Verifiable Random Functions

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Citation Micali, Silvio, Michael Rabin, and . 1999. Verifiable random functions. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Symposium on the Foundations of (FOCS `99), 120-130. : IEEE Computer Society Press.

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Verifiable Random Functions

y z Michael Rabin Salil Vadhan

Abstract random string of the proper length. The possibility thus ex-

ists that, if it so suits him, the party knowing the seed s may

We efficiently combine unpredictability and verifiability by declare that the value of his pseudorandom oracle at some

x f x

extending the Goldreich–Goldwasser–Micali construction point is other than s without fear of being detected. It

f s

of pseudorandom functions s from a secret seed , so that is for this reason that we refer to these objects as “pseudo-

s f

knowledge of not only enables one to evaluate s at any random oracles” rather than using the standard terminology

f x

x NP

point , but also to provide an -proof that the value “pseudorandom functions” — the values s come “out

f x

s is indeed correct without compromising the unpre- of the blue,” as if from an oracle, and the receiver must sim-

s f dictability of s at any other point for which no such a proof ply trust that they are computed correctly from the seed . was provided. Therefore, though quite large, the applicability of pseu- dorandom oracles is limited: for instance, to settings in which (1) the “seed owner”, and thus the one evaluating 1 Introduction the pseudorandom oracle, is totally trusted; or (2) it is to the seed-owner’s advantage to evaluate his pseudorandom oracle correctly; or (3) there is absolutely nothing for the PSEUDORANDOM ORACLES. Goldreich, Goldwasser, and seed-owner to gain from being dishonest.

Micali [GGM86] show how to simulate a random ora-

f x

One efficient way of enabling anyone to verify that s b

cle from a-bit strings to -bit strings by means of a con-

f x

really is the value of pseudorandom oracle s at point struction using a seed, that is, a secret and short random clearly consists of publicizing the seed s. However, this

string. They show that, if pseudorandom generators exist f

will also destroy the unpredictability of s : anyone could

[BM84, Yao82], then there exists a polynomial-time algo- f

easily compute the value of s at any point.

s rithm F such that, letting denote the seed, the func- We instead wish to provide a new type of pseudoran-


a b

f F s f g f g

tion s passes all effi- dom oracle. Informally, we want one in which the owner f cient statistical tests for oracles. That is, to an observer s

of the seed can, as usual, evaluate s at any point, but 1

with sufficiently limited computational resources, accessing also prove (with an NP proof ) that the so obtained values

a b

g f g

a random oracle from f to is provably indis- are indeed correct without compromising the unpredictabil-


s x tinguishable from accessing (as an oracle) , even if al- f

ity of the value of s at any point for which no proof

F s

x gorithm is publicly known (provided that is still kept f

of correctness for s is given. That is, given an input

secret). x, the seed-owner should be able to produce in polynomial

v f x proof

time the value s together with a string ef- x

THE PROBLEM OF CONSTRUCTING VERIFIABLE PSEUDO- ficiently proving that v is correct. The scheme should have

RANDOM FUNCTIONS. By its very definition, a pseudoran- the property that a unique value v is provable as the value

f x dom oracle `ala [GGM86] is not verifiable: without knowl- of s . We call such a mathematical object a verifiable

edge of the seed (or any other additional information), upon (pseudo-)random function, VRF for brevity.

z f receiving the value of a pseudorandom oracle s at point

x, one cannot distinguish it from an independently selected A WEAKER SOLUTION: PSEUDORANDOM ORACLES + ZERO-KNOWLEDGE PROOFS. If interaction were allowed, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139. VRFs could be constructed from GGM pseudorandom or- y Department of Applied Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. Work supported in part by NSF Contract CCR-9877138. acles via zero-knowledge proofs [GMR89] and a commit-

z MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. 545 Technology Square. ment scheme. Indeed, as suggested in a signature scheme Cambridge, MA 02139. E-mail: [email protected]. of Bellare and Goldwasser [BG89], the owner of the seed

URL:˜salil. Supported by a 1

DOD/NDSEG fellowship and partially by DARPA grant DABT63-96-C- Strictly speaking, we actually allow “MA proofs”, since their verifi- 0018. cation may be probabilistic.

s f c

to a pseudorandom oracle s can publish a commitment changed. But VRFs may also be useful in settings where v

to s. Whenever he wishes to prove that is the value of his the public key is provided “on the fly” to prove that vari- V

oracle at a point x to a verifier , he proves in zero knowl- ous function values (given previously or at the same time)

V v f x c s edge to that s and that is a commitment to . are indeed consistent with one single VRF. In case the VRF Such a statement is provable in zero knowledge because all outputs strings longer than the public key, it may even be NP statements are provable in zero knowledge [GMW91]. useful to provide the public key on the fly to prove that The trouble with such an approach is that it requires inter- a single value is consistent with some VRF, as this would action. A very efficient incarnation of this idea is given by limit the owner to relatively few choices. Naor and Reingold [NR97], but it still suffers from the need In addition to introducing this notion, we provide an ex- for interaction. plicit VRF construction, based on a variant of the RSA as- Such interaction could be removed by using noninter- sumption. Informally stated, we prove: active zero-knowledge proofs (NIZK) [BFM88, BDMP91], as done by Bellare and Goldwasser [BG89]. This ap- Main Theorem: Assume that the RSA function with

proach however suffers from another drawback: noninterac- large prime exponents cannot be inverted in polyno-


tive zero-knowledge proofs presuppose that the prover and mial time. Then, there exists a VRF from f into

g verifier share a bit-string that is guaranteed to be random. f . So the question is who is to select this shared random string

