Castle Rock Vision 2030 - Community Input Summary: October 2013

During the month of September, nearly 500 individuals participated in outreach activities associated with the Town of Rock’s Vision 2030 process. Activities included multiple community workshops and an online Community Preferences Survey. The following is a summary of feedback received in response to specific questions regarding existing and potential new goals for consideration as part of the Vision 2030 process.

Many participants provided detailed written comments in addition to providing answers to the specific questions posed as part of the survey. Major themes that emerged from the written responses are noted where relevant. Highlighted themes reflect those that were raised by a large number of participants and were expressed in multiple sections of the survey.


1. Should the Town’s goal of encouraging a broad range of housing to provide for all household types, ages, and income ranges within the community be carried forward (Community Planning, Goal 3)? a. Polling results: 73% of respondents support carrying forward this goal either as is (56%) or with modifications (17%). b. Recommendation: Carry this goal forward as is as part of the Vision 2030 document as is; explore this issue in greater detail as part of the I-25 Subarea Plan process and ultimately as part of an updated Comprehensive Plan.

Summary of Written Comments

Stronger support for achieving diversity by focusing on senior, attached single-family, and townhomes vs. multi-family housing. Limited support for multi-family housing generally, and a perception by a number of respondents that an increase in lower cost housing or multi-family housing may in turn increase crime rates and result in security and maintenance concerns. General concern about the quantity of growth anticipated and potential traffic associated with that growth (and higher density growth in particular). A desire to curb growth and maintain Castle Rock’s distinct identity, both as a small town and an affluent, family-oriented one.

2. If so, what types of housing do you think the Town should encourage more of? a. Polling results: Strongest support among participants for downtown housing (e.g., lofts above storefronts) and a mix of all options (options included single-family attached and detached, multi- family, downtown housing, affordable, and senior housing), followed by senior housing and single- family detached. Multi-family housing received the least amount of support.

Castle Rock Vision 2030—Community Input Summary: October 2013

b. Recommendation: Address the overall mix of housing accommodated within the Town more specifically as part of the forthcoming I-25 Subarea Plan and Comprehensive Plan update, both from a policy perspective and a future land use capacity perspective.

Summary of Written Comments

Stronger support for achieving diversity by focusing on senior, attached single-family, and townhomes vs. multi-family housing. o A perception by a number of respondents that an increase in lower cost housing or multi-family housing may in turn increase crime rates, result in security and maintenance concerns, and lower property values overall. o Small amount of support for aesthetically pleasing multi-family housing so long as residents “keep up” the property. Strong opposition to subsidized housing. Support for downtown housing, particularly for seniors and young working adults. A willingness to let the market determine the housing mix. A desire to curb growth and maintain Castle Rock’s distinct identity, both as a small town and an affluent, family-oriented one.

3. Should the Town’s goal of moving the industrial rail line out of downtown be carried forward (Community Planning, Goal 6)? a. Polling results: 41% of respondents support carrying forward this goal either as is (37%) or with modifications (5%). 41% of respondents do not think this goal should be carried forward and 17% indicated they were not sure or had no comment. b. Recommendation: Modify current goal to convey support for the mitigation of rail impacts generally.

Summary of Written Comments

Some respondents believe that the train is an integral part of Castle Rock’s small town identity and history. Many respondents are concerned about the cost of moving the rail line, and think the funds could be better spent elsewhere. Many respondents support the quiet zone solution to the train’s current location, as opposed to moving it. Some respondents are concerned about the proposed new location of the line, while others are interested in addition light rail transit to the existing line and/or right of way.

4. How important is it for you to be able to conduct your daily business—work, shopping, medical, entertainment— within the limits of the Town? a. Polling results: 85% of respondents consider it important (38%) or very important (47%) to be able to conduct their daily business within the Town. 9% of respondents were neutral, and only 6% considered it not important (4%) or not important at all (2%). b. Recommendation: Carry forward goal below and expand existing goal related to the development of Castle Rock as a self-sufficient community.


