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AUTHOR Bjerstedt, Ake, Ed. TITLE Peace/War Issues from a Psychological Perspective: A Selective Bibliography, Nr. 113. INSTITUTION Lund Univ. (Sweden). Malmo School of Education. REPORT NO ISSN-0346-5039 PUB DATE Apr 92 NOTE 47p. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Bibliographies (131)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Conflict Resolution; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Individual Development; Individual ; Nuclear Warfare; *Peace; *Psychological Patterns; *Psychological Studies; *Psychology; Skill Development; Social Change; Social Science Research; War; World Affairs IDENTIFIERS *Peace Education

ABSTRACT This bibliography lists publications about the psychological aspects of war and peace, and peace education in general. Among the specific themes touched upon are psychological aspects of violent conflict resolution, psychological principles underlying effective responses to war threats, psychological effects of war and peace, and the empowerment of individuals and groups to become more involved in and effective at peace-promoting activities. Most of the listed materials are in English, with some examples from other languages also included. (M)

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Editor: Ake Bjerstedt

Bjerstedt, A. (Ed.) Peace/war issues from a psychological perspective: A selective bibliography. Pedagogisk dokumentation (Malmo, Sweden: School of Education), No. 113, 1992

It is reasonable that you can be more effective and efficientas a peace educator, if you have a good knowledge of typical conceptions and other psychological prerequisites among the school pupilsor other groups you want to educate or influence. In addition, psychological componentsare important in most conflict and war situations. In this report examples of publications containing studiesor discussion related to psychological aspects of war, peace etc. and ofpeace education are listed. Among the themes touched upon are psychological aspects of violent conflict resolution, psychological principles underlying effective responses to war threats, psychological effects of war and peace, and the empowerment of individuals and groups to become more involved in and effective at peace-promoting activities. In the 80smany studies dealt with reactions to the nuclear war threat.The major focus is on materials in English from recent years, with some examples added from other language areas. A few basic publications have been marked with an asterisk (*).

Keywords: Anxiety, attitudes, bibliography, concepts,enemy images, ethnocentrism, nationality images, nuclearwar, peace, peace education, prejudice, responsibility, sex roles, stereotypes,war. 3

Abrams, H.L. Sources of human instability in the handling of nuclearweap- ons. In: Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (Ed.). The medical implications of nuclear war. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1986. Pp. 490-528.

Adams, D. Psychology for peace activists: Anew psychology for the generation who can abolish war. New Haven, CT: The Advocate Press, 1987.

Adams, D. The Seville Statement of Violence and why it is important. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1989, 29(3), 328-337.

Adler, K.P. Western European and American public opinionon peace, defence, and arms control in a cross-national perspective. International Social Science Journal, 1986, 38(4), 589-600. Adorno, T.W. et al. The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper, 1960.

Alger, C.F. Creating global visions for peace movements. In: Boulding, E., Brigagao, C. & Clements, K. (Eds.) Peace culture and society. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991. Pp. 243-260.

Allen, B.P. Defeating denial: Limited nuclearwar and the small world problem. Journal of , 1990, 130(5), 693-695. Allen, J. Nuclear threat as psychopathology: An interview with David Ingleby. New Ideas in Psychology, 1989, 7(2), 205-216.

Allport, G.W. The role of expectancy. In: Cantril, H. (Ed.) Tensions that cause wars. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1950. Pp. 43-48. *Allport, G.W. The nature of prejudice. Cambridge, MA: Addison- Wesley, 1954.

Andrekus, N.J. The relationship between earlyego strength and adolescent responses to the threat of nuclear war. Berkeley, CA: California School of Professional Psycholgy. /Dissertation Abstracts International, 1990, 50(7 -B), 3183-3184./

Andreyenkov, V., Robinson, J.P. & Popov, N. News mediause and adoles- cents' information about nuclear issues: A Soviet-American comparison. Journal of Communication, 1989, 39(2), 95-104.

Ardila, R. The psychological impact of the nuclear threaton the Third World: The case of Colombia. International Journal of MentalHealth, 1986, 15, 162-171. 4

Arias, R., Soifer, R. & Wainer, A. Disavowalof the danger of nuclear war: Effect of cultural factors on mental attitudes.International Review of Psycho-Analysis, 1990,17(1), 89-95. Asprea, A.M. et al. The conceptualizationof war in children. (Paper.) Tokyo: International Society for the Study ofBehavioural Development, 1987. Austin, W.G. & Worchell, S. (Eds.) The socialpsychology of intergroup relations. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole, 1979.