R . Each of the possibilities has a deficiency that we wish to OVERVIEW OF THE CONSTRUCTION. We motivate our avoid in defining VRFs: construction by first discussing the relationship between

1. The seed owner selects R : If the seed owner selects the VRFs and secure signature schemes. In a signature scheme shared random string improperly, the soundness of the that is existentially unforgeable against a chosen message NIZK proof system is no longer guaranteed, so there

attack [GMR88], the signature of a message x, denoted

v f x

may be many values that are “provable” as s .

x SIG , is a value that is unpredictable (even given sig-

2. The verifier selects R : If the verifier selects the shared natures of chosen other messages), but verifiable (given the

random string improperly, the zero-knowledge prop- proper public key). However, such schemes do not directly

x SIG x

erty of the NIZK proof system is no longer guaranteed. give rise to VRFs by setting f to be , for two

f x v Thus, by proving s with respect to such an reasons:

improperly chosen R , the prover may leak knowledge 1. There may be many valid signatures for a given string

s f

about the seed and s will “lose” its pseudorandom-

x (violating the unique provability requirement).


x 2. SIG is only unpredictable, not necessarily pseudo- 3. The seed owner and verifier jointly select R by a “coin- random. flipping” protocol.: This requires interaction, which we wish to avoid. We begin by discussing the first deficiency, as it is the

4. A trusted third party selects R : We do not want to as- more serious one. Even though the definition does not guar- sume the existence of such a trusted third party. antee the uniqueness of signatures, one might hope that ex- isting signature schemes happen to have this property. How- ever, most known secure signature schemes are either prob- OUR SOLUTION. We propose a notion of VRF’s which abilistic or history dependent. Either property violates the

needs neither interaction nor sharing a guaranteed ran-

x the unique provability requirement: if we define f to be

dom string. Rather, we only require that the owner of the

x x

SIG , there may be a multiplicity of signatures of and PK

function f publish a public key , which can be viewed

x thus a multiplicity of f values, all duly provable. One as a commitment to the function f . (Indeed, something can transform a probabilistic signature scheme, such as the

must bind the owner to the function in order for “proving scheme in [GMR88], into a deterministic one if the signer

x v the statement f ” to make sense.) The crucial way uses a GGM pseudorandom oracle to replace the random- in which our notion differs from what the NIZK-based ap- ness used. Even so, this does not yield a VRF because one

proach discussed above achieves is: cannot be certain that the signer used the proper GGM ora-

x cle when producing SIG , and hence unique provability

For any public key PK , even an improperly chosen one, a

is NOT guaranteed.

f x unique value v is provable as the value of . More generally, it is not enough that the specified signing Thus, we may safely have the owner of the function unilat- algorithm produces a unique signature for every message. erally select and publish the public key. The most obvious Rather, it should be the case that the verification algorithm scenario in which this applies is when the public key can be accepts a unique (or at most one) signature for every mes- published once and for all, in a location where it cannot be sage (given any fixed, but even improperly chosen, public key). A signature scheme that satisfies this latter property rity. This restriction on input length is of no concern, be- can be thought of as a verifiable unpredictable function; that cause we increase the input length after converting it into a is, a verifiable unpredictable function is defined analogously VRF using the tree-based construction mentioned above. to a verifiable pseudorandom function except the pseudo- randomness requirement is replaced with unpredictability. 2 Preliminaries So the two questions that remain are (1) do verifiable un-

predictable functions imply verifiable pseudorandom func-

If A is a probabilistic algorithm, then for any input

tions?, and (2) can we construct verifiable unpredictable

Ax x, the notation “ ” refers to the probability space that

functions? The natural approach to answering the first ques-

A x assigns to the string the probability that , on input ,

tion is to use the hardcore bit construction of Goldreich and R

S x S Levin [GL89], which is a general tool for converting un- outputs . If is a probability space, then “ ” de-

predictability to pseudorandomness. That is, we replace notes the algorithm which assigns to x an element randomly


S S x x n

selected according to , and “ 1 ” denotes

x f x

the verifiable unpredictable function f with

x x n n

the algorithm that respectively assigns to, 1 , ele-

r f x r i h , where is a randomly chosen binary string of the

ments randomly and independently selected according to S .

x h i

same length as f and denotes mod-2 inner product.