Castle Rock Vision 2030—Community Input Summary: October 2013

5. Should the Town’s goal of seeking a balanced mix of commercial and residential growth be carried forward (Local Economy, Goal 1)? a. Polling results: 91% of respondents support carrying forward this goal either as is (75%) or with modifications (16%). 7% of respondents do not think this goal should be carried forward and 2% indicated they were not sure or had no comment. b. Recommendation: Carry forward as is.

Summary of Written Comments

Concern about uncontrolled or extensive growth and the associated negative traffic impacts of adding more commercial development. Support for more commercial growth, particularly if it provides jobs and encourages local businesses. Many respondents called out specific businesses they would like to see, including restaurants and a Costco. Concern about effects of ongoing growth on property values and the town’s aesthetics, particularly from big box stores.

6. Should the Town’s goal of establishing a higher education facility in Castle Rock to provide support and training for a diversified workforce be carried forward (Local Economy, Goal 3)? a. Polling results: 67% of respondents support carrying forward this goal either as is (59%) or with modifications (8%). 22% of respondents do not think this goal should be carried forward and 11% indicated they were not sure or had no comment. b. Recommendation: Carry forward with minor modifications to reflect addition of new facilities since 1999 and ongoing priorities.

Summary of Written Comments

Support for a higher education facility, so long as it is a non-traditional facility (e.g., 2-year or technical school) or one of high caliber, such as a satellite campus for a state university. Support for eliminating the goal, mostly because residents can travel to any of the many institutions in neighboring areas. Respondents see potential value in adding higher education, from the economic impact on the town and the increased availability of education within the town. Many respondents worry about potential negative effects of adding a higher education facility, such as increased traffic and becoming a “college town.”


Castle Rock Vision 2030—Community Input Summary: October 2013


1. Are there new goals you think the Town should consider incorporating as part of Vision 2030? a. Recommendation: Refine and/or expand existing goals to address areas with the strongest support, as noted in bold below.

Summary of Written Comments

Support for a community facility and/or community events goal, such as constructing a recreation center or events center. Support for a goal regarding improving congestion throughout town, and particularly on I-25 near the Meadows and Founder’s Parkway. Support for transit, such as bus or light rail, to address commuter demand. A desire to preserve the aesthetic quality and small-town identity of Castle Rock. Some respondents suggest achieving this by curbing growth, others by implementing design standards, and a few by limiting lighted signs. Some small support for: o Improved public education o Reinvestment in the downtown area o Water resource conservation and/or awareness o Improved parks, trails, and open space o Increased entertainment (particularly nighttime) options


1. What about Castle Rock do you most directly associate with its small-town identity? Select all that apply. a. Polling results: Strongest association among respondents with the historic downtown (16%), followed by parks and open space (13%), sense of community (13%), family-friendly environment (13%), and local businesses (12%). In the next tier were population of the community (8%), neighborhoods (8%), and all of the above (8%). People (6%) received the least amount of support, and 3% chose some other quality.

Summary of Written Comments

Some respondents believe that Castle Rock has lost its small-town charm, mostly due to its growth, both current and projected. Community events contribute to small-town character, as do downtown aesthetics and businesses. The fact that it’s not Highlands Ranch or Denver and is relatively remote from major cities makes Castle Rock a small town.


Castle Rock Vision 2030—Community Input Summary: October 2013

2. How important are the following landscape elements to Castle Rock’s small-town identity? a. Polling results: Strongest association among respondents with parks, open space, and trails (93%) and views of Castle Rock and other prominent ridgelines (91%), followed by community events and family-friendly activities (88%), pedestrian-oriented streetscape (88%), and community gathering spaces (83%). In the next tier were drought-tolerant landscaping (67%) and sustainable development practices (64%). Public art received the least amount of support (45%).

