Texture Generation with Neural Cellular Automata Alexander Mordvintsev* Eyvind Niklasson* Ettore Randazzo Google Research fmoralex, eyvind,
[email protected] Abstract derlying state manifold. Furthermore, we investigate prop- erties of the learned models that are both useful and in- Neural Cellular Automata (NCA1) have shown a remark- teresting, such as non-stationary dynamics and an inherent able ability to learn the required rules to ”grow” images robustness to damage. Finally, we make qualitative claims [20], classify morphologies [26] and segment images [28], that the behaviour exhibited by the NCA model is a learned, as well as to do general computation such as path-finding distributed, local algorithm to generate a texture, setting [10]. We believe the inductive prior they introduce lends our method apart from existing work on texture generation. arXiv:2105.07299v1 [cs.AI] 15 May 2021 itself to the generation of textures. Textures in the natural We discuss the advantages of such a paradigm. world are often generated by variants of locally interact- ing reaction-diffusion systems. Human-made textures are likewise often generated in a local manner (textile weaving, 1. Introduction for instance) or using rules with local dependencies (reg- Texture synthesis is an actively studied problem of com- ular grids or geometric patterns). We demonstrate learn- puter graphics and image processing. Most of the work in ing a texture generator from a single template image, with this area is focused on creating new images of a texture the generation method being embarrassingly parallel, ex- specified by the provided image pattern [8, 17]. These im- hibiting quick convergence and high fidelity of output, and ages should give the impression, to a human observer, that requiring only some minimal assumptions around the un- they are generated by the same stochastic process that gen- erated the provided sample.