F x F

Note that for this construction to preserve verifiability, r If is a finite set, then the notation “ ” denotes the

x F p

x b

should be placed in the public key (the proof that f algorithm that chooses uniformly from . If


PROBx S y y

v hr v i b n

is a string such that together with a proof that is a predicate, the notation 1

Ax px y y

f x v n

). Unfortunately, it has been shown by Naor and 1 denotes the probability

px y y n

Reingold [NR98] that using a public Goldreich–Levin vec- that 1 will be true after the ordered ex-



Ax S y y

tor does not work in general for converting unpredictable x n ecution of the algorithms 1 . functions into pseudorandom functions.2 The way we get around this obstacle is by noting that, a public r can be 3 The Notion of a VRF used if we restrict to functions whose input length is log- arithmically related to the security. Then, we remove this restriction on the input length via a tree-based construction 3.1 An Informal Exposition

which converts any VRF with a fixed input length into one

VRF GENERATION. To be a VRF, a function f must pos-

g whose domain is f . Thus, we are left with the task of finding a veri- sess both fiable unpredictable function. Our construction builds 1. a compact, implicit representation, which does not en- upon an RSA-based unpredictable number generator of able one to evaluate f efficiently, and Shamir [Sha83], adapted to secure signature schemes by 2. a compact, explicit representation, which enables any-

[GMY83, DN94, CD96, GHR99, CS99]. Shamir shows that one to evaluate f efficiently.



mo d m e r e i

seeing for different exponents i





f +1

k The first representation can be viewed as ’s public key,

mo d m

does does not help one predict r as long as


f , and the second as its corresponding secret key, .

all of these k exponents are relatively prime to each


Of course, f will be hard to compute from . Ac-

m other and to . This suggests constructing a verifiable

cordingly, to formalize our notion of a VRF we make use of r

unpredictable function by placing m and in the public key,

1e G

i a probabilistic generating algorithm outputting a public

mo d m i v r

and defining f to be . This can be ver- e

i key with its matching secret key from a sequence of coin

r mo d m ified simply by checking that v ; the solution


v Z e

to this equation will be unique as long as i is


m guaranteed to be relatively prime to . Thus, we obtain

all the desired properties as long as we can efficiently index VRF COMPUTATION AND VERIFICATION. Knowledge of

SK f

f enables one both to evaluate and to prove the cor- e

into a set of such i ’s which are guaranteed to be all rela-


rectness of such evaluations. We actually envisage that f


tively prime to each other and to . We accomplish this

oof is always computed together with, pr , a string “prov- by restricting to exponents which are distinct primes larger x

ing its correctness”, by running an efficient algorithm F on

than m, and we index into such a set by using the prime se-

x SK f quence generator of Cachin, Micali, and Stadler [CMS99]. inputs and f . The function proper is thus evalu-

This turns out to yield a verifiable unpredictable function ated by running F , so as to obtain a function value and its

whose input length is logarithmically related to the secu- proof, and then “stripping out” the proof. The correctness of


pr is instead verified by running an efficient algorithm



V PK x f x proof r

Interestingly, they show that using a private does in fact work. This on inputs f , , , and . For convenience, x is the only known application of the Goldreich–Levin hardcore bit where keeping the vector private is necessary. 3 Verbatim from [BDMP91] and [GMR88].

F SK x F SK x V

we denote the two components of by 1 (the function verifier) is probabilistic; receives as

F SK x f x proof PK x v proof

and 2 (corresponding to the and , re- input four binary strings ( , , , and ); and

x NO

spectively). outputs either YES or .


Because a proof of correctness for f is only checked

N N fg b s N N Let a and be any three func-

against f ’s public key, we require that it is impossible to find

k bk sk

a public key (even a “fake” one) of a VRF for which one can tions such that a are all computable in time

k ak bk

“prove” the correctness of two different VRF outputs for the poly and and are both bounded by a polyno-


same VRF input. mial in k (except when takes on the value ). We say that


is a verifiable pseudorandom function (VRF) with


k bk sk input length a , output length , and security if VRF PSEUDORANDOMNESS. Our VRFs are unpredictable the following properties hold:

in a very strong sense, that suitably generalizes to our con-

text the original notion of [GGM86]. Informally, VRFs pass 1. The following conditions hold with probability


k (k )

PK SK G all efficient statistical tests for functions at those values for over :

which no proof of correctness was provided. In essence, (a) (Domain-Range Correctness):

(k ) b(k )

an efficient statistical test for verifiable functions is an ef- a

x f g F SK x f g

for all , 1 .

ficient algorithm T that is given the public key of one of

a(k )

f f

f g

our functions , and then “experiments with ” by asking (b) (Complete Provability): for all x , if

v proof F SK x and receiving both the function value and its corresponding ,

proof of correctness at any input of its choice. After this

(k )

PROBV PK x v proof YES x experimentation phase, T outputs a string in the domain

of f , the exam, which is supposed to be different from any

input on which it has already queried the function. At this (this probability is over the coin tosses of V ). v

point, T is provided with a value that, with equal proba-

PK x v v proof 2

2. (Unique Provability): For every , , 1 , , , 1

bility, consists of either (a) f evaluated at the exam or (b)

proof v v 2

and such that 1 , the following holds for

2 T

a random value in f ’s range. Then enters a “judgement

i either i or :

phase,” in which it attempts to guess whether (a) or (b) is the

(k )

case (after obtaining additional function values and proofs

PROBV PK x v proof YES

i i

at points of its choice other than x). We say that our VRFs


pass statistical test if the probability of guessing cor- (this probability over the coin tosses of V ).

rectly is not substantially better than .