3. How well do the following development forms fit within your vision of Castle Rock’s small-town identity? a. Summary of responses: Generally, respondents preferred development forms that were low intensity over higher intensity uses, and traditional, historic, and urban forms over current and suburban forms. With the exception of special types such as downtown housing above retail and senior housing, every single-family housing type was preferred over multi-family types. Lower building heights were preferred over higher ones in all categories. b. Polling results: Polling results can be ranked as follows, based on respondents who indicated as part of the Community Preferences Survey that the development forms listed “fit very well” or “fit just fine” with their vision of Castle Rock’s small-town identity: i. Adaptive reuse of historic structures 85% ii. Small lot single-family residential 74% iii. Downtown housing above retail, 2-3 stories 71% iv. 2-3 story mixed-use, pedestrian orientation 68% v. Senior housing 67% vi. In-line retail center 65% vii. Attached single-family residential, traditional character 61% viii. Attached single-family residential, current character 52% ix. Tie: Light industrial; Office, 2-3 stories 51% x. Integrated mix of housing types 42% xi. Big-box retail center 41% xii. Tie: Monument sign, changeable message; Multi-family residential, urban character; Downtown housing above retail, 4-5 stories 37% xiii. 4-5 story mixed-use, pedestrian orientation 31% xiv. Monument signs, static 30% xv. Office, 5+ stories 28% xvi. Multi-family residential, suburban character 19%

4. Keeping in mind the examples you indicated fit or did not fit with your vision of Castle Rock’s small-town identity, which of the following was most influential in your selections? a. Polling results: Strongest positive influences among participants were building height (26%) and architectural character (25%), followed by density (16%), types of uses (13%), mix of uses (11%), and all of the above (8%). Few respondents chose other (1%) or none of the above (0%). b. Polling results: Strongest negative influences among participants were building height (30%), density (24%), and architectural character (19%), followed by types of uses (11%), all of the above (7%), and mix of uses (5%). Few respondents chose other (2%) or none of the above (2%).


Castle Rock Vision 2030—Community Input Summary: October 2013

Summary of Written Comments

Respondents desire to limit the bulk, especially height, and intensity of development. Some respondents think large and/or neon and brightly lit signs detract from the small-town identity.

5. Are there any other comments you'd like to provide on the Vision 2030 process?

Summary of Written Comments

Respondents’ desire to see less congestion and traffic seems to be one of the most, if not the most, prevalent comment. Density of single-family homes may be too high – many respondents indicated they would like to see larger yards and more spread out homes. Many respondents see infill and redevelopment as a way of preserving open space and curbing Castle Rock’s growth. Respondents desire to preserve the small-town feel of Castle Rock by curbing growth, both in population and commercial/retail/office development. However, some respondents believe that preserving Castle Rock’s small- town identity is already an obsolete goal due to the town’s growth. Many respondents expressed concern about the Town’s ability to support a population of 100K+


Castle Rock Vision 2030: Community Preferences Survey Results Response Summary Report

Note: This data reflects all input received via key pad polling during the two community workshops as well input recieved online. Pie graphs show percentages of total votes for each answer. Where respondents could select more than one answer, both bar and pie graphs are shown.


How long have you lived in Castle Rock? Answer Total 3% 8% More than 20 years More than 20 years 41 11‐ 20 years

11‐ 20 years 100 19% 6‐10 years 20% 6‐10 years 141 22% 2‐5 years 2‐5 years 108 28% Less than 2 years Less than 2 years 93 Don’t live within the Don’t live within the Castle Rock limits 15 Castle Rock limits Total 498

How old are you? Answer Total 2% 1% 0% 1% Under 18 18‐24 Under 18 1 9% 13% 25‐34 18‐24 3 35‐44 25‐34 64 20% 45‐54 31% 35‐44 156 55‐64 23% 65‐74 45‐54 112 75 or older 55‐64 101 Prefer not to answer 65‐74 45 75 or older 12 Prefer not to answer 4 Total 498

What area of Castle Rock do you live in? Answer Total 6% 6% Downtown area Downtown area 27 Northwest

Northwest 171 Northeast 25% 34% Northeast 99 Southwest Southwest 46 20% Southeast Southeast 126 9% Don't live within Don't live within Castle Rock limits 30 Castle Rock limits Total 499


Do you have any additional feedback on the goals that are proposed to be carried forward?

