Implementation of the Action Plan for the Conservation Ofmarine Mammals (Mmap) in the Widder Caribbean: a Scientific and Technical Analysis
UNITED NATIONS EP Distr. LIMITED UNEP(DEPI)/CAR WG.42/INF.29 Add.1 1 March 2021 Original: ENGLISH Ninth Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region Virtual meeting, 17–19 March 2021 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTION PLAN FOR THE CONSERVATION OFMARINE MAMMALS (MMAP) IN THE WIDDER CARIBBEAN: A SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS For reasons of public health and safety associated with COVD-19, this meeting is being convened virtually. Delegates are kindly requested to access all meeting documents electronically for download as necessary. *This document has been reproduced without formal editing. Implementation of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine Mammals (MMAP) in the Wider Caribbean: A SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Implementation of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine Mammals (MMAP) in the Wider Caribbean: A SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS November 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY including from all activities listed in Articles 11(1)(b) of Marine mammals hold a unique place in the collective the Protocol.2 pysche and economies of the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR). As a breeding and calving ground After more than a decade of MMAP-related for some whale species, the warm waters of the programmatic work under the SPAW Protocol, this Caribbean see the perennial return or residency of report compiles and reviews the status of major a diversity of majestic marine mammal species that threats to marine mammals of the region, and aims serve as a boost for tourism and source of inspiration to assess progress by countries towards achieving for some, or a valuable natural resource to be implementation of the MMAP since its adoption consumed or utilized by others.
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