T T T J 3. (Residual Pseudorandomness): Let E be

We find it convenient to think of T as comprising two


any pair of algorithms such that E and



components: E and . is the experimental compo-


run for a total of at most s steps when their first

f T k

nent that queries and computes the exam, while J the T input is . Then the probability that succeeds in the

judging component that, given the exam and v , tries to dis-


following experiment is at most : f

tinguishes whether v is the value of at the exam or a ran-



(a) Run G to obtain .


dom value. To enable coordination between E and , we

F (SK )



let E pass on to not only the exam, but also any piece

PK x state (b) Run T to obtain .

of “state” information that it may deem useful. E


f g

(c) Choose r .

r v F SK x

i. if , let 1 .

3.2 A Formal Definition R

b(k )

v f g

ii. if r , choose .

F (SK )


v state T guess

F V G (d) Run to obtain .

Definition (VRFs): Let , , and be polynomial-time J

(k )

algorithms, where a

T T T x f g J

(e) E succeeds if ,


r x

(the function generator) is probabilistic; receives as guess , and was not asked as a query to



input a unary string (the security parameter ); and F J by either E or .

outputs two binary strings (the public key PK and se-





cret key ) ; If , we shall refer to

F SK ak k

1 as an individual VRF. If for all , we

F F F 2 1 (the function evaluator) is determinis- say that the VRF has unrestricted input length.

tic; receives as input two binary strings (SK and an x

input to the VRF); and outputs two binary strings 4


When a takes the value , it means that the VRF is defined for

a(k )

F SK x x

(the value 1 of the VRF on and the corre-

k f g

inputs of all lengths. Specifically, if a , then is to be

proof F SK x

sponding 2 ); and interpreted as the set of all binary strings, as usual.

Remarks. 3. (Residual Unpredictability) Let T be any algorithm



sk J 1. Note the adversary E is given as that runs in time when its first input is . Then

an oracle, and thus gets answers that include function the probability that T succeeds in the following exper-


values and proofs of their correctness. iment is at most :

ak bk

2. A VRF with input length and output length k


1. Run G to obtain .


can and security s can be converted into one with

F (SK ) k

T PK x guess

k ak dlog k e

input length a , output length 2. Run to obtain .


b k bk k s k sk k

(k )

, and security . a

x f g guess

3. T succeeds if ,

f x f x u f x u f x 2

Simply define 1

F SK x x

1 , and was not asked as a query to

u u u k


(k ) (k )

, where are the first strings of


F by .

log k e

length d . (A factor of is lost in the secu-

2 f

rity because it takes queries to to simulate a single

query to f , and because a factor of is lost in the ad- 4 Formal statement of results versary’s success probability in the “hybrid argument”

based security reduction.) First, we exhibit general techniques for converting VUFs

Hence, to construct a VRF it is sufficient to fix b to VRFs and increasing the input length for VRFs. (i.e., to construct a “verifiable pseudorandom predi-

cate”), and vice versa. In this case, residual unpre- Proposition 1 (from VUF to VRF) If there is a VUF with

k bk sk

dictability can be so simplified: input length a , output length , and security ,

k ak

then, for any a , there is a VRF with input

3 . (Residual Pseudorandomness for Predicates): Let

k bk s k

length a , output length , and security


a (k ) 13


T be any algorithm that runs in time

k k

s poly . k

when its first input is . Then the probability

that T succeeds in the following experiment is at Proposition 2 (increasing the input length) If there is a



most : VRF with input length a , output length 1, and se-



(a) Run G to obtain .


curity s , then there is a VRF with unrestricted input

F (SK ) k

PK x guess

(b) Run T to obtain .


length, output length b , and security at least

a(k )

15 a(k )5

T x f g guess

fsk g k

(c) succeeds if , min poly .

x F SK x

1 , and was not asked as a query

SK T to F by . These two propositions reduce the problem of construct-

ing VRFs to constructing VUFs. We do the latter based on T

The reasons the “judgement” component J can PRIMES

be eliminated for predicates are: (a) there are a variant of the RSA assumption. We denote by k


the set of the -bit primes, and by k the set of com-

only two possible values for v , so all the oracle

F (SK )

k posite integers that are the product of two primes of length

v state

queries that T would make


bk c k RSA k

. (For large, k contains the hardest -

v in case v or can be asked before bit inputs to any known factoring algorithm.) We make the

actually receiving v . (b) distinguishing a pred-

following assumption on the hardness of RSA, where the

x icate f from a random bit with probability

exponents are primes (1-bit) bigger than the modulus. For

sk f x

is equivalent to guessing with

k k the same probability (cf., [Yao82]). any function s computable in time poly :

In order to construct a VRF, we will first construct a ver-

sk A The RSA -Hardness Assumption: Let be any

ifiable unpredictable function, which can also be thought of

k probabilistic algorithm which runs in time s when its

as a signature scheme in which a unique (or at most one) k A first input is . Then the probability that succeeds in the

signature is accepted by the verification algorithm for every

sk following experiment is at most :

message and public key.



k +1

1. Select k




A m x p

Definition (VUFs): A verifiable unpredictable function 2. Let y .


