Westfield Motor Lodge the Variance to Build a Motel Council of a Variance for One-Family Dwelling at 534 Dwelling at Its South Scotch 9:45 A.M
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Tcdiy'i weatker: Partly cloudy with ckance of »Bowers. Higk: «7-tl degree*: tew Ss-S* degrees. TK*ltm4t*nmdM*tWU*iwClnulmt*4 Weekly Newpmptr In Umitt County EIGHTY-FIFTH TEA* — NO, 41 NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 22, OTt •wr 2«Pi •16 Grata Board Stalls Action on Motel Signs Parade to Highlight Holiday pecision was reserved by risMignatlng coffee than Central Ave. to (he east license Cram the New Jersey plications of Alfred Pieaco. Plans have been com- ceremonies, It was an- Jr. The parade will parking lot. Cubs, Brownies, dM Board of Adjustment shep and lobby entrances • and Hahne's on the west- State pepartment of a builder, to extend a one- pleted for Monday's annual nounced today by General assemble at 8:30 a.m. at the Rescue Squad and out-of- Monday night on an ap- also exceed sixes permitted Need for the sign* alto was Institutions and Agencies. car garage to a two-car Memorial Day Parade and Chairman A. Bruce Conlin westerly end of Hahne's town bands assemble at •ttcatiwt for a variance to under the town code. stressed by John F Boyle, She expect* to care for a garage at his home at 208 Flaw. Ceremonies begin at parmit the erection of four William Boyie, owner of an attorney who appeared in maximum of 10 children Florence Ave.; Michael Pmrmde Time Schedule 9 a.m. at the World War I signs on a new motel the property, said he had aged 2-S between the hours HartweU to put a 6 ft.»inch Parade assembly at Hahne's parking lot (west) monument. behalf of his brother, as he oi7 a.m. and t p.m. •:30 a.m. Maying completion on believed that the lantern said the motel hopes to open addition to his kitchen at 524 8:45 a.m. Units proceed to World War I Monument (Plaza) Martin Wallberg Post No. sign for the 67 ft. frontage The application of Or. A. 3 American Legion and North Ave . within 90 or «0 days. Cory PI.; Aide Kosuch to 9:00 a.m. American Legion Service start* at Monument . Tyler rVoprietors seeks to colonial-style building had S. Zimmerman, a der- subdivide a lot at 9 Nor- 9:15 a.m. After services, parade will proceed via Broad Street to Elm Street, Auxiliary, Clark-Hyallp •net a three-dimensional been approved when the The board recommended matoiogiit, for a variance to mandy Dr.; Carl J. Gut- north to Orchard Street and south on Mountain Avenue to Revolutionary Post No. 645 Veterans of caach lantern sign on Its firm originally applied for approval to the Town permit the conversion of a tehbtrger to extend his Cemetery. Foreign Wars and the now Westfield Motor Lodge the variance to build a motel Council of a variance for one-family dwelling at 534 dwelling at Its South Scotch 9:45 a.m. SAR and DAR Service on steps of Revolutionary Cemetery Westfield Bicentennial aad three additional iden- on the site, and had only Harry and Dolores Graves East Broad St. into a Plains Ave. by the addition 10:00 a.m. After Services, parade will move east on Broad St. to Fairview Committee are co- tifying signs. The lantern recently found this not to be for a day care center in the professional office was of a sunporch; and Thomas Cemetery. sponsoring the observance. would extend six feet from so. Visibility is neceaaary, basement of their home at withdrawn from the agenda. Numerous local civic 350 Livingston St. Mrs. E. PreUow to install a 10:30 a.m. Parade arrives at Fairview the building which ii con- he added, to permit visitors Also withdrawn was an 10:50 a.m. VFW Service organizations are par- Graves needs a uie variance application for two li-unit driveway in the front yard to ticipating. Many units are trary to the town's sign to locate the motel. provide off-street parking 11: IS a.m. Services completed ordinance. Othar signs - one John Fedor, a sign maker, from the town to operate the apartment buildings. on participating for the first said he believed the sign center In her one-family Temple PI for family cars at 435 West time making this the largest denoting the motel as a Best Broad St. Western affiliate and the would be seen no farther home prior to obtaining a Granted were ap- parade in many yean, Five musical units include • Cites Need for Stricter Bound Brook Drum and Bugle Corps, Westfield High Petitions to Augment Guidelines Fight School Marching Band, The legislative committee efficient" regulations which from the Register. and Committee for Alter- they were published and Screening of Parking Lots Community Center Drum of; the Westfield Board of were published in the New Richard Barker, chair- natives in Public Education. reached a consensus that and Bugle Corps, Morris Education is making Jersey Register on Mar. 5 man of