliosis, the most important vector- rensisis is transmitted by the black-legged America, POW virus is now considered an borne disease in the northern hemisphere, is tick (I scapularis). Another yet to be cultured emerging disease,16 and on the Indian subcon- caused by various strains or genospecies of Ehrlichia bacterium, Candidatus Neoehrlichia tinent, KFD is on the rise.14 Borrelia burgdorferi.1,15,28 A new member of this mikurensis, has been detected in the blood Bunyavirales (formerly Bunyaviridae) is group, Borrelia mayonii, was recently described of patients who developed prolonged fever, another important group and perhaps the in patients and ticks from the upper Midwest.29 erysipelaslike rashes, thromboembolic compli- most daunting among the emerging tick-borne Interestingly, B mayonii was found in high cations, or septicemia in Europe and parts of viruses. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever numbers in patients’ blood, which is atypical Asia, where it is vectored by Ixodes ricinus and virus (CCHFV), associated with more than a in individuals infected with other genospecies Ixodes persulcatus ticks.42-44 dozen tick species and multiple wildlife hosts, of B burgdorferi. Some Borrelia species cause is the most geographically widespread of all tick-borne relapsing fever, which is usually PROTOZOAN tick-borne viruses in Eurasia and Africa.17,18 transmitted by soft ticks.30 One exception is Human babesiosis is caused by intraerythrocytic CCHFV and its transmission cycles are well Borrelia miyamotoi, which is vectored by the Babesia species, an emerging tick-borne disease characterized and understood; nonetheless, it same Ixodes species that transmit Lyme borreli- in the temperate northern hemisphere.15,28,45 remains an important emerging pathogen over osis. The number of diagnosed human cases is In North America, Babesia microti is common much of its range.14,15 CCHFV is a disease of low, in part because the disease generally runs in the northeastern United States, whereas the nervous system, with neurological symp- its course like a limited febrile illness.31 Usually, Babesia duncani is an emerging pathogen along toms preceding more dramatic hemorrhagic patients experience an influenza-like illness, the Pacific Coast.45,46 Patients experience flulike symptoms.18 The incubation period is short, with high fever, leukopenia, and thrombocyto- symptoms and hemolytic anemia; however, with rapid onset of a severe headache, dizzi- penia, followed by a relapse about a week later elderly and splenectomy patients are at higher ness, pain, and vomiting.17,18 After a in about 10% of patients.31,32 risk of serious or fatal disease, especially from few days, hemorrhagic symptoms on mucous Another important group, tick-borne rickett- Babesia divergens infections in Europe.45,46 membranes and skin, as well as external and sial diseases such as spotted and tick internal bleeding, are common. Mortality can , have a worldwide distribution with TICK BITE-ASSOCIATED COMPLICATIONS be very high (at least 30%), especially when many emerging pathogens.13,33,34 In the United Red meat allergy meditated by IgE antibody nosocomial transmission occurs.17,18 States, Rocky Mountain spotted fever is the directed against a mammalian oligosaccha- Unlike the long epidemiological record of most common (several thousand cases) and ride epitope, galactose-α-1, 3-galactose, is an CCHFV, closely related viruses from a different lethal (~20% mortality) , causing emerging condition in many parts of the world Bunyavirales genus, Phlebovirus, are among the frequent hospitalizations and even death in and attributed to tick bites.47,48 Urticarial or most recent but noteworthy emerging patho- untreated patients.4,35 Two less severe rickett- anaphylactic reactions occur several hours after gens. A new Phlebovirus transmitted by ticks, sial diseases are now recognized in the United eating red meat such as pork, lamb, beef, or first described in 2009, causes severe fever States. is found in the south- kangaroo. In the United States, the lone star tick with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) char- eastern part of the country and vectored by the has been implicated as the main culprit in case acterized by fever, thrombocytopenia, leuko- Gulf Coast tick (Amblyomma maculatum). The reports of delayed angioedema, a painful and cytopenia, and gastrointestinal symptoms.19-21 disease’s onset is characterized by the presence pruritic urticarial rash, and also causes abdom- There are approximately 1000 cases per year of of an eschar or a vesicular or pustular rash inal pain, diarrhea, and .49,50 With its SFTS virus (SFTSV), with 6% to 30% mortality and the relative absence of nausea, vomiting, recent introduction in the United States, the in China, as well as sporadic cases in Japan and diarrhea.35 It is also an emerging disease in Asian longhorned tick was identified as the most and South Korea.19,20 The Asian longhorned South America.36 Similarly, on the West Coast, probable cause of red meat allergy in Japan.51 tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis) is the main Rickettsia philipii is transmitted by the Pacific vector.21 Until recently, this species was present Coast tick (Dermacentor occidentalis) and can be CONCLUSIONS only within its native range in East Asia (China, differentially diagnosed by presence of eschar.37 Expanding vector tick populations are driving Korea, Japan), as well as in Australia, New Other representatives of the order resurgence of tick-borne diseases worldwide, Zealand, and some Pacific Islands, where it was , Anaplasma and Ehrlichia species, especially in temperate America, Europe, and previously introduced.22 In 2017, an established are emerging human pathogens. Anaplasma Asia. Much of North America is endemic for Asian longhorned tick population was found in phagocytophilum is the most prevalent a confounding variety of tick-borne diseases. New Jersey,23 quickly followed by several other pathogen within this group, causing close to However, tick-borne pathogens are easily states. Based on climatic factors, H longicornis 6000 cases of human granulocytic anaplas- categorized into viral, bacterial, and proto- has the potential to spread to the eastern United mosis (HGA) per year in the United States.38 zoan infections, with similar clinical picture States and parts of the West Coast.24 Particularly The disease is transmitted byIxodes scapularis and treatments within each group. In high- suitable for this species are areas of the ticks in the northeastern United States and risk areas, public health practitioners should Midwestern United States, where another novel Ixodes pacificus in California. HGA generally become familiar with tick species of medical Phlebovirus, the Heartland virus, which is closely presents with nonspecific symptoms including importance, their stages, and established or related to SFTSV, was isolated in 2009 from fever, chills, malaise, headache, and myalgia; emerging tick-borne pathogens.  2 patients, and several more confirmed cases if not treated appropriately and on time, References are available at


The pipeline for development of novel HIV drug mechanisms and new agents in the existing drug classes remains full.

What’s in the Pipeline? A look at up-and-coming HIV drugs in development


(continued from cover page) doravirine.8 In addition, no clinically meaningful effect on NUCLEOSIDE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE the pharmacokinetics of MK-8591 was observed when coad- INHIBITOR (NRTI) ministered with dolutegravir and tenofovir.9 In a preven- GS-9131 is a prodrug of the nucleotide analogue GS-9148.1 tion study in animals, weekly oral dosing of MK-8591 It inhibits reverse transcription by chain termination. completely protected rhesus macaques from repeated rectal GS-9131 was shown to have broad in vitro activity against HIV challenges.10 HIV-1 and HIV-2 and was not significantly affected by the These findings raise the possibility of exploring the use RAKHSHANDA AKRAM, MD presence of reverse transcriptase mutations K65R, L74V, of MK-8591 administered as a long-term implant for both Akram is an infectious diseases 1 fellow at Thomas Jefferson M184V, or their combinations . In vitro resistance selection treatment and prevention of HIV infection. 1 University, Philadelphia, studies have shown a high barrier to resistance. GS-9131 Pennsylvania. Her areas of has low potential for mitochondrial toxicity and renal NON-NUCLEOSIDE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE interest include longitudinal 2 care of HIV patients, and she accumulation. It is a promising candidate with once-daily INHIBITOR (NNRTI) is working on a site-specific dosing in combination with other ART in patients with Elsulfavirine (VM1500A) is a long-acting NNRTI with a screening project for sexually transmitted infections in HIV NRTI resistance and limited treatment options. half-life that allows for once-weekly dosing. A phase 2b patients. She is a member of clinical trial tested Elpida (a prodrug of elsulfavirine) at the Infectious Diseases Society of America. NUCLEOSIDE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE a dose of 20 mg orally once daily against efavirenz, both TRANSLOCATION INHIBITOR (NRTTI) in combination with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtric- MK-8591 (EFdA) is an adenosine analogue that both itabine in treatment-naïve patients living with HIV.11 acts as a reverse transcriptase chain terminator and Viral suppression was attained in 81% of Elpida recipi- prevents DNA translocation.3 It has a prolonged half- ents compared with 74% in the efavirenz arm. A higher life of 150 to 160 hours.4 In early clinical studies, single response rate was noted in Elpida recipients with a base- oral doses of 0.5 to 30 mg of MK-8591 resulted in >1.2- line viral load of >100,000 copies/mL (78% vs 68%). No log viral load decline by day 7. This suggests the NRTTI’s virologic failure (defined as 2 consecutive HIV RNA plasma potential for once-weekly dosing, with high potency, at levels of >400 copies/mL) was experienced. Drug-related 5 JOSEPH DESIMONE JR, MD a very low dose. However, because of its high intrinsic adverse effects (AEs) were about half as frequent in the DeSimone is a professor of aqueous solubility, an injectable formulation is not consid- Elpida group compared with the efavirenz group (36.7% vs medicine at Sidney Kimmel ered feasible.5 Studies in rat models using nondegradable 77.6%, respectively). Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, where he polymer implants have shown a plasma half-life of up Elsulfavirine received its first global approval in Russia is also the program director to 100 days, so the possibility of human implants with in June 2017. Given its excellent tolerability and long half- for the infectious diseases 6 fellowship. His area of special a dosing interval of 1 year or longer is being explored. life, its developer, Viriom, initiated a phase 1b clinical trial interest is in HIV care. Initial pharmacokinetic data show that inhibitory of once-weekly oral dosing of elsulfavirine (Elida, VM1500) quotients of MK-8591 for both wild-type and NRTI-resistant in 36 HIV-uninfected volunteers for an 8-week treatment HIV-1 at low once-daily and once-weekly doses are period in Moscow. Participants were randomized to a 40-, substantially higher than those of any currently approved 80-, or 160-mg treatment group.12 A phase 2a trial of once- NRTIs.7 Common NRTI mutations, including M1841/V, weekly oral elsulfavirine in combination with other antiret- thymidine analogue mutations, K65R, and K70E, confer just roviral agents in patients infected with HIV is now being low-fold shifts in antiviral potency of MK-8591.7 Currently, planned by Viriom.12 a phase 2b clinical trial is under way to test MK-8591 for Preclinical pharmacokinetic studies have also shown the the treatment of HIV-1 infection with once-daily admin- potential of VM1500A nano suspensions for developing 13 istration of 0.25, 0.75, or 2.25 mg in combination with long-acting injectable formulations. 3D4Medical/ Science Source

