Mitchell Shire Council RW82

Please use Ctrl+F to search accession list CHARLES STIJRT UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES Acc-ession List

From: Mitchell Shire Council Records. RW8l ------Box No 1 Corre1Jpondence Files: c1948 - c1965

BLlOl Accounts Mattern - General. Bl.102 Accounts Mattern - Grants ( Bl.103 Local Government Loan Application.':! Bl.104 Local Government General Funds Bl.105 lnBpection of AccountB Bl.106 Sundry Debtors Bl.107 File Accounts Bl.108 Gemmil Fund Bl.109 General Fund Bl.110 Loan Repayments Bl.111 Letter To Manager ANZ Bank

2 Correspondence files; c1948 - c1965

B2.101 General Circulars B2.103 Local Government Engineering B.2.104 F, Arneil - Health hrntrnctor B2.105 Calculation of Salaries B2.106 Calculation of SalarieB and Taxation B2.107 Industrial Gazette B3 Outward Correspondence B4 Outward Correspondence B5 Change of AddresB Fom1B B6 Outward Correspondence B7 D.M.T. Accident ReportB B8 lvlemo Of AgreementB B9 Letter to Chief Prop. Officer Bll MemoofLoan Bl.2.101 Conference NoteB B12.102 Bush Fire Committee B12. 103 Bush Fire Office Boarders

3 Correspondence Files; c 948 - c 965

B12.106 Bush Fire AdviBory Council B12.107 Bush Fire Brigade Council Reports B13 Galore Bridge Opening 2

Mitchell Shire Collllcil Files RWS2

3 cont' B l 4 Ka.pooka. New Accommodation Bl5 A.R. Bluett Memorial Trust B16 HumulaP&C B21 Royal N.S.W. Institute for Deaf and Blind Children B22 Solicitors Notes

4 Correspondence Files: cl948 • cl965

B23 Assorted Contracts B24 Letter to Councillor R.F. Bellears B25 !\.fixed Letters B26 Chief Secretary File B27 Civil Defense B28 Solicitors Reports B29 Letters to Commonwealth Government B30 Ex-P.O.W.'s & La.dies Auxilla.ry B31 Reports· Department of Public Health B32 Department of Agriculture Letters B33 Public Service Plant B40 Endowment Applications B41.101 Claim for Enrolhnent and Dec.

5 Correspondence Files: cl948 • c1965

B41.102 Revision Court Despositions B41.103 Council Election Papers B41.104 Council Election Papers B42 Engineers Instructions B43 Electricity Authority and Plans ( B44 100 Years of State Education B51 Letter from Commonwealth Government B52 Council Circulars B54 Water Conservation Commission B55 Court Notices for Fine and Costs B61 Letter to !'vfinister of Food and Agriculture B62 Letters from Premier's Department B63 Land Office Statutory Declarations B71.101 Department of Public Health

6 Correspondence Files: cl948 - cl965

B71.102 Department of Public Health B72 !'v1edica1 Funds B81 O.I.O. 3

Mitchell Shire Cowicil Files RW82

6 cont' B82 Letters to local cowicils B83 Letters to Alfred Can-Cans BlOl New File - Kerbing and Guttering Blll.101 Department of Public Health Bll l.102 Local Government Fin.once Bll3 LibrruyBoard ofN.S.W. B114 Supply of Veteri.nruy Products Bl21 D.M.R. Relaxation Points

7 Correspondence Files: cl948 • cl965

Bl22 D.M.R. Petrol Pumps on :rvfuin Roads Bl23 Petrol Prices Bl24 Dre.ft Minutes Bl25 Primary Production in area Bl26 Labour Day • W agge. Bl27 Supply of Motor Parts Bl28 Land Leases • Department of Mines Bl31 Flood Evacuations Bl32 Noxious Weeds Bl33 Department of Public Health Licence Applications Bl34 Department of Immigration

8 Correspondence Files: cl948 - cl965

Bl35 Notes on tenders ( Bl41 Sweeda Submissions Bl42 Oura Common Bl43 Bus Shelter Oura Bl44 Obstruction on Roads Bl51.101 Plant General Bl51.102 Depreciation Allocation Bl51.103 Dunlop Rubber Bl51.104 Report on Goodyear Claim BlSl.105 Letter of Tender Bl51.106 Invoices Bl51.107 Motor Car Accident Reports Bl51.108 Description of Van Bl51.109 Accident Claim Reports B 5. 0 Order Forms - Spare Parts Bl51.111 Insurance Claims B151.112 Quotation - Waugh and Josephson Bl51.113 Moore Road Machine 4

Mitchell Shire Council Files RW82

9 ColTespondence Files: cl948 - cl965

Bl51.114 Supply ofFergison Diesel Tractor Bl51.115 Letters re: Fitting of Clutches Bl51.l 16 File for Plaut Hire Bl51.117 Duco on Bedfort Truck Bl52 Property Bl53 N.S.W. Department of Public Works Bl54 re: Leeton - Wagga Bus Routes Bl55 Exchange Site Bl56 Petrol Pwnps Bl57 Grant Bl58 Circulars Bl60 Proposed Automatic Exchange at Do\vnside ( Bl61. l0l Rates

10 ColTespondence Files: cl948 - cl965

Bl61.102 Acquisitions of Land for Postal Service Bl62 Resumptions Bl63.101 Bourke Creek Bl63.103 Road Flooding Bl64 Accident Statistics Bl65 Annual Meetings Bl66.101 Shire Presidents Annual Reports Bl66.102 Shire Clerks Reports Bl66.103 Financial Conununity Report

11 ColTespondence Files: cl948 - cl965

( Bl66.104 Reports Bl66.105 Financial Statements Bl66.106 ColTespondence Precis Bl66.107 Shire Clerks Reports Bl67 Co11ingu11ie Rec. Ground Bl68 Centre Line Marking Bl69 l\.1emorandwns to Shire Engineer Bl70 Public Gate Applications Bl71 Lists of Shires

12 ColTespondence Files: cl948 - cl965

Bl72 General Circulars Bl73 Financial Statements 8174.101 Register of Notice 5

Mitchell Bhire Council Files RW82

12 cont Bl74.102 Balance of Stock Bl74.103 Engineers Quotes Bl75 Agreements Bl76.101 Shires and County Clerks Training

13 CotTespondence Files: cl948 - cl965

Bl76.102 Leave Applications Bl76.103 Sta.ff Union Bl77 Applications Bl79 Street Lighting Advisory ( Bl80.101 Annual Valuation and Ra.ting Returns Bl81 Signs B182 1959 Floods Bl83 Street Lighting - San Isadore Bl84 Go-Ke.rt Circuit Bl85 Impounding of Stock B190 Tenders

14 Correspondence Files: c1948 - c1965

Bl91.101 Sales Tax Bl91.102 Income Tax Bl92 Timber on Roads Bl93 Proposed Telephone Lines Bl94 Price List Bl95 Town and Country Planning ( Bl96 Tourism B201 Centenary Services B202 Street Lighting - Uranquinty B203 Street Sealing - Uranquinty B204 Uranquinty Playgrounds B205 Annual Picnic Day

15 Correspondence Files: cl948 - cl965

B210.101 Road Pennits B210.102 Sale of Land Certificates B210.103 Valuation "B" Riding B211 Sealing of College Roads B212 Uranquinty Buildings Committee B213 Parking Area • Jolmston Street B214 Nunns Lane B215 Water Pipe Crossing on Oura Road B216 Wagga - Lockhart Cycle Race 6

Mitchell Shire Council Files RW82

15 cont B217 Chainnan's Report B218 Vil ages Summ.ruy Cl.101 Accounts I\1atters - General cl965 - cl975 Cl.102 Accounts Matters • Grants, Pine Gully Road Cl.103 Accounts I\1atters • Loan and Loan Rates

16 Correspondence Files: cl965 - cl975

Cl.104 Accounts l\.1atters • Audit Reports and Correspondence Cl.105 Accounts l\.1atters • Inspector's Reports Cl.106 Accounts Matters • Sundry Debtors Cl.108 Accounts l\.1atters ·Financial Statements Cl.109 Accounts Matters · General Finance Cl.110 Accounts Matters • Estimates Future Years Cl.111 Authorities to Sign on Behalf of Council CZ.IOI Awards - General C2.102 Awards • Shire Clerks C2.103 Awards - Engineer C2.104 Awards • Inspector C2.105 Awards - Clerical Staff C2.106 Awards • Engineering Assistant C2.107 Awards • Labourers C4 Advertising C5 Addresses, Change of C6 Animals, Prevention of Cruelty

17 File Correspondence: c1965 • c1975

C7 Accidents on Roads C8 Agreements t C9 Acquistion of Land CIO Transport Cl0.101 Decimal Currency Cll Bank, A.N.Z. C13 Bridges Cl4 Census and Statistics

18 File Correspondence: cl965 - cl975

Cl7 Boundry Alterations C18 Boy Scouts Cl9 Cemeteries C19.101 Brucede.le • l\.1useum C21 Wagga Eisteddfod 7

:Mitchell Shire Council Files RW82

19 File Correspondence: cl965 - cl975

C22.Ll Clerk's Certificates C22.L2 Clerk's Certificates C23 Contractors C24 Councillors C25 Culverts C26 Chief Secretary C27 Civil Defence C28 Creache, Lisle, Hoven - Solicitors C29 Country Development Foundation C30 Council Chambers Hire

20 Correspondence Files: c1965 - c1975

C31 Dairies C32 Department of Agriculture C33 Depreciation of Assets C34 Decimal Currency Change Over C35 Dog Registration C36 Decentralization C37 Drought Reliefl\An.tters C40 EndO\vment Applications C41.101 Elections and Electoral l\An.tters

21 Correspondence Files: c1965 - c1975

C41.104 Declaration of Poll ( C42 Engineering Memos - Instructions & Staff C43 Electricity C44 Education C44.1 College of Advanced Education C45 Edgehill, A. (Cowici1 solicitors) C51 Fairbairn C52 Wal Fife, IVI.L.A. C53 Fuel Supply and Tenders - Correspondence C54 Flood l\.fittigation System C55 Fines and Costs C56 Film Council of NSW ..,.., .:. ~ Correspondence Files: cl965 - cl975

C62 Government of NSW C63 Gravel Pits and Other l\An.tters C64.l Engineering Consultants 8

Mitchell Shire Council Files RW82

22 cont C64.2 Gardening Competition C65.1 Grain Elevators Board C65.2 Geographical Board C67 Grants • Commonwealth Shires Association Regional Organizations C68 Grants - Commonwealth Special Association C69 Growth Centres C70 Health Inspector • K. Pither C71.101 Health and Nuisances - General C71.102 Diptheria, hrununization and Polio Matters C72 Hospital Contribution and M.B.F. of Australia

23 Correspondence Files: cl965 - cl975

( C73 Housing C74 Hire of Council Plant & :Miscellaneous Work C75 Health and X-Rays C81 Insurance Matters C82 Immigration C83 Factories, Industries and Industrial Promotional Material C84 Institute of Municipal Administration C85 Irrigation Scheme C87 Investments ClOI Kerbing and Guttering Cl02 Kyamba Shire Council Cl03 Keys - Grand Master Key System Clll.101 Circulars - Endowment

24 Correspondence Files: c1965 • cl975 c Cll 1.102 Local Government Department Correspondence Cll 1.103 Committee of Enquiry Cll l.104 Grants Commission Cll 1.105 Appeals Tribunal Clll.106 Committee of Enquiry Cll2.101 Road Closures Cll2.102 Reserves Cll3.103 Ivfiscellaneous

25 Correspondence Files: cl965 • cl975

Cll2.104 Permena.nt Survey Marks Cll2. 05 Road Permits 9

Mitchell Shire Council Files RW82

25 cont Cll3 Library Cll4 Legal Opinions Cll5 Licences and Applications Cll6 Land Tenders Cl20 Meat Industry Cl21 Main Road Departments Cl22 Iv1undowey Town hnprovements Cl23 Municipalities Cl24 Murrumbidgee Valley Water Users Assocation C125 Murrumbidgee Regional Development ( Committee

