Serving the greater NORTH, CENTRAL AND SOUTH BALDWIN communities BCLC hosts Bookmobile tour PAGE 11 Growing herbs The Onlooker PAGE 6 Summerdale APRIL 18, 2018 | | 75¢ students OPERATION SPRING CLEANING become town officials “For BMPD drug investigation nets 20 arrests a Day” BMPD RELEASE to consume drugs were found charged with unlawful posses- gree; and unlawful possession during these arrest and investi- sion of drug paraphernalia, of drug paraphernalia. Accord- BAY MINETTE — A total of gations. and active warrants for domes- ing to the release, Richards was By JESSICA VAUGHN 20 suspects were arrested by These arrests took place as tic violence. This arrest was found to be in possession of
[email protected] the Bay Minette Police Depart- the result of citizen complaints made during a traffic stop and an amount of marijuana and ment on various drug and other in areas where drug activity is warrant service. items used for smoking mari- SUMMERDALE — The charges over the course of a known to occur. These enforce- • On March 26, Julie Hall Parker juana. This arrest was made town of Summerdale had three-week investigation. ment efforts are ongoing and will was arrested and charged while checking suspicious ac- some brand-new employ- According to a release issued continue. with unlawful possession of a tivity in a public parking area. ees on April 4 – a group of Wednesday by BMPD Chief “We want to thank the citizens controlled substance and un- Richards is free on bond since Summerdale students who Al Tolbert, over the last three for providing us information and lawful possession of drug para- the arrest.