18 | Contagion® • June 2019 HIV/AIDS

INTEGRASE STRAND TRANSFER on placebo with OBR. These results support the combination therapy with albuvirtide and INHIBITOR (INSTI) further development of fostemsavir as a thera- 3BNC117 (a broadly neutralizing antibody) as Cabotegravir is an INSTI with a structure and peutic option for HIV-1-infected, highly treat- long-acting maintenance therapy in virologically resistance profile similar to that of dolute- ment-experienced with multidrug resistance. suppressed subjects with HIV-1 infection.25 gravir.4 Its availability in nano formulation with a half-life of 21 to 50 days4 makes it an CCR5 ANTAGONISTS CAPSID INHIBITOR option for monthly or bimonthly parenteral Leronlimab (PRO 140) is a humanized IgG4 GS-CA1 is the first capsid inhibitor to enter administration. Results from 2 phase 3 trials monoclonal antibody that blocks the CCR5 core- preclinical studies. The capsid is a cone-shaped are now available. The ATLAS (Antiretroviral ceptor.18 It does not appear to interfere with the structure that encloses the viral genome and Therapy as Long-Acting Suppression) normal function of CCR5 in mediating immune is vital to HIV replication. GS-CA1 interferes study evaluated monthly injectable cabo- responses. Weekly subcutaneous injections resulted with the disassembly of the capsid protein tegravir plus rilpivirine in 616 treatment- in ≥1.65 log10 mean viral load reduction when and transport of viral genetic material into experienced people who switched from a stan- tested as a single agent maintenance therapy after the host cell nucleus. It also interferes with dard oral antiretroviral combination with an initial ART.18 A 92% response rate was seen at the assembly of capsids of the newly produced undetectable viral load to injectable cabote- a 700-mg dose in a phase 3 trial.19 Patients who virus, resulting in immature viral particles gravir plus rilpivirine. The injectable formula- failed to respond to leronlimab safely achieved unable to infect new cells. It is a highly potent tion was found to be noninferior to continued viral suppression upon resuming the ART regi- inhibitor of HIV-1 replication in T-cell lines 14 19 oral therapy. The FLAIR (First Long-Acting mens they maintained prior to enrollment. (EC50 = 0.24nM), with full activity against HIV-1 Injectable Regimen) study tested the injectable Cenicriviroc (CVC) is another CCR5 antago- mutants resistant to licensed antiretroviral formulation of cabotegravir plus rilpivirine in nist. It also has an inhibitory effect on CCR2.20 drugs. It has shown high in vitro metabolic treatment-naïve individuals. Patients were first This additional anti-inflammatory effect may stability, low systemic drug clearance, and a started on induction dolutegravir/abacavir/ lead to an improvement in HIV-associated long half-life (7.2-18.7 hours). Its low aqueous lamivudine for 20 weeks and then randomized neurocognitive impairment21 by reducing mono- solubility allows for an extended-release preclin- to either continued oral therapy or switched to cyte immune activation. Phase 2b study22 results ical pharmacokinetic profile after subcutaneous injectable cabotegravir plus rilpivirine. Virological showed noninferiority and better tolerability administration of a solid depot formulation.26 success rates were 93.3% in the continued oral compared with efavirenz when coadministered GS-6207 is a modified version of GS-CA1. therapy group versus 93.6% in the injectable with tenofovir/emtricitabine.20 A phase 3 clinical A first human study showed that a single group.15 Injection site reactions, predominantly trial is already under way to evaluate its role in subcutaneous injection of GS-6207 resulted in pain, were noted in 20% to 30% of participants. the treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, sustained concentrations for at least 24 weeks. Both studies had 3 individuals, each with viro- and a phase 3 clinical trial is being planned to The sustained delivery pharmacokinetic profile logical failure (defined as HIV-1 RNA ≥200c/ investigate a fixed-dose combination ART tablet of a subcutaneous formulation may allow for a mL in consecutive samples). All individuals had containing cenicriviroc plus lamivudine. 3-monthly dosing interval. Safety data are still HIV subtype A virus with evidence of muta- blinded; however, no serious AEs or deaths have tions in the NNRTI and INSTI domains.14,15 FUSION INHIBITOR been noted.27 Based on these findings, a proof- In assessing patient satisfaction with Albuvirtide is a long-acting injectable fusion inhib- of-concept study is under way to determine the injectable formulations, many patients were itor that inhibits HIV virus from entering CD4 optimal dose and frequency of administration in found to prefer monthly injections over daily cells by attaching to an envelope glycoprotein, HIV-infected individuals. Efforts are also being oral medications. gp41, on the outer surface of HIV.23 It was tested made to develop an oral formulation of GS-6207. Long-acting injectable cabotegravir is also in the Test Albuvirtide in Experienced Patients being evaluated for pre-exposure prophylaxis (TALENT) study,24 the first phase 3 licensing REV INHIBITOR in HIV-uninfected individuals. study of a new antiretroviral drug conducted ABX464 is an orally available small molecule in China, where it was approved in 2018. that stops viral replication by interfering with CD4 ATTACHMENT INHIBITOR Investigators randomized 389 treatment- the activity of Rev, an HIV protein essential for Fostemsavir targets the first step of HIV entry experienced individuals with virological failure making RNA strands. Exposure to ABX464, there- by binding HIV envelope glycoprotein 120, thus on a first-line regimen to receive either a weekly fore, produces shorter RNA fragments, rendering inhibiting the virus from binding to the CD4 infusion of albuvirtide (dose unspecified) plus them useless to produce new viruses. Small receptor.16 It is first in its class, thus offering an twice-daily dosing of the boosted protease peptides produced by these RNA fragments alert option for individuals with highly drug-resistant inhibitor lopinavir/ritonavir or a regimen of the immune system, which can then eliminate HIV. It is an oral prodrug of temsavir17 and can lopinavir/ritonavir twice daily plus 2 NRTIs: the HIV-infected cells. This may help reduce be dosed once daily. Twelve percent of partici- lamivudine and either tenofovir, abacavir, or the reservoir of HIV DNA in the body, with the pants in a phase 1 trial had baseline envelope zidovudine, depending on previous treatment hopes of achieving a “functional cure” without polymorphisms that lowered susceptibility to history (72% received tenofovir; 26%, zidovu- the need for lifelong treatment.28 Reductions of fostemsavir.4 This raises the issue of the need dine; 1%, abacavir; and 1%, tenofovir and zidovu- greater than 25% in integrated HIV DNA (HIV for patient screening for polymorphisms prior dine). At 48 weeks, 80.4% of the albuvirtide DNA most likely to lead to HIV replication) were to therapy. Based on encouraging efficacy group had a viral load below 50 copies/mL by observed in 41% of individuals in the ABX464 arm results and good tolerability obtained in phase intent-to-treat analysis compared with 66% in of a phase 2a randomized trial.29 Viral rebound, 2 studies, the ongoing BRIGHTE phase 3 study17 the triple-drug group. The albuvirtide arm was however, was noted with treatment interruption. is evaluating the utility of fostemsavir as a noninferior to the standard triple-drug regimen Viral load reduction >0.5 log was observed in 1 salvage therapy with an optimized background in second-line treatment. No resistance to albu- of 6 HIV treatment-naïve patients in the 75-mg regimen (OBR) in individuals failing ART. virtide was detected, and it was well tolerated. cohort, 2 of 6 in the 100-mg cohort, and 4 of 6 Initial results at 48 weeks have shown a 0.8 log A US phase 2 multicenter, 3-part study in the 150-mg cohort. ABX464 was well tolerated copies/ml drop (about a 6.5-fold drop) in viral was initiated in October 2018 to establish in this first study in HIV-infected patients.  load compared with an 0.2 log drop in those the dosage, safety, and antiviral activity of References are available at


Bringing Culture-Independent Diagnostic Tests for Bloodstream Infections Into Rational Patient Management These tests have the potential to transform patient care and antimicrobial stewardship, but they have not gained widespread acceptance, partly because of uncertainty over how to use them clinically.