26 Correspondence Files: c1965 • c1975

C127.l Miscellaneous Cl27.2 Miscellaneous

27 Correspondence Files: cl965 - cl975

Cl27.3 Miscellaneous Cl28 Department of Mines Cl30 Metric Conversion C132 Noxious Plants Cl33 Noxious Animals and Noxious Trades C134 Naturalization Ceremonies C135 Noxious Weeds Conference ( C136 N.R.C.C. C137 National Parks and Wildlife Service Cl38 Shire C139 National Trust

28 Correspondence files: cl965 - c1975

Cl40 Natural Oas C141 Office Equipment Cl42 Oura Common Cl43 Obstructions on Roads Cl44 Oura C.W.A. Cl45 Office Cleaning Cl46 Tenders C 150.101 Public Road Rented and Leased from ouncil Cl51.101 Plant • General Cl51.101 Letter Cl51.103 Plant Tipping Trucks • Nwnber 1 10

Mitch~ Shire Council Files RW82

28 cont Cl51.104 Grader C151.106 Plant Cl51.107 Tractors Cl51.115 Claims Letter Cl2 Disposing of Fire Hazards Bl2.105 Bush Fire Equipment Bl61.102 Work on Bouudry Road Bl63.102 Accounts

29 Correspondence Files: cl965 • cl975

Cl51.110 Datson Ute Cl51.11 l Compressor Cl51. l 12 Caterpillar Grader Cl51. l 14 Ferguson Diesel Tractor Cl51.115 Front End Loader Cl51.116 Plant Hire Rates Cl51.117 Plant· Toyota Cl51.118 Cat. 22B Traxcavator Cl51.119 Council's Cat Grader Cl51.120 Vibrating Roller Cl51.121 Plant· Cat C152 Property • General Cl52.101 Property • Council Chambers Cl52.103 Property • Residents (O'Ha11aren Street) Cl53 Public Works Department C154 Public Vehicles • Licence end Applications Cl56 Public Transport Commission C157 Plaruling

30 Correspondence Files: c1965 • cl975 ( Cl58 Pollution Cl59 Primeminister Cl61.101 Rates • General

31 Correspondence Files: c1965 • cl975

Cl62.101 Resumptions Cl62.102 Resumptions • Uranquinty to Collingullie Cl62.103 Resumptions • Roping Pole Road C162.104 Resumptions· S.H.14 Cl62.105 Resumptions • Lowenmetal Road Cl62.106 Resumptions • Shepnrds Sitting Road C162.107 Resumptions - Boundry with KSC Ure.nquinty 11

Mitchell Shire CoWlcil Files RW82

31 cont Cl62.108 Resumptions - Rohans Road, Weir Road, Central Island Road and Road Cl62.109 Resumptions - Parishes, Mundowey and Yaragundri Cl62.110 Reswnptions - \Vantabadgery Road Cl62.1 ll Resumptions - :rvm. 543 Widening Cl63.10l Roads - General

32 Correspondence Files: cl965 - cl975

Cl63.102 Roads Boundry Works ( Cl63.104 RoadsPMG Cl63.105 Roads - For Lease and Rent C163.106 Roads - Needs Survey C163.107 Roads - Transport Department Cl63.108 Roads • Drainage C163.109 Naming of Roads Cl63.110 Road Safety C163. l 11 Road Races Cl63.112 Road Ramps C163.113 Road - CW'bside Petrol Pumps Cl63.114 Roads, Finance for Cl64 Radio - Telephone Cl65 's Council University League

33 Correspondence Files: cl965 • c1975

( C166.101 Reports • Shire President Cl66.102 Reports - Shire Clerk C166.103 Reports • Shire Engineer Cl66.104 Reports - Inspector Cl66.105 Reports - Financial Statements Cl66.106 Correspondence - Precis

34 Correspondence Files: cl965 - cl975

Cl66.107 Reports - IVI:i.nutes of :tv1eetings Cl66.108 Reports to Rate Payers Cl66.109 Reports - Noxious Weed

35 Correspondence Files: c1965 - cl975

Cl67 Recreation Oronnd Cl68 Recreation Ground Cl69 Registrar General --- =- -rz= ---~-

Mitchell Shire Council Files RW82

35 cont Cl71 Shires in Genera.1 C172.1 Shires Association

36 Correspondence Files: c1965 • c1975

C172.2 Shires Association

37 Correspondence Files: c1965 • c1975

Cl72.3 Shires Association Cl72.4 Shires Assocntion Cl73 Stationery Cl74.101 Stores and :Materials

38 Correspondence Files: cl965 - cl975

Cl74.102 Stores and :Materials - Balances Cl74.103 Stores Prices ( Cl75 Soil Conservation Cl76.101 Staff Personnel Files (Staff Only · Part 1)

39 Correspondence Files: cl965 • cl975

Cl76.102 Staff Personnel Files (Office Staff Only)

40 Correspondence Files: cl965 • c1975

Cl76.101 Staff Personnel Files (Staff Only · Part 2) Cl76.103 Staff Union :Matters Cl76.104 Staff Credit Union :Matters Cl76.105 Staff Training Courses C177 Superannuation C178 Subdivisions C179 S.R.C.C. ( 41 Correspondence Files: cl965 • cl975

C180.101 Statistical Retums Cl80.102 Supply and Delivery Petrol Products C181 Signs Cl83 San Isadore Cl84 Sporting Bodies Cl85 Straying Stock Cl86 Social Functions Cl87 Social Sei·vices )


Mitchell Shire Cowicil Files RW82

41 cont. Cl88 Supplies Cl89 Swimming Course

42 Correspondence Files: c1965 • c1975

Cl90.l Tenders Cl90.2 Tenders

43 Correspondence Files: cl965 • cl975

Cl91.101 Taxation Cl91.102 Taxation Group Certificate Cl91.103 Taxation Payroll Certificates Cl92 Timber on Road ( Cl93 Telephone Line Application Cl94.l Travelling Servants Cl94.2 Travelling Servants Cl95.1 Town Planning

44 File Applications: c1965 • c1975

C195.2 Town Planning C196 Tourism Cl97 Tree Planting Cl98 Good Neighbour Association • Termaloh Cl99 Trading Application • Small Goods C200 Training C201 Uranquinty • Garbage C202 Uranquinty • Street Lighting C203 Uranquinty • P & C C204 Uranquinty • Progress Association ( C205 Union Matters C206 Uranquinty · Septic Tanks

45 Correspondence Files: c1965 • cl975

C210.103 Valuation List C211 W agga Agricultural College C212 Wagga Chamber of Commerce C213 ·w.w.c.c. C215 Water Across Road C216 Water Supply C217 W agga Pastt11·es Protection Board C218 Wages Allocations C2 9 W.C.& .C. 14

Mitchell Shire Cowicil Files RW82

45 cont C220 Television - ZWG Dl9.102 Boating Dl55 PMG Department


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

/rJt:S£ IC,0~£5 f'-.)0~ N\ol<__E: 'f='u~'-l LI ~1"€ 'D o o.,J Box No -

- 27 --- - - Co-rrespondenGe- Fi-le.s-, l!-ile No.s c127 No~ ~c139

- 28 - -Correspondence Files, File No.s C140 - c151.110 e-196§- e-1-9-115-

- 29- Correspondence- Files, File No.s_ C151. U1-=-C157

-3G-- - Gorl'e-spondeace- Fi-les, F-ile No.s C1-§8 - C161.10-1 c196§ G-1-97-§--

-:3 1 Correspondence Fi-les-, File- No.s C161.10J - C161.• 101---c-196§ - - c19=7-§ { -J.2---- - Correspondence- Files,- Eile No.s- C16J.102 - C16§ c 19 6§ - - C-1-9-7-§

~~----Correspondence Files, Eile No.s C166.101 -=-<:;166.106 ci965_ - _ c 1-9 ;)_

-4,-----Gorrespondence Files, File No.s C166.-107 - - C166.1G9

-35 Correspondence Fi-les, File No.s C167 - C'172- No.1 - --C--196§~ c 197+

_ Corr:espondence-Files, Eile-No-.s- C1-72 No.2------'C 196§~- - V)'?-§-

~-7-- Correspondence Fi-les-, Fi-le- No. s - C172- No-.-:3- C1-74.-101-----1-96§- - c-1-9 7§-

8- -- Correspondence-Fi-les-, F-ile No.s C1-'f.4.102~ c176.10_1 ___c-196.;i -"'-ci97S - Ne.-1-

9 Correspondence Files, File No.s C1q6.101-No~J -----&1-96§ 1-9-7-5

-40 Correspondence Files-, File No.s C176.101 No.2 - C179 c 1965~c-1 <)-75 ( --4-1- Correspondence Files, File No.S-C180.-101-""-C1H9 c 19 6 5-=--c i9-'Z-5

4 2- Correspondence Files, File No.s C190 No.1 - C1:90- No.2--c1965--=-c-:1:9-'7·5-

- 43 Correspondence"Files, F~le No.s C191.101 C195 No. ·r---e-1-9G:5 - c1-9'7-:5-

-44- --Co-Fre-spondence Files, File No.s- C195 Noo2 - C206

- 4-5- --Col;'-r-e-spondence Files, File No. s - C210.10J - C220 c-1-9-1'-5

- Ge-F-Fe-spendence Fi-les, File No. s- D19 .102 -Boating 19-'7-

- CG-io-Fespondence Fi le&, Fi le- Ne. s- D1-§5 Pos--tma-ste-l'-- --19 62 - 1-9.f.4 - ene-io-a-l 1 I>epa-F--tmen-t

46 Correspondence Files , File No.s D161.102 Rate 1962 - 1974 Enquiries

Correspondence Files, File No.s D210.101 Valuations 1962 - 1974 and Valuer General's Department


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

46 Correspondence Files, File No.s D210.102 .1962 - 1974 ·(cont.) Valuation Transfers

Bush Fire Brigades 19L.1:8 - 1952

Bush Fire Brigades 1949 .., 1952

Bush Fire Conferences 1951 - 1952

Bush Fire Equipment 1951 - 1953

( Bush Fire Fighting Equipment 1949 - 1953

Weed Sta££ Wages 1952

Return OI Store and Materials 1949

Adding Machine Lists - 1950 Rate Book 1950

Ledger Cards - General Uranquinty T.I. Fund San Isidore T.I. Fund Trust Fund Main Roads Trust Fund Prior to 1974, Jul 1st

47 General Fund Bank Statements 1971, Jul - 1976, Dec

Section 342A.S. Certificate s 1974 - 1977 ( Noxious Plants (Including Berry Jerry) n.d.