Axelrod, L.J. & Newton, J.W. Preventing nuclear war:Beliefs and attitudes as predictors of disarmistand deterrentist behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1991, 21(1), 29-40.

Axelrod, R. The evolution of cooperation. NewYork: Basic Books, 1984. Bachman, J.G. How American high school seniorsview the military: 1976-1982. Armed Forces and Society, 1983, 10,86-104.

Bakan, D. Some philosophical propadeutics toward apsychology of war. In: Rieber, R.W. (Ed.) The psychology of war and peace:The image of the enemy. New York: Plenum Press, 1991. Pp.41-58.

Bandura, A., Underwood, B. & Fromson, M.E.Disinhibition of aggression through diffusion of responsibility and dehumanizationof victims. Journal of Research in Personality, 1975, 9, 253-269.

Bar-Tal, D. Israf,i-Palestinian conflict: A cognitiveanalysis. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 1990,14(1), 7-29. Bauriedl, T. Bilder gegen die Angst: Der ProzeB derAuflosung von Feindbildern. In: Vogt, W.R. (Ed.) Mut zum Frieden.Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1990. Pp. 318-333.

Beardslee, W.R. Children's and adolescents' perceptionsof the threat of nuclear war: Implications of recent studies. In: The medicalimplications of nuclear war. Washington, DC: NationalAcademy Press, 1986. Pp. 413-434. (a) Beardslee, W.R. of the threat of nuclear war:Research and professional implications. International Journal of MentalHealth, 1986, 15, 242-252. (b)

Beresin, A.R. Toy war games and the illusion of two-sidedrhetoric. Play & Culture, 1989, 2(3), 218-224.

5 5

Berger Gold, B., Moon, S. & Van Hoorn, J. (Eds.) Growingup scared? The psychological effect of the nuclear threaton children. New York: Open Books, 1986.

Berggren, S. & Lauritzen, E. IngenjOrer och lakaremot karnvapen: Verksamhet, problem och mejligheter. Stockholm: Forskningsgruppen for utveuklings- och miljofragor, 1986.

Bergstrom, A. & Holmborg, P. -O. Vad tanker och kanner barnoch ung- dom infOr atombombshot och kapprustning? Stockholm: Foreningen Svenska lakare mot karnvapen, 1984.

Bernstein, J.S. Power and : The psychology of Soviet-American partnership. Boston, MA: Shambala Publications, 1989.

Bernstein, M. Coping with serious threat: Conflict theory andthe decision to support alternatives to the nuclear arms race. New Haven, CT: Yale University. /Dissertation Abstracts International, 1986, 47(6-B),2669./

Biggers, P.J. The development and analysis of normativeinstruments which assess pre-adult cognitive and attitudinal orientationsto selected war and peace concepts. (Ph. D.) Tallahassee, FL: Florida State Uni- versity, 1972. (Order No. 73-10, 321.)

Billesbolle, P. et al. Borns angst for krig med kernevaben.Ugeskrift for lager, 1986, /48, 731-734.

Bjerstedt, A. Reduction of "barrier tendencies" duringexperience of international co-living: Psychological control studies of certainaspects in the CISV socio-educational approach. Acta psychologica,1958, 13, 329-346.

Bjerstedt, A. A study of dyadic communication in internationalsettings. In: Glimpses from the world of the school child. New York:Beacon House, 1960. Pp. 87-127. (a)

Bjerstedt, A. "Ego-involved world-mindedness", nationalityimages, and methods of research. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1960,4, 185-192. (b)

Bjerstedt, A. Informational and non-informational determinantsof na- tionality stereotypes. The Journal of Social Issues, 1962, 18,24-29.

Bjerstedt, A. Explorations ofenemy images using an associative technique. Educational and Psychological Interactions, No. 95, 1989. 6

Bjerstedt, A. Conceptions of the futureand education for responsibility. Peace Education Reports, No. 4, 1992. Bjerstedt, A. et al. Enemy images amonguniversity students in four countries: A cross-national explorationusing an associative technique. Peace, Environment and Education,1991, 2(3), 13-31. Bjurwill, C. Framtidsforestallningar:Analys och tolkning av 900 ele- vers uppsatseroch semantiska skattningar. (Studiapsychologica et paedagogica, 84.) Malmo: Liber, 1986. Blackwell, P.L. & Gessner, J.C. Fearand trembling: An inquiry into adolescent perceptions of living in thenuclear age. Youth and Society, 1983, 15, 237-255.