lood cultures remain the gold standard for diagnosing PERFORMANCE OF BLOOD CULTURES AND CIDTS bacterial and Candida bloodstream infections (BSIs), but Blood culture sensitivity for detecting bacteremia is ~73%, 90%, they are limited by slow turnaround and suboptimal and 98% if 1, 2 and 3 sets of aerobic and anaerobic bottles, Bsensitivity.1,2 Data from some but not all retrospective studies respectively, are collected in the absence of antimicrobial suggest that rapid initiation of active antimicrobial therapy treatment.16 Such performance is contingent upon collecting correlates with reduced mortality among patients with bacterial ≥20 mL of blood in each culture set. Smaller volumes, as or Candida BSIs.3-8 Although such findings have not been vali- often collected in hospitalized patients, increase false nega- CORNELIUS J. CLANCY, MD dated in prospective studies,5 the limitations of blood cultures tivity.2 Blood cultures may require several days for bacteria Clancy is chief of infectious diseases at the VA Pittsburgh and quality standards for sepsis and septic shock provide a to achieve detectable concentrations and additional time for Healthcare System and director rationale for aggressive empiric broad-spectrum antimicrobial species identification and resistance testing.2 Blood cultures are of the XDR Pathogen Laboratory 5,9 1 at the University of Pittsburgh. therapy. These practices may promote unnecessary antimi- ~50% sensitive for diagnosing invasive candidiasis. Moreover, 5,10,11 His research lab is funded by crobial usage, drug toxicity, and emergence of resistance. blood cultures become positive late in the course of invasive the Department of Veterans Culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDTs) that detect candidiasis, and incubation times prior to positivity are typically Affairs and National Institutes 1 of Health. pathogens and antimicrobial resistance genes within clinical longer than those for detecting bacteria. Antimicrobial treat- samples are transforming clinical practice.2,12 Syndromic CIDT ment reduces sensitivity for bacteria and Candida by ~50%,17-20 panels for respiratory specimens, stool, and cerebrospinal which is notable because 28% to 63% of blood cultures are fluid facilitate rapid identification or exclusion of infections collected from patients who are receiving antimicrobial agents.2 due to particular organisms and antimicrobial initiation or Several direct-from-whole-blood CIDTs couple nucleic de-escalation strategies.12 Likewise, commercial molecular tests acid amplification with novel technologies for target detec- of positive blood cultures for pathogen or resistance determinant tion, including Iridica, SeptiFast, SepsiTest, Magicplex, and identification are valuable patient care and stewardship tools.12-14 T2Direct (T2Bacteria, T2Candida) assays.2 T2Direct is the only M. HONG NGUYEN, MD CIDTs of whole blood samples from patients with suspected BSIs FDA-cleared system.17,21,22 Assay characteristics and perfor- Nguyen is director of the 2,17,21,26,36,37 Antimicrobial Stewardship and have not gained widespread acceptance, in part because costs mance are summarized in the Table . Interpretation of Transplant Infectious Diseases are high and clinicians are unsure how to incorporate testing performance is complicated by study heterogeneity and limita- programs at the University of 12,15 Pittsburgh Medical Center. Her into rational management paradigms. This paper reviews tions of blood cultures as gold standard. CIDTs require ≤5 mL translational and basic science the performance of blood cultures and direct-from-whole-blood of blood and provide results within 4 to 10 hours. In general, research lab is funded by the National Institutes of Health and CIDTs for bacterial and Candida BSIs and provides a conceptual DNA amplification-based technologies are more sensitive 17,23-25 other sources. framework for using CIDTs in the clinic. than blood cultures in patients receiving antimicrobials. Witthaya/ Adobe Stock


Table. Culture-Independent Diagnostic Tests for Bloodstream Infections2,17,21,26,36,37 SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY TARGETS TIME TO SENSITIVITY/ COMMENTS (MANUFACTURER) RESULTS SPECIFICITY

Iridica (Abbott) Multiplex PCR with ESI-MS 780 bacteria and fungi; mecA, vanA, vanB, blaKPC 6 hours 45%-83%/69%-94% Withdrawn from market SeptiFast (Roche) Multipex real-time PCR with probe 25 bacteria and fungi; mecA 4-6 hours 63%-83%/83%-95% Current market status unclear hybridization, DNA melting analysis

SepsiTest (Molzym) Universal PCR with Sanger sequencing >345 bacteria, 13 fungi 8-10 hours 11%-87%/83%-96% Currently available in Europe

Magicplex (Seegene) Multipex real-time PCR >85 bacteria and fungi; mecA, vanA, vanB 6 hours 37%-67%/66%-92% Current market status unclear

T2Direct Microbial cell-associated PCR with T2 T2Bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, 4-6 hours T2Bacteria: Only tests that are FDA cleared; (T2 Biosystems) magnetic resonance Enterococcus faecium, , Klebsiella 85%/95% tests also have CE mark pneumoniae, T2Candida: Candida albicans/tropicalis, T2Candida: Candida glabrata/krusei, Candida parapsilosis 90%/98%

CE indicates Conformité Européenne; ESI-MS, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.

We will focus on SeptiFast and T2Direct T2Bacteria NPVs are just 78% and 62%, respec- has not proved superior to culture-directed treat- as examples of broad- and narrow-spec- tively, for excluding BSIs in the setting of septic ment of BSIs or suspected sepsis, and ~50% of trum platforms, respectively.17,21,22,26 Concepts shock; T2Candida NPV remains excellent (99.5%). suspected sepsis is ultimately ascribed to nonin- presented here can be applied to other tests. fectious etiologies.5,10,11 If antimicrobials have INCORPORATING CIDTS INTO CLINICAL been administered, combined negative CIDT CIDTS AS BAYESIAN DIAGNOSTICS AND STEWARDSHIP PRACTICES and culture results may offer an argument for CIDTs assign a probability of BSI due to a given Surviving Sepsis guidelines endorse empiric de-escalation. Approaches to using CIDTs similar pathogen.27-29 Positive and negative predictive broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy within 1 hour to those described for possible sepsis also may values (PPVs, NPVs) are determined by sensi- of triage for suspected sepsis and septic shock be useful for managing febrile patients in the tivity and specificity of the test and the patient’s and rapid de-escalation based on susceptibility of emergency department. likelihood of BSI. Anticipated PPVs and NPVs causative organisms or if infection is excluded.9 In patients with presumed septic shock, in different types of patients can be calculated Other experts propose more nuanced, case-by- clinicians will not wait for CIDT results before for pathogens targeted by SeptiFast (sensitivity/ case approaches, in which empiric antibiotics are initiating broad-spectrum antibiotics (often in specificity: 75%/90%), T2Bacteria (85%/95%), and administered immediately for suspected septic combination). In these patients, SeptiFast and T2Candida (90%/98%; see online Table). Tests are shock, but clinical observation and diagnostic T2Bacteria may have value if antibiotics are unlikely to be useful if performed every time a testing may be undertaken prior to treatment administered before blood cultures or whole blood culture is collected,30 because false posi- decisions in at least some patients with suspected blood samples are collected. Positive CIDT results tivity exceeds true positivity, and excellent NPVs sepsis in the absence of shock.5,10,11 may help in streamlining empiric antibiotic regi- provide only marginal value over already low In patients with possible sepsis in whom mens. T2Candida is likely to be useful in septic pretest likelihoods. treatment decisions have been deferred pending shock (and perhaps in sepsis with risk factors for In patients presenting to the hospital with fever workup, positive SeptiFast or T2Bacteria results candidemia),35 since empiric antifungals are not or those with sepsis in the absence of septic may shorten the time to antibiotic treatment recommended routinely.9 T2Candida PPVs and shock, anticipated SeptiFast and T2Bacteria compared with waiting for positive blood NPVs would justify initiating and withholding (or PPVs for targeted bacteria are each ~50% to cultures. If blood or other cultures are negative discontinuing) antifungal therapy, respectively. 75%. SeptiFast offers an advantage of detecting and an alternative, noninfectious diagnosis is Sensitivity and specificity of SeptiFast are lower ~85% to 90% of bacteria and fungi that cause not established, there is a good chance based on than T2Candida for Candida species,17,21,26 but the BSIs, whereas T2Bacteria detects 5 bacteria predictive values that a positive CIDT has identi- former test still may have value in patients with that account for ~50% of BSIs.26,31-33 A potential fied a BSI that would have been missed otherwise. septic shock who are at risk of candidemia. disadvantage of broad-spectrum panels is that In such cases, continuing antibiotic treatment some targets are uncommon causes of BSI and against the CIDT-identified pathogen is reason- CONCLUSIONS therefore more likely to generate false-positive able. Detection of resistance genes by SeptiFast We propose a conceptual framework for thinking results. Although T2Bacteria NPVs are excel- may guide early selection of active antibiotics. about how to incorporate CIDTs for BSIs into lent for targeted bacteria, they are inferior to T2Bacteria does not include resistance genes, but rational patient management and antimicrobial SeptiFast NPVs in excluding BSIs due to any the panel is directed against ESKAPE pathogens stewardship strategies. Similar exercises can be bacteria. Candida are typically rare causes of BSI (Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, undertaken for other populations at risk of BSIs, in these populations,15,27-29 and T2Candida PPVs , Pseudomonas aeruginosa, such as patients with neutropenic fever or trans- and NPVs are unlikely to be useful in most cases. and Enterobacter species) that are often resistant plant recipients with sepsis. CIDT-based manage- Anticipated T2Candida PPVs may approach 67%, to first-line antibiotics.22,34 In high-risk patients, ment paradigms will require validation in clinical and NPVs are 99.7% among septic patients with such as those colonized by a resistant pathogen trials. An important question is whether shorter risk factors for candidemia in whom a causative included in the panel, a positive T2Bacteria result turnaround times and identification of more bacterium is not identified. T2Candida detects may justify use of an alternative agent. potential pathogens and resistance determinants species that account for >95% of candidemia at If SeptiFast or T2Bacteria results are negative using direct-from-whole-blood CIDTs can lead most centers.17,21 and a patient with suspected sepsis is stable, to improved patient outcomes compared with The likelihood of bacterial orCandida BSI clinicians may decide to withhold antimicrobials those obtained with molecular testing of positive increases in septic shock, and anticipated PPVs pending blood and other culture results. This blood cultures.  of each test are ≥70%. However, SeptiFast and strategy is reasonable because empiric treatment References are available at


Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship: Field of Dreams or Land of Opportunity for Pharmacists? Relevant existing reports, though limited, demonstrated positive outcomes and suggest a promising space for pharmacy practice growth in outpatient antimicrobial stewardship. BY CHRISTINA G. RIVERA, PHARMD, BCPS, AAHIV-M