Answer Total 13%

Yes (noted on comments form) 141 Yes (noted on comments form) No 261 30% Not sure / no comment 59 No

Total 461 57% Not sure / no comment


Should the Town’s goal of encouraging a broad range of housing to provide for all household types, ages, and income ranges within the community be carried forward? Answer Total 7% Yes Yes 258 Yes, with modifications (noted) 77 Yes, with 20% modifications (noted) No 92 56% No Not sure / no comment 30 17% Total 457 Not sure / no comment

If so, what types of housing do you think the Town should encourage more of? Select all that apply. Answer Total Single‐family detached Single‐family detached 137 A mix of the above is needed 156 Single‐family attached 87 Single‐family attached Senior housing 143.25 19% 17% Affordable 99 Multi‐family 40 Multi‐family Downtown housing (e.g. lofts above storefronts) 167 10% Downtown housing (e.g.… 166.65 17% Downtown housing Affordable 99 (e.g. lofts above Multi‐family 40 5% storefronts) Senior housing 143 12% 20% Affordable Single‐family attached 86.65 Single‐family detached A mix of the above is needed 156 Senior housing 137 Total 829 0 50 100 150 200

Should the Town’s goal of moving the industrial rail line out of downtown be carried forward? Answer Total Yes Yes 170 Yes, with modifications (noted) 23 17% Yes, with 37% modifications (noted) No 185 No Not sure / no comment 78 41% Total 456 Not sure / no 5% comment

How important is it for you to be able to conduct your daily business ‐‐ work, shopping, medical, entertainment ‐‐ within the limits of the Town? Answer Total 4% 2% 9% Very important Very important 212 Important Important 174 47% Neutral Neutral 39 Not important 20 38% Not important Not important at all Not important 7 at all Total 452

Should the Town’s goal of seeking a balanced mix of commercial and residential growth be carried forward?

Answer Total 7% 2% Yes Yes 339 Yes, with Yes, with modifications (noted) 73 modifications 16% (noted) No 34 No Not sure / no comment 9 75% Not sure / no Total 455 comment

2 Should the Town’s goal of establishing a higher education facility in Castle Rock to provide support and training for a diversified workforce be carried forward?

Answer Total 11% Yes Yes 268 Yes, with Yes, with modifications (noted) 38 modifications No 101 22% (noted) 59% No Not sure / no comment 50 Not sure / no Total 457 8% comment


Are there new goals you think the Town should consider incorporating as part of Vision 2030? Answer Total

Yes 10 Yes No 1 39% Not sure / no comment 7 No 56% Total 18 Not sure / no comment 5%


What about Castle Rock do you most directly associate with its small‐town identity? Select all that apply. Answer Total Population of the community Other (please explain) 52 3% 8% Sense of 141.99 Population of the community 145 8% community All of the above Historic 243.99 Parks and open space 9 Sense of community 234 downtown Local businesses People 113 9 Historic downtown 291 13% 146.00 13% Family‐friendly Neighborhoods Local businesses 219 environment Family‐friendly environment 1 251 6% 16% Neighborhoods 218.99 Family‐friendly environment 251 Local businesses People Historic downtown 9291 Neighborhoods 146 13% 12% Sense of community 8% Parks and open 144.99234 space Population of the community People 113 All of the above 9 Parks and open space 244 Other (please 0 100 200 300 400 explain) All of the above 142 Other (please explain) 52 Total 1837

How Important are the following landscape elements to Castle Rock's small‐town identity?

Views of Castle Rock and other prominent ridgelines Answer Total 7% 1% 1% 0% Very important! Very important! 344 14% Important Important 64 I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 31 Not that important Not that important 4 77% Not important at all! 4 Not important at all! Not sure / no opinion 1 Not sure / no opinion Total 448

Community events / family‐friendly activities

Answer Total 2% 2% 1% Very important! 7% Very important! 260 Important Important 135 I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 31 30% 58% Not that important Not that important 10 Not important at all! Not important at all! 7 Not sure / no opinion 4 Not sure / no opinion Total 447

3 Drought‐tolerant landscaping Answer Total 6% 1% 7% Very important! Very important! 150 Important Important 154 33% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 83 19% Not that important Not that important 31 34% Not important at all! 25 Not important at all! Not sure / no opinion 4 Not sure / no opinion Total 447

