Application of Entropy Measures to a Failure Times of Electrical Components Models Mervat Mahdy Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Insurance College of Commerce, Benha University, Egypt
[email protected]. Dina S. Eltelbany Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Insurance College of Commerce, Benha University, Egypt
[email protected] Abstract In this article, the differential entropy and 훽 − entropy for Nakagami- 휇 distribution is derived. In addition, the differential entropy and 훽 − entropy for some selected versions of these distributions are obtained. Further, numerical comparisons are assessed to indicate which selection distribution has advantages over the other selection in terms of relative loss in entropy. Keywords: Nakagami- μ distribution; Selection models; Weighted distribution; Entropies measures. 1. Introduction It is worth mentioning that the distribution of Nakagami is a flexible life time model of distribution that could present a suitable fit to a number of failure data sets. The theory of reliability and reliability engineering as well made intensive usage of the distribution of Nakagami. Due to the less property of memory of such distribution, it is fit to model the portion "constant hazard rate" and used in the theory of reliability. Moreover, it is so acceptable as it is so simple to increase rates of failure in a model of reliability. As well, the distribution of Nakagami is considered the favorable distribution to ensure the electrical component reliability compared to the distribution of Weibull, Gamma and lognormal (many researchers studied it was in recent times, including (c.f. [Yacoub (1999), Cheng and Beaulieu (2001), Schwartz et al.