(continued from cover page) laboratories, long-term care facilities, and others.6 Certainly, to 30% of outpatient antibiotic prescriptions may be inap- community-based pharmacists are well situated to be key propriate, based upon professional society endorsed national players in outpatient AMS. Most outpatient antibiotic prescrip- guidelines for infectious syndromes.3 Further, the burden of tions in the United States are dispensed at community pharma- community acquired Clostridioides difficile is significant, with cies, and virtually all of those for acute infectious syndromes up to 35% of adult and 70% of pediatric C difficile cases occur- would be processed through a local pharmacy. ring in patients who had no recent overnight stay in a health CHRISTINA G. RIVERA, 4,5 COMMUNITY PHARMACY AMS PHARMD, BCPS, AAHIV-M care facility. In response to the need for systematic outpa- tient AMS, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention To date, published literature focusing on pharmacist-led Rivera is an outpatient infectious disease clinic–based (CDC) released the Core Elements of Outpatient Antibiotic AMS interventions in community pharmacies centers pharmacist at Mayo Clinic in Stewardship in 2016. The recommendations center around around the use of pharmacist–prescriber collaborative prac- Rochester, Minnesota, and an instructor of pharmacy 4 cornerstone elements: commitment, action for policy and tice agreements (CPAs) and point-of-care testing. CPAs create at Mayo Clinic College of practice, tracking and reporting, and education and expertise.6 a formal practice agreement between the pharmacist(s) and Medicine and Science. She welcomes professional prescriber(s) that specifies the functions a pharmacist can correspondence on this THE PHARMACIST’S ROLE perform outside the usual scope of practice.8 Although legal and related topics at rivera. [email protected]. Pharmacists have garnered an established role on inpa- throughout most of the United States, rules and regulations tient AMS teams, as evident in the CDC’s Core Elements of governing CPAs vary from state to state. Of interest within Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs. The drug expertise the realm of outpatient AMS, CPAs may grant pharmacists element states that a pharmacist leader should be appointed prescribing authority within predefined infection-related to improve antibiotic use.7 In contrast, the proposed involve- clinical scenarios or specifically for antimicrobials. Point- ment of pharmacists in outpatient-based AMS as described of-care testing dovetails nicely with community pharma- by the Core Elements of Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship cist CPAs. In nearly all states, pharmacists can use Clinical is more subtle.6 The document’s intended audience members Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)–waived tests, represent several areas that pharmacists commonly work in, which are defined by the FDA as “so simple and accurate as such as primary care clinics, emergency departments, retail to render the likelihood of erroneous results negligible; or health clinics in pharmacies, and health care systems, though pose no reasonable risk of harm to the patient if the test is pharmacists themselves are not specifically mentioned in performed incorrectly.’’9 Two such examples of CLIA-waived these settings. Community pharmacies and pharmacists are tests used in pharmacist-led outpatient AMS are the rapid described as a potential partner for outpatient AMS activities, influenza diagnostic test (RIDT) and group AStreptococcus

along with health insurance companies, local microbiology (GAS) testing. oben901/ Adobe Stock

22 | Contagion® • June 2019 Active members of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) STEWARDSHIP & PREVENTION

Table. Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Potential Areas for Pharmacists’ Involvement


Education/ Newsletters Primacy care providers Decrease unnecessary prescribing. Reeducation Brochures Specialists commonly prescribing antibiotics Decrease patient perceptions of Formal or informal didactics Community- or clinic-based pharmacists antibiotic needs. Webinars Patients Increase correct patient antibiotic Electronic medical record alerts administration. Antibiotic counseling

Electronic medical record and Electronic alerts Antibiotic prescribers Decrease unnecessary prescribing. decision support Antibiotic order sets Direct toward best prescribing. Embedded clinical decision support tools Antibiotic use tracking. Required indications on antibiotic prescriptions

Delayed prescribing Follow-up clinical assessment phone calls Patients Decrease unnecessary antibiotic use.

Implement guidelines for Develop, review, maintain guidelines Primary care providers Direct toward best prescribing. common infectious syndromes Disseminate guidelines Community- and clinic-based pharmacists

Pharmacy-based programs Vaccination Patients Prevent infectious illness. and practices Medication take back Dispose excess antimicrobials. Allergy history documentation Avoid unneeded use of second-line antibiotics. Exclusion of antibiotics from free/discounted Avoid promoting antibiotic overuse. medication lists Commitment posters

Policies Formulary restrictions on certain outpatient Managed-care pharmacists Limit broad-spectrum antibiotic overuse antibiotics Pharmacy and therapeutics committees

From December 2013 to April 2014, a pilot Of 316 patients screened, 273 were eligible for best practices, also known as academic program involving 55 community pharmacies testing, of which 48 (17.5%) were positive and detailing,17 is a typical component of inpatient in 3 states (Michigan, Nebraska, and Minnesota) received antimicrobial treatment. Similar to antimicrobial stewardship programs. Outpatient used a pharmacist CPA and RIDT with the aim the pharmacist–physician collaborative pilot AMS–focused academic detailing had mixed of shortening the time to receipt of antivirals on influenzalike illness, there were no adverse results, with 1 study showing a decrease in cepha- and reducing inappropriate antimicrobial use outcomes and patient satisfaction was high lexin prescribing after a face-to-face meeting with in patients with suspected influenza infection.10 (>80%), with a large percentage of patients a pharmacist and others showing no statistically Of the 75 adult patients included in the study, presenting during off-hours and not having significant change with pharmacist education just 8 (11%) were positive for influenza by RIDT primary care providers (43.9%).12,13 In comparison, efforts.18-22 AMS education is generally recom- and, per CPA, were dispensed oral oseltamivir the literature suggests rates of 60% to 80% antimi- mended to combine with a corresponding AMS by the pharmacist. Patients with a negative crobial prescribing for adult in usual intervention such as audit and feedback, clin- test were counseled on symptomatic manage- care. Taken together, these studies offer evidence ical decision support, delayed prescribing, and/ ment without provision of an antiviral or anti- that community pharmacists armed with the or public display of provider pledges to AMS.23 bacterial. All patients were followed up in 24 to right tools can be a significant asset in guiding 48 hours, and no adverse events were reported. the judicious use of outpatient antimicrobials.14,15 FUTURE DIRECTIONS Interestingly, patient satisfaction was >90%, In fall 2018, the Society of Infectious Diseases despite the majority of patients not receiving an EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS Pharmacists released a position statement on the antibacterial or antiviral medication. The authors AND ACADEMIC DETAILING AMS essential role of pharmacists in outpatient AMS suggest this program demonstrated that a Data also demonstrate that emergency depart- and, the summer preceding, a call to action for physician–pharmacist collaboration for seasonal ment (ED) pharmacists can play a key role in outpatient antimicrobial stewardship in Journal influenzalike illness can improve appropriate use AMS efforts. From October 2011 to September of American Pharmacists Association.24-26 The of antivirals and decrease unnecessary antibiotic 2012 at The University of Utah, ED pharma- aforementioned studies, among others, are cited prescribing. Given that a large proportion of cists retrospectively reviewed 180 positive urine as evidence that pharmacists must be leaders in patients presented after regular physician office culture results (>100,000 CFU/mL), patient outpatient AMS.24 Road maps and other diverse hours or had no primary care physician (39% and symptoms, diagnosis, and discharge antibiotics potential areas for outpatient AMS programs, 35%, respectively), the authors hypothesized that for patients discharged from the ED. Following from vaccination to direct patient education emergency department and urgent care visits an ED protocol, the pharmacists determined (Table), are discussed, along with barriers to were also avoided.10,11 that 42 (23%) of empiric discharge antibiotics outpatient AMS, including perceived lack of During the same time frame, this group of were considered inappropriate and required financial incentives. investigators evaluated the use of a pharmacist pharmacist intervention. All but 7 patients In conclusion, there is widespread recogni- CPA and GAS testing coupled with a bacte- (17%), who were lost to follow-up, had a change tion of the need for outcomes-based, system- rial pharyngitis scoring tool in patients who made in their therapies.16 The authors concluded atic outpatient AMS programs. Pharmacists, presented with pharyngitis symptoms.11,12 Adult that ED pharmacists can improve patient care particularly those enabled with a CPA and patients with a Centor score of 1 or greater, and reduce inappropriate antimicrobial use point-of-care testing, are poised to be change younger than 46 years, and clinically stable after discharge. leaders in the betterment of outpatient infec- with a positive GAS test qualified for treatment Tailored education delivered to health care tious diseases care.  with amoxicillin or azithromycin per protocol. professionals by a content expert to encourage References are available at



Experts Survey the Landscape of HIV Screening, Treatment


lthough the incidence of new HIV infections has as fentanyl, raises risk of infection because individuals may “HIV Screening, stabilized over the past few years and screening inject themselves up to 20 times per day, increasing poten- Prevention, and has been introduced into the community setting, tial exposure to infected needles. “In that context, there’s Treatment Advances.” barriersA remain in the screening of some really a chance for explosive spread of HIV,” Sax said. subpopulations and uptake of pre- MODERATOR exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in high- HIV SCREENING AND DIAGNOSIS Joseph Eron, MD risk individuals, according to panelists Although the panelists stated that the fourth-generation Professor of Medicine, University of North Carolina who participated in a recent Contagion® antigen–antibody combination assay is typically used for School of Medicine, Chapel Hill Peer Exchange panel. screening, Eric S. Daar, MD, emphasized that an HIV The panelists also discussed the viral load test should be performed in patients who PANEL potential for HIV outbreaks associated JOSEPH ERON, MD test negative on the fourth-generation antigen–antibody Eric S. Daar, MD with the opioid epidemic, the lingering stigma associ- assay if the clinician has a high index of suspicion. Interim Chair, Department of Medicine, and Chief of ated with HIV screening, and ways to reduce the medical Sax added that a positive antigen–antibody test does the Division of HIV Medicine, burden of using PrEP to increase use. not have enough specificity to conclusively diagnose HIV Harbor-UCLA Medical Center; and needs to be confirmed with a differentiation assay. Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at THE HIV TREATMENT LANDSCAPE “In our hospital, where we have a large obstetric service the University of California, Recent data from the US Centers for Disease Control and a lot of women who are pretty low risk getting Los Angeles and Prevention (CDC) estimate that the prevalence of screened, it’s actually just as common for their screening Ian Frank, MD HIV infection in the United States is approximately test, once positive, to be not confirmed 1 Professor of Medicine, 1.1 million individuals. Although the overall annual inci- as it is for it to be confirmed,” he said. University of Pennsylvania dence remained stable from 2012 to 2016,2 Paul Sax, MD, Although patients occasionally come Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA pointed out that it slightly increased among men who in with acute infection, Daar said that have sex with men (MSM), particularly among black and the majority of people he and his W. David Hardy, MD Hispanic MSM. Ian Frank, MD, estimated that up to 20% colleagues see received their HIV diag- Adjunct Professor of Medicine, of new diagnoses are made in individuals ≥55 years old noses through increased use of routine Johns Hopkins University, ERIC S. DAAR, MD Baltimore, MD (generally thought to be at lower risk of new infection screening in the hospital, sexually trans- than younger individuals), emphasizing the importance mitted disease (STD) clinics, and urgent care centers. Paul Sax, MD Clinical Director, Division of of testing high-risk individuals of all ages. “Anecdotally…we are catching people earlier because our Infectious Disease, Brigham and The panelists also warned that although the incidence of threshold [for screening] is now, if you’re a warm body Women’s Hospital; Professor infection has remained relatively stable, the current opioid and we think of [screening], we should do it,” he said. of Medicine, Harvard Medical epidemic may lead to a rise in the number of new infec- W. David Hardy, MD, added that removing obsta- School, Boston, MA tions, as evidenced by recent outbreaks in Boston and cles to HIV testing, such as requirements for consent other parts of the United States. Sax also explained that forms and counseling, and bringing the screening tests the increase in use of opiates with a short half-life, such from the testing center into the community has helped