48 Legal Documents - Removed 1969, Sep

Bush Fire Brigades - to 1968

49 Wages and Salaries Cards 1972 - 1973 to 1975 - 1976

General Ledger Cards 1971, Jul 1 to 1975, Dec 31

Orders in Progress - Commonwealth Aid 1955

Orders Compl eted - Commonwealth Aid 1951 - 1965

Wantabadgery West Estate - Road Construction 1952 - 1953

Experiment Farm Road 1951 - 1953


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

49 Pine Gully Road - Sealing 1955 - 1963 (cont.) Storm and Flood Damage

Unemployment Relief Grants 1962 - 1966

Wagga Wagga Street, Oura and Oura Beach 1962 - 1964

Recreation Reserve Grants 1965 - 1966

( Flood Damage Claims 1950 - 1954

Flood Damage Claim on D.M.R. Caused by Diversion of 1950 - 1953 Traffic from Sturt Highway

Flood Damage Grant 1952 - 1957

Flood Damage Grant 1952 - 1966

Flood Damage Grant 1959 - 1960

Dukes Creek Bridge 1949 - 1953

50 Bullenbung Creek Bridge (T.R. 59) 1955 - 1964

Bullenbung Creek Bridge - Payments to Siebels Bros. 1961

Rohans Road Bridge over Bullenbung Creek 1962 - 1966

( Civil Defence Organisation 1966 - 1970

Council of the City of Industrial 1970 Promotion Committee

Developmenta1 Work No.3067 (Narrandera Road) 1948 - 1954

Trunk Road 57 North: Reconstruction 6M 500 1 to 1948 - 1951 11M 3070 1

Trunk Road 59: Construction 1952 1955

Trunk Road 59: Construction 1952 - 1955

Old Man Creek Road, Galore Road, Dukes Creek 1948 Bridge

Kapooka Overbridge 1958 - 1963 ! ' Main Road 240 1952 - 1957


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

51 Main Road 543 - Reconstruction 1957 - 1962

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1967 - 1971 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1968 - 1970 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1965 - 1967 Programme

( Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1966 - 1968 Programme

Main and Trunk floads Maintenance and Improvement 1964 - 1966 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1963 - 1965 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1963 - 1965 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1962 - 1963 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1957 - 1963 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1954 - 1955 ( Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1955 - 1956 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1957 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1953 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1951 - 1954 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1951 - 195~ Programme

/ Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Impr.ovement 1950 - 1951 Progqi.mme


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

51 Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1949 - 1950 (cont. Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1948 - 1949 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1947 Programme

( Main and Trunk ROads Maintenance and Improvement 1946 - 1947 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1945 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1944 - 1945 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1943 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1942 - 1943 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 194,0 - 1942 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement I 1940 - 1941 l Programme Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1939 - 1940 Programme

Main and Trunk Roads Maintenance and Improvement 1939 - 1940 Programme

52 Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 65/66 1965 - 1966

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 64/65 1964 - 1966 Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 64/65 1963 - 1965 Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 62/63 1962 - 1965 ' Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 61/ 62 1961 - 1965

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 60/61 1960 - 1963

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 59/60 1959 - 1963


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

52 Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 58/59 1958 '- 1960 (cont. Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 57/58 1957 - 1961

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 56/57 1955 - 1958

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 55/56 1954 - 1957

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 54/55 1953 - 1957 ( Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 53/54 1953 - 1954

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 52/53 1953 - 1954

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 51/52 1951 - 1953

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 50/51 1950 - 1952

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act 49/50 1949 - 1952

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act Supplementry Grant 49/50 1950 - 1953

Commonwealth Aid Roads Act Supplementry Grant 48/49 1949 - 1950

53 Bush Fire File 1962 - 1969

Papers in Connection with Valuations 1924 - 1941

( 54 War Damage Insurance Premiums Account (Exchange) 1942 1 vol

B172 Shires Association of N.S.W. 1949 - 1958

B210.101 Valtlations 1949 - 1956 I ' Bardwell 1 s Trustees - Roads in Subdivision eh 1929 - 1934

Correspondence etc 1954 - 1932

Valuation Papers 1951 - 1953

C195 Town Planning 1962 - 1968

Reports 1923 - 1933

Reports of Servants 1940 - 1944

55 Boundaries Alteration 1971

Health Inspectors Reports 1961 - 1965


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

B()x No

55 Noxious Plants Inspector's Report 1966 1968 (cont. Correspondence Precis 1961 - 1968

Valuation Papers 1941

Valuation Papers 1942 - 1949

Land Transfer 1957 - 1959 ( Land Transfer 1929 Land Transfer 1918

Land Transfer 1925

56 Land Transfer: Parish of Bullenbong 1942 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of Berry Jerry 1949 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of Bilda 1946 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of Bulgary 1944 1950

Land Transfer: Parish of Bulgan 1943 1950

Land Transfer: Parish of Cot tee 1946 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of 1942 - 1951 ( Land Transfer: Parish of Eunonoreenya 1942 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of 1944 - 1951

Land Transf-er: Parish of Gobbagombalin 1947 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of Jeralgambeth 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of Hooke 1945 - 1950

Land Transfer: Parish of Mundowy 1948 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of Ma tong 1950

Land Transfer: Parish of 1949 - 19.51

Land Transfer: Parish of Oura 1949 - 1950

Land Transfer: Parish of South Wagg a Wagg a 1950

Land Transfer: Parish of Tooyal 1941 - 1950


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

56 Land Transfer: Parish of Uranquinty 1946 1952 (cont. Land Transfer: Parish of Wallace 1942 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish of Warren 1943 - 1951

Land Transfer: Parish o:f Wouberrima 1945 - 1951

Land Trans:fer: Parish o:f Yarragundry 1946 - 1951

Land Trans:fer ( 1919 Land Trans:fer 1941

Application :for the Position o:f Shire Clerk by n.d. w.J. Morris

57 Land Trans:fer 1926

Land Trans:fer 1913

Land Trans:fer 1914

Land Trans:fer 1915

Land Trans:fer 1920

Noxious Weeds Sundry Gazette. Proclamations 1940 - 1941

Bridge over the at Mundowey 1929 - 1941

Statement o:f Accounts 1916

Statement ·o:f Accounts 1917

Land Transfer 1935

Land Transfer 1908 - 1909

Land Trans:fer 1938

Contract 25.46 Narrandera Road n.d.

58 State Emergency Service Invoices etc. 1971 - 1976

Health Matters 1956 - 196li

Building Matters 1965 - 1957

Noxious Trades 1947 1960


Accession List

Accession No: Mitchell Shire Council records RW 82

Box No 1

58 Septic Tank Installation 1958 - 1968 (cont.) Unemployment Grants - Reserve Prospects 1975

Building Speci£ication F. Lawrence 12/53442 n.d.

Building Speci£ication 281/59 n.d.

Building Speci£ication: William Henry Harr n.d.

( Poliommelitis Matters 1951 - 1957

Diphteria Matters 19 1954: - 1960

59 Building Speci£ication: Stargazer Drive-In n.d. Theatre

Building Speci£ication: 4 £lats at Uranquinty n.d.

c34.101 Bush Fire Fighting-G eneral 1968 - 1976

Bush Fire Radio Equipment 1963 - 1967

Bush Fire Advisory Council 1962 1975

34.102 Bush Fire Council 1969 - 1975

Engineers Instructions 1955 - 1963

Sta££ Leave Applications - B176.102 1951 - 1958

60 Shire Clerk's Reports 1962 - 1965

Noxious Weeds Con£erence 1925 - 1926

Sta££ File: Mr W. Mark 1951 - 1953

B176.101 Sta££ File: Miss J. Nean 1960

Sta££ File: Mr R.A. Parkin 1952 - 1953

Sta££ File: M.M Ryan 1948 - 1949

Sta££ File: Mrs Jean Ann Turner 1952 - 1960

B176.101 Sta££ File: Mr A. Wishart 1956 - 1957

Applications £or the Position as Noxious Weeds 1966 Inspector

Sundry Applications 1954: - 1961


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council - Records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

60 Road Staff 1950 - 1959 (cont.) B176.101 Staff File: Mr W.C. Appleby 1954 - 1955

B176.101 Staff File: Mr F. Arneil 1956 - 1961

B176.101 Joint Appointment of Chief Health ·1952 - 1959 Inspector, Lockhart and Mitchell Shires

Staff File: Trobert Tilby Begg 1966 - 1968

( 61 Staff File: Thomas George Boyton 1950 - 1960

Staff File: Mr w.c. Appleby 1957 - 1958

Staff File: Mr A.G. Brown 1953

Staff File : Mr C.T. Byrnes 1960

Staff File: Mr L.T. Friend 1951 - 1956

Staff File: Mr W. Glover 1956 - 1957

Staff File: Mr J.A. Gumbleton 1952 - 1953

Staff File: Mr K.L Hetherington 1967 - 1968

Servant's Reports 1934 - 1939

Shire Engineers Reports 1962 - 1968

( 'Y Health Inspector's Repo~ts 1950 1955

Shire President's Reports 1962 - 1965 . File No. 1 Health, Public 1944 - 1947

File No. 2 Auditors (Bush and Campbell) 1944 - 1949

File No. 3 Pastures Protection Board 1944 1949

File No. 7 District Surveyor 1945 - 1949

File No. 12 1947 - 1948

File No . 19 Uranquinty Sanitary Service 1949

File No. 20 Shires Association of N.S.W. 1945 - 1949

62 File No. 21 1945 - 1947

File No. 23 1938 - 1949


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council Records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

62 File No. 25 194:1 - 194:9 (cont. File No. 23A Mundowy Bridge 194:1 - 194:8

File No. 26 194:5 - 194:8

File No. 30 194:5 ( File No. 36 194:5 - 194:8 File No. 37 1939 - 194:7

File No. 38 194:5

File No. 37A 194:6 - 194:9

File No. 4:1 194:9

File No. 4:3 194:8 - 194:9

File No. 4:4: 194:7 - 194:9

File No. 4:8 194:4: - 194:8

File No. 4:9 194:3 - 194:6

File No. 51 194:9 ( File No. 55 194:7

File No. 57 194:2

File No. 6.1 194:2 - 194:7

File No. 62 194: 7 - 194:9

File No. 63 194:1 - 194:8

File No. 64: 194:7 File No. 66 194:6 - 194:8

File No. 67 194:4: - 194:7

File No. 68 194:1 194:8

File No. 73 194:3 - 194:7

File No. 74: 194:7


Mitchell Shire Council Records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

62 File No. 77 1942 - 1949 (cont.) File No. 78 1942 - 1949

File No. 79 1949

File No. 80A 1946 - 1949

63 File No. 81 1941 - 1949

I ( File No. 84, 1944 1948 File No. 85 1944 - 1948

File No. 91 1942

File No. 92 1947

File No. 92A 1948 - 1949

File No. 96 1945

File No. 98 1945 - 1948

File No. 100 1948

File No. 104 1944

File No. 105 1944 - 1948

~ File No. 106 1947

File No. 107 1942 - 1947

File No. .108 1944 - 1949

File No. 109 1940 - 1949

File No. 112 1944 - 1945

File No. 115 1946 - 1948

File No. 115A 1943

File No. 117 1942 - 1949 • File No. 120 1942

File No. 121 1942

File No. 122 1942 - 1943


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

63 File No. 123 1941 (cont.) File No. 125 1942 - 1943

File No. 128 1943 - 1946

File No. 132 1944 - 1945

File No. 134 1945 - 1948

( File No. 137 1944 1949 File No. 138 1948

File No. 139 1945 - 1946

File No. 141 1944 - 1945

File No. 143 1946

File No. 145 1946 - 1947

64 Office Supplies 1944 - 1948

File No. 62 Election Matters 1941 - 1946

File No. 79 Insurance Departments 1944 - 1948

File No. 80 Department of Main Roads 1944 - 1947

( File No. 119 War Damage Commission . 1942 1946

65 Rate Notices: A Riding 1950

Rate Notice.s: A Riding 1963

Rate Notices: B Riding 1963

Rate Notices: c Riding 1963

66 Rate Notices: A Riding 1964

Rate Notices: B Riding 1964

Rate Notices: c Riding 1964

Rate Notices: A Riding 1965

Rate Notices: B Riding 1965


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

67 Rate Notices: c Riding 1965

Rate Notices: A Riding 1966

Rate Notices: B Riding 1966

Rate Notices: c Riding 1966

Rate Notices: A and C Riding 196'?

