Red . . White *. &. Blue
- . * _- ] _ ; , I . ‘COFFEE . .*.-. ., RED . AN INDEPENDENTSOCIALIST REVIEW OF WHITE POLITICS LITERATURE,AND ART, BREAD *.&. BLUE EDITeZD BY FORBREAKFAST & AFTER DINNER Science 3 making, use less quantity. it beiag and Experience confirm A, R, ORAGE and HOLBROOK JACKSON 90 much stronger than . 0ne PENNY NP.660 ’ [New Series, Vol. I. No. I,] THURSDAY,MAY 2, 1907. [~~~~~$.$$$$OJI- ” _ ,. - . , . , promise of an improvement in the price of Consols. THE OUTLOOK, For the middle-classes, whose “ bitter cry ” the Oppo- Planning an Empire. sition. was bent on exploiting, there is the discrimina- . NOW that the incidental festivities dinings, tion of the Income Tax, with its relief for the smaller speeches, and entertainments by rival political orga- earned incomes. Yet this discrimination has been so nisations, which the newspapers appear to regard as contrived as not to scare wealthy Liberals, whose se- the most striking features of the Colonia1 Conference, cession-would deplete the war-chest of the party ; for are drawing to a close, it may be well to consider how the discrimination is effected- by takinig off and not by far that Conference has gone towards doing what it putting on, so that the immense tribute of rent and in- was intended to do. The task before the Conference, terest will continue to be appropriated without diminu- the task implicitly before us all, is nothing less than tion for the private use of a class., ‘At the same time the creation of a British Empire. At present, of the conditions of payment are. to be made more stringent -course, no such Empire exists.
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