Safe surgery checklist in an EXIT procedure for a foetus with a giant neck mass. Centro Policlinico del Olaya (CPO)-Bogotá, Colombia G. Reyes1, R. Duque2, C. Rojas3, A. Romero4, B. Narvaez5, R. Herrera6 1. Maternal Fetal Medicine Consultant e-mail:
[email protected]. 2. Obstetrics and gynaecology Consultant. 3. Neonatology Consultant. 4. Anaesthesiology Consultant. 5. Paediatric Surgery Consultant. 6. Scientific Director of CPO INTRODUCTION The ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) is procedure for maintaining utero-placental circulation during caesarean section to guaranty new-born air way in a potentially obstructed fetal airway1,2. The EXIT procedure is an elective caesarean section, which the foetus is only partially delivered from the uterus with maintenance of the utero-placental circulation allowing for diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures to the fetal airway. The foetus has been anesthetized and when the airway is secured the foetus is delivered and the umbilical cord clamped. A complete uterine relaxation by deep volatile anaesthesia in needed and uterine volume must be preserved by the foetus and warmed Ringer’s lactate solution infused into the uterine cavity1,3,4,5 . In order to maintain the uteroplacental blood flow, maternal cardiac output and blood pressure have to be kept at acceptable levels6,7. Main prerequisites during the EXIT procedure include a multidisciplinary coordinated team so we applied the WHO criteria and a check list was performed8,9. We organized a preliminary drill to prepare the final EXIT. Finally, the EXIT was performed including a team of 20 people inside the operating theater. CASE A 25-year-old primigravida patient, at 22 weeks during the anomaly scan has been detected a 60 mm foetal neck cystic mass in the left side.