24 | Contagion® • June 2019 PEER EXCHANGE

increase uptake of HIV screening. “For many years, you today, too, unless you say no,’ ” he said. “It Sax said. “Those are not the people at highest they tested people at the [Department of Motor assumes that [screening] is a good thing.” risk of getting HIV, and really, that’s where PrEP Vehicles] in [Washington], DC, because the inci- The panelists added that pregnant women can needs to be rolled out.” dence was so high,” he said. “They stopped doing it be screened up to the time of delivery, and the Daar estimated that just 10% because the pickup rate was so small, but it really panelists added that testing twice during preg- of the candidates for PrEP are normalized HIV testing, which is so important.” nancy is ideal. “[In the] very few cases of HIV receiving the regimen, adding The panelists also discussed transmission in newborns, when you look back, that practitioners need to possible reasons for missing they often had a negative test early in pregnancy communicate the simplicity of early diagnosis in patients with and then a positive one later on,” Sax said. using PrEP. “We have to stop advanced disease. “In my expe- making this sound as difficult PAUL SAX, MD rience, African Americans are HIV PREP THERAPY as treating somebody with coming in very late because According to Frank, the use of antiretroviral HIV,” he said. “It’s simple [and] easy to take, even though they may know therapy (ART) to prevent HIV infection is one [and] the screening is very straightforward. As they’re positive, they’re not IAN FRANK, MD of the major recent advances in this field, and long as we don’t give it to someone who has accessing treatment because of use of daily tenofovir/emtricitabine as PrEP can HIV, we’re probably going to do mostly good.” the stigma of taking the treat- prevent nearly all HIV transmissions. “We should The panelists added that finding ways to ment and what that means in be talking about PrEP with anybody who has had reduce the medicalization of using PrEP, which their community,” Hardy said. a sexually transmitted infection [and] in men who currently requires follow-up appointments with Panel moderator Joseph have sex with men who are not in Eron, MD, added that patients monogamous relationships,” he said. may present to the hospital “It’s really an easy conversation to W. DAVID HARDY, MD with opportunistic infections have. The combination is very safe. but not be tested for HIV because they are There are very few serious toxicities.” “We should be talking about PrEP perceived to be at low risk. “They might be a Despite its general safety, Frank with anybody who has had a sexually little bit older,” he said, “so the diagnosis isn’t warned, the tenofovir/emtricitabine necessarily considered.” combination can reactivate the transmitted infection [and] with men Frank added that general practitioners or other hepatitis B virus and cause acute who have sex with men who are not subspecialists may not be familiar with signs of liver injury in patients with chronic advanced-stage HIV infection, such as opportu- hepatitis B infection, and it should in monogamous relationships.” nistic infections, that clearly indicate the need not be used in patients with acute —Ian Frank, MD for HIV testing. HIV infection because of the high risk of developing resistance. He recom- HIV US PREVENTIVE TASK FORCE mended confirming the patient’s SCREENING RECOMMENDATIONS hepatitis B infection status and performing viral a medical care provider every 3 months,4 will The US Preventive Services Task Force gives load and serological assay for individuals with help increase uptake in the target popula- a grade A (highest) recommendation for HIV symptoms of acute HIV infection. tion. “In most cases, the medical interactions testing in individuals aged 15 to 65 years, However, the panelists noted that the uptake many people who are on PrEP have is with adolescents <15 years and adults >65 years with of PrEP is often low among the individuals at their PrEP provider,” Hardy said. “Why make additional risk factors, and all pregnant women.3 highest risk of HIV transmission. “A lot of the that more complex, more difficult, [and] more However, Hardy noted that the stigma around people we have prescribed PrEP to would fall into time-consuming for a prevention of the disease?” HIV screening remains a barrier to obtaining the category of the worried...They may be in a He suggested developing innovative ways of consent from individuals and recommended monogamous relationship with an HIV-infected performing follow-up, such as having a knowl- using language to allow individuals to opt out partner, but that person is taking [ARTs] already, edgeable pharmacist interpret the follow-up of screening. “The wording can be as simple as so their risk is actually really low, if not zero, results, to potentially reduce the medicalization ‘I test all my patients for HIV. I’m going to test but they still want to take PrEP just because,” of the disease. The panelists also stated that sustaining PrEP can be a challenge, especially with the current Ian Frank, MD, listens as Paul Sax, MD, discusses recommendations of not refilling a prescription HIV screening. until the follow-up HIV test comes back negative. “We have to be a little looser with our follow-ups, allowing people to stay on PrEP without neces- sarily doing everything that is in the guidelines every 3 months like clockwork,” Sax said. In conclusion, Hardy said that unlike medica- tions for HIV infection, PrEP can be taken intermit- tently, depending on the patient’s sexual activity and lifestyle, and procedures for follow-up should account for this discontinuous use. “We have to be aware of that and also be flexible to let people say, ‘I’m going to be off for the next 3 months, so don’t expect to see me. But when I’m ready to go back on, I’ll go back on,’ ” he said.  References are available at

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ContagionMapped_2019.indd All Pages 5/17/19 2:49 PM Providing health care professionals who specialize in infectious disease with up-to-date, disease-specific information and resources to improve patient outcomes and positively impact the identification, diagnosis, treatment, Mapped! and prevention of infectious diseases. NEWS CONFERENCES VIDEOS Contagion® Live delivers the latest View this section for direct access to Watch Contagion® videos to hear expert news happening around the globe in information on upcoming conferences insight from health care professionals infectious disease. Visit this section to in infectious disease. and thought leaders on an array of DISEASE-SPECIFIC TOPICS stay informed. infectious disease topics. Select an infectious disease topic to access clinical news and articles, links to condition-specific resources, videos, and other relevant content.


OUTBREAK MONITOR The Contagion ® Outbreak Monitor provides details and Influenza trends on the number of confirmed cases and deaths of infectious disease outbreaks, matched with recent coverage related to each outbreak. Use the Contagion ® Outbreak Monitor to learn about infectious disease outbreaks in your geographical region, and manipulate the map to find out the latest information on global outbreaks. The new Map Key lets you easily find the outbreak that you’re looking for, and hone in on the details specific to that outbreak. To view information on past outbreaks that have occurred in specific regions, click on the new Resolved Outbreaks tab.

Mapped!® is a registered trademark of Intellisphere, LLC. © MJH & Associates, Inc, 2019. All rights reserved.