G F V p

(VUF) (or unique signature scheme ) with input

y x mo d m

3. A succeeds if .

k bk sk length a , output length , and security is defined

in the same way as a VRF, except that the Residual Pseudo- Given the state-of-the-art in computational number theory,



randomness requirement is replaced with the following: it seems reasonable to take s for a small constant


The terminology “unique signature scheme” was suggested to us by , though we will be able to construct VRFs as long as


k k and . s .

k k Proposition 3 (RSA-based VUFs) Let a poly



and s be any functions (both computable in time 0

k RSA sk

poly ). Under the -Hardness Assumption,

k bk

there is a VUF with input length a , output length

a(k )

s k sk k , and security poly . y=f’(0 a’ ) z=f’(0 a’−1 1)

Putting all the above together, we conclude:

sk Theorem 4 Under the RSA -Hardness Assumption,

there is a VRF with unrestricted input length, output length f’(y0) f’(y1) f’(z0) f’(z1)


k sk k

b , and security poly . In particular, if


k k RSA

s (i.e., cannot be inverted in polynomial

(1) time), then the VRF also has security k . f’(f’(y1)0) f’(f’(y1)1)

To deduce Theorem 4 we apply the above Propositions

k a k log sk with a . Note that this requires

Figure 1. The tree construction


knowing an a priori lower bound s on the security of

RSA . However, this drawback can be removed. That is, we

can build VRFs whose construction is independent of the

hf x r i r

taken just over the choice of is at least RSA

hardness of , while the security remains polynomially

. related to that of RSA . This can be done using a standard

trick, which we describe in the full version of the paper. 3. The Goldreich–Levin reconstruction algorithm then

x f x

implies that for the same fraction ’s, itself


5 From Unpredictability to Pseudorandom- can be computed with probability at least at a

cost of increasing the running time of T by a factor of 2


k poly .

In this section, we sketch how to prove Proposition 1, 4. All together this gives an adversary T running in time


k s f x

using the Goldreich–Levin [GL89] hardcore bit to convert s poly which guesses correctly

verifiable unpredictable functions to verifiable pseudoran- at an unseen point with probability at least


s f dom function. The construction and proof will be given in , contradicting the fact that has se-

more detail in the full version of the paper. Given a VUF curity s.

f f x hf x r i f , the VRF is defined by , where

r is a binary vector chosen uniformly and placed in the pub- 6 Increasing the input length


lic key and h denotes inner product mod 2. The proof

x v hv r i

that f consists of a value such that In this section, we sketch the proof of Proposition 2,

x v

and a proof that f . The Domain-Range Correct- which takes a VRF with small (but super-logarithmic) in- ness, Complete Provability, and Unique Provability of f put length and converts it into a VRF with unrestricted in- all follow immediately from the same properties of f . put length. The construction and its analysis will be given We now outline the steps in the proof of the residual

in more detail in the full version of the paper. Let f be unpredictability of f . Suppose, for sake of contradiction

any VRF with input length a, output length 1, and se-

s that there is an adversary T running in time that predicts

curity s. By Remark 2 after the definition of VRFs, we

f x hf x r i

at an unseen value with probability at f

can easily transform f into a VRF with input length


least . Then,

a O log a b a

a , output length , and secu-

hf x r i

1. T can actually be used to guess for a ran-

sb s k

rity s poly .


dom, prespecified x rather than one that chooses a

From this VRF f which shrinks an -bit input by one

its own. This can be done at the price of reducing T ’s x

bit, we will construct a VRF f which can take inputs of



s success probability to for , be-

arbitrary lengths. We view f as defining an infinite binary


cause a random x will equal the exam chooses with

tree whose nodes are labelled by strings of length a .




a 1

a probability . (Recall that is the input length for

The root of the tree is labelled , and the two children

f .)

f y f y

of a node labelled y are labelled and (see


2. By a Markov argument, at least an fraction of the Figure 1). Now, to evaluate f on a string , we view the


t T

x’s, the marginal probability that correctly guesses

f g t

bits of x as defining a path of length from the



root of the tree. We define f to be the label of the node T

Actually, the choice of f and the coin tosses of should also be in-

cluded and fixed with x in this probability. at the last point on this path. Now, a proof for the value of

f can be obtained by giving the labels of all nodes on this struction, we shall use the following two well-known facts

m path together with f -proofs for each label. about :

One small problem with the construction as described so

m q q 2 Fact 1: If is the product of two distinct primes 1 and ,

far is that the path corresponding to a string x contains the

m q q 2 then 1 .

path corresponding to all prefices of x, so having seen the

x f

proof for f , one knows the value of on all prefices


e m x x mo d m Fact 2: If , then the map

of x. To avoid this problem, we work with a prefix-free

is a permutation on Z . In particular, for any inte-


x f g

encoding of strings, which is a map x from to


x Z x r

ger r , there is at most one such that


g x y x

f such that there is no pair where is a prefix

mo d m r m x

(there will be none if ). This

y jx j O jxj x

of and furthermore, for all . (It is easy to


construct such a map which is efficiently computable, e.g., (if it exists) is denoted r and one can compute it in

e x m

polynomial time given inputs m, , , and .