68 Rate Notices: c Riding 1967 " Rate Notices: A Riding 1968 i:J.ill. te Notices: B Riding Bundle No. 1 1968

Rate Notices: B Riding Bundle No. 2 1968

Rate Notices: c Riding 1968

69 Rate Notices: A Riding 1969

Rate Notices: B Riding Bundle No. 1 1969

Rate Notices: B Riding Bundle No. 2 1969

Rate Notices: c Riding 1969

Rate Notices: A Riding 1970 ( Rate Notices; B Riding Bundle No. 1 1970

70 Rate Notices: B Riding Bundle No. 2 1970

Rate Notices: c Riding 1970

Rate Notices: A Riding 1971

Rate Notices: B Riding Bundle No. 1 1971

Rate Notices: B Riding Bundle No. 2 1971

Rate Notices: c Riding 1971

71 Rate Notices: Bundle No. 1 1972

Rate Notices: Bundle No. 2 . 1972


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council Records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

(cobt.) Supplementary Rate Notices and Commonwealth of 1972 Australia rate notices

Rate Notices: No. 2 to 199 1973

Rate Notices: No. 200 to 800 1973

72 Rate Notices: No. 801 to 1410 1973

Rate Notices: No. 2 to 500 1974

( Rate Notices: No. 502 to 100 1974

Rate Notices: No. 1001 to 1410 1974

Rate Notices: No. 1 to 450 1975

73 Rate Notices: No. 451 to 900 1975

Rate Notices: No. 903 to 1410 1975

Meeting Agenda 1968, Jan 19 to 1969, Dec 19

Meeting Agenda 1970, Jan 16 to 1971, Sep 17

Meeting Agenda 1971, Oct 8 to 1973, Jun 15

Meeting Agenda 1973, Jun 28 to 1974, Dec 20

Meeting Agenda 1975, Jan 17 to 1976, Apr 22

Meeting Agenda 1976, May 21 to 1977, Sep 23

Meeting Agenda 1978, Jan 13 to 1978, Dec 15

Correspondence 8/50 - 132/50 1950

Correspondence 137/50 161/50 1950

Correspondence 172/50 - 201/50 1950


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council Records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

75 Correspondence 210/50 - 233/50 1949 - 1950

Correspondence 235/50 - 278/50 1950 - 1951

Correspondence 286/50 - 318/50 1950 - 1951;:::::

Correspondence 327/50 - 344/50 1949 - 1950

Correspondence 353/50 - 375/50 1950 - 1951

{ Correspondence. 384/50 399/50 1950

Correspondence 400/50 - 438/50 1950

Correspondence 13/51 - 422/51 1950 - 1952

Correspondence 9/52 429/52 1950 - 1953

Correspondence 13A/53 - 385/53 1952 - 1954

Correspondence 6/54 - 238/54 1954

Licenses under Cattle Slaughtering and Noxious 1945 - 1948 Trades Acts

Licenses under Cattle Slaughtering and Noxious 1950 - 1951 Trades Acts

Statement of Accounts 1952

Statement of Accounts 1945

Statement of Accounts 1946

Statement of Accounts 1947

Statement of Accounts 1948 - 1949

Statement of Accounts 1950

Reports - Council's Servants

Statement of Accounts 1920 - 1922 Correspondence ready for Filing

File Indexes, Single No. Series, 1 B1 and 1961 and nd. 1D1 Series


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

77 Correspondence 1924 - 1942

Noxious Plants - Notice to owner or occupier 1958 1960 book (i vol)

Noxious Plants - Notice to owner or occupier 1961 book (i vol)

Noxious Plants Notice to owner or occupier 1956 - 1959 book (i vol)

{ Slaughter :fees receipt book (i vol) 1941 - 1945

Impounding o:fficer 1s receipt book (i vol) 1948 - 1967

Correspondence 1932 - 1947

Bush Fire Equipment 1954

Orders for Btlsh Fire Equipment 1954

Bush Fire Brigades 1953

Bush Fire: Equipment on Issue 1954

Bush Fire: Equipment General Equipment 1952 - 1957

79 Main Roads 1937 - 1948

Bush Fire Brigades: Correspondence etc. 1951 - 1953

Bush Fire: Miscellaneous 1951 - 1953

Bush Fire: Equipment 1952

Bush Fire: ·Equipment 1953

Bush Fire: Correspondence 1952 - 1955

Bush Fire: Correspondence 1951 - 1953

A6 Contracts: 1950 - 1954

80 A7 Councillors 1950 - 1954

A9 Health Matters 1950 - 1954

A11 Insurance ~~atters 1950 - 1955

A12 Local Government Department 1950 - 1954


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

80 Correspondence 1954 - 1955 (cont. Audit Papers 1946 - 1948

Audit Papers: Supporting Documents 1949

81 Statement of Accounts 1945 - 1946

Annual Statements: Supporting documents 1946 - 1947

Statement of Accounts 1923 - 1948 - 1949

Correspondence re Accounts 1937 - 1942

Statement of Accounts 1941 1944

Correspondence to be Filed 1951 - 1952

File No. 1 Public Health 1920 - 1927

File No. 2 1919

File No. 3 1919 - 1927

File No. 4 1919

File No. 5 1919 - 1922

File No. 6 1919

( File No. 7 1919 - 1927

82 Correspondence to be filed 1951 - 1952

83 File No. 8 to File No. 28 1919 - 1928

84 File No. 29 to File No. 178 1919 - 1928

File No. 179 to File No. 335 1919 - 1928

Road Machinery Advertisements 1928 - 1929

86 Road Mactinery Matters 1929 - 1930

Correspondence Re-Rates 1932

Correspondence Re Rates 1930 - 1931

File No. 27 to File No. 40 1940 1946

87 File No. 41 to File No. 69 1937 - 1947

I ' Form RCA 4 - ~


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

88 File No. 70 to File No. 99 1937 - 1943

89 File No. 101 to File No. 114 1935 - 1943

90 File No. 115 1937 - 1943

Correspondence re Rates 1938

File No. 3 to File No. 20 1928 - 1933

91 File No. 22 to ·File No. 150 ( 1928 - 1933 92 File No. 151 to File No. 317 1928 - 1933

93 File No. 327 to File No. 347 1928 - 1933

War Trophies 1921

Brookong Subdivision 1920 - 1921

Rate Notices Sent 1921 - 1948

Correspondence (Not Sorted) 1920 - 1926

I.and Transfers (Berry Jerry Estate) 1912

I.and Transfers 1921

Land Transfers 1916

\ I.and Transfers 1917

Land Transfers (Eunomyhareenyha Estate) 1910

94 File No. 99. Part i 1922 - 1926

95 File No. 99 Part 2 1922 - 1926

Lecal Government Department 1935 - 1940

Land Transfers 1932 - 1933

File No. 1 to File No. 7 1936 - 1943

96 File No. 12 to File No. 35 1932 - 1944

File No. 41 to File No 60 1919 - 1927

97 I.and '.I,'ransfers 1910

Land Transfers 1911

Form RCA 4 I ,


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council Records Accession No: RW 82

13ox No

97 Land Transfers 1912 (cont. Land Transfers 1920

Land Transfers 1922

Land Transfers 1923

Land Transfers 1924

( Land Transfers· 1927

Land Transfers 1930

Land Transfers 1932

Land Transfers 1934

Land Transfers 1936

Land Transfers 1937

File No. 11 1936 - 1943

Land Transfers 1921

Correspondence Etc. (Minutes) 1911

Miss. Correspondence etc. Re. Elections and 1919 - 1941 Local Government

99 Statement of Accounts 1909 - 1936

100 Stores Issued Book, 1 vol 1955 - 1958

Stores Returned Book, 1 vol

Register of Legal Documents, 1 vol 1907 1950

Stores and Materials Book, 1 vol 1907 - 1939

101 Register of Votes, Orders, and Works, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

Building Perini t Register, 1 vol 1950 - 1958

Building Permit Register, 1 vol 1958 - 1963 • I I

Plant Book, 1 vol 1909 - 1966

102 Annual Statements, 1 vol 1924 - 1929

Annual Statements, 1 vol 1930 - 1935 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Form RCA 4 RIVERINA COLLEGE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE

Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No 182 Annual Statements, 1 vol 1936 - 1941 (cont.) Annual Statements, 1 vol 1942

103 Annual Statements~ 1 vol 1948 - 1952

Annual Statements, 1 vol 1953 - 1956

Annual Statements, 1 vol 1957 - 1960

104 Annual Statements, 1 vol 1961 - 1964 ( Annual Statements, 1 vol 1965 - 1968 Annual Statements, 1 vol 1908 - 1914

105 Notice 0£ Transfer Register, 1 vol 1942 - 1958

Cash Received Book, 1 vol 1958

Sundry Creditors, 1 vol 1950 - 1966

Rate Book Index, 1 vol 1921

106 Arrears 0£ Rates Ledger, 1 vol 1934 - 1943

Wages Book, 1 vol 1948 - 1951

Correspondence Received Book, 1 vol

( Stone and Gravel Book, 1 vol 1937 - 1955 Wages Book, 1 vol 1942 - 1948

107 Sundry Debtors Book, 1 vol 1951 - 1954

Trust Fund Cash Book, 1 vol 1950 - 1971

Cash Book, 1 vol 1950 - 1958

108 Ledger: Mundowy, San Isidore, Uranquinty, 1 vol 1958

Cash Book: Wages Advance, 1 vol 1949 - 1964

109 Tender Register, 1 vol 1909 - 1928

Tender Register , 1 vol 1928 - 1939

Minute Book: Finance Committee, 1 vol 1927 - 1946


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

110 Minute Book: Collingullie Recreation Reserve 1955 - 1957 . No. 29852, 1 vol

Minute Book: Works Committee, also used as 1927 - 1928 Note Book for preparing Rolls etc., 1 vol

Index of Minutes Book, 1 vol 1930 - 1939

Index of Minutes E?ok, 1 vol 194:0 - 194:5

Correspondence Received Book, 1 vol 194:5 - 1953

111 Bush Fire Brigade Stock Book, 1 vol 1951 - 1958

Letter Book, 1 vol 1906 1907

112 Letter Book, 1 vol 1908 - 1915

Letter Book: Elections, 1 vol 1907 - 1911

Journal: General Fund, Uranquinty T.I. Local 1966 - 1973 Fund, San Isidore T.I. Local Fund, 1 vol

113 Letter Book, 1 vol 1907 - 1910

114: Letter Book, 1 vol 1910 1913

115 Letter Book, 1 vol 1915 - 1917

116 Letter Book, 1 vol 1917 - 1919 ( 117 Letter .:Sook, 1 vol 1919

118 Voucher or Claims Register, 1 vol 1909 - 1916

119 Cattle Slaughtering Register, 1 vol 194:3 - 194:5

Journal, 1 vol 1911 - 1934:

Journal, 1 vol ! ' 1934: - 194:9

120 Correspondence 1912 - 1914:

Correspondence 1914: - 1919

121 Valuation List Book, A Riding 1 t o 390 , 1 vo l 1953

Valuation List Book, B Riding 1 to 296, 1 vol 1953

Valuation List Book, B Riding 297 to 574:, 1 vol 1953

Valuation List Book, C Riding 1 to 356 1953 Form RCA 4 RIVERINA COLLEGE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE

Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

121 Valuation List Book, A Riding 1 to 394-, 1 vol 1956 (cont. Valuation List Book, B Riding 1 to 321, 1 vol 1956

Valuation List Book, B Riding 322 to 598, 1 vol 1956

Valuation List Book, C Riding 1 to 370, 1 vol 1956

122 Valuation List Book, A Riding 1 to 4-13, 1 vol 1959

Valuation List Book, B Riding 1 to 350, 1 vol ( 1959 Valuation List Book, B Riding 351 to 684-, 1 vol 1959

Valuation List Book, C Riding 1 to ·395, 1 vol 1959 123 Correspondence 1908 - 1910

Applications for the Position of Shire Valuator 1907

Minutes and Correspondence: Regular Meeting 1907, Apr 13

Minutes and Correspondence: Regular Meeting 1906, Aug 20

Minutes and Correspondence: Meetings 1906, Sep - Dec

Minutes and Correspondence: Meetings 1907, Jan - Dec

Correspondence Received Book 1959 - 1970

( 124- Certificate under section 160, Local Government Act 1921 - 1928 1 vol

Certificate under section 160, Local Government 1928 - 1933 Act, 1 vol.