Blight, J.G. Toward a policy-relevantpsychology of avoiding nuclear war: Lessons for from the Cubanmissile crisis. American Psy- chologist, 1987, 42(1), 12-29.

Blinnika, L.M. Personal, national and globalimage of the future in adult- hood,. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,1987, 28(1), 35-41. Blumberg, H.H. Attitude formation andinternational conflict. Interna- tional and Intercultural Communication Annual,1990, 14, 56-74. Blumberg, H.H. & French, C.C. (Eds.) Peace:Abstracts of the psycho- logical and behavioral literature 1967-1990.Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1992. Boehnke, K. et .al. Leben unter atomarerBedrohung zur Bedeutung existentieller AAngste im Jugendalter. Gruppendynamik,1988, 19, 429- 452. Boenke, K. et al. How West Germanadolescents experience the nuclear threat. , 1989, 10(3),419-443.

Boenke, K., von Fromberg, E. & Macpherson,M.J. Makro-sozialer Stress im Jugendalter: Ergebnisse einer Wiederbefragung zuKriegsangst und Angst vor Umweltzerstorung. Praxis derKinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 1991, 40(6), 204-213. Boone, R. et al. Psychological effects ofnuclear developments. Los Angeles: California State Psychological AssociationTask Force on Psy- chologists for Social Responsibility, 1983.

7 7

Borg, A., Hultman, E. & Waern, Y. Conflict resolution and social under- standing in six to twelve year old boys. Rep. Dep. Psychol., Univer. Stockholm, No. 481, 1976.

Borgenicht, L. Threat in the nuclearage: Children's responses to the nuclear arms debate. International, 1985, 6, 187-193. Bosowski, E.F. Two comparative studies of student views of the world. (Paper.) Upper Montclair, NJ: Middle States Division of theAsso- ciation of American Geographers, 1982.

Boughton, R.C. et al. Australian children and the threat of nuclearwar. The Medical Journal of Australia, 1987, /47, 121-124. Boulding, E. The child and nonviolent social change. In: Charny, I.W. (Ed.) Strategies against violence. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. 68-99.

Boulding, E. Perspectives of women researcherson disarmament, national security and world order. Women Studies International Quarterly, 1981, 4, 27-40.

Boulding, E. Fran vision till verklighet. (Fredsarsdelegationens skriftserie, 2.) Stockholm: Fredsarsdelegationen, 1986.

Boulding, E. Two cultures of religionas obstacles to peace. Zygon Journal of Religion and Science, 1986, 21(4), 501-518.

Boulding, E. Image and action inpeace building. Journal of Social Issues, 1988, 44(2), 17-37.

Boulding, K.E. National images and internationalsystems. Journal of Con- flict Resolution, 1959, 3, 120-131.

Boulding, K.E. The nature andcauses of national and military self-images in relation to peace and war. In: Kliot, N. & Waterman, S.(Eds.) The political geography of conflict and peace. London: Belhaven Press, 1991. Pp. 142-152.

Bradley, M. Psychologicalprocesses increasing the risks of accidental nuclear war. In: Proceedings of the Congress of EuropeanPsychologists for Peace. Helsinki: The Finnish Psychological Society,1987. Pp. 155-167.

Brockett, C.D. A Kohlbergian approach to internationaldistribution justice: A comparison of the shared humanity and interdependenceperspectives. Political Psychology, 1986, 7(2), 349-367.

8 8

Brockner, J. & Rubin, J.Z. The social psychology ofconflict escalation and entrapment. New York: Springer,1985. Brock-Utne, B. Feminist perspectives on peace and peaceedacatioh. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1989. Brock-Utne, B. The raising of a peaceful boy. Peace,Environment and Education, 1991, 2(1), 3-12. Bronfenbrenner, U. The mirror-image in Soviet-Americanrelations. In: White, R.K. (Ed.) Psychology and the preventionof nuclear war. New York: New York University Press, 1986. Pp. 71-81. Bronstein, P.A. & Quina, K. (Eds.) Teaching apsychology of people: Resources for gender and sociocultural awareness.Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1988.