ContagionMapped_2019.indd All Pages 5/17/19 2:49 PM ECCMID 2019

CAMERA2: Combo Therapy for MRSA FURI Study Case: Ibrexafungerp Bacteremia Is Effective but Linked to Successfully Higher Mortality, AKI Rates Treats Esophageal BY ALEXANDRA WARD, MA Candidiasis n vitro studies, animal models, and obser- BY MICHAELA FLEMING vational studies in humans have demon- strated that combination therapy combining andida species are a common cause Ivancomycin, the current standard treatment, of mucosal and invasive candidiasis. with a β-lactam appears to be more effec- C In certain circumstances, patients may tive than monotherapy in treating methicillin- develop refractory candidiasis. While conducting a study evaluating resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) the safety and efficacy of ibrexafungerp bacteremia. However, results from the largest (IBX), investigators observed that the drug clinical trial to date have raised concerns over successfully treated a case of severe refrac- the effects of combination therapy on mortality tory esophageal candidiasis. The details and rates of acute kidney injury (AKI). were presented by Jose Vazquez, MD, chief The CAMERA2 study, presented at this year’s of infectious diseases at Augusta University’s Medical College of Georgia, who is also a European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and member of the Contagion® editorial advisory Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2019), sought to board, at this year’s European Congress for evaluate the combination therapy through an CAMERA2 study, told Contagion®. “However, Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases investigator-initiated randomized controlled trial what we did find was that there was a markedly (ECCMID 2019). of patients with MRSA bacteremia. increased risk of acute kidney injury in the combi- IBX is being evaluated in SCYNEXIS Study 301, or FURI, an open-label clinical trial of Between August 2015 and July 2018, the trial nation arm. Of patients who received combina- patients either intolerant or refractory to enrolled 352 participants across 27 sites in tion therapy, 30% developed acute kidney injury antifungal therapy. 4 countries (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, versus 9% in the standard therapy arm.” One patient, a 63-year-old man, was and Israel) who were found to have MRSA bacte- Investigators found increased mortality in the enrolled into the trial, with a history of esoph- remia within 72 hours of index blood culture combination arm, in which 21% of patients died ageal strictures with 10-year history of recur- draw, were 18 years or older, and were likely to versus 16% in the standard therapy arm, although rent esophageal candidiasis. Prior to enrollment, the patient experienced remain an inpatient for ≥7 days. Participants were the number of patients with persistent bacte- dysphagia, and a feeding tube was inserted. randomized to either the standard treatment, remia at day 5 in the combination arm was signifi- An esophagogastroduodenoscopy demon- vancomycin or daptomycin, or the standard cantly reduced compared with standard therapy. strated severe candidiasis with a culture treatment plus an antistaphylococcal β-lactam In a post hoc exploratory analysis, 7 patients revealing Candida glabrata resistant to fluco- (flucloxacillin, cloxacillin, or cefazolin). in the combination group ended up on renal nazole (minimum inhibitory concentration, 64 mcg/mL). The primary end point was a composite replacement therapy versus just 2 in the stan- The patient was enrolled and given a outcome at 90 days of all-cause mortality, dard therapy group. loading dose of oral IBX 750 mg twice a day persistent bacteremia at day 5 or beyond, micro- “In retrospect now, we’re really pleased in for 2 days, followed by oral IBX 750 mg daily biological relapse, or microbiological treatment some ways that we found something out—some- for a total of 54 days. failure, as assessed by a blinded adjudication thing unexpected but that, I think, has clinical While receiving treatment, the patient committee. Secondary end points included indi- impact,” Tong said. “It’s very clear to me that gradually improved and by day 54 was completely asymptomatic. vidual elements of the composite primary end we should not be using a combination of vanco- One month following the discontinuation point, bacteremia at day 2, and AKI or need for mycin plus flucloxacillin for treatment of MRSA of therapy, the patient remained symptom renal replacement therapy. bacteremia. We ended up doing more harm to free. A follow-up esophagogastroduodenos- The total participants included 252 from patients through that combination than the stan- copy did not detect any esophageal candi- New Zealand or Australia, 56 from Singapore, dard therapy group. I think this should actually diasis; 2 months later, the feeding tube was removed. At a 9-month follow-up, the and 44 from Israel. The median age of partici- give us pause in our enthusiasm for combination patient remained asymptomatic and was pants was 64 years, 34% were women, 64% had therapy for Staphylococcus bacteremia. gaining weight. a health care–associated infection, and 15% were “The other key message is [that] the duration “This report demonstrates the efficacy of receiving haemodialysis. The modified intent-to- of bacteremia may not be a good surrogate end IBX in a patient with severe recalcitrant and treat analysis included 344 participants (standard point,” Tong continued. “We reduced the dura- refractory [esophageal candidiasis] and high- care, n = 174; combination, n = 170). The trial tion of bacteremia—that was very clear—with lights the potential for using IBX to manage difficult-to-treat azole resistant and refrac- was stopped early on the recommendation of the combination therapy, but that had no impact on tory candidiasis,” the investigators concluded. data and safety monitoring board. overall results, which was no difference in the The study, “Use of Ibrexafungerp “The main result was that we found no differ- composite primary end point.” (Formerly SCY-078) to Treat Severe Azole- ence in the primary end point, which was a The study, “Combination Antibiotic Therapy Refractory Esophageal Candidiasis: A Case composite of 90-day mortality, persistent bacte- for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Report From the FURI Study,” was presented on April 13 at ECCMID 2019 in Amsterdam, remia at day 5, and microbiological failure and Bacteremia: The CAMERA2 Randomized the Netherlands.  relapse,” Steven Tong, PhD, associate professor Controlled Trial,” was presented in an oral at the Doherty Institute and Menzies School session April 16 at ECCMID 2019 in Amsterdam,

of Health Research and the presenter of the the Netherlands.  Stock crevis/ Adobe

28 | Contagion® • June 2019 SHEA 2019

Investigators Pinpoint 5 Factors Associated With Candida auris Colonization in Nursing Homes


ven before Candida auris made the front The team deployed a matched case–control page of The New York Times, the emerging investigation, in which a case was defined as health care–associated fungal infection C auris colonization in a resident and then Ehad providers worldwide worried because of its matched with up to 4 residents with negative multidrug resistance and invasiveness. swabs during the same point prevalence survey. New York State has the highest rate of coloni- In total, investigators used 12 point prevalence zation, with more than 500 infected individuals, surveys at 6 nursing homes to identify 60 cases most of whom reside in nursing homes and many and 218 controls. The team controlled for age, of whom are mechanically ventilated. underlying conditions, functional status, and To identify opportunities to reduce trans- infection with other multidrug-resistant organisms mission, investigators with the US Centers for in the 90 days before screening. Investigators Disease Control and Prevention and the New determined that the following factors are associ- York State Department of Health analyzed the ated with C auris colonization: having a urinary factors that lead to Candida colonization. Their catheter (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 2.5; 95% CI, findings were presented at the Society for 1.1-5.4), having a tracheostomy (aOR, 8.2; 95% Healthcare Epidemiology of America Spring 2019 CI, 1.1-58.8), being on a ventilator (aOR, 3.4; prevent transmission,” investigators concluded. Conference (SHEA Spring 2019). 95% CI, 1.2-9.2), receiving meropenem in the “Antibiotic stewardship and interfacility commu- From 2016 to 2018, the research team conducted prior 90 days (aOR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.2-5.3), and nication may be important factors in the prevention point prevalence surveys for C auris colonization having ≥1 hospitalization in the prior 6 months of C auris colonization.” among nursing home residents in New York State. (aOR, 4.3; 95% CI, 1.8-10.0). The study, “Factors Associated With Candida Swabs were collected from residents’ axilla, groin, “Targeted screening of patients with the auris Colonization Among Residents of Nursing and nares, and data on facility transfers, antimi- above risk factors for C auris can help iden- Homes With Ventilator Units—New York, 2016- crobials, and medical history were extracted from tify those who are colonized and facilitate 2018,” was presented in an oral session on April 24 medical records. implementation of infection control measures to at SHEA Sprint 2019 in Boston, Massachusetts. 

Can Stethoscopes Transmit Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Pathogens?


ith burdens of nosocomial infections steadily increasing, it is import- extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. No ant to determine sources of direct contact transmission. isolates of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, carbapenemase-producing W The diaphragm of a stethoscope has been regarded as the second- Enterobacteriaceae, MDR-Acinetobacter, or Pseudomonas were detected. most contaminated area, after the fingertips, but stethoscopes have not been The health workers were also surveyed via questionnaire about their studied in depth as a vector of nosocomial infection. In the few studies that cleaning procedures. The results indicate that 58 of the 89 participants (65.2%) explored the link between these instruments and bacterial infection transmis- were women and 44 (49.4%) were doctors. sion, most of the findings were limited to Staphylococcus. Just 19 of the 89 participants (21.3%) reported cleaning their stethoscopes But now, investigators from the College of Medicine at the Catholic University regularly at least once a day. The investigators observed that physicians were of Korea in Seoul, South Korea, have conducted a prospective observational less likely to clean their stethoscopes (gender adjusted; P = .001; OR, 12.750; study to determine whether stethoscopes are a potential carrier of nosoco- 95% CI, 2.730-59.546) and more likely to use their own stethoscopes instead mial multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. They presented their findings in a of using those designated for examining isolated patients infected with MDR poster presentation at the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America pathogens (gender adjusted; P <.001; OR, 8.762; 95% CI, 2.911-26.373). Spring 2019 Conference (SHEA Spring 2019). “There were no significant risk factors associated with the contamination As a part of a quasi-experimental study in a 450-bed hospital in South Korea, rate and bacterial load when multivariate regression analysis was performed investigators sampled stethoscopes of 86 of the 89 doctors and nurses who using variables such as gender, job, age group, department, cleaning method, agreed to participate. The investigators imprinted the diaphragm of each and frequency of stethoscope cleaning,” investigators noted. instrument for 6 to 10 seconds on blood agar plates. For each sample, bacte- Although the study determined that most of the stethoscopes were contam- rial loads were calculated by total colony-forming units (CFUs) and the poten- inated, and contamination by nosocomial pathogens was 23.5%, MDR patho- tial nosocomial pathogens were identified. Of the 86 stethoscopes, 85 (98.8%) gens were detected in just a small proportion. were contaminated, with a mean CFU of 27.91 ± 32.46. Based on this research, the investigators concluded that there is a need for According to the investigators, 20 of the 85 contaminated stetho- an evidence-based disinfection manual for stethoscopes. scopes (23.5%) were confirmed to have at least 1 potential pathogen, with The study, “Stethoscope as a Potential Carrier of Multi-Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus detected in 13. Other detected isolates include Bacterial Pathogens? Preliminary Data of Quasi-experimental Study,” was Enterococcus, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, methicillin-resistant S aureus, and presented April 24 at SHEA Spring 2019 in Boston, Massachusetts.  Kateryna_Kon/ Adobe Stock Kateryna_Kon/ Adobe

| 29 MAD-ID 2019

Patients With Gram-Negative Skin Can Outpatient Oritavancin Infections Are 6 Times More Likely to Therapy Prevent Receive Inappropriate Empiric Therapy Hospital BY ALEXANDRA WARD, MA Admissions? BY CONTAGION® EDITORIAL STAFF