Certificate under section 160, Local Government 1950 - 1953 Act, 1 vol

Commoners Roll 1954-

War Damage Commission - Ass-essment of Contribution in respect of fixed property

Minute Book: Collingullie RecreationRaserve 194-3 - 1954- Trustees , 1 vol

Engineers Minor Contract Book, 1 vol 1936 - 1951


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

125 Engineer's Minor Contract Book, 1 vol 1951 - 1955

Engineer's Minor Contract Book, 1 vol 1951 - 1966

Road Mens Wages Book, 1 vol 1936 - 1942

126 Ba.lance Sheets 1907

Register of Receipt Books, 1 vol 1908 - 1949

Diary, 1 vol 19~3 ( Debtors Ledger, 1 vol 1963 - 1977

Holidays Due Book, 1 vol 1950 - 1956

Bank Book: General Fund Account, 1 vol 1946 - 1948

Bank Book: General Fund Account, 1 vol 1948 - 1953

Bank Book:. Loan Fund Bank Account No. 3 (T.R. 57 1948 - 1952 North), 1 vol

Bank Book: Special Loan Fund - Advance Account 1948 - 1953 1 vol

Bank Book: Special Loan Fund - Working Account 1948 - 1953 1 vol

Bank Boole: Special Loan Fund No. 2 - Advance 1948 - 1953 ( Account, 1 vol

Bank Book: Special Loan Fund No.2 - Working 1948 - 1959 Account, 1 vol

Bank Book: Trust Fund Account, 1 vol 1948 - 1953 B Bank Book: Wages Advance Account, 1 vol 1948 - 1953

127 Valuation Book, A Riding, 1 vol n.d.

Valuation Book, A Riding, 1 vol n.d.

Valuation Book, B Riding, 1 vol

Valuation Book, B Riding, 1 vo l 1948

Valuation Book, B Riding, 1 vol n.d.

Valuation Book, B and C Riding, 1 vol 1948


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

127 Valuation Book, B and C Riding, 1 vol n.d. (cont.) Valuation Book, c Riding, 1 vol 1948

Valuation Book, c Riding, 1 vol n.d.

Valuation Book, c Riding, 1 vol n. d.

Dog Registration Forms 1966

Dog Registration Forms 1967 ( 128 Dog Registrations 1968 - 1969

Dog Registrations 1969 - 1970

Dog Registrations 1970 - 1971

Dog Registrations 1971

Dog Registrations 1972 - 1973

Dog Registrations 1975

Wages Cards 1952 - 1957

129 Application by Thomas Ha111111ond Webster for the 1920 position of Shire Clerk

Application By Mr T.G. Wenham for the position 1923 of Shire Clerk

Road Reconstruction plans, Trunk Road No. 59 1907 - 1908 OM to 1M

Auditors Agreements 1923 - 1939

Agreements - General n.d.

Correspondence - E.J. Southwell 1929

Supplementary Valuations 1969 - 1970

130 Supplementary Valuations 1970 - 1973

Bank Statements - Uranquinty street lighting 1942 - 1953 account

Bank Statements - San Isidore Town Improvement 1971 - 1976 Fund Account


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No 131 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1906 - 1908

132 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1908 - 1910

133 Minute Book: Council, Rough minutes in back of 1911, Jan to Aug book, 1 vol

134 · Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1911 - 1914

135 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1914 - 1916

136 Minute Boole Council, 1 vol 1916 - 1919

137 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1919 - 1921

138 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1922 - 1926

139 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1927 - 1931

140 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1932 - 1936

141 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1937 - 1941

142 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1942 1944

143 Minute Boole Council, 1 vol 1945 - 1947

144 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1948 1950

145 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1951 - 1953

146 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1954 - 1956

Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1957 - 1959

148 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1960 1961

Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1962

150 Minute Boole Council, 1 vol 1963 - 1964

151 Minute Boole Council, 1 vol 1965 - 1966

152 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol

153 Minute Book: Finance Committee, 1 vol 1946 - 1965

154 Index of Minutes , 1 v o l 1924 - 1929

155 Letter Register, 1 vol 1919 - 1933

Letter Register, 1 vol 1937 - 1949


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No

157 Voucher Book, 1 vol 1907 - 1908

158 Voucher or Claims Register, 1 vol 1907 - 1909

159 Voucher or Claims Register, 1 vol 1962 - 1970

160 Works Cost and Road Book, 1 vol 1915 - 194:9

161 Works Cost and Road Book, 1 vol 1921 - 194:1

162 Ledger, 1 vol 1907 - 1909

163 Ledger, 1 vol 1910-- 1912

164: Ledger, 1 vol 1913 - 1917

165 Ledger, 1 vol 1917 - 1919

166 Balance Ledger~ Revenue Account, 1 vol 1914: - 1921

167 Trial Balance Ledger,1 vol 1915 - 1929

168 Contract Register, 1 vol 1907 - 1917

169 Register of Legal Proceedings, 1 vol 1921 - 1935

170 Contract Register, 1 vol 1918 - 1923

171 Account Register, 1 vol 1921 - 194:1

172 Contract Register, 1 vol ( 1924: - 1928 173 Contract Register, 1 vol 1928 - 1930

Contract Register, 1 vol 1932 - 1933

175 Contract Register, 1 vol 1933 - 1934:

176 Contract Register, 1 vol 1934: - 1937

177 Contract Register, 1 vol 1938 - 194:6

178 Contract Register, 1 vol 194:6 - 1954:

179 Contract Register, 1 vol 1954: - 1958 180 Contract Register, 1 vol 1959 - 1961

181 Contract Register, 1 vol 1961 - 1966

182 Roll of Electors, 1 vol


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

183 War Damage Commission: Return of Fixed Property, A Riding, 1 vol

184 War Damage Commission: Return of Fixed Property, B Riding, 1 vol

185 War Damage Commission: Return of Fixed Property, C Riding, 1 vol

186 Ledger, 1 vol 1954 - 1967

187 Ledger, 1 vol 1968 - 1971

188 General Ledger, 1 vol 1947 - 195/r

189 Ledger, 1 vol 1920 - 19Ir7

190 Plant Hire Book, 1 vol 1956 1958

191 Plant Hire Book, 1 vol 1953 - 1955

192 Appeals Court Book, 1 vol 1921 - 19Ir9

193 Ledger,(Roads), 1 vol 1926 1950

Cash Book, 1 vol 1922 - 19Ir9

195 Cattle Slaughtering Premises Register, 1 vol 1945 - 1950

196 Slaughter House Register, 1 vol 1907 - 1928

197 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1907 - 1909

198 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1907 - 1909

199 Rate Book, ·C Riding, 1 vol 1907 ·- 1909

200 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

201 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

202 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

203 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 191/r - 1916

204 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 191/r '- 1916 •

205 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 191/r - 1916

206 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1917 - 1919

207 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1917 - 1919


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No

208 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1917 - 1919

209 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1920 - 1922

210 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1920 - 1922

211 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1920 - 1922

212 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1923 - 1925

213 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1923 - 1925

( 214 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1923 - 1925

215 Cash Book, 1 vol 1907 - 1949 ''"" c>,,;-.. 216 Cash Book, 1 vol 1910 -! 1942

217 Cash Book, 1 vol 1916 - 1924

218 Cash Book, 1 vol 1925 - 1934

219 Cash Book, 1 vol 1934 - 1942

220 Expenditure Journal, 1 vol 1957 - 1964

221 Cash Book, 1 vol 1957 - 1964

222 Cash Book, 1 vol 1965 - 1968 ' 223 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 volq 1926 - 1938 ( 224 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1926 - 1938

225 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1926 - 1938

226 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1945 - 1953

227 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1945 - 1953

228 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1945 - 1953

229 Sanitary Ledger Sheets, 1 bundle 1962 - 1967

230 Expenditure Journal Sheets, 1 bundle 1965 - 1966

231 Rate Book Sheets, A Riding, 1 b undle 1935 - 1941

232 Electoral Roll, 1 bundle

233 Sanitary Ledger Sheets, 1 bundle 1957 - 1958


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No

234 Sanitary Ledger Sheets, 1 bundle 1955 - 1961

235 Works Cost Ledger Sheets, 1 bundle 1963 - 1965

236 Cash Account Sheets, 1 bundle 1951 - 1956

237 Cash Account Sheets, 1 bundle 1950 - 1956

238 Supplementary Valuation List, A Riding 1956

Supplementary Valuation List, B Riding 1956

( Supplementary Valuation List, c Riding 1956 1 bundle

239 Expenditure Journal Sheets, 1 bundle 1951 - 1953

240 Expenditure Journal Sheets, 1 bundle 1953 1957

241 Sanitary Ledger Sheets, 1 bundle 1935 - 1949

242 Rate Summary Sheets, 1 bundle 1942 - 1946

243 Audit Sheets, 1 bundle 1964 1970

244 Works Cost Audit Sheets, 1 bundle 1971 - 1974

245 Private Ledger Audit Sheets, 1 bundle 1971 - 1974

246 Rate Notice Summaries and Audit Sheets, 1 bundle 1964 - 1974 Ma:e No 247 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1960, Dec 9 Parish: Ganmain Edition: 6th

Map, Parislt: County: Bourke 1925, Sep 30 Parish: Ma tong Edition: 5th

Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1923, Jul 19 Parish: Mundowy Edition: 5th

250 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1919, Sep 22 Parish: Kockibitoo Edition: 4th

251 Map, Parish: County: Claren don 1970, Dec 21 Parish: North Wagga Wagga Edition: 8th

Form RCA 4 RIVERINA COLLEGE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE ~ Accession List Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

252 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1960, Jul 25 Parish: Bullenbung Edition: 5th

253 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1962, Feb 1 Parish: Bulgary Edition: 5th

251± Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1960, Oct 21 Parish: Cot tee Edition: 5th

255 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1960, Sep 21 Parish: Currawananna Edition: 7th

256 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1936, Jan 22 Parish: Eunanoreenya Edition: 6th

257 Map, Parish: County: 1929, Jan 11 Parish: Galore Edition: 5th

258 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1915 Parish: Currawananna Village of Currawanna Edition:

259 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1958, Apr 3 Parish: Currawananna ( Village of. Currawananna Edition: 2nd

260 Map, Parish: County: Clare ndon 1960, Oct 21 Parish: Bulgan Edition: 5th

261 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1955, Aug 19 Parish: Uranquintry Edition: 6th

262 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1959, Jan 21 Parish: Gobbagombalin Edition: 5 t h

263 Map, Parish: County: Wyn yard 1967, J un 8 Parish: South Wagga Wagg a Edition: 10th


Mitchell ShireCouncil records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

264: Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1960, Jan 28 Parish: Wallace Edition: 6th

265 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1923, Jan 28 Parish: Brewarrena Edition: 5th

266 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1959, Jan 21 Parish: Yarragundry Edition: 6th

( 267 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1898, Oct 11 Parish: Arajoel Edition: Jrd

268 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1923, May 16 Parish: Arajoel Edition: 5th

269 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1925, Nov 13 Parish: Bilda Edition: 4:th

270 Map, Parish: County: Wyn yard 1955, Aug 10 Parish: South Wagga Wagg a Edition: 9th

271 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1932, Mar 16 Parish: Wauberrima ( Edition: 5th 272 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1933, Aug 14: Parish: Arajoel Edition: 6th ') 273 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1912, Jun 6 Parish: Uranquintry Village of Uranquintry Edition: 2nd

274: Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1931, Dec 3 Parish: Bullenbung Edition: 4:th

275 Map , Parish: County: Mi t<;:hell 1929 , Feb 5 • Parish: Hanging Rock Edition: 5th

276 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1920, Sep JO Parish: Uranquintry Edition: 4:th


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

277 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1912, Jul 15 Parish: Wauberrima Edition: 4th

Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1922, Feb 16 Parish: Bulgary Edition: Jrd

279 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1958, Mar 25 Parish: Oura Village of Oura Edition: Jrd

280 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1915, Jan 28 Parish: Oura Village of Oura and Suburban Lands Edition:

281 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1914, Mar 1J Parish: Tooyal Edition: 4th