Pedestrian‐oriented streetscape

Answer Total 3% 1% 0% Very important! 8% Very important! 262 Important Important 134 I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 35 30% Not that important Not that important 13 58% Not important at all! Not important at all! 3 Not sure / no opinion 1 Not sure / no opinion Total 448

Community gathering spaces

Answer Total 5% 1% 0% Very important! 11% Very important! 218 Important Important 157 48% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 49 Not that important Not that important 21 35% Not important at all! Not important at all! 3 Not sure / no opinion Not sure / no opinion 1 Total 449

Parks, open space, and trails Answer Total 2% 0% 5% 0% Very important! Very important! 313 Important Important 100 23% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 23 Not that important Not that important 7 70% Not important at all! Not important at all! 2 Not sure / no opinion 0 Not sure / no opinion Total 445

Public art

Answer Total 6% 1% Very important! Very important! 71 Important Important 131 16% 17% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 141 29% Not that important Not that important 74 31% Not important at all! Not important at all! 27 Not sure / no opinion 3 Not sure / no opinion Total 447

Sustainable development practices

Answer Total 7% 1% Very important! Very important! 9% 155 Important Important 128 35% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 85 19% Not that important Not that important 42 29% Not important at all! Not important at all! 30 Not sure / no opinion 6 Not sure / no opinion Total 446

4 How well do the following development forms fit within your vision of Castle Rock's small‐ town identity? Adaptive reuse of historic structures Answer Total 2% 1% 1% Fits very well! 11% Fits very well! 199 Fits just fine Fits just fine 180 45% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 50 Does not fit well Does not fit well 8 40% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 5 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 4 opinion Total 446

Downtown housing above retail ‐‐ 2‐3 stories Answer Total 5% 1% Fits very well! 7% Fits very well! 127 Fits just fine

Fits just fine 190 28% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 16% 73 Does not fit well Does not fit well 30 43% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 22 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 3 opinion Total 445

Downtown housing above retail ‐‐ 4‐5 stories Answer Total 1% 11% Fits very well!

Fits very well! 47 Fits just fine Fits just fine 16% 112 I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 90 26% 25% Does not fit well Does not fit well 104 21% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 67 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 4 opinion Total 424

Small lot single‐family residential, detached Answer Total 3% 1% Fits very well! 8% Fits very well! 134 Fits just fine Fits just fine 193 30% I'm in the middle 14% I'm in the middle 63 Does not fit well Does not fit well 37 44% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 11 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 5 opinion Total 443

Attached single‐family residential, traditional character

Answer Total 4% 0% Fits very well! 12% Fits very well! 84 Fits just fine 19% Fits just fine 186 I'm in the middle

I'm in the middle 101 23% Does not fit well

Does not fit well 54 42% Doesn't fit at all!

Doesn't fit at all! 20 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 0 opinion Total 445

Attached single‐family residential, current character Answer Total 7% 1% 11% Fits very well! Fits very well! 49 13% Fits just fine

Fits just fine 182 I'm in the middle

I'm in the middle 121 Does not fit well 27% 41% Does not fit well 59 Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 29 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 2 opinion Total 442

5 Integrated mix of housing types

Answer Total 10% 1% 10% Fits very well!

Fits very well! 45 Fits just fine Fits just fine 140 I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 116 21% 32% Does not fit well Does not fit well 94 26% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 43 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 4 opinion Total 442

Multi‐family residential, "suburban" character

Answer Total 1% 3% Fits very well!

Fits very well! 12 Fits just fine Fits just fine 71 16% 31% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 100 22% Does not fit well Does not fit well 122 27% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 136 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 3 opinion Total 444

Multi‐family residential, "urban" character Answer Total 1% 10% Fits very well!

Fits very well! 42 Fits just fine 17% Fits just fine 121 I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 115 27% 19% Does not fit well Does not fit well 84 26% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 76 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 5 opinion Total 443

Senior housing Answer Total 7% 3% 1% Fits very well! Fits very well! 71 Fits just fine 16% Fits just fine 224 I'm in the middle 22% I'm in the middle 97 Does not fit well

Does not fit well 32 51% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 15 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 2 opinion Total 441

2‐3 story mixed‐use, pedestrian orientation Answer Total 8% 3% 1% Fits very well! Fits very well! 119 Fits just fine

Fits just fine 181 27% I'm in the middle 20% I'm in the middle 90 Does not fit well Does not fit well 33 41% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 15 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 3 opinion Total 441

4‐5 story mixed‐use, pedestrian orientation Answer Total 1% 9% Fits very well!