Brown, B.R. & Rubin, J.Z. The social psychology ofbargaining and nego- tiation. New York: Academic Press, 1975. Brown, S. The causes and prevention of war. NewYork: St. Martin's Press, 1987. Buban, M.E. et al. Children's fears of nuclear war: Groupintervention strategies. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 1988, 13(3),124-129.

Budzinski, M. et al. Ausliinder: Argumente gegen alltliglicheVorurteile. Tiibingen: Verein fur Friedenspadagogik, 1982. Burn, S.M. & Oskamp, S. Ingroup biases and theU.S.-Soviet conflict. Journal of Social Issues, 1989, 45(2), 73-89. Burstermann, J.P. & Noar, G. Let's listen to our children andyouth. In: Henderson, G. (Ed.) Education for peace. Washington, DC:ASCD, 1973. Pp. 63-88.

Buttner, C. Kriegsangst bei Kindern. Munchen: Kosel-Verlag,1982. Buttner, C. Children's war fantasies. Journal of ,1983, 10, 491-510. &tuner, C. Kinder und Krieg: Zum ptidagogischen Umgang mitHaft und Feindseligkeit. Mainz: Griinewald, 1991. Caldicott, H. Missile envy: The arms race and nuclear war. NewYork: Morrow, 1984. 9

Cantor, L, Wilson, B.J. & Hoffner, C. Emotionalresponses to a televised nuclear holocaust film. Communication Research, 1986,13(2), 257-277. Cantril, H. (Ed.) Tensions thatcause wars. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1950.

Cantril, H., Buchanan, W. et al. How nationssee each other. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1953.

Carlsson-Paige, N. & Levin, D.E. Young children andwar play. Educa- tional Leadership, 1987/88, 45(4), 80-84.

Cela, E.P. Psicologia e nonviolenza. Torino: Edizioni Gruppo Abele,1991. Chandler, M.A. Developing ameasure of nuclear war anxiety: A factor analytic study. Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, 1991, 16(2), 39-63.

Chelcea, S. & Dragomirescu, I. Peace in the valuesystem of young workers. Revue Roumaine des Sciences SocialesSerie de Psychologie, 1988, 32(2), 113-117.

Children's fears of war: Hearing before the Select Committeeon Children, Youth, and . Washington, DC: U.S. GovernmentPrinting Office, 1983.

Chilstrom, G.A. Psychological aspects of the nucleararms race. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1984, 24(3), 39-54.

Chilstrom, G.A. The nucleararms threat: Psychosocial correlates of atti- tudes and behavioral response. San Diego, CA: California Schoolof Professional Psychology. /Dissertation Abstracts International,1986, 46(8-B), 2800./

Chimienti, G., Nasr, J.A. & Kalifeh, I. Children's reactionsto war- related stress: Affective symtoms and behaviour problems.Social Psy- chiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1989, 24(6), 282-287.

Chivian, E. et al. Soviet children and the threat of nuclearwar. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1985, 55, 484-502.

Chivian, E. et al. American and Soviet teenagers'concerns about nuclear war and the future. New England Journal of Medicine, 1988, 319, 407- 413.

Christiansen, B. Attitudes towards foreign affairsas a function of per- sonality. Oslo: Oslo University Press, 1959.

10 10

Christie, D.J. & Nelson, L. Student reactions to nuclear education. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1988, 44(6), 22-23. Clark, A.W., Trahair, R.C. & Graetz, B.R. Social Darwinism: A determi- nant of nuclear arms policy and action. Human Relations,1989, 42, 289- 303. Cohen, S.P. et al. Evolving intergroup techniques for conflict resolution: An Israeli-Palestinian pilot workshop. Journal of Social Issues, 1977, 33(1), 165-189. Conn, S.A. Protest and thrive: The relationship between global responsi- bility and personal empowerment. New England Journal of Public Policy, 1990, 6(1), 163-177. Cooper, P. The development of the concept of war. Journal of Peace Research, 1965, 2, 1-16.

Crabb, P.B. & Rosnow, R.L. What is aggressive? Some contextual factors in judging international behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 1988, 14(2), 105-112. Cretu, T. Peace and its most obvious meanings in preschool children's drawings. Revue Roumaine des Sciences Sociales (Serie de Psychologie), 1988, 32(1), 97-99. Cross, T.P. & Saxe, L. The Day After: Report of a survey of effects of viewing and beliefs about nuclear war. (Paper.) Toronto: American Psychological Association, 1984.