ritavancin (Orbactiv) was approved in 2014 for the treatment of acute Obacterial skin and skin structure in- fections (ABSSSIs) caused by susceptible gram-positive organisms, but can its use in the outpatient setting help prevent hospital admissions for patients with cellulitis? In an institutional review board–exempt, retrospective chart review study presented at the Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID) 2019 meeting, investi- gators at Huntsville Hospital in Alabama compared the standard-of-care treatment for managing cellulitis, which involves inpa- tient admission and intravenous (IV) therapy, with outpatient infusion clinic administration of oritavancin to determine which is more clinically and economically advantageous. ram-negative pathogens are increasingly to receive IET (22.8% [270 of 1184] vs 22.8% Between February 2015 and December responsible for acute skin and skin struc- [633 of 2778], respectively) compared with 2018, a total of 1348 patients were included ture infections (SSSIs), which in general patients with infections caused by only gram- in the standard-of-care arm, with a payer Gaccount for nearly 2% of all hospitalizations in positive organisms (6.5% [381 of 5891]). This mix of 415 privately insured, 613 govern- the United States. difference was noted across all SSSI categories. ment insured, and 320 noninsured patients. The average length of hospital stay for Investigators with Melinta Therapeutics, The investigators concluded that, compared patients with ABSSSI in the inpatient group EviMed Research Group, BD, and GST Micro with those with a gram-positive SSSI, patients was 3.4 days, with an average loss per month sought to analyze how administering inappro- with a gram-negative or a mixed infection, irre- of $45,888. The 30-day readmission rate for priate empiric therapy (IET) for patients with spective of the type, have about 6 times the odds patients with cellulitis was 3.6%. SSSIs caused by gram-negative organisms affects of being exposed to IET. A total of 201 patients were included in the outpatient oritavancin arm, with a payer outcomes. Their results were presented at the Glenn Tillotson, PhD, a consultant with mix of 75 privately insured, 92 govern- Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases (MAD- GST Micro and an investigator on the study, ment insured, and 34 noninsured patients. ID) 2019 meeting. discussed the findings with Contagion® at Patients in the oritavancin arm experienced Using BD research data on culture-positive MAD-ID 2019. “The main [observation] from an average monthly gain of $1231, and bacterial skin/wound isolates from consecutive our work was the fact that gram-negative the total number of bed days saved with patients treated with empiric antibiotic therapy pathogens, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa outpatient oritavancin administration was 683 days throughout the study period. The at 68 US acute care hospitals between 2015 [and Escherichia] coli, were actually more 30-day readmission rate for cellulitis was and 2017, the research team categorized SSSIs common in the skin infection arena…than 0.5% in the outpatient oritavancin arm. as abscess, cellulitis, chronic ulcer, wound, or expected. Everyone seems to think and believe “From an outcome perspective, we saw other multiple infection types and stratified by that gram-positives, such as [Staphylococcus] that readmission rates were actually much bacterial pathogen into gram-negative, gram- aureus of either methicillin-resistant or less—even though our readmission rates were already low,” Jonathan Edwards, positive, or mixed. methicillin-susceptible group A strep [are asso- PharmD, BCPS-AQ ID, BCGP, ID pharmacist If the antibiotic that was started within 5 days ciated] with skin infections,” Tillotson said. at Huntsville Hospital in Alabama and an prior to final culture result did not cover the “However, we looked at different categories investigator on the study, told Contagion®. organism(s) or was resistant, IET was consid- of skin infection—abscess, cellulitis, wound— “When we utilized Orbactive in the outpa- ered present. Investigators used International and saw a remarkably high incidence of gram- tient setting, the admission rates at that Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related negatives...often in combination with the Staph time were actually less, so we saw both Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes aureus. If you believe the gram-positive-only clinical and financial benefit even in that to classify the SSSIs. story, you will miss the appropriate treatment very noncritically ill population for skin and skin structure.” A total of 9853 admissions met inclusion of the gram-negatives, and those gram-nega- The study “Clinical and Economic criteria. Of those, 40.2% involved a gram- tives would lead to bad outcomes.” Outcomes of Inpatient Standard of Care negative organism. Overall, IET was admin- The study “Pathogen Type and Inappropriate Versus Outpatient Oritavancin Therapy for istered to 13% (1284). Patients with only a Empiric Therapy (IET) in Culture-Positive Skin Patients with Cellulitis” was presented at gram-negative infection (odds ratio [OR], 6.4; and Soft Tissue Infection (SSSI) Among Hos- MAD-ID 2019, held May 8 to 11, 2019, in Orlando, Florida.  95% CI, 5.3-7.7; P <.0001) and/or mixed gram- pitalized Patients in the United States, 2015-2017” negative/gram-positive pathogens (OR, 6.6; was presented at MAD-ID 2019, held May 8-11,

95% CI, 5.6-7.6; P <.0001) were more likely 2019, in Orlando, Florida.  Carrasco/ Wikipedia Anahi

30 | Contagion® • June 2019 MEETING COVERAGE

Investigators Evaluate Rapid Diagnostics for Bloodstream Infections Without Stewardship Involvement BY MICHAELA FLEMING revious research has shown that using the 2 groups had similar baseline characteris- versus 79% postimplementation population a rapid diagnostic test for bloodstream tics. Among all participants, the median age (P <.001), with time to optimal therapy signifi- infections can improve clinical outcomes— was 58 years, and 62% of participants were men. cantly shorter in the postimplementation group Pspecifically, when accompanied by antimicrobial The most commonly observed infections were (47 [IQR, 5.3-61.2] vs 24 [IQR, 12-49]; P = .018). stewardship interventions for gram-positive Escherichia coli (38%) and urinary (31%) and Time to de-escalation was noted as similar bloodstream infections. However, scant data are intraabdominal (22%). in both groups (62 [IQR, 48-84] vs 64 [IQR, available regarding outcomes of gram-negative In an interview at MAD-ID 2019, Contagion® 25.8-89.2]; P = .572). Time to escalation was bloodstream infections in the absence of anti- spoke with the presenter of the poster, Kimberly significantly shorter post implementation (50.7 microbial stewardship involvement. Claeys, PharmD, an assistant professor of phar- [IQR, 18.1-65.3] vs 20.6 [IQR, 14.9-30.2]; P <.001). Now a team of investigators from the University macy practice at Maryland School of Pharmacy. Additionally, the median hospital and postblood- of Maryland schools of Pharmacy and Medicine The investigators indicated that the appropri- stream duration of stay, in days, were similar has conducted a retrospective, quasi-experi- ateness of antibiotics in the study was determined (16.9 [IQR, 6.4-32.3] vs 15.9 [7.8-29.4]; P = .738), mental study of patients with gram-negative based on the final susceptibility results. They also (9.5 [IQR, 5.1-18.8] vs 9.8 [IQR, 5.4-19.6]; P = .509), bloodstream infections. The findings were pre- noted that “optimal antibiotics were not overly respectively. Inpatient mortality was 15% in each sented in a poster session at the Making a broad, accounting for resistance, source of infec- group, as well. Difference in Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID) 2019 tion, and other infecting organisms.” “Implementation of VBC-GN without active annual meeting. The study team reported that categorical vari- antimicrobial stewardship intervention was The Verigene Blood Culture Gram-Negative ables were compared using Chi-squared/Fisher’s shown to improve time to optimal therapy, which Test (VBC-GN) is a rapid diagnostic that can exact and continuous variables with Mann- was primarily driven by decreased time to antibi- detect key gram-negatives, as well as resis- Whitney U tests, with time to event analyzed otic escalation,” the authors conclude, noting that tance, within hours. For the study, the inves- through Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. stewardship intervention could further improve tigators followed patients with VBC-GN target Results indicate that postimplementation the time through optimal de-escalation. gram-negative bloodstream infections between patients had higher rates of previous extended- Claeys also told Contagion® that there will be December 2014 and September 2015 for preim- spectrum β-lactamases (3.8% vs 8.1%; P = .048). 3 phases of this research, and the third stage will plementation information and between October Appropriate therapy was achieved in 99% of include stewardship involvement. This research 2015 and May 2017 for postimplementation data. patients, with time to appropriate therapy similar was funded by MAD-ID, Claeys said. Of the 547 patients included in the study, 238 in both groups (2.7 [interquartile range (IQR), The poster “Impact of Verigene Blood Culture were identified as preimplementation and the 1.5-3.9] vs 4.2 [IQR, 2.5-5.8] hours; P = .408). Gram-Negative Without Active Stewardship remaining 309 were sorted into the postimple- Optimal therapy was reported to be achieved Intervention” was presented May 9, 2019, at mentation group. According to the investigators, in 66% of the preimplementation population MAD-ID 2019 in Orlando, Florida. 

Residents: The Lost Stakeholders in Stewardship BY CONTAGION ® EDITORIAL STAFF

s antimicrobial stewardship becomes a Therefore, the investigators designed a survey to (P <.001). Further, increased satisfaction with ASP critical element of improving patient care, evaluate the opinions and perceptions of ASPs by recommendations was reported by RCP residents, A a team of investigators from University internal medicine and family medicine residents. with 12 of 24 (50%) rating satisfaction as exceeding of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Mercy and The findings were presented in a poster session expectations or outstanding and 11 of 23 (47.9%) UMPC St. Margaret hospitals in Pennsylvania have at the Making a Difference in Infectious Diseases rating it as acceptable, whereas all 9 non-RCP resi- noticed that some stakeholders may be underrep- (MAD-ID) 2019 annual meeting. dents responded with an acceptable rating (P = .027). resented in stewardship programs. The 10-question survey was distributed to The authors concluded that for ASPs to be According to guidelines published by the 133 residents across 3 hospitals within a large health successful, they must be supported by all of the Infectious Diseases Society of America in 2016, system. “Interactions between residents and ASPs health system’s stakeholders. Residents can often antimicrobial stewardship programs (ASPs) at a hospital with an RCP were compared [with] be overlooked as stakeholders but are “frontline should be led by an infectious disease physician 2 hospitals without an RCP,” the investigators said. providers at a formative stage of their developing and infectious disease pharmacists with addi- In total, 47 residents completed the survey medical career,” the authors write, elaborating tional stewardship training. However, most of (24 RCP, 23 non-RCP). All 24 RCP residents were that “this presents a prime opportunity to educate these programs feature additional stakeholders, aware of their hospital’s stewardship program and foster good stewardship practice behaviors including department representatives from compared with 9 of 23 (39.1%) non-RCP residents that they will utilize throughout their careers.” infection control, microbiology, hospitalists, (P <.001). Additionally, 18 of 24 (75%) RCP residents The authors said they hope that the study will nursing, and hospital administration, the inves- were aware of the RC. provide a foundation for the inclusion of an RC in tigators noted. Among residents aware of the stewardship hospital ASPs, because these individuals can be a The study team noticed that medical residents program, 20 of 24 (83.3%) RCP residents reported liaison to facilitate more frequent interactions and are among the underrepresented stakeholder interactions with ASP versus 3 of 9 (33.3%) non-RCP enhanced perception of stewardship teams. groups that have the potential to play a critical role residents (P = .007). At the RCP, 23 of 24 (95.8%) The poster “The Lost Stakeholders in Antimicro- in the growth of ASPs and that very few programs residents knew at least 1 member of the ASP team bial Stewardship” was presented May 9, 2019, at have a resident champion program (RCP). compared with 2 of 9 (22.2%) non-RCP residents MAD-ID 2019 in Orlando, Florida. 