Fits very well! 41 Fits just fine 16% Fits just fine 106 I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 94 24% 29% Does not fit well Does not fit well 130 21% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 71 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 4 opinion Total 446

6 Big‐box retail center

Answer Total Fits very well! 14% 1% 6% Fits very well! 27 Fits just fine

Fits just fine 156 I'm in the middle

I'm in the middle 126 16% 35% Does not fit well Does not fit well 70 28% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 64 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 2 opinion Total 445

In‐line retail center Answer Total 5% 1% 11% Fits very well! 5% Fits very well! 47 Fits just fine

Fits just fine 231 I'm in the middle 24% I'm in the middle 102 Does not fit well

Does not fit well 24 54% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 20 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 3 opinion Total 427

Light industrial Answer Total 8% 2% 9% Fits very well! Fits very well! 37 10% Fits just fine

Fits just fine 192 I'm in the middle

I'm in the middle 113 Does not fit well 26% 45% Does not fit well 44 Doesn't fit at all!

Doesn't fit at all! 34 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 7 opinion Total 427

Office, 2‐3 stories Answer Total 11% 1% 9% Fits very well! Fits very well! 40 Fits just fine

Fits just fine 181 I'm in the middle 14% I'm in the middle 99 Does not fit well 42% Does not fit well 61 23% Doesn't fit at all!

Doesn't fit at all! 46 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 3 opinion Total 430

Office, 5+ stories

Answer Total 3% Fits very well! 0% 10% Fits very well! 12 Fits just fine Fits just fine 43 34% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 18% 76 Does not fit well Does not fit well 150 35% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 146 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 2 opinion Total 429

Monument signs, static Answer Total 0% 3% Fits very well!

Fits very well! 11 Fits just fine Fits just fine 115 20% 27% I'm in the middle I'm in the middle 111 Does not fit well 24% Does not fit well 104 26% Doesn't fit at all!

Doesn't fit at all! 87 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 1 opinion Total 429

7 Monument sign, changeable message Answer Total 0% 5% Fits very well! Fits very well! 19 Fits just fine 17% Fits just fine 138 I'm in the middle 32% I'm in the middle 133 15% Does not fit well Does not fit well 66 31% Doesn't fit at all! Doesn't fit at all! 73 Not sure / no Not sure / no opinion 1 opinion Total 430

Keeping in mind the examples you indicated fit very well or fit just fine with your vision of Castle Rock’s small‐town identity, which of the following was most influential in your selections? (Select top three) Answer Total Types of uses 0% 1% Other 15 Types of uses 131 8% Mix of uses None of the above 6 Mix of uses 108 13% Building height All of the above 80 Building height 262 Density (lot size / lot Architectural character 258 11% coverage) Density (lot size / lot coverage) 162 25% Density (lot size / lot… Architectural character 162.15 Architectural character 258 Building height 261.7 26% All of the above All of the above 80 16% Mix of uses 108.45 None of the above 6 None of the above Types of uses 130.7 Other 15 Other 0 100 200 300 Total 1022

Keeping in mind the examples you indicated did not fit well or did not fit at all with your vision of Castle Rock’s small‐town identity, which of the following was most influential in your selections? (Select top three)

Answer Total Types of uses 2% 2% Other 23 Types of uses 106 7% Mix of uses None of the above 19 Mix of uses 49 5% 11% Building height All of the above 66.55 Building height 274 Architectural character 171.55 19% Density (lot size / lot Density (lot size / lot coverage) 219 coverage) Density (lot size / lot… 218.55 Architectural character Architectural character 172 30% Building height 273.65 All of the above All of the above 67 24% Mix of uses 48.55 None of the above 19 None of the above Types of uses 106.1 Other 23 Other 0 100 200 300 Total 927