b b b b b b b b b

2 t 1 1 2 2 t t

1 .)

x So, in the actual construction, f is computed as

0 As outlined in the introduction, our VUF construc-

a 1

x b b y

t 0 follows: Let 1 and , and recur-

tion is based on the unpredictable number generator of

y f y b f x

i i1 i p

sively compute . is defined to be 1


x r

Shamir [Sha83]. The value of f will be defined as

y f x y y y

t 1 t

. The proof that is a sequence

m r Z p mo d m

, where and are public and x is a


y y y f y b

i i1 i

such that t together with proofs that .

m x p

prime 1-bit larger than . To define the indexing x The Domain–Range Correctness, Complete Provability, and

into a “random” set of large primes, we use a prime se-

Unique Provability of f follow from the same properties of

quence generator of Cachin et al. [CMS99], which we de- f . The proof of Residual Pseudorandomness proceeds as scribe first. follows:

1. As long as the subtree of labels seen by the adversary THE PRIME-SEQUENCE GENERATOR. Ideally, a prime-

p a does not contain a repetition (i.e. two different nodes x

sequence generator is a 1-1 mapping x from -



in the tree that have the same label), the value of bit strings to -bit primes. Based on currently


at a new point x is equal to the value of at a new known results on the distribution of primes, such a map-

y y y b x b b b

1 t 1 2 t point (namely t , where ). ping certainly exists, but might not be efficiently com- Hence, it is not be distinguishable from random. putable, unless one uses some unproven assumption — such 2. The subtree of labels seen by the adversary does not as Cramer’s conjecture. To avoid making such assumptions,

contain a repetition: This follows from the residual we use a a construction of [CMS99], which probabilisti-



cally constructs such a mapping as follows: First, a - f

pseudorandomness of f and the fact that has a rea-



f g f k g wise independent function Q from

sonably large output length b . Suppose an efficient


adversary does find a repetition with noticeable proba- to the set of -bit integers is randomly selected and


fixed. Then, x is defined to be the first prime among

bility. Then, one can predict f by randomly guessing


x Qx Qx k

whichofthe two nodesinthe subtreeformthe first rep- Q . Primes are sufficiently

k etition, and using the label of the first node to predict dense so that this sequence of independent -bit num-

the label of the second node. Being able to predict the bers will contain a prime with high probability, and even just the pairwise independence of Q guarantees that all the

value of f at a new point with probability noticeably


b p

x ’s will be distinct with high probability.

more than distinguishes it from a random value,

To implement this idea, we need a polynomial-time violating the residual pseudorandomness of f .

primality tester PrimalityTest, e.g. one of the al- gorithms given in [SS77, Rab80]. Such an algorithm

7 A Verifiable Unpredictable Function

k n

PrimalityTest takes a a -bit integer and

k k

poly random bits and outputs 1 with high prob-

n In this section we construct a VUF based on the RSA ability if is prime and outputs 0 with high probability if

hardness assumption, proving Proposition 3. First we recall n is composite. We assume that the error probability of this


k some basic number theory. algorithm is at most on -bit inputs. In order

for the final mapping to be deterministic, the random coins

a b PrimalityTest

NUMBER THEORY. We write denote the greatest of will be externally chosen and fixed and

b PrimeSeq

common divisor of positive integers a and . For a positive given as input to . Another technicality is that the


m k Q

integer m, Euler’s totient function, , is defined as the -wise mapping will be defined by a polynomial over



number of positive integers that are relatively prime GF , so a representation of this field (i.e., an irreducible

m k

to m. Under multiplication modulo , the set of all such polynomial of degree over GF ) must be included with


integers form a group, denoted by Z . In our VRF con- . m

Now we formally describe the prime-sequence generator 1. Use PrimalityTest to compute (by trial and

PrimeSeq q q 2

. The only modification to the construction of error) two random primes 1 and (of length

k bk c m q q RSA

2 k

[CMS99] is that we force its outputs to be “truly - ). Compute 1 , and

m q q 2

bit” integers (i.e., without leading 0’s). then compute 1 .


Z coins f g

2. r , .


Description of PrimeSeq

k 3. Choose a representation for GF (by ran-

domly picking degree k polynomials over

x Q

Inputs: an a-bit string , a polynomial of degree at most Q

GF and testing for irreducibiility) and let

2 k


over GF (together with a representation of be selected uniformly from the set of all polyno-


coins k

the field GF ), and an -bit string . 2


mials of degree at most over GF .

k p

Output: a -bit integer x (a prime with overwhelm-

m r Q coins m

4. Output and .


ing probability over the choice of Q and ).


x f g F

x Q coins

Code for PrimeSeq : When given , the evaluation algorithm x

2 uses to index into the prime sequence, obtaining a prime

j k y k

1. For , let j be the -bit string

p p r Z

x x

, and outputs the ’th root of as the value of


j Qx j j

, where denotes the ’th string in



k the VUF at . This value is its own proof, so we do not

g f under the lexicographic order and we

k include a separate proof in the output. Strictly speaking,


f g

associate GF with .


the output should be a bit-string of a fixed length b , so

PrimalityTest coins

2. Use with random coins elements of Z should be written with leading zeroes to


y k


to test each (viewed as a -bit integer) make them of length exactly k as strings. (Recall that



bk c

for primality, and let be the first (probable) m is the product of two primes of length , so



y y y

(k 1)2+1 k +1

1 2 k

prime in the sequence 2 . Output


.) p

x .