the board's Petition! will also be offered With pictures of parking need for better zoning, the believes that more specific County Militia Junior Fife available petitions opposing and will become law on July legislative committee, to representatives of the lots facing streets or group contends. They are requirements, similar to and Drum Corps, and the the proposed "thorough and l unless they are withdrawn announced today that Westfield Taxpayers j Early Deadline residential area's, the pictured on page 5 along (hose found in the or- Rescue Squad Band. petitions will be available to Association and Basics in Committee for Preservation with u comparison of dinances of other residential Thomas H. Bickers, the Board's Ad Hoc Education, two local groups Because of the Memorial of Westfield called today for screening provisions. communities, must be laid American Legion Com- Legislative Committee which also have voiced pay holiday Monday, an more specific screening George Hooper. a down. "Recently approved mander 1960-1951 will serve Action on Zoning participants. These include opposition to the proposed early deadline for the May requirements in the zoning member of the steering plans and construction as grand marshal. representative! from the regulations. 29 issue of the Leader will be code. The photographs of committee, noted that these clearly document that Harry D. Powers served Westfield Parent-Teacher Board members Joan observed. Classified and lots at 445 East Broad St. points have been raised adequate screening is not as chairman of the grave Slated for Tuesday Council, Council - for Corbet and Jack Daly serve display ads, as well as and 149 South Euclid Ave. earlier with the Planning being implemented." decoration committee. Education, Independent with Barker on the Board's social and general news which abut residential zones Hoard, but the board felt Hooper continued, "Parking Veterans organizations in A two-thirds majority vote 8:30 p.m. Tuesday night in Organization, Westfield Ad Hoc Legislative Com- must be received at the Westfield, Mountainside, will be needed for passage of the municipal building. and the lot at 610 Westfield that it had adequate power lots along a residential Citizens Organization, mittee which studied the Leader office before 5 p.m. Ave. which is clearly visible to require necessary street, Improperly Garwood and Cranford a controversial zoning : (Continued on p«fl«4) amendment which would League of Women Voters proposed regulations when tomorrow. from the street, reflect the screening. The committee (ContlnutdonpMtS) assisted in decorating over provide a multi-family cone 1200 Graves at Fairview on Temple PI, and a section Cemetery Sunday, of Central Ave.' and a Fifth Graders Concern on "Toy Bike Ordinance Enforcement Begins June 2 A number of floats are professional zone on a- planned this year by the section of Grove 1st. near the Get your bicycle Knights of Columbus, indoor tennis facility. The Brings Action by State Senator registered now. According YMCA Indian Guides, Y- to the , Westfield Bicycle Teena, College Women's ordinance is one of three A dangerous trick Item took action last wee* to see scheduled for public hearing of the items as> quickly as Board, and, Lt. Thomas Club, MiUard Fill more stirred the public con- what they could do about (t. Catalon, trMc safety.at- Society, Westfield Historic and final action by the Town science of an Elm Street •: State Senator AWitander Council at it* meeting at in conversations with the fictr, enforcament of the Society and Right to Lite. School class and the group J. Menza received a letter .Westfield police, Menza new town ordinance 771 will A trophy for the winning from John Walsh "on learned that they had hegin on June 2. float will be presented by Graduation Set for June 24 behalf of Mr, Stiles'* class" already requested Under this ordinance the the Knights of Columbus. about a novelty nosiemaker shopkeepers to refrain from police are impowered to Floats will be judged on Tuesday, June 24, will be citizens an opportunity to in the area. selling them and they were impound any bicycles that graduation day for nearly bicentennial theme, degree attend. Award Assemblies John wrote, "If it waiting for a ruling from the do riot have a current "1975" of imagination and time 700 Westfield High School have been held in the past \* possible, I hope that these state to determine if the seniors. Commencement registration decal. required. during the daytime. things could be taken off the item came under New Registration takes place All units are encouraged exercises are set for 6 p.m. The League of Religious market or restricted to in the Armory. Jersey's fireworks every Saturday morning in to march all the way to Organizations will hold a adults only." Menza regulations.