282 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1914, Nov 25 Parish: Gobbagombalin Edition: Jrd

283 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1968, Jul 12 Parish: Hooke Edition: 6th { 284 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1928 , Nov 19 Parish: Jeralgambeth Edition: 5th

285 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 19JJ, Sep 26 Parish: Kockibi too Edition: 5th

286 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1959, Apr 16 Parish: Mundowy Edition:

287 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1945, Apr 19 Parish: Ma tong Edition : 6th

288 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1922, Jul 27 Parish: North Wagg a Wagga Edition: 6th


Accession List

Accession No: I ' Mitchell Shire Council records RW 82

Map No

Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1935, Jul 1 Parish: North Wagga Wagga Edition: 7th

290 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1947, . Sep 25 Parish: Oura Edition: 6th

291 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1914, Aug 8 Parish: Warren Edition: 4th

292 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1891, Dec 4 Parish: Uranquintfy Village of Glenrouth Edition: 1st (Poor Condition)

293 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1880, Sep Parish: Currawananna Village of Currawananna Edition: 1st

Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1931, Jul 17 Parish: Mundowy Edition: 6th

295 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1935, Jul 1 Parish: North Wagga Wagga Edition: 7th

296 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon n.d. Parish: Oura Edition: 4th

297 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1936, Jan 26 Parish: Eunanoreenya Edition: 6th (Poor Condition)

298 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1918, Jan 15 Parish: Berry Jerry Edition: 4th

299 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1914, Jul 14 Parish: Ganmain Edition : 4th

JOO Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1868, Oct Parish: Oura Village of Oura Edition: 1st


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

301 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1920, Sep 30 Parish: Uranquintfy Edition: 4th

302 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1925, Oct 19 Parish: Wallace Edition: 5th

303 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1945, Apr 19 Parish: Ma tong Edition: 6th ( 304 Map, Parish: County: Wyn yard 1900, Mar 29 Parish: South Wagga Wagga Edition: 4th

305 · Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1924, Mar 10 Parish: Hooke Edition: 5th

306 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1913, Jul 15 Parish: Oura Edition: 4th

307 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1915, Dec 13 Parish: Jeragambeth Edition: 4th

308 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1902, May 26 Parish: North Wagga Wagg a ( Edition: 4th 309 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1905, Jan 9 Parish: Warren Edition: 3rd

310 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1901, Aug 7 Parish: Kockibitoo Edition: 3rd

311 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1910, Aug 2 Parish: Currawananna Edition: 4 th

312 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1896, Dec 3 Parish: Bilda Edition: 2nd

313 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1909, Jun 30 Parish: Bulgan Edition: 3rd


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

314 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1898, Oct 12 Parish: Gobbagombalin Edition: 2nd

315 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1913, Oct 23 Parish: North Wagga Wagga Edition: 5th

316 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1904, Apr 14 Parish: Oura ·Edition: 3rd

317 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1899, Feb 1 Parish: Mundowy Edition: 2nd

318 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1904, Oct 5 Parish: Bullenbung Edition; or,2._ .,,J

319 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1898, Mar 11 Parish: Jeralgambeth Edition: 3rd

320 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1901, Aug 8 Parish: Ma tong Edition: 3rd

321 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1905, Jul 26 Parish: Bulgary ( Edition: 2nd

322 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1907, Oct 19 Parish: Yarragundry Edition: 3rd

323 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1907, Dec 6 Parish: Berry Jerry Edition: 3rd

324 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1905, May 3 Parish: Ganmain Edition: 3rd

325 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1909, Aug 9 Parish: Hooke Edition: 4th

326 Map,. Parish: County: Bourke 1905, Jan 9 Parish: Cot tee Edition: 3rd


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

327 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1898, Sep 7 Parish: Bulgan Edition: 2nd

328 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1899, Jan JO Parish: Wauberrima Edition: 3rd

329 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1909, Dec 1 Parish: Uranquint:ify Edition: Jrd ( 330 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1903, Oct 2 Parish: Wallace Edition: 3rd (Poor Condition)

331 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1923, Sep 21 Parish: Osborne Edition: 4th

332 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1923, Jul 19 Parish: Cot tee Edition: 4th

333 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1962, Feb 1 Parish: Bulgary Edition: 5th

33l.i: Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1919, Apr 2 ( Parish: Bullenbung Edition: Jrd

335 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon Parish: Bulgan Edition: l.i:th

336 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1958, Oct 8 Parish: Bilda Edition: 5th

337 Map, Parish: County: Clarendon 1926, May Parish: Oura Village of Oura Edition: 2nd

338 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1933, Jul 14 Parish: Ganmain Edition: 5th

339 Map, and Environs n.d.


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

340 Map: Marror Road Proposal n.d. 40 chain to 1 inch sheet 3 o:f 6

341 Plan: 9 cell 6 1 x 3 1 R.C. Box Culvert and n.d. Causeway over the Gap Creek

342 Map: Proposed resumption and exchange o:f land 1949, Jun 22 :for purpose o:f road diversion Parish o:f Wauberrima and Bulgary 20 chains to 1 inch ( Map: Shire o:f Mitchell Road System 1958 - 1959 C.A.R. Proposals locality plan 1 inch to 2 miles

344 Plan: Part o:f Land 1n C.T. Vo. 1176, Fo 186 1937, Aug 10 Parish o:f North Wagga Wagga, County o:f Clarendon 4 chains to 1 inch

Map: Mitchell No. 76 1907 Counties o:f Bourke, Clarendon, Mitchell and Wyn yard 2 miles to 1 inch

346 Plan: Southern Riverina Towns Water Supply n.d. Reticulation plan o:f Uranquintry Drawing No. W/284/28A 4 chains to 1 inch ( 347 Plan: Subdivision o:f part o:f Woodlands Estate 1932 Parishes o:f Bulgary and Arajoel - County o:f Mitchell 20 chains to 1 inch sheet 2

348 Plan: Bridge over Beavers Creek at Mundowy 1933 General Plan and Elevation Sheet No. 1 o:f 5

Plan: Bridge over Beavers Creek at Mundowy 1933 Details o:f Timber Spans Sheet No. 2 o:f 5

350 Plan: Bridge over Beavers Creek at Mundowy 1933 Details o:f Timber Spans and Piers §heet No. 3 o:f 5


Accession. List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

351 Plan: Bridge over Beavers Creek at Mundowy 1933 70 1 - 0 1 Truss Span Sheet No. 4 of 5

352 Plan: Bridge over Beavers Creek at Mundowy 1933 Details of Ironwork for 70 1 - 0 1 Span Sheet No. 5 of 5

353 Map: Shire of Kyeamba n.d. 2 miles to 1 inch

354 Plan: Truck Road 59 1933 From Mundowy to

355 Plan: M.R. 240 from Wagga Wagga to Coolamon n.d. 3 cell 6 1 X 3' Reinforced concrete Box Culvert on 30° Skeiv 17 miles from Wagga Wagga

356 Plan: Shire of Mitchell - M.R. 240 n.d. 3 cell 7' x 1 19 11 R.C.B. Culvert at 12m. 3007 1

357 Plan: Shire of Mi .tchell - M.R. 240 n.d. 4 cell 6 1 x 3' R.C.B. Culvert at 6m. 600 1

358 Plan: Shire of Mitchell - M.R. 240 - Wagga Wagga - n.d. Co olamon Road Work at 3m. 3790' to 4m. 531 1

359 Plan: Shire of Mitchell - M.R. 240 - Wagga Wagga - n.d. Coolamon Road Work at 5m. 3424 1 to 6m. 1634 1

360 Plan: Shire of Mitchell - Bridge over Old Man Creek 1920, Sep 20 at Lane's

361 Plan: Shire of Mitchell - Narrandera Road at ~'Shea's n.d. 6 cell 6 1 x 2 1 R.C.B. Culvert and Causeway

362 Plan: Creek Improvements 1917 Via Old Man Creek, and , Plans and Sections - Old Man Creek

363 Plan: Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission 1944, Jun ~8 Murrumbidgee River Investigation Wagga Wagga to Narrandera Possible Schemes South of River 1 inch to 1 mile


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

Plan: Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission n.d. Old Man Creek flood mitigation proposals 40 chains to 1 inch

Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell n.d. Road System 0£ the Shire 2 miles to 1 inch

366 Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1919, Jun 16 Parish: Uranquintjy and Pearson Edition: 2nd ( (Poor condition) 367 Plan: Overdale n.d. Parishes - Wallace, Jeralgambethand Claris County - Clarendon 20 chains to 1 inch

368 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1926, Aug 17 Parish: Tooyal Edition: 5th

Plan: County: Mitchell 1931, Dec Parish: Bulgary Portion: 45 5 chains to 1 inch

370 Plan: County: Mitchell 1918, May Parish: Bulgary Portions: 7-8-9 Part 0£ the road from Gillenbah to Wagga Wagga 10 chains to 1 inch

371 Plan: County 0£ Clarendon n.d. Parish 0£ North Wagga Wagga Sit~ 0£ proposed flood gates 40 chains to 1 inch

372 Plan: Mitchell Shire T.R. 57 1929 Road Construction From Wagga Wagga Via Old to Temora

373 Plan: Woodland bridge and approaches over Bullenbong 1931 Creek, Near Bulgary Siding

374 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell 1941, Apr. Road Construction, Arajoel Road Brookdale to Arajoel From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between Om. and 1m. Sheet 1 0£ 9


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

375 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 1941, Apr Arajoel Hoad Hoad Construction Brookdale to Arajoel From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between 1 m. and 2m. Sheet 2 of 9

376 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 1941, Apr Arajoel Hoad Hoad Construction Brookdale to Arajoel ( From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between 2m. and 3m. Sheet 3 of 9

377 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 1941, Apr Arajoel Hoad Road Construction Brookdale to Arajoel From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between 3m. and 4m. Sheet 4 of 9

378 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 1941, Apr Arajoel Hoad Road Construction Brookdale to Arajoel From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between ·5m. and 6m. Sheet 6 of 9

379 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 1941, Apr Arajoel Road Hoad Construction Broo)(dale to Arajoel From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between 6m. and 7rn. Sheet 7 of 9

380 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 1941, Apr Arajoel Hoad Road Construction Brookdale to Arajoel From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between 7m . and 8m. Sheet 8 o f 9


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

'Map No

381 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 194:1, Apr Arajoel Road Road Construction Brookdale to Arajoel From Brookdale to Sturt Highway Between 3m 4:4:4:4: 1 and - Sheet 9 o:f 9

382 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 194:1, Apr Arajoel Road Road Construction Brookdale to Sturt H;!.ghway { Between 2m. 4:4A3 1 and 3m. 14:8 1

383 Plan: Mitchell Shire Road network south o:f n.d. Murrumbidgee River

384: Plan: Mitchell Shire Road network south o:f n.d. Murrumbidgee River showing work completed 1938 - 194:1

Plan: County: Mitchell 1926, Aug 16 Parish: Bullenbong Portion: 85,97 Proposed Road 10 chains to 1 inch

386 Plan: Plan o:f Woodland._Bridge and approaches 1931, Dec over Bullenbong Creek, near Bulgary Siding

387 Plan: Plan o:f Woodland Bridge and approaches 1931, Dec

388 Plan; Plan o:f Woodland Bridge and approaches 1931, Dec

Plan: Plan o:f Woodland Bridge and approaches 1931! Dec

Plan: 1'ownships and Villages in Mitchell Shire n.d. Intrem development control map Currawarna Oura Collingullie Uranquintyy

391 Plan: Mitchell Shire - Projected plan 1964:, Apr

392 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road reconstruction 4:m. to 5m. Sheet 1 o:f 4:


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW S2

Map No 393 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1942, Feb 23 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 4m. to 5m. Sheet 2 o:f 4

394 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1942, Feb 23 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 5m. to 5m. 4660 1 Sheet 3 · o:f 4

( 395 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1942, Feb 23 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 5m. to 6m. Sheet 4 o:f 4