The main property of this generator that we will use is the


following. Inputs: A secret key SK , where


x f g m r Q coins

and .

a k


Proposition 5 ([CMS99]) Let . Then, with prob- Output: a value v (which is its own proof).


(k )

Q coins

m r Q coins m x

ability at least over and selected uni- Code for F :


fPrimeSeqx Q coins x f g g

PrimeSeqx Q coins formly, is a set of p

1. Compute x (We



k distinct -bit primes. p

expect x to be a -bit prime.)



mo d m r

2. Compute and output v .


THE VUF. We now decribe the VUF construction. Fix (easily done due to knowledge of ).

k sk

a , the input length, and , the assumed hardness of

p v

To check that the value of the VUF at point x is , the



RSA ; we may assume that , as known factoring main thing the verification algorithm needs to do is make


algorithms (cf., [Pom90]) can be break in that much x

r v p r m v

sure that is a x ’th root of mod , i.e.,

time. For notational convenience, we will usually hide the


mo d . However, to guarantee that this value is unique, a

dependence of the parameters k , writing, for example, or

p m

it also should check that x is in fact a prime larger than

ak sk G

s instead of or . The generation algorithm


and that v .


r Z

chooses the RSA modulus m, the public whose


roots will be the values of the function, and the random- Description of V

ization needed to fix the prime sequence (the polynomial Q

m r Q coins x Inputs: A public key PK , a point , and the coin tosses for PrimalityTest).

and a value v . NO

Output: YES or .


Description of k

m r Q coins x v

Code for V :

p PrimeSeqx Q coins

1. Compute x k

Inputs: a security parameter .

p m

2. Check that x is greater than and is prime

m r Q coins Outputs: a public key PK and a secret

(by running PrimalityTest using fresh random

SK PK m m RSA r Z

key , where k ; ;

m coin tosses, not those from the public key).

coins f g Q p

; and is a polynomial of degree at


r mo d m Z v

3. Check that v and .


2 k


most over GF (together with a representa- YES

k 4. If all checks pass, output . Otherwise, out-

tion of GF ). NO

k put .

Code for G :

7.1 Correctness of the VUF construction


p k x f g

Inputs: a prime of length , and 0 .


In this section, we prove that described in the 2


Output: a polynomial Q of degree at most

s k

previous section is in fact a VRF with security k


over GF and a -bit string (such that



s , establishing Proposition 3. The efficiency of the

PrimeSeqx Q coins p

0 )


algorithms G, , and is apparent, so we proceed to the

ChoosePolyp x

other conditions. Code for 0 :




w w f g

1 k 1. 2


j j w j 2. Let 0 be the smallest such that is prime

ABILITY. By Proposition 5, it is true that with probabil-


(k ) (by running on each of them).


ity over the generation of the keys


m r Q coins SK m

and , that all the values 3. Choose and fix a representation for GF (ex-


PrimeSeqx Y y z k p actly as done in the generation algorithm ).

x are primes of length .

k +1

m m p

Since , it follows that all of these x ’s

4. Let Q be the uniquepolynomialof degree at most

2 k

m r p

are relatively prime with , and hence has a x ’th


over GF subject to the conditions


root modulo . Given that these roots exist, it is im-

Qx j p Qx j w j j

0 0 j 0

0 and for all F

mediate that will successfully compute them, establish-

k a (where j denotes the -bit representation of ing Domain–Range Correctness. Complete Provability also j , with possible leading zeroes). This step can be follows immediately; the only reason V would reject a cor- implemented using standard polynomial interpo-

rect proof is a faulty execution of the primality testing al- lation. PrimalityTest

gorithm (which occurs with exponentially R

oins f g

small probability). 5. c .

Q coins 6. Output .

UNIQUE PROVABILITY. Assume that an adversary


x f g chooses a (good-looking but illegitimate) public key Claim 6 For every 0 , the distribution on


Q coins ChoosePolyp x

m r Q coins x p obtained by running 0 for a

and consider any input . If x


p k

x Q coins

PrimeSeq is not prime or is not larger than random prime of length has statistical difference

(k )

Q coins

m, then the verification algorithm will detect this and reject from the uniform distribution on .

p m

with high probability. If x is a prime larger than , then

m r p

p It is straightforward to verify this claim using Propo- x x must be relatively prime to , so has a unique ’th

root mod m, and this is the only value that the verification sition 5 and the fact that the error probability of


Q coins algorithm will accept. PrimalityTest is . Of course, is only part

of the public key. We now describe how the remainder of

m p u

RESIDUAL UNPREDICTABILITY. Suppose, for sake of con- the public key is generated. On input , the follow-

G x

G F V s k T

tradiction, is not an -secure VUF and let ing algorithm will “guess” which point 0 the adversary

