Professor Nicola Lacey (Academic Expert) Email:
[email protected] Profile Nicola Lacey is a Professor of Criminal Law and Legal Theory at the University of Oxford and is a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. She is a Fellow of the British Academy. Her publications include A Life of HLA Hart: The Nightmare and the Noble Dream (2004, OUP), Unspeakable Subjects (1998, Hart Publishing), with Celia Wells Reconstructing Criminal Law (1990, Butterworths; 2nd edition 1998; 3rd edition 2003 with Oliver Quick), A Reader on Criminal Justice (1994, OUP), with Elizabeth Frazer, The Politics of Community Harvester Wheatsheaf (1993, monograph), and State Punishment: Political Principles and Community Values (1988, Routledge). Other publications range across criminal law, criminal justice studies, legal and social theory. Professor Lacey is on the editorial board of a number of journals including Punishment and Society and has been articles co-editor of the Modern Law Review. She is engaged in a long term project analysing the development of ideas of responsibility for crime since the mid-18th Century, for which she was awarded a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship. Women Crime and Character and The Resurgence of Character formed parts of this project. From 1990 to 1991 Professor Lacey was a member of the Institute of Public Policy Research's Committee working on a draft Bill of Rights for the UK (published 1991, reissued 1998). More recently, she was a member of the Committee of Inquiry into Women's Imprisonment, set up by the Prison Reform Trust:its report, Justice for Women: The Case for Reform, was published in April 2000..