An Unusual Case of Testicular Swelling in a Patient With HIV Being immunocompromised increases risk of rare Mycobacterium tuberculosis epididymo-orchitis. BY JANE ABERNETHY, MD CANDIDATE; SUSAN A. INNIS, MD; LAUREL J. GLASER, MD, PHD; AND WILLIAM R. SHORT, MD, MPH

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: testicle was swollen and nontender; the left was normal. A 42-year-old man presented to the hospital with The inguinal lymph nodes were not palpable. approximately 2 weeks of right testicular pain and swelling. He received a diagnosis of epididymo-orchitis and was treated STUDIES: with ceftriaxone 250 mg intramuscularly and doxycycline Lab studies revealed normal leukocyte, hemoglobin, and JANE ABERNETHY 100 mg twice daily for 14 days. During a follow-up visit at platelet counts. The blood urea nitrogen was 12 mg/dL; creat- Abernethy is a fourth-year medical student at Perelman his primary HIV provider’s office, the patient noted that he inine level, 1.15 mg/dL; aspartate aminotransferase, 27 U/L; School of Medicine at the had less pain, but his swelling had not resolved. He denied and alanine aminotransferase, 15 U/L. A urine nucleic acid University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. any history of fever, weight loss, night sweats, , amplification test for and Chlamydia or hemoptysis. trachomatis was negative, as was a urine culture. A computed tomography scan of his abdomen and pelvis with contrast MEDICAL HISTORY: showed a large right testicle measuring 8.3 × 3.5 × 3.5 cm The patient had a history of HIV, which was diagnosed with heterogeneous enhancement and adjacent fluid. The in 2014 and had been treated with abacavir/dolutegravir/ serum tumor markers β–human chorionic gonadotropin and lamivudine (Triumeq). One month prior to admission, his β-fetoprotein were within normal limits. SUSAN A. INNIS, MD CD4 count was 304 (22%), and his HIV RNA by polymerase Innis is an associate professor of pathology and chain reaction (PCR) was undetectable. Early in his diag- CLINICAL COURSE: laboratory medicine at the Sidney Kimmel Medical nosis, he had frequent episodes of syphilis, now with a The patient was referred to urology to rule out malignancy. College at Thomas Jefferson nonreactive rapid plasma regain after adequate treatment. After a long discussion, a decision was made to pursue a University in Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. right inguinal exploration. Despite negative malignancy MEDICATION: markers and due to the appearance of the testicle, the patient Abacavir/dolutegravir/lamivudine underwent a right orchiectomy. On gross examination, the testicle was 8 cm, with a smooth-walled cyst and 2 ill- ALLERGIES: defined masses/thickened areas in the testis and epididymis No known drug allergies with purulent material.

LAUREL J. GLASER, MD, PHD Glaser is an assistant EPIDEMIOLOGIC HISTORY: DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES AND RESULTS professor of clinical The patient was born in the United States and lived on the The operating room specimen was sent to pathology, and the pathology and laboratory medicine at Perelman East Coast. He denied any national or international travel. right testicle and epididymis showed large areas of destruction School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania He denied smoking, alcohol, and illicit drug use. He had a by multiple caseating and noncaseating epithelioid granu- in Philadelphia. pet dog. He had a history of incarceration for approximately lomas with scattered foreign body giant cells and surrounding 6 months many years ago. fibrosis (Figure 1). The auramine-rhodamine stain showed a few rodlike bacteria, highly suspicious for Mycobacterium PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: species (Figures 2 and 3). There was not enough of the sample The patient appeared well. His temperature was 98.6°F; heart to be sent for an acid-fast bacilli (AFB) culture. The testicular rate, 75 beats per minute; blood pressure, 110/70 mm Hg; specimen was sent to the US Centers for Disease Control WILLIAM R. SHORT, MD, MPH and respirations, 14 per minute. His lungs were clear to and Prevention for PCR testing, and tuberculosis (TB) was Short is an associate auscultation bilaterally. A cardiac exam showed normal confirmed. Because this was PCR, susceptibilities could not professor of medicine at Perelman School of S1 and S2 with no murmurs. An abdominal examination be performed. Three early-morning urine specimens were sent Medicine at the University of showed normoactive bowel sounds with no tenderness and to the lab for AFB stain and culture. All urine specimens Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. no hepatosplenomegaly. On a genital exam, the patient’s right grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). Patchara/ Adobe Stock

32 | Contagion® • June 2019 CASE STUDY

TREATMENT AND FOLLOW-UP: latent tuberculosis infection (LTB). Active infec- Early diagnosis is critical to preventing destruc- The patient was started on a 4-drug treat- tion will develop in approximately 5% of individ- tion and fibrosis, which can lead to infertility, ment regimen of isoniazid, ethambutol, uals with LTB, with half of these cases occurring contracted bladder, bilateral kidney injury, and pyrazinamide, and rifabutin along with pyri- within 2 years after primary infection.3 Although end-stage renal disease.13 Microscopic analysis doxine pending susceptibility testing. After TB is a known multisystem disease, it exclusively of the urine may yield nonspecific findings such 2 months, his susceptibility testing was avail- affects the lungs in 75% to 80% of cases, with the as sterile pyuria, microscopic or macroscopic able (Table), and the isolate was susceptible to majority of extrapulmonary disease manifesting hematuria, or acidic urine. Definitive diagnosis all first-line drugs. Subsequently, ethambutol and in the pleura and lymph nodes.4 can be made by urine acid-fast culture cultures, pyrazinamide were discontinued. Urogenital TB is rare, thought to make a method that is time intensive, with relatively up just 30% to 40% of these extrapulmonary low sensitivity due to sporadic shedding of 5 9 Table. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Susceptibility Testing cases. Involvement of just the genital organs bacilli. Due to these constraints, PCR testing is described in 5% to 30% of these urogenital can be performed on urine, expressed prostatic Organism ID: M tuberculosis complex cases, with higher rates observed where TB is secretions, or ejaculate. PCR is less sensitive more prevalent.6 The mechanism of dissemina- and similarly specific compared with culture, An Unusual Case of Testicular Swelling in a Patient With HIV Drug, MIC Result tion of disease into the scrotal sac is debated. but it is advantageous due to its rapidity. PCR In most cases, TB epididymo-orchitis occurs via cannot, however, differentiate between live and Being immunocompromised increases risk of rare Mycobacterium tuberculosis epididymo-orchitis. Streptomycin 1 mcg/mL Susceptible retrograde spread from the urinary tract, but dead organisms.14 In this case, histopathological BY JANE ABERNETHY, MD CANDIDATE; SUSAN A. INNIS, MD; LAUREL J. GLASER, MD, PHD; AND WILLIAM R. SHORT, MD, MPH it also may gain entry via the early hematog- examination should be attempted with inguinal Isoniazid 0.1 mcg/mL Susceptible enous and lymphatic spread of primary pulmo- exploration, yielding caseous necrosis or stained nary disease.7 Sexual transmission with primary AFB testing for definitive diagnosis. Necrotizing Rifampin 1 mcg/mL Susceptible penile TB is also thought to be possible. Of note, granulomatous inflammation without evidence half of patients with urogenital disease have of AFB suggests TB but can also represent Ethambutol 5 mcg/mL Susceptible renal involvement.8 another infectious agent, such as species of Presentation of this disease is variable and can Brucella or Blastomyces, Treponema pallidum, and Pyrazinamide mcg/mL Susceptible occur at any age, although it most commonly nontuberculous mycobacteria, as well as others.10

MIC indicates minimum inhibitory concentration. presents in the fourth and fifth decade. History For this reason, tissue PCR for TB is still useful of prior TB infection, close contact with TB in optimizing diagnostic precision. infected individuals, travel to endemic areas, Of the 10 million incident cases of TB in 2017, DISCUSSION: or immune system compromise may be helpful 9% were coinfected with HIV.1 Patients with Tuberculosis, a disease affecting one-fourth of diagnostically, but these data points are not HIV are more susceptible to all manifestations the world’s population, is primarily caused by always present.9 Eighty percent of hosts infected of TB infection, including epididymo-orchitis, Mtb, an acid-fast aerobic bacillus.1 Infection with genital TB may develop a scrotal swelling, due partly to the critical role of CD4-positive occurs when bacilli are inhaled from a patient which is painful in approximately 44% of T lymphocytes in the control of the disease.15,16 with active pulmonary infection. These bacilli cases.10 It is often accompanied by ulceration First-line treatment for drug-susceptible strains reach the alveoli, where they are phagocytized by or a draining sinus tract and may present with in both immunocompetent and immunocom- alveolar macrophages and then replicate before lower urinary tract symptoms such as dysuria promised hosts is antimycobacterial chemo- diffusing to nearby endothelial and epithelial and hematuria.9 Genital TB without evidence therapy including a course of isoniazid, rifampin, cells.2 At this early stage of disease, bacilli can of pulmonary disease can occur, and systemic ethambutol, and pyrazinamide with pyridoxine. spread lymphatically or hematogenously to other symptoms such as fever, chills, and night sweats A 6-month course is likely as effective in urogen- organs before the development of an effective are not reliably present.5 Presentation may mimic ital TB as it is in pulmonary TB because pulmo- immune response. This stage, known as primary multiple conditions including testicular tumor, nary TB is the more standard presentation.17 No infection, is usually clinically and radiographi- testicular torsion, hydrocele, acute infections, or randomized control trial has been performed to cally silent. In patients with a normal immune testicular .11 identify the ideal treatment duration. Despite the system, T cells and macrophages surround the Because of the disease’s nonspecific symp- effectiveness of treatment with this regimen, organism in granulomas that limit their multipli- toms, it is recommended that TB always be regular annual follow-ups are recommended to cation and spread. At this point, the infection is considered in the differential diagnosis of cases evaluate for relapse.  contained but not eradicated, which is known as with prolonged, unresolved urinary symptoms.12 References available at

Figure 1. Hematoxylin and eosin stain of the testicle. Figure 2. Auramine-rhodamine stain of the testicle. Figure 3. Auramine-rhodamine stain of the testicle. Patchara/ Adobe Stock


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