T ChoosePoly


be the adversary running in time s that guesses the value will choose as its exam; use to guarantee

p p r Z

that x ; and, following [Sha83], prepare 0

of the function at an unseen point with probability at least m

p r

s k

. so that the x ’th root of can be easily computed for all

x x p r

T A x 0 , while the ’th root of can be used to compute

We will use to construct an algorithm that con- 0

p u

sk A

tradicts the RSA -Hardness Assumption. will be the ’th root of . (This will all be proven in more detail

p u Z

given a modulus m, a prime , and as input, from shortly.) m

which it will construct a public key PK which it will give


to T . Thus, we first concentrate on how the public key Description of

m r Q coins Q

PK will be constructed. will be cho-

PrimeSeqx Q coins p


RSA p k sen in such a way that for a m

Inputs: a modulus k , a prime of length ,


x f g Qx j

0 0


specified . This means that should and u .




p j f k g Qx j

equal for some 0 , while

m r Q coins x f g

Output: and 0 .

j j

should be composite for 0 . We want the distribution

m p u

Code for G :

p k

of Q obtained in this way (when is a random -bit



f g x prime) to be close to its distribution in the actual scheme, 1. 0 .

which is uniform. This is done using the following proce- R

Q coins ChoosePolyp x

2. 0 .


7 Y

The statistical difference between two random variables X and is

ChoosePoly max jPROBX S PROBY S j

Description of defined to be S .


PrimeSeqx Q coins p e r PK m r Q coins e

3. Set and 2. Set and x ,

x=x x=x

0 0

e def

mo d m

u .

p PrimeSeqx Q coins

where x .

m r Q coins x 0

4. Output and . k

PK 3. Simulate T . Respond to an oracle

query y as follows:

m r Q coins x

Claim 7 The distribution on 0 ob-

y x FAIL


(a) If 0 , abort with output .


k +1

tained by running on k , ,

e 1p

y y


u y x r


(k )

(b) If , respond with


u has statistical difference at most


mo d m e ep

y y

k , where .

from the distribution obtained by running G to select

m r Q coins x

x guess T

and independently selecting 0 uniformly 4. Obtain output from .



in f .


r mo d m FAIL

5. If guess , then output .



Claim 7 is easily deduced from Claim 6 and the fact 6. If guess , use the GCD algorithm to calcu-


u u Z

Z e p that the map is a permutation on as long as

m late such that , and output

e m e u

(which is the case, since is the product guess .


of primes greater than with high probability). By


Claim 7, if T is presented with a public key generated by

m p u u mo d m

Claim 8 A with probability


, it’s success probability will be reduced to by only an

RSA s m p

at least (over the choice of k ,

(k )

s k

exponentially small amount to . In addi- R


k , , and the coins of ).

m x

tion, since 0 is independent from the public key produced

(k )

T by G (up to statistical difference ), the event that

We now quickly justify this claim. A straightforward

x T chooses 0 as its exam is also independent of ’s success.

calculation shows that the responses to T ’s oracle queries

T x

Hence, additionally requiring that ’s success be at 0 only


y x T

are computed correctly (when 0 ). Thus, as long as

decreases the success probability by a factor of . To x formalize this, we consider the following experiment. does not ask oracle query 0 , everything proceeds exactly

as in Experiment A. Our analysis of Experiment A tells us

T x

that with probability at least , does not ask query 0

1p p

Experiment A: 1



r r

and guess . The GCD algorithm will



k k +1

1. ; ; p m

succeed as long as all the x ’s are distinct, and this is the R

case with overwhelming probability by Proposition 5 and

m r Q coins x G m p u

2. 0



Claim 6. Assuming guess and the GCD algorithm

m r Q coins SK PK m 3. Set PK ,

succeeds, it follows that

F (SK )

x guess T



T x x guess F SK x


u r u

5. succeeds if , (i.e., guess


guess r mo d m x


), and was not asked to the e

u u


oracle F .

(e+ p)p 1p

u u mo d m By Claim 7 and the above discussion, it follows that the



probability that T succeeds in Experiment A is at least We now just need to analyze the running time of .

a (k )


s k s

. ’s running time is dominated by simulating the oracle


Now we use the analysis of Shamir [Sha83], which queries of T . For every oracle query of , must com-


e a

e y

mo d m u e O k


p r u e y

0 pute , where is an integer of length

shows that since where x , it is easy

x =x



e k

F SK x x x T (since is the product of primes of length ).

to answer all of ’s queries for (for 0 )



O k k

m F SK x r This modular exponenation takes time poly

without using . In addition, from 0 ,



k T s

it is easy to compute u . In more detail, we consider the poly . Since there makes at most oracle queries,


s k s

following algorithm A. the total running time is at most poly , vio-


lating the RSA -Hardness Assumption.

Description of A


m p k

Inputs: a k -bit modulus , a prime of length , and


u .

m p 1 We thank , Shafi Goldwasser, Shai

Output: u (hopefully)

Halevi, Joe Kilian, and David Mazieres, Moni Naor, and

m p u

Code for A : Omer Reingold for their insightful comments and sugges-


m r Q coins x G m p u

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