In-Work Poverty in New Zealand
IN-WORK POVERTY IN NEW ZEALAND 2019 AUTHORS Alexander Plum, Gail Pacheco and Rod Hick. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank a number of people who made this research possible. The idea to study in-work poverty in New Zealand came out of an internal workshop that the Human Rights Commission (HRC) led and which was externally facilitated by Jo Cribb, former Chief Executive of the Ministry for Women. The work was initially championed by former Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Commissioner, Dr Jackie Blue, and then by the current EEO Commissioner, Saunoamaali’i Karanina Sumeo. The research was jointly funded by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), and HRC. The research team who worked together to define the scope of the research, develop the research questions, procure a research supplier, and provide input on the method and draft reports include: Kerri Kruse (HRC), Jon Saunders (MBIE), Dr Alice Cleland (MBIE), and Dr Amapola Generosa (MBIE). MSD also contributed to this process. Diane Ramsay from Stats NZ provided advice on aspects of the use of data in the IDI. Barbara Annesley and Liam Oldfield, representatives from the Child Poverty Unit at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and Treasury, respectively, participated in the research by contributing their perspectives on the project scope and draft reports. Project support was also provided by: Dr Antony Kennedy (MBIE), Rebekah Armstrong, Joanna Maskell, Dr Margaret MacDonald, John Hancock, Hannah Northover, Rachna Nath, and Paul Hunt (all HRC). PUBLISHED New Zealand Work Research Institute, Auckland, New Zealand ISBN (PDF): 978-1-927184-63-9 2019 Suggested Citation: Plum, A., Pacheco, G., & Hick, R.
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