Davidson, J.A. & Newman, M. Australian perceptions of the nuclear arms race: A conflict of interests or a misunderstanding? Australian Psy- chologist, 1990, 25(1), 15-24.

Davies, R. Children and the threat of nuclear war. Lancaster, UK: Centre for Peace Studies, S. Martin's College, 1984.

Davies, R. Hopes and fears: Children's attitudes to nuclear war. Lancaster, UK: Centre for Peace Studies, S. Martin's College, 1987. Der-Karabetian, A. et al. Parental anti-nuclear activism and children's response to the nuclear threat. (Paper.) Long Beach, CA: Western Psy- chological Association, 1987. Deschamps, J.-C. & Brown, R. Superordinate goals and intergroup con- flict. British Journal of Social Psychology, 1983, 22, 189-195.

11 11

Deutsch, K.W. Nationalism and its alternatives. New York: Knopf, 1969.

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Deutsch, M. Conflict resolution: Theory and practice. Political Psychology, 1983, 4, 431-453. (a)

Deutsch, M. The prevention of World War HI: A psychologicalperspec- tive. Political Psychology, 1983, 4(1), 3-31. (b)

Deutsch, M. Educating beyong hate. Peace, Environment and Education, 1991, 3(4), 3-19.

Diamond, G. & Bachman, J. High school seniors and the nuclear threat, 1975-1984. International Journal of Mental Health, 1986, 15, 210-241.

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Druckman, D. The social psychology of arms control and reciprocation. Political Psychology, 1990, / / (3), 553-581.

Dyal, J.A. & Morris, P. Issue salience, nuclear anxiety, and mental health. (Paper.) Hamilton, Canada: Canadian Peace Research and Education Association, 1987. Dyal, J.A., Morris, P. & McKenzie-Mohr, D. Nuclear anxiety and issue- relevant behavior: Associations with mental health. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 1990, 5(5), 243-262. Early-Adams, P. et al. Coping in the nuclear age: The practitioner's role. Families in Society, 1990, 71(9), 558-562.

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13 13

EngestrOm, Y. War in the imagination of Finnish school children. Current Research on Peace and Violence (Tampere Peace Research Institute), 1978, I,91-103.

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Feshbach, S. Psychology, human violence, and the search forpeace: Issues in science and human values. Journal of Social Issues, 1990, 46(1),183- 198.

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Finison, L.J. The Society for the PsychologicalStudies of Social Issues, peace action, and theoriesof conflict: 1936-1950. American Psycholo- gist, 1983, 38, 1250-1252.

Fischer, P.A. The effect of self-confrontationinstruction on students' value priorities and attitude toward war and peace.New York: Fordham University. /Dissertation Abstract International,1984, 45(1-A), 123./ Fischer, R.J. Third party consultation as a methodof intergroup conflict resolution: A review of studies. Journal of ConflictResolution, 1983, 27, 301-334. Fisher, R. & Ury, W. Getting to yes: Negotiating agreementwithout giving in. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin,1981. Fiske, S.T. People's reactions to nuclear war:Implications for psychol- ogists. American Psychologist, 1987, 42, 207-217.

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Frank, J.D. Prospects for world peace: Sociopsychological consideration. American Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1985, 5(2), 11-16.

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45 r- o:3a, 0.0s 0 0 w C O imp0 CDfD A:0)-% Ma "D) W0 - =-.66 O- o `< 0 30 (DCD(j) Abstract card Reference card Bjerstedt, A. perspective:tation (Malmo, A selective Sweden: Schoolbibliography. of Education), (Ed.) Peace/war issues from a psychological Pedagogisk dokumen- No. 113, 1992. Bjerstect, A. perspective:tation (Malmo, A selective Sweden: Schoolbibliography. of Education), Pedagogisk No. 113, 1992. (Ed.) Peace/war issues from a psychological dokumen- orpeaceIn discussion this etc. report and related examplesof peace to psychologicalof publications containing education are listed. The major aspects of war, studies with war,Keywords:somefocus peace, examples is Anxiety,on peace materials added education, bibliography, from in English enemy from recent years, 46 other language areas. prejudice, sex roles, war. images, nuclear 47