396 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 6m. 2562 1 to 7m. 2306 1 Sheet 1 o:f S

397 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 6m. 2764 1 to 7m. 2306 1 Sheet 2 o:f S

39S Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 7m. 2175~4 1 to Sm. Sheet 3 o:f S . 399 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 7m. 2175.4 1 to Sm. Sheet 4 o:f S

400 Plan: Shire o:f Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction Sm. to 9m. Sheet 5 of S

401 Plan: Shire of Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction Sm. to 9m. Sheet 6 of S Form RCA 4 RIVERINA COLLEGE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE

Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

402 Plan: Shir.e of' Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 9m. to 10m. Sheet 7 of' 8

403 Plan: Shire of' Mitchell 1946, Feb 15 Trunk Road Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 10m. to 10m. 4400 1 Sheet 8 of' 8

( 404 Plan: Shire of' Mitchell 1943, May 11 Trunk Road 57 4/6 1 x 1 1 RCB Culvert 10m. 3722 1

405 Plan: Shire of' Mitchell 1942, Feb 23 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 4m. to 5m. Sheet 1 of' 4

406 Plan: Shire of' Mitchell 1942, Feb 23 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 4m. to 5m. Sheet 2 of' 4

407 Plan: Shire of' Mitchell 1942, Feb 23 Trunk Road 57 ( Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 5m. to 5m. 4660 1 Sheet 3 of' 4

408 . Plan: Shire o;f Mitchell 1942, Feb 23 Trunk Road 57 Uranquinty Road Reconstruction 5m. to 6m. Sheet 4 of' 4

Plan: Shire of' Mitchell n.d. C Riding Road System 40 chains to 1 inch

410 Plan: Shire of' Mitchell n . d . Road Network C Riding

411 Plan: Shire of' Mitchell n.d. Road Network north of' the Murrumbidgee River showing land ownership


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Plan: Shire of Mitchell n.d. Road network south of the Murrumbidgee River

41J Plan: Proposed works on and i947 - i950 Pattersons Ro"ads

Plan: Bridge over Duke's Creek i946

415 Plan: Shire of Mitchell n.d. Road D.W. J067 Reconstruction and gravelling of the Wagga Wagga - Narrandera Road, north of the ( Murrumbidgee River 20 chains to 1 inch Sheet 1 of 2 19.95m. to 26.oom.

416 Plan: Shire of Mitchell i949, Feb 1 Proposed extensions of Narrandera Road grant. Narrandera Road north of the Murrumbidgee River i mile to 2 inches

4i7 Plan: Wantabadgery and Pattersons Roads n.d.

4i8 Plan: Showing location of railways, highways, n.d. trunk and main roads within the Shire of Mitchell together with principal arterial Shire roads i inch to 2 miles

419 Plan: Br~dge over Houlaghan's Creek n.d.

( 420 Plan: Riverina Gun Club ~• • d. Site plan

42i Plan: Riverina Gun Club n.d. Layout Plan

422 Plan: Shire of Mitchell i940, Oct Ji Main Road No. 240 Wagga Wagga to (Coolamon) Road reconstruction 9m. 500 1 to 9m. 2400 1

42J Plan: Shire of Mitchell i940, Oct Ji Main Road No. 240 Wagga Wagga to Ardlethan (Coolamon) Road Reconstruction 9m. 2400 1 to iOm. 2400 1


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No 424 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell 1940, Feb 1 Main Road No. 240 Wagga Wagga to Ardlethan (Coolamon) Road Reconstruction 11m. 2435' to 12m. 2364 1 Sheet 1 of 7

425 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell 1940, Feb 1 Main Road No. 240 Wagga Wagga to Ardlethan (Coolamon) Road Reconstruction 12m. 2364 1 to 13m. 2200' Sheet 2 ' 0£ 7 ( 426 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell 1940, Feb 1 Main Road No. 240 Wagga Wagga to Ardlethan (Coolamon) Road Reconstruction 13m. 2200 1 to 14m. 2000 1 Sheet 3 0£ 7

427 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell 1940, Feb 1 Main Road No. 240 Wagga Wagga to Ardlethan (Coolamon) Road Reconstruction 14m. 2000' to 15m. 1800 1 Sheet 4 0£ 7

428 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell 1940, Feb 1 Main Road No. 240 Wagga Wagga to Ardlethan (Coolamon) Road Reconstruct inn ( 15m. 2000 1 to 16m. 2000 1

429 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell n.d. Main Road No. 240 Wagga·Wagga to Ardlethan (Coolamon) Road Reconstruction 16m. 2000 1 to 17m. 2000 1

430 Map: Shire 0£ Road Map

431 Plan: 0£ Deepwater Holding c1927

432 Plan: Subdivision 0£ C.T. Vol. 6572 FOL 215 n.d. County: Mitchell Parish: Uranquintry San Isidore 5 chains to 1 inch

433 Plan: Subdivision 0£ Lot 7 D.P. 255088 1977, Nov 23 Locality: Uranquintry County: Mitchell Parish: Uranquintry Form RCA 4 RIVERINA COLLEGE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE

Accession List

Accession No: Mitchell Shire Council records RW 82

Map No - 434 Plan: Shire 0£ Mitchell 1938, Nov 16 T.R. 57 County: Clarendon Parish: North Wagga Wagga Contour survey £or details 0£ drains, fences pavement and etc. 4m. 1000 1 to 200 feet to 1 inch

435 Map: Murrumbidgee River from Burrinjuck Dam to 1939 Wagga Wagga Showing area which may be inundated :i.£ the ( Burrinjuck Dam were to £ail Prepared £or the Burrinjuck flood precautions Committee Sheet 4 0£ 4

436 Plan: Proposed additions to the Commercial Hotel 1925, Mar at Currawarna, £or Tooth and Co Ltd W.J. Monks, Je££s and Shaw, Architects, Wagga Wagga

437 Plan: Proposed septic tank £or E. Kerfoot, Bomen n.d. Road R.O. Geale

438 Plan: Proposed new shop a~d residence at Uranquinty 1926, Sep £or Mrs M. Whelan, Pitt and Morrow, Wagga Wagga

439 Plan: 0£ subdivision 0£ allotments 4 . and 5 0£ 1929, Nov section 4 { County: Mitchell Parish: Uranquintry Village 0£ Uranquinty · 80 £eet to 1 inch

440 Plan: Proposed new concrete church at Collingullie 1925, Oct £or the trustees, Presbyterian Church Pitt adn Morrow, Wagga Wagga

441 Plan: Alterations and additions to the Uranquinty 1925, Jul Hotel £or Micheal Keane Pitt and Morrow, Wagga Wagga

442 Plan: Alterations and additions to the Uranquinty 1925, Jul Hotel £or Micheal Keane Pitt and Morrow, Wag ga Wag ga

443 Plan: Residence at Brucedale £or J. Davidson ·1930

444 Map: New South Wales showing Department 0£ 1966 Conservation Water, Forest and Soil projects and works


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Map No

Map: Proposed Wagga City Boundary adjustments n.d. 40 chains to 1 inch

4/±6 Sand's Field Book, (Land Valuation Book?) n.d. & List Land holders and description land, 1909 with Notices 0£ Sale and Transfer 0£ Rateable Land loosely inserted. 1 Vol.

tJ-/11r r c ir1 A - S h\ui.. "p~~-~ 0 '<-"1<..Ct;'5kf "111'! /~hf -;. c M-,i; ·- - ~~ PYl>r,1r D~"S )~f tt 1J I ( (V)Df - c°"""+ j o.\ fcx(I cow., ti()o..

! . i

I ,


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council Records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

97 Land Transfers 1912 (cont. Land Transfers 1920

Land Transfers 1922

Land Transfers 1923

Land Transfers 1924

Land Transfers 1927

Land Transfers 1930

Land Transfers 1932

Land Transfers 1934

Land Transfers 1936

Land Transfers 1937

File No. 11 1936 - 1943

Land Transfers 1921

Correspondence Etc. (Minutes) 1911

Miss. Correspondence etc. Re. , Elections and 1919 - 1941 Local Government

99 Statement of Accounts 1909 - 1936

100 A Stores Issued Book, 1 vol 1955 - 1958

8 Stores Returned Book, 1 vol

C. Register of Legal Documents, 1 vol 1907 - 1950

D Stores and Materials Book, 1 vol 1907 - 1939

101 Pi Register of Votes, Orders, and Works, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

B Building Permit Register, 1 vol 1950 - 1958

Building Permit Register, 1 v ol 1958 - 1963

'.D Plant Book, 1 vol 1909 - 1966

102 Pi Annual Statements, 1 vol 1924 - 1929

8 Annual Statements, 1 vol 1930 - 1935 \ Form RCA 4 RIVERINA COLLEGE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE

Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No 182 C Annual Statements, 1 vol 1936 - 194:1 (cont.) I:> Annual Statements, 1 vol 194:2 - 194:7

103 A Annual Statements 7 1 vol 1948 - 1952

B Annual Statements, 1 vol 1953 - 1956

C.... Annual Statements, 1 vol 1957 - 1960

104: A Annual Statements, 1 vol 1961 - 1964:

~ Annual Statements, 1 vol 1965 - 1968

C.. Annual Statements, 1 vol 1908 - 1914

105 Notice of Transfer Register, 1 vol 194:2 - 1958

· Ce:efi Reeei .. eet &elc, 1 oel I· 1 · 3,

B Sundry Creditors, 1 vol 1950 - 1966

Rate Book Index, 1 vol 1921

106 Arrears of Rates Ledger, 1 vol

Correspondence Received Book, 1 vol

c.... Stone and Gravel Book, 1 vol 1937 - 1955 1· l · I 1942 - 194S-

107 f\ Sundry Debtors Book, 1 vol 1951 - 1954

.B Trust F\Ind Cash Book, 1 vol 1950 - 1971

·Gaefi Beeltt 1 vel 1950

108 Ledger: Mundowy, San Isidore, Uranquinty, 1 vol 1958 - 1965

Cask geelo Wa~es AElv=an:ee 1 1 val

109 A Tender Register, 1 vol 1909 - 1928

Tender Register, 1 vol 1928 - 1939

C Minute Book: Finance Committee, 1 vol 1927 - 1946


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

110 A Minute Book: Collingullie Recreation Reserve 1955 - 1957 No. 29852, 1 vol

B Minute Book: Works Committee, also used as 1927 - 1928 Note Book for preparing Rolls etc., 1 vol

C Index of Minutes Book, 1 vol 1930 - 1939

P Index of Minutes Book, 1 vol 19~0 - 1945

E. Correspondence Received Book, 1 vol 19~5 - 1953

111 A Bush Fire Brigade Stock Book, 1 vol ( 1951 - 1958 B Letter Book, 1 vol 1906 - 1907

112 A Letter Book, 1 vol 1908 - 1915

B Letter Book: Elections, 1 vol 1907 - 1911

c. Journal: General Fund, Uranquinty T. I. Local 1966 - 1973 Fund, San Isidore T.I. Local Fund, 1 vol

113 Letter Book, 1 vol 1907 - 1910

114 Letter Book, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

115 Letter Book, 1 vol 1915 - 1917

116 Letter Book, 1 vol 1917 - 1919

( 117 Letter ~oak, 1 vol 1919 118 Voucher or Claims Register, 1 vol 1909 - 1916


A Journal, 1 vol 1911 - 1934

Journal, 1 vol 1934 - 1949

120 Correspondence 1912 - 1914

Correspondence 1914 - 1919

121 A Valuation List Book, A Riding 1 to 390, 1 vol 1953

B Valuation List Book, B Riding 1 to 296, 1 vol 1953

c. Valuation List Book, B Riding 297 to 574, 1 vol 1953

'D Valuation List Book, C Riding 1 to 356 1953 Form RCA 4 RIVERINA COLLEGE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE

Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

121 E Valuation List Book, A Riding 1 to 394, 1 vol 1956 (cont. F Valuation List Book, B Riding 1 to 321, 1 vol 1956

G: Valuation List Book, B Riding 322 to 598, 1 vol 1956

M Valuation List Book, C Riding 1 to 370, 1 vol 1956

122 A Valuation List Book, A Riding 1 to 413, 1 vol 1959

B Valuation List Book, B Riding 1 to 350, 1 vol 1959

C Valuation List Book, B Riding 351 to 684, 1 vol 1959 ( 'D Valuation List Book, C Riding 1 to 395, 1 vol 1959

123 Correspondence 1908 - 1910

Applications for the Position of Shire Valuator 1907

Minutes and Correspondence: Regular Meeting 1907, Apr 13

Minutes and Correspondence: Regular Meeting 1906, Aug 20

Minutes and Correspondence: Meetings 1906, Sep - Dec

Minutes and Correspondence: Meetings 1907, Jan - Dec

Correspondence Received Book 1959 - 1970

124 A Certificate under section 160, Local Government Act 1921 - 1928 1 vol

B Certificate under section 160, Local Government 1928 - 1933 Act, 1 vol

1 . Cor t ifisato YREl:or soetioR 1607 Loeal Geverru1mat 4-·2 · ~ 1950 1953 Aet, :I: ool

c Commoners Roll

·µ War Damage Commission - Assessment ·of Contribution in respect of fixed property

£ Minute Book: Collingullie RecreationRaserve Trust ees , 1 v ol

F Engineers Minor Contract Book, 1 vol 1936 - 1951


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

125 A Engineer's Minor Contract Book, 1 vol 1951 - 1955

B Engineer's Minor Contract Book, 1 vol 1951 - 1966

C. Road Mens Wages Book, 1 vol 19.36 - 1942

126 Balance Sheets 1907

Register of Receipt Books, 1 vol 1908 - 1949

C Diary, 1 vol 19~3

Debtsrs I.edgel." 1 1 ve;t 1977

BB:nk Book. Gettetal· Fttttti lzeeottl'lt, 1 vol 1·3. ·S 1953


1 ·s·~ ·Bank: Book. Special Loan F'ttncl Ad'V'ftflce AeeouHt 19:53 'i ool

1 val

:Ac cottnt , 'i ~"O 1

5 --f3al'lk Beoh:: Special Loal'l Fttrffi:-N1,_o...,,.-7-f31----1<\t,1-F-fe~r""la"l'l~ I · · ~ · 19'-!:8 195~ ~

127 A Valuation Book, A Riding, 1 vol n.d.

13 Valuation Book, A Riding, 1 vol n.d.

Valuation Book, B Riding, 1 vol

D Valuation Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1948

E Valuation Book, B Riding, 1 vol n.d.

F Valuation Book, B and C Riding, 1 vol 1948


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Box No

127 c, Valuation Book, B and c Riding, 1 vol n.d. (cont.) Ii Valuation Book, c Riding, 1 vol 1948

Valuation Book, c Riding, 1 vol n.d.

J Valuation Book, c Riding, 1 vol n. d. q. Dog Flegbh atien FetmB ·2:1 19aa

Bog HegiBtt at:i:ea fi:ef'fl'IB "" ·2.·7- ;1,96:;z

2 ' 128 Deg Reg:i:stf'ations q · · 7 1968 - 1969 C. 161.103 Rate Reductions - Pensioners - Kapooka · l)og Registriiltim::is C\ · 2.. · f. 1969 1970 C\· 2·7- 1370 1971

Dog Regishat:ion~ 1971 q. Z.·± Dog Flegi~b ation~ 197'2 1973

- Dog Registrations 1975

Wages Cares 1 - 1~ · 2D ;1,952 ;1,95:;z

129 Application by Thomas Hammond Webster for the 1920 position of Shire Clerk

Application By Mr T.G. Wenham for the position 1923 of Shire Clerk ( Road Reconstruction plans, Trunk Road No. 59 1907 - 1908 OM to 1M

Auditors Agreements 1923 - 1939

Agreements - General n.d.

Correspondence - E.J. Southwell 1929


\'-1. - S · b 130 £upplefl'!eataf'y V:aluat:i:erts 13?0

195:3 aooeYnt I·"?, b. Iw:proiremen+ 1971 - 1976 Fuatl: Aeeeuat


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No 131 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1906 - 1908

132 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1908 - 1910

133 Minute Book: Council, Rough minutes in back of 1911, Jan to Aug book, 1 vol

13/r · Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1911 - 191/r

135 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 191/r - 1916

13,6 Minute Boole Council, 1 vol 1916 - 1919

137 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1919 - 1921 { 138 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1922 - 1926

139 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1927 - 1931

14:0 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1932 - 1936

14:1 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1937 - 194:1

14:2 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 194:2 - 19/rlr

14:3 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 194:5 - 194:7

1/rlr Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 194:8 - 1950

14:5 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1951 - 1953

14:6 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 195/r 1956

( 14:7 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1957 - 1959

14:8 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1960 - 1961

14:9 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1962

150 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1963 - 1964

151 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1965 - 1966

152 Minute Book: Council, 1 vol 1967 - 1969

153 Minute Book: Finance Committee, 1 vol 1946 - 1965

15/r Index of Minutes, 1 vol ,'\ • O• S,. ~o/ s /q -+- 192/r - 1929

155 Letter Register, 1 vol 1919 - 1933

156 Letter Register, 1 vol 1937 - 194:9


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No

157 Voucher Book, 1 vol 1907 - 1908

158 Voucher or Claims Register, 1 vol 1907 - 1909 \ · ii · I b tl~~~ .. Rsgi...s..i;..eJ;: ' 1 vol 1962 - 1971L

160 Works Cost and Road Book, 1 vol 1915 - 1949

161 Works Cost and Road Book, 1 vol 1921 - 1941

162 Ledger, 1 vol 1907 - 1909

163 Ledger, 1 vol 1910-- 1912 ( 164 Ledger, 1 vol 1913 - 1917

165 Ledger, 1 vol 1917 - 1919

166 Ba.lance Ledger:· Revenue Account, 1 vol 1914 - 1921

167 Trial Balance Ledger,1 vol 1915 - 1929

168 Contract Register, 1 vol 1907 - 1917

169 Register of Legal Proceedings, 1 vol 1921 - 1935

170 Contract Register, 1 vol 1918 - 1923

171 Account Register, 1 vol 1921 - 1941

172 Contract Register, 1 vol 1924 - 1928

173 Contract Register, 1 vol 1928 - 1930

174 Contract Register, 1 vol 1932 - 1933

175 Contract Register, 1 vol 1933 - 1934

176 Contract Register, 1 vol 1934 - 1937

177 Contract Register, 1 vol 1938 - 1946

178 Contract Register, 1 vol 1946 - 1954

179 Contract Register, 1 vol 1954 - 1958

180 Contract Register, 1 vol 195 9 - 1961

181 Contract Register, 1 vol 1961 - 1966

182 Roll of Electors, 1 vol 1949


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Acc ession No: RW 82

183 War Damage Commission~ Return of Fixed 1942 Property, A Riding, 1 vol

184 War Damage Commission: Return of Fixed Property, B Riding, 1 vol

185 War Damage Commission: Return of Fixed Property, C Riding, 1 vol

186 Ledger, 1 vol I'\ . O · $ 1954 - 1967

1968 - 197.1.. i

189 Ledger, 1 vol 1920 - 1947

I s·~ · 2?

192 Appeals Court Book, 1 vol 1921 - 1949

193 Ledger ~ (Roads), 1 vol 1926 - 1950

196 Slaughter House Register, 1 vol 1907 - 1928

197 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1907 - 1909 ( 198 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1907 - 1909

199 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1907 - 1909

200 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

201 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

202 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1910 - 1913

203 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1914 - 1916

20 4 Rate Book, B Ri ding , 1 vol 1914 ._ 19:i6

205 Rate Book, C Riding, 1 vol 1914 - 1916

206 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1917 - 1919

207 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1917 - 1919


Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No

208 Rate Book, c Riding, 1 vol 1917 - 1919

209 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1920 - 1922

210 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1920 - 1922

211 Rate Book, c Riding, 1 vol 1920 - 1922

212 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 1923 - 1925

213 Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1923 - 1925

214: Rate Book, c Riding, 1 vol 1923 - 1925

215 Cash Book, 1 vol 1907 - 194:9 l"ll(:, 0.Y1~ 216 Cash Book, 1 vol n , c ·S· ~;'b / 't7 1910 j 194:2

3asfl.--Bo"l':)k-,--4.-v0 l ! · I · '3. 1916 192'1

g,l;t_fugk.,- 1-¥0 .. ( . "' 25 1934- ,. +·s --B49 -BG0k-,-1-¥G-l 19311 19'12

I · ~ ·g ·-9£8 . eHc flH-tl~i'>H¥Ra-:l,-:t.-¥e~ -957 1964-

l · ~ . -221: :;a-sn-Boek-,--4.-ve~ ,()§.'.?- 1-964:-

\ c-&ek,--:1-'V-&.°1: ~§-1-9'68

223 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol\ 1926 - 1938

224: Rate Book, B Riding, 1 vol 1926 - 1938

( - ' 225 Rate Book, c Riding, 1 vol 1926 - 1938

226 Rate Book, A Riding, 1 vol 194:5 - 1953

227 Rate Book, B ill.ding, 1 vol 194:5 - 1953

228 Rate Book, c Riding, 1 vol 194:5 - 1953

ai:Utar y t s, 1 bun.ale «V~ · b 1<]62 1967 i·cz · % efl'6tt-t:1.i'."e-J-eurl'la-l-Snee+s-;---:l.- bund±e :1:9'65 1:96-6--

231 Rate Bo ok Sheets, A Riding, 1 bundle 1935 - 194:1

232 Electoral Roll, 1 bundle 194:4: - 194:6

C\· ~ ·b a ~ ila i:::y: LeGf}6t:-Sl:i.~,~R-Elle 1-95 9 1958


Accession List

Mitchell Shire Council records Accession No: RW 82

Vol No

235 Works Cost Ledger Sheets, 1 bundle

1 -'6-4-f'---1f----""'=""sh- Aeeeun.t-S:R-e&-s-,-4-l3l:l:r-Hi±e,----_.:...-·7-_L_ · -=3~----41-Q9-"T5B0----1-'19~5qj6lr-

l ~ . 'S ·b ~±eme-ffi-a-r~--Va-±H.a..t-i--eR-bi-s.:&-,-G-Rid-:H::J.fJi------t1.....,9,.-,5,.._6,_ I -1-bu -l'! dle \ . tg · s=' "'-Z:3nY'--+------..,1~~~~-:ttl-r-s-JBU-r-R a~~Ree-t.&r--1-l3HRd~~e,__-_,_=-=-----t1 ~9 · 54----495:3-

\ · ~-~ -9.-!Af- l-----:1!9:lffieR-<:l-i--ttii.'1e-J1'.>tti 0 I'1a-l-She e-t-s,--1-bttnd:l.-e------=----- 'l•9a-5G--<1-3---- -'li"'957

24:1 Sanitary Ledger Sheets, 1 bundle 1935 - 194:9

24:2 Rate Summary Sheets, 1 bundle 194:2 - 194:6



24:5 Private Ledger Audit Sheets, 1 bundle 1971 - 1974:

24:6 Rate Notice Summaries and Audit Sheets, 1 bundle 1964: - 1974: Map No 24:7 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1960, Dec 9 ll Parish: Ganmain Edition: 6th

24:8 Map, Parish: County: Bourke 1925, Sep 30 Parish: Ma tong Edition: 5th

Map, Parish: County: Mitchell 1923, Jul 19 Parish: Mundmry- Edition: 5th

250 Map, Parish: County : Bourke 1919, Sep 22 Parish: Kockibitoo Edition: l.i:th

251 Map, Parish: County: Claren don 1970, Dec 21 Parish: North Wagga Wagga Edition: 8th

Form RCA 4