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[email protected]). Archaeological Survey and the City Archaeological Survey and the City Edited by Paul Johnson and Martin Millett 9781842175095 © OXBOW BOOKS Contents List of Contributors vii 1 Introduction Paul Johnson and Martin Millett 1 Approaches and Methods 2 Conceptualising Townscapes: Perceptions of Urbanism and their Influence on Archaeological Survey Strategies Paul Johnson 8 3 Understanding Roman Towns in Italy: Reflections on the Role of Geophysical Survey Martin Millett 24 4 Rethinking the Spectrum – The Digital (R)Evolution in Archaeological Aerial Reconnaissance Geert J. Verhoeven 45 Surface Collection 5 Collecting Cities: some Problems and Prospects Todd Whitelaw 70 6 Re-Evaluating a Forgotten Town using Intra-Site Surveys and the GIS Analysis of Surface Ceramics: Philosophianis-Sofiana (Sicily) in the Longue Durée Emanuelle Vaccaro 107 7 Tinkering with Urban Survey Data: How Many Sagalassos-es do we Have? Jeroen Poblome, Rinse Willet, Nalan Fırat, Femke Martens and Philip Bes 146 Integrating Geophysics 8 Amara West: Remote Ssensing at a Pharaonic